Norfolk State University Ethical Dilemma Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help. Norfolk State University Ethical Dilemma Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help.
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The article at the link below, describe a physician that failed to adhere to the ethics of his profession. Read the article and discuss the information that it contains. Include the following:
- Discuss the factors that may have led the physician to lose his ‘Moral Compass”.
- Discuss the “red flags” that were ignored by the hospital management and the patients.
- Speculate as to the reasons that these “red flags” were not acted upon by the hospital management.
- What do you think might be some consequences and potential outcomes for the hospital regarding the information?…
Norfolk State University Ethical Dilemma Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Keiser University Leadership Challenges Today Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Write a five (5) page paper not including the cover page, table of contents, or references in 7th Edition APA format.
There should be enough sources to adequately support your research on the topic. For this short of a paper, 3 to 5 sources would suffice.
Your paper should contain the following:
- Title
- Your name
- An introduction
- 5 pages (double-spaced, no more than 12 pt font) of cited research in 7th Edition APA format. NEVER USE “I”, “me”, or “My” STATEMENTS IN RESEARCH PAPERS. RESEARCH PAPERS MUST BE BASED SOLELY ON RESEARCH AND NEVER ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, THOUGHTS, IDEAS, FEELINGS, OR OPINIONS. ALL WRITTEN CONTENT IN YOUR PAPER MUST DISCUSS YOUR RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC, AND MUST NEVER INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL STATEMENTS. The 5 pages must be in addition to the Title page, Table of Contents, Abstract, and Reference page)
- A conclusion
- References in 7th Edition APA format (only Peer and/or Scholarly reviewed sources from the Keiser Online Library). There should be enough sources to adequately support your research on the topic. For this short of a paper, 3 to 5 sources would suffice.
Example of EXACTLY how to set up your Final Paper in 7th Edition APA format:
Final Paper APA format EXAMPLE_Leadership.docx Final Paper APA format EXAMPLE_Leadership.docx – Alternative Formats
Choose one from the topics below:
- “The Leadership Challenges of Today”:
Prepare a paper that will seek to examine the varied traits and skills necessary to deal with these challenges. (Example: What makes a good leader, how different organizations are structured, and how behavior can best be understood). Try to examine leadership models in the workplace and take an unbiased approach to understanding different leadership models. The body of the paper must be five pages.OR
- “Charismatic Leadership”:
It is true that charisma has no genetic link. Charisma is a characteristic which often leaves people in awe. Some seem to naturally possess it, yet many do not. Prepare a paper on the powerful element of charisma. Discuss whether or not charisma can be developed through practice and acquired skill. The body of the paper must be five pages.
Strayer University American Industrial Revolution Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Part 1: Post a Response
Industrial Revolution transformed all sectors of the economy and
changed society. In the text (Chapter 17 p. 310-317), some of the
business practices of the late 1800s and early 1900s are described.
There are pros and cons to these developments. On one hand, they
streamlined costs and made goods and new products available to many more
consumers. But, there were also consequences—some unintended.
Choose one of these two new problems introduced by the American Industrial Revolution.
- The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market.
- Unsafe and oppressive work conditions.
Then, in a full paragraph or two:
- Identify your chosen problem.
- Discuss
a specific example from that period that clearly illustrates the chosen
problem and a negative consequence of it. What did the government do
about this—and what should it have done? - Identify a similar problem or example that exists in the USA today.
- Identify the source(s) where you read about the problem.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer
a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the
conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing
personal connections.
Reference Material
Week 2 Learn materials
Week 2 Resource – Primary Sources
Chapter 17 (p. 316-317, map 17.1 on p. 312)
The Methods of Tycoons
BUS 370 Ashford University Week 4 Individual Or Group Interventions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Week 4 – Assignment
Individual or Group Interventions
Submit a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), describing two types of interventions used by corporations and the issues they address. Compare and contrast the interventions utilized by the corporations in your articles.
You must use at least two scholarly sources (which may be your scholarly/academic journal articles regarding interventions), in addition to the textbook, and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
ASU Role of Television in Setting National Political Agenda Term Paper Writing Assignment Help
Outline for Writing Term Paper (Minimum of Five pages)
Step 1: Introduction
- Define the topic (i.e. what is…).
- Why is the topic an important issue for society?
- Specify the research questions of your study.
Step 2: Literature Review
- Discuss the pros and cons of your research topic.
- Describe how you will deal with the shortcomings of the existing literature regarding your topic.
- Adopt an issue position regarding your topic (i.e. state your hypotheses clearly).
- Justify your position on the topic.
Step 3: Methodology
- State clearly your position on the topic.
- Present the evidence to support your position on the topic. In an empirical research, you should operationalize your hypotheses, and specify the statistical tests used in your research.
Step 4: Summary and Conclusions
- Discuss the findings of your research.
- Discuss the implication of the findings of your research for society.
- Discuss how future studies may improve on the findings of your research.
Step 5: Bibliography (Minimum of Five References)
Bibliography (Book)
Adams, Mary. 2009. United States Foreign Policy, New York: Wadsworth Publishers.
Bibliography (Journal Articles)
Burns, John. 2008. “Human Rights in Africa,” Journal of Conflict Resolution,
Volume 8: 22-36.
Bibliography (Internet Citations)
Crompton, Ann. 2010. “Global Warming and the Kyoto Treaty, ” (Links to an external site.), accessed January 20, 2010.
Chamberlain College Week 2 Certification Patient Outcomes and Leadership HW Health Medical Assignment Help
The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to assess if the nursing care provided by professionally certified nurses will result in improved patient outcomes. This is Part 1 of 4 in the Direct Care Project.
Direct Care Project Overview
- There are four parts to the Direct Care Project.
- There will be graded Project Check-ins that correlate to each part.
- Review the table below for overview and due dates with each topic.
- Carefully review the instructions, tutorials, templates, and rubrics for each of the four parts as you begin this Course Project.
- Contact your instructor with questions.
Directions for Part 1
- Review the Direct Care Project Overview above.
- View the Direct Care Project Part 1 Tutorial (Click here to view) (Links to an external site.).
- Download the Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis template under Templates below.
- Please address the following areas on the provided template:
- State the clinical certification and target population including setting that were approved by your instructor in the Week 2: Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis Check-In.
- Thorough discussion of why this certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting
- Describe the criteria for selected clinical certification
- Provide APA reference for one peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article connecting patient outcomes, certification, and leadership skills.
- Summarize findings of article
- Discuss how patient outcomes in the selected setting could be improved by certified nurses.
- Discuss how certification can impact leadership skills in the selected setting.
- Identify a problem (diagnosis) based on your assessment
- Important: The problem you identify will be utilized in Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the Direct Care Project.
- Write the problem diagnosis (See template)
- Submit template through the Submit Assignment button on this page.
i.Process to obtain clinical certification
ii.Cost of application and testing
iii.Requirements prior to certification
iv.Examination description
v.Renewal time and process
vi.Required items for renewal
i.From Chamberlain Library Finding Permalinks
ii.Full Text only
iii.No more than 5 years old
iv.In English
vi.Include the permalink
vii.Reference must be use APA format including author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available.
i.Summarize the key points of the selected peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article in one or two paragraphs.
ii.Be clear and concise.
Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis Template (Download here)
Chamberlain College Week 2 Certification Patient Outcomes and Leadership HW Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Argosy University Trends for Alcohol use for Teens and Adults Questions Writing Assignment Help
Read Chapter 1, pp. 1-9, and Chapter 2, pp.10-16 in your text Concepts of Chemical Dependency. Read the Nationwide Drug trend survey
The information in these three chapters explains the history of drug use in the United States including information about risk and protective factors related to illicit drug and alcohol use. Further, you will learn about the chemical mechanism of dependence.
National drug trends show a rise in the use of illicit drugs in the past decade. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse National Trend report, in 2012, 23.9 million Americans reported use of an illicit drug. This represents a 8.3% increase since 2002. Visit the site:… to answer these questions about illicit drug and alcohol use in the United States.
According to national use trends, children ages 12-18 and young adults ages 18-20 report high rates of marijuana use. What are some reasons that might explain this trend?
Explain the trends of alcohol use in both teens and adults in the past ten years. Report on binge drinking and arrest rates for driving under the influence. Why are these rates higher or lower than ten years ago?
Using local data (local newspaper or government site), explain the drug use trends in your city/town. Use local drug arrest rates if you can find them in your explanation. Do you notice arrest rates trends for special populations, if so discuss them in your response (e.g. teens being arrested for cannabis possession)?
TEXTBOOK-Doweiko, H. E. (2018). Concepts of Chemical Dependency.
UCLA The Impact of Media Stereotypes on Gender Roles Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
For your Final Project in this course, you will complete a research paper about a topic related to gender.
Topic • The impact of media stereotypes on gender roles (I selected this topic)
Week 7 Submit an outline of your paper to your Instructor for feedback.
Week 10 Write an 8- to 10-page paper (including title page and references) in which you do the following: Psychological perspective APA
• Introduce and summarize key literature about your selected topic. Include in your summary how this topic relates to home, school, and/or work environments.
• Explain the challenges surrounding the topic. This may include challenges related to conducting research and/or how the gender topic you selected impacts individuals or society.
• Provide solutions or strategies to address the challenges related to the topic
Evaluate each of your proposed solutions and provide final recommendations that have opportunities for positive social change.
University of The Cumberlands Protecting Technology Infrastructure Paper Writing Assignment Help
Topic: Cyber crime with respect to physical security.
Each topic below should be addressed with subheadings in 750-850 words in an APA format.
Introduction: Provide a brief overview of Cyber crime and its
importance with respect to a trend in the field of physical security. Include necessary
information to set the stage. Consider how the issue plays a larger role in the field
information technology.
Research question: In this section, you will develop a research question.
Analysis & Methodology: summarize the research and
analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages, informing
possible future research of the issue for above topic.
Conclusions and Future Direction: To conclude, you will identify patterns in the
research, discuss the importance of using the scientific method in research, and consider
the future direction of research on the topic.
For more information please refer to the attached document.
Note: where ever you see “topic selected” please consider the topic as cyber crime.
Ashford University Week 3 Dietary Intake Journal Health Medical Assignment Help
Dietary Intake Assessment
[WLOs: 1, 2, 6] [CLOs: 3, 4]
Dietary intake is a lifestyle factor that has a large effect on health and wellness. After reviewing the required materials for this week, assess your dietary intake by tracking your diet and using appropriate tools to review it. It is suggested you use the MyFitnessPal website or application (app) to assess your diet, but you may select a tool of your own as long as it provides you with an analysis of your diet.
To begin, keep a record of your food intake for at least one day. You may add your food directly into the MyFitnessPal website or app, or you may use the sample in the Food Diary – How to Keep Track of What You Eatweb page. You may also create something similar on your own. Assessing your food intake can help you determine which nutrients you are consuming in excess and which nutrients you need more of. Be sure to include serving sizes and all beverages consumed. Review the MyFitnessPal Tutorial and Introduction to MyFitnessPalYouTube videos for assistance on logging your food and analyzing your diet.
Once you have logged your food intake on the MyFitnessPal website or app, scroll down and click on the nutrition tab. At the top of the Nutrition page, “Calories,” “Nutrients,” and “Macros” are displayed. Select each category to review your daily totals. Pay attention to the total amount consumed and your goal for each component. Finally, analyze your diet by answering the questions below in your journal. Your journal should contain the two parts described below.
Part 1: Assess your diet by addressing the following items:
- Analyze your daily fat, saturated fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and caloric intake. Explain how your numbers compared with the goal levels.
- Identify what vitamins and minerals fell below the goal level.
- Elaborate on how your protein intake compared with the goal level. Discuss specific grams.
- Explain the role and importance of consuming each of the following:
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Carbohydrates
- Water
- Protein
- Fiber
- Fat
Part 2: Examine the effects of your diet on your health and wellness by addressing the following items in your journal entry:
- Identify the effect your diet has on your health and wellness. Does your dietary intake protect you or increase your health risks?
- Explain two chronic diseases directly related to an unhealthy diet.
- Explain two ways you could improve your diet. Be specific and provide examples.
For the journal assignment, write out each question and then answer it. Your journal should be a minimum of one page in length (not including the title page or reference page). As a minimum, include the course textbook and the dietary website you used as references in your response to this journal activity. Include an APA formatted title page and reference page. See the Introduction to APA web page in the Ashford Writing Center for guidance. Submit to Waypoint by Day 7.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
[supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.