Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help

Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help. Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Hello everyone,

This is your first assignment.

Please submit a word document indicating your name and a brief description of the project you will be researching and/or implementing in this class. You will be working on this subject in the next 10 weeks. Please think about the topic you want to research carefully.

Once your subject is approved by your instructor, you will continue on to the next stage, which is a formal proposal. A template will be provided in the following week.

Here are some guidelines for this assignment:

1. Short Word Doc.

2. Tell me the topic you would like to research and why in a paragraph or two. DO NOT write an official proposal. We will do this next week. There will be a template provided.

Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Morgan State University McDonald’s Corporation Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

This take-home midterm exam involves applying both external and internal strategic tools for an analysis of an industry and/or company that you are interested in working in and for. The exam uses the tools and methodologies of the course to enable each of you to develop an understanding of the industry/business that you would like to enter. The take-home exam essentially entails you thinking and writing about your selected industry/company as though it were an analysis of a case from the textbook.

The components of the take-home exam that you will complete are:

1.An opening discussion of your analyses in Appendices in exactly the following order:

a.Processes and methods used from class discussions of cases that you applied to complete this exam. (10 points)

b.External Analysis Discussion: Interpretation of External Analysis Appendices tools – no more than one page. (25 points)

c.Internal Analysis Discussion: Interpretation of Internal Analysis Appendices tools – no more than one page. (25 points)

d.Identification and explanation of a strategic issue for the industry/company – no more than one page. (10 points)

e.A recommendation with justification for a strategy to solve this issue – no more than one page. (15 points)

f.A Personal Value Chain analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses to contribute to implementing your recommended strategy – no more than one page. (15 points)

2.Appendices that present the information for the separate tools. These Appendices should be completed first before writing answers the six points, a. to f., in number 1 above. Appendices and analyses should be prepared for:

a.External tools:

i.The Industry’s Five Forces

ii.General Environment condtitions

iii.Stage of Industry’s Evolution

iv.Industry Success Factors

b.Internal tools:

i.Stakeholder Analysis

ii.Four Strategy Questions

iii.Company Value Chain

iv.Resources Based View of Company

v.Financial Analysis

vi.Company’s Core Competencies

vii.Company’s Transient Competitive Advantage

c.Personal Value Chain

3.Bibliography – unnecessary to use in-text citations


FNCE 3001 Walden University Week 2 Balance Sheet Income Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1: Preparing a Balance Sheet

Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, prepare a balance sheet for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.

Using the Business Report Template, how would you interpret the quality of the balance sheet? In your response, be sure to address whether there is excessive leverage, enough cash to make payroll and/or buy equipment, et cetera. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Based on your interpretation of the balance sheet, would you recommend lending to the company? Explain why or why not, including any potential risks. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Part 2: Building an Income Statement

Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, prepare an income statement for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.

Using the Business Report Template, address the following using Medi-Supply’s income statement:

Interpret the quality of the income statement for this company. Is the income statement improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, including why you reached your conclusion. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Describe whether or not this company is profitable. If the company is unprofitable, explain if it is growing fast enough for sales to outpace expenses. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Based on their income statement, would you invest in the company? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Part 3: Calculating the Operating Cash Flow

Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, compute the operating cash flow for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.

Using the Business Report Template, address the following using Medi-Supply’s operating cash flow:

Interpret the quality of the operating cash flow for this company. Is the operating cash flow improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, as well as why you reached your conclusion. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Describe whether or not the company generates positive cash flow from operations. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Based on the quality of their cash flow, would you invest in the company? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Requirements: 2-3 pages


RTSUNJNBP Overview of the Medical Marijuana and what it Encompasses Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

As a reminder, your policy paper
must address the following areas (use the bolded words as your headers for each
section of your paper):

1. Provide an overview of the issue, describing briefly what it encompasses

2. Evaluate the social, cultural & organizational factors which put it on the healthcare reform agenda

3. What effects would there be from this issue from the perspective of economic impact on the nation, and on individual persons?

4. What are the political ramifications (if any) if Congress supports this issue?

5. What are the major influences that shape this issue?

6. Who are the people (groups, agencies, persons) most likely to benefit or lose from this issue if it becomes policy? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

7. You must discuss pertinent information/ literature that supports your position

8. Discuss any other viable options/positions regarding this issue

9. Each student will discuss any major problems associated with this position

10. It will be 12 pages (double-spaced 12 pt. professional publishing font, excluding title and reference pages), using APA 6th edition format. References must be cited in APA format. *Sources for this information: journals, books, internet, government documents, interviews, transcripts of people involved in the issue. Try to cover the issue, but be concise, identifying key points.


MGT 599 Trident University International General Mills Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this assignment, we will focus on General Mills, a multinational food manufacturing company:


As you research General Mills, you may want to compare and contrast that company with the other food service retailers – such as Kraft Foods, Nestle, Tyson Foods, ConAgra, and Kellogg.

Please visit the General Mills site, and identify the company’s mission and vision, as well as their major stakeholders (you may need to interpret and/or make assumptions here, as all mission and vision statements are not crystal clear – nor are they always explicitly stated. You should note that the stakeholders aren’t simply the shareholders. “Stakeholders” include everyone and anyone who is affected by the success or failure of the company).


In consultation with your peers, analyze how General Mills represents and advances the goals of its stakeholders.

Note: I want you to reflect on the above—and I also want you to analyze critically though you will want to consult the library, some websites, and other resources. Cite your sources, and do not copy-and-paste material directly from those resources. Use direct quotations sparingly, if at all.



University of Cumberland Organization Leader & Decision Making Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Psychological Analysis

Howell and Mendez indicated three perspectives of followership which include interactive, independent, and shifting. They play an important role in the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of defining leader-follower interactions. For example, Yung and Tsai (2013) acknowledged that a follower with an independent role might take an active role to handle an ambiguous situation to ensure the efficiency of a specific task. An interactive leader focuses on specific skills and behavior to optimize performance and contributes to the overall improvement of organizational development. Shifting perspectives identify the capability of a leader to adapt to different changes in the business operations. The three perspectives are critical in defining behaviors influence work productivity since employees engage in the business operation based on the leaders’ guidelines. Successful leaders have higher chances of improved work productivity as employees emulate their actions.

There are five broad personality traits that help define and explain the human being. They include conscientiousness, openness, extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness. They are essential in determining how individuals adapt to different situations that need different personalities. For example, the openness personality trait is characterized by a curiosity about the world, and individuals are eager to learn new things and also explore new experiences.

The Myers-Briggs Test is an effective psychological analytic tool that helps determine the capabilities of an individual based on the psychological approach. According to Sari and Bashori (2020), the Myers-Briggs Test can help predict managerial styles based on the psychological approach and understanding of particular situations at the workplace. It is similar to the Big Five model since it helps in psychological analysis to identify differences between individuals, which can be a source of miscommunication and misunderstanding. It is different from the Big Five model in that it analyses specific aspects, including introversion and extraversion, judging or perceiving, sensing or intuition, and thinking or feeling. The Big Five model mainly focuses on describing different personality traits which define human existence.

University of Cumberland Organization Leader & Decision Making Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

College of San Mateo Effects of Food to The Brain Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Take a look at your food journal. What types of food are you eating? Meat, dairy, grain, fruit, vegetables, deep-fried, junk, etc? Choose two of the most common foods and/or drinks you consume. Are they helping your brain? Hurting your brain? Please provide two specific examples of how these foods might be helping/harming you by explaining the foods’ effects on NT and/or specific brain structures. (Two examples for each of the foods, so a total of four examples in all.)

Your response, which you will be submitting via Canvas, should be 250-300 words. Please be sure to cite at least two sources.


Monroe Community College Never Lose a Customer Again Book Review Business Finance Assignment Help

Please download the book from Amazon and then write the paper.

1.Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days – Joey Coleman(Author)

The Book Review is not a book report. It is expected that thought is put into the integration of topics from the text, and other readings. The format should be as follows: Overview, CRM Topics and Concepts Presented, Insights, Conclusions. The length should be between 7 and 9 pages, double spaced. In addition to the paper, a PowerPoint will be be submitted – 1 page on each of these topics (no more). The PowerPoint will focus on the main topics.


MIS 201 Saudi Electronic University Uber Artificial Intelligence Stack Thesis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


The idea is to Uber using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:

((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

1. Cover Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Executive Summary

4. Organizational Profile

5. Strategies

6. Technology Involved

7. Analysis of Existing System

8. Possible Solutions and Suggestions for the company

9. Conclusion

10 References

Guidelines for the assignment: ((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font size
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 5.
  • Your project report length Part 1 & Part 2 should be between 2500 to 3000 words in total.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden


BUS 310 SU The Legal Environment Analysis the State and Federal Laws Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

David Perkins left a successful career in the NFL after two head injuries. His doctors recommended for his safety, that he leave the sport if he wanted to live past the age of 30. David, not one who sits around without anything to do, decided to open a sports bar, The Wing Shack. After five years, the restaurant concept gained momentum and he was opening his fifth restaurant in the Michigan area. David is proud to be socially responsible while creating jobs in the community and feeding the homeless. If David is doing so well, he says in response to an unwarranted lawsuit, he shouldn’t be sitting in his attorney’s office spending money he could be using to help his community. David is being sued for discrimination by two waitresses from Roseville, Michigan: Mindy Simpson and Laura Walker. Simpson received positive performance evaluations and was promoted to shift supervisor within six months of being hired. In her last evaluation, Simpson, who is 5’8″, says she was advised by her manager to lose weight and join a gym. She was given 30 days to lose weight despite losing 13 pounds on her own after working on the job for two months. After the 30-day period expired and she did not lose the required weight, she was fired.

Walker, by contrast, is 4’10” and weighs 120 pounds says she was put on weight probation and then fired even though she lost 20 pounds.

David gives his attorney his side of the story, “I run a successful business and pride myself on hiring women who fit the image of a sports bar. I give guidelines on my website about hair, eyes, skin, makeup, and exercise. All of my female wait staff have to attend image classes and pass the exam. Employees are hired based on the image they have when they are hired.”

Please respond to the following questions and give your reason for each position you share:

  • The women are suing because they are being fired for being too heavy. Is that illegal under state and federal law?
  • David’s claim is that the woman were fired because the image of Wing Shack, which is central to his business, allows him to discipline and fire waitresses for not maintaining the image he wants to uphold. Is that claim accurate?
  • Mindy further claims that since giving birth to her son, she has had problems maintaining her weight. In other words, having children changes a woman’s physique, making it more difficult to return to one’s pre-baby weight. Could she have a legal case on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act?


The Book Review is not a book report. It is expected that thought is put into the integration of topics from the text, and other readings. The format should be as follows: Overview, CRM Topics and Concepts Presented, Insights, Conclusions. The length should be between 7 and 9 pages, double spaced. In addition to the paper, a PowerPoint will be be submitted – 1 page on each of these topics (no more). The PowerPoint will focus on the main topics.


MIS 201 Saudi Electronic University Uber Artificial Intelligence Stack Thesis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


The idea is to Uber using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:

((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

1. Cover Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Executive Summary

4. Organizational Profile

5. Strategies

6. Technology Involved

7. Analysis of Existing System

8. Possible Solutions and Suggestions for the company

9. Conclusion

10 References

Guidelines for the assignment: ((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font size
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 5.
  • Your project report length Part 1 & Part 2 should be between 2500 to 3000 words in total.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden


BUS 310 SU The Legal Environment Analysis the State and Federal Laws Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

David Perkins left a successful career in the NFL after two head injuries. His doctors recommended for his safety, that he leave the sport if he wanted to live past the age of 30. David, not one who sits around without anything to do, decided to open a sports bar, The Wing Shack. After five years, the restaurant concept gained momentum and he was opening his fifth restaurant in the Michigan area. David is proud to be socially responsible while creating jobs in the community and feeding the homeless. If David is doing so well, he says in response to an unwarranted lawsuit, he shouldn’t be sitting in his attorney’s office spending money he could be using to help his community. David is being sued for discrimination by two waitresses from Roseville, Michigan: Mindy Simpson and Laura Walker. Simpson received positive performance evaluations and was promoted to shift supervisor within six months of being hired. In her last evaluation, Simpson, who is 5’8″, says she was advised by her manager to lose weight and join a gym. She was given 30 days to lose weight despite losing 13 pounds on her own after working on the job for two months. After the 30-day period expired and she did not lose the required weight, she was fired.

Walker, by contrast, is 4’10” and weighs 120 pounds says she was put on weight probation and then fired even though she lost 20 pounds.

David gives his attorney his side of the story, “I run a successful business and pride myself on hiring women who fit the image of a sports bar. I give guidelines on my website about hair, eyes, skin, makeup, and exercise. All of my female wait staff have to attend image classes and pass the exam. Employees are hired based on the image they have when they are hired.”

Please respond to the following questions and give your reason for each position you share:

  • The women are suing because they are being fired for being too heavy. Is that illegal under state and federal law?
  • David’s claim is that the woman were fired because the image of Wing Shack, which is central to his business, allows him to discipline and fire waitresses for not maintaining the image he wants to uphold. Is that claim accurate?
  • Mindy further claims that since giving birth to her son, she has had problems maintaining her weight. In other words, having children changes a woman’s physique, making it more difficult to return to one’s pre-baby weight. Could she have a legal case on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act?


The Book Review is not a book report. It is expected that thought is put into the integration of topics from the text, and other readings. The format should be as follows: Overview, CRM Topics and Concepts Presented, Insights, Conclusions. The length should be between 7 and 9 pages, double spaced. In addition to the paper, a PowerPoint will be be submitted – 1 page on each of these topics (no more). The PowerPoint will focus on the main topics.


MIS 201 Saudi Electronic University Uber Artificial Intelligence Stack Thesis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


The idea is to Uber using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:

((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

1. Cover Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Executive Summary

4. Organizational Profile

5. Strategies

6. Technology Involved

7. Analysis of Existing System

8. Possible Solutions and Suggestions for the company

9. Conclusion

10 References

Guidelines for the assignment: ((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font size
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 5.
  • Your project report length Part 1 & Part 2 should be between 2500 to 3000 words in total.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden


BUS 310 SU The Legal Environment Analysis the State and Federal Laws Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

David Perkins left a successful career in the NFL after two head injuries. His doctors recommended for his safety, that he leave the sport if he wanted to live past the age of 30. David, not one who sits around without anything to do, decided to open a sports bar, The Wing Shack. After five years, the restaurant concept gained momentum and he was opening his fifth restaurant in the Michigan area. David is proud to be socially responsible while creating jobs in the community and feeding the homeless. If David is doing so well, he says in response to an unwarranted lawsuit, he shouldn’t be sitting in his attorney’s office spending money he could be using to help his community. David is being sued for discrimination by two waitresses from Roseville, Michigan: Mindy Simpson and Laura Walker. Simpson received positive performance evaluations and was promoted to shift supervisor within six months of being hired. In her last evaluation, Simpson, who is 5’8″, says she was advised by her manager to lose weight and join a gym. She was given 30 days to lose weight despite losing 13 pounds on her own after working on the job for two months. After the 30-day period expired and she did not lose the required weight, she was fired.

Walker, by contrast, is 4’10” and weighs 120 pounds says she was put on weight probation and then fired even though she lost 20 pounds.

David gives his attorney his side of the story, “I run a successful business and pride myself on hiring women who fit the image of a sports bar. I give guidelines on my website about hair, eyes, skin, makeup, and exercise. All of my female wait staff have to attend image classes and pass the exam. Employees are hired based on the image they have when they are hired.”

Please respond to the following questions and give your reason for each position you share:

  • The women are suing because they are being fired for being too heavy. Is that illegal under state and federal law?
  • David’s claim is that the woman were fired because the image of Wing Shack, which is central to his business, allows him to discipline and fire waitresses for not maintaining the image he wants to uphold. Is that claim accurate?
  • Mindy further claims that since giving birth to her son, she has had problems maintaining her weight. In other words, having children changes a woman’s physique, making it more difficult to return to one’s pre-baby weight. Could she have a legal case on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act?


The Book Review is not a book report. It is expected that thought is put into the integration of topics from the text, and other readings. The format should be as follows: Overview, CRM Topics and Concepts Presented, Insights, Conclusions. The length should be between 7 and 9 pages, double spaced. In addition to the paper, a PowerPoint will be be submitted – 1 page on each of these topics (no more). The PowerPoint will focus on the main topics.


MIS 201 Saudi Electronic University Uber Artificial Intelligence Stack Thesis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


The idea is to Uber using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:

((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

1. Cover Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Executive Summary

4. Organizational Profile

5. Strategies

6. Technology Involved

7. Analysis of Existing System

8. Possible Solutions and Suggestions for the company

9. Conclusion

10 References

Guidelines for the assignment: ((Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully))

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font size
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 5.
  • Your project report length Part 1 & Part 2 should be between 2500 to 3000 words in total.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden


BUS 310 SU The Legal Environment Analysis the State and Federal Laws Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

David Perkins left a successful career in the NFL after two head injuries. His doctors recommended for his safety, that he leave the sport if he wanted to live past the age of 30. David, not one who sits around without anything to do, decided to open a sports bar, The Wing Shack. After five years, the restaurant concept gained momentum and he was opening his fifth restaurant in the Michigan area. David is proud to be socially responsible while creating jobs in the community and feeding the homeless. If David is doing so well, he says in response to an unwarranted lawsuit, he shouldn’t be sitting in his attorney’s office spending money he could be using to help his community. David is being sued for discrimination by two waitresses from Roseville, Michigan: Mindy Simpson and Laura Walker. Simpson received positive performance evaluations and was promoted to shift supervisor within six months of being hired. In her last evaluation, Simpson, who is 5’8″, says she was advised by her manager to lose weight and join a gym. She was given 30 days to lose weight despite losing 13 pounds on her own after working on the job for two months. After the 30-day period expired and she did not lose the required weight, she was fired.

Walker, by contrast, is 4’10” and weighs 120 pounds says she was put on weight probation and then fired even though she lost 20 pounds.

David gives his attorney his side of the story, “I run a successful business and pride myself on hiring women who fit the image of a sports bar. I give guidelines on my website about hair, eyes, skin, makeup, and exercise. All of my female wait staff have to attend image classes and pass the exam. Employees are hired based on the image they have when they are hired.”

Please respond to the following questions and give your reason for each position you share:

  • The women are suing because they are being fired for being too heavy. Is that illegal under state and federal law?
  • David’s claim is that the woman were fired because the image of Wing Shack, which is central to his business, allows him to discipline and fire waitresses for not maintaining the image he wants to uphold. Is that claim accurate?
  • Mindy further claims that since giving birth to her son, she has had problems maintaining her weight. In other words, having children changes a woman’s physique, making it more difficult to return to one’s pre-baby weight. Could she have a legal case on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act?


Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help

Northern Virginia Information Systems Transforming Healthcare Project Computer Science Assignment Help

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