NUTR 690 George Mason University Covid and Nutrition Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. NUTR 690 George Mason University Covid and Nutrition Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Attached are 2 examples of literature reviews. I would like you to have a look at those to see as a guideline to follow exactly.
A proposed schedule would be
by November 6: write a short outline of your paper (what sections) (((You did Already))) attached for you
by November 13: turn in the bibliography of the literature you will be reviewing (((You did already))) attached for you
by November 20: turn in tables of literature (((You did already))) attached for you
By November 27: Turn in a first draft of your paper (((You are going to do this part NOW)))
By November 30: you will get feedback on the first draft
By December 7: Turn in second draft
By December 14: Turn in final version of your paper.
NUTR 690 George Mason University Covid and Nutrition Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC Information Technology and Organizational Learning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Information Technology and Organizational Learning Assignment:
- Chapter 7 – Review the section on dealing with multiple locations and outsourcing. Review figure 7.2 and note how virtual team communications further reiterates the importance of this model.
- Chapter 8 – Review the Siemens AG case study. Note the importance of understanding the interrelationships amongst all the senior leaders at every location. Pay special attention to Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Note how the corporate CIO should engage with each of the regional leaders. Why is this important?
The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards.
Howard Community College Student Parking Problem in Campuses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Working with your group, choose a campus-related problem – such as student parking, campus food options, speeding on campus, availability of specific programs, access to health services, selection of classes, etc. – and apply the structured problem-solving approach (on pg. 174 in the text) to identify a potential solution. Group reports are worth 50 points, should be between 5-6 pages, double-spaced using 12-point font (or 2.5 – 3 pages single-spaced) – not including a references/work cited page. The report is due by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 22.
In your group reports, be sure to include the following:
- A brief (but thorough) explanation of the campus-related problem your group chose
- The criteria you established for an acceptable solution
- A brief description of the research conducted to brainstorm and/or evaluate potential solutions
- An explanation and discussion of the solution your group selected (and why)
- An evaluation of your chosen solution – what might you reasonably expect to happen as a result? What are some unintended consequences that may arise?
- A brief reflection on the group process: how well did your group work together? What might you do differently in the future?
- References page/works cited
Group Outcomes
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGroup DynamicsRecognize and apply effective group dynamics threshold: 3.0 pts |
— |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGroup EthicsUnderstand and apply appropriate ethical standards to interpersonal, group, and public communication situations threshold: 3.0 pts |
— |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGroup LanguageIdentify and demonstrate appropriate language, in interpersonal, group, and public communication situations threshold: 3.0 pts |
— |
Total Points: 0.0 |
University of Maryland Global Survivors Loss and Grief Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Based on the resources below, what are at least 3 points (i.e., information, strategies, and/or ideas) that you think would be useful to you if you needed to help a friend or family member cope with grief?
Please refer to (and cite) at least 2 of the resources below in your response.
Prest, Layne A. (2016, Jan.). Grief and guilt. Magill’s Medical Guide (Online Edition). Permalink:
American Veterinary Medical Association (2016). Coping with the loss of a pet. Retrieved from
Tal Young, I., Iglewicz, A., Glorioso, D., Lanouette, N. (2012, June). Suicide bereavement and complicated grief. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 14(2): 177–186. Retrieved from
MKT 113 Southern New Hampshire University Marketing Chrome Book Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a marketing presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Using the product you chose for your discussion, analyze in detail how the product is sold through different channels. Although all products may not sell through all channels, ensure that you consider in-store, direct mail, email, social media, word of mouth, and online marketing channels for the product.
Using the Marketing Channels Analysis Template PPT provided for this assignment, create a short presentation that demonstrates the use of these channels for this product by the company. Your first slide should describe the company’s marketing strategy. You should have one slide for each marketing channel discussed. A minimum of three channels should be discussed.
To complete this assignment, review the Marketing Channels Analysis Template PPT and the Marketing Channel Analysis Presentation Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.
NSG 482 University Phoenix Promoting Healthy Communities Windshield Survey Template Health Medical Assignment Help
Part 1:
Assignment Content
Select a family within your community to complete the assignment (Fort Worth, Tx)
Formulate key questions for obtaining valuable information.
Interview the family for your assessment, take notes, and ensure you address:
- Demographic data
- Developmental stage and history of family
- Environmental data
- Family structure
- Family functions
- Family stress and coping
- Family composition
Provide a brief overview of the family members and identify each family member’s role within the family.
Note: Remove all personally identifying information such as the family members’ names. Refer to family members by initials only.
Family members consist of:
D.C. (42y/o male, Head of Household, Husband, Father, Truck Driver)
E.C. (39 y/o female, Home maker, Wife, Stay at home Mom)
F. C. (8 y/o female, Daughter of D.C. and E.C., student)
Complete a Genogram and Ecomap based on family assessment data.
Format your assessment data as one of the following:
- Table
- Chart
- Matrix
Part 2:
You can create the information needed to complete the Windshield Survey, just make it believable ?
Top of Form
Review Section 21. Windshield and Walking Surveys from Community Tool Box.
Review the Scorecard example provided in Section 18. Creating and Using Community Report Cards from Community Tool Box.
Observe your family’s community by driving around the area. Consider aspects of the community that could affect residents’ health and any Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators that may be applicable to the community.
Conduct your own Windshield Survey. Be sure to include the following components:
- The age, nature, and condition of the community’s available housing
- Infrastructure needs
- Roads, bridges, streetlights, etc.
- The presence or absence of functioning businesses and industrial facilities
- The location, condition, and use of public spaces
- The amount of activity on the streets at various times of the day, week, or year
- The noise level in various parts of the community
- The amount and movement of traffic at various times of day
- The location and condition of public buildings
- The city or town hall, courthouse, etc.
- Walkability of community
- Are there walking paths/biking paths/safety?
- What is the proximity for walkability to community resources?
- Availability of public transportation
- It’s cost?
- It’s accessibility?
- Availability of community centers and public spaces, such as social service centers, public libraries, parks, churches, community centers, recreation centers
- Availability of health care facilities and resources, such as clinics and hospitals
- How many are there?
- Food options available and presence of nutrition
- Does the area have characteristics of food deserts?
- Are there grocery stores?
- The presence of homelessness
- Is there a homeless population?
- Are there homeless services?
- Police/Fire presence
- Schools in the area
- What is the location and physical condition of the schools?
As you compile your Windshield Survey data, be sure to include:
- Data overview of all community components as identified in the Community Tool Box Resource
- Strengths of community as evidenced by Windshield Survey
- Weaknesses (gaps in service) as evidenced by Windshield Survey
- 1 problem based on the identified gap in community resources as an indicator of potential poor health outcomes
Compile all your information into the Windshield Survey Template and complete the Data Summary questions at the end.
Note: Remove all personally identifying information such as the family members’ names. Refer to family members by initials only
No reference citations required for Windshield Survey.
NSG 482 University Phoenix Promoting Healthy Communities Windshield Survey Template Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MHE 503 Trident University International Effective Tsunami Systems Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities case study and need support to help me learn.
Discussion Requirements
A substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for each response (A total of 1 response).
Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Before writing your comments:
- Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
- Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:
Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from
NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.
Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.
Third post for each module discussion:
Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.
Classmates and Professor,
Tsunami Warning Systems
Indonesia is one of the countries that suffer more often from Tsunami disasters. The country has very unconventional tsunami warning systems with an advanced network that helps dispatch warnings very fast and data gathered by the deep sea sensors (Dias, Haigh & Sakalasuriya, 2020). During the recent tsunami in Indonesia, the warning system sent signals. The information was sent to the citizens’ warning them there might be a tsunami after they experienced an earth quark.
The Earthquake had destroyed the network systems such that the messages did not go through. The data that was transferred from the deep sea sensors showed that the tsunami was not going to be too high; it would only be 6cm in rising, but it went up to 200km away in an absolute sense. The warning system was ineffective. The Tsunami sensors, regardless of how advanced they are they have turned to be inadequate because of lack of maintained and some have of the equipment’s have been stolen (LaBrecque, Rundle & Bawden, 2018). This makes it hard to detect an oncoming tsunami. The recent tsunami was unexpected because the Earthquake that was felt was not strong enough to cause a tsunami. The undersea sensors had sensed the tsunami, but the data transmission to warn the people on the mainland was not accurate.
The tsunami signal was sent, but it underestimated the strength of the tsunami. There were no signals and sirens along the coast that warned the residents to leave the beach immediately. The tsunami affected over 200km of properties, and buildings were destroyed. People died, and others became homeless. The economy of Indonesia went down as the government tried to revive what had been killed. Many people went missing (Dias, Haigh & Sakalasuriya, 2020). If the tsunami signal system was operating correctly, accurate data could have been transmitted, and people receive an early alarm of an oncoming tsunami. The Indonesian government needs to look for ways to install working tsunami signals and sensors, and observers along every coastline and put strong security to protect from being stolen. The government also needs to set apart some funds for the warning system maintenance and management and employ qualified personnel to interpret data and handle the equipment.
Dias, N., Haigh, R., Amaratunga, D., & Sakalasuriya, M. (2020). A cross-case analysis of the
upstream-downstream interface in the tsunami early warning systems of Indonesia,
Maldives, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. In International Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early
Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer International Publishing.
LaBrecque, J., Rundle, J., & Bawden, G. (2018, December 1). Global Navigation Satellite System to Enhance Tsunami Early Warning Systems. Retrieved from Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. :…
Science Daily. (2021, April). Natrual Disaster News. Retrieved from Science Daily:…
Response 1:
Professor and Classmates,
A warning system is only effective if the system can give citizens ample warning to take to higher ground immediately and for the citizens themselves to take the warning seriously. An effective warning system for tsunamis must also include historical information on previous tsunamis for it to be effective. This should aid both scientists and officials alike in determining the likelihood of the next “big one”. Lastly, the distance between the epicenter of the earthquake (or cause of the tsunami) and land also plays a factor and you will see why in the paragraphs below.
A decade before the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake, scientists discovered a tsunami had hit the nearby region of Honshu in the 869. The 869 tsunami’s destruction was very similar to what would be experienced in the aftermath of the earthquake and eventual tsunami of 2011. With ample time before the earthquake, scientists tried unsuccessfully to warn officials of a potential repeat tsunami with even more destruction that what was felt over a thousand years ago (Oskin, 2017).
The 2011 earthquake struck at approximately 2:46 PM on March 11, 2011, about roughly 231 miles away from Tokyo. Within 30 minutes, the destructive waves of the tsunami made landfall. The 2010 census of the population of Fukushima, Japan, the largest metropolitan city near the tsunami, was almost 300,000 residents (Japan: Fukushima, 2021). So, you had less than 30 minutes to move over a quarter of a million people in a large city to higher ground. This would be impossible, even under the most ideal conditions.
In the case of the 2011 Japan tsunami, the earthquake registered at a 9.1 in magnitude; causing a 133-foot-high wall of seawater to crash into the Eastern coast of Japan. Over 15,000 people were killed, and over 2,000 people are still missing. It is estimated that Japan suffered over $200 billion in damages (Amadeo, 2020).
Amadeo, K. (2020, September 27). Japan’s 2011 Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster and Nuclear Disaster. Retrieved from The Balance:,peoplecost360billionandslowedglobalgrowth.
Japan: Fukushima. (2021, April 17). Retrieved from…
Oskin, B. (2017, September 13). Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information. Retrieved from…
ITS 2104 SUO Wk 3 Programming Logic Sequence of Numbers Average Programming Exercise Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a algorithms & data structures exercise and need guidance to help me understand better.
Build a world containing a person who can calculate the average from a sequence of numbers in his or her head. Have the person ask the user how many numbers are in the sequence and then use the getDoubleFromUser() function to get the numbers from the user. When all the numbers have been entered, have the person “say” the average of those numbers.
I’m lost as to how to get the option for the user to input the numbers repeated and how to make the character give the average.
PA 501 Breaking Point Documentary Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Please watch the documentary Breaking Point (Bill Wisneski, 2014) through the link provided below. You can turn on the closed caption (subtitles) by clicking on the ”CC“ icon located on the screen’s right bottom corner. For the assignment, you can find further instructions on the next page.… (Links to an external site.)
1) How can you relate the problems shown in the documentary to the concept of government failure?
2) Please elaborate on the role of nonprofit organizations in creating public awareness and promoting advocacy for a cause in the light of the documentary.
3) Please discuss the role of nonprofit organizations as ‘gap-fillers.’
4) What are the risks posed by the dying Salton Sea? Why can residents not move to another location?
5) Please provide some information about the status and activities of Save Our Sea (SOS). ( (Links to an external site.)) (Like the textbook, this webpage is also exempt from the citation requirement.)
- The essay will be double-spaced, written in font size 12, Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri fonts, minimum three, maximum four pages (excluding the bibliography page) in length. No cover page is needed
- Submission must be in *DOC or *DOCX formats only. Canvas cannot open submissions in *pages format.
- You must try to answer all questions provided to you for the assignment. However, you must incorporate your answers into your essay rather than answering them one by one with numbers.
- This assignment is a reflection paper rather than a research paper, and for this reason, I do not require you to benefit from other sources. The textbook would suffice. You can refer to the textbook (e.g., “As mentioned on page 140 of the textbook” would be enough), and no citation is required. However, if you benefit from additional sources, please cite them properly (MPA or APA styles are accepted) to avoid plagiarism; and have a bibliography section at the end of your essay.
- You are expected to present the content, critically analyze it, and reflect on the new information you gained while connecting the issues to the course’s themes. Please provide some theoretical information about the subject (from the textbook), especially the main assumptions of a theory or model. Your paper must be well-organized (with an introduction and conclusion paragraphs). It must be written in a professional and academic language (e.g., no use of contractions) that applies the grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules (You may benefit from MS-Word’s language-check feature).
- Please feel free to incorporate your views as well. You may use ‘I-statements’ when sharing your opinion.
ST Thomas University Headache Evaluation Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Neurological & Male Genitourinary Disorders
For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for cases # 3
(See Case description on the file attached )
Answer the following questions:
- What other subjective data would you obtain?
- What other objective findings would you look for?
- What diagnostic exams do you want to order?
- Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?
- Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.
- What teachings will you provide?
Submission Instructions:
- Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Bibliography used from 2016 – 2021.
[supanova_question] (Like the textbook, this webpage is also exempt from the citation requirement.)
- The essay will be double-spaced, written in font size 12, Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri fonts, minimum three, maximum four pages (excluding the bibliography page) in length. No cover page is needed
- Submission must be in *DOC or *DOCX formats only. Canvas cannot open submissions in *pages format.
- You must try to answer all questions provided to you for the assignment. However, you must incorporate your answers into your essay rather than answering them one by one with numbers.
- This assignment is a reflection paper rather than a research paper, and for this reason, I do not require you to benefit from other sources. The textbook would suffice. You can refer to the textbook (e.g., “As mentioned on page 140 of the textbook” would be enough), and no citation is required. However, if you benefit from additional sources, please cite them properly (MPA or APA styles are accepted) to avoid plagiarism; and have a bibliography section at the end of your essay.
- You are expected to present the content, critically analyze it, and reflect on the new information you gained while connecting the issues to the course’s themes. Please provide some theoretical information about the subject (from the textbook), especially the main assumptions of a theory or model. Your paper must be well-organized (with an introduction and conclusion paragraphs). It must be written in a professional and academic language (e.g., no use of contractions) that applies the grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules (You may benefit from MS-Word’s language-check feature).
- Please feel free to incorporate your views as well. You may use ‘I-statements’ when sharing your opinion.