North Central University Wk 3 Social Work in Behavioral Health Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. North Central University Wk 3 Social Work in Behavioral Health Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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Now, pick up from where you left off last week. Last week, you identified rapid assessment instruments that could be utilized for screening/assessing a client that has the behavioral health issue that is related to your focus topic. You will now create a biopsychosocial (spiritual) assessment template that could be used for this special client population. Your submission will be in the form of a brochure. Pretend you have been asked to create this assessment for a program that specializes in working with this client population. When creating your assessment, ask yourself: What standard information should be in their biopsychosocial (spiritual) assessment? What unique or specialized information should also be included? How much information should be gathered to be thorough, yet not overwhelm the client at the first session? (Keep in mind that sessions/appointments are typically one hour.) Your brochure should include the assessment plus important information based on these questions that would assist others in completing the assessment, then interpreting the results. You may choose to incorporate the spiritual component if you believe it is beneficial/necessary, or you may omit it. For this assignment, be sure to include the following:
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included. Total Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. |
North Central University Wk 3 Social Work in Behavioral Health Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of California Berkeley The Black Death Medieval Europe Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Hi, I have written the paper and gotten notes back from my TA and need you to please fix the paper.
Read Boccaccio’s description of the plague and other of the readings on the Black Death. Think of how those writing about the plague describe its course and development.
attached is the reading of Boccaccio as well as the other readings on the Black Death. It starts from page 95 titled as “the Decameron preface to the ladies” which talks about the plague in Florence written by Boccaccio and continues all the way to page 106 with the writings by Jean de Venette and Agnolo di Tura.
Please write 3-4 pages
Try not to just repeat the prompt as your thesis statement. For example: for the Dante prompt, some of the questions Teo asks you are “what are the most salient political, cultural, and theological elements of the book? What does it tell you about western European culture around 1300?”
Your thesis statement should not be “there are many salient political, cultural, and theological elements that tell us many things about western European culture around 1300 in Dante’s Inferno,” as I can already understand that from the prompt! I want to see your specific answer to these questions and why they are important/relevant, both in your thesis statement and your claims throughout.
The easiest and most rewarding way of integrating your perspective throughout the body of your writing is through your topic sentences and analysis of sources. Teo has given you some great avenues to achieve this with the prompts from the final. You are historians, and your opinion on these sources (backed up with evidence) matter! Here are some guiding questions for analysis: what does this piece of evidence implicitly illustrate that supports my main argument? What lurks beneath the surface of my evidence that I want to draw out? How can I explain why it is so important to understand the point I am making?
“Here, you mostly just restate the information from Boccaccio, and you do not use any quotes. Your section on comparison to COVID-19 is a bit better, but it still lacks structure and an argument. Please make a more argumentative and evidence-based essay.”
my paper is in the documents along with the source.
please fix everything that is stated and all other errors you see that do not work with the paper and delete the comments and highlights when you are done.
thank you.
ART 142 AU Modernist Revolution the Direct Impact of WWI on The Art World Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
The Modernist Revolution, 1904-1914
Discover the impact that World War I had on the art world and how the conflict informed the artists’ work.
- Chapter 28: Art Between the Wars
At the beginning of the 20th century, Modernism in many forms become apparent across the world, especially in the arts. Throughout your textbook readings, there is a wildly head-spinning number of different art movements, each with their title (ex. Cubism, Futurism, etc.) and intention.
- Describe your chosen movement in a detailed summary, including a description of the style, inspirations, intentions, etc.
- Choose one piece of art to share to support your ideas. Imagine that you are an “expert” in this chosen art style, and you are trying to explain it to someone who may have never heard of it or doesn’t appreciate/understand it.
27.7 Pablo Picasso, Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass. 1912. Charcoal, gouache, and pasted paper, 187 ⁄8 × 143 ⁄4′′ (47.9 × 37.5 cm). The McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, Texas. Bequest of Marion Koogler McNay
27.8 Pablo Picasso, Violin. 1915. Construction of painted metal, 371 ⁄2 × 255 ⁄8 × 71 ⁄2′′ (94.5 × 65 × 19 cm). Musée Picasso, Paris
FIN 4372 Rasmussen College Capital Management & Investment Selection Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Capital Management is one of the most prestigious asset management
companies in the country. It has been managing the wealth of America for
over 100 years. It utilizes various forms of fundamental, technical,
and quantitative analyses in the design and implementation of its
several investment strategies and portfolios. Today, ABC Capital is a
global investment management firm that continues to focus on rigorous
research and the development of innovative, practical investment
strategies. Because of this, ABC Capital is able to achieve the goals of
its clients: individuals, pension funds, endowment funds, banks,
insurance companies, foundations, and sovereign wealth funds.
work as a junior portfolio manager with ABC Capital. As part of the
normal portfolio review process, the company provides a list of 20
possible investments. You must select at least 6, but not more than 12,
investments to create a fully asset-allocated portfolio that will have
the characteristics of an 11% expected return, a beta of 0.5 or less,
and a correlation of less than 60% to the stock market. Assume broad
market returns are 8% annually and use the current 1-year treasury
yield. You will create the portfolio and present it to the company.
- In the Word document provided below, explain the following:
- Your portfolio.
- Rationale for the investment selection including the weighting of each investment.
- Whether it is better to use active or passive investment management.
- Support your findings by showing your calculations in the spreadsheet provided below. Include:
- Calculations for achieving required characteristics (expected return, beta, and correlation).
- Calculations for the risk adjusted rate of return (Sharpe Ratio and Treynor Ratio).
MKT 201 PU How the Virus Transformed the Way Americans Spend Their Money Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For this written assignment, you will be analyzing a New York Times article. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length with 2 outside cited references on each page. If you use the text, cite it, but do not count it as an outside resource.
Hello everyone:
This announcement will give some insights as to what I am looking for in your unit 7 assignment submission.
For this assignment, please read the New York Times article on Coronavirus and how it has impacted purchasing as we know it.
Please analyze the article and tell me your thoughts on the subject. How has the retail landscaped changed? Will purchasing ever go back to the way it was? How will the retail environment look in the future? Will more retail establishments be forced to close their doors and go out of business? Is there anything that can be done to counteract the negative aspects to the retail environment while COVID is still an ongoing problem?
Those are just a few of the topics you could write about, but the paper is open ended. Tell me what you think of the article and how COVID has impacted the way we make purchases.
The 2 to 3 page paper is due on Sunday, December 13th by 11:59 pm ET. Please write in APA format and use in text citations and full APA references to back up your points.
EMSE 2800 Kean University English Language Learners Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me study.
This is the final assignment. A rubric detailing all of the elements necessary will be provided. Using
the town, school district and school where you attended elementary school, you are to write the
demographic and contextual factors using town, district and school webpages, NJDOE webpage,
census data, etc. as resources. This assignment is worth 150 points and is limited to 5 pages
maximum not counting references.
I have attached things you might need. You can use elizabeth, roselle or any school district in NJ for this.…
EMSE 2800 Kean University English Language Learners Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Alexander College Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Research Paper Guidelines
General Instructions:
For this paper, you will be using three scientific journal articles to write a paper on the effects of social media on mental processes and behaviors. THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT.
You need to read one required article, one article that you choose from a list, and a third article that you need to find on your own, for a total of THREE articles.
- FIRST: Required Article
- Read and understand the article “Why do we ‘like’ social media?” by Ciaran McMahon ( (Links to an external site.))
- SECOND: Choose ANOTHER article from the list below:
- The effects of social media on adolescent development
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- The effects of social media on adolescent development
- Internet use and cognitive development
- Social media and stress
- Personality and social media use
- A social psychology of the internet
- THIRD: Find another article that is RELATED to the article you have chosen in #2. Make sure that the article is peer-reviewed, and from reputable psychological sources. You can use ERIC, PsychInfo, Google Scholar, etc.
- Make sure the article is recent: published within the last 5 years
Answer the following guide questions using the three articles.
- Given what you have read and the lessons we have discussed in class, answer the following: Is social media good for you? Is social media bad for you? Or both? Choose one side and defend your position using the articles that you have read and chosen.
- Make sure that you are citing evidence from the journal articles that you have read AND the lessons in class. You can state your opinions, but make sure they are backed up by evidence and information from the three articles that you have read.
- To conclude your paper, address the following question: Given what you know and have learned about mental processes and behaviors in this class and the articles you have read: What can we do to address the issues and concerns about social media and psychology? How can we make the internet/social media better for our mental health and well-being?
Make sure you cite properly, using APA format. Page limit is seven (7) pages maximum, double spaced, Times New Roman font size 11.
Include proper citations in your paper. You are aware of the rules regarding plagiarism. Your paper will be analyzed using TurnItIn software to check for plagiarism, and all instances of plagiarism will result in academic alerts and possible escalation of your violation to the proper authorities, resulting in more serious penalties and similar matters. Do not attempt to cut and paste information from the internet and pass it off as your own. The software will catch you, and if it does, the instructor will not consider any appeal and other considerations. TurnItIn has strict and objective standards, and will not hesitate to detect any and all kinds of plagiarism.
You are expected to work independently on this project. Any and all forms of plagiarism, copying, paraphrasing, and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will be penalized to the full extent of the policies and guidelines of Alexander College.
Operational Analysis Southwest Airlines Employee and Labor Relations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I have to write a research paper/operational analysis with a group on Southwest Airlines. My part of the project is covering 3 different topics, 1 double spaced page per topic. Here are the topics I need to cover:
– Quality Management
– Employee & Labor Relations (cover their culture & mission statement with their employees, and cover the customer service part with their customers)
– Differences between Southwest Airlines and other airlines & conclusion paragraph
Please let me know if you have any questions
Please use reputable research sources.
.doc file | APA | Research Paper | 3 pages, Double spaced
UCI Five Core Ideas of Liberalism in the Political Field Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This is a take home essay. I will attach the prompt as soon as it is posted.
The prompts will be posted at 12:01am LA time on Friday December 11th. So you must be online by 11:50 pm LA time on Thursday December 10th to wait for the prompts. Then you can start working as soon as I post the prompt here. I need you to be here and let me know you see the prompt at that time. You must say something after I upload the prompt here, otherwise I do not know if you have seen it.
The final is the same format as the midterm. So you are familiar with the pattern. Please prepare for each questions on the study guide, so you don’t have to start from the scratch when the exam is posted. Please go over the annotation on the midterm again, (posted on the google drive), and keep them in mind when you write the final. I need you to try your best given the low grades I got on the quizzes, I really need the final to score more than good to pass this course.
The deadline is 11:59pm LA time that evening, on the same day, Friday December 11th. And I will need the essay to be done no later than 9 pm LA time on Friday the 12th. I have to go to a family engagement at 10 pm, so I will have to submit it before I leave the house.
Please try your best, I need to pass this course.
Again, please be here by 11:50 pm LA time on Thursday December 10th to wait for the prompts. And lmk you see the prompt after I upload here.
Again, please finish and upload no later than 9 pm LA time on Friday the 12th.
COM 105 Oakton Online Education Is a Great Tool that The University Can Provide Essay Writing Assignment Help
Imagine that National Louis University has asked you to pitch an idea for a new group, club, or program for the university. For example, imagine that you would like to pitch a plan to create a new campus in, say, New York City! Or, say, you would like to pitch a plan to build a large theater on campus. Or, to create a new degree program, like, engineering! Or to create a new social club. You get the idea!
Now, write a 1-page pitch describing your idea to the university. Be sure to include how this idea will benefit students. What will make your idea a success?
- Your paper should be one page, single spaced.
- Your assignment should be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook.
- You do NOT need to use references.
- THIRD: Find another article that is RELATED to the article you have chosen in #2. Make sure that the article is peer-reviewed, and from reputable psychological sources. You can use ERIC, PsychInfo, Google Scholar, etc.
- Make sure the article is recent: published within the last 5 years
Answer the following guide questions using the three articles.
- Given what you have read and the lessons we have discussed in class, answer the following: Is social media good for you? Is social media bad for you? Or both? Choose one side and defend your position using the articles that you have read and chosen.
- Make sure that you are citing evidence from the journal articles that you have read AND the lessons in class. You can state your opinions, but make sure they are backed up by evidence and information from the three articles that you have read.
- To conclude your paper, address the following question: Given what you know and have learned about mental processes and behaviors in this class and the articles you have read: What can we do to address the issues and concerns about social media and psychology? How can we make the internet/social media better for our mental health and well-being?
Make sure you cite properly, using APA format. Page limit is seven (7) pages maximum, double spaced, Times New Roman font size 11.
Include proper citations in your paper. You are aware of the rules regarding plagiarism. Your paper will be analyzed using TurnItIn software to check for plagiarism, and all instances of plagiarism will result in academic alerts and possible escalation of your violation to the proper authorities, resulting in more serious penalties and similar matters. Do not attempt to cut and paste information from the internet and pass it off as your own. The software will catch you, and if it does, the instructor will not consider any appeal and other considerations. TurnItIn has strict and objective standards, and will not hesitate to detect any and all kinds of plagiarism.
You are expected to work independently on this project. Any and all forms of plagiarism, copying, paraphrasing, and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will be penalized to the full extent of the policies and guidelines of Alexander College.