North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help

North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help. North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Write a 1-2 page paper addressing the following. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggest a pyramid where lower level needs must be met before moving on to the next higher level need. You can view the pyramid and the order of these on page 209 in the book. However, there are times this order does not always go in an upward progression as Maslow suggested. For example, a person in an unhappy marriage (love belongingness need) may continue in it to not be seen as a failure by others (esteem) needs. This is the reverse of the order Maslow suggested. Think of three other examples where the Hierarchy of Needs are reversed. Use a different pair of needs for each example. Be sure and explain how the needs are being reversed. For the last paragraph of the paper, discuss how self-actualization would look for your life if you were to reach that level of the pyramid.

View your assignment rubric.

North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Riverside City College Basic Issues in Ideal Society Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me study.

The culminating experience for this course will be a substantive paper in which you will conduct research related to one of the short stories, poems, novels, plays, etc. that we read over the course of the class. You are free to choose whatever work you would like, provided it is a work located on the syllabus. If you wish to write on something that we will discuss further in the course, you should read ahead.

To be as clear as possible, you can write on the following:

  • Agamemnon
  • Libation Bearers
  • Eumenides
  • The Poetry of Padraig Pearse
  • Utopia

It is my goal to assist you in completing this assignment to the best of my ability. I am not, however, able to tell you what you should write about. If you have questions about your specific topic in your work, I encourage you to read the material several times. In addition, I am always available to discuss your topic with you.

You have been taught how to conduct research and use sources in a meaningful way to develop and further your argument. This is something that will be a very rewarding experience. This is not something, however, that you want to put off until the last moment. You should begin to brainstorm and consider what topic you would like to discuss and begin to formulate tentative arguments now.

You will be asked to synthesize information. What this means is to use resources in a coherent way to further your argument. In addition, you may want to consider responding to the arguments and writings of others in your research paper. It is very important that you understand you are not simply retelling what scholarly sources have said. In contrast, you are using the rhetoric and the arguments of others in a meaningful, thought provoking way to further your own argument.

The research project will have several components. These components are meant to help guide you in the process and ensure you are on the correct path. There are four elements:

  1. Research Proposal
  2. Annotated Bibliography
  3. Research Rough Draft
  4. Research Final Draft

All these assignments are due at specific times during the course. If you want to make sure you are on track, please refer back to the schedule of assignments in order to maintain a timely schedule.


  • The research paper should be between 6-7 full pages
  • You should incorporate anywhere between 7-8 scholarly sources; the primary source (play) does not count towards source the required 7-8 source requirement
  • Times New Roman Font; 12 pt.
  • Properly follow MLA format


Ashford University Hacking Creativity in Taiwan Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, thoroughly review the “Case Study: Hacking Creativity in Taiwan” at the end of Chapter 3 in the course text (pp. 63-66). The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate and reinforce your understanding of key concepts presented in the week’s assigned reading from the course text. You will respond in essay-type format to the selected questions posed in the case study.

In your paper,

  • Develop a short essay-type response of at least one paragraph to each of the following assigned questions:
    • Knowing: Questions 1 and 2.
    • Doing: Questions 1 and 2.
    • Being: Questions 1 and 2.

The Week 2 Case Study: Hacking Creativity in Taiwan paper

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted


Highline Community College A New Era of Patriotic Correctness Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Colin Kaepernick, if you didn’t know, no longer plays football for the San Francisco 49ers. In fact, he no longer plays for any team. In 2016, he began “taking a knee” during the national anthem at NFL games to protest police brutality against black Americans. At the time, before George Floyd’s murder incited mass protests, Kaepernick was a pioneer. It came at a steep cost. For one thing, he’s been blacklisted from the league ever since. For another, conservative media excoriated him and any football player who followed him, calling them disrespectful of military veterans and traitors to the country. In a 2017 speech in Alabama, the president said that an NFL player who kneeled was a “son of a bitch” and should be “fired.” (Links to an external site.)

Nonetheless, Nike created an ad featuring Colin Kaepernick (Links to an external site.) that aired on the first day of the NFL season a year later. Its appearance was almost immediately followed by Facebook posts of people burning Nike shoes (Links to an external site.), purportedly to condemn Nike for anti-patriotism, and Nike’s customer call line was besieged by rants against “disrespect” (Links to an external site.) for the flag, the national anthem, and the military.

Phil Klay, whose essay is linked below, coined the phrase “patriotic correctness.” He doesn’t define precisely what he means, but he refers to an aggressive strain in contemporary America of loudly proclaiming one’s patriotism. At the same time, anyone who does not show adequate reverence to the national anthem, the flag, or the military of the United States is denounced–and sometimes that’s been violent (Links to an external site.). Klay served with the US Marines in Iraq, and he’s cynical of America’s politicized obsession with “patriotic correctness” at the same time as citizens are happily ignorant about our young military men and women dying in America’s wars. “Violating the rules of patriotic correctness is a far worse sin in the eyes of the American public than sending soldiers to die uselessly,” he writes.

America in recent years has shown increasing intolerance towards dissent, even when that dissent is as innocuous as silently kneeling. We seem to be in the grip of a new era of “patriotic correctness,” a time when parts of the American public aggressively demand displays of allegiance and “patriotism.” What does this mean for America?

Read the articles and listen to the podcast (see links below). For your reading response, write at least 300 words inspired by this topic. Here are some ideas–but you are encouraged to think independently:

  • What does it really mean to be “patriotic”? Has it changed in your lifetime?
  • Why has America lapsed into a new era of conformity, a time when failing to adequately display one’s “love of country” arouses so much fury in some Americans? Why do simple symbols and rituals invoke so much patriotism in others?
  • Does American patriotism help or hurt this country?
  • Does America’s patriotism make it blind to its own fallibility, and so causes us to hurt other nations?
  • Is American patriotism something to be admired and emulated by other countries?


FNU The Use of Complementary Medicine to Treat BPH Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

-Use APA 6th Edition Format

-Support your work with at least 3 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication.

-Remember that you need a cover page and a reference page.

-All paragraphs need to be cited properly.

-All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences.

-2 pages of content, no greater than 3 pages, excluding cover page and reference page.

Case Study

L.L. is a 67-year-old male who has been diagnosed with BPH. He is having difficulty with urination. He is currently on Cozaar 100 mg for HTN and his BP is well controlled. He is taking no other medications. The doctor has recommended medication for his BPH, but he would like to try a herbal supplement before taking a prescription medication.

1. Would you recommend a herbal supplement in L.L’s case?

2. If so, what herbal supplement would he take?

3. What is the recommended dosage?

4. What are possible side effects of the herbal supplement?

5. What warnings should you give L.L. before he starts the herbal supplement.



Changes that have occurred in Medicaid Since Implementation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The U.S. created Medicaid, a publically funded healthcare program, to
assist people in obtaining healthcare services. In this week, explore
Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).


Answer the following questions:

  • Explain
    the legislation that introduced Medicaid. Your explanation should
    include a description of the funding sources for the program.
  • Describe some of the changes, including CHIP, that have occurred to the Medicaid program since its inception.
  • Explain
    the demographics of the majority of people covered by Medicaid and
    identify how many people in the U.S. are covered by Medicaid.
  • Describe the changes that will occur in Medicaid with the ACA

Changes that have occurred in Medicaid Since Implementation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MC 621 KKK UIC College of Dentistry Medical Field Research Methods Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

  1. If you selected Option 2 (Patients at NLEX hospital):

    Claim: The average age of all patients admitted to the hospital with infectious diseases is less than 65 years of age. Test the claim using α = 0.05 and assume your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.

    Based on your selected topic, perform and document the following steps:

    1. Write the null and alternative hypothesis symbolically and identify which hypothesis is the claim.
    2. Is the test two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed? Explain.
    3. Which test statistic will you use for your hypothesis test; z-test or t-test? Explain.
    4. What is the value of the test-statistic? Show your calculation
    5. What is the P-value? Explain how you determined it
    6. What is the critical value? Explain how you calculated it
    7. What is your decision? Reject the null or do not reject the null? Explain why you made your decision including the results for your p-value and the critical value.
    8. State the final conclusion in non-technical terms.

Please show your work for the construction of the test-statistic and explain your process for finding the p-value and critical value. You may use the Equation Editor to format your calculation steps on the Word document or attach an Excel spreadsheet clearly showing each calculation for #B4 and #B5, but your answers still need to appear on the Word document. Also, be sure to number each response in your paper using the same numbers as above


UOPX The Courts and Courtroom Actors The Court System Federal and State PPT Law Assignment Help

There are different actors in the courtroom, and each has a specific role in how a trial or session will progress. There are also differences between the federal and state courts that are important to understand. In this assignment, you will outline details about the actors in the courtroom and federal and state courts. You will gain an understanding of the courts that will prepare you to participate in the courtroom process.

Imagine you are a court administrator for the local superior court. You have been asked to speak to a high school civics class. Specifically, the teacher would like you to provide a general overview of federal and state courts and discuss the primary actors in each court system.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

  • Identify actors in the courtroom.
  • Who are the actors in federal courts and state courts? (Include actors the two courts have incommon and any actors who are different.)
  • What are their responsibilities?
  • Why is it important for these responsibilities to be fulfilled adequately? (Consider the effect of overzealousness compared to the effect of underperformance.)
  • Identify what is different between these actors in federal courts from the same actors in the state courts.
  • Judges
  • Defense attorneys
  • Prosecutors
  • Juries
  • Contrast federal and state (your state or the state you’re from) courts (consider creating a diagram/chart/table).
  • Structure
  • Jurisdiction
  • Roles of each court
  • Case types

Include detailed speaker notes and at least 1 illustration, such as a chart, diagram, table, etc.

Cite a minimum of 2 sources (one source for state courts and one source for federal courts).


UCLA Week 1 Dimensions of Wellness Indicators Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Wellness Activity – Week 1


Review the dimensions of wellness indicators (table 1.1, pg 5) and determine your personal status for each dimension.


In a one-page Word document, please identify what factors may affect your rating of the relative presence of each dimension (i.e., where you fall on the indicator continuum) and how these affect your current habits


When saving your word document, please INCLUDE your NAME in the file name. For example, John Smith’s Activity should look like this: Wellness Activity Week 1 – SMITH.docx


Sleep Activity – week 1


Please submit a one-page summary of your sleep assessment habits from the sleep survey [WebMD] and begin to determine whether your sleep is within the guidelines for your age and what steps you can take to improve your sleep patterns. Make sure to refer to Chapter 1 — Figure 1.4 to identify recommended sleep for a person of your age.


When saving your word document, please INCLUDE your NAME in the file name. For example, John Smith’s Activity should look like this: SLEEP FOUNDATION Activity Week


MC 621 UIC Students Gain Weight During Their Freshman Year of College Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

The freshman 15 refers to the urban legend that students gain an average of 15 pounds during their freshman year of college. The weights of 100 freshmen at a certain University were observed in August and then re-examined in May. The claim that the mean difference is equal to 15 pounds is tested at a 0.05 significance level. The result is “fail to reject the null hypothesis”.

  • What do the results suggest?
  • What factors could have affected the results?
  • How can these results be used to make changes on campus?

Must show work on excel–handwritten unacceptable

Insufficient Emerging Competent Proficient Mastered
Correctness Points:0 (0.00%)

By the end of the discussion correct responses to at least half of the discussion prompts have not been made.

Points:12.375 (16.50%)

By the end of the discussion correct responses to at least half of the discussion prompts have been made.

Points:18.5625 (24.75%)

By the end of the discussion correct responses to a majority of the discussion prompts have been made.

Points:21.0375 (28.05%)

By the end of the discussion correct responses to almost all discussion prompts have been made.

Points:24.75 (33.00%)

By the end of the discussion correct responses to all discussion prompts have been made.


Points:0 (0.00%)

Initial post does not respond to at least half of the topics addressed in the discussion prompts.

Points:12.75 (17.00%)

Initial post responds to at least half of the topics addressed in the discussion prompts.

Points:19.125 (25.50%)

Initial post responds to the majority of the topics addressed in the discussion prompts.

Points:21.675 (28.90%)

Initial post responds to almost all topics addressed in the discussion prompts.

Points:25.5 (34.00%)

Initial post responds to all topics addressed in the discussion prompts.

Reply Post

Points:0 (0.00%)

No reply post to a classmate is made by the end of the discussion.

Points:12.375 (16.50%)

A reply post to a classmate has been made by the end of the discussion.

Points:18.5625 (24.75%)

Points:21.0375 (28.05%)

A topical reply post to a classmate is made by the end of the discussion.

Points:24.75 (33.00%)

A topical and substantial reply post to a classmate is made by the end of the discussion.


North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help

North Carolina Central University Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help

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