North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper Writing Assignment Help. North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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After your virtual museum visit, write a paper about your experience. Begin by saying what museum website you visited (e.g., “I chose the Dallas Museum of Art’s website for my virtual visit”). Then discuss the six art pieces you chose. Begin by saying something like, “The art piece that represents art for daily use is (insert art piece title, artist and media). Then go on to describe the art piece using your own impressions and ideas (conceptualize). I definitely do not want a research paper. Instead, I want you to incorporate the assigned reading into your paper and discuss the art piece as if you are describing it to someone else. You don’t have to put a lot of detail into your description necessarily. I do not expect you to write about art like an art critic would. Don’t worry about using the the terminology from the principles of design or the visual elements that are discussed in later chapters. Just write about the art in your own words.
Your paper should cover the following:
a) The Art. Tell me about the specific art pieces you saw. If you cover fewer than six art pieces, you will not be able to earn full credit on the assignment.
Feel free to tell me your impressions of individual art pieces, but don’t feel obligated to understand everything.
b) The Assigned Reading. Discuss the art pieces you saw as examples of the concepts or ideas set forth. Specifically, I want to know that you read about, understand and can apply the concepts of the six purposes and functions of art to individual art pieces. For example, if you discuss an art piece that was created to make a statement against oppressing people, you would identify it as art for political purposes.
What I don’t want:
Please don’t tell me how a featured artist is untalented or that his/her art is not worthy of display. Just remember that this is an art appreciation course so do your best to try to appreciate the art you see even if you don’t understand or like some of it. Assume for purposes of this assignment that each piece at the museum has some validity.
No “generic happy talk” please. I’m glad if you had a positive experience viewing the art on the museum’s website and if the art impressed or inspired you. That said, just skip all those superlatives for this paper and instead talk about the ideas I mentioned above.
This paper is not designed to be a research paper and I do not want you to use any outside research sources. But, if you can’t get around quoting something from the museum, by all means, cite the source. But, don’t worry about making this paper too precious.
Of course, plagiarism is forbidden. If you plagiarize, don’t expect to get any credit for this assignment. Further, students submitting plagiarized work will receive an automatic “F” for the assignment and may be reported to the school for disciplinary action. Enough said.
What I do want:
I want to hear your own ideas and reflections about the museum, the art and the concepts addressed in the assigned reading. If someone else read your paper, I would hope it would inform them about the subject matter and might even give them some insight if they’ve never been to an art museum before.
art museum:
North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grantham University Indian Pantheons Literal Work Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to teach this class next semester. Consider the works that we have read this semester and argue for why you would keep two of them on your syllabus AND why you would remove two of them from your syllabus.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 2.4 Business Capstone Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Getting Started
Evaluating any case study starts with interpreting the situation at hand. The key to success is to identify the appropriate theories to apply to each specific case. A successful case analysis addresses three main questions:
- What is the problem to be solved?
- How can this resolution be best achieved?
- Why is it important to resolve the situation?
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
- Analyze complex organizational issues within the healthcare industry.
- Integrate critical analysis to ensure healthcare organizational success.
- Textbook: The Middleboro Casebook: Healthcare Strategy and Operations
Background Information
Your analysis of the case begins by reading and interpreting the situation at hand. This process should be done in several iterations as part of the assessment of the overall situation. Read or skim the case quickly to determine the overall situation or problem to be addressed. What is the key question to be answered or decision that needs to be made? The case should be read a second time to review the details outlined in the information that has been provided. The case should be reviewed a third time to identify any missing information. In the end, it is important to identify the most important issue to be addressed and the benefits of finding a solution. Again, the theme of the analysis should address the key questions of what-how-why.
As noted above, the starting point for the final case study analysis is to evaluate the what-how-why of the case. To prepare for the final case analysis, you will take a broad look at the case and the questions presented and consider these questions.
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Read “Case 6: MIDCARE, Inc.” in the textbook.
- Review the requirements from 6.2 Assignment: Final Case Study – Submission.
- Prepare a two to three page paper, with title and reference pages, that addresses the following:
- What is/are the problem(s) to be solved?
- How can this/these resolution(s) be best achieved?
- Note: This is a big-picture perspective, not the detailed specific resolution you will include in the final case report.
- Why is it important to resolve this/these situation(s)
- Turn your work into the instructor by using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop.
RN Sustaining Employee Motivation on Public Administration Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment I will need you to write a 13-15 page research paper on the following topic.
“Sustaining Employee Motivation in the sphere of Public Administration”
The professor’s feedback on my topic is to “start with public service motivation literature and building from there; pivoting toward motivation and teleworking and/or remote team productivity may be the most logical extension beyond PSM.”
I have also attached some of the articles from class. Make sure to use at least one within the paper as a source of reference.
Beyond that here are the paper requirements:
- Solid analytical writing with a clear thesis statement.
- Good, comprehensive research literature review
- Strong arguments based on quality scholarly sources and reputable government data
- Using real world examples to strengthen the paper
- APA formatting
- Perfect grammar, spelling, and native like English.
ART 102 LAVC Judith Slaying Holofernes Artemisia vs Caravaggio Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help
Use the images of Caravaggio’s and Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith Slaying Holofernes to write a 250 word compare and contrast essay.
Scholar’s have sometimes positioned the work of Artemisa Genteleschi as exhibiting latent feminist content that empowers women and reflects the experience Artemisia Gentileschi had as one of the only female painters of her generation.
When you compare these two paintings, is there anything about Artemisia’s painting that you believe might demonstrate the empowerment of Judith and her maidservant, when compared to Caravaggio’s work? Discuss whether you feel the interpretation of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith vs. Holofernes as a document of female empowerment is convincing or not.
COVID 19 and Public Health Informatics Paper Writing Assignment Help
(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)
(Paraphrase the paper attached)
(Nothing more needs to be done, only paraphrase the document)
(The document is attached,APA Format)
Task: The document is fully retrieved from external sources due to that it has a high plagiarism percentage. Your purpose is to reprhase each question in order to reduce the plagiarism to under 7% ( make it passable through Turnitin).
Other information: DO NOT USE ANY PARAPHRASING SOFTWARES. I already tried them and they fail doing their job. The plagiarism still remains high and the final version is incoherent. Please focus on maintaining the coherency of the document attached.
- APA Format
- No plagiarism is accepted
- No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)
*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***
Thank you for your support
COVID 19 and Public Health Informatics Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Auburn University Montgomery Literary Analysis of Shakespeares Sonnet130 Outline Humanities Assignment Help
This task will help you organize your thoughts and develop a formal outline for a literary analysis paper on the poem you chose for Task #2. Carefully review the Guide to Writing a Thesis Statement and Guide to Creating an Outline and then construct an outline of your own. Your outline must follow the format in the example.
After creating the outline, I would like for you to draft one BODY paragraph for my review. This paragraph will be graded for completion. Do not worry about making it perfect in the drafting stage.
Once you complete the outline and paragraph, save them as one file in a .doc or .docx document. Then attach it to this assignment.
Ohio University Business Cycle and Unemployment During the Covid19 Period Essay Economics Assignment Help
Over these past months of the COVID19 pandemic, several people all over the world have lost their jobs. Here in the U.S., it is estimated that over 20% of Americans are unemployed.
Your neighbor’s child said to you that both her parents who are university-educated are still working. But, her aunt, a factory worker, who lost her job in late January has remained unemployed since then. She asked you why that is so? She also wonders what education has to do with unemployment.
Use your understanding of what you learned from your study of the business cycle and unemployment to answer Hillary’s issues. Also, determine if the child is right that her aunt is stillunemployed.
MGT 530 Saudi Electronic University Operation Management Decision Tree Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Operation Management
Decision Tree (100 points)
The supplement to Chapter 5 in your textbook describes and develops several decision trees.
Address the following requirements:
- Develop a decision tree for the case described.
- Explain the process of developing a decision tree, draw the decision tree (include the decision tree in an appendix showing chance nodes, probabilities, outcomes, expected values, and net expected value).
- Defend your final decision based on your decision tree.
Case for consideration—An operations manager for a cereal producer is faced with a choice of:
- A large-scale investment (A) to purchase a new cooker which could produce a substantial pay-off in terms of increased revenue net of costs but requires an investment of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal. After extensive market research it is thought that there is a 40% chance that a pay-off of 9,375,000 Saudi Riyal will be realized, but there is a 60% chance that it will be only 3,000,000 Saudi Riyal.
- A smaller scale project (B) to refurbish an existing cooker. At 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal, this option is less costly but produces a lower pay-off. Again, extensive research data suggests a 30% chance of a gain of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal but a 70% chance of it being only 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal.
- Continuing the present operation without change (C) which cost nothing, but produces no pay-off.
- Your essay is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
- Follow APA style guidelines.
Walden University Cultural Influences of Social Policy with Latinos? Response Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion 1: Cultural Influences of Social Policy Response
Respond to at least two colleagues by offering any other considerations your colleagues might need to consider when supporting the Hernandez family. Justify your recommendation.
Support your response with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Colleague 1: Tiffany
Post an explanation of how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy
According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, social work’s principal mission is “to enhance human well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty.” So in order to do this a social worker must understand the cultural differences of the people we serve. As a social worker I will “likely encounter ideas, beliefs or traditions that are unfamiliar to me” (CGU, 2019). If I take the time to better understand the cultural differences I will better equipped to help the child and family in need. For example I believe the ACS worker jumped to conclusions in the case with the Hernandez family. Had she have taken the time to try and understand the cultural differences things might have worked out differently.
Then, explain what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services.
In the case of the Hernandez family I really like the approach that the social worker took with them. As a social worker working with this family I would be sure to educate myself on Latino culture. For example I would have realized that “children have traditional roles in Latino families and are expected to behave and obey adults” (Seipel, 2020). With that being said I still do believe that this family would have benefited from parenting classes. It would be good for them to know expectations that are appropriate for children of their ages. I also agree that the classes should have been offered more than once a week. They could have even did something online and then scheduled an appointment to go over the material with the social worker when they were available. We also have to take into consideration that some of the things that we believe would benaift the family could also be causing them more harm.
Virginia Commonwealth University. (2019). Why Cultural Competence in Social Work Is a Vital Skill. Academic Learning Commons.…
Seipel, A. (2020). Culturally Competent Social Work Practice With Latino Clients. The new social worker.…
Colleague 2: Nicole
Post an explanation of how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy.
Cultural considerations need to be taken into account with child welfare policies. The absence of cross-cultural considerations in both child welfare policy and practice limits the effectiveness of services to particularly children of color and their families. Research shows that the specific areas that need to be looked into are “past responses to children of color, worker-client interactions, and child protective services agencies” ( Families of racial and ethnic minority groups are investigated more frequently; their children are more often found to be “victims” of abuse, neglect, or maltreatment, and compared to “White families”, they experience a higher percentage of child removals from family homes.
Poverty, exposure to violence, drugs, teenage pregnancy, and other contextual factors place families of color at risk for child welfare involvements. in addition, according to Hornberger et al, “culturally incompetent practices place families at increased risk for these and other negative outcomes, thereby increasing the burden on vulnerable families”. This is represented clearly in the Hernandez case.
Explain what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services.
As a social worker and adhering to the NASW Code of Ethics and supporting the Hernandez family, this practice would include the values of dignity and worth of a person, the importance of human relationships and competence. Through these values, a social worker is encouraged to “treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity”, “seek to strengthen relationships among people in a purposeful effort to promote, restore, maintain, and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, social groups, organizations, and communities” and “continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice”, (NASW, 2017).
Hornberger, S., Gardner, S., Young, N., Gannon, N., & Osher, T. (2005). Improving the quality of care for the most vulnerable children, youth, and their families: Finding consensus.
National Association of Social Workers. (2017). NASW code of ethics. Retrieved Month, Day, Year, from…
North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper Writing Assignment Help
North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper Writing Assignment Help