NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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For this assignment, prepare a white paper to help educate others on mental health issues in adults. Assume this paper could be distributed to either clients or their family and friends who may be struggling with their diagnosis or even how to interact with their loved one. Include the following in your white paper:

  • Analyze treatment theories by comparing two major theories in working with adults.
  • Utilize evidence-based practice to determine which treatments are best for various mental health disorders.
  • Explain cultural limitations to the various treatments.
  • Interpret stigmas associated with the labels of mental illness.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sullivan Discovering True Selves Beginning of New Life Leadership Beliefs Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Check out the Center for Courage and Renewal website and listen to the podcast by Parker Palmer on “An Undivided Life” (, which takes about 5 minutes. How do we identify our true selves? How does one’s true self relate to one’s leadership philosophy and leadership style? What are the forces that tend to cause internal division? What does it mean to “phone in?” (500 words)…

Discussion Question

What role does critical thinking play in leadership? Does this vary with the level of a leader? For example, is critical thinking more important as a CEO versus a supervisor? Finally, can critical thinking be taught?

Respond to the people below. If you agree or disagree and why (150 words)


Critical thinking is a very large role of leadership and management. Critical thinking involves making judgment calls based on past experiences. Many leaders have learned throughout their experiences of what works to resolve a problem as well as what may not work as effectively. Given that each scenario may be different, having the ability to apply what was once learned through attempt helps to make the correct decision faster and more efficiently. I would argue that both the CEO and supervisor position equally require this skillset just in different ways. Both positions require “Problem solving in contexts of risk, ambiguity and uncertainty. Strength in inductive and inferential reasoning lead problem solvers to determine the solution that has the strongest likelihood of success, given information at hand” (“Top 5 critical thinking skills important for business,” 2019). While the CEO is involved in problem solving in risks such as profitability, market availability and the strategy of the organization as a whole, the supervisor is the one mitigating risks amongst employees and also production bottlenecks. Although vastly different, both require critical thinking just in different ways. Not all supervisors should be a CEO much like not all CEO’s should be supervisors. CEO’s may oversee a company but that doesn’t mean they have the capacity to manage minor infractions and emotions of the employees as they can with the emotions and volatility of the economic market.


Critical thinking is and has become something that corporate level jobs look for in their potential employees. It is very necessary in the role of serving as a leader in any field or aspect. In fact, critical thinking really enables people to reflect on the possible results of their decisions both before and after. Leaders who pursue thinking critically often challenge themselves to think and execute off the strength of what will bring them the greatest return on investments. Many people may recognize this as the blueprint/planning phase. One of the most important intangible assets to bring to a company is the ability to be open-minded while problem solving; which wouldn’t be possible without critical thinking.

An everyday individual would argue that supervisors need not to be overly passionate about critical thinking, but I disagree. EVERY employee should possess an advanced skill of thinking analytically. It is important that each employee/individual understand how their decisions affect the business or team whether good or bad. This process is as simple as being reflective. So, critical thinking is not more important as a CEO versus a Supervisor because they both hold leadership titles that require executing that skill.

Another question that often comes up when discussion this subject is whether critical thinking can be taught? The answer is yes because professors have been trying to get their students to do that for years. Perhaps this may be more familiar when we think back to all the times when teachers have provided students with activities and exercises that challenge them to question basic assumptions and evaluate existing evidence; that is CRITICAL THINKING ! Its amazing.


Wilmington Univ Global Marketing Through International Sports Toyota Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Select either a sports league or a company that has gone overseas to improve its global appeal or a non-sports company that has used international sports as a way to improve its global market. Write a short paper (at least 2 pages) addressing the following information:

  1. The sports league or company: Why did they decide to look into the market overseas? What was their target market?
  2. How did the sports league or company seek out the international market? Explain some of the things they did to get into the international market.
  3. Was their globalization campaign successful? Why or why not?


STU Nursing Research & EBP Clinical Practice in Adult Critical Care Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Weekly Article Summary 5

Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format and write a 1-page summary.

Submission Instructions:

  • Must be a research article.
  • Write a 1-page summary using an outline of the steps of the research process, discuss the study type, purpose, and research question(s).
  • The summary is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The summary should be formatted per current APA and 1 page in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.



UOTP Non Preemptive Queueing Model of Spectrum Handoff Scheme Discussion Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Answer the following question in APA format essay:

Q1Assume that traffic is assigned four different priority levels taking into account real-time and handoff traffic. How can you handle such traffic while supporting mobility?

Q2.Can you use some devices to transmit data directly to BS and others using relay stations in LTE A?

Q3. What is the rationale behind using different slot sizes in Bluetooth? Explain clearly.



Q5. A given ad hoc network consists of 100 nodes, and the mobility of the nodes is such that every second, two existing radio connections are broken, while two new radio links are established. Assuming each node is connected to exactly four adjacent nodes, find the total number of communications links in the network.

Be sure to provide examples and resources. You will need to include a minimum of 2 resources.

Writing Requirements

  • APA format, 3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Minimum of 2 resources

part 2

Briefly include a summary of the following topics

Wireless LANs, PANs, BANs, MANs and Recent Advances in Wireless Technologies

1. ETSI High – Performance LAN (HiperLAN)

2. Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

3. IEEE802.15.1 (Bluetooth)

4. WMANs Using Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), 3GPP and Long Term Evolution (LTE)

5. SIM Card

6. Push to Talk


8. Delay Tolerant and Mobile Opportunistic Network

9 Wireless network Performance



Texas A&M University Commerce Operating Activities Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

PROBLEM 14–7 Prepare a Statement of Cash Flows LO14–1, LO14–2

Comparative financial statements for Weaver Company follow:

[Table in the picture]

During this year, Weaver sold some equipment for $20 that had cost $40 and on which there was accumulated depreciation of $16. In addition, the company sold long-term investments for $10 that had cost $3 when purchased several years ago. Weaver paid a cash dividend this year and the company repurchased $40 of its own stock. This year Weaver did not retire any bonds. Required:

1. Using the indirect method, determine the net cash provided by operating activities for this year.

2. Using the information in (1) above, along with an analysis of the remaining balance sheet accounts, prepare a statement of cash flows for this year.

PROBLEM 14–9 Understanding a Statement of Cash Flows LO14–1, LO14–2 Brock Company is a merchandiser that prepared the statement of cash flows and income statement provided below:

Required: Assume you have been asked to teach a workshop to the employees within Brock Company’s Marketing Department. The purpose of your workshop is to explain how the statement of cash flows differs from the income statement. Your audience is expecting you to explain the logic underlying each number included in the statement of cash flows. Prepare a memo that explains the format of the statement of cash flows and the rationale for each number included in Brock’s statement of cash flows.

Garrison, Ray; Garrison, Ray. Managerial Accounting (Page 716). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.

Texas A&M University Commerce Operating Activities Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

New York University Bullying General Discussion Responses Science Assignment Help

PEER RESPONSES- 150 words. 2 references needed

Peer # 1 Clea Response due in 12 hours

The historical timeline media presentation has many eye-opening dates and events that have happened over time, however the one that I find most interesting is the timeline of bullying. Bullying, or being cruel to another person has been around since the dawn of time, and we used terms like “boys will be boys,” “be tougher,” and “it’s part of growing up.” It wasn’t until the 1970’s when bullying was included on the suicide previntion description, and it wasn’t until the 1980’s when bullying was recogognized as including the social exclusion of people. Unfortunately it took the tragic incident at Columbine in 1999, for there to be any real recognition of what it meant to be bullied and the trauma that can come from that. “Bullying is usually defined as a form of aggression in which one or more children intend to harm or disturb another child who is perceived as being unable to defend himself or herself.” (Glew, Rivara,& Feudtner, 2000). Being a teacher, I have seen a great deal of change in this arena. Students are so much more educated on what it means to be bullied, strategies to use to deal with being bullied and just the term of “you’re bullying me,” or “stop being a bully.” In the beginning it seemed that there was just an emphasis on the victim of bullying, but now we see that both the victim and the bully need help. Many bullies have “ negative relations with parents and a cold emotional climate at home (Olweus, 1980; Rigby, 1993, 1994;Bowers et al., 1994), and exposure to violence and racial prejudice in the community.” (Randall, 1996). These are important things in bringing real prevention to bullying. We first need to look at the bully and why they do it if we ever want to put a stop to it. Children act out what they know and will do things to bring healing to themselves, even if it is at the detriment of others.

Historical prevention to modern day wellness in my opinion has changed in the fact we are no longer just recognizing there are problems, we are trying to actively address and educate ourselves and others before there is a problem. For example with bullying, we don’t just punish the bully, we counsel them and understand the root of their anger/insecurities/etc. Starting as young as preschool, we are teaching different strategies about how to recognize insecurities, issues at home, etc so we can give what would be the bully, tools and a place to heal themselves before they turn into a bully, hence ending the cycle.


Smokowski, P. R., & Kopasz, K. H. (2005). Bullying in School: An Overview of Types, Effects, Family Characteristics, and Intervention Strategies. Children & Schools, 27(2), 101–110.

Yoneyama, S., & Naito, A. (2003). Problems with the Paradigm: the school as a factor in understanding bullying (with special reference to Japan). British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24(3), 315.

Peer # 2 Cassandra S Response due in 24 hours

Hi Class,

Throughout history, there has been momentous shift in the opinion of mental health, as well as the treatment and care of people with mental health problems.

The historical timeline we were asked to view begins with the recognition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). From 1861-1905 it was first documented as “irritable heart” or “Soldiers heart”. By 1905 it was considered a legitimate medical health condition by the Russian Army. Awareness was also given in a memorandum published in 1920 by Austrian Neurologist, Sigmund Freud who wrote of the rumored brutal treatment of psychologically wounded soldiers. Little progress is made in the United States however until 1945 when the terminology changes from “shell shock” to Battle fatigue or combat stress reaction (CRS) for WWII soldiers (Friedman, 2015). This brought a greater awareness of a psychological health issue caused by an “event the individual suffered, rather than a personal weakness” (Friedman, 2018., para. 1).

In 1941 awareness is brought to the health issues related to smoking after an article is published linking smoking to lung cancer. Three years later concerns are also raised to the health issues relating to Alcohol consumption when an announcement is made by the U.S. Public Health Service that Alcoholism as the “4th largest health problem in America” (Significant Events, n.d.). In 1947 the Alcohol Rehabilitation act was passed that recognized a person with alcohol addition as a medically ill person. (Timeline, 2015). There were also support groups established in 1949 such as the Alcoholics Victorious recovery support group (Significant Events, n.d). In 1967 Alcoholism is identified as a “complex” disease, and a resolution is passed “recognizing medical components are medicine’s responsibility (Timeline, 2015). By 1969 funding is established for prevention as well as treatment for alcoholism with the Public services Amendment Act signed by President Johnson.

The last two significant shifts are in the issues of Depression and Suicide prevention and treatment. In 1960, Dr. Aaron T. Beck develops a Cognitive Therapy treatment for depression and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-21), a self-rating inventory for depression in 1961. Two years later the Community Mental Health Centers Act is passed by Congress calling for” increased community services and deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill” (Our History, 2015). Further progress is seen in 1966, with awareness being brought to prevalence of Suicide with the development of the Suicide Research Unit created by the National Institute of Mental Health. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). There is also a short educational film produced on Mental Health awarnessby Mental Health America.

For all of these issues, one common link can be found as far as the effect of prevention on modern health, that being that prevention and treatment measures were only established after links were found to documented health issues. For example, lung cancer linked with smoking, suicide linked to depression, or PTSD linked with depression or suicide. When these links are identified it not only leads to awareness but also opens doors for funding to develop programs and research to continue or improve preventative measures.


Friedman, M. J. (2015). History of PTSD in veterans: Civil War to DSM-5. Retrieved from //…

Friedman, M. J. (2018). Veterans Affairs. Retrieved February 20, 2021, from…

A timeline of significant events. (2015). Retrieved from // us/timeline-of-events

Our history. (2015). Retrieved from //

Significant events in the history of addiction treatment and recover in America. (n.d.). Retrieved from //…

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2012, September). Appendix C, Brief History of Suicide Prevention in the United States. In 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General and of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from //

Peer # 3 Savannah Response due in 36 hours

Historically, list some causes of the shift from cure to prevention focus.

As more research and more information is gathered on topics of health and wellness, prevention efforts started to form. Most health issues did not receive attention until it became very apparent that they were in fact issues and taking a huge toll on the health of American’s and the entire world’s population. Smoking, for instance, became widely popular in 1941 during the second World War. Five years later Dr. Ochsner and Dr. DeBakey publish an article linking smoking to lung cancer. Despite this publication, not much was done to prevent the population from smoking, and in 1960 Cigarette consumption reaches its peak. In 1964 the landmark Surgeon General’s report linking smoking to lung cancer was released and affected the nation’s population. The results of the report begin to change public opinion toward smoking and start the fight against death and disease from tobacco. In 1969 Congress requires each pack of cigarettes to have a warning label about the hazards of cigarette smoke and in 1972 Surgeon General releases report about the dangers of public exposure to pollution from tobacco smoke. Finally, in 2000 the reduced number of people smoking begins to reduce the number of deaths related to tobacco.

Not just in smoking, but with many health issues it seems that the cause for a shift from treatment to prevention was the release of information. It wasn’t until extensive research was released to the general public on the link between cancer, among other health problems, and smoking that prevention efforts were taken seriously and individuals quit smoking.

Explain how historical prevention and lack of prevention has effected changes to modern mental health and wellness programs.

Historical prevention has affected modern mental health by simply giving it it’s start. In this case taking depression as an example. In 1952 the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders is released, giving depression it’s official diagnosis. Due to depression having an official diagnosis, treatments and prevention efforts were able to begin. First by the development of Cognitive Brain Therapy, The Beck Depression Inventory to screen for depression, in 1963 the Community Mental Health Centers Act is passed by Congress. These were all treatments created after the diagnosis, but after treatments were proven to be effective researchers and doctors knew more about these illness and health risks, therefore, having the ability to create prevention methods. In 1971 a short film called “Only Human” is produced by Mental Health America and it is shown on over 150 television stations. The purpose of this short film was to improve understanding of mental illness by the public. The first step in prevention is education. In 1966 the Mental Health Parity Act is passed which brings more equity to the coverage of mental health care by insurance companies, another step forward for prevention. Addressing needs when they first begin and having the ability to do so prevents mental illnesses from becoming bigger, long lasting issues. Put simply, the prevention efforts of the past paved the way for new prevention efforts in modern medicine. Without those successes or failures, we would be trying them know and be years behind in prevention efforts. Each treatment or prevention effort, whether they were a success or failure built a foundation for future advances.


UMUC Break Even Analysis Senior Privileges Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

Maryland Home and Community-Based Services (MHCBS) is considering a major expansion that will enable it to attract a different clientele to its organization. Currently, they serve only 34% of the frail elderly seniors and persons with disabilities in the local area. The new chief CEO would like the organization to expand its revenue stream by investing in a senior multipurpose center serving healthy seniors by offering them arts and crafts and health and wellness programs. The center will also contain an Internet café offering nutritious breakfast and lunch options.

The CEO has commissioned a needs assessment, and the study’s results reveal that there are approximately 120 seniors in the local community who are interested in this center and the CEO expects growth of the aging population to be at least 10% each year. Cost growth across all areas of expense is expected to rise by 5% each year. The CEO has presented her proposal and financial information to the Board of Directors, and they have advised her that they are in full support of her strategy only if the program is a benefit to the community and if the organization can recoup its investment in five years. The CEO has asked you if this can be achieved. Based on the information presented in the scenario, calculate the two analyses and explain, in a brief memorandum to the CEO, their implications.

Service Line Break Even Analysis Memo

The proposed costs to operate this new facility are as follows:

Expected Monthly Revenue (Membership Fee): $125 per person

Monthly Fixed Costs

  • Utilities: $590
  • Health/Wellness Staff: $2,500
  • Arts/Crafts Staff: $2,000
  • Supplies: $800
  • Fitness Equipment Maintenance Contract: $200

Variable Costs

  • Monthly Lunch Cost: $25
  • Monthly Breakfast Cost: $15

Based on the information above, once the minimum threshold of participants is reached, the initial investment to establish the center is $317,880. The organization anticipates that it will generate $46,920 of net revenues in the first year, $68,166 in the second year, $93,404 in the third year, $123,287 in the fourth year, and $158,573 in the fifth year.

  1. Perform the break-even analysis to determine how many seniors would need to have a full monthly membership for UMGC Home and Community-Based Services to cover its monthly expenses.
  2. Calculate the payback period to determine how long it will take for the organization to recover its initial investment of establishing the senior multipurpose center.


Film Mr Six by Guan Hu Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Minimum 2 full pages, double spaces, MLA style, works cited page

Pick 1 movie from the following and write a 2-page short report. Use movie name as your title.

1. Mr. Six (Directed by Guan Hu, starring Feng Xiaogang Feng, 2015).

2. Eat Drink Man Woman (Dir. Ang Lee, 1994)

What you should write in the paper:

  1. briefly summarize the plot of the film
  2. Describe your reactions and reflections (combine with the reading materials) use first pronoun “I”

Paragraph 1 — introduction

Paragraph 2 — brief summarize the plot (approx. 150 words)

Paragraph 3-4 — describe your reactions and reflections (use specific scenes from the movie to support your claim)

Paragraph 5 — conclusion

Reading: see attachment


HSC 333 Wilmington Wk 6 Organizational Development and Change Theory Bibliography Health Medical Assignment Help

Using the tables in the template linked below, compile an annotated list of essential resources/tools from this course that you believe are useful to becoming an effective leader in your field.

Reflect back on the lessons, assignments and discussions from previous weeks.

  1. Choose 7 topics from the list that are exceptionally relevant to your interests, current position or future position.
  2. In the second column next to the topic chosen, list one or more resources for the given topic that were especially meaningful or pertinent. A hyperlinkLinks to an external site. to the resource (if web-based) would be useful.
  3. In the third column, briefly discuss these ideas, skill sets, research instruments, websites, etc. Why do YOU feel these are necessary to have as ‘tools’ for effective leadership as a health professional?

The purpose of this assignment is to curate a collection of leadership resources you can refer to as you begin your career in the health field. Please include relevant examples from each week of our course.


NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

NU Analyze Well Established Treatments Professional Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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