NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help. NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Mark, a single father of a 2-year-old son, Jacob, stops every morning at a local fast food restaurant to pick up breakfast for himself and his son on their way to daycare. Mark says, “I don’t have time to cook in the mornings, and I can’t feed Jacob anything I make at home any cheaper than this. Besides, he really loves these sausage and egg sandwiches, and at least I can get him to eat them!”
Mark has a family history of diabetes, as well as hyperlipidemia, and has the following risk factors for cardiovascular disease: primary hypertension (treated with medication), cigarette smoking, inactive lifestyle, and occasionally eating foods high in sodium. Both of his parents died at young ages due to what Mark calls “heart troubles,” and his brother has high cholesterol. During his physical, Mark learns that his lipid panel is as follows: total cholesterol 245 mg/dl, LDL 180 mg/dl, and HDL 35 mg/dl.
As his nurse, you know that risk factors for cardiovascular disease are fixed or modifiable. Give at least two examples of each.
- For modifiable risk factors, what can be done to reduce risk?
- What is the significance of Mark’s blood work? What does a normal lipid profile look like?
- Based on the information provided in the scenario, how would you educate him?
Be sure to include physical fitness and nutrition based on the USDA 2015 Dietary Guidelines and (Links to an external site.) covered in Week 1.
NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Debug program to get specific output in ZyBooks (Code is written just need to fix indentation) Programming Assignment Help
4.1 Bubble Sort
Implement the Bubblesort Algorithm presented in the lecture slides.
Each time you compare two elements in the array, print out the comparison.
Implement a function compareElements that does the comparison and also prints.
An example execution trace is given below.
Bubble Sort Test Question
Enter Seed for Testing:
Enter Test Size:
Bubble Sorting List
Initial List: [36, 2, 27]
Compare 36 to 2
Compare 36 to 27
Compare 2 to 27
Compare 27 to 36
Final List: [2, 27, 36]
You may add helper functions to the below starter file.
If you do not follow the lecture slides, your code may not pass the below tests. Even it it sorts correctly, it will be marked wrong.
4.2 Insertion Sort
Implement the Insertion Sort Algorithm presented in the lecture slides.
Each time you compare two elements in the array, print out the comparison.
An example execution trace is given below.
Insertion Sort Test Question
Enter Seed for Testing:
Enter Test Size:
Insertion Sorting List
Initial List: [39, 16, 47]
Compare 39 to 16
Compare 39 to 47
Final List: [16, 39, 47]
You may add helper functions to the below starter file.
If you do not follow the lecture slides, your code may not pass the below tests. Even it it sorts correctly, it will be marked wrong.
4.3 Merge Sort
Implement the Merge Sort Algorithm presented in the lecture slides.
Each time you compare two elements in the array, print out the comparison.
An example execution trace is given below.
Merge Sort Test Question
Enter Seed for Testing:
Enter Test Size:
Merge Sorting List
Initial List: [36, 2, 27, 30, 36, 0]
Compare 2 to 36
Compare 27 to 2
Compare 27 to 36
Compare 36 to 30
Compare 0 to 30
Compare 0 to 2
Compare 30 to 2
Compare 30 to 27
Compare 30 to 36
Compare 36 to 36
Final List: [0, 2, 27, 30, 36, 36]
You may add helper functions to the below starter file.
If you do not follow the lecture slides, your code may not pass the below tests. Even it it sorts correctly, it will be marked wrong.
4.4 Quick Sort
Implement the Quick Sort Algorithm presented in the lecture slides.
Each time you compare two elements in the array, print out the comparison.
An example execution trace is given below.
Quick Sort Test Question
Enter Seed for Testing:
Enter Test Size:
Quick Sorting List
Initial List: [36, 2, 27, 30]
Compare 36 to 30
Compare 2 to 30
Compare 27 to 30
Compare 2 to 27
Final List: [2, 27, 30, 36]
You may add helper functions to the below starter file.
If you do not follow the lecture slides, your code may not pass the below tests. Even it it sorts correctly, it will be marked wrong.
Behavior Support Strategies Humanities Assignment Help
Read the following handouts, Six principles of behavior management and Finding the causes of misbehavior. Discuss the significance of negative consequences and positive reinforcement when seeking to improve the behaviors and attitudes of children in the childcare setting. Using the weekly readings and other credible resources as a guide, identify and evaluate three strategies for creating a positive behavior support plan. Be sure to support your strategies with information from your text and at least one other resource.
What happens when we place the authentication system in our demilitarized zone Computer Science Assignment Help
1)This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
Minimum of 700 words
What happens when we place the authentication system in our demilitarized zone (DMZ)—that is, in the layer closest to the Internet? What do we have to do to protect the authentication system? Does this placement facilitate authentication in some way? How about if we move the authentication system to a tier behind the DMZ, thus, a more trusted zone? What are the implications of doing so for authentication performance? For security?
2)Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
Minimum of 600 words
System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components.
My definition immediately raises some important questions.
• What are “components”?
• Which functions are relevant?
• What is a communication flow?
Involving Fathers Humanities Assignment Help…
Discussion 1
Read the article Fathers’ role in children’s academic achievement and early literacy. Develop a learning activity that supports the involvement of fathers in the childcare setting. The activity can take place before, during, or after normal childcare hours. Identify how fathers will be encouraged to attend, and discuss the role of the father in supporting the child’s academic achievements. Consider activities that would interest fathers, review the four barriers to getting men involved in preschool programs (Gonzales-Mena, 2014, p. 73-75), and review research supporting the involvement of fathers in supporting a child’s academic achievement (article by Gadsden & Ray). In the father’s absence, encourage the involvement of another significant family member (grandparent, uncle, and so forth).
community nursing DQ 5 Health Medical Assignment Help
Communicable Disease and Infectious Disease.
Read chapter 25 of the class textbook and review the PowerPoint presentation under Lectures. Once done answer the following questions;
- Discuss the principles related to the occurrence and transmission of communicable and infectious diseases.
- Describe the three focus areas in Healthy People 2020 and the objectives that apply to communicable and infectious diseases.
- Identify and discuss nursing activities for the control of infectious diseases at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention.
- Identify and discuss a communicable and/or infectious disease that it was believed to be eradicated and have reemerged now. For example; measles.
As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 5 DQs” for grading and in the corresponding week “Week 5 DQs” under the assignment tab to verify originality. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. You must post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it. A minimum of 700 words is required.
If you have any question, please contact me via FNU email.
community nursing DQ 5 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Read over this handout and complete the lab. You will enter in all data into this data tables document. You will then need to save and upload the data tables/pictures/questions, when finished, here Science Assignment Help
Read over this handout and complete the lab. You will enter in all data into this data tables document. You will then need to save and upload the data tables/pictures/questions, when finished, here. Don’t forget to insert the required images inside the document – do not upload the images here! Remember, each lab must be done individually – no two students should have the same data!You should record ALL of your data with UNITS and the proper number of decimal places for what you are measuring. In the Syllabus quiz, you said that you read the Lab Guide 2018-2019, so if you want to make sure you’re not counted off for something as simple as including units with ANY number (what unit?) and the right number of decimal places, please review that document again, and that goes for the rest of the lab.YOU WILL NEED YOUR HANDS ON LAB EQUIPMENT FOR THIS LAB
read and write Writing Assignment Help
Okay, this is the first response post for We Are Okay. Can include anything up to, but not beyond, p. 149. Rules:
- Include at least 2 quotes you found interesting and elaborate. Include page and chapter numbers (for people reading .pdf)
- Ask questions. For instance, “What is Turn of the Screw?” “Why does she keep referring to redwood trees?” “Is it plausible that the college would let an 18-yr old girl stay all alone on campus during winter break with nobody but a (male) custodian?”
- Thoughts for an essay about the book. Anything here. Don’t overthink it, you don’t actually have to write the essay. For instance, I’m thinking it would be cool to write about the difference if there is one between grief and mental illness. This is a subject psychiatrists have argued about for decades or centuries. For now they arbitrarily assume that 4 weeks is normal grief-beyond this is a psychopathology. Obviously the grandfather character has been grieving for 15 years. Is this Alzheimer’s, grief, depression, alcoholism?
- When you respond to people’s responses, talk about their thesis ideas.
Create a mixtape about music consist 3 of the following components Business Finance Assignment Help
1) Songs:
• An old song that is still relevant today
• A song that makes a statement about identity
• An instrumental song that you like
• A song that reminds you of your childhood
• The most beautiful song in the world
• A song you like from a style of music you generally dislike
• A song that reminds you of home
• A song that makes you feel rebellious
• A song you know all of the lyrics to
• A song with a message the whole world needs to hear
• A song you like by a local artist (can be local to where you are from)
• The saddest song you’ve ever heard
• A song that makes you feel excited/energetic
• A song that tells a story you like
• A grandparent’s favourite song (or someone you know who is 65+)
2) Mixtape cover:
Give your mixtape a title and create an original mixtape cover. You may take a photograph, draw or
paint, collage, or digitally create an image. Sampling is allowed, but the final cover must be your own
creation and, like the collection of songs in the mixtape, it should represent something about yourself.
3) Liner Notes:
For each song, write 200-250 words explaining your choice. Include a reference page at the end.
Submission Formats
You may submit this project in one of several ways:
Text document: Each page should list the category, the song/artist/album/year, and 200-250 words.
Powerpoint/Prezi: Combine text and audio/video elements using presentation software.
Mixtape: Go old school and burn a CD/create a CD booklet that contains all the requisite information.
Please complete properly all the requirements Business Finance Assignment Help
Continuing from the previous assignment, it is now important to consider your approach to leading and managing your HR project. Tightly structured projects tend to restrict cross-organizational communication. As such, objectives originate at the top of the project, and are subdivided as they are passed down, resulting in little opportunity for creative contributions. Effective leadership and managing of the project can greatly improve communication and team contributions.
Eetorres, this assignment is a continuation of the paper you helped me with last week. I attached the foundation from assignment 1 as a reminder of the background for this paper.
Also, very important – Please do not submit to me without meeting all guidelines.
Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
- Review and understand the types of project manager power listed and defined in the textbook and select and define any two (2) (see selections below – expert and information) you feel would be relevant to your current project and explain why. Be specific.
- Identify and briefly discuss a minimum of four (4) outcomes (possible issues) resulting from managing projects and address how you might resolve the issues. Be clear with your rationale.
- Discuss some increased challenges a project manager may face when leading virtual or global project teams. Recommend a few strategies to deal with the challenges.
- Identify and explain your overall plan for communication management during the project. The plan must be comprehensive and at a minimum address (1) structure, (2) purpose, (3) method, and (4) timing.
Project Manager Power
Expert – Persuading others based upon your own knowledge and skills. Used when others respect your opinion.
Information – Control of information.Used frequently, as a large part of a project manager’s role is to convey information.
- There needs to be 4 quality references that I can easily find and access.
- If you use a book as a reference, I need the complete title, author, edition and page number that the information was retrieved from.
- If it is a direct quote, it needs to be in quotations.
- If an article is used, I have to be able to click on the link and access the article.
- One of the references have to be our current textbook:
Kloppenborg, T. (2019). Contemporary Project Management. (4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
One other thing, please try to avoid using a passive voice and use more of an active voice. Also, absolutely no plagiarism.
NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help
NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help