Nursing Multistate Licensing Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. Nursing Multistate Licensing Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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This paper must be APA format, 3 pages excluding the cover and reference page. Prepare a position on the issue of Multi-State Licensure through the nurse Licensure Compact(NLC). Including the following in your discussion: 1) A brief history of the NLC, a critical analysis of both the positive features in having MSL (pros) and the drawbacks associated with the program (cons). Present 3 pros with supportive evidence and 3 cons. Be sure to include reference throughout! 2) Identify a channel for sharing your support or concern. You can get some ideas of who and how to approach writing a letter or talking with a governmental official, board of nursing representative, or nursing organizational representative by going to: 3) Summarize your position on the issue of the NLC and MSL and indicate if you plan to apply for the MLS in Florida and why. (I personally applied for MSL to increase job finding across the country)
.doc file
Please no plagiarism, APA 7, citations both in text and complete references.
Same requirements as last time, it was great (:
Nursing Multistate Licensing Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DPU EL & Exception Policies Orange Theory Fitness Internship Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help
A well-written, proofread, reflective essay of 2000-2500 words describing the experience with Orangetheory Fitness as an intern. You can talk about PM company Loan amortization studio projections. This is about an internship. NOTHING NEEDS TO GET LOOKED UP!!!!! JUST TALK ABOUT A FINANCE INTERNSHIP WITH ORANGETHEORY FITNESS, the experience. you can talk about different excel docments made etc.
- a timeline and description of the work experience or other experience/environment
- tools and skills used and learned during the experience
- accomplishments and impact of the experience on oneself and on others
- how the student’s academic work applied to the experience
- how the experience will inform future life and plans
Capella University Models of Compliance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
If you have not done so already, view the presentation Models of Compliance.
This interactive activity explores three scenarios in which someone was trying to achieve compliance with a request. Discuss the outcomes of your choices and compare or contrast these scenarios with a real-world situation you have personally experienced.
- How do you find yourself reacting when someone is trying to obtain your compliance?
- How do you find yourself reacting when you want someone else to comply with your requests?
- Is use of these models ethical or not? Support your position.
Below is the Model of Compliance
Why do people buy things they don’t want or agree to do things they don’t really want to do?
Compliance occurs when we modify our behavior in response to a direct request from another person. The person making the request does not have the power to force the behavior … it is voluntary. But why?
Social psychologists have studied three compliance strategies in order to understand the motivations that drive compliance.
In the following situations there are not right or wrong answers, but at the end of this exercise, you will be able to see what strategies your choices reflect.
Maggie is in charge of arrangements for an upcoming training seminar. The seminar is being held on a Saturday at a local elementary school and none of the participants will be familiar with the building. Maggie needs signs made that will direct people to the rooms where the sessions are being held as well as general signage for restrooms and vending machines. Doing some rough estimates, Maggie has figured that she will need about 20 different signs made. Maggie knows that Jim, not assigned to this project, has good graphic skills.
Which approach do you think will most likely get Jim to make the signs for the seminar?
Option 1:
Maggie asks Jim if he could show her how to format the signs she will need to make for the event. After he has shown her the formatting, she asks if he would be willing to actually make the signs.
Option 2:
Maggie asks Jim if he would be willing to make the signs if she paid him $50. He agrees and she thanks him, telling him that she just needs to check with the event chair. She comes back to Jim a little later and says that she made a mistake and isn’t able to pay him, but she could give him one of the messenger bags they had made for seminar participants.
Option 3:
Maggie asks Jim if he would be willing to make the training packet for the seminar, which is a complicated process of pulling content out of a PowerPoint presentation and combining that content with existing exercises and self-quizzes. When Jim says there is no way he has time to do that, Maggie asks if he could at least make some signs that she needs for providing directions inside the building.
Signs of the Times Answer Key
Option 1: Foot in the Door
Option 2: Low Ball
Option 2: Door in the Face
Fabian’s organization wants to do an overhaul of their web site and he was asked to select a vender for the job. Nora, the owner of Arachnid Designs, is meeting with Fabian to pitch her company for the work. When they spoke on the phone, Fabian told Nora that the budget is $5,000, which is his target. Fabian knows that, if necessary, he could spend as much as $10,000 on this project.
Which approach do you think is most likely to get Fabian to select Arachnid Designs?
Option 1:
Nora suggests that they open the web site and take a look at it together. While looking at the web site, Nora sketches some layouts and makes other notes about changes she’d make to the web site. (
Option 2:
Nora shows Fabian some layouts and mock-ups of the refurbished web site. The changes are amazing; she is proposing cutting edge functionality and the design is awesome. The cost, however, is $20,000. When Fabian says that $20,000 is impossible, Nora shows him mock-ups of what she could do for $5,000.
Option 3:
Nora sends over a preliminary proposal for the work she could do for $5,000. Based on the proposal, Fabian decides to set up a meeting with Arachnid Designs. When Nora arrives, she explains that the proposal was for a basic re-design and not a major overhaul. She tells Fabian that she can do the overhaul for $7,500.
Caught in the Web Answer Key
Option 1: Foot in the Door
Option 2: Door in the Face
Option 3: Low Ball
Nathan needs to reduce his team’s expenses by 10 percent. The team is already short-handed, so reducing the number of employees is a last resort and many of the other expenses are fixed. Nathan realizes that if just five hourly workers reduced their hours from 40 hours a week to 36 hours a week, he would meet the 10 percent reduction goal.
Which approach you do you think Nathan should take?
Option 1:
Nathan asks for volunteers to work reduced shifts. When several people volunteer, he then tells them that the change would be a permanent reduction in their hours.
Option 2:
Nathan asks team members who fit the category to consider making adjustments to their schedules. He asks those who agree to make adjustments if they would be willing to make a reduction in hours. (FITD)
Option 3:
Nathan asks team members who fit the category to consider dropping from full-time to part-time (less than 28 hours per week). When the worker tells him no, he asks the person if she or he would be willing to remain full time, but accept a reduction in hours.
Free Time Answer Key
Option 1: Low Ball
Option 2: Foot in the Door
Option 3: Door in the Face
While these strategies are not magic spells guaranteed to achieve compliance, they often work because of psycho-social factors that have less to do with the issues at hand and more to do with the way people engage with other people and their self-perceptions.
Capella University Measuring Quality of Life in the Medicine Field Discussion Writing Assignment Help
End-of-Life Issues
With our framework of ethical theories and principles in hand, we begin our look at some of the critical ethical issues in our contemporary world, starting with end-of-life issues. This assessment covers ethical questions related to end-of-life care. Passive euthanasia is the removal or refusal of life-sustaining treatment. Examples of passive euthanasia include removal of a feeding tube or a ventilator, or forgoing a life-prolonging surgery. Passive euthanasia is legal in all 50 states, and the principle of autonomy gives informed patients the right to refuse any and all treatments. Patients who are unable to make such decisions in the moment (because they are unconscious, for example) might have made their intentions clear beforehand with an advance directive or similar document. Things become more complicated, however, when a patient who is unable to make treatment choices has not made his or her wishes clear, either formally in a written document, or informally in conversations with family members or friends. Another problem concerns cases in which there is disagreement about whether the treatment is sustaining the life of a person in the full sense or merely as a body that, because of severe and irreversible brain trauma, is no longer truly a living person.
Active euthanasia, or assisted suicide, introduces further difficult moral questions. A patient who has a terminal illness and who has refused treatments that would merely prolong a potentially very painful and debilitating death might want the process of dying to be hastened and made less painful. The patient might want to take his or her own life before the disease reaches its horrible final stages. Should patients be legally allowed to have help in this endeavor? If suicide itself is not morally wrong, at least in cases like these, is it wrong for another person to directly help bring about the patient’s death? Is it wrong for doctors, a role we naturally associate with healing and the promotion of life, to use their medical expertise to deliberately end a patient’s life if the patient wants this?
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Articulate ethical issues in health care.
- Articulate the moral issues associated with limiting life support.
- Competency 2: Apply sound ethical thinking related to a health care issue.
- Demonstrate sound ethical thinking and relevant ethical principles when considering limiting life support.
- Explain important considerations that arise when contemplating limiting life support.
- Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
- Exhibit proficiency in clear and effective academic writing skills.
This media piece provides the context for this assessment; make sure you have reviewed the case study thoroughly.
Additionally, it may be useful to think through the following issues as they relate to Mr. Martinez’s case:
- Should Mr. Martinez be transferred to intensive care, where his respiratory failure can be treated by a ventilator, and by CPR if necessary, and his oxygen level can be monitored?
- What are the key ethical issues or models at play in this case study?
- What are the key end-of-life issues at play in this case study?
- How can an understanding of models and best-practice help to guide health care practitioners to make ethical and legal decisions?
In a 2–3 page analysis of the case study, address the following:
- The patient’s directives.
- The patient’s quality of life.
- The family’s stated preferences.
- The moral issues associated with limiting life support.
- The ethical principles most relevant to reaching an ethically sound decision.
- Important considerations such as implications, justifications, and any conflicts of interest that might arise because of the patient’s respiratory failure.
When writing your assessment submission assume that doctors cannot contact Mrs. Martinez and must make this choice on their own. To help you reach an objective, ethically sound decision, draw upon concepts and arguments from the suggested resources or your independent research. Support your response with clear, concise, and correct examples, weaving and citing the readings and media throughout your answer.
Submission Requirements
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
- Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
HCA 430 AU WK 1 Healthcare Population Vulnerable Groups Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This week’s second discussion forum will focus on two selected groups:
- Vulnerable mothers and children
- People affected by alcohol and substance abuse
Review the video segments titled “Premature Babies: Risks and Costs” (Vulnerable Mothers and Children group) and “Social Cost of Alcohol Abuse” (People Affected by Alcohol and Substance Abuse group) through the Films On Demand database or in the textbook.
- For each segment, select three specific factors from Chapter 2 (e.g., age, gender, culture, ethnicity, education, and income) that are present.
- Reflecting on your experiences and knowledge gained in previous courses, discuss how these factors relate to the group’s vulnerability.
- Based on the selected factors, assess the health care needs that can be inferred for each group. Discuss which approach(es) to care from Chapter 4, Section 4.1 (i.e., preventive, treatment, or long term), might help address them.
Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Saint Thomas University Emergency Nursing Association Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
The goal of this assignment is to familiarize students with interest groups. Please follow the steps below to complete your assignment.
- Select an interest group (AARP, AHIP, Coalition for Health Services Research, Emergency Nurses Association, Pharma)
- Discuss how they are pushing their agenda (i.e., mechanisms used to influence policy makers), key obstacles, and spending (consult the Center for Responsible Politics,
- Investigate the interest group’s website and review their position statements, testimony, and consult media reports to obtain more information on the group’s lobbying efforts.
Submission Requirements:
- Presentation is original work and logically organized. Followed current APA format including citation of references.
- PowerPoint presentation with 8 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
- Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
- Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style
- Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Presentation Rubric
Saint Thomas University Emergency Nursing Association Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENT 527 UOP week 5 Ethics in Innovation and Product Development Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of ethics in innovation and product development.
Choose a product from your childhood such as a favorite toy.
Evaluate the external environment related to the product at the time this product was sold or owned by you. Consider questions such as:
- Who was the intended market for the product?
- What was important to the intended market at that time?
- What ethical considerations do you think were addressed in the development of the product at that time?
- How might those ethical considerations have influenced the product development?
Evaluate the external environment and potential ethical considerations of the product from today’s perspective by considering:
- How has the intended market for the product changed over time?
- What is important to that market today?
- What ethical considerations (such as sustainability, environmentally-friendly, socially-conscious, etc.) must be addressed in the development if you were to develop this product today?
- How have the ethical considerations changed over time?
- Would the product be marketable today as it is? If not, how would the product have to change to be marketable?
- How should the ethical considerations you considered influence product development?
Summarize the importance of ethics as it relates to product development.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
BUS 401 University of Arizona Project Cost of Funding and Equity Input Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The use of debt to fund the firm (called leveraging) carries with it benefits as well as risks” (Hickman et all., 2013, Chap 8, Overview, para. 4). In the short term, leverage lowers the weighted average cost of capital due to the typically lower required rates of return on debt as compared to equity. In the long run, debt requires interest payments and the principal must be repaid. A firm that cannot repay its debt faces default risk and/or bankruptcy. The risks due to excessive leverage are known as financial risks. Thus, as a firm considers using debt or equity to fund its business, it must consider both the benefits of debt and the financial risks of too much debt. In this discussion, you will evaluate a real-world scenario and consider the implications of the debt financing decision for the firm.
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
- Complete the the Week 5 – Learning Activity: Understanding Cost of Capital.
- Read Chapter 10 in Essentials of finance
- Read Chapter 8: Section 8.1: Perfect Capital Markets in Essentials of finance
- Watch the following video:
After watching the video, answer the following questions in your post:
- Did Alex Clark initially fund the business with equity or debt?
- Initially, Clark’s chocolate business is very small. Compared to publicly traded companies, would Clark’s required rate of return on equity be higher or lower than the “average” required rate of return on equity for small cap companies of 15%? Explain your answer.
- After the business was established, Clark talked about buying a building to expand. This is a good example of an investment project that a business must evaluate. Would the required rate of return for Clark’s building purchase be higher or lower than the overall chocolate company’s required rate of return? Explain your answer.
- Should Clark use some bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase?
- Justify your answer by explaining how the weighted average cost of capital for the company would change if Clark uses bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase.
- What is the primary risk that Clark faces if she uses debt to finance the entire building purchase? For purposes of this discussion, assume that the debt would then comprise 95% of the company’s capital structure.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts, and reply to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. In your written responses to your classmates, address the following:
- Provide feedback on your peers’ answers, including whether you agree or disagree with any of the answers or reasoning provided. Justify your opinion.
- State your opinion on whether Clark should use debt to finance the building purchase, and if so, how much debt should be used (as a percent of the total building price). Justify your opinion.
NUR 3805 UCF Collaboration in Healthcare Personal Collaborative Experience Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Answer the following questions. Supply APA CITATION (IN-TEXT AND REFERENCE). Each question needs to be answer in a minimum of two paragraph. Remember to use the rubric when developing your work. CHAPTERS 3 and 12.
1. Describe a collaborative experience you have had with another health care professional (no names please). Identify and discuss key factors involved in this collaborative effort and the outcomes. How is collaboration different from cooperation and/or compromise? Support your position with examples and references.
2. Think of a person (no names please) with whom you have experienced difficult communication. Identify the barriers to successful communication that were present in both you and the other person. Analyze your responses to that person. How could those barriers be overcome? Explain why nonverbal communication may be more revealing than verbal communication.
CSUN Social Behavior Recidivism in CJ Reoffending & Re Arresting Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In class we have had a few discussions on variable measurement types (e.g.) ordinal, nominal, interval/ratio. For this discussion, we will be examining why we choose to measure variables in certain ways.
Recidivism refers to a person’s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime (National Institute of Justice, 2017). Recidivism is the most commonly used measure of the correctional system—but there is no singular way to measure it. The state of California is currently engaged in an important conversation about how it measures rates of recidivism.
Historically, recidivism in the state has been measured in the following ways:
- Reoffending. This is any reoffense, no matter how big or small. This could range from a high level violent offense (e.g.) assault or homicide, to a lower level public order or vice offense (e.g.) rolling a stop sign, loitering.
- Rearrest for a new offense. This is rearrest for any offense, ranging from felony offenses such as assault and robbery to low level offenses such as failure to check in with a probation/parole officer on time and traffic violations.
- Rearrest a new felony offense. This is rearrest solely for higher level offenses such fraud, theft (in some cases), robbery, and violent offenses such as assault.
- Reconviction for a new offense. This includes being rearrested for a new offense and being found guilty for that offense in a court of law.
- Reincarceration for a new offense. This includes being rearrested, reconvicted, and being resentenced to jail or prison for a new offense.
In 2-3 paragraphs (5-9 sentences each) discuss the following: What are the pros and cons of each of the measures of recidivism discussed above? What do you believe is the best or most effective way to measure recidivism? Why?
Additionally, in a few sentences, reply to at least oneother student’s post.
After watching the video, answer the following questions in your post:
- Did Alex Clark initially fund the business with equity or debt?
- Initially, Clark’s chocolate business is very small. Compared to publicly traded companies, would Clark’s required rate of return on equity be higher or lower than the “average” required rate of return on equity for small cap companies of 15%? Explain your answer.
- After the business was established, Clark talked about buying a building to expand. This is a good example of an investment project that a business must evaluate. Would the required rate of return for Clark’s building purchase be higher or lower than the overall chocolate company’s required rate of return? Explain your answer.
- Should Clark use some bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase?
- Justify your answer by explaining how the weighted average cost of capital for the company would change if Clark uses bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase.
- What is the primary risk that Clark faces if she uses debt to finance the entire building purchase? For purposes of this discussion, assume that the debt would then comprise 95% of the company’s capital structure.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts, and reply to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. In your written responses to your classmates, address the following:
- Provide feedback on your peers’ answers, including whether you agree or disagree with any of the answers or reasoning provided. Justify your opinion.
- State your opinion on whether Clark should use debt to finance the building purchase, and if so, how much debt should be used (as a percent of the total building price). Justify your opinion.