NUR 674 GCU Relationships Among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills & Teamwork Discussion Writing Assignment Help. NUR 674 GCU Relationships Among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills & Teamwork Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.
Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.
Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.
Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of example, including the following:
- Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum setting during Topics 11-12.
- Application of Leadership: Describe how you have seen your preceptor show his or her credibility in the workplace. Explain how this credibility helps to foster a community of trust.
- Practicum Project Preparation: What measures have you put into place to measure successful outcomes for your project once implemented? Are these measures sustainable?
- Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Servant” video.
Use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
NUR 674 GCU Relationships Among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills & Teamwork Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Brikbeck MGT with Business Strategy & Environment Personal Statement Admission Essay Writing Assignment Help
Please use this space to provide information you feel would support your application. You should aim to demonstrate both your academic ability to succeed on the course and your commitment to doing so. You should aim to write an engaging, concise and well-structured statement. Use clear, standard English. Your tone should be formal. Aim for approximately 600 words, although there is no strict word limit. You may wish to copy and paste text from an existing document within the form field below. If you are including more than one supporting document, please ensure to clearly separate them (use a series of ****** or ++++++ for example). You may wish to address three broad areas in your personal statement Additional documents are requested for some courses, which will be outlined on the Apply Now section of the course description. Note:I have been in America for 6 years and i studied and graduated from united state. Note: i will attach my CV below for more information about me |
FIN 100 Strayer University Investing in My Future Essay Economics Assignment Help
Investing in My Future Assignment
Finance is exciting! In this course, we learned how money can grow through the use of compounding and interest rates and your growth strategies may now be different. For this assignment, develop a summary and a 2–3 page paper.
For help with this assignment, view the FIN100 Writing Assignment Help video.
This summary will help you develop your paper. Begin writing your summary by responding to the following questions and prompts:
- Develop a one-paragraph summary using the Week 10 Writing Assignment Template [DOC]. A section for your summary has been provided within the template.
- Note: Do not use this summary as the introduction to your paper.
- Think about what you learned in this course. What are your new financial goals?
- Would you like to become more liquid, to save more for your retirement, or to start a new business?
- Whatever your goals, finance is right at the core. Think about what you learned in this course regarding investing to complete this assignment.
Grand Canyon University Servant Leadership in Nursing Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Have you ever worked with a leader who made you feel that you were more important than the leader? How did this make you feel? What were the circumstances? What was the outcome? If you have never experienced this kind of treatment from a leader, imagine what it would be like. Based on your response, explain how displays of humility by a leader exemplify servant leadership. Are these displays important in other types of leadership? Are displays of humility required to make someone else feel more important than you? Explain your answer.
Human Resources Knowledge & Human Resource Management in Nurses Essay Writing Assignment Help
This paper will focus on thinking about the current global pandemic and thinking of the human resource management implications. In order to do this, you must identify a specific industry (e.g. retail, transportation, education or health care) and job (e.g. cashier, drivers, teachers, nurses). You need to write about how the pandemic has impacted (or may impact) this industry and subsequently the job from a human resource management perspective. Thus, you might want to write about how this industry has had to adapt as a result of the pandemic and what this means with respect to job design, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training, performance management, motivation/compensation, health and safety and employee/labour relations.
Your paper should have a cover page with the course code and section, your student number and your first and last name. Your paper should be a maximum of 12 pages double spaced. The page limitations does not include appendices or the cover page.
ENG 102 CSGC Week 5 Social Networking Regulation Discussion Writing Assignment Help
TOPIC IS: Should Social Networking Services Be Regulated?
Comparative Analysis – Understanding the Rhetorical Situation
Listening to and understanding the perspectives of others is difficult at best; however, as you become a more practiced researcher and writer you will want to understand the viewpoints on various sides of an issue so that you know your thesis is sound.
In Modules 2 and 3, you started to research many types of sources of information. As you created your research proposal and annotated bibliography in Module 3, you most likely looked at the topic from your own prevailing point of view. While this is okay to do, it will become important for you to dissect and understand all sides of the issue to include even the thoughts and opinions of your opposition. In the Module 3 discussion, you looked carefully at the main issues involved with your topic. In Module 4, you conducted an expert interview.
For this assignment, you are to synthesize the information gathered thus far to provide a balanced look at your topic and thesis. This is your chance to show your audience that you have thoroughly researched both sides of your topic as you move past the simple assumptions of being for the issue at hand or against it. This essay will show depth and complexity as you present the various sides of the topic in a balanced and academic voice.
With this assignment, you are conducting a stakeholder analysis of your topic. You are to consider the various people or institutions that have a stake in the topic you are exploring. For this essay you will consider four stakeholder entities.
You have done much of the research for this assignment already especially as connected to your research proposal and the presentations this week! Review the notes from your interview with an expert. Assess whether you have enough information to present all sides of the topic. If your research seems to lean toward one side, remember that research writing is a process. Because of the recursive nature of research writing, continue searching for, evaluating, and annotating sources until you feel you have a thorough understanding of the topic and the various stakeholders.
For each stakeholder entity, research the following:
- Who are your stakeholders?
- Identify at least four specific stakeholders or stakeholder groups.
- What are their values?
- Why do they think this issue is important?
- What do they have to gain or lose?
- What is their goal regarding your topic?
- Look at this topic from their various perspectives and examine what these voices have to say.
- How are their positions similar or different from one another?
- Discuss how and why the answers to the questions could be interpreted in different way.
- Note how common ground might be reached with your topic for each stakeholder.
Write an essay in which you show balanced analysis of your topic through the perspectives of the stakeholders identified.
- Introduction: Your introduction should provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. You will provide background and context, as you note the main concerns of the issue at hand. As you conclude this introduction, map out the stakeholder you plan to identify in your paper.
- Body: Note the stakeholders and their positions. For each stakeholder, write out at least one paragraph noting who they are, what their positions are, and why this topic is significant to their point of view and or causes.
- Body: 2 to 3 paragraphs. Provide analysis and synthesis of the various viewpoints.
- How are various positions noted in the body paragraphs citing single stakeholders similar and/or different?
- What connects the stakeholders?
- What do you see as similarities or differences?
- What is the confounding issue that makes this topic so complex?
- Conclusion: In your conclusion, you can bring in your own topic thesis noted in the Module 3 assignment.
- Be sure to synthesize the information you present in your body paragraphs in tandem with your own claim.
- Be sure to address any gaps and issues for the future as tied to your claim.
Headers Levels: You do not need to title them exactly as noted here. Note: Do not include a header for your introduction per APA.
- Stakeholders and Their Positions (level 1 header)
- Stakeholder Positions (level 1 header)
- Connecting Stakeholders (level 1 header)
- Opinion on similarities and differences (level 2 header)
- Confounding Issues (level 1 header)
- Conclusion (level 1 header)
Required elements to turn in with submission:
- Draft
- Appendix – following references:
- Feedback from Smarthinking tutors
- Pattern of error log (template found in the Module 5 folder)
- Turnitin score and commentary
- Length: 1,000-1,100 words
- 5-7 sources
- Include some quotations from your sources.
- Paraphrase 5 to 7 other main ideas
- Use third person (Links to an external site.).
- Assert your academic voice.
- Format essay and citations/references per APA style.
ENG 102 CSGC Week 5 Social Networking Regulation Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
College of San Mateo Nickel Boys Novel Review Humanities Assignment Help
Nickel Boys Discussion
By the time Elwood’s story has in fact already come to an end, the readers have been led to believe that Elwood had survived his daring act of whistle-blowing. And while the reader does understand that there will be lasting effects from the trauma inflicted upon Elwood during his time at Nickel, at least there is the satisfaction of knowing that Elwood had escaped from his unjust nightmare. OR HAD HE? This would have been a good prompt for an essay but…
Explain the ending of the novel and explore the choices the writer made while creating the final passages of the novel. Analyze what effects these choices are meant to have on the reader. What literary techniques did the author utilize to achieve this?
Initial response: Minimum 150 Words
Respond to at least two other submissions.
College of San Mateo Societal Oppression and Brutality Essay Writing Assignment Help
Essay Three: The Nickel Boys Analysis
ESSAY DUE DATE: December 18th, 2020
MINIMUM LENGTH: 3-4 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font (minimum 750 words)
ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you should utilize Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys for your analysis. Do not consultsecondary sources or other previously written essays for ideas or theories. You may, though, briefly refer to academic sources pertaining to civil rights and/or social justice. This is not necessary or required, it is simply an option. Use the material we have discussed in class, my suggested talking points, and the literary analysis techniques we learned if you need to. You may need to re-read sections of the book and/or refer to your notes, vocab, or quizzes as you go.
Your essay should address one of the following prompt:
- Discuss Whitehead’s use of metaphor, simile, imagery, and other literary devices as a means to send particular thematic messages within the narrative of The Nickel Boys. Discuss Whitehead’s treatment of truth, lies, and hypocrisy within the text of The Nickel Boys.
- What is Whitehead’s message regarding the actions people must take in order to combat systematic racism built into the fabric of the United States? How is the topic of political activism treated within The Nickel Boys and how does its treatment relate to the novel’s depicted messages?
- Analyze the interplay between the resolution of The Nickel Boys and one of the novel’s main messages. How does Whitehead make connections between these elements and how does their juxtaposition help them get across one main message of the novel?
- What message does Whitehead send within the pages of The Nickel Boys concerning the link between oppression and brutality?
Alternatively, you may also choose your own prompt as long as A) It pertains to literary technique and B) You have it approved by me.
Go through the novel and take note of how the author uses narrative, character, setting, symbolism, other elements, to convey ideas. As you write your analysis, employ as many of the literary terms introduced in class. Be sure to include the following techniques, terms, elements, and/or tools.
Some of those the literary terms that you will need to be familiar with to analyze these texts:
Construct a thesis that indicates a) your focus, and b) the relation of that focus to the book as a whole. For example, a thesis for “A Good Man is Hard to Find” might be: Characterization and irony help convey O’Connor’s theme that perhaps men should first be good men themselves rather than judging others. For “The Storm,” a thesis might be: “The symbolic meanings of the storm are clear, but what is less clear is to whom those meanings should be applied and thus the characterization and irony in the story correlates directly to the title of the work.” Though not as obvious as the first thesis, the second thesis would focus on narrative/POV and characterization.
Also note that there is some latitude in assigning meaning to a short story. What I see as the major theme may be different than what you see. The important criterion to keep in mind is: Can you prove it? Therefore, you need a thesis because you are arguing for your interpretation of the story. The thesis should not be so obvious that your reader will say “so what?” Don’t settle for trite generalizations. Instead, make a statement which indicates thought and depth, and which requires support and proof. Your goal should be to illuminate for the readers some point that they might not have noticed upon first reading the story.
Find evidence in the text to support your thesis, and organize the rest of your essay around these quotations and examples. Do not rely on generalizations about or paraphrases of the story to convince your reader, but provide specific evidence and discuss the importance of that evidence for your thesis. Please note: you should not insert huge chunks of quotes in your paper and count that against your minimum page length. Roughly 80% of the paper should be your own words and thoughts.
Don’t just end your essay, conclude it. Sum up, reinforce your argument so that the readers see that your evidence does support your thesis. (WITHOUT INTRODUCING ANY NEW IDEAS)
1) The titles of books are italicized in academic essays.
2) Follow direct quotations with the author’s name (not the title) and page numbers from your text, in parentheses. Close the quotation marks before the citation; put the end punctuation after it. For example: “Thus she passed from generation to generation—dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, perverse” (Faulkner 31).
3) Always write about literature in the present tense.
4) Your essay should be analytical, thus you should not waste too much of your time with plot summary.
5) Your paper should be typed, double–spaced, 12 point font. In the upper left-hand corner of your first page, include: Your last name and page number
6) Your essay should have a creative title. Not just ‘Essay 2’ or ‘Short Story Analysis.’ Use a creative and informative title or else have the decency to make it funny like “Essay 2: The Fellowship of the Essay”
It is important to write succinctly. DO NOT JUST RE-TELL THE STORY. DO NOT risk plagiarism – if you use information from a textbook, then you must cite that information correctly – the Norton Anthology discusses how to write a paper, including how to document outside sources; Do not write a plot outline—this assignment is to analyze: what is the author “saying” to the reader. What literary techniques and conventions does he or she use to say it? What is the “point” of the story? Does it show us anything worthwhile about people or about life? Keep your discussion focused on analyzing how the literature works within the story.
ESSAY DUE DATE: December 18th, 2020 (midnight)
This is going to be a strict due date. It is the last day of class and thus I am very limited in the materials I can handle after the class concludes.
ACC 300 Colorado State Global Campus Week 5 Balance Statement Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Instructions: Using the information below, complete the bank reconciliation for both the “book” and
the “bank” sides and create all necessary adjusting journal entries.
- Cash balance per company’s records as of July 31st was $66,955.
- Bank statement balance as of July 31st was $15,875.
- A deposit in the amount of $52,000 was deposited into the night depository of the bank on July 31st but did not get recorded in the July 31st bank statement balance.
- Check #354 in the amount of $575 and check # 365 in the amount of $1,500 were outstanding as of this bank statement.
- An NSF check in the amount of $500 (written by J. Smith, a customer) was returned by the bank to the company in the July 31st bank statement.
- A bank service charge in the amount of $50 was included in the July 31st bank statement.
- Interest in the amount of $125 was deposited into our account by the bank.
- The bank collected $1,000 from a customer (H. Doe) on our behalf as part of the lockbox service that we established with the bank.
- The bank erroneously posted another company’s check (i.e. withdrawal) in the amount of $5,000 to our account.
- The bank erroneously posted another company’s deposit into our account in the amount of $3,000.
- After reconciling the bank statement, we noticed that a check that was written to pay for the current month’s utilities in the amount of $250 was improperly recorded in our books as $520. (It was properly recorded in the bank statement as $250.)
Each assignment must include a title page and reference page. Review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Review Module 5 Part 2 Lecture, Section 1 for examples related to your Critical Thinking assignment for this week. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
Note: The download the template required for this assignment is located in the Module 5 folder.
UCSD Criminal Justice Reforms the US on Keeping Citizens Behind Bars Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Hello this assignment is very easy, just please read the instructions carefully. please finish the assignment on time.
Overview: As stated already in the Course Overview, “Especially this Quarter, you will frequently see P Sc 104A themes mirrored in current developments and controversies ‘in the news.’ In order to encourage you to ‘connect the dots’ between the course and the ‘real world out there’ – which can really boost your learning you are assigned over the Quarter to write TWO “CDCC” Memoranda.
Instructions for Identifying Reports and Writing Memoranda: These CDCC memoranda are two short three-paragraph memoranda in which you will analyze how two different
(a) current (published/originally posted any time from October 5 through December 5)
(b) reports (articles/blogposts/op-eds/etc.)
(c) about “current developments” (e.g., controversies, proposals, or other events happening during the Quarter in or among the federal or state legislative, executive, and judicial branches)
(d) covered in general informational media (i.e., newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online databases, etc.) that
(e) relate to course themes and issues.
Here are the basic instructions:
- Identify two “current” reports (as defined in the previous paragraph), covering different developments (as defined in the previous paragraph), relating to course themes and issues. NOTE: Do NOT use reports relating to the Court-packing example I use below to illustrate the prompts.
- For each of your two chosen reports, write a three-paragraph memorandum, within the word maxima, addressing the following:
A. Summary of Development (No More than 200 Words): Briefly summarize what the current development is about basically. (In other words, if you had to tell your friend or family member what the “gist” of the article/blogpost/op-ed/etc. was, how would you summarize it in 200 words of fewer?)
B. Explanation of Relationship of Report to Course Themes/Issues – and Questions Raised(No More than 250 Words): Briefly explain how the development you have summarized in the first paragraph relates to significant course themes and issues. Include one or more questions that the report raises in your mind.
[EX: If you were using an op-ed column about the possibility that a new Democratic president and Senate majority would add justices to the Supreme Court, you could identify how it raises questions about 1) whether the current fast confirmation of nominee Barrett after refusing to consider President Obama’s Garland nomination constitutes “Court packing,” 2) whether adding two (or more) new justices would undermine the Court’s appearance as a less-political branch, 3) whether new “Court packing” would be subject to meaningful constitutional objections, etc.)]
C. Brief Answer to One or More of the Questions You Raise (No More than 250 Words). Having raised questions in the previous paragraph, use the available to space to provide short answers to one or more of what you regard as the most important questions.
[EX: If one of the questions you raised was “whether the currentfast confirmation of nominee Barrett after refusing to consider President Obama’s Garland nomination constitutes ‘Court packing,’” you could then briefly answer negatively (because, among other things, Court packing involves adding justices, not filling existing positions) or affirmatively (because the substance of Court packing is manipulating justice positions to alter the ideological balance of the Court, which you could argue is what the Senate Republicans are doing.)]