Nova Southeastern University GDP and Its Composition Economic Profiles Paper Economics Assignment Help. Nova Southeastern University GDP and Its Composition Economic Profiles Paper Economics Assignment Help.
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Research and provide profiles of the USA and one economically underdeveloped or emerging country.
Especially good sources include:
- CIA World Factbook ( (Links to an external site.)
- NOTE: Yes, the CIA.GOV is an informative and reliable site.
- The World Bank Indicators. (Links to an external site.)
- Research reasons you think may be responsible for the different standards of living and include these in your paper.
- CIA World Factbook ( (Links to an external site.)
Submit a research paper 2-3 pages in length comparing the statistics of the USA and your chosen country. Sections should include:
- GDP and its composition
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Standard of living in both countries compared
- Type of Government
- Prospects for economic growth
You should follow APA format and citation style for this paper. You should have at least three sources in this paper. The paper format should include:
Nova Southeastern University GDP and Its Composition Economic Profiles Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MAT 300 Strayer University Week 7 Descriptive Statistics Article Review Paper Writing Assignment Help
Visit one of the following article:
The article should use one of the following categories of descriptive statistics:
- Measures of Frequency – Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
- Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
- Measures of Dispersion or Variation – Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
- Measures of Position – Percentile, Quartiles
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
- Write a summary of the article.
- Explain how the article uses descriptive statistics.
- Explain how the article applies to the real world, your major, your current job, or your future career goal.
- Analyze the reasons why the article chose to use the various types of data shared in the article.
Troy University Critical Path and Information Systems Technology Discussion Economics Assignment Help
1.The concept of ‘critical path’ can often be confusing, as many students want to believe that it is the ‘shortest’ path through a network. Convincingly explain why this is not so. Explain how the critical path defines the project’s duration and how “crashing” affects that.
2.You’re taking a course in Information Systems right now. Did you know that you’re also using a lot of IS technology to take the course?
But those Information Systems don’t just pop into existence and run themselves. There are a lot of people that create, implement, and maintain those systems (including Canvas, for example).
For this forum, I’d like you to do a little research into the roles of the people that make IS possible. Start a thread about one of the roles in IS (make the job the first line of your post) and tell us a little bit about it. Your classmates might find an even more exciting role. So respond to at least two of their posts, too.
Please start your investigation by watching the video created by some of your IS classmates.
MAN 3600 SPC Global Expansion Strategy Expanding Into the United Kingdom PPT Business Finance Assignment Help
The following business scenario that you will use is as follows:
Target, together with its subsidiaries, operates in the United States.
Target is considering global expansion into a specific country of your choice, and this global expansion will be the focus of your PowerPoint presentations from now thru week eight.
Note – You are to use the same country throughout this entire project. Only provide the requested information in the instructions for each week. Wait to give your overall recommendation of whether Target should expand or not to the country of you choice until the final presentation in Week 8.
The present managers of Target have decided that it is time to plan for a Global expansion in 12 months. To help facilitate the transition over the next 12 months, the company leaders have hired YOU, a private consultant, to help them compile and analyze key business information needed for the global expansion event. Your job over the next 8 week is to help the business executives better understand the marketing, management, business ethics, global dimensions, accounting, financial, economic, legal, and strategy aspects of the company.
For Week 1, your assignment is to describe, discuss, and analyze the key business environment considerations for this new global expansion. Specifically, the C-level executives want you to choose one (1) country you think would be appropriate to expand to and give them an overview presentation. You will use this same country throughout the next 8 weeks for the presentations to management, so choose wisely.
You must develop a PowerPoint presentation for this Week 1 assignment that describes and analyzes the points below:
1. Currently, the company relies mostly upon US based sales, however, the executives would like you to recommend a market place outside the US, in order to gain international sales. Present a country that you believe would be advantageous to expand to and explain generally why.
2. What is the cultural environment, the political environment and the legal environment of the country you are considering expanding to? (use and incorporate the learnings from chapters 1,2, and 13.)
3. Incorporate at least one chart, graph or table into this presentation. (Don’t forget speaker notes explaining your graph/chart slide)
Length: 5-10 slides
- The first slide in the presentation should be the title page.
- The last slide(s) in the presentation should be the list of references you used for the assignment in APA format.
- Do not count title or reference slides towards the 5-10 slide requirement.
Speaker Notes: 80-200 words for each slide need to be in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint slides. These speaker notes should thoroughly describe the details of the slide. Since we do not do formal presentations each week, the speaker notes should cover what you would say if you were presenting to a live audience.
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Make sure your presentation follows good PowerPoint design principles (e.g., readable font, uses one template, one inch borders around the slides) and contains transitions, builds, and animation when appropriate.
In addition to the textbook material for this course (properly cited within the presentation), you must also use at least three (3) additional academic sources/references (these can be journals, articles, papers, books). Use the SPC on-line library to search for and obtain journal articles for this assignment. Websites and other non-academic references may be used if properly cited in APA format, but these supplemental references are not counted toward the requirement of at least three academic references.
PER 201 Georgia Military College Metacognitive Plan Humanities Assignment Help
250-300 words
- Section 1 – Describe the details of the assignment that you want to complete, so others can understand what you want to learn. Include any instructions given by your instructor or in your syllabus. For example, state that you want to write a compare/contrast paper for your English 101 course and provide the instructions given to you.
- Section 2 – Write a goal statement using Bloom’s taxonomy. For example, “I want to write a compare/contrast essay and receive an A on it.”
- Section 3 – Break down and Identify all steps that you need to take to complete the assignment.
- Section 4 – Outline a plan of action for completing each step.
- Section 5 – Discuss learning strategies and resources that you will use to help you complete the project (refer to Chapter 3 of your textbook).
University of South Florida ?How Do Interest Rates Affect Our Lives Questions Economics Assignment Help
How do interest rates affect our lives?
Interest rates are one way to express the price, or cost, of money obtained from someone else. For example, your credit card lends you money every time you make a purchase. Think about how interest rates affect your personal financial behavior with regard to spending and saving. Think also about the relationship between changing interest rates and longer-term interest bearing securities (bonds, mortgages, etc.), and how interest rates affect our lives in general.
Answer ALL 4 questions below:
Answer all of the questions below in your own words (200 words or more). There are no wrong answers, but you must justify your opinions. Your answers must be well thought out, and well-written.
- What do you think will happen with interest rates in the coming years? Do you expect them to continue to rise, and what economic conditions might influence these changes?
- A credit score is a number ranging from 300 to 850 that essentially represents the probability that someone will pay their bills, and are widely used by lenders to determine the interest rate that you will pay (for example, on a car or home loan) and your credit limit. Do you know your credit score (see credit (Links to an external site.))? You do not need to disclose it, but what can you do to improve it?
- What is the current rate (approximately) for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage? How will rising or falling interest rates affect a future home purchase? In what situation might you prefer a variable rate mortgage?
- Suppose that you inherited some 2.25% US Treasury bonds from your grandfather that mature in 2027. Although they were originally purchased at par (and will mature at $1,000), they currently have a market value of around $950 each. If you believe that interest rates will continue to rise, should you sell, hold, or try to buy more? Explain why.
Your score will be determined by your word count (200 word minimum), completely answering all questions, the accuracy of the information you provide, and how well-written your answers are (see rubric below).
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletely answered all questions |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of information |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWell written |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord count |
25.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |
University of South Florida ?How Do Interest Rates Affect Our Lives Questions Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
San Diego State University Soil Texture and the Water Budget Lab Report Writing Assignment Help
Soil is a mixture of fine rock particles and organic materials, and is formed by complex physical and chemical actions of percolating water and living organisms. The properties of the soil at a given place are very important in determining the types of vegetation which can live there, as well as the hydrological characteristics of the area. This lab introduces the topic of soil texture, which is a method of classifying soil types based on the sizes of the inorganic particles which are present. The second section discusses the soil water budget, which is an accounting of the annual patterns of precipitation, runoff, potential evapotranspiration, and actual evapotranspiration.
Pre-lab reading topics: soil forming processes, soil texture classification, water budget, evapotranspiration
Columbia College Transnational Terrorism Discussion Writing Assignment Help
be at least 500 words in length that discusses the affiliations between domestic terrorists and transnational terrorists. A point to consider is how the threats have migrated outside of Al-Qaeda and the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Somalia.
Traditionally, transnational terrorism groups are classified as heterogeneous groups, foreign fighters, and suicide bombers. Pick at least one terrorist group that fits the classification of transnational terrorism. Conduct research to provide an overview on the affiliations between your chosen group and domestic terrorist groups. How do these affiliations between your chosen terrorist groups relate to the various types of terrorist cells, the chain network, and terrorist organization models? You must use at least two sources in addition to the textbook.
Please be sure to use headings and subheadings, as needed, to organize your paper and viewpoints. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. The title and reference page do not count towards the minimum word length requirements.
BC Trade Regulations & Industrial Policies Current Events Article Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Trade Regulations and Industrial Policies
- Articles are to be selected from the business press. The article should be no more than 3 months old.
- Article selection must be made CAREFULLY – the topic of the article you select must tie with assigned topic.(Trade Regulations and Industrial Policies)
- The summary of the article should not go beyond one paragraph (about 5 sentences.) The article summary must be in your own words, not duplicated from the article.
- Please also provide an opinion of the article or discuss what makes it important or interesting.
- A cover page for this assignment is not necessary, but you must include a cited link in APA format to the article.
UN Journey of Garlic Forthcoming Research Project Progress Report Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Please submit a brief (1 page or less) update on the progress of your Journey of Food group project. Respond to each of the following questions in your update.
- How well have you and the rest of your group members stuck to the plan and timeline you submitted at the beginning of the semester? If you have fallen behind, what do you need to do to get caught up?
- What has been the most interesting thing you have learned about your food so far?
- What connections have you observed between our previous course units and your particular food item?
- Please connect your food item to our “Global food” content:
- Has your food played a historical role in colonization or international development?
- How is your food currently traded in the international market – how many stops does it make across the globe before arriving in the DeLand Publix?
- Please include an estimate of your food’s “Food Miles” – there are multiple tools online to help you calculate those. What’s the significance of these “food miles”?