NUR 4667 Cardinal Stritch University Acute Inflammatory Appendicitis Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help. NUR 4667 Cardinal Stritch University Acute Inflammatory Appendicitis Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Acute inflammation
Case Study Guidelines:
- Choose a content concept (Pain, Palliative Care, Hypovolemia, Hyperkalemia, etc.).
- Choose your patient (gender, age, race, etc.).
- Choose presenting complaints related to chosen problem (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).
- Provide background of current situation and include medical history/comorbidities.
- List current medication/allergies.
- Family history that may contribute to current situation
- Head to toe system assessment of what you would expect to find in each system related to current situation and any current medical problems.
- Identify individual’s priority nursing need.
- Identify what the individual should “look like” after treatment.
- Identify what you should do to help the individual return to baseline health (medication, education, treatment, diagnostic testing, etc.).
- Identify what you would expect to happen to the individual after each action you take (administered anti-emetic and vomiting ceased, etc.).
- Identify if those expectations are met, if not, what else could be done?
- S = Situation – what is the current situation with this individual (36 y.o. male presented to ED with complaints of three days of N/V and inability to keep anything down…).
- B = Background of the individual – (athletic trainer, otherwise healthy, no know allergies, no medications).
- A = Assessment – the head-to-toe system assessment for this individual (poor skin turgor with tenting over clavicle, dry skin, hypotension, low urine output with dark amber urine, etc.).
- A = Action also – what are you going to do based on the situation, background and assessment (administer fluids, anti-emetics, obtain labs, etc.)
- R = Response – how has this individual responded to your actions (no further nausea/vomiting, urine output is increasing, and urine is becoming more yellow, etc.).
- R = Recommendations also – if this individual has not responded as expected, what do you recommend, or if further treatment is needed, what do recommend (continues with slight nausea – recommend send home with Rx for anti-emetic, etc.).
Now, write a nursing handoff report utilizing SBAR format
NUR 4667 Cardinal Stritch University Acute Inflammatory Appendicitis Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University Building an Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Building an economy: Government planning vs. entrepreneurial innovation
Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing.
You should use the Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )
Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it. This is considered a research article review.
Your paper should meet these requirements:
- Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.
CSU Comparing and Contrasting Human Resources Ceridian Dayforce and SyncHR Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Use the Internet to find two Human Resources Information System software vendors. Once you select two vendors, use their websites and analysts’ reports for more detailed research. Write a paper in which you compare and contrast the features and functionality of each vendor’s product. Include in your evaluation any required IT products, such as hardware, software, and databases. Look for competitive differentiators among the products.
Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Central Florida Parallel and Serial Dilution Calculations Chemistry Lab Experiment Science Assignment Help
Here are some specific information you must include in this pre-lab:
1. You will need to show how to preform parallel and serial dilution calculations. Assume the stock concentration of red dye #40 is 0.1 M. Use any concentration within the range of 0.01 M to 0.1 M.
Prepare five different concentrations (total volume can range from 10-50 mL) using parallel and serial dilutions.
2. Describe how to use the UV-Vis spectrometer. What will you use as a blank?
NOTE!! To help you understand serial dilutions, I have added the link to aYouTube video
Prelab Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle, your name, date of the experiment, course and section number, and experiment number. |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAim: State the aim of the experiment in your own words, usually around 2-4 sentences. A clear statement of the overall purpose for performing the experiment, i.e. what is / are the goal(s) to be achieved and what idea(s) are you to learn during the duration of the project? |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMaterials: Write all equipment or glassware with specific sizes needed. (For example: 100 mL volumetric flask) |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChemicals/Hazards : In a table, list all chemicals needed along with specific hazard information and other information necessary for the experiment (e.g., chemical name, chemical formula, molecular formula weight, physical appearance).For example: Chemical Name, Chemical Formula, Chemical Weight, Physical Appearance, Specific Hazard and Additional Notes. Include important safety information regarding all chemicals that may be used during the experiment. MSDS information can be found online. |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethods and Procedures: Based on the descriptions of the experiment, in your own words, design and describe the steps for the experiment. Make sure not to copy of the exact procedures from the lab manual.It should be written in your own words in a step-wise manner (diagrams or flowchart are encouraged). |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCalculations : Provide any calculations necessary for the lab ahead of time.For example: what is the mass in grams required to prepare 250 mL of a 0.5 M NaCl solution? |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 20.0 |
In this section, you will need to submit a typed Word document answering the questions below. Make sure to include a title, your name, section number, the date, and ALL the calculations and data tables involved with the assignment.
1. Answer all the post lab summary questions provided on page 21 in the lab manual.There are five questions and each is worth 6 points, to a total of 30 points.
2. Use the absorbance and concentration data provided below to create two calibration plots, one for serial dilutions and the other for parallel dilutions (10 points). The calibration plots will need to have: correct title of the graph, x and y-axis labeling, linear equation, R-squared value, and the slope should be displayed on the graph. Plot the two graphs using Excel. Use the x-y scatter plot without a line and then add a trendline. If you need additional help with this, please research online or attend my office hours.
Absorbance Values from Serial Dilution |
Sample | Concentration (in M) |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 1 |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 2 |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 3 |
Average Absorbance |
A | 1.25×10-4 | 1.213 | 1.096 | 1.243 | |
B | 6.25×10-5 | 0.837 | 0.836 | 0.865 | |
C | 3.125×10-5 | 0.492 | 0.494 | 0.492 | |
D | 1.5625×10-5 | 0.265 | 0.27 | 0.263 | |
E | 7.8125×10-6 | 0.146 | 0.153 | 0.148 |
* Scroll to the right to see all the data in the table
Absorbance Values from Parallel Dilution
Sample | Concentration (M) |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 1 |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 2 |
Absorbance @ 465 nm Trial 3 |
Average Absorbance |
A | 2.5×10-5 | 0.387 | 0.394 | 0.397 | |
B | 5×10-5 | 0.725 | 0.733 | 0.728 | |
C | 7.5×10-5 | 0.912 | 0.924 | 0.918 | |
D | 1×10-4 | 1.113 | 1.152 | 1.127 | |
E | 1.25×10-4 | 1.192 | 1.207 | 1.195 |
UMUC The Use of Digital and Social Media Can Have a Profound Effect on Society Nikes Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:
1. How companies or organizations use digital or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.
2. How digital or social media has transformed the communication of idea, information, and arguments in society.
Project Description
The use of digital and social media can have a profound effect on society. This project requires you to research and report on an organization or company who has used or is using digital or social media to create a profound effect, impact, or influence on others.
Project 2 consists of:
1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Presentation Requirements (content organization)
3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)
4. Presentation Resources
5. Due Date Information and Late Policy
Project Requirements
Select an organization or company that used or uses digital or social media to impact others. CREATE A PRESENTATION (using a professional presentation application such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or Apple Keynote for the Mac) highlighting the information you found.
NOTE 1: You are required to complete ALL THREE SECTIONS of this project (Sections 1, 2, and 3).
Provide the following information about the organization or company you select. Answer the questions below:
Item 1: What is the name of the organization or company?
Item 2: What year was the organization or company established?
Item 3: What is the organization’s or company’s goal or mission?
Item 4: Provide the company’s or organization’s website address (URL), if available.
Item 5: Where is the company or organization’s headquarters located?
Section 1 Source: Include at least one source for Section 1. Include this source as an in-slide citation and on your References slide(s).
Describe how digital or social media was used to influence others while answering the following questions:
Item 1: Describe how digital or social media was used to influence others. Provide at least one example, instance, or situation that highlights this influence.
Item 2: In the example, instance, or situation you provided in Item 1, what specific digital or social media platforms were used (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, Pinterest, or YouTube) and how were they used?
Item 3: What occurred as the result of the use of digital or social media? Describe the impact or magnitude of the change.
Section 2 Source: Include at least one source for Section 2. Include this source as an in-slide citation and on your References Slide(s).
To help you with completing Section 2, an example is provided below:
Section 2 Example 1: Invisible Children – Kony 2012
In 2012, an organization called Invisible Children created and posted a 30 minute movie on YouTube to launch a campaign they called “Kony 2012.” View the movie here (
The Kony 2012 campaign was an effort to capture James Kony, who was portrayed as a ruthless rebel leader in Uganda who committed numerous atrocities against humanity, including kidnapping and murder.
The Kony 2012 campaign had a tremendous impact. The video generated over 100 million YouTube Views. Over 20 million dollars was donated to support the effort to capture James Kony
NOTE 2: You cannot use Invisible Children in your project.
To help you with completing Section 2, a second example is provided below:
Section 1 Example 2: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
In 2016, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALS) organized the Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge involved pouring a bucket filled with ice and water over a person’s head, followed by the person nominating 3 people who then had to take the challenge. The person would then making a contribution to ALS research. The challenge quickly became viral, gaining support and participation from celebrities. As a result of the challenge, traffic to the ALS web page increased, over 250,000 new donors signed up, and over 13.3 million dollars was raised.
NOTE 3: You cannot use the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in your project.
What was the full impact of the use of Digital or Social Media?
Item 1: Was the change created by the use of digital or social media positive or negative (or both) in your opinion?
Item 2: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer.
Item 3: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective.
To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two examples below:
Section 3 Example 1: Invisible Children – Kony 2012
The Kony 2012 campaign had both positive and negative results:
The Kony 2012 campaign received global attention. This attention lead to political and military action. The US government, lead by President Obama, backed a mission of 5,000 soldiers to James Kony.
The organization came under scrutiny as many have questioned their efforts (see YouTube video or CNN report at
James Kony has not been caught. Some people even believe that he is no longer living or a threat to the region.
Section 3 Example 2: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
The Ice Bucket Challenge was extremely successful. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge increased the level of awareness of ALS and was extremely positive.
The Ice Bucket Challenge campaign has ended. In order to sustain the effort by coming up with a new challenge each year. One idea would be to use a number of celebrities to start the new challenge every year. Also, the association could do a better job of showing how the money donated has gone to furthering the cause. I would also create a thank you video from current ALS patients. The key here is to find ways to take advantage of the momentum the Ice Bucket Challenge initially created.
Section 3 Sources: Include at least two sources for Section 3. Include the two sources as in-slide citations and on your References page. At least one source should be professional or scholarly.
NOTE 4: You can not use in your project or any company or organization we discussed in class or in this assignment (e.g. The Ice Bucket Challenge or Invisible Children).
Presentation Requirements
Your presentation must include the following slides and sections:
Item 1: Title Slide
Your Title Slide should contain the following:
- Project Name
- Your Name
- Instructor’s Name
- Course name and section number
Item 2: Organization or Company Information (Section 1)
Item 3: Description of the Digital Media Influence (Section 2)
Item 4: Analysis of the Digital Media Influence (Section 3)
Item 5: Summary Slide
Item 6: Question Slide (this is where the audience is invited to ask questions). You will only need to include a “Title Only” slide .
Item 7: References Slide(s) (Your References MUST be in APA format)!
Minimum of 15 slides; Maximum of 25 slides.
(Title and Reference slides do not count toward the total slide count).
NOTE 5: Going over 15 slides is fine, but if you are under 15 you will be penalized 10% (one letter grade) for every 2 slides you are under the 15-slide minimum.
a. Keep it Simple: Slides must be easy to read and uncluttered. Keep in mind the 7 x 7 rule with presentation software, which effectively states no more than 7 words per bullet and 7 bullets per slide.
b. Images: Pictures and images should be used sparingly to avoid distraction from the main contents. Include at least one table, graph, or image of an appropriate size that is relevant and supports the information provided in your paper. Feel free to create the image if you like, but it must be professional.
c. Fonts: Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Helvetica. Use 36-point font for your slide title, 28-point font for main points, and 24-point font for secondary points.
d. Footer: Include the slide number, title of your presentation, and your name in the footer (except on title slide).
e. Background: Appropriate for the presentation. Use creativity here, but your background color or design must not detract from the readability of the slides. A bad example would be using dark text against a dark background. Make sure the background and font colors are a good contrast.
f. Contrast: Appropriate Foreground-Background Segregation (use dark text against a light background or white or light colored text against a dark background. This creates contrast.
Add “Narration” to each and every Slide in your presentation.
I would like you to present your presentation as if you were giving it to a LIVE AUDIENCE. In addition to designing each slide, I also want you to provide me with the transcript of the words you would actually say, word-for-word. while each slide is being displayed.
Adding Narration
You can accomplish this in several ways:
a. Adding Text Narration to the Notes Section of each slide, OR
b. Adding Voice Narration to each slide (Export the Narration as a .MOV file).
Include at least Four (4) Sources (Total)
a. Include at least One (1) Source for Section 1.
b. Include at least One (1) Source for Section 2.
c. Include at least Two (2) Sources for Section 3. At least one of the two sources must be a Professional or Scholarly Source.
Clarification: Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include: trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.
NOTE 6: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media.
Presentation Resources
The following optional resources may be helpful in completing this project:
1. Life After Death by PowerPoint (3 mins | Automatic Closed Captioning)
This Youtube video provides great tips sprinkled in with humor! 🙂
2. PowerPoint Tutorial: Recording and Exporting Videos (5 mins | Automatic Closed Captioning).
SC 131 Purdue Global University Low Amount of Electrolyte in the Body Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
Blood Electrolyte Imbalances
There are several different types of electrolytes that can be found in body fluids located within the plasma, interstitial fluid, or intracellular fluid. Each electrolyte has a specific function, so having too much or too little of any component can cause several issues to arise. Being able to recognize the immediate symptoms of either deficiencies or excesses can mean the difference between life and death.
Choose only one of the following electrolytes to research further (list the name of the electrolyte in the subject line of your main post): sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate, or magnesium. Then answer the following questions:
- What electrolyte did you select and list its normal ranges in the body.
- If deficient, what condition would a patient present? Describe the causes, signs, and symptoms associated if this electrolyte were too low.
- If in excess, what condition would the patient present? Describe the causes, signs, and symptoms associated if this electrolyte was too high.
- A patient’s blood work is showing abnormal ranges (either higher or lower) of your chosen electrolyte. How will the body fix this imbalance?
- Describe medical treatments utilized to correct these electrolyte imbalances.
SC 131 Purdue Global University Low Amount of Electrolyte in the Body Questions Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida Southwestern State College Human Sexuality Journey Gender Studies Question Humanities Assignment Help
Overview & Guidelines
You’ve had a lot to think about this semester. Take a moment to reflect on your human sexuality journey and the knowledge and skills you acquired by reading the textbook and completing the coursework. What did you find to be most useful, valuable, impactful, motivating, enlightening, or inspiring? What knowledge and/or skills did you gain or enhance? What do you plan to implement in your relationships (with yourself and others)? What would you like to pass along to those in your immediate circle and the world at large?
Consider the questions above and write as if you are having a personal conversation with me. Elaborate on how any one or more things that were addressed in class have influenced you. Feel free to continue a discussion that was held in class, expand on an intriguing statement made by someone else, or chat about something you read, observed, or experienced outside of class that pertains to the material covered in class. Whatever it is that you choose to talk about, address how it positively affected you, and how you plan to bring it to the world.
Lastly, close your paper with an inspirational quote that reflects your current life motto. It can be your own words of wisdom, or the words of someone else. Whoever is the author of the quote, be sure to share that person’s name.
A few tips about this paper: It should NOT be…
- a recap of what was said or done in class
- a summation of your notes or the textbook
- a research paper
Please double space, write a minimum 500 words, and include your word count.
Be sure to meet or exceed the word requirement and include the word count at the end of your work. The word count should be based solely on your response. If you are using Microsoft Word, you can find the number of words at the bottom of the document and you can also highlight the area in which you want to determine the number of words.
Also, please read the grading criteria below so you will know exactly what is expected for this assignment.
International Economics Question Economics Assignment Help
This assignment about 1-2 pages ((for each part)), (between 500 and 600 words ((for each part)) with standard spacing and font size), including potential tables and charts. Concise answers are expected, and where appropriate they could be in the form of bullet points. The assignment is meant to facilitate a comparison across central banks, starting with their mandates. The starting point for information should be the websites of the central banks under study, but other sources may also be used.
Part 1)
Historical performance for the following four central banks:
Reserve Bank of Australia:
Central Bank of The Bahamas:
Reserve Bank of India:
Swiss National Bank:
Please rely on the data available in the IMF’s WEO database for April 2021, available here:…
The database includes annual data since 1980 and the IMF’s forecasts to 2025.
Study the inflation forecasts to 2025. What does the IMF expect inflation to be in the economy? Is this consistent with the Central Bank’s strategy and definition of price stability? Explain.
(ii) Study the historical data on inflation from 1980. Using the central bank’s current interpretation of price stability as a benchmark, how well has the Central Bank managed to achieve this goal over the past 40-50 years? Explain.
Part 2)
For the same central banks above please answer the following question:
Environmental sustainability:
An argument advanced in recent years is that Central Banks should institute policies to protect the environment. A pertinent question for any specific central bank is whether its statutory mandate is such that the central bank could take actions in that direction and if so what actions. For the CBs under study, what (if anything) has the CB communicated that it is doing, or planning to do, to contribute to environmental sustainability? Can the CB’s mandate be reasonably interpreted as to justify additional actions? Discuss
Florida SouthWestern State College Sex and Internet Sexual Philosophy Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Overview & Guidelines
Remember, when writing your sexual philosophy step into the mindset of a philosopher, and engage in the pursuit of wisdom, search for an understanding of your values, and analyze your beliefs, reasoning, and attitudes. The goal of establishing your sexual philosophy is to be inquisitive and explore how your thoughts and behaviors influence the quality of your personal life, relationships, society and the world at large.
Part 1: Choose from Chapter 15 OR 16…
At the very end of the chapter (past the Summary section) locate the section titled: Questions for Discussion. Select and respond to ONE of the Questions for Discussion (Note: If you would prefer to write your sexual philosophy on something else discussed in the chapter instead of one of the Questions for Discussion, feel free to do so). Your response should be a minimum of 100 words, and your word count should be indicated at the end of your statement.
“Questions for Discussion
-Given that condoms are one of the most important measures for reducing the risk of STI transmission and that many young people do not like condoms, what can be done to make condom use more appealing?
-What would be your most important concern if you just learned you had an STI? Who would you tell? What resources would you need? And where could you go to get help?
-Would it be difficult for you to inform a past sexual partner that you have an STI and that he or she might have it too? What would be your “opening line” to get the discussion started?”
Part 2: Choose from Chapter 15 OR 16…
At the very end of the chapter (past the Questions for Discussion section) locate the section/box titled: Sex and the Internet. Follow the instructions in this box making sure to clearly respond to all of the prompts.”Sex and the Internet
The American Sexual Health Association
The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA), founded in 1914, is a nonprofit organization focusing on STI prevention. ASHA publishes a variety of educational materials, provides direct patient support through a national STI hotline and resource centers, and advocates increased funding for STI programs and sound public policies on STI control. ASHA also operates a website: Go to it and then answer the following questions:
-What programs does ASHA offer?
-What services are provided on its website?
-What are the current ASHA headlines?
-What links are available at the ASHA website?
-If you were diagnosed with an STI, would you seek more information from this site? Why or why not?”
Part 3: Choose from Chapter 15 OR 16…
Select ONE of the “Think About It” sections in this chapter and provide a thorough response to the corresponding Think Critically questions.
“Think Critically
-Did any of the research findings cited here surprise you? Explain.
-If you have ever been sexual with another person, did you try to judge if he/she was infected with an STI by any of the partner traits described above? If so, what were the traits you relied on and was your judgment accurate?
-If you have been sexual with another person, were you deceptive in representing the number of any past sexual partners? If so, why were you deceptive? And why do you think some persons underreport the number of past sexual partners?
-If you have sexual partners in the future, do you believe that the results of the studies presented here will impact how you will assess if a potential partner is infected with an STI? Explain.”
Florida Southwestern State College Sexual Philosophy Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Overview & Guidelines
Remember, when writing your sexual philosophy step into the mindset of a philosopher, and engage in the pursuit of wisdom, search for an understanding of your values, and analyze your beliefs, reasoning, and attitudes. The goal of establishing your sexual philosophy is to be inquisitive and explore how your thoughts and behaviors influence the quality of your personal life, relationships, society and the world at large.
Part 1:
At the very end of the chapter (past the Summary section) locate the section titled: Questions for Discussion. Select and respond to ONE of the Questions for Discussion (Note: If you would prefer to write your sexual philosophy on something else discussed in the chapter instead of one of the Questions for Discussion, feel free to do so). Your response should be a minimum of 100 words, and your word count should be indicated at the end of your statement.
-“Most likely you have a strong opinion about pregnancy and how one would affect your life. If you or your partner became pregnant today, what would349 you do? Where would you go in order to receive support for your decision?
-If you or your partner were to have a child, where and how would you prefer to deliver the baby? Whom would you want present? What steps would you be willing to take in order to ensure that your wishes were granted?
-After trying but not being able to conceive for 1 year, you now realize that you or your partner may have a fertility problem. What measures would you consider in order to have a child? How much would you be willing to pay?
-Like many issues related to sexual orientation, adoption by same-sex couples is a controversial issue. What are your views on this, and do you feel that enacting laws is the best way to support your point of view?”
Part 2:
At the very end of the chapter (past the Questions for Discussion section) locate the section/box titled: Sex and the Internet. Follow the instructions in this box making sure to clearly respond to all of the prompts.
“Sex and the Internet
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Even though pregnancy is a natural and normal process, there are still myriad issues, questions, and concerns surrounding it. This is especially true when couples are considering pregnancy, are trying to become pregnant, or find out that the woman is pregnant. Fortunately, there is help and support on the Internet. One website aimed specifically at educating individuals about pregnancy is run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Go to this site and select two topics you wish to learn more about. You might choose “Before Pregnancy” or “After the Baby Arrives.” Once you have investigated the topics and perhaps linked them to another resource, answer these questions:
-What topics did you choose? Why?
-What three new facts did you learn about each topic?
-How might you integrate this information into your own choices and decisions around pregnancy or parenthood?
-What additional link did you follow, and what did you learn as a result?”
Part 3:
Select ONE of the “Think About It” sections in this chapter and provide a thorough response to the corresponding Think Critically questions.
“Think Critically
-What are your views about having sex during pregnancy?
-How comfortable would you be in discussing with your doctor the topic of sexuality during pregnancy?
-What new information did you learn as a result of reading this box?”
Please rely on the data available in the IMF’s WEO database for April 2021, available here:…
The database includes annual data since 1980 and the IMF’s forecasts to 2025.
Study the inflation forecasts to 2025. What does the IMF expect inflation to be in the economy? Is this consistent with the Central Bank’s strategy and definition of price stability? Explain.
(ii) Study the historical data on inflation from 1980. Using the central bank’s current interpretation of price stability as a benchmark, how well has the Central Bank managed to achieve this goal over the past 40-50 years? Explain.
Part 2)
For the same central banks above please answer the following question:
Environmental sustainability:
An argument advanced in recent years is that Central Banks should institute policies to protect the environment. A pertinent question for any specific central bank is whether its statutory mandate is such that the central bank could take actions in that direction and if so what actions. For the CBs under study, what (if anything) has the CB communicated that it is doing, or planning to do, to contribute to environmental sustainability? Can the CB’s mandate be reasonably interpreted as to justify additional actions? Discuss