Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help. Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help.

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Step 1

(note: Arrays in Raptor, the first index starts at 1.)

Read/Review Arrays in Java (Note: Arrays in Java, the first index starts at 0.)

Create a program in Raptor to read in 5 numerical grades and then display the overall average grade and all grades that were over the average. The number that you entered and are above the calculated average.age.

Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 102 American Public Univerity Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008 paper Economics Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal government to counteract business cycle fluctuations and prevent high rates of unemployment and inflation. Demand side policies are government attempts to alter aggregate demand (AD) through using fiscal (cutting taxes and increasing government spending) or monetary policy (reducing interest rates). To shift the aggregate demand (AD) to the right, the government has to increase the government spending (the G-component of AD) causing consumer expenditures (the C-component of AD) to increase. Alternatively, the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates, reducing the cost of borrowing thereby encouraging consumer spending and investment borrowing. Both policies will lead to an increase in AD.

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented at the federal level during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy. Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required.

Your paper should be structured as follows

1. Cover page with a running head

2. Introduction: What is the economic meaning of a recession?

A brief discussion of fiscal policies

A brief discussion of monetary policies

3. Conclusions: Discuss the extent to which the use of demand-side policies (fiscal

policy and monetary policy) during the Great Recession of 2008 was successful in restoring economic growth and reducing unemployment.

4. References

NOTE: Be sure to check the Syllabus Addendum posted under the Announcements tab for a guide to writing the paper


Northern Virginia Community College Reverse Array Problem Programming Assignment Help

Review Array HW

Array Problem 1: Reverse. Given an array of numbers or letters, Reverse the array manually.

In this problem you are to write a program to explore the above array for a treasure. The values in the array are clues. Each cell contains an integer between 11 and 55; for each value the ten’s digit represents the row number and the unit’s digit represents the column number of the cell containing the next clue. Starting in the upper left corner (at 1,1), use the clues to guide your search of the array. (The first three clues are 11, 34, 42). The treasure is a cell whose value is the same as its coordinates. Your program must first read in the treasure map data into a 5 by 5 array. Your program should output the cells it visits during its search, and a message indicating where you found the treasure.

Create your program in Raptor OR Java (your choice) and submit results to the link below for grading.


George Washington University R Studio Programming Questions Programming Assignment Help

4questions, there are 3 questions is to about shiny app.


Create three Apps in the appropriate folders in the homework repo in accordance with the instructions below.

:1 .Create a Shiny app based on the mpg dataset from the ggplot2 package.

  • Allow a user to select three variables from the dataset.
  • The app should output a scatterplot of two of the variables and color code the points by the third variable.
  • Make the default variables the ones in the image below.
    • 3.Researchers were interested in predicting residential home sales prices in a Midwestern city as a function of various characteristics of the home and surrounding property. Data on 522 transactions were obtained for home sales during the year 2002. The 13 variables are:
    • Price: Sales price of residence (in dollars)
    • Area: Finished area of residence (in square feet)
    • Bed: Total number of bedrooms in residence
    • Bath: Total number of bathrooms in residence
    • AC: 1 = presence of air conditioning, 0 = absence of air conditioning
    • Garage: Number of cars that a garage will hold
    • Pool: 1 = presence of a pool, 0 = absence of a pool
    • Year: Year property was originally constructed
    • Quality: Index for quality of construction. High, Medium, or Low.
    • Style: Categorical variable indicating architectural style
    • Lot: Lot size (in square feet)
    • Highway: 1 = highway adjacent, 0 = highway not adjacent.

    We’ve seen these data a few times before.

    3.1 Build a Shiny App with the following attributes:

    1. Three tabs. The first tab is for univariate analysis. The second tab is for bivariate analysis. The third tab is for a spreadsheet of the numeric variables in the data.
    2. The inputs/outputs for the univariate analysis should be:
    • The variable of interest.
    • Do the analysis on the log scale or not?
    • The number of bins in the histogram.
    • The null value for a one-sample t-test.
    • Output the results of the one-sample t-test. The results of the test should be done on the log or non-log scale according to the user options.
    • Output a histogram if the variable is numeric and a barplot otherwise.
    1. The inputs/outputs for the bivariate analysis should be:
    • The two variables of interest.
    • Whether to log each variable. Only numeric variables should be logged.
    • Whether to add an OLS line.
    • Output a scatter plot if both variables are numeric, a boxplot if one is numeric and one is categorical, and a jitter plot if both are categorical.
    1. The spreadsheet tab should contain a Data Table with only the numeric variables. Use a map*() function to select these.
    2. Try to make your Shiny app as visually similar to my app as you can.
    • Hint: You can make this a lot easier by taking advantage of the modularity built into ggplot2:
    • Hint: I found it easier to use geom_boxploth() from the ggstance library instead of using coord_flip().
    • Hint: Think carefully about which variables should be treated as categorical and which should be treated as quantitative. Transform as appropriate when you load the data.


Northern Virginia Community College Project Control and Monitoring Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Monitoring and Control

Activity 1: Earned Value Management

Complete Exercise 2 in Schwalbe, pp. 334-335. Don’t forget the EV curves!

Activity 2: Status Reporting

Using the template in the Important Documents folder, specifically in Communications, complete a status report based on the planning phase deliverables and simulate progress in Execution.

Activity 3: Monitoring Agile Projects

There are 2 key tools for assessing the progress of Agile SCRUM projects: the SCRUM board itself and the Burn Down chart. Watch


Task: Submit Activity 1 and Activity 2 – your status report.

Submit Here.



Java Question Programming Assignment Help

Part 1

Items that people can purchase must implement the Item interface:

* Represents an item purchased at an e-commerce web site. An item has
* associated with it an item id (the unique stock number for this item),
* an item name (a string name for the item), a quantity (the number of
* units of the item) and a unit price (the price of each unit of the
* item.) Note that implementations of this interface should use
* their constructors to set the initial values of these attributes.
public interface Item {
* Returns the number of units of this item.
* @return Number of units of this item.
public int getQuantity ();

* Returns the stock number for this item.
* @return The stock number (unique id) for this item.
public String getItemId ();

* Returns the (non-unique) string name of this item.
* @return String name of this item
public String getItemName ();

* Returns the unit price of this item (before tax.) E.g., if there
* are three units of the item, and each costs $2.99, this method
* will return 2.99.
* @return Unit price of item
public float getUnitPrice ();

* Returns the price of this item. This is simply the product of the
* (unit cost) * (number of units)
* with applicable taxes added.
* @return Price of this item
public float getTotalPrice ();

* Returns this item in string form suitable for displaying.
* @return Displayable form of item.
public String toString();

In Ontario, the taxes to be added to items include the provincial sales tax (PST) of 8%, together with the federal sales tax (GST) of 7%. In Alberta, there is no provincial sales tax, so prices include only the GST. Provide two implementations of the Item interface, one for Ontario and one for Alberta. Provide a class diagram showing these classes and their attributes. Hint: you may implement a common superclass for items which your Ontario and Alberta classes extend. You may not modify the Item interface.

Part 2

Using the abstract factory design pattern, create an ItemFactory interface, and implementations of this interface for the Ontario and Alberta item classes. Provide a class diagram showing how the abstract factory pattern was applied. This interface is as follows:

public interface ItemFactory {
* Creates an Item with the given stock id, name and quantity.
public Item createItem (String id, String name, int quantity, float unitPrice);

Part 3

A shopping basket class should implement the following interface:

import java.util.Enumeration;
public interface ShoppingBasket {
* Adds an item into the shopping basket. If the item
* is already in the basket, the number of units of this item
* are added to the quantity of the existing item.
* @param newItem The item to be added.
public void addItem (Item newItem);

* Removes the given item from the shopping basket. The
* number of units in deletedItem are removed from the
* basket. E.g., if there are 10 units of the item in the
* basket, and we remove 3 units of the item, 7 units will
* remain.
public void removeItem (Item deletedItem);

* Returns an enumeration allowing the shopping list to be
* traversed.
public Enumeration elements ();

* Returns a version of the shopping basket in string form
* suitable for displaying.
public String toString ();

Provide an implementation of this interface. Your implementation should use the object adapter design pattern, based on Java’s Hashtable class. Provide a class diagram showing how the object adapter pattern was applied. In case of ambiguity in the description of the Shopping Basket interface above, include a note in your report explaining the ambiguity and how you resolved it.


  • Look at the documentation for the Enumeration interface and the Hashtable class.
  • You can use the item id as a hash key.
  • Note that the Hashtable class already implements a method that returns an enumeration.
  • In order to change the quantity of an item, you actually have to remove that item from the Hashtable and add a new item with the correct quantity. Use your item factory from part 2 to create the new item. You will need to pass this factory to the ShoppingBasket in its constructor.

For more information about this assignment visit the below reference: 1

Items that people can purchase must implement the Item interface:

* Represents an item purchased at an e-commerce web site. An item has
* associated with it an item id (the unique stock number for this item),
* an item name (a string name for the item), a quantity (the number of
* units of the item) and a unit price (the price of each unit of the
* item.) Note that implementations of this interface should use
* their constructors to set the initial values of these attributes.
public interface Item {
* Returns the number of units of this item.
* @return Number of units of this item.
public int getQuantity ();

* Returns the stock number for this item.
* @return The stock number (unique id) for this item.
public String getItemId ();

* Returns the (non-unique) string name of this item.
* @return String name of this item
public String getItemName ();

* Returns the unit price of this item (before tax.) E.g., if there
* are three units of the item, and each costs $2.99, this method
* will return 2.99.
* @return Unit price of item
public float getUnitPrice ();

* Returns the price of this item. This is simply the product of the
* (unit cost) * (number of units)
* with applicable taxes added.
* @return Price of this item
public float getTotalPrice ();

* Returns this item in string form suitable for displaying.
* @return Displayable form of item.
public String toString();

In Ontario, the taxes to be added to items include the provincial sales tax (PST) of 8%, together with the federal sales tax (GST) of 7%. In Alberta, there is no provincial sales tax, so prices include only the GST. Provide two implementations of the Item interface, one for Ontario and one for Alberta. Provide a class diagram showing these classes and their attributes. Hint: you may implement a common superclass for items which your Ontario and Alberta classes extend. You may not modify the Item interface.

Part 2

Using the abstract factory design pattern, create an ItemFactory interface, and implementations of this interface for the Ontario and Alberta item classes. Provide a class diagram showing how the abstract factory pattern was applied. This interface is as follows:

public interface ItemFactory {
* Creates an Item with the given stock id, name and quantity.
public Item createItem (String id, String name, int quantity, float unitPrice);

Part 3

A shopping basket class should implement the following interface:

import java.util.Enumeration;
public interface ShoppingBasket {
* Adds an item into the shopping basket. If the item
* is already in the basket, the number of units of this item
* are added to the quantity of the existing item.
* @param newItem The item to be added.
public void addItem (Item newItem);

* Removes the given item from the shopping basket. The
* number of units in deletedItem are removed from the
* basket. E.g., if there are 10 units of the item in the
* basket, and we remove 3 units of the item, 7 units will
* remain.
public void removeItem (Item deletedItem);

* Returns an enumeration allowing the shopping list to be
* traversed.
public Enumeration elements ();

* Returns a version of the shopping basket in string form
* suitable for displaying.
public String toString ();

Provide an implementation of this interface. Your implementation should use the object adapter design pattern, based on Java’s Hashtable class. Provide a class diagram showing how the object adapter pattern was applied. In case of ambiguity in the description of the Shopping Basket interface above, include a note in your report explaining the ambiguity and how you resolved it.


  • Look at the documentation for the Enumeration interface and the Hashtable class.
  • You can use the item id as a hash key.
  • Note that the Hashtable class already implements a method that returns an enumeration.
  • In order to change the quantity of an item, you actually have to remove that item from the Hashtable and add a new item with the correct quantity. Use your item factory from part 2 to create the new item. You will need to pass this factory to the ShoppingBasket in its constructor.

For more information about this assignment visit the below reference:

Java Question Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen Ketogenic Diet Nutritional Principles in Nursing Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Research a diet currently being used by the public. It can be a commercial diet such as Atkins, Weight Watchers; a regional diet such as Mediterranean; or one that focuses on types of food such as vegan.

Identify the name of the diet and its purpose (weight maintenance, long term health, etc.). Explain its key points in terms of nutrition (focus on protein, carbohydrates, etc.). Also discuss the diet plan and the diet’s strengths and weaknesses. Summarize your paper by evaluating whether you believe the diet is one that is healthy as compared to dietary guidelines.
The writing assignment should be no more than 2-3 pages and APA Editorial Format must be used for citations and references used.


MKTG 3378 SMU Marketing Research Primary Data Best Practices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


A document that includes:

  • A research question statement. This is a statement identifying what you are trying to learn through your research. This could mean checking assumptions, collecting usage data, verifying pain points, etc.
  • A 10 question survey following the best practices. This survey should be a direct extension of your research question. The questions should be formatted so that they can be collected using an online survey tool.
  • An interview guide that has five key open-ended questions, with at least two prompts for each question. This should also be an extension of your research question and collect different information than what you include in your survey.
  • Include a short paragraph on how you would actually collect this information so that your sample is as representative as possible. I’ll be looking for a reasonable best fit. E.g. if your target population is elderly men, you can’t say your collect your data at the local dance club.
  • This will be three pages max. If you find you need more space, your questions are too wordy.
  • A successful project will be structured so that you can give it to someone who isn’t very familiar with your business concept and they will still be able to collect good data for you. Think of this deliverable like a recipe or the building instructions that you get with a piece of Ikea furniture. Simple, to the point, but still clear enough that anyone can follow along and end up with the same outcome.


Evergreen Valley College Gendered Language Essay Writing Assignment Help

  • For this assignment, you are required to do the following:
  • Actively read all of the readings on gender inclusive language. [#6 is optional]. Take notes.

1. Inclusive language. By Seattle University

2. What is gender-inclusive language and why does it matter? By Christine Mallinson

3. Evidence that gendered wording in job advertisements exists and sustains gender inequality. By Danielle Gaucher, Justin Friesen, & Aaron Kay.

4. Reversed sexism: Anti-male prejudice in the English language. By Maria Bajner.

5. Watch the video: Why gender inclusive language matters:

Compose a focused thesis/central point with a claim.


San Diego State University Gender and Practices in Medicine Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Do assumptions about gender inform the beliefs or practices relating to medical care (or lack thereof)? Can we think of examples where
gender has influenced – positively or negatively – the particular
diagnosis and/or treatment provided to an individual or group of
individuals in the realm of medicine?

How do assumptions about race, ethnicity, and class/SES intersect with assumptions about gender in the realm of medicine such that particular diagnostic or treatment patterns form?

Are there ideas, practices, or values with respect to medical settings that could/should be different than they are currently? Are there ideas, practices and/or values in the medical field that we might like to see implemented, discarded, reformed, etc.?


Compose a focused thesis/central point with a claim.


San Diego State University Gender and Practices in Medicine Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Do assumptions about gender inform the beliefs or practices relating to medical care (or lack thereof)? Can we think of examples where
gender has influenced – positively or negatively – the particular
diagnosis and/or treatment provided to an individual or group of
individuals in the realm of medicine?

How do assumptions about race, ethnicity, and class/SES intersect with assumptions about gender in the realm of medicine such that particular diagnostic or treatment patterns form?

Are there ideas, practices, or values with respect to medical settings that could/should be different than they are currently? Are there ideas, practices and/or values in the medical field that we might like to see implemented, discarded, reformed, etc.?


Compose a focused thesis/central point with a claim.


San Diego State University Gender and Practices in Medicine Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Do assumptions about gender inform the beliefs or practices relating to medical care (or lack thereof)? Can we think of examples where
gender has influenced – positively or negatively – the particular
diagnosis and/or treatment provided to an individual or group of
individuals in the realm of medicine?

How do assumptions about race, ethnicity, and class/SES intersect with assumptions about gender in the realm of medicine such that particular diagnostic or treatment patterns form?

Are there ideas, practices, or values with respect to medical settings that could/should be different than they are currently? Are there ideas, practices and/or values in the medical field that we might like to see implemented, discarded, reformed, etc.?


Compose a focused thesis/central point with a claim.


San Diego State University Gender and Practices in Medicine Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Do assumptions about gender inform the beliefs or practices relating to medical care (or lack thereof)? Can we think of examples where
gender has influenced – positively or negatively – the particular
diagnosis and/or treatment provided to an individual or group of
individuals in the realm of medicine?

How do assumptions about race, ethnicity, and class/SES intersect with assumptions about gender in the realm of medicine such that particular diagnostic or treatment patterns form?

Are there ideas, practices, or values with respect to medical settings that could/should be different than they are currently? Are there ideas, practices and/or values in the medical field that we might like to see implemented, discarded, reformed, etc.?


Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

Northern Virginia Community College Arrays in Java Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

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