NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help

NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help. NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help.

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The first step of the evidence-based practice process is to evaluate a
nursing practice environment to identify a nursing problem in the
clinical area. When a nursing problem is discovered, the nurse
researcher develops a clinical guiding question to address that nursing
practice problem.

For this assignment, you will create a clinical
guiding question know as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be
relevant to a nursing practice problem. To support your PICOT question,
identify six supporting peer-revised research articles, as indicated
below. The PICOT question and six peer-reviewed research articles you
choose will be utilized for subsequent assignments.

Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment.

  1. Select
    a nursing practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your
    research. Start with the patient population and identify a clinical
    problem or issue that arises from the patient population. In 200–250
    words, provide a summary of the clinical issue.
  2. Following the
    PICOT format, write a PICOT question in your selected nursing practice
    problem area of interest. The PICOT question should be applicable to
    your proposed capstone project (the project students must complete
    during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
  3. The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project.
  4. Conduct
    a literature search to locate six research articles focused on your
    selected nursing practice problem of interest. This literature search
    should include three quantitative and three qualitative peer-reviewed
    research articles to support your nursing practice problem.

To assist in your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative
and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example:
Search for diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what
research design was used in the articles the search produced, review the
abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will
provide a description of data collection using qualitative or
quantitative methods. Systematic Reviews, Literature Reviews, and
Metanalysis articles are good resources and provide a strong level of
evidence but are not considered primary research articles. Therefore,
they should not be included in this assignment.

Link to PICOT:…

NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Consequences of Reminiscence Gerontology Essay Questions Writing Assignment Help

Hi there,

each question must be answered fully in APA form on a masters level, please use as much empirical data as well as the text I will post below can help. Correct grammar is needed!

1. What is reminiscence?Why do people engage in reminiscence?What are the positive consequences of reminiscence?What are the negative consequences of reminiscence?Do younger adults engage in reminiscence?How does the reminiscence behavior of younger adults differ from the reminiscence behavior of older adults?

2. Discuss how Minister’s account of Ila Harrison Healy informs your understanding of reminiscence.What was the “closure on the most significant relationship” of Minister’s life, that her work with Healy provided?

3. Write a narrative about a life-altering health challenge that has happened to you or somebody you know well.Describe the situation(s), and your response(s) to the situations.What did you/they do?How did you/they react?How did it affect communication with others?Looking back now, what would you/they have done differently?[Ultimately we are working to consider the impact of a life-altering challenge, and consider how people cope with those challenges, and the strategies used for seeking support].

4. Consider Arthur Frank’s claim that “sooner or later, everyone is a wounded storyteller,” and that in these times “that identity is our promise and responsibility, our calamity and dignity” (p. xiii, Preface). The adjectives used to describe how we want our own old age to be, how we want to be viewed as elderly people, what we would find reprehensible about being old create and created language pools from which we fish for words to map our experiences with illness, disease, and/or disability–in short, our encounters with the limits and boundaries of our bodies. Apply Frank’s ideas about/of The Remission Society, the colonization of the body, the “sick role,” and the body’s problems to your sense-makings regarding the use of stories/narratives to map the territories of body changes at any age. Show me how you understand your reading of Frank and our study of communication and aging.


NYIT Enterprise Risk Management Problem Statement Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Research Paper Topic

Enterprise Risk Management


All research reports begin with an introduction. (2 Pages)


Provide your reader with a broad base of understanding of the research topic. The goal is to give the reader an overview of the topic, and its context within the real world, research literature, and theory. (4 Pages)

Problem Statement

This section should clearly articulate how the study will relate to the current literature. This is done by describing findings from the research literature that define the gap. Should be very clear what the research problem is and why it should be solved. Provide a general/board problem and a specific problem (400 Words)

Literature Review

Using your annotated bibliography, construct a literature review. (4 pages)


Provide a discussion about your specific topic findings. Using the literature, you found, how do you solve your problem? How does it affect your general/board problem? (800 words)


Everything is APA format


EDU694 Ashford Planning for All Teaching & Learning with Leadership Paper Writing Assignment Help

Planning for All: Differentiating Instruction

Your written response to this discussion prompt assesses your ability to discuss teaching and learning with leadership. This discussion also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 3.

Teachers have a powerful role in the classroom and larger school community. School teachers, administrators, curriculum and instructional specialists, and educators/trainers make hundreds of decisions a day; these decisions affect many people. As such, it is important for educators to ground their decisions according to the latest research and in alignment with the established vision for their organization.

Initial Post: Post an initial response that addresses the following areas:

Read Phelps’ (2008) article titled “Helping teachers become leaders.” Compare his statement with at least two vision statements that you find via a Google search. In the discussion forum, create your own vision statement. Phelps provides an example in the article. As Phelps (2008) suggests, go beyond mantras such as “all students can learn” (p. 119). The heart of your vision should address an educational dilemma in a diverse learning context. For example, a possible dilemma in the mantra “all students can learn” is that there are teachers who believe that some students do not learn, which is indicative of a “one size fits all” type of teaching. Your vision statement will address a problem you see in education and describe how you choose to solve that problem. Reflect on how your beliefs will influence your classroom practices. As Phelps (2008) indicates, “Formulating one’s vision in writing makes its achievement more likely” (p. 120).

Link to article –


Georgia State University Different Ways of Grieving Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


Ways of Grieving

No one is born with an instinctual knowledge of how to grieve; our grieving processes are initially shaped by the society in which we live. Within our society, a broad range of religious, philosophical, and ethnic groups also serve to determine how we respond to loss and grieving.

To complete this discussion, choose one of the two topics listed below to examine:

o A comparison of the bereavement and grieving processes of children and adults.

o A comparison of the grieving processes of two different cultures.

Use information from scholarly articles or other professional resources to help you explain the grieving processes for the two populations you selected. Respond to the following prompts:

o What are the similarities and differences in how they grieve?

o How does the age or culture of the individuals you selected affect the grieving process?

If you selected children and adults, describe how cognitive and psychosocial development levels influence the grieving process.

If you selected two cultures, describe how cultural beliefs and traditions play a role in the grieving process.



Gerontology Cogitative Memorandum Verbal and Nonverbal Messages Writing Assignment Help

This is a memo written in memo form below is the questions and the format information to help. APA format and grammar highly enforced.

Criteria for evaluating this include, but are not limited to:

A format that mimics the “memo” address heading at the top of this page but which would also include the date of your memorandum submission. Also you should take care to identify this meme in the RE: or Subject: as Cogitative Memo # 1. Also, if you attach this as a file, or when you submit any file, you should identify/label your file to include your name, i.e. Cogitative Memo 1, Aubrey Stiles.

An introduction which generates interest in the focus, and sets up what we can expect you to introduce us to in your essay. Ideally we should have a preview of the pattern or sequence of your essay, and feel clearly informed regarding your goals in sharing this information with us.

The bulk or body of the essay should emerge in a clear pattern of organization. Your personal relationship to the material is made clear; any unknown references are sufficiently explained, contextualized, detailed; any unknown terms or abbreviations are defined, explained; the details feel complete—what was promised in the introduction is delivered in the follow through with significant insight into the points of power, memory, connection with the persons being rendered/shared/sketched in your essay; also transitional ease—how and to what degree do you help your readers move with you from person to person, point to point, section to section. Note that segmenting with an underlined brief line and colon, such as what occurs above in introducing the criteria for evaluating this assignment, can be effective as the name of the person(s), or nickname, or distinguishing characteristic that signals a “gestalt” of the person can work to keep the flow of your writing clearly focused.

The conclusion should provide some kind of graceful closure to your essay. Your conclusion should not come as a surprise, and it should be a memorable, resounding ZING or recap.

Questions needed to be answered:

Your first task is to analyze Laurel Rust’s essay, “Another Part of the Country.”What does this essay indicate about “communication and gerontology?”Comment on stereotypes it confirms and challenges; the significance of verbal and nonverbal messages, content and relationship language.What is the communicative construction of relationships for “Amy?”How is she constructed (construed, understood, framed, “seen”) by and through the medical gaze of the nursing home, the hospital, and various caregivers?How does the essay work to construct “Amy” through the gaze of Rust’s narration?How does labeling and the effects of labeling on behavioral performance apply to this account with respect to insight into Amy’s behaviors?

Your second task is to discuss Sobchack’s essay, “Revenge of the Leech Woman,” in terms of “confirming and disconfirming” culturally constructed messages about “aging.”Do you relate to Sobchack’s observations with regard to discovering her own “fears” about aging?Where and how does this essay fit as “reminiscence?”

Your third task focuses on Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s essay “Sex Education,” which raises several questions about narrative, memory, and context.What are the three versions of Aunt Minnie’s instructive story?What prompts the three tellings, and why is the story different in each telling?How do you explain the changes in perspective?Are there positive and/or negative consequences to the reminiscence(s) of this story?To whom?And if so, how so?

Gerontology Cogitative Memorandum Verbal and Nonverbal Messages Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL3307 Brooklyn College Designing a Flyer Case 11 Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Case 11: Designing a Flyer


You work for the U.S. Network for Education Information (USNEI), an office in the U.S. Department of Education. The USNEI provides information for international students and professionals who want to study in the United States, as well as for U.S. students who want to study in other countries.

Your supervisor, Sonia Reynard, has asked you to help her with a project. “What I’d like you to do,” she says, “is to work up a design for a one-page flyer for international students who are interested in grad school in the United States. The subject is standardized tests they’ll have to take. I’ve got the information, but it’s in a word-processing document” (Document 11.1).

“Are these tests specific to international students or to the kind of grad school they want to go to?” you ask.

“Both,” Sonia says. “Some are required for people whose first language is not English. Some are subject-matter-related, like for law school or dental school. Anybody who wants to apply to those schools, regardless of their nationality, has to take the subject-matter tests.”

“Okay, so the audience is international students considering grad school. Where are these students located now?”

“They could be here, finishing up in a U.S. undergraduate program, or they could be overseas,” Sonia replies.

“And we want to be able to post this flyer on a bulletin board.”

“Yes, that’s right. We’ll be sending this out to schools and government offices here and all over the world; they won’t have to print it themselves.”

“So, we’ll go with U.S. paper—8.5 ×11—right? What if all the info doesn’t fit?”

“If you need to edit it for length, try to shorten the descriptions, without eliminating any of the tests. Be sure to leave 1.5 inches at the top for our logo, and add at the bottom a note telling people to visit our site for more information”

Download the document below, and then begin your assignment.

Your Assignment

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the case background and document, complete the assignment below. Your instructor will tell you how he or she would like you to submit your work.

1. Review the concepts discussed in Chapter 11, including page layout, columns, typography, and the design of headings. Then review Document 11.1 and think about what the best organization might be for this information. Write a memo to Sonia Reynard describing the design you plan to use and explaining why you think the design would work well for this audience and purpose.

2. Revise Document 11.1 and implement the design you described. Be sure to set aside 1.5 inches at the top for the USNEI logo.

Reflecting on Your Work

Once you’ve completed your assignment, write a reflection about your work using the prompt below.

1 OF 1

How closely does your final flyer reflect the plan you outlined in your memo to Sonia Reynard? List any differences you find between the two. Were any of these differences the result of conscious decisions on your part to diverge from your original plan? If so, what made you change your mind about that aspect of the design? How was the experience of planning the flyer different from actually creating it? Overall, how helpful did you find it to plan the flyer in advance?

Multimedia Document Analysis Activity

Hybrids Under the Hood (Part 2),, Union of Concerned Scientists

Mechanism Description Using INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS

Interactive graphics provide an efficient way to convey information about a mechanism or a complex process. As users click through the parts of a system or the steps of a process, they can see the changes without continually needing to scroll down to new pictures or to download new pages of information. Many interactive graphics include animation; some animations might run continuously.

This example of a mechanism description is from a website that explains how hybrid automobile engines work. It requires users to click on tabs to see how the engine responds to typical phases of driving a car: starting the car, accelerating the car, cruising at highway speeds, and applying brakes to stop. This example includes animated lines to show the directions in which types of energy travel as the car runs.


Courtesy of Union of Concerned Scientists

Explore the graphics and consider the questions below. Then “submit” your responses.


1 OF 5

Click through some of the tabs and views of the interactive graphic. In what ways do the tabs and buttons function as you expected? In what ways do they differ from your expectations? How might the creators of this graphic have made it easier for you, as a reader, to understand how to use the graphic?


2 OF 5

Compare the moving red lines with the moving green lines. What does each color represent, and how do you know?


3 OF 5

Read the introductory paragraph, “Drive trains,” which precedes the graphic. What information does this introduction provide? How effectively does it introduce or explain the graphic? How might the introduction be improved?

An excerpt of a section that ends with a brief conclusion which says: Knowing what's under the hood of hybrid electric vehicles will help you evaluate the available choices in the market. Considering most major auto manufacturers plan to release HEVS in the next few years, you'll be ready to choose the right one for you. Enjoy driving into the future.CLICK TO VIEW


4 OF 5

The section “Parallel Drive train” describes the situations in which a parallel hybrid is most efficient (highway driving) and least efficient (stop-and-go traffic). The most efficient operation is depicted on the “Cruise” tab. How could you depict the least efficient operation? Describe changes you could make to the graphic to depict what happens in stop-and-go traffic.

An excerpt of a section that ends with a brief conclusion which says: Knowing what's under the hood of hybrid electric vehicles will help you evaluate the available choices in the market. Considering most major auto manufacturers plan to release HEVS in the next few years, you'll be ready to choose the right one for you. Enjoy driving into the future.CLICK TO VIEW

5 OF 5

Read the conclusion to this description. What purpose does it serve? How effective is this conclusion, and how might it be improved?


Columbia Southern Medical Office Health Field and Total Quality Management Health Medical Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines a patient’s visit to a medical office. You must develop a process flowchart using flowchart symbols and guidelines from Chapter 4 of your textbook for the scenario below.

  • The flowchart starts when the patient arrives at the doctor’s office and the receptionist performs the check-in process with the patient.
  • The receptionist pulls the chart and advises staff.
  • The clinical staff gets the chart, calls the patient from the waiting room, and puts the patient in a room.
  • The clinical staff gathers information from the patient, reviews the chart, and documents the information. (This is a predetermined process that has additional activities that are not listed here.)
  • The clinical staff notifies the doctor that the patient is in the room and waiting.
  • The doctor reviews the chart and sees the patient.
  • The doctor communicates any procedures and/or follow-up appointments with clinical staff.
  • The doctor provides a prescription and a doctor’s note if applicable.
  • The doctor completes the visit by deciding and resolving the issue(s).
  • The doctor charts documentation by inputting data into the chart/computer.
  • The doctor returns the chart to the clinical staff.
  • The clinical staff completes the task of getting any future appointments and any final documentation needed.
  • The flowchart is finished when the patient completes the visit and checks out at the receptionist’s desk.

Your presentation should be at least eight slides in length and include the following sections:

  1. title slide,
  2. process flowchart,
  3. total quality management application (i.e., How can total quality management be used to improve the process?), and
  4. process improvement recommendations.


SECR5080 Webster University The Societal Factors of Technology Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This discussion is about the societal factors of technology. I am providing some concerns from some old books published from 1970 to 1991. First just think about what the world was like in the late 1960’s. When Alvin Toffler wrote Future Shock published in 1970; we had just put a man on the moon. It was not conceivable that the human race could withstand continued technological advances at the same pace experienced throughout the 1960’s. According to Bruce Merrifield, former assistant secretary of commerce for production, technology, and innovation, 90 percent of all scientific and technical knowledge has been generated in the last thirty years. He goes on to say that a major proportion of that could be attributed to the United States. He estimated that by the end of the 1990’s the field of knowledge would double again with a half life as little as five to ten years (Parnell, 1990, p45). The United States educational system is simultaneously creating more high-skill jobs and turning out more low-skill workers (Parnell, 1990, p43). Half of all energy consumed by man has been consumed in the past 100 years (Toffler,1970). Over 30 years ago Alvin Toffler stated; 90 percent of the scientists who ever lived, are alive today (Toffler, 1970) The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, But a century and a half elapsed before typewriters became commercially available (Toffler, 1970). For the first time ever in the history of mankind, the wilderness is safer than civilization (Popcorn, 1991). Bill Gates stated that we have failed miserably in our attempts to make people computer literate. We must strive to make computers people literate in the future. Please provide your comments. Just how much of this Information Systems Security problem is a people problem and how much is technology problem? Do you think the rapid pace of technology is a problem? Can we continue with this rapid pace of technology development? Can we afford not to continue this rapid pace of technology development? Can you provide an update on societal impacts of technology in todays world?

Parnell, D (1990). Dateline 2000; The New Higher Education Agenda. The Community College Press, Washington DC.

Popcorn, F. (1991). The Popcorn Report, Harper Business, New York: NY.

Toffler, A (1970). Future Shock, Bantam Books, New York: NY


Plea Bargaining in Criminal Justice System Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

response t0 -peer as well, in cite qoutes and reference page

Plea bargaining is used in criminal justice to provide the accused
with the opportunity to accept a reduced punishment or a reduction in
the charge in exchange for a guilty plea at the arraignment or at trial.
The prosecutor makes an offer to the defense attorney who notifies the
client. The client will either accept or reject the offer.

Many people see plea bargaining as an easy way to avoid going to trial.

Research and discuss the following questions:

Is it ethical for the prosecutor to offer plea bargaining

  • If the prosecutor’s case is weak and there is doubt about the guilt of the offender?
  • If the prosecutor offers a lesser sentence in exchange for information about other suspects in the same or other cases?

Due dates for your initial and response posts can be found by checking the Course Syllabus and Course Calendar.

part two

Need Help? Click here for complete discussion forum instructions.

Over 90 percent of all criminal cases are settled through plea
bargaining instead of going to trial. This concept is based on the
premise that no innocent person would admit guilt to something they did
not do. This concept however has been proven flawed. In cases where a
defendant may face a sentence of 25 years and gets a plea bargain of
only 6 years in exchange for admission of guilt, it may be tempting to
not risk a trial and possible loss for the longer sentence. This concept
is considered to be coercive plea bargaining, when you have an offender
plead guilty even though innocent due to the prosecutor’s hard tactics
(Alkon, 2017). I believe if they do not have enough evidence to support a
conviction, a plea bargain should not be offered or taken, unless all
information regarding the case is disclosed to both parties. This is a
slippery slope to navigate in regards to fairness. I do believe a plea
bargain is fair if you know the person is guilty, but is willing to give
more information in regards to others involved in the crime. This takes
more criminals off the streets and helps protect the public. It may
also unravel details in a case never caught before.

Alkon, Cynthia. (26, March 2017). Hard Bargaining in Plea Bargaining: When do Prosecutors Cross the Line? Retrieved from:





NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help

NRS433V Grand Canyon University Nursing Practice Problem Literature Search Writing Assignment Help

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