NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help

NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help. NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a nursing project and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Assessment 3 Instructions: Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Develop a disaster recovery plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to community services after a disaster. Then, develop and record a 10-12 slide presentation (please refer to the PowerPoint tutorial) of the plan with audio and speaker notes for the Vila Health system, city officials, and the disaster relief team.As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Disaster Preparedness and Management activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you think through key issues in disaster preparedness and management in the community or workplace. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

    Professional Context

    Nurses perform a variety of roles and their responsibilities as health care providers extend to the community. The decisions we make daily and in times of crisis often involve the balancing of human rights with medical necessities, equitable access to services, legal and ethical mandates, and financial constraints. In the event of a major accident or natural disaster, many issues can complicate decisions concerning the needs of an individual or group, including understanding and upholding rights and desires, mediating conflict, and applying established ethical and legal standards of nursing care. As a nurse, you must be knowledgeable about disaster preparedness and recovery to safeguard those in your care. As an advocate, you are also accountable for promoting equitable services and quality care for the diverse community.Nurses work alongside first responders, other professionals, volunteers, and the health department to safeguard the community. Some concerns during a disaster and recovery period include the possibility of death and infectious disease due to debris and/or contamination of the water, air, food supply, or environment. Various degrees of injury may also occur during disasters, terrorism, and violent conflicts.To maximize survival, first responders must use a triage system to assign victims according to the severity of their condition/prognosis in order to allocate equitable resources and provide treatment. During infectious disease outbreaks, triage does not take the place of routine clinical triage.Trace-mapping becomes an important step to interrupting the spread of all infectious diseases to prevent or curtail morbidity and mortality in the community. A vital step in trace-mapping is the identification of the infectious individual or group and isolating or quarantining them. During the trace-mapping process, these individuals are interviewed to identify those who have had close contact with them. Contacts are notified of their potential exposure, testing referrals become paramount, and individuals are connected with appropriate services they might need during the self-quarantine period (CDC, 2020).An example of such disaster is the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. People who had contact with someone who were in contact with the COVID-19 virus were encouraged to stay home and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others until 14 days after their last exposure to a person with COVID-19. Contacts were required to monitor themselves by checking their temperature twice daily and watching for symptoms of COVID-19 (CDC, 2020). Local, state, and health department guidelines were essential in establishing the recovery phase. Triage Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the case of COVID-19 focused on inpatient and outpatient health care facilities that would be receiving, or preparing to receive, suspected, or confirmed COVID- 19 victims. Controlling droplet transmission through hand washing, social distancing, self-quarantine, PPE, installing barriers, education, and standardized triage algorithm/questionnaires became essential to the triage system (CDC, 2020; WHO, 2020).This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply the concepts of emergency preparedness, public health assessment, triage, management, and surveillance after a disaster. You will also focus on evacuation, extended displacement periods, and contact tracing based on the disaster scenario provided.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.
      • Describe the determinants of health and the cultural, social, and economic barriers that impact safety, health, and disaster recovery efforts in a community.
    • Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.
      • Present specific, evidence-based strategies to overcome communication barriers and enhance interprofessional collaboration to improve disaster recovery efforts.
    • Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
      • Explain how health and governmental policy affect disaster recovery efforts.
    • Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
      • Explain how a proposed disaster recovery plan will lessen health disparities and improve access to community services.
    • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
      • Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
      • Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.

    Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


    When disaster strikes, community members must be protected. A comprehensive recovery plan, guided by the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework, is essential to help ensure everyone’s safety. The unique needs of residents must be assessed to lessen health disparities and improve access to equitable services after a disaster. Recovery efforts depend on the appropriateness of the plan, the extent to which key stakeholders have been prepared, the quality of the trace-mapping, and the allocation of available resources. In a time of cost containment, when personnel and resources may be limited, the needs of residents must be weighed carefully against available resources.In this assessment, you are a community task force member responsible for developing a disaster recovery plan for the Vila Health community using MAP-IT and trace-mapping, which you will present to city officials and the disaster relief team.To prepare for the assessment, complete the Vila Health: Disaster Recovery Scenario simulation.In addition, you are encouraged to complete the Disaster Preparedness and Management activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you think through key issues in disaster preparedness and management in the community or workplace. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.Begin thinking about:

    • Community needs.
    • Resources, personnel, budget, and community makeup.
    • People accountable for implementation of the disaster recovery plan.
    • Healthy People 2020 goals and 2030 objectives.
    • A timeline for the recovery effort.

    You may also wish to:

    • Review the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework, which you will use to guide the development of your plan:
      • Mobilize collaborative partners.
      • Assess community needs.
      • Plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to services.
      • Implement a plan to reach Healthy People 2020 goals or 2030 objectives.
      • Track community progress.
    • Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

    Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft recovery plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.


    Every 10 years, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion release information on health indicators, public health issues, and current trends. At the end of 2020, Healthy People 2030 was released to provide information for the next 10 years. Healthy People 2030 provides the most updated content when it comes to prioritizing public health issues; however, there are historical contents that offer a better understanding of some topics. Disaster preparedness is addressed in Healthy People 2030, but a more robust understanding of MAP-IT, triage, and recovery efforts is found in Healthy People 2020. For this reason, you will find references to both Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030 in this course.Complete the following:

    1. Develop a disaster recovery plan for the Vila Health community that will lessen health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster. Refer back to the Vila Health: Disaster Recovery Scenario to understand the Vila Health community.
      • Assess community needs.
      • Consider resources, personnel, budget, and community makeup.
      • Identify the people accountable for implementation of the plan and describe their roles.
      • Focus on specific Healthy People 2020 goals and 2030 objectives.
      • Include a timeline for the recovery effort.
    2. Apply the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework to guide the development of your plan:
      • Mobilize collaborative partners.
      • Assess community needs.
        • Use the demographic data and specifics related to the disaster to identify the needs of the community and develop a recovery plan. Consider physical, emotional, cultural, and financial needs of the entire community.
        • Include in your plan the equitable allocation of services for the diverse community.
        • Apply the triage classification to provide a rationale for those who may have been injured during the train derailment. Provide support for your position.
        • Include in your plan contact tracing of the homeless, disabled, displaced community members, migrant workers, and those who have hearing impairment or English as a second language in the event of severe tornadoes.
      • Plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to services.
      • Implement a plan to reach Healthy People 2020 goals and 2030 objectives.
      • Track and trace-map community progress.
    3. Develop a slide presentation of your disaster recovery plan with an audio recording of you presenting your assessment of the Vila Health: Disaster Recovery Scenario for city officials and the disaster relief team. Be sure to also include speaker notes.
    Presentation Format and Length

    You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides and add your voice-over along with speaker notes. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your instructor to avoid potential file compatibility issues.Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:

    • Title slide.
      • Recovery plan title.
      • Your name.
      • Date.
      • Course number and title.
    • References (at the end of your presentation).

    Your slide deck should consist of 10–12 content slides plus title and references slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources as appropriate. The speaker notes should match your recorded voice-over. Make sure to review the Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial for directions for inserting your speaker notes.The following resources will help you create and deliver an effective presentation:

    Supporting Evidence

    Cite at least three credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications within the past 5 years to support your plan.

    Graded Requirements

    The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point:

    • Describe the determinants of health and the cultural, social, and economic barriers that impact safety, health, and recovery efforts in the community.
      • Consider the interrelationships among these factors.
    • Explain how your proposed disaster recovery plan will lessen health disparities and improve access to community services.
      • Consider principles of social justice and cultural sensitivity with respect to ensuring health equity for individuals, families, and aggregates within the community.
    • Explain how health and governmental policy impact disaster recovery efforts.
      • Consider the implications for individuals, families, and aggregates within the community of legislation that includes, but is not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, and the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA).
    • Present specific, evidence-based strategies to overcome communication barriers and enhance interprofessional collaboration to improve the disaster recovery effort.
      • Consider how your proposed strategies will affect members of the disaster relief team, individuals, families, and aggregates within the community.
      • Include evidence to support your strategies.
    • Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
    • Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.
      • Develop your presentation with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
      • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

    Additional Requirements

    Before submitting your assessment, proofread all elements to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.

NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University Roman Concept of Religion Question Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Three discussion questions to answer:

1. Discuss the Roman concept of religion. Include at least four major gods/goddesses and explain how they were important to the culture. Your answer should be a one page minimum. (20 points)

2. Compare and contrast Islam with Christianity in a one-two page response with sources cited (40 points). Use the following points of comparison/contrast:


basic beliefs – You must include the 5 Pillars of Islam for full credit.


3. Frequently the Roman Empire is compared to the United States of America. Research the two cultures and find four similarities between the two and one difference. Summarize your findings in a one-two page double-spaced answer with sources cited. (40 points)


PSY 280 UP How Relationships Evolve During Early & Middle Adulthood Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the psychological adjustments to aging and lifestyle that occur within individuals during early and middle adulthood.

Be sure to include the following:

  • Discuss how social and intimate relationships evolve and change during early and middle adulthood.
  • Identify various role changes that occur during early and middle adulthood.
  • Examine the immediate and future impact of healthy and unhealthy habits practiced during early and middle adulthood.

Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Teen Pregnancy Prevention Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing project and need guidance to help me understand better.

Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation

  • Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate session outcomes, and suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions?As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

    Professional Context

    Health education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, and aggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, n.d.). Education is key to health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2030 prompts action in health services accessibility, clinical preventive services, environmental quality, injury or violence prevention, maternal, infant, and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse prevention, and tobacco use cessation or prevention.Nurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in formal and informal settings. They draw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with the tools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reduce readmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better quality of life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (Flanders, 2018; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of a health promotion plan.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
      • Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators.
    • Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
      • Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
    • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
      • Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.
      • Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
      • Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.

    Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Healthy People 2030. This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.


    For this assessment, you will conclude the clinical learning activity you began in Assessment 1.You will resume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern in your community. This time, you will present, via educational outreach, the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1 to your fictitious audience. In this hypothetical scenario, you will simulate the presentation as though it would be live and face-to-face. You must determine an effective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, evaluate the objectives of the plan, revise the plan as applicable, and propose improvement for future educational sessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over and speaker notes to communicate your plan.Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment (Assessment 4).Please review the assessment scoring guide for more information.To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


    Complete the following:

    • Prepare a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and detailed speaker notes that reflects your hypothetical presentation. This presentation is the implementation of the plan you created in Assessment 1. The speaker notes should be a transcript of the voice-over (please refer to the PowerPoint tutorial).
    • Simulate the hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community individual or group.
    • Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.

    As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.


    You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:

    • Title slide:
      • Health promotion plan title.
      • Your name.
      • Date.
      • Course number and title.
    • References (at the end of your presentation).
      • Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.

    The following resources will help you create and deliver an effective presentation:


    Support your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, published within the last 5 years, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources.


    The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

    • Present your health promotion plan to your hypothetical audience.
      • Tailor the presentation to the needs of your hypothetical audience.
      • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
    • Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
      • Which aspects of the session would you change?
      • How might those changes improve future outcomes?
    • Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators.
      • What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators?
    • Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
    • Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.

    Additional Requirements

    Before submitting your assessment, proofread your presentation slides and speaker’s notes to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.


Grossmont College The Executive order 13769 Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need support to help me understand better.


Please summarize these two files in a PowerPoint. Kindly, add a picture in every slide and make sure that the picture matches the topic.

The social issue here is Travel Ban.


You MUST include at least content 10 slides (not including the title slide, Works Cited, or Thank You slide–10 content slides!) covering the following information:

  • Introduction:
    • Statement of the problem/definition of the social issue
  • From your Root Cause/History Section:
    • The root cause of your issue
    • The origin of your issue
    • 2-3 main historical facts about your issue
  • From your Environmental Scan Section:
    • How your issue is impacted by (or impacts) industry/market, economics, technology, social, politics, and regulations (this can be brief–the idea is to share the main points from your Environmental Scan portion of your essay)
  • From your Argument Section:
    • differing viewpoints about the issue
    • your stance/opinion on the issue
    • Important evidence supporting your stance
  • Works Cited Slide
  • Thank you/conclusion slide



Non Serious Behavior for The Interns Bank Internship Research Proposal Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Learning objectives:

  1. Write and edit so that your messages are clear, concise and precise
  2. Apply critical thinking skills and increase your ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, conclude and explain

Your specific topic must be approved by your instructor. You cannot submit any subsequent assignments without submitting a topic proposal and getting approval from your instructor. As such, ensure that you provide enough information in your submission for your instructor to fully understand and approve your idea; not doing so will delay your ability to move forward with the assignment, in addition to resulting in a lower grade on this deliverable. Err on the side of specificity.

Your submission will answer — one by one (clearly separating your responses) — the following four questions:

  1. What are you proposing?
    • Beyond the basic concept of your topic, provide enough structural and logistical detail for your reader to fully understand the viability of your idea(s).
  2. To whom are you proposing idea, and why is this the most appropriate audience for what your pitching?
  3. What organizational need or problem does the proposal address?
    • You must include and cite, APA style, at least one source to document/support your response to this question.
      • If you’re using primary or observational research that you conducted, instead of an APA style citation, you’ll need to explain all relevant details — such as context, info-gathering method(s), date(s), and any relevant name(s) and/or location(s) — so that it’s clear and explicit where your data come from and the relevance thereof.
  4. What are other companies/organizations/schools doing in relation to your topic, and how will these findings advance your own proposal?
    • You must include and cite, APA style, at least one source to document/support your response to this question.
      • If you’re using primary or observational research that you conducted, instead of an APA style citation, you’ll need to explain all relevant details — such as context, info-gathering method(s), date(s), and any relevant name(s) and/or location(s) — so that it’s clear and explicit where your data come from and the relevance thereof.

Students are encouraged to choose from the following topics:

  • Propose an internship program to an existing company
  • If you are already in an internship, identify a problem at your company and propose a solution
  • Propose a new student service not already offered at Temple
    • For example, we now have Cherry Pantry to give students that need it access to healthy food
  • Propose a conference for the Fox School to host
  • Propose a new Living Learning Community for a Temple residence hall
  • Propose a service-learning project for one of the majors within Fox
  • Propose a student-run sustainability program for campus
  • Propose a philanthropic project or initiative to support a specific cause and/or organization
  • Propose a post-college life skills seminar (different from the services that CSPD already provides) – this could be a one-credit course or a special badge on Suitable
    • Do not propose a financial literacy course, since that concept will be used later as a teaching example

Other Requirements:

  • No more than one page with 1-inch margins and 12-point font (don’t double-space, but clearly separate, visually, each response); a “references” page will not count against your space limit
  • Use complete thoughts that will be fully clear to your reader
  • Clearly separate your responses to each question

Non Serious Behavior for The Interns Bank Internship Research Proposal Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FNU ?Influence of Cultural & Health Belief Systems on Healthcare Practices Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Influence of Cultural and Health Belief Systems on Health Care Practices

During diabetes education, Fatima indicates she is Muslim and that for Ramadan she fasts from sunrise to sundown.

1. Using Leininger’s Sunrise Model, analyze the dietary significance of fasting.

2. Discuss the possible nursing interventions to accommodate Fatima’s religious practice.

3. How might Fatima respond if she was told that she couldn’t fast?

A minimum of 600 words excluding the first and references page is required. at least 3 paragraph per question, APA style, You must cite or quote at least three evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years old.


FNU ?Ch 8 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel & Registered Nurse Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Please be certain to answer all questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit. Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph. All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format. Minimum of three references, not older than 2015.

Case Study, Chapter 8, Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and the Registered Nurse

The increased use of unlicensed assistive personnel presents both opportunities and challenges for the American health care system. The nurse manager has to deal with the challenge that unlicensed assistive personnel only be used to provide personal care needs or nursing tasks that do not require the skill and judgment of the RN.

1. The nurse manager reviews the national effort to define the scope of practice for unlicensed assistive personnel. In 2007, the American Nurses Association made recommendations for a national and/or state policy for nursing assistive personnel. What are the six actions that should be taken to create a national and/or state policy agenda about the educational preparation of unlicensed assistive personnel and the competencies they should have for safe practice?

2. The need in health care today is for today’s nurses to have highly developed delegation skills in working effectively and efficiently with unlicensed assistive personnel. This is critical to ensure the clients’ needs are met and their safety is not jeopardized. What are the key general principles that the nurse manager needs to review with professional registered nurses in delegating to unlicensed assistive personnel?


Belhaven University Unit 5 Citizenship at Home & School Performance Task Paper Writing Assignment Help

  • Performance Assessment– Students demonstrate their abilities in a multitude of ways. Some will demonstrate mastery on written assessments while others will shine during projects, presentations, or artistic expression. How can students prove their mastery of your chosen standard in an alternative form? Create a performance assessment for your students. This will consist of three (3) parts: teacher copy (GRASPS and planning), interesting student copy (should grab students’ attention and make them excited to complete the assignment), and a rubric (used for scoring and explaining various levels of completion). As you begin to plan, remember that not all students are the same. Work to incorporate choice into the assignment. This will also help the student create ownership of the assignment. In Appendix B, see “Teacher Planning: Performance Task Template” and “Example of Teacher GRASPS” for part 1, “Extra NEWS Paper” for part 2, and “Rubric Template Example” for part 3. (40 pts.)


CMU Wk 6 Tyson Foods Investments for Sustainable Growth Protein Production Case Study Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.

Week 6a Case Study Assignment :

Given all barriers and concerns facing USLP, why would Polman be willing to bet the company’s success on this strategy? (40 points)—Case study: Unilever’s New Global Strategy: Competing through Sustainability


Note: Polman introduced USLP as a secondary imitative focused on corporate responsibility, but as the company’s core strategy designed to revitalize Unilever’s performance. 250 words min.

There seems to be some confusion on how to respond to the question posed in Case study 6a.

There are many things you can talk about in this case study. Always think from the perspective of Mr. Polman-Manager and with business acumen. The key in any business is about serving its customers, employees, and community, revenues will grow, profits will increase, and shareholders will benefit.

You can respond to the question by talking about:

  1. Consumer trends (environment, sense of social responsibility, and preference for healthy foods) in the Developed world.
  2. In developing countries, USLP supporting social priorities supported by the government and NGOs
  3. Local sourcing reduces risk.
  4. Environmental and social objectives-serves as inspiration for employees
  5. Likely to trigger internal innovative employee responses that can revitalize the company’s products and processes.
  6. Alliance with Unilever will respond to meeting regulation and environmental standards, labor practices, food quality, etc.

So forth you can think about several more things. You all are bright students and businessmen and women of tomorrow.


Week 6b Case Study Assignment

Which three investment options can be most easily integrated into Tyson’s current operations? (40 points)—Case study: Tyson Foods and Alternative Proteins: Where to Invest for Sustainable Growth

Note: 350 words min.

In case study 6b a student asked me for clarification and wanted to put it out there for you all as well.

HINT: What investment options (alternatives) can/should Tyson invest in using their current operations? You have to tell me about three options. As usual, indicate the option and then explain it. See rubric for details.

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent (18 Poins)
18 pts


Complete and organized submissions that adhere to all assignment instructions.

13.5 pts

Very Good

Submission is missing minor elements and/or is not well-organized and/or missed an assignment instructions.

9 pts


Submission is missing minor elements and/or is not well-organized and/or missed an assignment instructions.

4.5 pts

No Credit

Submission is missing elements and/or is not well-organized and/or did not adhere to assignment instructions.

0 pts

No Credit

Did not submit or submission unacceptable.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication (18 Poins)

18 pts


High-quality submissions that clearly demonstrate an understanding of course materials. Thorough understanding and explanation of the sustainable value chain, social and environmental goals, commitment to the philosophy of “doing well by doing good”, corporate social responsibility, collaborating partnerships. Need to show application in other situations, countries, and cases. Examples come from magazines, journals, newspapers, and other sources can be included. Citation is needed if you use sources.

13.5 pts

Very Good

Good submissions with some connections to course materials. Occasionally contributes ideas, relevant personal experience, materials, and/or comments. Moderate explanation of the sustainable value chain, social and environmental goals, commitment to the philosophy of “doing well by doing good”, corporate social responsibility, collaborating partnerships.

9 pts


Good submissions with some connections to course materials. Occasionally contributes ideas, relevant personal experience, materials, and/or comments. An adequate explanation of the sustainable value chain, social and environmental goals, commitment to the philosophy of “doing well by doing good”, corporate social responsibility, collaborating partnerships.

4.5 pts

No Credit

Little to no evidence that course materials are understood or incorporated into submissions. Poor explanation of the sustainable value chain, social and environmental goals, commitment to the philosophy of “doing well by doing good”, corporate social responsibility, collaborating partnerships.

0 pts

No Credit

Did not submit or submission unacceptable.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Grammar (4 Points)

4 pts


Properly formatted submissions demonstrating professional, college-level tone, no spelling or grammar errors and well-documented sources (when applicable).

3 pts

Very Good

Submission may be lacking proper formatting or professional tone or may contain minor spelling/ grammar errors or is not well-supported (when applicable).

2 pts


Submission may be lacking proper formatting or professional tone or may contain minor spelling/ grammar errors or is not well-supported (when applicable).

1 pts

No Credit

Submission may be lacking proper formatting and/or professional tone and/or may contain multiple spelling/grammar errors and/or is not well-supported (when applicable).

0 pts

No Credit

Did not submit or submission unacceptable.

4 pts

Total Points: 40



NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help

NURS FPX 4060 Capella University Valley City Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help

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