Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1.What insights does the Statement of Cash Flows provide regarding financial analysis?

2.Why are financial ratios used? List the five major categories of ratios presented in the chapter.

3.Identify and write out the equations for six profitability ratios. What do each of these ratios specifically measure?

4.Why is the basic earnings power ratio (BEP) useful?

5.Why does the use of debt lower ROA?

6.Identify and write out the equations for four ratios that are used to measure how effectively a firm is managing its assets. What do each of these ratios specifically measure?

7.What problem might arise when comparing different firms’ fixed assets turnover ratios?

8.Identify and write out the equations for two ratios that are used to analyze a firm’s liquidity position. What do each of these ratios specifically measure?

9.What are the characteristics of a liquid asset? Which current asset is typically the least liquid? Why?

10.How does the use of financial leverage affect current stockholders’ control position?

11.Identify and write out the equations for seven ratios that are used to measure the extent to which a firm uses financial leverage. What do each of these ratios specifically measure?

12.Identify and write out the equations for four market value ratios. What do each of these ratios specifically measure?

13.If one firm’s P/E ratio is lower than that of another, what are some factors that might explain the difference?

14.Explain why book values often deviate from market values.

15.What is a trend analysis, and what important information does it provide?

16.What is common size analysis and percentage change analysis?

17.What is comparative analysis and benchmarking?

18.List at least three potential problems with ratio analysis.

19.Different groups conduct financial ratio analysis. These groups could include managers, equity investors, long-term and short-term creditors. What is the primary emphasis of each of these groups in evaluating ratios?

Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NVCC Written Contracts and Employee & Independent Contractor Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law question and need an explanation to help me learn.

There’s a legal requirement that some contracts must be in writing in order for the contract to be enforceable. Please develop a fact pattern where the contract meets one of these areas requiring a written contract. Also, share your rationale as to why the court requires writing in some circumstances and not in others.

With a whole gig economy, there are constant questions of whether a person is an independent contractor or employee. Please tell me why it matters. What would you prefer and why? Independent contractors or employees? Be sure to explain your position.


PSYCH 041 Los Angeles Valley College Eriksons Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Best written with titled paragraphs, your personal timeline describes the events in your life that best illustrated Erikson’s eight stages. Describe these events and the ages in which they occurred. Include each of Erikson’s stages and the associated ages. You don’t have to include EVERY year of your life, just the significant Erikson-related moments. Include an analysis of these moments, using Erikson’s stages. Please use these age ranges:

Trust vs. Mistrust (0-1)
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (1-3) (aim for being a 2-year-old)
Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6) (stick to pre-school years, not elem. ed.)
Industry vs. Incompetence (6-11) (stick to elem ed., not middle school)
Identity vs. Role Confusion (11-22) (stick to high school)
Intimacy vs. Isolation (22-40) (aim for the 30’s)
Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-65) (think about your 50’s)
Integrity vs. Despair (65+) (think about the few years before you die)

Here’s a Sample Personal Timeline

Papers must be 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, and uploaded below. If you don’t how to upload a paper, read the instructions. Please run your spell-check beforehand! Try reading your paper out loud. This is a great way to catch errors. Your paper should be in standard English, with appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. You are not texting your friends here. This is a college course, and college-level communication is expected. If you need help with writing your paper, please make use of Writing help. You may want to see how to do this on the Online Tutoring page.

College guidelines on are strictly enforced. Original work is expected; copying off the internet is considered.Quoting a source is fine when necessary, but sources MUST be cited. Quoted material should be under 15%.


Liberty University Block Periodization of Endurance Training Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a fitness question and need support to help me understand better.

Agree 400 words minimum and 2
citations and Disagree 400 word minimum with 2 citations from any of the following sources: peer-reviewed journal articles,
published textbooks, or publications directly associated with the content being


You are working with a high school football player. What type of
periodization model would likely be the most effective for this athlete?

are several periodization models that could be used to train high
school football players, and still, be as effective as a different
model. For example, Riggio considered the conjugate method as the most
effective for his athletes. The periodization models will depend on the
sport and the number of competitions throughout the year as well as the
athlete’s experience.

I think that a high school football player will benefit the most from
block periodization (non-traditional periodization). This periodization
model was introduced by Vladimir Issurin to shorten the time spent
during each microcycle and mesocycle, adding more variation than a
traditional model but by still focusing on only one training goal within
one- to four-week period. (Chandler & Brown, 2019) High school
football as many other sports consists of one competition season per
year. The annual training plan will be divided into a preparatory phase
and a competitive phase. Within the preparatory phase, there are two
additional phases: general preparatory subphase and specific preparatory
subphase. The competitive phase is also divided into two phases: a
precompetitive subphase and a main competitive subphase. This model
allows the athletes to work through blocks of accumulation,
transmutation, and realization in a more frequent way than with a
traditional model.

When working with a track athlete, how might the preparatory and
competitive phases differ? What determines the length of the competitive

A track athlete, especially a runner, will need to plan the
competitions he or she would like to attend before designing a
macrocycle. This will determine how many peaks throughout the year the
athlete will need to aim for. In this case, an undulating periodization
model might be a better option because it allows the athlete to work on
multiples abilities (hypertrophy, strength, power, etc.) while reaching
multiple planned peaks throughout the year. (Chandler & Brown, 2019)

A preparatory phase consists of high volume at low intensity
since the goal during this phase is to develop physiological adaptations
like aerobic endurance. If the athlete is a high-jumper or long-jumper,
then this phase will also include the introduction to plyometric work.
This phase length will depend on the athlete’s experience and
weaknesses. On the other hand, the competitive phase will consist of
higher intensity and more specific training. During this phase, the
athlete should work on maintaining the physiological adaptations
developed throughout the preparation phase but with the main goal of
increasing the athlete’s level of preparedness and performance.
(Chandler & Brown, 2019) The length of the competitive phase will
depend on the number of events the runner competes on as well as the
number of races performs per event (eliminatory, semifinal, final).

3. When working with a distance runner, how might the general preparatory and specific preparatory phases differ?

The goal of a long-distance runner is to develop basic
endurance, coordination, low-intensity agility, and strength by working
at 70-75% of their max heart rate during the general preparatory phase.
In contrast, the specific preparatory phase may consist of high-volume
sessions coupled with high-intensity sessions, to stimulate energetic
mechanisms and body responses that simulate sport-specific events, in
this case, long-distance run at a race pace. (Chandler & Brown,
2019) (Powers & Howley, 2018)

4. You are working with a shot putter in the general phase of training. How might you apply the block model of periodization?

The general block within the block periodization is also known
as the accumulation block. During this block, the shot putter will focus
on high volume and low-intensity lifts, and the assimilation of
low-intensity plyometric training. This is to develop general strength,
endurance, and coordination. (Chandler & Brown, 2019)

You are talking with a fellow coach who wants to know how the classic
model of periodization differs from the block model. How might you
explain it?

classic periodization model involves the manipulation of training
variables (intensity and volume) over long periods of time. For example,
the periods of hypertrophy and strength/power during the pre-season and
peaking and active rest during the in-season and off-season
respectively are individually addressed per mesocycle. The limitations
found for elite athletes in this model are monotony and the inability to
adjust to busy schedules. Whereas, if an athlete works with a different
model, they might have the opportunity to spend more time working on
weaker areas instead of spending time on areas that they are proficient
at. (Chandler & Brown, 2019)

block periodization model originates from the classic model, but it
adds more variation within the year. In this case, the training
variables are manipulated more frequently than in the classic model. A
mesocycle in this model consists of a general, specific, competitive,
and recovery block, whereas a mesocycle in the classic model might
consist only of hypertrophy development. This allows elite athletes to
spend more time training weak areas or giving them more chances
throughout the year to do so. Also, this model adds more variability
within the training cycle. (Chandler & Brown, 2019)

6. After looking at the literature, how might you compare developmental, concentrated loading, and general blocks?

The developmental or standard loading consist of the
manipulation of training variables in an opposite fashion, for example,
high volume is combined with low intensity and vice versa. (Bompa &
Haff, 2009)

concentrated loading consists of the combination of high volumes and
high intensities programmed for a short period of time. (Bompa &
Haff, 2009) This is also called overreaching. Overreaching might
temporarily compromise performance, but it will induce a
supercompensation effect after the stress is reduced. (Chandler &
Brown, 2019)

The general block refers to the implementation of high volumes
while keeping intensity low. This allows the body to develop basic
physiological adaptations. (Chandler & Brown, 2019)

7. How does a competitive and realization block differ? What are the general characteristics of each?

competitive block can also be referred to as the realization block.
This block allows the athlete to train as he or she will compete. For
example, a runner will be doing repetitions at a race pace, while a shot
putter might focus on mastering the technique. In other words, this
block allows the athletes to simulate the competition scenario.
(Chandler & Brown, 2019)

8. Discuss the
importance of gaining wisdom and knowledge and how that would apply to a
strength coach.

In this verse, we notice how God wants us to be more
knowledgeable rather than keep applying old theories and concepts that
were relevant years ago. The exercise science field still has a lot to
be discovered and God has chosen us to discover that knowledge and share
it with the rest. A strength coach has a lot of tools and theories to
use when working with an athlete, but it is important for him to
continue learning and searching for new modalities of training. This
will contribute to God’s plan of developing the best version of the
athletes he or she train.


  1. When working with a distance runner, how might the general preparatory and specific preparatory phases differ?

general preparatory phase may begin with the athlete breaking down the
running gait and preparing the athlete strength training to prevent
injury. The specific preparatory phase is where the athletes training
will begin to be altered to fit their training and intensity is higher.

  1. You are working with a shot putter in the general phase of training; how might you apply the block model of periodization?

would have the athlete begin in the accumulation phase where they begin
increasing strength and developing specific movements then progressing
through the transmutation and realization block phases as needed to
avoid detraining and continue to adapt.

  1. You are talking with a fellow coach who wants to know how the classic model of periodization differs from the block model; how might you explain it?

block model is more flexible to change and falls within a specific
sequence of training where periodization is a phase of training within
the annual year where they will be focused on specific concepts.

  1. After looking at the literature, how might you compare developmental, concentrated loading and general blocks?

blocks are used for traditional and summated microcycles and progressed
as they become more concentrated into overreaching microcycles where
the athlete is overreaching ad unloading to continue to progress without
losing the level of fitness they are at.

  1. How do a competitive and realization block differ? What are their general characteristics?

competitive block is where the athlete is preparing for competition and
is beginning to train specifically where the realization block is the
final stage of training before a meet where they will begin to get
specific and ready mentally.

  1. Reflect
    on the following verse from Proverbs 24:5 “A wise man has great power,
    and a man of knowledge increases strength” and discuss the importance of
    gaining wisdom and knowledge and how that would apply to a strength

knowledge and wisdom as a coach is power to help educate your staff and
team on how to be better. Just like in our faith at times were we are
learning and growing and want to share that with others we should do
that with our team to become better athletes and individuals.


Gratham University Week 7 Ford Firestone Ethics Case Study Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Ford-Firestone Ethics Case Study

Please read the article The Ford-Firestone Case found in the Week 7 required reading.

Upon reading the article, please complete the following items:

Provide a review of this article using APA formatting guidelines.  The paper should be a minimal of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page.  At least four references (including the article used for the summary) are required for this paper.

Content Requirements

1.)Provide a summary of the case within the article

2.)Who do you think was at fault for the tire exploding?  Please support your claim with evidence from the article and other references.

3.)Were there any ethical violations committed from either Ford or Firestone?  Please support your claim with evidence from the article and other references.

4.)Please apply the lessons learned from this case and apply it to a particular situation from either your past, current, or future career.

Provide a review of this article using APA formatting guidelines.  The paper should be a minimal of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page.  At least four references (including the article used for the summary) are required for this paper.



University of Alabama at Birmingham Abolition Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

During this time in American, the abolition movement was in full swing. Who was part of the abolition movement? Read about the movement in Chapter 12. For this reflection assignment, you’ll need to read page 451 in your textbook, “Frederick Douglass, Speech on July 5, 1852, Rochester, New York.” If you’d like to read the entire speech, you can find it HERE (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

  • In your usual three paragraphs, first introduce the abolition movement. Who was part of this movement and why? Give examples.
  • Who was against it and why? What attempts were made to stop the abolition movement?
  • After reading the speech, what did the Fourth of July mean to Frederick Douglass and why? What makes his speech so powerful even today? Compare that to what the Fourth of July may have meant to the founding fathers in 1776 and to what it means to you today.
  • Listen to James Earl Jones read the speech below.

I am also included a link below to a PBS article where you can read more about the speech and watch an enactment. Remember that his name is spelled “Frederick Douglass.” I’m looking forward to your answers! Link to PBS Article about the speech

University of Alabama at Birmingham Abolition Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Saudi Electronic University Public Health Preventive Care Measures Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical exercise and need support to help me learn.

Please I need you to answer these questions with references and 200 words for each question.

In general, preventive care refers to measures taken to prevent diseases instead of curing or treating the symptoms. Suggest and explain at least one example of public health measure that can be taken to control childhood obesity at each of the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention? (you have to explain each prevention levels and give example).

If public health is really so successful, why are people still getting sick and engaging in behaviors that are bad for their health. what do you think are the most impotent problems for public health to address today? on other words, why do we need so many types of health departments, organizations, and sectors to collaborate? (you can use lecture 1 and lecture 4 as a references)

Evaluate the impact that health care factors such as availability, acceptability and accessibility…. etc, of health services that provided to population have on an individual and society, and the implications this may have for wider society?


MAN 3065 Miami Dade Kohlbergs Ethical and Moral Development Theory Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Essay and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • What is your definition of Integrity? How can we develop greater integrity? Use specific details and examples from your readings, what you’ve heard in discussions and experienced. Use examples and evidence to support your ideas and communicates your message.(Min. 350 words).
  • Why is it important to study business ethics? Why are ethics important in managerial decision making? Explain the benefits of having an ethical culture in your organization.(Min. 250 words)
  • Explain Kohlberg’s Ethical and Moral development theory and how it is to be used. For each stage, give a brief example of how it may be used in a business setting. (Min. 250 words)
  • Why was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created and how has it changed the legal aspects of business ethics? What was the role of the Enron case in its creation? Indicate some of the most important protections it has created.(Min. 250 words)
  • Research and Answer–What is corporate culture and what role does business ethics play an important part in it? Give an example of company which has a strong corporate culture, and after researching the culture, explain how business ethics plays an important part in that culture. Reference at least three resources you used in your resource. (Min. 350 words)
  • For your own company, design a 5-7 point code of ethics indicating the important aspects of serving your customer.
  • Describe how you would perform an ethics audit and social audit for your company.(Min. 250 Words)
  • Which would you focus on more in your company, a compliance orientation or a value orientation? Why and how would you implement it? (Min. 250 words)
  • Describe ethical leadership and why it is an advantageous and important leadership style. Give an example of a dilemma where ethical leadership can play a part. (Min. 250 words).
  • Should social responsibility be a requirement of companies? Explain how it is a benefit when money is used from company profits to fund those projects. Why should companies focus on social responsibility in their practices? (Min. 250 words).


Folsom Lake College JAVA Programming and Software Engineering Project Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a software engineering project and need support to help me study.

We are working on a project of designing school website. My part is the student page info which shows info

So I need you to fill out these three questions according to the features I am doing. And then write a code as well as their class diagram

Student page (info)

  1. Name / id
  2. Current year
  3. Current semester
  4. List of current enrolled classes
  5. Enrollment date

Class Diagram Tasks:

Look at your user stories/reqs/features/conversations, and then come up with the methods, instance variables that would apply to the Person, Student or Teacher objects.

Determine the following for your feature in relation to the class object:

  1. Instance Variable needed? If so, which object should receive it?
  2. Method required? If so, what is the the return type, and parameters passed (include type) and Which object should these go in?
  3. Can you think of any interaction outside of the object that is required for it to work?

Example: Log in, must interact with school server to verify pass-word.

Use the same format as the User Story document: Name, overall feature, and then list individual features, and under that list the above 4 bullet points.


CJ 683 Southern New Hampshire Module 7 Journal Intelligence Collection Paper Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law question and need an explanation to help me study.

In this brief journal assignment, you will share your thinking about the subject of your intelligence report. The subject is where you state the threat for quick reference by other intelligence agencies.

The journal assignment should include a succinct statement that clearly and concisely states the threat as the subject of your intelligence report for quick reference by other intelligence agencies.

You should follow this concise statement of the threat with a well-developed paragraph that includes details on why you stated the threat as you did. This explanation should be separate from the statement and should support your decisions for identifying the threat and stating the threat using the statement you wrote.

Overview: In the milestone submitted in Module Seven, you pulled together three of the sections of your second course project, the intelligence report. In this
brief journal assignment, you will add your thinking about the subject of the intelligence report. This space, which is private between student and instructor, also
gives you the chance to ask your instructor questions specific to your work before submitting both of your final projects in the next module.

Prompt: In this brief journal assignment, you will share your thinking about the subject of your intelligence report. The subject is where you state the threat for
quick reference by other intelligence agencies.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Threat: State the threat clearly and concisely using only one or two sentences. These sentences provide the subject of your intelligence report for quick
reference by other intelligence agencies.

II. Support: Offer support for why you stated the threat as you did. This explanation should be separate from the one to two sentences on the threat.
Support your decisions for identifying the threat and stating the threat using the sentences you wrote.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The journal
assignment should include a succinct, 1- to 2-sentence statement of the threat followed by a well-developed paragraph that includes details on why you stated
the threat as you did.

I will provide previous topics for this submission


Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Northern Arizona University Chapter 3 Statement of Cash Flows Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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