Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Legitimate power belongs to someone who occupies a particular job, office, or position in an organizational hierarchy. Discuss the difference between power and authority; then, present a scenario/situation where it is preferable to utilize legitimate power in management/decision making and a scenario/situation where it would not be preferable to utilize legitimate power, and instead state what power would be preferable in that scenario/situation.


The emotions that you project during negotiations may affect the negotiation outcome. Discuss how emotions can have a positive impact and a negative impact on negotiations. In addition, identify ways that emotion can be used as a tool in negotiations for both parties.


Nonverbal communication is a key element in the negotiating process. A negotiator can use nonverbal communication skills as a strategy to steer the process in his/her favor. For this discussion, propose strategies for using nonverbal communication. What different methods of nonverbal communication are effective and what do these communications tell the other party? Use specific examples to explain your response.

Each Answer should be well researched, and be at least 400 words.

Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GC Cardbox Hamsa Bracelet & Clarinet Autobiography Diorama Art Plan Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this discussion topic, we are going to begin sharing ideas and plans for the Autobiographic Diorama Art Project.

  1. The fist thing you will want to do is familiarize yourself with assignment. Click here to view the assignment. It will take you up to one hour to view and read the material.

  2. Please completely view the entire Tex talk, and read the articles that are included in the assignment before contributing to this Discussion topic.


For this discussion assignment, you will be telling us about your ideas and “plan” for the Autobiography Diorama assignment.

Please provide in your discussion post:

1. Images of objects that you plan on using.

2. A numbered list of the objects and a brief description of why they are an “Autobiography”.

3. A description of how you “think” that you will use the objects.

4. You must use some of terms from the Principles of Composition. Please review Ch 2 for these.

For this discussion, please reference the assignment:

Autobiographic Diorama Art Project Due December 8.

Chapter 2 section on: PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION:

Composition. Balance: balance, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, radial balance. Rhythm: regular rhythm, alternating rhythm, eccentric rhythm. Proportion and Scale: proportion, scale, hieratic scaling. Emphasis: accents. Unityand Variety: unity, variety.

Replies are due on Sunday November 29

For this discussion assignment, you will be telling us about your ideas and “plan” for the Autobiography Diorama assignment.

Please provide in your discussion post (list 1, 2, 3 in a numbered format):

1. Images of objects that you plan on using.

2. A numbered list of the objects and a brief description of why they are an “Autobiography”. This must be specific.

3. A description of how you “think” that you will use the objects.

4. You must use some of terms from the Principles of Composition. Please review Ch 2 for these. Note how in my example, I bolded the terms used.


Bowie State University The Greatyear Tire Company Data Decisions Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

The Greatyear Tire Company has developed a new tire and wants to jump start the marketing of this tire.Based on their testing of the product, it has mean lifetime of 36,500 miles and a standard deviation of 5,000 miles.They also determined that the lifetime follows a normal distribution with those parameters quite well.

The marketing department decided on the following plan for promotion of the product:they are so sure that the product will wear well that they will promise to pay a rebate for any tire that needs replacement at a threshold.They are considering 5 thresholds:28,000, 29,000, 30,000, 31,000 and 32,000 miles, respectively.They will pay the purchaser back $1 for each full 100 miles the tire is below this threshold.(For example, if the threshold is 29,000, and the tire is replaced at 27,430 miles, the below threshold mileage is 1,570 miles (= 29,000-27,430).Then, the below threshold mileage is divided by 100 (that yields 15.7), so the number of FULL 100s below is 15.This person would be paid $15 for that tire.)

  • A) Determine the input variables of this problem:
    • What is(are) the input random variable(s)?
    • What is(are) the decision variable(s)?
  • B) Set up a simulation model in @Risk for each of the 5 different thresholds.Use 1000 replications for each alternative threshold.Also, show the Mean, Standard Deviation, Max rebate, and the probability that a rebate will exceed $5. Copy and paste your table. Discuss the results briefly (2-3 lines).
  • HINTS:
    • Use the spreadsheet titled IA5_Q2_Tire_templatet.xlsx as a starting point for this analysis.
    • The sections shaded in yellow are intended to assist you organize the information.
    • Add the simulation functionality to the template to output the rebate per tire (add randomness to any random variables and designate the appropriate outputs).
    • To round the number FULL 100s down to the nearest integer, use ‘INT’ function in Excel.
    • Use RiskSimTable to compute the summary statistics for all five thresholds simultaneously. Management expects that the promotion will run for the initial 3 months after release and that sales will be approximately 2 million tires in that period.However, they do not want to invest more than $5 million in the rebate program.
  • C) Based on the simulation results, compute the mean total cost for each alternative threshold assuming that sales will be 2 million tires.
  • D) Based on the results in part (c), what threshold level would you recommend that Greatyear use so that they will have strong sales but not exceed the $5 million limit in rebate cost. Explain your answer. At that level, what percent of tires will see a greater than $5 rebate?


UCLA Project Anatomy Business Projections Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer the following questions

Project Anatomy Case Questions Page 92

Question Items:
1. Explain the purpose(s) of project anatomy.
2. What are the disadvantages of project anatomy?
3. What are the differences between the project anatomy and the WBS? Is it any better? Why/why not?

How Long Does it Take to Catch a Fish Case Study Questions. Page 105

Question Items:
1. What else can the group do to shorten the project schedule if all activities are required to be performed to complete the project?
2. Does the activities’ sequence in TAD reflect the WBS activities numbers?
3. What are the pros and cons of the TAD?


American University Binomial Probabilities & Standard Deviation Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Start by reviewing the following Handy Helper, which is also provided in this week’s Lesson: Week 3 Binomial probabilities.pdf. This will give you a step by step example on how to calculation binomial probabilities using Excel.

Next, use the data from attached excel and find the mean price. Using the mean price for your dataset, find the proportion of observations that fall below the mean. (NOTE: the proportion of observations below the mean is = the number of observations that fall below the mean / 10). Define p, or the probability of “success” to be the proportion of observations below the mean. Solve the following:

  1. If you were to find another random sample of 10 car prices, what is the probability that exactly 2 car prices will fall below your mean? Interpret your results.
  2. If you were to find another random sample of 10 car prices, what is the probability that fewer than 3 car prices will fall below your mean? Interpret your results.
  3. If you were to find another random sample of 10 car prices, what is the probability that more than 4 car prices will fall below your mean? Interpret your results.
  4. If you were to find another random sample of 10 car prices, what is the probability that at least 1 car price will fall below your mean? Interpret your results.
  5. If you were to find another random sample of 10 car prices, what is the probability that at most 5 car prices will fall below your mean? Interpret your results.

150 words minimum. Attach your Excel file with the formulas that you used to solve the questions above.



MSW 450 DePaul University Adult Psychopathology Diagnosis Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help

The exam is attached below. Part l will consist of matching the correct disorder in the word bank listed. I’ve included an PDF copy of the DSM-5 manual/text book which is needed to successfully complete the exam. Part ll consist of case vignettes where you will read a case scenario and provide the correct diagnosis for the patient based on the different disorders in the DSM-5 book.

NOTE: Please know for Part ll you are not limited to using the disorders listed on the assignment so please utilize the pdf copy of the DSM-5 manual for the correct diagnosis when completing the scenarios.

MSW 450 DePaul University Adult Psychopathology Diagnosis Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CUNY Bronx Community College Personality Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

“Hell Is Other People”, Jean-Paul Sartre, 1944 (No Exit)

This quote is perfect for our understanding of personality disorders. Personality disorders refer to maladaptive and entrenched personality traits and behaviors that cause significant distress, social impairment, and/or occupational impairment. The problem with that, is that most people with a personality disorder do not see themselves as having a problem; that is, their symptoms are ego-syntonic. In fact, it is often those around the person with the personality disorder that feel that the individual has a problem and should get “help”. That is not to say that individuals with personality disorders are not bothered or distressed by their experiences; they are often quite upset because they feel misunderstood – they just don’t see how they contribute to the situations they find themselves in. The DSM 5 divides personality disorders into 3 clusters, each one sharing certain characteristics or traits.

One of the things that students misunderstand is the difference between OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality (OCPD). Many people mistake the two and in my opinion the similarity in names creates lots of confusion. Personality Disorders are often just who we are.

For this discussion, review the information on personality disorders in your e-text and the links below and in the slides. It will seem like I have posted many things for you to review but these are short and should be helpful in understanding personality disorders. They are meant to be informative.

Here is a crash course link to a description of personality disorders:


Monica from Friends


This is also Monica but many in short examples:


Now think back at the OCD mother from the anxiety disorders discussion:


Once you have reviewed the e-text and other materials, we can have a good discussion on what it means to have a personality disorder

. Respond to the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between OCD and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder(OCPD)?
  2. Do you believe that personality disorders can be best understood as a constellation of maladaptive personality traits, or do you think that there is something more involved for individuals suffering from a personality disorder? Please explain your answer as fully as you can.
  3. Do you think that any of the specific traits associated with personality disorders are ever good or useful to have? For example, having OCPD or having a Narcissistic Personality people?
  4. Can you think of any television or movie characters (or real-life celebrity) that could fall into any one of the personality disorders covered in the material? Make sure to explain why.


BUS 521 Strayer University Entrepeneurship Business Plan & Competitive Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help

In Part I of your business plan, you identified an overview of your business concept, provided the mission statement and vision of the company leadership, and presented the products or services that your company will produce to satisfy the specific needs and wants of your target audience. As part of this process you identified key elements of your business model, formulated a feasibility analysis, and supported this strategy with outside research.

In Part II, you will expand on your business plan by preparing a competitive analysis, differentiation strategy, and risk assessment for this venture. The use of a SWOT analysis should be included to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats relating to your business model, your primary competition, and the industry you plan to enter. From this data you will identify your strategic position statement that identifies your competitive advantages and value proposition for your target audience. Next, you will share your marketing strategy and tactics that you will incorporate to create awareness of your new company’s offerings, and identify your key marketing message and messaging distribution strategy for reaching your target audience. Finally, you will identify at least three types of risks that your business faces and describe your plan to mitigate this risk.

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you:

  1. Prepare a competitive analysis, differentiation strategy, and risk assessment for this venture.
  2. Create a SWOT analysis that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats relating to your business model, your primary competition, and the industry you plan to enter.
  3. Based on your findings for questions 1 and 2, identify your strategic position statement that describes your competitive advantages and the value proposition your offerings will create for your target audience. Include an example of your marketing message and strategy for distributing your marketing content.
  4. Describe at least three types of risks that your business could possibly face and describe your plan to mitigate this risk.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.


North Lake College Business Correspondence Critique Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


In the template above, you will be given an example of a poorly written “Bad News” message. Read the situation, analyze the ineffective message, and think about how it could be revised using the strategies you have learned in class and in your textbook.


Using the template above, your task is to (1) make comments on, (2) critique, and (3) revise the message:

  1. Comment. Make comments on the example message (what was good and bad in the message?)
    • How to Make Comments in Word with the Revision Tool:
      • Select parts of the message (e.g. words, sentences) that you would like to make comments on.
      • Click on the “Review” Tab in Word.
      • Click the “New Comment” button.
      • Write your comments – what is wrong with what you have highlighted and what can be improved?
  2. Critique. Write a summary of your critique from the comments (organize into a discussion) and write an outline for revisions.
  3. Revise. Write a revision of the message.
    • You can invent people’s names, addresses, details, etc. when necessary BUT do not change the core information provided in the original message.

General Guidelines: Use the Template!

If you do not use the template as instructed, I will deduct up to 10 points.

  • Keep everything in the template as shown. The only things you should change in the template are:
    • The text in each critique section
    • The text in each revision section
  • This assignment has a maximum limit of 2 pages (as shown in the template).
  • Make sure you write in paragraphs and in full sentences.
  • You are allowed to include bullet points when applicable.
  • Your goal should be to make your message both efficient and effective – be kind to the reader.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the theories learned in class, so please make sure you include appropriate terminology.


University of California San Diego Bio citizenship Based on Chernobyl Disaster Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Hello, I would like you to follow the steps below as carful as you can and all the work should be in your own words.

Page Format:

The paper is 4 pages long.

• Size 12 font, double space, 1” margin.

• The paper should include in-text citations and a reference list (this won’t count towards the page limit).

• Citations: preferred course formatting is APA. You can use other citation format.

Prompt for Analysis of “Chernobyl”:

Focus on the Chernobyl disaster to analyze the biopolitical engagements of survivors and victims. focus on a theme or topic that emerges from the three sources that we will review: an ethnography (Petryna), oral history (Alexievich), and the HBO series. (Please not too many quotes like 2 the most)

I was thinking the topics for the paper can be on one of the three or more: biocitizenship, biopower, biopolitics, biosociality, genetic citizenship, patient advocacy, or stratification.

  • The paper has to be on topics seen in all three sources (Petryna, Chernobyl-HBO series, and Voices from Chernobyl).

-I have also attached the necessary articles and as for the Chernobyl documentary it has the same theme from the Petryna source and voices from Chernobyl (Alexievich).

Please put your best effort into this paper, as it is extremely important. If you have any questions about the prompt please ask me and I’ll be happy to explain. Thank you!



  • Select parts of the message (e.g. words, sentences) that you would like to make comments on.
  • Click on the “Review” Tab in Word.
  • Click the “New Comment” button.
  • Write your comments – what is wrong with what you have highlighted and what can be improved?
  • Critique. Write a summary of your critique from the comments (organize into a discussion) and write an outline for revisions.
  • Revise. Write a revision of the message.
    • You can invent people’s names, addresses, details, etc. when necessary BUT do not change the core information provided in the original message.

  • General Guidelines: Use the Template!

    If you do not use the template as instructed, I will deduct up to 10 points.

    • Keep everything in the template as shown. The only things you should change in the template are:
      • The text in each critique section
      • The text in each revision section
    • This assignment has a maximum limit of 2 pages (as shown in the template).
    • Make sure you write in paragraphs and in full sentences.
    • You are allowed to include bullet points when applicable.
    • Your goal should be to make your message both efficient and effective – be kind to the reader.
    • The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the theories learned in class, so please make sure you include appropriate terminology.


    University of California San Diego Bio citizenship Based on Chernobyl Disaster Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Hello, I would like you to follow the steps below as carful as you can and all the work should be in your own words.

    Page Format:

    The paper is 4 pages long.

    • Size 12 font, double space, 1” margin.

    • The paper should include in-text citations and a reference list (this won’t count towards the page limit).

    • Citations: preferred course formatting is APA. You can use other citation format.

    Prompt for Analysis of “Chernobyl”:

    Focus on the Chernobyl disaster to analyze the biopolitical engagements of survivors and victims. focus on a theme or topic that emerges from the three sources that we will review: an ethnography (Petryna), oral history (Alexievich), and the HBO series. (Please not too many quotes like 2 the most)

    I was thinking the topics for the paper can be on one of the three or more: biocitizenship, biopower, biopolitics, biosociality, genetic citizenship, patient advocacy, or stratification.

    • The paper has to be on topics seen in all three sources (Petryna, Chernobyl-HBO series, and Voices from Chernobyl).

    -I have also attached the necessary articles and as for the Chernobyl documentary it has the same theme from the Petryna source and voices from Chernobyl (Alexievich).

    Please put your best effort into this paper, as it is extremely important. If you have any questions about the prompt please ask me and I’ll be happy to explain. Thank you!



    • Select parts of the message (e.g. words, sentences) that you would like to make comments on.
    • Click on the “Review” Tab in Word.
    • Click the “New Comment” button.
    • Write your comments – what is wrong with what you have highlighted and what can be improved?
  • Critique. Write a summary of your critique from the comments (organize into a discussion) and write an outline for revisions.
  • Revise. Write a revision of the message.
    • You can invent people’s names, addresses, details, etc. when necessary BUT do not change the core information provided in the original message.

  • General Guidelines: Use the Template!

    If you do not use the template as instructed, I will deduct up to 10 points.

    • Keep everything in the template as shown. The only things you should change in the template are:
      • The text in each critique section
      • The text in each revision section
    • This assignment has a maximum limit of 2 pages (as shown in the template).
    • Make sure you write in paragraphs and in full sentences.
    • You are allowed to include bullet points when applicable.
    • Your goal should be to make your message both efficient and effective – be kind to the reader.
    • The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the theories learned in class, so please make sure you include appropriate terminology.


    University of California San Diego Bio citizenship Based on Chernobyl Disaster Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Hello, I would like you to follow the steps below as carful as you can and all the work should be in your own words.

    Page Format:

    The paper is 4 pages long.

    • Size 12 font, double space, 1” margin.

    • The paper should include in-text citations and a reference list (this won’t count towards the page limit).

    • Citations: preferred course formatting is APA. You can use other citation format.

    Prompt for Analysis of “Chernobyl”:

    Focus on the Chernobyl disaster to analyze the biopolitical engagements of survivors and victims. focus on a theme or topic that emerges from the three sources that we will review: an ethnography (Petryna), oral history (Alexievich), and the HBO series. (Please not too many quotes like 2 the most)

    I was thinking the topics for the paper can be on one of the three or more: biocitizenship, biopower, biopolitics, biosociality, genetic citizenship, patient advocacy, or stratification.

    • The paper has to be on topics seen in all three sources (Petryna, Chernobyl-HBO series, and Voices from Chernobyl).

    -I have also attached the necessary articles and as for the Chernobyl documentary it has the same theme from the Petryna source and voices from Chernobyl (Alexievich).

    Please put your best effort into this paper, as it is extremely important. If you have any questions about the prompt please ask me and I’ll be happy to explain. Thank you!



    • Select parts of the message (e.g. words, sentences) that you would like to make comments on.
    • Click on the “Review” Tab in Word.
    • Click the “New Comment” button.
    • Write your comments – what is wrong with what you have highlighted and what can be improved?
  • Critique. Write a summary of your critique from the comments (organize into a discussion) and write an outline for revisions.
  • Revise. Write a revision of the message.
    • You can invent people’s names, addresses, details, etc. when necessary BUT do not change the core information provided in the original message.

  • General Guidelines: Use the Template!

    If you do not use the template as instructed, I will deduct up to 10 points.

    • Keep everything in the template as shown. The only things you should change in the template are:
      • The text in each critique section
      • The text in each revision section
    • This assignment has a maximum limit of 2 pages (as shown in the template).
    • Make sure you write in paragraphs and in full sentences.
    • You are allowed to include bullet points when applicable.
    • Your goal should be to make your message both efficient and effective – be kind to the reader.
    • The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the theories learned in class, so please make sure you include appropriate terminology.


    University of California San Diego Bio citizenship Based on Chernobyl Disaster Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Hello, I would like you to follow the steps below as carful as you can and all the work should be in your own words.

    Page Format:

    The paper is 4 pages long.

    • Size 12 font, double space, 1” margin.

    • The paper should include in-text citations and a reference list (this won’t count towards the page limit).

    • Citations: preferred course formatting is APA. You can use other citation format.

    Prompt for Analysis of “Chernobyl”:

    Focus on the Chernobyl disaster to analyze the biopolitical engagements of survivors and victims. focus on a theme or topic that emerges from the three sources that we will review: an ethnography (Petryna), oral history (Alexievich), and the HBO series. (Please not too many quotes like 2 the most)

    I was thinking the topics for the paper can be on one of the three or more: biocitizenship, biopower, biopolitics, biosociality, genetic citizenship, patient advocacy, or stratification.

    • The paper has to be on topics seen in all three sources (Petryna, Chernobyl-HBO series, and Voices from Chernobyl).

    -I have also attached the necessary articles and as for the Chernobyl documentary it has the same theme from the Petryna source and voices from Chernobyl (Alexievich).

    Please put your best effort into this paper, as it is extremely important. If you have any questions about the prompt please ask me and I’ll be happy to explain. Thank you!


    Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Oakland University Essentials of Negotiation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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