NPU Data Mining Asian Elephants Binary Classification & the Gini Index Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help. NPU Data Mining Asian Elephants Binary Classification & the Gini Index Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help.
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1. The following attributes are measured for members of a herd of Asian elephants: weight, height, tusk length, trunk length, and ear area. Based on these measurements, what sort of similarity measure from Section 2.4 (measure of similarity and dissimilarity) would you use to compare or group these elephants? Justify your answer and explain any special circumstances. (Chapter 2)
2. Consider the training examples shown in Table 3.5 (185 page) for a binary classification problem. (Chapter 3)
(a) Compute the Gini index for the overall collection of training examples.
(b) Compute the Gini index for the Customer ID attribute.
(c) Compute the Gini index for the Gender attribute.
(d) Compute the Gini index for the Car Type attribute using multiway split.
3. Consider the data set shown in Table 4.9 (348 page). (Chapter 4)
(a) Estimate the conditional probabilities for P(A|+), P(B|+), P(C|+), P(A|-), P(B|-), and P(C|-).
(b) Use the estimate of conditional probabilities given in the previous question to predict the class label for a test sample (A = 0, B = 1, C = 0) using the naıve Bayes approach.
(c) Estimate the conditional probabilities using the m-estimate approach, with p = 1/2 and m = 4.
Please find the attached data sets for the reference to the questions. Thank you!!
The paper should must be in APA format with Running head, Title page, Abstract, Introduction/Literature review, Method, Results, Discussion, References.
- Completion: Providing a thoroughly develop the document including descriptions of all questions.
- Understanding: Demonstrating a clear understanding of purpose and writing a central idea with mostly relevant facts, details, and/or explanation.
- Organization: Paper is well organized based on the APA format, makes good use of transition statements, and in most instances follows a logical progression including good use of symbols, spacing in output.
NPU Data Mining Asian Elephants Binary Classification & the Gini Index Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSUN Assessing the Lifestyle Potential of a Chosen Occupation Paper Economics Assignment Help
Information Competency Writing Assignment (2,500 word minimum):
This assignment has two parts. Each is graded as a pass/fail. A pass will earn the given number of points, a fail will earn zero points but may be resubmitted (unless the fail was due to an academic integrity violation) up to the assignment submission deadline.
The first part of the assignment is an initial draft. It is worth 10 points. The second part of the assignment is the final draft. It is worth an additional 10 points. The initial draft must be satisfactorily completed before the final draft can be submitted. The paper must be at least 2,500 words long.
The paper should be on one of the following three topics:
1. Create your own personal financial plan, addressing at least 10 of the 14 chapters (Bajtelsmit, Personal Finance)
2. Identifying your own pathway to purchasing a home
3. Assessing the “lifestyle potential” of your chosen occupation (income, hours, security, etc.) and comparing that to your desired lifestyle
When writing the paper, you should determine the nature and extent of information needed, and then
1. Demonstrate effective search strategies for finding information using a variety of sources and methods;
2. Locate, retrieve and evaluate a variety of relevant information, including print and electronic formats;
3. Organize and synthesize information in order to communicate effectively;
4. Explain the legal and ethical dimensions of the use of information.
It is expected that in your writing you should develop and clearly define your ideas on your chosen topic, and accomplish the following goals (based on the University standards for a writing-intensive course):
1. Ethically integrate sources of various kinds into your writing.
2. Compose texts through drafting, revising and completing a finished product.
3. Express yourself through your writing by posing questions, making original claims and coherently structuring complex ideas.
4. Revise your writing for greater cogency and clarity.
5. Utilize adopted communication modes and documentation styles of specific disciplines (MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, etc.) where appropriate for your major.
An acceptable draft will be a nearly finished product and should reflect the writing and information goals stated above. The final paper will incorporate any feedback received and carefully follow the appropriate style most appropriate for your major. The draft and final paper are each graded “pass/fail”. NOTE that you must have a “pass” for your draft before you can submit your final paper.
Dublin Institute of Technology Suzuki Decisions Making Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Create an analysis of Suzuki’s (the case is in the document) management decision to end its automobile sales in the US and a discussion of the hypothetical scenario presented below. Cite all of your sources and format your analysis according to APA style. The suggested length for your analysis is 10-12 pages, and recommended lengths for each section have been included in the sample outline below.
Begin your analysis by accessing the following links (in the document) to gain an overview of the company history, its 2012 announcement, and its reorganization. You should conduct additional research beyond these articles to help sharpen your investigation.
Section I. Overview of the decision (1 paragraph)
Using what you have learned from your research, briefly summarize Suzuki’s situation.
Section II. Key decision issue (usually 1 sentence)
What was the key decision faced by Suzuki management?
Section III. Identification of decision makers (2-3 pages)
What individuals and teams were likely involved in the critical company decision? Use information from your research as well as what you have learned in the course to identify who you think was involved in the decision. For example, this may include not only the executive team, but also teams such as logistics, marketing, finance, and legal. For each team or individual that you select, provide an explanation as to why they would likely be involved in the decision.
Section IV. Internal and external factors that led to this decision (2-3 pages)
What internal issues and constraints contributed to this decision? What external factors, including the business environment, contributed to the decision? Provide an explanation as to why the issues you have identified contributed to the decision. How did the internal and external factors impact Suzuki, and what is the impact of each factor that you identified?
Section V. Quantitative analysis (1-2 pages)
Construct a decision tree and calculate the expected monetary value using the following hypothetical marketing information.
Hypothetical Expansion Situation
Could Suzuki reorganize to restart its US sales by building automobiles branded under different makers, like Mitsubishi, Nissan, or Kia? Given current economic progress, there is a 40% chance of a good economy and a 60% chance the economy will slow. Suzuki’s cost to expand its American factory is estimated conservatively at $10 million, if the company decides to do so. The expansion and the partnerships are predicted to yield $40 million in annual revenue if the market remains good, but if it slows, the annual revenue will likely be closer to $25 million. To be cost competitive, the American factory is critical.
Create a decision tree showing these choices and calculate the expected monetary value for each alternative. Based on this hypothetical information, should Suzuki reorganize itself to produce and sell vehicles through new partnerships and not under its own brand name? Explain your reasoning.
Section VI. Identification of alternatives (2-3 paragraphs)
Identify two viable alternatives to the decision that American Suzuki Motor Corporation ultimately made. Your alternatives must be unique and cannot repeat the hypothetical expansion scenario given in Section V, although a different partnering scenario is acceptable.
Section VII. Recommendation (2-3 pages)
Next, consider the two alternatives you have identified and choose one to recommend to Suzuki. Begin your recommendation section with an overview of why you made the choice you did. Support your choice, providing relevant details such as current (to the case study) or future economic, industry, technology, and market conditions both domestically and globally. In addition, you may consider including information regarding Suzuki’s internal conditions at the time, such as commitment to different markets, current R&D efforts, and strategic focus. Some resources you may find helpful for getting started on this task are included below. Be sure to properly cite any research using APA style and formatting guidelines.
Dublin Institute of Technology Suzuki Decisions Making Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Create an analysis of Suzuki’s (the case is in the document) management decision to end its automobile sales in the US and a discussion of the hypothetical scenario presented below. Cite all of your sources and format your analysis according to APA style. The suggested length for your analysis is 10-12 pages, and recommended lengths for each section have been included in the sample outline below.
Begin your analysis by accessing the following links (in the document) to gain an overview of the company history, its 2012 announcement, and its reorganization. You should conduct additional research beyond these articles to help sharpen your investigation.
Section I. Overview of the decision (1 paragraph)
Using what you have learned from your research, briefly summarize Suzuki’s situation.
Section II. Key decision issue (usually 1 sentence)
What was the key decision faced by Suzuki management?
Section III. Identification of decision makers (2-3 pages)
What individuals and teams were likely involved in the critical company decision? Use information from your research as well as what you have learned in the course to identify who you think was involved in the decision. For example, this may include not only the executive team, but also teams such as logistics, marketing, finance, and legal. For each team or individual that you select, provide an explanation as to why they would likely be involved in the decision.
Section IV. Internal and external factors that led to this decision (2-3 pages)
What internal issues and constraints contributed to this decision? What external factors, including the business environment, contributed to the decision? Provide an explanation as to why the issues you have identified contributed to the decision. How did the internal and external factors impact Suzuki, and what is the impact of each factor that you identified?
Section V. Quantitative analysis (1-2 pages)
Construct a decision tree and calculate the expected monetary value using the following hypothetical marketing information.
Hypothetical Expansion Situation
Could Suzuki reorganize to restart its US sales by building automobiles branded under different makers, like Mitsubishi, Nissan, or Kia? Given current economic progress, there is a 40% chance of a good economy and a 60% chance the economy will slow. Suzuki’s cost to expand its American factory is estimated conservatively at $10 million, if the company decides to do so. The expansion and the partnerships are predicted to yield $40 million in annual revenue if the market remains good, but if it slows, the annual revenue will likely be closer to $25 million. To be cost competitive, the American factory is critical.
Create a decision tree showing these choices and calculate the expected monetary value for each alternative. Based on this hypothetical information, should Suzuki reorganize itself to produce and sell vehicles through new partnerships and not under its own brand name? Explain your reasoning.
Section VI. Identification of alternatives (2-3 paragraphs)
Identify two viable alternatives to the decision that American Suzuki Motor Corporation ultimately made. Your alternatives must be unique and cannot repeat the hypothetical expansion scenario given in Section V, although a different partnering scenario is acceptable.
Section VII. Recommendation (2-3 pages)
Next, consider the two alternatives you have identified and choose one to recommend to Suzuki. Begin your recommendation section with an overview of why you made the choice you did. Support your choice, providing relevant details such as current (to the case study) or future economic, industry, technology, and market conditions both domestically and globally. In addition, you may consider including information regarding Suzuki’s internal conditions at the time, such as commitment to different markets, current R&D efforts, and strategic focus. Some resources you may find helpful for getting started on this task are included below. Be sure to properly cite any research using APA style and formatting guidelines.
Arizona State University Method Call with Variable Types Project Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a Computer Science case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Sometimes a number is the same when you read it from front to back and from back to front. Two easy examples are 123321 and 891232198.
One can extend the same idea to characters. Some examples are words like: “mom” and “peep” and interesting ones likes “racecar”. An extension of this idea is to check the same characteristic for a sentence such as: ”was it a cat i saw”. You will notice that the spaces are ignored. We can call the spaces the “separator”.
CMIT 371 UMUC How to Break Microsoft Rights Management Services Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help
**Please See attached file!
Each student will create a detailed, organized, unified technical solution given the scenario described below. The submission will be in a written format, with at least one diagram, and may include additional diagrams, charts, or tables. The assignment is meant for students to enhance their mastery of the material and to provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge from this course.
Assignment Requirements
There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 8 pages worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 12 pages’ worth of student-supplied text. With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up being more than 12 pages in length. It must be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required.
- At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the minimum length described above); this could be a diagram describing Active Directory components, DHCP/DNS design, or anything else that is worth displaying graphically to enhance the reader’s understanding of the proposal. Additional diagrams, images, or tables are welcome.
- The submission must cover all of the major topics outlined in the Topics to Cover section. Each choice should be explained with technical and business reasoning. The solution should be reasonably detailed. Additional topics may be covered as desired.
- The structure of the final submission is flexible; however, it should be organized logically and represent a single, unified solution. It is likely that the format will include separate sections for each of the topics required, as well as a summary.
- At least two non-textbook, non-LabSim, non-Wikipedia reference is required; preferably, this would be a “best practice” guide or content from Microsoft or an experienced provider of Microsoft solutions.
- Be sure to properly quote or cite any sources used. APA format is required for in-text citations and the list of works cited at the end. It is expected that you are already familiar with UMGC’s “Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.” It is available in the Academic Policies section of the Syllabus. In its simplest form, if you are using text from a source, you must cite and/or quote it. If plagiarism is found, then there will be a penalty to the grade.
CMIT 371 UMUC How to Break Microsoft Rights Management Services Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NSG 4068 SU Trends in Healthcare Policy Multistate Licensing NCSBN Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This paper must be APA format, 3 pages excluding the cover and reference page. Prepare a position on the issue of Multi-State Licensure through the nurse Licensure Compact(NLC). Including the following in your discussion: 1) A brief history of the NLC, a critical analysis of both the positive features in having MSL (pros) and the drawbacks associated with the program (cons). Present 3 pros with supportive evidence and 3 cons. Be sure to include reference throughout! 2) Identify a channel for sharing your support or concern. You can get some ideas of who and how to approach writing a letter or talking with a governmental official, board of nursing representative, or nursing organizational representative by going to: 3) Summarize your position on the issue of the NLC and MSL and indicate if you plan to apply for the MLS in Florida and why. (I personally applied for MSL to increase job finding across the country)
Frostburg State University Insurance High Cost Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
A policy brief is the culmination of extensive analysis of a policy based on in-depth knowledge about the social problem for which a policy is being proposed. A policy brief presents an issue clearly and concisely in approximately two to no more than four pages to assist readers in understanding an issue, solving a problem, or making a decision. Shorter than a white paper and less detail then those resources.
Each student will read professional articles, newspaper commentaries, and news magazines stories to become familiar with current public policy debate around the policy sector of the debate (e.g. criminal justice, immigration, education, child & family, mental health, safety-net, gerontology, and healthcare) but does not have to be the exact debate topic. Once a topic of interest has been identified, it must be approved by the instructor.
The policy brief is 4 pages minimum, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double spaced. References are NOT included in the 4-page limit. A title page is optional, and the title page will not be included in the total page count. Additional information and examples can be found in “Assignment Resources (Policy Brief Resources).”
(Note: Be sure to cite your sources!)
Structure of the Policy Brief
- Title
- Executive Summary of the Issue
Brief (2-3 sentence) statement describing the issue. What is the problem that this policy brief addresses?
- Background & Research evidence
Background related to the issue; an introduction and explanation of the problem and its significance; information pertinent to the issue (e.g., current policy or debate about the issue, data about the issue), including research evidence
Policy Recommendations
Provide all feasible recommendations about what different actors should do. Can be formatted as a bullet list if appropriate.
- Implementation/Implications and Considerations
Describe how the recommendations would be implemented.
- References
Use the APA format (Do not use endnotes).
EXAMPLE: and more samples if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
.doc file
N 491 Aspen University Concepts and Theories in Nursing Care Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
DUE THURSDAY 12/10/2020
1500 words APA format Essay addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading
Include a title page and reference page in APA format. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.
References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) outside scholarly sources and the textbook Smith, M. & Parker, M. (2015). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis, are required for this assignment.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
Case Study
The hospice nurse sat with Ann’s husband, Ben. Ann was resting quietly as the increased dosage of IV pain medication gradually reached its therapeutic level. Ben turned his head and slowly turned, looking out the room’s only window. As he glanced up, a small flicker of light caught his breath. It was a shooting star. A tear fell from the corner of his eye and he turned to Ann. The nurse sensed that something significant to Ann and Ben was unfolding. Shuffling to Ann’s bedside, he took her small fragile hand in his. These hands had rocked cradles, burped babies, and groomed the horses she loved to ride. Gently holding her hand, he turned to the nurse. “She would ride like the wind was chasing her.” Looking back to Ann his voice broke; choking back tears “Ann, Ann I saw Jessie…Jessie is calling.” Ben turned “Jessie was our daughter. She died having a baby that was too big. When she died it was a pitch-black night. Cold, so cold, the baby died too, a little boy, named him Abe, Jr. after Jessie’s husband. I took Ann outside so she could cry to God above and there in this dark sky we saw two falling stars…together…just falling. We knew it had to be Jessie and Abe…two angels to light up the night.” Ben turned back as a deep sigh escaped from Ann’s lips. A soft smile remained as she joined Jessie and Abe.
- Based on this case study how would the nurse actualize Parse’s theory of Human Becoming?
- What are characteristics of a human becoming nurse? What are strengths and weaknesses to this theory of nursing?
- What challenges exist for healthcare institutions to switch to this nursing approach?
- How might Parse’s understanding of transcendence guide the nurse, as Ann’s death became a reality to Ben?
- From the nursing theories we have discussed, what additional theory would you apply to this case study? Develop a plan of care to include both nursing theories (be specific and provide reasons)
SOCW 2361 Central Texas College Social Theories of Ageing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Compare the social theories of aging discussed in Chapter 17. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each theory? How does each fit with the systems/ecological framework?
Write no less than two pages, but no more than four pages.
- Read the assigned chapter(s) in the textbook.
- Chapter 12: Child Welfare
- Chapter 14: Health Care
- Chapter 15: Mental Health and Developmental Disability
- Chapter 17: Aging
- Review these PowerPoint slideshows:
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 17
- These are the materials you will need for this course:
- Popple, P., Leighninger, L., & Leighninger, R. Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society, 9th Edition, Pearson
- Popple, P., Leighninger, L., & Leighninger, R. Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society, 9th Edition, Pearson