NRS 434VN FNU Physical Assessments Among School Aged Children Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. NRS 434VN FNU Physical Assessments Among School Aged Children Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following:
- Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child.
- Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.
- Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
NRS 434VN FNU Physical Assessments Among School Aged Children Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ADM 614 GCU Fiscal Austerity for Reduce Debts in The Public Sector Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1. During the debt crisis of 2008, many countries implemented austerity policies, in order to reduce high government spending. What constitutes fiscal austerity? Is it expansionary or contractionary? Is fiscal austerity advisable during economic recession? Explain. For reference, see Austerity in a Recession: Expansionary or Contractionary? (in Stiglitz and Rosengard, 2015, p. 871).
2. Work on a one-sentence summary of austerity policy. In completing the one-sentence summary I would invite you to ask the typical journalistic questions of who, what, how and when to define austerity policy into a concise, one-sentence, definition
ENTR 416 AMU What Makes the Business Different Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Project Instructions:
After watching the video on how to mind map in this week’s lesson, it is time to practice. Create a mind map of what makes your business different. Then, evaluate the results of your mindmap – what gaps do you need to close and what strengths did you find? Explain your responses.
Start with placing the name of your business in the center and let the creativity juices start to flow. You can do this with pen and paper and scan your final mind map in order to submit it (Please submit it as a .pdf) or you can use a free online tool. If you don’t like this one, do some research and find one on your own. Whether you use pen and paper or a free software tool, the results should be the same.
Minimum 1 Mindmap
Minimum 1 page evaluation
FORUM POST (250 Word minimum) Instructions:
Discussion 3 – Differentiation
The purpose of this week’s discussion is to actively engage with your classmates on the topic of what makes your business different. Research the topic of the innovator’s DNA and share your findings with the class. This could be in the form of an article, a video, or a podcast. Make sure to demonstrate your understanding of how the innovator’s DNA will allow your business to have a competitive advantage.
I will attach all necessary information to complete the project
UOOITC Social Ethics Universal Question Humanities Assignment Help
Question answer
Points to cover one by one, and itemize your answer:
1. Are social ethics universal and absolute or local and relative?
2. Should all social habits/customs be considered “culture” and equally respected? If not, what
criteria should be used to dismiss any such practices and conducts?
3. Is “cultural relativism” valid? To answer this, you must first describe what is culture and what are
social habits/customs.
4. Are societies capable of exhibiting the same ethics as individual can? Explain why yes or no using
ethological examples of Lorenz and Sheller.
LAVC Compare and Contrast Historical Eras Centered Around the Theme of Individualism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Essay Topic:
Compare and contrast two to three historical eras covered in this class, centered around the theme of Individualism. This concept presents itself everywhere within the material that we have covered in this class. You can think of Individualism as it relates to religion (Protestant Reformation); as it relates to government (democratic revolutions and ideologies vs. the emergence of socialism, communism, and fascism; as it relates to philosophy and the creative arts; as it relates to economic systems. You may consider including cases where Individualism is embraced, but also where it is rejected.
Sources: the Backman textbook, the Mendoza or Hanoi book (optional), and any other readings provided within this course if and when appropriate. This is not meant to be a research paper, rather it is an essay in which you are to make connections between historical events and movements. Make sure to cite your sources throughout your paper, including page numbers.
Length: 5 full pages to 7 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 font.
Format Options:
If you submit your work Inline, I will be copying it into Microsoft Word and adjusting the font size to 12 to see the page length.
If you submit your work by attaching a document, use one of these file types only: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .wpd, .rtf
NYU Wk2 Public Health Communication Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.
It is important for public health officials to understand the importance of health beliefs, culture, and cultural values as it relates to the decision the individual make regarding their health. This is because the understanding creates an open and safe space for patient and physician to communicate and practice cultural competency without any cultural bias or discriminations, which will create trust and give the physician the ability to address the patient’ health issues to the best of their ability (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020; Schiavo, 2014).
For example, in some African cultures like Ghana, they do not believe in seeking medical help from physicians, instead, they seek help in the form of witch doctors, herbs, and supernatural or spiritual powers (voodoo). Therefore, because of this strong belief in spiritual influence, they do not believe the diagnosis of medical physicians, instead, they think they have invoked the wrath of their ancestors, became possessed, or other forms of spiritual causes. Therefore, this creates issues with health communication messages, because of the conflicts between scientific medical information and cultural, spiritual values, and health belief (Asare & Danquah, 2017).
Therefore, to solve this issue in Africa, public health officials created a system where they incorporated spiritual beliefs with medical scientific causes for illness. This system is called the western biopsychosocial model. Therefore, in Africa, through the utilization of cultural competency, they created a healthcare consultation model, where the patients get to select what type of consultation they want. For example, there are spiritual centers where the services provided are by priest and spiritual healers with understanding of medical knowledge. There is a herbal clinic where they utilize local herbs used by the witch doctors and incorporate them into herbal medicines (Asare & Danquah, 2017).
A health communication message that illustrates culturally competent communication can be seen by the public health officials in Africa creating a treatment system with three churches. Therefore, depending on the belief of the patients, they can seek medical help from these locations. For example, the three treatment centers are orthodox churches, which is geared towards mental health disorders based on sin against God, then there is the charismatic church, which is geared towards illnesses caused by demonic influences. Lastly, there are shrines with a spiritual herbalist, which is geared towards curses from witches or voodoo/juju. With these communication health options, the officials have addressed the cultural values and health beliefs for the intended audiences (Asare & Danquah, 2017).
Asare, M., & Danquah S. A. (2017). The African Belief System and the Patient’s Choice of Treatment from Existing Health Models: The Case of Ghana. Acta Psychopathological, 3(4:49), 1-4. Doi: 10.4172/2469-6676.100121
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Tools for Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Access Can Help Organizations Address Health Literacy and Improve Communication Effectiveness. Retrieved from
Schiavo, R. (2014). Health communication: From theory to practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.
- Ask a probing question.
- Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Make a suggestion.
- Expand on your colleague’s posting.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class
To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.
NYU Wk2 Public Health Communication Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
East Los Angeles College Parable of the Sower Literary Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Style: Literary Analysis
Essay Length: 2-3 pages
Sources: Minimum 1-2 supplementary sources (Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference texts do not count toward your research – though you must cite them if you use them). You can use the Canvas lectures, discussions, and other sources here.
DO NOT use sites like spark notes, lit charts, book rags, or shmoop. I want to see your ideas, not theirs.
Using genre, theme, and writing style elements, analyze Butler’s intentions in this novel.
Parable of the Sower is a mix of several major literary genres:
- Dystopian
- Science Fiction
- African American Literature
Thinking of the major genre classifications above, consider the following questions:
- In what way is this book Dystopian, Science Fiction, or African American literature? How does it conform to and/or break the traditions of that literary mold? (See handout).
- What social commentary does this piece express? How do you the reader know this exists in the text? Why might this be an important theme for the author?
- What tools (diction, grammar, imagery, symbolism, themes) does the author use to convey this commentary? To what extent is she successful?
The Parable of the Sower addresses a number of themes, including Identity; Survival; Men, Women and Gender Roles; Religion; Race and Racism; Disability; Hope and hopelessness, and many others.
Thinking of selected themes above, of any of your own choosing, consider the following questions:
- Where do you see this theme or these themes in the text?
- What social commentary does this theme express? How do you the reader know this exists in the text? Why might this be an important theme for the author?
- What tools (diction, grammar, imagery, symbolism) does the author use to convey this theme? To what extent is she successful?
Writing Style:
The Parable of the Sower uses a number of stylistic elements such as hyperbole, symbolism, imagery, metaphor and simile, and a blend of storytelling of “journal” like entries and the use of psalms.
Thinking of the writing style elements above, consider the following questions:
- Where do you see this element in the text?
- What themes or social commentary does this writing style element connect to? How do you the reader know this exists in the text?
- Are these stylistic elements used successfully? How do you know? Why or why not?
Your essays should always depend on careful close reading of specific passages from the text. Include and explain direct quotes from the text and your supporting research. Look at the use of tone, diction, imagery, symbolism, motifs, character development and writing style.
You need to incorporate several items of research, including pieces of literary analysis, critical reviews, and interviews with the author. Use the research to support your own conclusions and to elaborate on the literary elements at work in the text. You should have a minimum of one academic source. The work itself needs to be on your Works Cited page, but it does not count as research. You must have a Works Cited page. This does not count as part of you minimum two to three pages.
You should elaborate and support a central thesis statement. Use clear topic sentences to make sure each paragraph offers an interpretive claim on The Parable of the Sower or the associated research.
Avoid plot summary. You are writing for a reader who has already read these works. For an analysis, What happens in the text is often less important than Why it happens and How it happens. Remember that these are not real people in real situations, so stay away from comparisons to real people and real situations. Avoid expressions like “I think” “I feel” and “In my opinion/experience”.
As always, essays for this class should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow proper MLA format.
Reading link:…
University of Detroit Mercy I have an assignment in Foundations of Public Admin Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I have an assignment that has some questions like that: “CMP should include events, activities, and resource estimates. Additionally, it should include a figure of events and activities illustrating this decision process. In 2-3 pages of written text (double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font in Calibri or Times New Roman), explain the challenges inherent in implementing CPM for project decisions. Use this section to link concepts expressed in the course readings to the use of CPM in public.
Also, this question is related to Foundations of Public Admin and has some requirements like textbooks.
University of Central Florida Secret of Stonehenge Documentary Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Write about three interesting things in the video
I found it interesting that it took hundreds of years to complete the Stonehenge Monument, before watching the video I had believed they had created it in a couple years.
I was shocked to discover that the Stonehenge was “the biggest cremation cemetery in early prehistoric Europe”. I had never known what Stonehenge’s purpose was prior to this video.
I was impressed by the archaeologists ability to determine the age and gender of the people cremated and buried at Stonehenge with such small fragments of bone.
ENGL 142 University of Central Florida Fairy Tales and Fables Paper Writing Assignment Help
Response 1
We read quite a bit about history, faire, and the literary approach of Fairy Tales during the week. Think back over the ideas presented in those readings and answer the following:
What idea(s) stood out as the most interesting? (Imagine that had you all the time in the world, so you’d probably read a bit more about…what?) Explore your answer in writing to discover what part of that research or literature appeals to you. The act of research? The quest for knowledge? Because it ties in to something else you love/do?
(aim for approximately 200-250 words)
Second one:
Scholarly research can begin with arguing against someone else’s ideas or further proving someone else’s point of view–Look at is as entering into a conversation. We would have practiced this in class, and we will practice again with other articles. When entering a conversation, you know not to simply repeat what has just been said, but to reply/respond to it moving the conversation in a specific direction. Research can work the same way.
Follow the steps below using the Alan Dundes essay, “Fairy Tales from a Folkoristic Perspective” (found in the textbook on page 387, also as a pdf in the Handouts & Readings folder in Blackboard).
For the critical essay, read and mark comments or sections you agree with and disagree with or have a serious question about. Then, choose the one quote/section that most interests you or emotionally engages you, and work through the steps below.
- Include the quote, exactly as it appears in the essay.
- Write a two sentence statement about why you agreed or disagreed with the quote or why you question it (or want to know more).
- Look at how the original statement was supported—what proof was presented? (see step four for list)
- What could you use to support your idea (either additional proof or something that would disprove Dundes’ ideas)?
Aim for approximately 250 words.
Third one :
Consider the role of the storyteller–that the original tales were told, not written down. Watch John Branyan tell his version of “The Three Little Pigs.” Then answer the following:
- List some of the advantages of storytelling face to face? What can we not get on the page? What is better in live storytelling?
- What changed in Branyan’s version, and why did he make those changes?
Start looking for the role of the storyteller, as there are hints on the page that the storyteller is still present. It’s an important part of fairy tales.
Last one: GROUP 1: Connections/Integration
Group 1: Throughout the conversation, look for connections to other disciplines and/or other contextual elements and post them here. This includes, but is not limited to: history, anthropology, other stories, modern stories/film, story shapes, biology, sociology, creative writing, etc.
NRS 434VN FNU Physical Assessments Among School Aged Children Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
NRS 434VN FNU Physical Assessments Among School Aged Children Paper Health Medical Assignment Help