NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help. NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Children and adolescents with schizophrenia have more difficulty functioning in academic or work settings, and significant impairment usually persists into adulthood. They may have speech or language disorders and in some cases borderline intellectual functioning. These individuals are more likely to complete suicide attempts or die from other accidental causes. Schizophrenia is characterized by positive and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and behavior disturbance. Negative symptoms include blunted affect and attention, apathy, and lack of motivation and social interest.

In this Assignment, you compare treatment plans for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia with treatment plans for children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia. You also consider the legal and ethical issues involved in medicating children diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Compare evidence-based treatment plans for adults versus children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia
  • Analyze legal and ethical issues surrounding the forceful administration of medication to children diagnosed with schizophrenia
  • Analyze the role of the PMHNP in addressing issues related to the forceful administration of medication to children diagnosed with schizophrenia

To Prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources concerning early-onset schizophrenia.

The Assignment (2 pages):

  • Compare at least two evidence-based treatment plans for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia with evidence-based treatment plans for children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia.
  • Explain the legal and ethical issues involved with forcing children diagnosed with schizophrenia to take medication for the disorder and how a PMHNP may address those issues.

Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.

NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Chamberlain Univeristy Week 3 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discussion Board Topic: Bringing Out the Best Through Conflict

1)The author suggests that the topic of conflict management is slippery because people cannot be easily directed and controlled, so theories on effective processes are constantly evolving. Based on Note on Conflict Management, the concept of differentiation is critical to gaining knowledge about your organization’s true strengths and weaknesses. Select one of the four links on page 8 (culture, authority, customer satisfaction, and management control) and suggest improvements that can be made to your workplace (prior or current). Support your ideas with documentation from the article

Example response from another student to the question above

In my opinion, culture affects conflict management in my place of employment. My agency has a history of working in silos, struggling with teaming and collaboration, managing by fear, intimidation and punitive action, and lack of care and concern for staff. This directly impacts the safety, wellbeing and permanence of the children we serve, how we engage family, along with staff performance and retention. Modes of conflict management was usually avoiding, smoothing, unilaterally or by force.

I have often been baffled by the way some managers manage their staff instead of lead; prohibiting them from growing, sharpening their clinical and critical thinking skills. Instead, we have social workers who follow directives and will actually admit that “I’m doing this because my supervisor/program manager/administrator told me to do so” even though all case carrying social workers in my agency have completed graduate school and passed a licensure exam. How can a social worker be expected to make a clinical decision about a family if they are not permitted to think critically? This sometimes leads to conflict between my team and case carrying social workers because there is an expectation that they will clearly articulate barriers or concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of a child. If the message is confusing to my team, it is most likely confusing to the family. Additionally, my team’s focus is to ensure the family’s voice is heard while the social worker’s focus appears to be, in many instances, to check off a box to close a case to meet a deadline. Instead, family team meetings are most viable when our team is given the opportunity to fully engage families and their supports, determine family dynamics, assess for potential conflicts, and ensure that the right stakeholders are present to develop a quality plan. It makes sense to involve families and their supports to be a part of the plan because they take ownership toward their own successful case closure.

To resolve some of these issues my agency has begun to involve middle managers and front line workers in the decision making process about how to improve the overall work environment. Multidisciplinary team have been establish to support social workers in how to move forward in difficult cases. Senior management has embraced confronting issues (to some degree), allowing different perspectives in the room to brainstorm about ideas, processes and procedures that directly impact staff. Additional training is provided to improve critical thinking, develop leadership skills, self care, etc.

2)Discussion Board Bonus Post: Favorite Reading in Negotiations and Conflict Management

I am requesting your input on a new article or a new book chapter that particularly impresses you on our course topic — preferably 30 pages or fewer. When I say “new,” I mean distinct from your assigned readings. The article may explore any advanced aspect of negotiations or conflict management. It would be ideal if your suggestion were available through Business Source Complete. While this is an optional assignment, your post will count toward your topic score on the Forum Statistics table. More importantly, I will be grateful for your contribution to this curriculum and for sharing a valuable lesson with your classmates.

Discussion Question # 1: Do the sunbeam deals calls into question the credibility of AMA?’


It is clear, in my opinion, that the AMA was more interested in making money than improving the health of patients. Throughout this article the AMA lobbied, collaborated, or disagreed with anything that was outside of physicians making money. With the decline in members and income, the AMA “suffering from a cash sneeze” and need more revenue. The negative public perception of the association was that they were more interested in padding physicians’ pockets than “educating them and having a patient’s interest at heart”. There is little to no research about the products and how doctors would endorse the validity of the function or benefit of those products. Additionally, entering into this agreement prohibited the AMA from endorsing any other company that competed with Sunbeams “health at home” product line. If the AMA conducted little to no research on Sunbeam’s products, how could they know that Sunbeam had the best brand? Now, one would assume that they are stuck and unable to venture out to a brand that might be more beneficial to the customer.


Nanda, A (2002). The american medical association-sunbeam deal (a): serpent on the staff meet chainsaw a1. Harvard Business Review. 1-16

Discussion Question # 2: Should they dismantle this deal?


Should the AMA dismantle this deal? Yes. Will they? I do not think so. The AMA was established as national medical association with the goal of acting as a “unified voice of physicians working together to improve healthcare across the country”. If this is the goal, why the decline in membership and income? What happened that led the AMA to enter a deal motivated by money more than the health and wellbeing of the patient? Sunbeam royalty payments were supposed to benefit the public and patients by funding health education and research programs covering smoking, family violence, women’s health and other health topics. However, public opinion of the AMA was already damaged because the messaging suggested that the association was more interested in physician income rather than patient health.

It is disheartening to know that the AMA and other associations have entered large dollar and big money deals endorsements with companies without independently testing products. The FDA might have one standard, but does that standard meet the expectations of your association? On the other hand, it is encouraging to know that not all associations are motivated by monetary benefits of marketing deals. I think the AMA could follow the lead of those associations that assure that products who bear their name are tested and evaluated before giving a seal of approval. If they are truly interested in improving public health, their actions need to be inline with this objective.


Los Angeles Pierce College Book Character Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help

After reading the story by Flannery O’Connor, (A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor.pd

) write a five-paragraph essay analyzing one of the characters from the story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find. The text is available in pdf in the Module Reading Section and here.

I have provided you with number of worksheets to help you along the way.

First, use the Character Graph Worksheet

Second, see the Character Analysis Assignment Document

Third, use the Essay Rubric Outline

  • Use the MLA style for the document and the Works Cited Page, which is going to be the text by O’Connor. See the video and the file below for the MLA style help.
  • Upload your Essay in a Word or PDF document, so I can see and edit on it directly.
  • You DON’T need to submit any other documents, ONLY the final draft of the essay.


California Southern University Accounting Keys to Effective Learning Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.

1.Write a 1-2 page paper discussing all of your results from the assessments taken in class.

  1. Multiple pathways to learning (in text)
  1. Personality Spectrum (in text)
  1. Values Inventory
  1. True Colors

2. What did you personally learn from the results?

3. What are benefits of getting to know your unique way of learning and interacting, your values, your personality, etc.

4. Explain how you can use your self-knowledge and apply it to your role as a student, employee, boss, parent, sister, etc..

5. Must be in APA format, complete with a title page. Be sure to get the Title Page perfect. Examples are on the assignment page, under FILES.

6. You are required to use & cite THREE or more resources in your paper (both in-text citations and sources).


NURS FPX4030 Capella University Remote Collaboration and Evidenced Based Care Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Thank you for submitting your 4th assessment. You did a great job addressing the scoring guide criterion. This assessment provided you an opportunity to consider the importance of technology and how care can be remotely delivered to patients in rural settings. Evidence-based findings, team collaboration, and effective communication are all important components when it comes to providing remote care that supports positive patient outcomes.

In the next attempt, please present a discussion on how an Evidence-Based Practice Model was used to develop Caitlyn’s plan of care. I provided a list of EBP in the comments below.

Please see my additional comments and reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

*You do not have to re-record the entire presentation, only record the new content for attempt 2. Although you cited some great evidence-based practices to treat and manage CF, but I do not see where you explained the ways in which an evidence-based practice model was used to help develop the care plan. Telemedicine is not an example of an Evidence-Based Practice Model, rather it is a mode of delivering care.

In addition, there were no ideas for how to evaluate the positive benefits to patient outcomes. There are a lot of great resources regarding EBP Models of care in the reference section for Assessment 4. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Some examples of EBP models include: the Johns Hopkins Model, the Iowa Model, the ACE Star Model etc.



Florida National University Nursing Pulmonary and Heart Disease Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

  1. During assessment of the apical pulse,the nurse has the patient supine. They locate the apical impulse at the 6th intercostal space near the axilla area. Discuss normal location of apical pulse and suggest causes for the location at the 6th intercostal space.

Florida National University Nursing Pulmonary and Heart Disease Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CO 120 Grantham University The Johari Window Diagram Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Personal Identity

For your essay interview/talk with someone you have a close relationship with (such as spouse, friend, sibling, student advisor, etc.) about how you communicate or are labeled. Use the Johari Window Diagram to diagram how you communicate with them. What would you both put in the four quadrants? What insights can you draw from this diagram and how does that person see you? Was this your reflected appraisal of yourself? How did things move from the Hidden quadrant to the Open quadrant, or from your Blind to Open quadrant, with that person?

Do you agree with the guidelines in the textbook for enriching the self toward maintaining a healthy identity? Share why you agree or don’t agree. Apply what you’ve learned this week and write one goal you’ve created to improve your self-concept. Provide a detailed analysis of yourself incorporating the reading and textbook material.

Your paper should be 500 – 750 words (roughly 2 – 3 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.


JWU Internationalization of Franchising Systems in The Hotel Industry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Academic research may provide helpful insights to practitioners. As a graduate student, one of the more important skills you will develop is the ability to read, understand, and critique an academic article. The length of your paper must be a minimum of 50 words for each section of the 7 sections, listed below.

*Make sure to write down each of the questions in the order listed below as a heading (Title), followed by your answers that are specifically related to the question. DO NOT MIX THEM ALL TOGETHER.

Your critique must answer the following questions:
1. What was the intent of this research?
2. How was the research conducted (method)?
3. What was the sample for this research, and how was it determined?
4. What were the conclusions of the article?
5. Is this research actionable? In other words, could it be put into use in any practical way in a Franchisee orFranchisorbusiness?
6. What in this article did you find most important?
7. What in this article did you find least important?
Your paper needs to meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Microsoft Word Document
  • Margins 1 inch in each side, 1.5 top and bottom.
    • Double spaced
    • Any citations in text in APA 6th Edition format.
    • References at the end of your critique, also in APA 6th edition format.
    • No spelling errors
    • No grammatical errors
    • A Turnitin Originality Score of 25% or less (in other words, more than 75% of the paper must be in your own words
  • [supanova_question]

    Grantham University Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Modern computer science presents opportunities for individuals, clinicians, and payers to have a fuller picture of a patient’s health history, streamlining and enabling informed decision making. No longer in paper form, health information is increasingly ready to be transmitted electronically and analyzed using sophisticated software that increase the quality of care for patients. At the same time, this environment also poses new challenges and opportunities for protecting individually identifiable health information as hackers are always looking to compromise systems.


    Investigate health information technology (HIT) organizations


    Include the following aspects in the discussion


    • Select the following link: HIPAA Breach News
    • Provide a brief summary of a report
    • Discuss with your peers the most important aspects of the report.
      • What was interesting about it?
      • What did you learn?


    PSY 120 Los Angeles Mission College Psychology and Susbtance Abuse Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    This is your comprehensive Final Exam. You must answer ANY 5 of the following questions using your own words. If you are using evidence from the book or any other resource you must provide the correct citation. Please download the questions, answer on your own word document and upload by midnight on your assigned due date.

    1. Briefly discuss the phenomenon of drug abuse in the context of five different psychological perspectives.

    2. Describe the basic structure of a research experiment. Include the definition and purpose of the hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control group, experimental group, and random assignment.

    3. Explain what behavioral geneticists mean by the term heritability and why it is frequently misunderstood. Provide one example of low heritability and one example of high heritability.

    4. Psychologists have described the human nervous system as the communication and control center for the body. The nervous system allows us to take in information from the environment, communicate the information to different parts of the body, and coordinate the body’s response. The nervous system itself is made up of neurons, or nerve cells, that communicate with each other by receiving and transmitting electrochemical signals, called neurotransmission. All human behavior is made possible by the activity of individual neurons working together in the nervous system. Think about a simple action you do every day, like answering your phone. When you perform this routine act, what are the individual neurons in your nervous system doing to make it possible?

    In a multi-paragraph essay, explain how the activity of individual neurons enables you to perform a simple action like answering your phone. Be sure to describe the main parts of a neuron, explain the unique function of each part, and describe how neurons use electrochemical signals for neurotransmission. Include details from class materials, readings, and research on the nervous system to support your discussion.

    5. Current research is revealing new relationships between sleep and memory formation. Discuss prior views and current research regarding the role of sleep. How might this apply to your own preparation for exams?

    6. Psychologists have identified five main personality traits, often called the “Big Five” or the five-trait model. Think about the “Big Five” personality traits we studied in class. Then select a real or fictional character from literature, film, television, or public life. How could the “Big Five” model be used to understand the character’s personality?

    In a multi-paragraph essay, explain what is meant by a “personality trait” according to the “Big Five” model, define each of the “Big Five” traits, and describe the character’s personality using the “Big Five” traits. For each trait, be sure to provide evidence from the character’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Include details from class materials, readings, and research on personality to support your discussion.

    7. Social psychologists like Solomon Asch have studied the conditions that affect how people act in group situations, especially the ways in which people conform to the attitudes and behavior of others. Drawing on your personal experience, think of a situation in which you either did or did not conform to the attitudes and behavior of others in a group.

    In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the situation and discuss the factors that influenced you to conform or not conform. Be sure to include information from class materials, readings, and research on group conformity to support your discussion.

    8. Describe the controversy over whether routine vaccinations in children cause autism. What is the current interpretation of the scientific evidence? What has been a consequence of parental concerns about a potential link between routine vaccinations and autism?

    9. For centuries, people have believed myths and misconceptions about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Modern psychological research has allowed us to correct some of these misconceptions. As a result, many people have changed their ideas about mental and emotional disorders. Think of a common misconception you have observed in society or in your personal experience. How could information from research be used to change people’s views of psychological disorders? How can this information help us to better understand people who experience mental and emotional disorders?

    In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the misconception you observed and discuss how information from research could be used to change this misconception about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Be sure to include details from class materials, readings, and research on psychological disorders to support your discussion.

    10. Imagine that you are an experienced mental health professional. Choose a psychological disorder and describe the type of treatment plan that you would initiate for such a disorder. Describe how you would modify your treatment plan for certain patients, if they do not respond well to your typical treatment paradigm.

    11. Give an example of a highly stressful circumstance that you have experienced (or you may create a fictitious scenario) and discuss the various physiological changes that would occur at each stage of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome as a result of that event.


    NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

    NURS 6660 Chamberlain University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

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