Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help

Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help. Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help.

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Throughout this lesson we have been focused on food and food safety. You will be asked to discuss the concept of cottage foods and their relative safety or risk.

Step 01. In preparation for the discussion, I suggest you review the questions for discussion and attempt to answer them for yourself. As you read, you may also ask yourself new questions that you can later raise in the discussion.

Step 02. Please read the following guidelines on cottage foods and an article about a norovirus outbreak at a bakery in Ohio.

Cottage Food Guidelines IF THIS DOES NOT OPEN GO (…)

Norovirus Outbreak IF THIS DOES NOT OPEN GO (…)

Step 03. Draft a substantive response to the question below. Your post should demonstrate an understanding of the questions posed and ethical issues raised. Use APA format to cite any references.

In this time of reducing regulatory burden on the public, this has been going on in Idaho for some 20 years, what are your feelings about the risk associated with cottage foods? Would you be willing to purchase such foods at the 8th street market?


Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Food and Drug Administration and Vitrakvi Drug Cancer Medication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the drug Vitrakvi, a treatment for adult and pediatric patients suffering from cancer. The drug targets tumors most important genetics, neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK) rather than their origin site in the patient’s body. It marks a big step in the cancer world society to keep evolving and exploring new drugs to help patients avoid suffering from such diseases.

this is the abstract of the paper on how and why The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the drug Vitrakvi. please use at least 5 sources.


Rasmussen Annotated Bibliography: Psychology of Anxiety Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

As a way to document the research you conducted thus far, create an annotated bibliography for the topic of your Psychology Research Report. Your annotated bibliography must include 3 different sources. These sources can include journals, periodicals, books, credible Internet articles (e.g. .org, .gov, or .net), etc.

For each of the 3 sources that you research, you will need to cite the bibliographic information in APA format followed by a summary, assessment, and a reflection. Be sure to use proper spelling and grammar.

Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of Guides to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this project, the Writing Guide and APA Guide may both be helpful. You will find links to these Guides on the Resources tab.


ASTRON101 Rasmussen College Planets Physical Characteristics Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

The planets of the Solar System can be divided into two major classes, terrestrial and Jovian planets, but each planet has their own interesting characteristics. With the Stellarium planetarium software, you can get a close up view of the planets and see their features for yourself.

In this part of the project, use a computer simulation to examine the physical characteristics of planets of the Solar System. Please read through the assignment background information and follow the steps listed in the lab assignment instructions. You will be asked to form a hypothesis, state the lab objective, record your measurements and calculations, and answer each of the lab questions.

Click here to download the instruction document for this piece of the project. Follow the instructions contained within and submit your results as this project deliverable.


Racial Profiling Stereotype Race and Class Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Unfortunately, there is so much going on currently that touches on this very negative aspect of social psychology. For your post, identify a current real-world example of stereotyping or prejudice. Briefly describe or post a link to a description of the event and then explain how this event is connected to this week’s course content – that is, in what way did stereotyping and/or prejudice contribute to this experience or outcome?

Based on the material in the text, offer a suggestion for how the issue might be effectively resolved.

Make sure to post your thoughts in response to a couple of classmates’ posts as well to earn full credit and keep the discussion going.



Chapter 6 Watchmen Critical Approach Practice Layer Written Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

Now that you have read Chapters I-III of Watchmen, it’s time to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish.

if you haven’t read watchman *watch it on youtube just put watchman chapter 1

Chapter 6 Watchmen Critical Approach Practice Layer Written Assignment Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

DDBA8006 Walden University Professional Development Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

A construction crew does not begin to build a new house without the architect’s blueprint. Though issues may arise during construction that require changes to the blueprint, a blueprint serves as the necessary plan for construction and helps the crew visualize and track the impact of any changes.

Most business initiatives begin with some sort of plan, though type and quality vary. As a business professional, you may have heard of the value of strategic planning and may have even been part of a strategic planning process. Yet, many independent scholars begin a doctoral program without a clear vision or plan for achieving their goals.

Detailing your goals and developing a plan in writing provides you with a document to which you can refer in order to maintain your focus. Having a plan in place will help you visualize the impact of challenges and opportunities that arise so that you can make changes to your plans and goals as often as necessary to ensure your personal and professional satisfaction and success.

To prepare for this Assignment, consider the personal SWOT analysis you completed and the goals you developed in Week 1. Reflect upon your experiences so far in this program and any insights you have gained since you created those goals. In addition, review your PLN plan from Week 4 and the results of “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment that you completed this week. Finally, return to the interactive media “Voices of DBA Students.” This time, focus on the independent scholars’ descriptions of their goals, their plans, and the challenges they faced in achieving their goals. You will use the Professional Development Plan template to complete this Assignment.

By Day 7

Submit a 5- to 7-page (excluding a title page and References section) Professional Development Plan (PDP). In your Plan, do the following:

  • Further develop the goals you crafted in Week 1 of this course. Each goal’s narrative must incorporate the following:

    • A statement of your goal
    • An explanation of your motivation for wanting to achieve the goal and how it relates to your personal values
    • A brief description of the steps you intend to take to accomplish your goal, including any relevant tools, strategies, or resources
    • An explanation of how you plan to use technology and/or social media to promote completion of your goal
    • An explanation of how these steps reflect consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses relevant to the goal
    • A timeline for completion of your goal
  • Use your SWOT analysis, PLN, and “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment results as guides to ensure alignment.
  • Include appropriate references cited in accordance with appropriate APA formatting. Your References section must include a minimum of five APA-formatted, scholarly citations. Your resources must include the following:

    • Two to three readings (e.g., book, periodical, journal, etc.)
    • At least two forms of technology and/or social media sites that will contribute to the formation of your own PDP
    • At least one other resource (e.g., SWOT analysis, “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment results, and/or your Personal Learning Network [PLN] plan)

Be sure to use the Professional Development Plan Template, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 5 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work. Please Note: You must include a minimum of five APA-formatted, scholarly citations for this Assignment.


Columbia Southern Prosecutorial Discretion Unlimited Discretion Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Identify and describe one type of prosecutor. What is prosecutorial discretion? Do you think prosecutors should have unlimited discretion? Why, or why not?


Click the link to read the handout “Assisted Suicide Laws”, and answer the questions below.

Do you agree with the Hemlock Society that “people who wish to retain their dignity and choice at the end of their lives should have the option of a peaceful, gentle, certain, and swift death in the company of their loved ones”? If so, what kind of option do you envision?

Would you add or delete any features to the society’s proposed legislation? Why, or why not?


Certain concepts in the area of mathematics can be challenging to learn and apply. For this discussion board question, think about each step that you will need to complete in this unit, and think about your approach for learning the material. Explain your process, and discuss your strategy for learning the concepts in this course. Include the resources you utilize in your response.


Microsoft Excel 2016 has many new and improved functions.

  • What do you think is the most beneficial function in Excel 2016?
  • Explain why, and give a brief description of how this will help you.


Surveillance Technology in Modern Society Paper Writing Assignment Help

Under the Document “Drones” there passages that are needed in the in the essay, if you want you can use others to support the claim as long as there’s six in total.

I wasn’t able to download the orginal documnet with the insturction so i had i copy and paste, super sorry

Format and Requirements:

1200-1500 words (5-6 pages of text) plus 4-6 photographs;

double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, no cover page

In “From the Eyes of a Drone,” Tomas van Houtryve uses photographs and written text to

explore the militaristic direction of camera technology and drones. Both parts of his essay work

together: the written text recounts the changes in warfare that drones have brought, and the

photographs depict American neighborhoods, playgrounds and other public spaces through a

drone’s surveillant gaze. Van Houtryve’s project visualizes questions about surveillance

technology, creating a parallel to Michael Foucalt’s Panopticon.

Peter Singer in an essay on privacy argues that the modern Panopticon “is not a physical

building”, but instead operates through cameras and technologies that “implement Bentham’s

inspection principle on a much vaster scale” (425). Where do you see the modern Panopticon?

Where and how does it see you?

Assignment Objectives:

For this assignment you will compose an essay using photographs and written text to

analyze surveillance in modern society.

Where and how do you see evidence of the

surveillance society? How does this impact your life directly? What is sacrificed and what is

gained? Whose interests are being served? Consider surveillance broadly, including not only

cameras, but also ordinary drones, social media, data storage, search engine cookies, automatic

license plate readers, GPS, etc. Your objective here is to make an argument about how society is

changing in light of this new surveillance technology.

To answer this question, you will propose your own specific research topic under the banner

surveillance technology and the shifting modern definition of privacy. To do this you will need

to complete a

Proposal assignment and An Annotated bibliography. These assignments can

be found on canvas.

1) One of the other essays that we have used in the class thus far. Either Southan, or Ma.

These must be used in a substantive way. Consider how these essays help you talk about

either the nature of art or privacy.

2) Photographs – You may take your own photographs or use photographs from another

source. Each photograph should be captioned, and all photographs and sources must be

cited. You may save your photographs all for the end of your essay or incorporate them

throughout, as van Houtryve does. In composing the visual portion of your essay look for

photographs that individually and collectively make an argument or expression of

surveillance as you have discovered and defined it. Be sure to respond to the photographs

in your essay, identifying their source, explaining what they depict and why they are

important or interesting.

Be sure to state clearly in your essay how your position has changed or developed from your

previous essays (if your argument is related). If you are using material from a previous essay

(copying sentences from a previous essay into your new one), you should quote yourself and

explain these quotes just as you would an outside source.

Criteria for Evaluation



Argument directly and fully answers the prompt; is clearly stated early in the

paper; is original, compelling and logical, avoiding absolute claims


Appropriate amount of relevant, accurate, and justifiably interpreted

quotation. Quotations are thoroughly introduced, explained, analyzed, and connected to

argument. Possible counter-arguments are considered.


Paragraphs maintain argumentative focus, exclude extraneous

information, appear in a logical order, and transition smoothly. Introduction sets forth

argument and goals of essay. Conclusion opens up avenues for future research.


Consistent, academic tone. Appropriate amount of contextual information,

anticipating audience questions. Addresses significant issues and makes them important

to audience.

Grammar and Format:

Errors in grammar, spelling, and usage limited or non-existent.

Correct MLA format, including proper quotation citation.


New Skid Road Cultural Exchanges Between Countries Article Questions Writing Assignment Help

1. What impacts (if any) do you think the new Silk Road will have on those areas it passes through? Do you think the new Silk Road will increase trade between Europe and China? Why or why not? Even though the new Silk Road is far away from the United States, what are the possible effects on the U.S. economy? (100 words)

2. What impact does the new Silk Road have on cultural exchanges between countries? (50 words)

3. How will the new silk road affect energy use within china and the rest of the world? (50 words)



Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help

Norovirus Outbreak at Bakery in Ohio and Food Safety Discussion Science Assignment Help

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