Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help. Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Industry Analysis

Overview and Rationale

As you complete this course and begin your program it is important to have a clear idea of the industry you want to work in and the role you want to prepare for. You have already done some initial research on a role within data analytics. In this assignment, you will research an industry to learn how big data analytics has changed the industry and what place you would like to play, as a data scientist, in the industry.

Module Objectives

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning objectives from this module:

  • Investigate impacts of data analytics on industry
  • Describe the evolution of data analytics
  • Create data visualizations to highlight data from research.

Assignment Summary

In this assignment, you will research and write about the impact Big Data analytics has had on a specific industry.

Begin by selecting one of the industries discussed in this course (i.e., medical, energy, insurance, criminal justice, transportation, etc.) or an industry have an interest in. You are to research the scale, effects, impacts, and disruptions that Big Data analytics have had on the industry.

Write a paper incorporates the concepts presented in this course by

  • discussing how a specific industry has been effected by big data analytics
  • discussing how the role you are interested in playing is placed within the industry
  • providing visualizations of the main points you are making

Begin by presenting your findings about this industry and answer the following questions:

  • How has data analytics evolved specifically in the industry?
  • Are there any ways in which big data has disrupted the industry?
  • How do you see analytics changing the industry in the future?

Then provide insights into data analytics within the industry by answering the following questions:

  • What are the organizational roles associated with data analytics? Are there any that are unique to the industry?
  • What is the current demand for data analytics talent in the industry?

Finally, if you are interested in working within the industry, discuss:

  • What makes it your ideal career? What specific role would you like to play? Is there a position you aspire to? Why?
  • If this is not an industry you wish to work, explain why. Include a discussion of why the available roles do not interest you.

Be sure to incorporate compelling and supporting visualizations throughout your paper.

What to Submit

1. An executive report in a DOC or PDF format (Grade 60 points).

This report should not be longer than 4 pages, remember that first page is dedicated only to the title or front page of your report. In the other 3 pages, include the Introduction section, Industry Analysis section, Conclusions section, and References section.

In the Industry analysis section, include all your findings, important analysis, personal observations, professional interests on one or more industries, market projections, etc. Be organized.

Keep in mind that your report must:

  • Incorporates visualizations to support the written information (these should be highly connected to points being made in the text)
  • Be supported by a minimum of four (4) scholarly references.
  • Properly cites all sources using APA citation rules.

2. A power point presentation (Grade 40 points).

This power point will be presented during to your classmates next week. Present the same figures you included in your executive report, remember all the recommendations you have received during this class about best practices to present your slides. Practice and coordinate that your presentation takes about 4 minutes in total.

Due Date

Sunday at 11:59 pm

Turnitin review

Review your Turnitin score at the moment of report submission. It must NOT be higher than 15%.

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Analyses and Funding Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

My business is offering Marketing, Promotion and PR to a record label, artist and musicians.


Using your learning from MBA 520 and MBA 640, analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis. Justify the analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have

been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Critical Elements:

  •  Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.
  •  Include the following as part of your analysis:o Budget
    o Assessmentofassetsandliabilities
    o Anticipatedsourcesoffunding
    o Associatedcostsofattainingthatcapital
  •  Include relevant proforma financial reports: o Salesforecastso Cashflowstatements
    o Incomeprojections
    o Allotherrelevantreportsspecifictoyourconceptoridea

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Critical Elements

Proficient (100%)

Not Proficient (0%)


Main Elements

Includes most of the main elements

Does not include any of the main elements


Critical Thinking

Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Does not provide logical conclusions


Financial Analysis

Provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Does not provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point


Analysis Parts

Provides a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis

Does not provide a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis


Financial Reports


Provides proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and other relevant reports specific to concept or idea

Does not provide proforma financial reports


Articulation of Response

Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





CRM 123 Saint Leo University Rights Violations Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Review the case Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) in your text on page 35. In your response, explain why Speelman believed her due process rights had been violated. What were her main arguments? Did the Court agree with Speelman, or did it agree with the Bellingham? Do you think agree with the ruling if the Court? Why or why not?

2. Explain the difference between procedural due process and substantive due process. What is the substantive due process issue presented in Washington v. Glucksberg (1997)?

3. Earlier you were asked to contemplate the facts in Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority. Discuss whether you believe Speelman presented a valid argument before the court. As you consider whether access to the courts is a valid due process issue, please design or amend the existing law that would ensure that all people have access to the courts.

I have uploaded the case pages of Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) from my book. Feel free to use the internet for any other sources.

Please use APA format and double spacing. Please include references.


ACC 616 Grand Canyon University Researching Audit Issues Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please review the following case and complete the assignment:

Springer & Jones, CPAs, LLP, is currently auditing Worldwide Electronics Inc., which manufactures electronic equipment utilized around the world. The audit client purchases in bulk large quantities of various inventories of stock material to produce various specialized parts used in electronic equipment. The client claims that there might be some obsolete stock on hand from these bulk purchases, but states that to determine the complete degree of obsolescence is difficult due to the highly specialized nature of the product line which may not lead to renewed orders until future periods.

Springer & Jones, decided to first search the auditing standards to determine its responsibility, not being inventory experts, as to the extent of obsolescence. If the auditors conclude they do have a responsibility, they determined to utilize data analytics software to investigate the extent of obsolete inventory.

  • Search the auditing standards to determine the requirements, if any, for Springer & Jones to evaluate the extent of obsolescence.
  • Accountants will sometimes use judgement in the determination of obsolete inventory or other estimates. Discuss an ethical situation in which an accountant might manipulate an estimate for a favorable result for the company.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, any documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment.


BIOL 355 Hunter Body Planes and Sections and Directional Terminology Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a anatomy project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Lab Objectives:

MO 1 – Describe a person in anatomical position, identify anatomical regions and body cavities using appropriate terminology, and accurately identify right and left on anatomical specimens, drawings, and medical imaging.

MO 2 – Identify and define the various anatomic planes in which a body might be viewed and be able to describe the appearance of a body presented along various planes

MO 4 – Describe the major organs and the location and functions of each organ system.



SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on
    researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation:
    a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.
    a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources
    you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture,
    include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas
    on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 130 GCU Leadership Decision Making Skills Correctional Administration Discussion Law Assignment Help

Connecting Your Learning

Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 1: Apply leadership decision-making skills in a correctional administration environment.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the culture of correctional organizations from a leadership perspective.
  • Competency 3: Apply leadership skills and resource management decision making.
  • Competency 4: Determine ethical parameters applicable in correctional settings.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse populations.

In this assignment, the criteria in your Connect Your Learning Scoring Guide are directly aligned to Competencies 1–5 for the course.


This course has taken you on a journey of the correctional system in the United States. You have explored philosophies of corrections along with various strategies being used to achieve the goals of those philosophies. Rehabilitation and reintegration are the two philosophies that the correctional system is attempting to achieve in today’s society. There are several detriments that the correctional system will have to overcome for these two philosophies to be successful. It will be up to the future leaders in corrections to develop strategies to overcome these detriments and to further the possibility of making correctional staff more professional for the betterment of the correctional field, the inmates, and the community. For your final assignment, you will make connections between your learning and applications, showcased in leadership-specific contexts.


Prepare a 4–6-page paper (1–1.5 pages per competency for Competencies 1 through 4), focused on the course competencies:

  • Address two key areas of learning for each competency. Competency 5 will be showcased through your coverage of Competencies 1–4.
  • Showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.

Place your assignment in your ePortfolio for future reference, and to demonstrate your learning connections for future employment purposes.

Be sure to review the Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the criteria for this assignment.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Morgan State University Covid 19 Management in Saudi and United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Crisis Management and Risks

Crisis management, an important planning process, reached global importance with the industrial and environmental disasters of the 1980s. A crisis is a threat to the organization, includes an element of surprise, and requires the organization to respond in a short period of time. Even though there is an element of surprise, organizations can prepare for some measure of risk. Managing crises and risks are more relevant today as businesses deal with protecting data, utilizing ethical supply chains, manage cross-cultural communications, focus on producing safe products, and evaluate how to forestall man-made environmental disasters. COVID-19 is a crisis facing businesses, governments, and societies across the globe. Consider COVID-19 and the impact on businesses.

Be sure that you accurately answer/cover the following in your analysis:

  1. Research the impact of COVID-19 on business organizations in Saudi Arabia and one other country of your choosing.
  2. From your research, what have been successful and unsuccessful examples of crisis management in both countries?
  3. How can your chosen country manage the crisis as it impacts supply chains, privacy of data, cross-cultural communications, and development of safe products (medical or otherwise)?
  4. What knowledge have you gained from your crisis management research that might be useful when considering ethical scandals?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. Please Use APA format.


MSU Decision Making for Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Wal Mart Case Writing Assignment Help

Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions.

  1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Was this a good strategy for Walmart? Why or why not?
  2. What cultural problems did Walmart face in some of the international markets it entered?

Now, assume the role as the Director of Walmart’s global strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into one of the following regions. Choose one of the following regions and describe the opportunities and challenges in that region. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation.


  • Latin America
  • European Union
  • Southeast Asia
  • Russia
  • Middle East

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


University of South Africa Career Path Statement of Purpose Paper Writing Assignment Help

Statement of Purpose (100 words)

Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?

Essay (400 words)

Option #1:

Cardinal O’Hara established the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame in 1921, firmly committed to the idea that “the primary function of commerce is service to mankind”. As the world economy continues to grow and change, how do you see business acting as a positive force in the world?

Option #2:

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, C.S.C, with a mission to become “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country”. In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame appeared to be at a sudden, abrupt end. A massive fire destroyed the building that housed virtually the entire University. Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interpreted the fire as a sign that he had dreamed too small, and decided to rebuild, bigger and better than ever. That Main Building still stands today, topped by the gleaming Golden Dome, not only as an iconic campus building, but as an ongoing symbol of perseverance and vision.

Tell us the story of a time in your own life or career when you had to overcome an obstacle, start over, or rebuild.


Industry Analysis

Overview and Rationale

As you complete this course and begin your program it is important to have a clear idea of the industry you want to work in and the role you want to prepare for. You have already done some initial research on a role within data analytics. In this assignment, you will research an industry to learn how big data analytics has changed the industry and what place you would like to play, as a data scientist, in the industry.

Module Objectives

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning objectives from this module:

  • Investigate impacts of data analytics on industry
  • Describe the evolution of data analytics
  • Create data visualizations to highlight data from research.

Assignment Summary

In this assignment, you will research and write about the impact Big Data analytics has had on a specific industry.

Begin by selecting one of the industries discussed in this course (i.e., medical, energy, insurance, criminal justice, transportation, etc.) or an industry have an interest in. You are to research the scale, effects, impacts, and disruptions that Big Data analytics have had on the industry.

Write a paper incorporates the concepts presented in this course by

  • discussing how a specific industry has been effected by big data analytics
  • discussing how the role you are interested in playing is placed within the industry
  • providing visualizations of the main points you are making

Begin by presenting your findings about this industry and answer the following questions:

  • How has data analytics evolved specifically in the industry?
  • Are there any ways in which big data has disrupted the industry?
  • How do you see analytics changing the industry in the future?

Then provide insights into data analytics within the industry by answering the following questions:

  • What are the organizational roles associated with data analytics? Are there any that are unique to the industry?
  • What is the current demand for data analytics talent in the industry?

Finally, if you are interested in working within the industry, discuss:

  • What makes it your ideal career? What specific role would you like to play? Is there a position you aspire to? Why?
  • If this is not an industry you wish to work, explain why. Include a discussion of why the available roles do not interest you.

Be sure to incorporate compelling and supporting visualizations throughout your paper.

What to Submit

1. An executive report in a DOC or PDF format (Grade 60 points).

This report should not be longer than 4 pages, remember that first page is dedicated only to the title or front page of your report. In the other 3 pages, include the Introduction section, Industry Analysis section, Conclusions section, and References section.

In the Industry analysis section, include all your findings, important analysis, personal observations, professional interests on one or more industries, market projections, etc. Be organized.

Keep in mind that your report must:

  • Incorporates visualizations to support the written information (these should be highly connected to points being made in the text)
  • Be supported by a minimum of four (4) scholarly references.
  • Properly cites all sources using APA citation rules.

2. A power point presentation (Grade 40 points).

This power point will be presented during to your classmates next week. Present the same figures you included in your executive report, remember all the recommendations you have received during this class about best practices to present your slides. Practice and coordinate that your presentation takes about 4 minutes in total.

Due Date

Sunday at 11:59 pm

Turnitin review

Review your Turnitin score at the moment of report submission. It must NOT be higher than 15%.

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Analyses and Funding Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

My business is offering Marketing, Promotion and PR to a record label, artist and musicians.


Using your learning from MBA 520 and MBA 640, analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis. Justify the analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have

been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Critical Elements:

  •  Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.
  •  Include the following as part of your analysis:o Budget
    o Assessmentofassetsandliabilities
    o Anticipatedsourcesoffunding
    o Associatedcostsofattainingthatcapital
  •  Include relevant proforma financial reports: o Salesforecastso Cashflowstatements
    o Incomeprojections
    o Allotherrelevantreportsspecifictoyourconceptoridea

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Critical Elements

Proficient (100%)

Not Proficient (0%)


Main Elements

Includes most of the main elements

Does not include any of the main elements


Critical Thinking

Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Does not provide logical conclusions


Financial Analysis

Provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Does not provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point


Analysis Parts

Provides a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis

Does not provide a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis


Financial Reports


Provides proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and other relevant reports specific to concept or idea

Does not provide proforma financial reports


Articulation of Response

Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





CRM 123 Saint Leo University Rights Violations Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Review the case Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) in your text on page 35. In your response, explain why Speelman believed her due process rights had been violated. What were her main arguments? Did the Court agree with Speelman, or did it agree with the Bellingham? Do you think agree with the ruling if the Court? Why or why not?

2. Explain the difference between procedural due process and substantive due process. What is the substantive due process issue presented in Washington v. Glucksberg (1997)?

3. Earlier you were asked to contemplate the facts in Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority. Discuss whether you believe Speelman presented a valid argument before the court. As you consider whether access to the courts is a valid due process issue, please design or amend the existing law that would ensure that all people have access to the courts.

I have uploaded the case pages of Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) from my book. Feel free to use the internet for any other sources.

Please use APA format and double spacing. Please include references.


ACC 616 Grand Canyon University Researching Audit Issues Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please review the following case and complete the assignment:

Springer & Jones, CPAs, LLP, is currently auditing Worldwide Electronics Inc., which manufactures electronic equipment utilized around the world. The audit client purchases in bulk large quantities of various inventories of stock material to produce various specialized parts used in electronic equipment. The client claims that there might be some obsolete stock on hand from these bulk purchases, but states that to determine the complete degree of obsolescence is difficult due to the highly specialized nature of the product line which may not lead to renewed orders until future periods.

Springer & Jones, decided to first search the auditing standards to determine its responsibility, not being inventory experts, as to the extent of obsolescence. If the auditors conclude they do have a responsibility, they determined to utilize data analytics software to investigate the extent of obsolete inventory.

  • Search the auditing standards to determine the requirements, if any, for Springer & Jones to evaluate the extent of obsolescence.
  • Accountants will sometimes use judgement in the determination of obsolete inventory or other estimates. Discuss an ethical situation in which an accountant might manipulate an estimate for a favorable result for the company.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, any documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment.


BIOL 355 Hunter Body Planes and Sections and Directional Terminology Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a anatomy project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Lab Objectives:

MO 1 – Describe a person in anatomical position, identify anatomical regions and body cavities using appropriate terminology, and accurately identify right and left on anatomical specimens, drawings, and medical imaging.

MO 2 – Identify and define the various anatomic planes in which a body might be viewed and be able to describe the appearance of a body presented along various planes

MO 4 – Describe the major organs and the location and functions of each organ system.



SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on
    researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation:
    a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.
    a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources
    you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture,
    include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas
    on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 130 GCU Leadership Decision Making Skills Correctional Administration Discussion Law Assignment Help

Connecting Your Learning

Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 1: Apply leadership decision-making skills in a correctional administration environment.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the culture of correctional organizations from a leadership perspective.
  • Competency 3: Apply leadership skills and resource management decision making.
  • Competency 4: Determine ethical parameters applicable in correctional settings.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse populations.

In this assignment, the criteria in your Connect Your Learning Scoring Guide are directly aligned to Competencies 1–5 for the course.


This course has taken you on a journey of the correctional system in the United States. You have explored philosophies of corrections along with various strategies being used to achieve the goals of those philosophies. Rehabilitation and reintegration are the two philosophies that the correctional system is attempting to achieve in today’s society. There are several detriments that the correctional system will have to overcome for these two philosophies to be successful. It will be up to the future leaders in corrections to develop strategies to overcome these detriments and to further the possibility of making correctional staff more professional for the betterment of the correctional field, the inmates, and the community. For your final assignment, you will make connections between your learning and applications, showcased in leadership-specific contexts.


Prepare a 4–6-page paper (1–1.5 pages per competency for Competencies 1 through 4), focused on the course competencies:

  • Address two key areas of learning for each competency. Competency 5 will be showcased through your coverage of Competencies 1–4.
  • Showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.

Place your assignment in your ePortfolio for future reference, and to demonstrate your learning connections for future employment purposes.

Be sure to review the Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the criteria for this assignment.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Morgan State University Covid 19 Management in Saudi and United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Crisis Management and Risks

Crisis management, an important planning process, reached global importance with the industrial and environmental disasters of the 1980s. A crisis is a threat to the organization, includes an element of surprise, and requires the organization to respond in a short period of time. Even though there is an element of surprise, organizations can prepare for some measure of risk. Managing crises and risks are more relevant today as businesses deal with protecting data, utilizing ethical supply chains, manage cross-cultural communications, focus on producing safe products, and evaluate how to forestall man-made environmental disasters. COVID-19 is a crisis facing businesses, governments, and societies across the globe. Consider COVID-19 and the impact on businesses.

Be sure that you accurately answer/cover the following in your analysis:

  1. Research the impact of COVID-19 on business organizations in Saudi Arabia and one other country of your choosing.
  2. From your research, what have been successful and unsuccessful examples of crisis management in both countries?
  3. How can your chosen country manage the crisis as it impacts supply chains, privacy of data, cross-cultural communications, and development of safe products (medical or otherwise)?
  4. What knowledge have you gained from your crisis management research that might be useful when considering ethical scandals?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. Please Use APA format.


MSU Decision Making for Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Wal Mart Case Writing Assignment Help

Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions.

  1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Was this a good strategy for Walmart? Why or why not?
  2. What cultural problems did Walmart face in some of the international markets it entered?

Now, assume the role as the Director of Walmart’s global strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into one of the following regions. Choose one of the following regions and describe the opportunities and challenges in that region. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation.


  • Latin America
  • European Union
  • Southeast Asia
  • Russia
  • Middle East

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


University of South Africa Career Path Statement of Purpose Paper Writing Assignment Help

Statement of Purpose (100 words)

Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?

Essay (400 words)

Option #1:

Cardinal O’Hara established the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame in 1921, firmly committed to the idea that “the primary function of commerce is service to mankind”. As the world economy continues to grow and change, how do you see business acting as a positive force in the world?

Option #2:

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, C.S.C, with a mission to become “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country”. In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame appeared to be at a sudden, abrupt end. A massive fire destroyed the building that housed virtually the entire University. Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interpreted the fire as a sign that he had dreamed too small, and decided to rebuild, bigger and better than ever. That Main Building still stands today, topped by the gleaming Golden Dome, not only as an iconic campus building, but as an ongoing symbol of perseverance and vision.

Tell us the story of a time in your own life or career when you had to overcome an obstacle, start over, or rebuild.


Industry Analysis

Overview and Rationale

As you complete this course and begin your program it is important to have a clear idea of the industry you want to work in and the role you want to prepare for. You have already done some initial research on a role within data analytics. In this assignment, you will research an industry to learn how big data analytics has changed the industry and what place you would like to play, as a data scientist, in the industry.

Module Objectives

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning objectives from this module:

  • Investigate impacts of data analytics on industry
  • Describe the evolution of data analytics
  • Create data visualizations to highlight data from research.

Assignment Summary

In this assignment, you will research and write about the impact Big Data analytics has had on a specific industry.

Begin by selecting one of the industries discussed in this course (i.e., medical, energy, insurance, criminal justice, transportation, etc.) or an industry have an interest in. You are to research the scale, effects, impacts, and disruptions that Big Data analytics have had on the industry.

Write a paper incorporates the concepts presented in this course by

  • discussing how a specific industry has been effected by big data analytics
  • discussing how the role you are interested in playing is placed within the industry
  • providing visualizations of the main points you are making

Begin by presenting your findings about this industry and answer the following questions:

  • How has data analytics evolved specifically in the industry?
  • Are there any ways in which big data has disrupted the industry?
  • How do you see analytics changing the industry in the future?

Then provide insights into data analytics within the industry by answering the following questions:

  • What are the organizational roles associated with data analytics? Are there any that are unique to the industry?
  • What is the current demand for data analytics talent in the industry?

Finally, if you are interested in working within the industry, discuss:

  • What makes it your ideal career? What specific role would you like to play? Is there a position you aspire to? Why?
  • If this is not an industry you wish to work, explain why. Include a discussion of why the available roles do not interest you.

Be sure to incorporate compelling and supporting visualizations throughout your paper.

What to Submit

1. An executive report in a DOC or PDF format (Grade 60 points).

This report should not be longer than 4 pages, remember that first page is dedicated only to the title or front page of your report. In the other 3 pages, include the Introduction section, Industry Analysis section, Conclusions section, and References section.

In the Industry analysis section, include all your findings, important analysis, personal observations, professional interests on one or more industries, market projections, etc. Be organized.

Keep in mind that your report must:

  • Incorporates visualizations to support the written information (these should be highly connected to points being made in the text)
  • Be supported by a minimum of four (4) scholarly references.
  • Properly cites all sources using APA citation rules.

2. A power point presentation (Grade 40 points).

This power point will be presented during to your classmates next week. Present the same figures you included in your executive report, remember all the recommendations you have received during this class about best practices to present your slides. Practice and coordinate that your presentation takes about 4 minutes in total.

Due Date

Sunday at 11:59 pm

Turnitin review

Review your Turnitin score at the moment of report submission. It must NOT be higher than 15%.

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Analyses and Funding Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

My business is offering Marketing, Promotion and PR to a record label, artist and musicians.


Using your learning from MBA 520 and MBA 640, analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis. Justify the analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have

been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Critical Elements:

  •  Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.
  •  Include the following as part of your analysis:o Budget
    o Assessmentofassetsandliabilities
    o Anticipatedsourcesoffunding
    o Associatedcostsofattainingthatcapital
  •  Include relevant proforma financial reports: o Salesforecastso Cashflowstatements
    o Incomeprojections
    o Allotherrelevantreportsspecifictoyourconceptoridea

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Critical Elements

Proficient (100%)

Not Proficient (0%)


Main Elements

Includes most of the main elements

Does not include any of the main elements


Critical Thinking

Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Does not provide logical conclusions


Financial Analysis

Provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Does not provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point


Analysis Parts

Provides a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis

Does not provide a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis


Financial Reports


Provides proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and other relevant reports specific to concept or idea

Does not provide proforma financial reports


Articulation of Response

Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





CRM 123 Saint Leo University Rights Violations Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Review the case Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) in your text on page 35. In your response, explain why Speelman believed her due process rights had been violated. What were her main arguments? Did the Court agree with Speelman, or did it agree with the Bellingham? Do you think agree with the ruling if the Court? Why or why not?

2. Explain the difference between procedural due process and substantive due process. What is the substantive due process issue presented in Washington v. Glucksberg (1997)?

3. Earlier you were asked to contemplate the facts in Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority. Discuss whether you believe Speelman presented a valid argument before the court. As you consider whether access to the courts is a valid due process issue, please design or amend the existing law that would ensure that all people have access to the courts.

I have uploaded the case pages of Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) from my book. Feel free to use the internet for any other sources.

Please use APA format and double spacing. Please include references.


ACC 616 Grand Canyon University Researching Audit Issues Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please review the following case and complete the assignment:

Springer & Jones, CPAs, LLP, is currently auditing Worldwide Electronics Inc., which manufactures electronic equipment utilized around the world. The audit client purchases in bulk large quantities of various inventories of stock material to produce various specialized parts used in electronic equipment. The client claims that there might be some obsolete stock on hand from these bulk purchases, but states that to determine the complete degree of obsolescence is difficult due to the highly specialized nature of the product line which may not lead to renewed orders until future periods.

Springer & Jones, decided to first search the auditing standards to determine its responsibility, not being inventory experts, as to the extent of obsolescence. If the auditors conclude they do have a responsibility, they determined to utilize data analytics software to investigate the extent of obsolete inventory.

  • Search the auditing standards to determine the requirements, if any, for Springer & Jones to evaluate the extent of obsolescence.
  • Accountants will sometimes use judgement in the determination of obsolete inventory or other estimates. Discuss an ethical situation in which an accountant might manipulate an estimate for a favorable result for the company.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, any documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment.


BIOL 355 Hunter Body Planes and Sections and Directional Terminology Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a anatomy project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Lab Objectives:

MO 1 – Describe a person in anatomical position, identify anatomical regions and body cavities using appropriate terminology, and accurately identify right and left on anatomical specimens, drawings, and medical imaging.

MO 2 – Identify and define the various anatomic planes in which a body might be viewed and be able to describe the appearance of a body presented along various planes

MO 4 – Describe the major organs and the location and functions of each organ system.



SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on
    researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation:
    a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.
    a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources
    you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture,
    include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas
    on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 130 GCU Leadership Decision Making Skills Correctional Administration Discussion Law Assignment Help

Connecting Your Learning

Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 1: Apply leadership decision-making skills in a correctional administration environment.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the culture of correctional organizations from a leadership perspective.
  • Competency 3: Apply leadership skills and resource management decision making.
  • Competency 4: Determine ethical parameters applicable in correctional settings.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse populations.

In this assignment, the criteria in your Connect Your Learning Scoring Guide are directly aligned to Competencies 1–5 for the course.


This course has taken you on a journey of the correctional system in the United States. You have explored philosophies of corrections along with various strategies being used to achieve the goals of those philosophies. Rehabilitation and reintegration are the two philosophies that the correctional system is attempting to achieve in today’s society. There are several detriments that the correctional system will have to overcome for these two philosophies to be successful. It will be up to the future leaders in corrections to develop strategies to overcome these detriments and to further the possibility of making correctional staff more professional for the betterment of the correctional field, the inmates, and the community. For your final assignment, you will make connections between your learning and applications, showcased in leadership-specific contexts.


Prepare a 4–6-page paper (1–1.5 pages per competency for Competencies 1 through 4), focused on the course competencies:

  • Address two key areas of learning for each competency. Competency 5 will be showcased through your coverage of Competencies 1–4.
  • Showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.

Place your assignment in your ePortfolio for future reference, and to demonstrate your learning connections for future employment purposes.

Be sure to review the Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the criteria for this assignment.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Morgan State University Covid 19 Management in Saudi and United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Crisis Management and Risks

Crisis management, an important planning process, reached global importance with the industrial and environmental disasters of the 1980s. A crisis is a threat to the organization, includes an element of surprise, and requires the organization to respond in a short period of time. Even though there is an element of surprise, organizations can prepare for some measure of risk. Managing crises and risks are more relevant today as businesses deal with protecting data, utilizing ethical supply chains, manage cross-cultural communications, focus on producing safe products, and evaluate how to forestall man-made environmental disasters. COVID-19 is a crisis facing businesses, governments, and societies across the globe. Consider COVID-19 and the impact on businesses.

Be sure that you accurately answer/cover the following in your analysis:

  1. Research the impact of COVID-19 on business organizations in Saudi Arabia and one other country of your choosing.
  2. From your research, what have been successful and unsuccessful examples of crisis management in both countries?
  3. How can your chosen country manage the crisis as it impacts supply chains, privacy of data, cross-cultural communications, and development of safe products (medical or otherwise)?
  4. What knowledge have you gained from your crisis management research that might be useful when considering ethical scandals?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. Please Use APA format.


MSU Decision Making for Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Wal Mart Case Writing Assignment Help

Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions.

  1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Was this a good strategy for Walmart? Why or why not?
  2. What cultural problems did Walmart face in some of the international markets it entered?

Now, assume the role as the Director of Walmart’s global strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into one of the following regions. Choose one of the following regions and describe the opportunities and challenges in that region. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation.


  • Latin America
  • European Union
  • Southeast Asia
  • Russia
  • Middle East

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


University of South Africa Career Path Statement of Purpose Paper Writing Assignment Help

Statement of Purpose (100 words)

Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?

Essay (400 words)

Option #1:

Cardinal O’Hara established the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame in 1921, firmly committed to the idea that “the primary function of commerce is service to mankind”. As the world economy continues to grow and change, how do you see business acting as a positive force in the world?

Option #2:

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, C.S.C, with a mission to become “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country”. In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame appeared to be at a sudden, abrupt end. A massive fire destroyed the building that housed virtually the entire University. Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interpreted the fire as a sign that he had dreamed too small, and decided to rebuild, bigger and better than ever. That Main Building still stands today, topped by the gleaming Golden Dome, not only as an iconic campus building, but as an ongoing symbol of perseverance and vision.

Tell us the story of a time in your own life or career when you had to overcome an obstacle, start over, or rebuild.


Industry Analysis

Overview and Rationale

As you complete this course and begin your program it is important to have a clear idea of the industry you want to work in and the role you want to prepare for. You have already done some initial research on a role within data analytics. In this assignment, you will research an industry to learn how big data analytics has changed the industry and what place you would like to play, as a data scientist, in the industry.

Module Objectives

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning objectives from this module:

  • Investigate impacts of data analytics on industry
  • Describe the evolution of data analytics
  • Create data visualizations to highlight data from research.

Assignment Summary

In this assignment, you will research and write about the impact Big Data analytics has had on a specific industry.

Begin by selecting one of the industries discussed in this course (i.e., medical, energy, insurance, criminal justice, transportation, etc.) or an industry have an interest in. You are to research the scale, effects, impacts, and disruptions that Big Data analytics have had on the industry.

Write a paper incorporates the concepts presented in this course by

  • discussing how a specific industry has been effected by big data analytics
  • discussing how the role you are interested in playing is placed within the industry
  • providing visualizations of the main points you are making

Begin by presenting your findings about this industry and answer the following questions:

  • How has data analytics evolved specifically in the industry?
  • Are there any ways in which big data has disrupted the industry?
  • How do you see analytics changing the industry in the future?

Then provide insights into data analytics within the industry by answering the following questions:

  • What are the organizational roles associated with data analytics? Are there any that are unique to the industry?
  • What is the current demand for data analytics talent in the industry?

Finally, if you are interested in working within the industry, discuss:

  • What makes it your ideal career? What specific role would you like to play? Is there a position you aspire to? Why?
  • If this is not an industry you wish to work, explain why. Include a discussion of why the available roles do not interest you.

Be sure to incorporate compelling and supporting visualizations throughout your paper.

What to Submit

1. An executive report in a DOC or PDF format (Grade 60 points).

This report should not be longer than 4 pages, remember that first page is dedicated only to the title or front page of your report. In the other 3 pages, include the Introduction section, Industry Analysis section, Conclusions section, and References section.

In the Industry analysis section, include all your findings, important analysis, personal observations, professional interests on one or more industries, market projections, etc. Be organized.

Keep in mind that your report must:

  • Incorporates visualizations to support the written information (these should be highly connected to points being made in the text)
  • Be supported by a minimum of four (4) scholarly references.
  • Properly cites all sources using APA citation rules.

2. A power point presentation (Grade 40 points).

This power point will be presented during to your classmates next week. Present the same figures you included in your executive report, remember all the recommendations you have received during this class about best practices to present your slides. Practice and coordinate that your presentation takes about 4 minutes in total.

Due Date

Sunday at 11:59 pm

Turnitin review

Review your Turnitin score at the moment of report submission. It must NOT be higher than 15%.

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Analyses and Funding Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

My business is offering Marketing, Promotion and PR to a record label, artist and musicians.


Using your learning from MBA 520 and MBA 640, analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis. Justify the analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have

been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Critical Elements:

  •  Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.
  •  Include the following as part of your analysis:o Budget
    o Assessmentofassetsandliabilities
    o Anticipatedsourcesoffunding
    o Associatedcostsofattainingthatcapital
  •  Include relevant proforma financial reports: o Salesforecastso Cashflowstatements
    o Incomeprojections
    o Allotherrelevantreportsspecifictoyourconceptoridea

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Critical Elements

Proficient (100%)

Not Proficient (0%)


Main Elements

Includes most of the main elements

Does not include any of the main elements


Critical Thinking

Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Does not provide logical conclusions


Financial Analysis

Provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Does not provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point


Analysis Parts

Provides a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis

Does not provide a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis


Financial Reports


Provides proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and other relevant reports specific to concept or idea

Does not provide proforma financial reports


Articulation of Response

Submission does not have critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





CRM 123 Saint Leo University Rights Violations Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Review the case Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) in your text on page 35. In your response, explain why Speelman believed her due process rights had been violated. What were her main arguments? Did the Court agree with Speelman, or did it agree with the Bellingham? Do you think agree with the ruling if the Court? Why or why not?

2. Explain the difference between procedural due process and substantive due process. What is the substantive due process issue presented in Washington v. Glucksberg (1997)?

3. Earlier you were asked to contemplate the facts in Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority. Discuss whether you believe Speelman presented a valid argument before the court. As you consider whether access to the courts is a valid due process issue, please design or amend the existing law that would ensure that all people have access to the courts.

I have uploaded the case pages of Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority (2012) from my book. Feel free to use the internet for any other sources.

Please use APA format and double spacing. Please include references.


ACC 616 Grand Canyon University Researching Audit Issues Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please review the following case and complete the assignment:

Springer & Jones, CPAs, LLP, is currently auditing Worldwide Electronics Inc., which manufactures electronic equipment utilized around the world. The audit client purchases in bulk large quantities of various inventories of stock material to produce various specialized parts used in electronic equipment. The client claims that there might be some obsolete stock on hand from these bulk purchases, but states that to determine the complete degree of obsolescence is difficult due to the highly specialized nature of the product line which may not lead to renewed orders until future periods.

Springer & Jones, decided to first search the auditing standards to determine its responsibility, not being inventory experts, as to the extent of obsolescence. If the auditors conclude they do have a responsibility, they determined to utilize data analytics software to investigate the extent of obsolete inventory.

  • Search the auditing standards to determine the requirements, if any, for Springer & Jones to evaluate the extent of obsolescence.
  • Accountants will sometimes use judgement in the determination of obsolete inventory or other estimates. Discuss an ethical situation in which an accountant might manipulate an estimate for a favorable result for the company.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, any documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment.


BIOL 355 Hunter Body Planes and Sections and Directional Terminology Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a anatomy project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Lab Objectives:

MO 1 – Describe a person in anatomical position, identify anatomical regions and body cavities using appropriate terminology, and accurately identify right and left on anatomical specimens, drawings, and medical imaging.

MO 2 – Identify and define the various anatomic planes in which a body might be viewed and be able to describe the appearance of a body presented along various planes

MO 4 – Describe the major organs and the location and functions of each organ system.



SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on
    researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation:
    a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.
    a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources
    you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture,
    include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas
    on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

SDSU Transformational Leadership Style on Small Scale Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 130 GCU Leadership Decision Making Skills Correctional Administration Discussion Law Assignment Help

Connecting Your Learning

Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 1: Apply leadership decision-making skills in a correctional administration environment.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the culture of correctional organizations from a leadership perspective.
  • Competency 3: Apply leadership skills and resource management decision making.
  • Competency 4: Determine ethical parameters applicable in correctional settings.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse populations.

In this assignment, the criteria in your Connect Your Learning Scoring Guide are directly aligned to Competencies 1–5 for the course.


This course has taken you on a journey of the correctional system in the United States. You have explored philosophies of corrections along with various strategies being used to achieve the goals of those philosophies. Rehabilitation and reintegration are the two philosophies that the correctional system is attempting to achieve in today’s society. There are several detriments that the correctional system will have to overcome for these two philosophies to be successful. It will be up to the future leaders in corrections to develop strategies to overcome these detriments and to further the possibility of making correctional staff more professional for the betterment of the correctional field, the inmates, and the community. For your final assignment, you will make connections between your learning and applications, showcased in leadership-specific contexts.


Prepare a 4–6-page paper (1–1.5 pages per competency for Competencies 1 through 4), focused on the course competencies:

  • Address two key areas of learning for each competency. Competency 5 will be showcased through your coverage of Competencies 1–4.
  • Showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.

Place your assignment in your ePortfolio for future reference, and to demonstrate your learning connections for future employment purposes.

Be sure to review the Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the criteria for this assignment.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Morgan State University Covid 19 Management in Saudi and United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Crisis Management and Risks

Crisis management, an important planning process, reached global importance with the industrial and environmental disasters of the 1980s. A crisis is a threat to the organization, includes an element of surprise, and requires the organization to respond in a short period of time. Even though there is an element of surprise, organizations can prepare for some measure of risk. Managing crises and risks are more relevant today as businesses deal with protecting data, utilizing ethical supply chains, manage cross-cultural communications, focus on producing safe products, and evaluate how to forestall man-made environmental disasters. COVID-19 is a crisis facing businesses, governments, and societies across the globe. Consider COVID-19 and the impact on businesses.

Be sure that you accurately answer/cover the following in your analysis:

  1. Research the impact of COVID-19 on business organizations in Saudi Arabia and one other country of your choosing.
  2. From your research, what have been successful and unsuccessful examples of crisis management in both countries?
  3. How can your chosen country manage the crisis as it impacts supply chains, privacy of data, cross-cultural communications, and development of safe products (medical or otherwise)?
  4. What knowledge have you gained from your crisis management research that might be useful when considering ethical scandals?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. Please Use APA format.


MSU Decision Making for Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Wal Mart Case Writing Assignment Help

Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions.

  1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Was this a good strategy for Walmart? Why or why not?
  2. What cultural problems did Walmart face in some of the international markets it entered?

Now, assume the role as the Director of Walmart’s global strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into one of the following regions. Choose one of the following regions and describe the opportunities and challenges in that region. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation.


  • Latin America
  • European Union
  • Southeast Asia
  • Russia
  • Middle East

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


University of South Africa Career Path Statement of Purpose Paper Writing Assignment Help

Statement of Purpose (100 words)

Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?Please share your short term professional goals. How does the Notre Dame MBA help achieve your career goals?

Essay (400 words)

Option #1:

Cardinal O’Hara established the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame in 1921, firmly committed to the idea that “the primary function of commerce is service to mankind”. As the world economy continues to grow and change, how do you see business acting as a positive force in the world?

Option #2:

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, C.S.C, with a mission to become “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country”. In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame appeared to be at a sudden, abrupt end. A massive fire destroyed the building that housed virtually the entire University. Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interpreted the fire as a sign that he had dreamed too small, and decided to rebuild, bigger and better than ever. That Main Building still stands today, topped by the gleaming Golden Dome, not only as an iconic campus building, but as an ongoing symbol of perseverance and vision.

Tell us the story of a time in your own life or career when you had to overcome an obstacle, start over, or rebuild.


Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Northeastern University Role of Data Scientist in Telecommunications Industry PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

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