NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Module 4.1 – Discussion

Applying Nursing Theory


  1. Select one (1) of the following scenarios related to a specific nursing. Think about what you would do in the scenario presented and post your ideas.
  2. Post two (2) discussion questions based on the readings along with your answers.
  3. Read the comments from your classmates.
  4. Please respond to at least two (2) of your classmate’s postings.
    • Compare and contrast your own professional philosophy from the two (2) classmates.

To begin the discussion, click on the “Create Thread” link above.

NOTE: You will not be able to see your classmates posts until you post your original response.

Theorist Scenario
Florence Nightengale
  1. Using Nightengale’s concepts of ventilation, light, noise, and cleanliness, analyze the setting in which you are practicing nursing (working as an employee or student).
  2. Using Nightengale’s theory, evaluate the nursing interventions you have identified for an individual patient in your facility or practice.


  3. Your hospital patient is an 82 year-old woman. She does not have immediate family and has been living alone in her own home. Her hospitalization was unanticipated; it followed a visit to the emergency room for a burn on her lower leg. The patient has been hospitalized for 14 days. She pleads with you to allow her friend to bring her dog, a 16-year-old Scotty Terrier, to the hospital. She tells you that none of the other nurses have listened to her when she asked them about such a visit. Based on Nightingale’s model, and 13 cannon, what actions would you take for this patient?
Betty Neuman
  1. Martina is a middle-aged Hispanic woman who brings her family to a local free clinic to obtain medical care. She works part time in a restaurant for minimum wage. She lives in a small apartment with her daughter and four preschool children; her daughter speaks only very broken English. Martina’s medical diagnoses are hypertension, arthritis, and depression.

    Use the Neuman System Model as a conceptual framework to respond to the following:

    1. Describe the family as a system.
    2. How does the dominant Anglo culture impact on the family’s stability as a system?
    3. What stressors (actual and potential) threaten the family?
    4. What additional assessment data are needed related to Martina’s medical diagnoses?
    5. What additional assessment data are needed related to the family’s health status?
    6. How will cultural differences influence planning for prevention as intervention at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels?


  1. Using the Neuman System Model, organize a patient care conference in your workplace to deal with a patient situation that has been difficult to manage. Involve caregivers from nursing and at least one other disicpline to discuss each of the following:
    1. What factors comprise the patient’s normal and flexible lines of defense and lines of resistance?
    2. What stressors are causing the problems with this patitent? What is the patient’s reaction to the stressor? What is each discipline’s perspective on the problem or isssues that are involved?
    3. How is the situation influenced by the patient’s family system? By the patient’s environment?
    4. What would be the ideal coutocme in this situation from each discipline’s perspective? From the patient’s perspective?
    5. What goals would be appropariate to neogotiate with the patient?
    6. What primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention-as-interventions would support attainment of these goals?
Imogene King
  1. Think about and write your personal definitions of environment, health, nursing, and person. (Do these sound familiar to you?). Compare your definitions with King’s definitions. How are they similar? How are they different? Are they more alike than different? If they are more alike, develop a plan to use King’s framework and theory more extensively in your paper (and practice).


  2. Does the philosophy of one of the agencies in which you have practiced encourage the involvement of the patients in their care? If so, does mutual goal setting occur? If not, what changes would you suggest to promote more active involvement of the patients in their own care?

    Analyze an interaction you have had with a patient. Were you able to achieve a transaction as King describes it? If so, think about what you did differently with this person? If not, think about the interaction and try to identify why the transaction was not achieved?

Hildegard Peplau
  1. During the therapeutic relationship, patients may distort their perceptions of others. Therefore they may relate to the nurse not on the basis of the nurse’s realistic attributes, but wholly or chiefly on the basis of interpersonal relationships existing in their environment. With the patient and nurse roles you have described above, discuss how these distorted perceptions may affect the patient’s care and the nurse-patient relationship.


  2. Considering the nurse-patient relationship created in question #1 above, discuss the phases and the changing roles that would be considered when working with this patient. Consider experiences in which you would 0r/and would not be able to accomplish the appropriate goals for each phase of the nurse-patient relationship.
Madeleine Leininger

Discuss the usefulness of the Culture Care: Diversity and Universality Theory in the 21st Century to discover nursing knowledge and to provide culturally congruent care. Take into consideration the current trends of consumers of healthcare, cultural diversity factors, and changes in medical and nursing school curricula. Listed below are some examples of trends and changes you may want to consider in your discussion:

  1. The importance of transcultural nursing knowledge in an increasingly diverse world
  2. An increase of lay support groups to provide information and sharing of experiences and support for patients and/or families experiencing chronic, terminal, or life-threatening illnesses or treatment modalities from diverse and similar (common) cultures.
  3. Use of cultural values, beliefs, health practices, and research knowledge in undergraduate, alternative medicine, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other over-the-counter medications, which demand a transcultural knowledge base.

NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Bowie State University African American History to 1865 Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Short Answer Responses.

Instruction: Answer each question below in at least 2-3 sentences. Please be sure to write your answer in complete sentences.

1. Define creoles in the context of colonial slavery in the United States?

2. Define manumission in the context of colonial slavery in the United States and how was manumission contradictory?

3. What factors contributed to the birth of the Antislavery movement?

4. What impact did Phyllis Wheatly have on attitudes towards slavery in the United States?

5. Define cultural syncretism in the context of US American slavery?

6. Identify some of the occupations of “enslaved” African Americans?

7. What impact did Quaker morality have on slavery in the American colonies?

8. What impact did slave courts have on American slavery?

9. What impact did the fugitive slave act have on American slavery?

10. What was Washington’s position on Black participation in the Revolutionary War and identify one factors that made his position change?


Providence College Anti Humanistic Psychology in Patch Adams Report Humanities Assignment Help

Please Google PATCH ADAMS film and go to the bottom of their list. You only need to watch about an hour or so to get its humanistic meaning, but I am sure that once you start you will want to see the entire movie.

Pay particular attention to which character says the following: “You’re focusing on the problem! If you focus on the problem, you can’t see the solution. Never focus on the problem. Look beyond! See what no one else sees. See what everyone else chooses not to see out of FEAR, CONFORMITY, or LAZINESS. See the whole world anew every day. Yes, then you’ll be on your way.” Then this character renames Hunter with the name Patch.

This begins to introduce the importance of names and naming in this film and their connections to Humanistic psychology. As you watch the film, note all the plays with names by the different characters and their significance. Some characters use naming for anti-humanistic purposes; others to enhance humanity. How do names and naming perform this purpose? Please write a one page single-spaced essay on the theme of names in this movie to express humanistic and/or anti-humanistic psychology.

Review the text about Abraham Maslow and Humanistic psychology. Study his hierarchy of needs. Have you had peak experiences? What hinders you from pursuing your own self-actualiztion? How does renaming Hunter as Patch free him to ascend the hierarchy to find his own self-actualization? Some thoughts to consider.


1. Read and review text on Humanistic psychology.

2. Watch the movie PATCH ADAMS and note the thematic uses of names in the film.

3. Write a one page, single-spaced essay on the use of names as a thematic tool in the movie.


California State University Chuck Closes Paintings Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help

In 600-750 words, explain Close’s approach to painting, and how his process makes his paintings more engaging for the viewer. Be sure to include direct references to specific areas of Close’s paintings as you write your Reflection.

Chuck close: A portrait in progress Link

  1. When Chuck Close states that his painting “transcends its physical reality,” he means that the whole painting is greater than the sum of its parts. Describe the experience of seeing one of Close’s paintings up close versus seeing it from a distance.
  2. Although Chuck Close paints portraits based on photographs, the finished paintings do not merely look like large photographs. Briefly describe Chuck Close’s process of painting an image, and how the surfaces of his painting differ from that of a photograph.
  3. People today generally don’t have optical experiences because most of their visual experiences passively occur while watching commercial media. Explain how Close’s process of painting results in images that provide more engaging optical experiences for the viewer.


Southern New Hampshire Evidence Based Control and Prevention Measures Essay Writing Assignment Help

For your assignment I would like a report, no more then 1 page long, describing this question first from the perspective of it being a different disease, then from the perspective of it being the same disease. Please use statistical data from the question for both sides of the argument as well as give examples of how this could be the same disease. Sorry the instructions are vague, but the goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about all the different types information that epidemiologists need to examine when looking at disease outbreaks.
Question: An Epidemiologists is studying two populations that have recently had an outbreak of a disease with similar symptoms. In one population of 600 people 450 of them became infected and 3 of them died. In the other population of 200 people 20 were infected and 10 died. Did the two towns have an outbreak of the same disease? Defend your answer



NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Content



Top of Form

This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.

Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.

Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.

Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.

Step 4: Explain potential data.

Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.


On a separate page.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How do you think the nurse-patient relationship and the researcher-participant relationship are alike? How are they different?

(For #2 if you could please add 1 citation within the paper and cite using APA format please)

NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AAS350 Syracuse University The S?seki Lectures Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

please find the study questions and response paper assignment for the Sōseki lectures

Here is the instructions:

Written homework assignments: Submit typed, 2-3 page, double-spaced responses (Times New Roman, 12-point font) to directed study questions at the end of the first class session in which a particular novel or short story is discussed. Bring at least 2 typed, double-spaced discussion questions to the second session a particular novel is discussed, raise one or both of them to the group and submit them at the end of class. Late submissions of directed response papers and discussion questions will not be counted except in the case of excused absence. For these writing assignments, I am interested in your own personal responses, interpretations and questions. Consequently, I ask that you do not refer to or incorporate any outside print or Internet sources. Three interpretive essays are also required for the course: the first two will be a minimum of 5 full typed, double-spaced pages interpreting individual artistic works we have studied and discussed as a group, and the take-home final, which consists of an analytical essay comparing and contrasting at least three literary works we studied that share a common theme or themes, averages about 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length.


MGMT210 Regent University Biblical and Faith Integration Responses Business Finance Assignment Help

I will need 2 responses to the following 2 discussion board posts. (see attached)

This week’s discussion and Faith Integration: Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 6:6-10, Hebrews 5:11-14, 2 Timothy 3:15-16. Although these verses focus on Christian development through the Word of God, try to apply them to employee training and development in an organization. For whom is it reserved? Should only the “high potential” people be fully developed? Consider overall Employee Orientation, training and development.

For the 2 responses – In addition, learners post a minimum of two responses to peer initial responses. The peer response should include additional research that expands upon one of key points noted in your peers initial response. The peer reply should be composed in a professional manner with a word count range of 150-200 words each.

  • Noe, R. (2016) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(ISBN 9780077718367).New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.


HHS201 Ashford University An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition Marianne Woodside Tricia McClain Writing Assignment Help

8 to 10 pages

Class HHS201


An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition

Marianne Woodside

Tricia McClain

An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition
Marianne Woodside
Tricia McClam
Please address each bullet in the paper
Helping Those in Need
For your Final Paper, you will select a group served by human services. You will need to thoroughly research this group so please ensure you locate resources beyond the textbook to assist you (e.g., credible, professional online sources and scholarly articles from the Ashford University Library). Please use the group below for this paper:

• Women and children
In your paper,

• Examine and research the history of social welfare policy pertaining to this group, discussing their needs from a social welfare program. Have members been oppressed or discriminated against, suffered from lack of income or being homeless or indigent or have they had other needs such as accessing healthcare?

• Identify laws that were passed and programs established that have either helped or restricted members’ accessing care and support.

• Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the supporting or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

• Identify the resources available in your area for this group.

• Discuss any personal experiences or insights relating to this group, if applicable.

• Explain the roles that human service workers perform in working with this group, highlighting what characteristics are necessary for human service workers.

• Discuss beneficial interventions or strategies

• Discuss how this group could be better served, listing at least two ways a human service worker could be a change agent on a client’s behalf.
The Your Helping Those in Need Final Paper

• Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

• Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
o For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

• Must use at least five credible sources.
o The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment

• Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Please no Plagiarism


WRIT300 Baltimore Effective Immigration Reform Rhetorical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Please follow the instructions and write the rhetorical analysis. Note that you are not analyzing the the articles separately but you are comparing them in a discourse community (immigration)this means an article that was written for the purpose of the experts within that community and one article that was written to the general public. it is 3-4 pages please make sure its 4 pages. i will attach the further instructions in this description box.

The Discourse Community is Immigration

I have attached the articles that you are going to use.

Audience: New and future members of your academic discourse community

Purpose: To examine and analyze the rhetorical elements of a text intended to be read by professionals within your DC, and explain what distinguishes such a text from one written for a “general audience” of non-specialists.

Length: 3-4 pages

Instructions: Identify a professional journal (in some cases, these may exist online) used by members of your DC. From it, choose any article and analyze it rhetorically to see what it reveals about the conventions of writing within your field.

Then, find another article on the same topic that is written for a mainstream, general audience (i.e., for people who are not members of the DC). Compare the two articles. What differences do you notice about how the topic is treated for the two types of readers? How do the articles differ in purpose, tone, persona, structure, and use of evidence?

While analyzing each document, use the attached Rhetorical Analysis Questions to guide you.

Note that your main goal here is not to summarize the articles. Instead, you should be analyzing the authors’ rhetorical choices in order to better understand how your DC communicates.

When writing your analysis, make sure you briefly introduce and describe each of the articles, but don’t get bogged down in the content — keep the goal of the assignment in mind. Additionally, make sure to include a correctly formatted citation for each article, in either APA, MLA, CMS, or another established style, depending on the conventions of your DC.

Please make sure that you understand this assignment before starting it. it is not a regular analysis but comparing the two articles (Purpose, Adience, Tone, Genre/Text, and Persona) one writter for the DC experts and one for the General Public.


  1. When Chuck Close states that his painting “transcends its physical reality,” he means that the whole painting is greater than the sum of its parts. Describe the experience of seeing one of Close’s paintings up close versus seeing it from a distance.
  2. Although Chuck Close paints portraits based on photographs, the finished paintings do not merely look like large photographs. Briefly describe Chuck Close’s process of painting an image, and how the surfaces of his painting differ from that of a photograph.
  3. People today generally don’t have optical experiences because most of their visual experiences passively occur while watching commercial media. Explain how Close’s process of painting results in images that provide more engaging optical experiences for the viewer.


Southern New Hampshire Evidence Based Control and Prevention Measures Essay Writing Assignment Help

For your assignment I would like a report, no more then 1 page long, describing this question first from the perspective of it being a different disease, then from the perspective of it being the same disease. Please use statistical data from the question for both sides of the argument as well as give examples of how this could be the same disease. Sorry the instructions are vague, but the goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about all the different types information that epidemiologists need to examine when looking at disease outbreaks.
Question: An Epidemiologists is studying two populations that have recently had an outbreak of a disease with similar symptoms. In one population of 600 people 450 of them became infected and 3 of them died. In the other population of 200 people 20 were infected and 10 died. Did the two towns have an outbreak of the same disease? Defend your answer



NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Content



Top of Form

This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.

Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.

Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.

Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.

Step 4: Explain potential data.

Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.


On a separate page.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How do you think the nurse-patient relationship and the researcher-participant relationship are alike? How are they different?

(For #2 if you could please add 1 citation within the paper and cite using APA format please)

NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AAS350 Syracuse University The S?seki Lectures Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

please find the study questions and response paper assignment for the Sōseki lectures

Here is the instructions:

Written homework assignments: Submit typed, 2-3 page, double-spaced responses (Times New Roman, 12-point font) to directed study questions at the end of the first class session in which a particular novel or short story is discussed. Bring at least 2 typed, double-spaced discussion questions to the second session a particular novel is discussed, raise one or both of them to the group and submit them at the end of class. Late submissions of directed response papers and discussion questions will not be counted except in the case of excused absence. For these writing assignments, I am interested in your own personal responses, interpretations and questions. Consequently, I ask that you do not refer to or incorporate any outside print or Internet sources. Three interpretive essays are also required for the course: the first two will be a minimum of 5 full typed, double-spaced pages interpreting individual artistic works we have studied and discussed as a group, and the take-home final, which consists of an analytical essay comparing and contrasting at least three literary works we studied that share a common theme or themes, averages about 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length.


MGMT210 Regent University Biblical and Faith Integration Responses Business Finance Assignment Help

I will need 2 responses to the following 2 discussion board posts. (see attached)

This week’s discussion and Faith Integration: Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 6:6-10, Hebrews 5:11-14, 2 Timothy 3:15-16. Although these verses focus on Christian development through the Word of God, try to apply them to employee training and development in an organization. For whom is it reserved? Should only the “high potential” people be fully developed? Consider overall Employee Orientation, training and development.

For the 2 responses – In addition, learners post a minimum of two responses to peer initial responses. The peer response should include additional research that expands upon one of key points noted in your peers initial response. The peer reply should be composed in a professional manner with a word count range of 150-200 words each.

  • Noe, R. (2016) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(ISBN 9780077718367).New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.


HHS201 Ashford University An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition Marianne Woodside Tricia McClain Writing Assignment Help

8 to 10 pages

Class HHS201


An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition

Marianne Woodside

Tricia McClain

An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition
Marianne Woodside
Tricia McClam
Please address each bullet in the paper
Helping Those in Need
For your Final Paper, you will select a group served by human services. You will need to thoroughly research this group so please ensure you locate resources beyond the textbook to assist you (e.g., credible, professional online sources and scholarly articles from the Ashford University Library). Please use the group below for this paper:

• Women and children
In your paper,

• Examine and research the history of social welfare policy pertaining to this group, discussing their needs from a social welfare program. Have members been oppressed or discriminated against, suffered from lack of income or being homeless or indigent or have they had other needs such as accessing healthcare?

• Identify laws that were passed and programs established that have either helped or restricted members’ accessing care and support.

• Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the supporting or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

• Identify the resources available in your area for this group.

• Discuss any personal experiences or insights relating to this group, if applicable.

• Explain the roles that human service workers perform in working with this group, highlighting what characteristics are necessary for human service workers.

• Discuss beneficial interventions or strategies

• Discuss how this group could be better served, listing at least two ways a human service worker could be a change agent on a client’s behalf.
The Your Helping Those in Need Final Paper

• Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

• Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
o For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

• Must use at least five credible sources.
o The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment

• Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Please no Plagiarism


WRIT300 Baltimore Effective Immigration Reform Rhetorical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Please follow the instructions and write the rhetorical analysis. Note that you are not analyzing the the articles separately but you are comparing them in a discourse community (immigration)this means an article that was written for the purpose of the experts within that community and one article that was written to the general public. it is 3-4 pages please make sure its 4 pages. i will attach the further instructions in this description box.

The Discourse Community is Immigration

I have attached the articles that you are going to use.

Audience: New and future members of your academic discourse community

Purpose: To examine and analyze the rhetorical elements of a text intended to be read by professionals within your DC, and explain what distinguishes such a text from one written for a “general audience” of non-specialists.

Length: 3-4 pages

Instructions: Identify a professional journal (in some cases, these may exist online) used by members of your DC. From it, choose any article and analyze it rhetorically to see what it reveals about the conventions of writing within your field.

Then, find another article on the same topic that is written for a mainstream, general audience (i.e., for people who are not members of the DC). Compare the two articles. What differences do you notice about how the topic is treated for the two types of readers? How do the articles differ in purpose, tone, persona, structure, and use of evidence?

While analyzing each document, use the attached Rhetorical Analysis Questions to guide you.

Note that your main goal here is not to summarize the articles. Instead, you should be analyzing the authors’ rhetorical choices in order to better understand how your DC communicates.

When writing your analysis, make sure you briefly introduce and describe each of the articles, but don’t get bogged down in the content — keep the goal of the assignment in mind. Additionally, make sure to include a correctly formatted citation for each article, in either APA, MLA, CMS, or another established style, depending on the conventions of your DC.

Please make sure that you understand this assignment before starting it. it is not a regular analysis but comparing the two articles (Purpose, Adience, Tone, Genre/Text, and Persona) one writter for the DC experts and one for the General Public.


  1. When Chuck Close states that his painting “transcends its physical reality,” he means that the whole painting is greater than the sum of its parts. Describe the experience of seeing one of Close’s paintings up close versus seeing it from a distance.
  2. Although Chuck Close paints portraits based on photographs, the finished paintings do not merely look like large photographs. Briefly describe Chuck Close’s process of painting an image, and how the surfaces of his painting differ from that of a photograph.
  3. People today generally don’t have optical experiences because most of their visual experiences passively occur while watching commercial media. Explain how Close’s process of painting results in images that provide more engaging optical experiences for the viewer.


Southern New Hampshire Evidence Based Control and Prevention Measures Essay Writing Assignment Help

For your assignment I would like a report, no more then 1 page long, describing this question first from the perspective of it being a different disease, then from the perspective of it being the same disease. Please use statistical data from the question for both sides of the argument as well as give examples of how this could be the same disease. Sorry the instructions are vague, but the goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about all the different types information that epidemiologists need to examine when looking at disease outbreaks.
Question: An Epidemiologists is studying two populations that have recently had an outbreak of a disease with similar symptoms. In one population of 600 people 450 of them became infected and 3 of them died. In the other population of 200 people 20 were infected and 10 died. Did the two towns have an outbreak of the same disease? Defend your answer



NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Content



Top of Form

This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.

Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.

Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.

Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.

Step 4: Explain potential data.

Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.


On a separate page.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How do you think the nurse-patient relationship and the researcher-participant relationship are alike? How are they different?

(For #2 if you could please add 1 citation within the paper and cite using APA format please)

NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AAS350 Syracuse University The S?seki Lectures Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

please find the study questions and response paper assignment for the Sōseki lectures

Here is the instructions:

Written homework assignments: Submit typed, 2-3 page, double-spaced responses (Times New Roman, 12-point font) to directed study questions at the end of the first class session in which a particular novel or short story is discussed. Bring at least 2 typed, double-spaced discussion questions to the second session a particular novel is discussed, raise one or both of them to the group and submit them at the end of class. Late submissions of directed response papers and discussion questions will not be counted except in the case of excused absence. For these writing assignments, I am interested in your own personal responses, interpretations and questions. Consequently, I ask that you do not refer to or incorporate any outside print or Internet sources. Three interpretive essays are also required for the course: the first two will be a minimum of 5 full typed, double-spaced pages interpreting individual artistic works we have studied and discussed as a group, and the take-home final, which consists of an analytical essay comparing and contrasting at least three literary works we studied that share a common theme or themes, averages about 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length.


MGMT210 Regent University Biblical and Faith Integration Responses Business Finance Assignment Help

I will need 2 responses to the following 2 discussion board posts. (see attached)

This week’s discussion and Faith Integration: Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 6:6-10, Hebrews 5:11-14, 2 Timothy 3:15-16. Although these verses focus on Christian development through the Word of God, try to apply them to employee training and development in an organization. For whom is it reserved? Should only the “high potential” people be fully developed? Consider overall Employee Orientation, training and development.

For the 2 responses – In addition, learners post a minimum of two responses to peer initial responses. The peer response should include additional research that expands upon one of key points noted in your peers initial response. The peer reply should be composed in a professional manner with a word count range of 150-200 words each.

  • Noe, R. (2016) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(ISBN 9780077718367).New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.


HHS201 Ashford University An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition Marianne Woodside Tricia McClain Writing Assignment Help

8 to 10 pages

Class HHS201


An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition

Marianne Woodside

Tricia McClain

An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition
Marianne Woodside
Tricia McClam
Please address each bullet in the paper
Helping Those in Need
For your Final Paper, you will select a group served by human services. You will need to thoroughly research this group so please ensure you locate resources beyond the textbook to assist you (e.g., credible, professional online sources and scholarly articles from the Ashford University Library). Please use the group below for this paper:

• Women and children
In your paper,

• Examine and research the history of social welfare policy pertaining to this group, discussing their needs from a social welfare program. Have members been oppressed or discriminated against, suffered from lack of income or being homeless or indigent or have they had other needs such as accessing healthcare?

• Identify laws that were passed and programs established that have either helped or restricted members’ accessing care and support.

• Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the supporting or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

• Identify the resources available in your area for this group.

• Discuss any personal experiences or insights relating to this group, if applicable.

• Explain the roles that human service workers perform in working with this group, highlighting what characteristics are necessary for human service workers.

• Discuss beneficial interventions or strategies

• Discuss how this group could be better served, listing at least two ways a human service worker could be a change agent on a client’s behalf.
The Your Helping Those in Need Final Paper

• Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

• Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
o For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

• Must use at least five credible sources.
o The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment

• Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Please no Plagiarism


WRIT300 Baltimore Effective Immigration Reform Rhetorical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Please follow the instructions and write the rhetorical analysis. Note that you are not analyzing the the articles separately but you are comparing them in a discourse community (immigration)this means an article that was written for the purpose of the experts within that community and one article that was written to the general public. it is 3-4 pages please make sure its 4 pages. i will attach the further instructions in this description box.

The Discourse Community is Immigration

I have attached the articles that you are going to use.

Audience: New and future members of your academic discourse community

Purpose: To examine and analyze the rhetorical elements of a text intended to be read by professionals within your DC, and explain what distinguishes such a text from one written for a “general audience” of non-specialists.

Length: 3-4 pages

Instructions: Identify a professional journal (in some cases, these may exist online) used by members of your DC. From it, choose any article and analyze it rhetorically to see what it reveals about the conventions of writing within your field.

Then, find another article on the same topic that is written for a mainstream, general audience (i.e., for people who are not members of the DC). Compare the two articles. What differences do you notice about how the topic is treated for the two types of readers? How do the articles differ in purpose, tone, persona, structure, and use of evidence?

While analyzing each document, use the attached Rhetorical Analysis Questions to guide you.

Note that your main goal here is not to summarize the articles. Instead, you should be analyzing the authors’ rhetorical choices in order to better understand how your DC communicates.

When writing your analysis, make sure you briefly introduce and describe each of the articles, but don’t get bogged down in the content — keep the goal of the assignment in mind. Additionally, make sure to include a correctly formatted citation for each article, in either APA, MLA, CMS, or another established style, depending on the conventions of your DC.

Please make sure that you understand this assignment before starting it. it is not a regular analysis but comparing the two articles (Purpose, Adience, Tone, Genre/Text, and Persona) one writter for the DC experts and one for the General Public.


  1. When Chuck Close states that his painting “transcends its physical reality,” he means that the whole painting is greater than the sum of its parts. Describe the experience of seeing one of Close’s paintings up close versus seeing it from a distance.
  2. Although Chuck Close paints portraits based on photographs, the finished paintings do not merely look like large photographs. Briefly describe Chuck Close’s process of painting an image, and how the surfaces of his painting differ from that of a photograph.
  3. People today generally don’t have optical experiences because most of their visual experiences passively occur while watching commercial media. Explain how Close’s process of painting results in images that provide more engaging optical experiences for the viewer.


Southern New Hampshire Evidence Based Control and Prevention Measures Essay Writing Assignment Help

For your assignment I would like a report, no more then 1 page long, describing this question first from the perspective of it being a different disease, then from the perspective of it being the same disease. Please use statistical data from the question for both sides of the argument as well as give examples of how this could be the same disease. Sorry the instructions are vague, but the goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about all the different types information that epidemiologists need to examine when looking at disease outbreaks.
Question: An Epidemiologists is studying two populations that have recently had an outbreak of a disease with similar symptoms. In one population of 600 people 450 of them became infected and 3 of them died. In the other population of 200 people 20 were infected and 10 died. Did the two towns have an outbreak of the same disease? Defend your answer



NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Content



Top of Form

This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.

Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.

Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.

Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.

Step 4: Explain potential data.

Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.


On a separate page.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How do you think the nurse-patient relationship and the researcher-participant relationship are alike? How are they different?

(For #2 if you could please add 1 citation within the paper and cite using APA format please)

NSG456 Phoenix Differences of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Designs Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AAS350 Syracuse University The S?seki Lectures Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

please find the study questions and response paper assignment for the Sōseki lectures

Here is the instructions:

Written homework assignments: Submit typed, 2-3 page, double-spaced responses (Times New Roman, 12-point font) to directed study questions at the end of the first class session in which a particular novel or short story is discussed. Bring at least 2 typed, double-spaced discussion questions to the second session a particular novel is discussed, raise one or both of them to the group and submit them at the end of class. Late submissions of directed response papers and discussion questions will not be counted except in the case of excused absence. For these writing assignments, I am interested in your own personal responses, interpretations and questions. Consequently, I ask that you do not refer to or incorporate any outside print or Internet sources. Three interpretive essays are also required for the course: the first two will be a minimum of 5 full typed, double-spaced pages interpreting individual artistic works we have studied and discussed as a group, and the take-home final, which consists of an analytical essay comparing and contrasting at least three literary works we studied that share a common theme or themes, averages about 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length.


MGMT210 Regent University Biblical and Faith Integration Responses Business Finance Assignment Help

I will need 2 responses to the following 2 discussion board posts. (see attached)

This week’s discussion and Faith Integration: Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 6:6-10, Hebrews 5:11-14, 2 Timothy 3:15-16. Although these verses focus on Christian development through the Word of God, try to apply them to employee training and development in an organization. For whom is it reserved? Should only the “high potential” people be fully developed? Consider overall Employee Orientation, training and development.

For the 2 responses – In addition, learners post a minimum of two responses to peer initial responses. The peer response should include additional research that expands upon one of key points noted in your peers initial response. The peer reply should be composed in a professional manner with a word count range of 150-200 words each.

  • Noe, R. (2016) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(ISBN 9780077718367).New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.


HHS201 Ashford University An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition Marianne Woodside Tricia McClain Writing Assignment Help

8 to 10 pages

Class HHS201


An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition

Marianne Woodside

Tricia McClain

An Introduction to Human Services 9th Edition
Marianne Woodside
Tricia McClam
Please address each bullet in the paper
Helping Those in Need
For your Final Paper, you will select a group served by human services. You will need to thoroughly research this group so please ensure you locate resources beyond the textbook to assist you (e.g., credible, professional online sources and scholarly articles from the Ashford University Library). Please use the group below for this paper:

• Women and children
In your paper,

• Examine and research the history of social welfare policy pertaining to this group, discussing their needs from a social welfare program. Have members been oppressed or discriminated against, suffered from lack of income or being homeless or indigent or have they had other needs such as accessing healthcare?

• Identify laws that were passed and programs established that have either helped or restricted members’ accessing care and support.

• Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the supporting or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

• Identify the resources available in your area for this group.

• Discuss any personal experiences or insights relating to this group, if applicable.

• Explain the roles that human service workers perform in working with this group, highlighting what characteristics are necessary for human service workers.

• Discuss beneficial interventions or strategies

• Discuss how this group could be better served, listing at least two ways a human service worker could be a change agent on a client’s behalf.
The Your Helping Those in Need Final Paper

• Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

• Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
o For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

• Must use at least five credible sources.
o The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment

• Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Please no Plagiarism


WRIT300 Baltimore Effective Immigration Reform Rhetorical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Please follow the instructions and write the rhetorical analysis. Note that you are not analyzing the the articles separately but you are comparing them in a discourse community (immigration)this means an article that was written for the purpose of the experts within that community and one article that was written to the general public. it is 3-4 pages please make sure its 4 pages. i will attach the further instructions in this description box.

The Discourse Community is Immigration

I have attached the articles that you are going to use.

Audience: New and future members of your academic discourse community

Purpose: To examine and analyze the rhetorical elements of a text intended to be read by professionals within your DC, and explain what distinguishes such a text from one written for a “general audience” of non-specialists.

Length: 3-4 pages

Instructions: Identify a professional journal (in some cases, these may exist online) used by members of your DC. From it, choose any article and analyze it rhetorically to see what it reveals about the conventions of writing within your field.

Then, find another article on the same topic that is written for a mainstream, general audience (i.e., for people who are not members of the DC). Compare the two articles. What differences do you notice about how the topic is treated for the two types of readers? How do the articles differ in purpose, tone, persona, structure, and use of evidence?

While analyzing each document, use the attached Rhetorical Analysis Questions to guide you.

Note that your main goal here is not to summarize the articles. Instead, you should be analyzing the authors’ rhetorical choices in order to better understand how your DC communicates.

When writing your analysis, make sure you briefly introduce and describe each of the articles, but don’t get bogged down in the content — keep the goal of the assignment in mind. Additionally, make sure to include a correctly formatted citation for each article, in either APA, MLA, CMS, or another established style, depending on the conventions of your DC.

Please make sure that you understand this assignment before starting it. it is not a regular analysis but comparing the two articles (Purpose, Adience, Tone, Genre/Text, and Persona) one writter for the DC experts and one for the General Public.


NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

NUR 3846 Miami Dade College Module 4 Applying Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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