Ohio University Boeings 737 Max An Engineering Horror Story Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Ohio University Boeings 737 Max An Engineering Horror Story Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Boeing’s 737 Max: An Engineering Horror Story
Until a short time ago, the name ‘Boeing’ was stellar.The multi-national company which designs, manufactures and sells airplanes, rockets, satellites, missiles, rotorcraft and telecommunications equipment throughout the world was a leading source of engineering and manufacturing pride for the United States. Upon graduation, most engineering students would have been pleased to work for Boeing. The corporation was lauded for its engineering and scientific innovations, its large workforce and its business acumen. Based on its 2018 revenue, the company was among the largest aerospace manufacturers and was the fifth largest defense contractor in the world (Gates, 2020).
Then a fatal flaw came to light.On October 29, 2018 Indonesian airline Lion Air Flight 610 plunged into the Java Sea, killing all 189 individuals on board the Boeing 737 MAX. Initially, pilot error and inexperience were given as causes of the crash. However, Boeing engineers immediately began to study computer and software flaws that may have caused the crash. On March 10, 2019, only five months after the Lion Air disaster, 157 individuals perished when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed. 346 individuals were dead, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Boeing investigators directly looked beyond pilot error and began focusing on engineering design problems in the Boeing 737 MAX. One flaw that caught their attention was something Boeing was managing to keep under the radar– the 737 MAX’s Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). In the two deadly crashes the MCAS automatically and repeatedly forced the aircraft to nosedive shortly after takeoff (MacGillis, 2019). Boeing knew of this problem but believed that any pilot could make a quick manual adjustment to save the aircraft if the sensors were malfunctioning. So, they omitted placing information in the pilots’ operations’ manual about the deadly feature and how to recover the aircraft if the sensors malfunctioned (Zhang, 2019; Langewiesche, 2019; Pasztor, 2019).They had also omitted most simulator training for the 737 MAX pilots.The planes went down because the new mechanisms kept detecting imminent stalls (in a stall the plane’s nose is pointing too far up) and correcting for the stalls by pointing the plane’s nose down, toward earth or sea, as it turned out.If the pilot could not stop that process, and later work showed that it could be very hard to do, the plane would crash. Boeing engineers had introduced a new and tricky mechanism, and in effect made sure that pilots would not know how to defeat it (Tkacik, 1019).
In both crashes, the FAA and Boeing found the MCAS to be the problem but also did not rule out pilot error (MacGillis, 2019).In fact, by November of 2018, Boeing was attempting to redesign the MCAS. In the meantime, the FAA and Boeing sent urgent messages to airlines to emphasize a flight recover procedure should the MCAS malfunction (Gates, 2019).In the meantime, additional problems have surfaced since the grounding of the 737 MAX. First, an additional software problem prevents the flight control computers from being turned on. The second problem involves sets of wire bundles on the plane in close proximity to one another, including in the electrical bay under the cockpit. An electrical short in any of these bundles could be devastating.It is not known when or if the Boeing 737 Max will be returned to service, creating a huge financial burden for Boeing. Gregory Travis, a software engineer and pilot who has written extensively about the crashes explains:
The Boeing 737 MAX has been in the news because of two crashes, practically back to back and involving brand new airplanes. In an industry that relies more than anything on the appearance of total control, total safety, these two crashes pose as close to an existential risk as you can get. Though airliner passenger death rates have fallen over the decades, that achievement is no reason for complacency. (Travis, 2019)
Internal memos indicate that Boeing had known of problems with the 737 Max since 2015.Emails between engineers and between pilots express uncertainty in the safety of the plane.An email from 2016 states. “This airplane is designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys.” (Pinson, 2020) Another e-mail questions, “would you want your family to fly on a 737 Max?I wouldn’t.” (Pinson, 2020).Boeing had been urged to build a new plane rather than continuing to update the popular 737.Rather than building a new aircraft, Boeing decided to modify the latest generation of the 737 family, the 737NG.Boeing planned to install larger, more fuel-efficient engines.These created a serious problem.The MAX engines were larger than the 737 engines, and in order to provide appropriate ground clearance, they had to be mounter higher and further forward on the wings. This significantly changed the aerodynamics of the aircraft, thus necessitating the flawed MCAS system (Travis 2019; Glanz et al. 2019; Herkert et al 2020).
Boeing’s actions require they publicly address how they built at least one line of 737 planes that is unsafe – the 737 MAX – and explain what changes it will make for the future of this doomed aircraft.Boeing’s work culture requires trust, coordination, strong problem-solving, open flow of information and commitment to the overall success of the program. The culture of this manufacturing giant needs a shift to focus on design and engineering excellence rather than stock price.
- What do you take to be the issues this case raises?
- What do you take to be the ethical issues in this case?
- Explain the Boeing 737 Max case from the perspective of being the result of possible failures of the four functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
- Imagine yourself working as a Boeing software engineer.You discover design flaws within the MAX’s flight control software system designed to prevent stalls. Executives tell you to overlook this as the plane needs to be on the market now. You are part of a team testing of the 737 Max prior to its release.There is a lack of transparency about the new MCAS software. You don’t believe the aircraft can be released as it is currently engineered.There are already numerous advance orders for this plane, and management is pressuring you to overlook the software problem.They tell you that if a pilot can fly a 737, they can fly the MAX.You know this isn’t true.What should you do? In deciding what to do, explain the reasoning behind your decision. [Come to some group consensus on the answer to this question and present to group’s response.]
- What managerial initiatives and actions might have prevented the flawed release of the 737 Max?
Ohio University Boeings 737 Max An Engineering Horror Story Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UCI Physics Science Behind Phase Transitions Essay Science Assignment Help
Physics Writing Assignment
Logistics. Due Sunday, November 8 at midnight on Gradescope. Submit a paper of no more than three single-spaced pages as described below. Use a standard, serif font in size 12 and a standard academic citation format of your preference. You’re welcome to discuss this assignment with your classmates, but your writing must be your own. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.
Assignment description. Our everyday experience teaches us that matter or “stuff” comes in qualitatively different forms. We learn early on in school that these different kinds of stuff are called phases or states of matter. We learn their names and heuristic ways of distinguishing them: solids are rigid and maintain their shape and volume; liquids can flow and take the shape of their container but maintain a definite volume; gasses can flow like liquids, but they don’t have a fixed volume.
The goal of this assignment is to delve a little deeper into exactly how we distinguish these everyday phases of matter. In a paper of no more than three pages, explain the distinction between solids, liquids, and gasses from the perspective of quantitative experimental measurements. (The elementary school heuristics sketched out in the previous paragraph will not be enough.) You will need to do a little research for this paper, so make sure to cite your sources for anything that is not your own original work. (You don’t need to delve too deep—this is standard textbook material, although you won’t find enough detail in our textbook.) Feel free to include any figures from your references as long as you provide a citation for them.
You may want to use the following questions, among others, to guide your reading and writing.
- What is a phase transition? How does one detect or measure the occurrence of a phase transition in general?
- Whatobservablepropertiescharacterizethesolid-liquidandliquid- gasphasetransitions? How are these different from other kinds of phase transitions and from each other?
- What quantitative measurements can one make to determine if a particular macroscopic system is a solid, liquid, or gas?
- What is the role of symmetry in these phase transitions or in phase transitions in general?It may help to focus on a particular example material or materials, like water or argon. (For example, solid water has as many as 18 distinct crystalline structures that can form under different conditions. Do these crystals correspond to distinct phases of matter, and why or why not?) If you focus on an example like this, you will want to discuss what aspects of your example do or do not apply to the solid-liquid-gas distinction in general.
Please make sure to write in your own words; try to digest what you learn and don’t just copy and reword your references. I will be grading you on your ability to clearly, accurately, and concisely summarize your findings in your own words. The more detail
you can give, the better. However, if you feel like you don’t understand something well enough to write about it clearly and accurately, explain it only to the extent that you do understand it. (You could even admit that you don’t understand something and explain what it is you’re confused about.) That is, I would prefer you err on the side of being correct rather than comprehensive.
If you are able to connect your findings to 5B concepts, so much the better, but it’s not a requirement. (The connection to latent heat/heat of transformation is a very easy one to make.)
Finally, as an alternative, you’re welcome to pick any other phase of matter or type of phase transition and try to explain its quantitatively measurable properties. Nature provides us with a vast array of phases of matter: plasmas, liquid crystals, Bose-Einstein condensates, superfluids, superconductors, metals and insulators, magnetically ordered systems like ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, and many more. I expect this would be more of a challenge, with the potential payoff of an interesting and unique write-up.
Nova Academy What Customers Have Marketing in Their Title MySQL Project Programming Assignment Help
There are two tasks for this assignment the first task you need to answer the 4 questions in the pictures in the zip file, the second task is to answer the following 12 questions.
please run this SQL script in MySQL to install the northwind database. You will use this database for the rest of this assignment.
Remember, when running this sql file, it’ll need mysql to be out of safe mode.
For Answers, use space below each question number to copy in SQL Script.
- What employees have last names that begin with “D”?
- What customers have marketing in their title?
- How many territories are there?
- How many territories are there in each region?
- What suppliers are from the USA?
- What’s the average unit price of products?
- What’s the average unit price for and count of products that are out of stock? (stock = 0, not counting things ordered.)
- Which employees have ‘BA’s?
- What are the top 10 orders according to quantity?
- How many regions do each employee work?
- What were the top 10 orders according to final cost? (quantity x unit cost)
- What was the average time from order to shipping for each employee? (shipping Date – order date)
City Colleges of Chicago Module 3 Separate and Unequal Essay Writing Assignment Help
Scholars, good morning. This week, you will be assigned to watch a specific documentary film. The assignments are based on your last names. You should evaluate the film, using what you now know about rhetorical appeals and visual analysis. Then, you will complete an essay about the film and discuss the films in the discussion board.
Specifically, you will do the following:
Read: Module I of the English Composition II Textbook in Open Educational Resources + Chapter 1 in Write Here/Right Now An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research
Discuss (Discussion Board 3): Summary + Analysis of Short Documentary Film (Answers to the questions)
Write (Assignment): Evaluative essay – Essay #2
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- Evaluative Essay Edit restrictions for Evaluative Essay Due November 6 at 11:59 PM
Starts Oct 19, 2020 12:00 AMEnds Nov 6, 2020 11:59 PMPlease write an 1000 word essay that answers the following question related to the documentary that you watched:How does the information contained in the video relate to or impact your community (however you define it)?Discussion of Short Documentaries (DB3) Edit description for Discussion of Short Documentaries (DB3)1. Select and watch the video below, which has been assigned based on the first-letter of your last name2. Answer the questions below in complete sentences using information from the video and other sources, as relevant and necessary. – Make sure to provide a list of references used at the end of your answers- Make sure to entitle your new thread with the name of the video you watched. 3. Craft a multi-paragraph essay in which you respond to the essay question provided below. The essay should be uploaded to assignments.- Make sure to entitle your essay with the name of the video you watched. 4. Respond to two peers — one who was assigned the same video and one who was assigned a different video5. Make sure to make connections between your responses and their own; your experiences and those revealed in the video; and, the general clarity of the ideas presented.Video Assignments — 30 minutes or less in length (you may need to click on the links in order to find a brief description of the video)Choose one from among these four:Last name beginning with A-E — Opium Brides Last name beginning with F-K — Separate and Unequal Last name beginning with L-Q — Stick-Up Kid Last name beginning with R-Z — Yemen Under Siege Discussion Questions1. What is the central topic or set of related topics of your assigned PBS Frontline video?2. What is the central question or set of questions asked by the narrators/interviewers/creators of the PBS Frontline video?3. What is the thesis or central claim of the PBS Frontline video?4. What specific visual elements of the PBS Frontline video contribute to your understanding of the thesis or central claim? 5. What evidence is used by the PBS Frontline video to support its thesis or central claim?6. Is the PBS Frontline video convincing? Why?7. Is the PBS Frontline video compelling or interesting? Why?8. What new information is available about the topic in the video? Find at least one recent credible source of information on the topic in the video from the CCC databases (no Googled or Wikipedia information). Make certain to include an APA or MLA formatted citation for the source at the end of your posting.
Ashford University Kelloggs Indian Company SWOT Analysis Writing Assignment Help
In approximately 250 words,
- Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors, company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors and by accessing the Business Insights database.
Next, conduct a SWOT analysis using the SWOT Analysis Template. Detail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect the organization. Copy and paste the completed table from the template into your SWOT analysis paper.
In the evaluation portion of your paper of your SWOT analysis:
- Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change.
- Determine what changed objectives, or newly implemented interventions, are required to improve the company’s position within its market.
- Assess the trending performance of the company and provide recommendations for improvement.
The SWOT Analysis paper
- Must be from five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of SWOT Analysis
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least two scholarly and/or credible sources
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
PHY 110 Moving Mass Ordinary Non Relativistic Velocities and Relativity Problem Science Assignment Help
PHYSICS 110 HOMEWORK # 6 Useful Information: c = 3.0 x 108 m/s
!.) ( a problem with ordinary non-relativistic velocities🙂 A boat whose speed in still water is 10km/hr is traveling along a river whose current is 4km/hr . (Take the direction of the current as the positive direction.)
a) What is the net speed of the boat when going downstream (with the current)?
b) What is the net speed of the boat when going upstream (against the current)?
2.) ( a problem with relativistic velocities🙂 If you were on a space ship traveling at half the speed of light away from a bright star, at what speed would the star’s light go past you? (Note: If you understand Relativity you do not have to do a calculation to answer this problem. Don’t do a calculation, just answer.)
3.) ( The “lifetime” of an elementary particle is the time interval between the moment when the particle is created (“birth”) and the moment when it “decays” into something else (“death”) — in other words, it is the time during which the particle is “alive”.)
An elementary particle is traveling by you at a speed of 2.8 x 108 m/s. At this speed you measure its lifetime to be 2.5 x 10-8 s.
a) What is the particle’s lifetime at rest? (For example, suppose you measure the particle’s lifetime when it is just sitting on your lab table and not moving.)
b) Does your answer show that the particle lives longer when it is at rest or when it is moving?
4.) (To measure astronomical distances such as the huge distances between stars, kilometers are inconveniently small. Instead it is conventional to measure large distances in terms of “light-years” (Ly). A light-year is the distance light travels (at the speed of light in space) in one year. Note that a light-year is a distance, and not a time.
One light-year is: 1 Ly = c x t = (3.0 x 108 m/s) x 1 yr x (31.56 x 106 s/yr) = 9.47 x 1015 m. However, do NOT convert your answer to meters. It is much easier to understand if you leave it in light-years (Ly) in problems like this. If you convert to meters it will be assumed you did not read these instructions and just copied from something, and you will lose points.)
a) If you were to travel to a star 50 light-years from Earth at a speed of 2.0 x 108 m/s what would you measure this distance to be? (Note that to you, in your space ship, it looks to you like you are standing still and the Earth-star distance is a moving length traveling by you.)
b) As you travel, does your answer show that the distance to the star looks longer or shorter than the 50 light years seen from Earth?
5.) (The “rest mass” of the electron is 9.11 x 10-31 kg. This is the mass the electron would have if it was sitting motionless on the lab table in front of you.)
a) What is the mass of a moving electron traveling by you at v = 0.85 c ?
b) Does your answer show the moving mass to be larger or smaller than the rest mass?
6.) Suppose that one could release all of the energy contained in a mass of 500 grams of dirt (0.500 kg, which is about a pound).
a) How much energy would be released (in Joules)?
b) If the amount of energy released by burning one ton of coal is 22 billion Joules, how many tons of coal would you have to burn to equal the energy released by converting the mass of 500 grams (half of a pound) of dirt to energy? (note: the energy released by burning coal is chemical energy, not rest mass energy. That is, the energy released by burning a mass, m, of coal is NOT = mc2. You may treat 22 billion Joules/ton as a conversion factor as follows:
N (tons of coal) x 22×109 J/ton = Energy released (from dirt).
PHY 110 Moving Mass Ordinary Non Relativistic Velocities and Relativity Problem Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC Davis SAGASCO Holdings LTD Relies on Assessment of Popularity & Demand Ques Economics Assignment Help
answer each question with 2-3 sentence base on the reading. Case is “SAGASCO Holdings Limited” 19 pages 9 of them are charts and data.
here are questions
1.Is it appropriate to think of all of Australia as a single geographic market for natural gas? If
so, explain why. If not, how would you define the relevant geographic market(s)?
2.Based on your geographic market definition(s) above, would you expect the Santos /
SAGASCO merger to increase market power?
3.Should regulators be concerned that Santos / SAGASCO would have a controlling share of
the Moomba processing facility? Why or why not?
ENGL 1A City College of San Francisco Listening Identifying and Taking Responsibility Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Part 1/ Assignments
1.) Discussion- Listening Identifying And Taking Responsibility
NOTE: Before participating in this discussion, make sure you have read Rosenberg Chapters 1-5.
DUE THURSDAY by 11:59 PM: (Identifying and Responding to Main Ideas within a text) What kind of Emotional Intelligence is required in order to effectively observe our emotions without judgment? Why is the non judgment piece important? Specifically, how does one take “take responsibility for our feelings” and why is that important? What connections can you draw between the concepts outlined by Rosenberg and what you learned in Goleman?
DUE SUNDAY by 11:59 PM: Respond to a minimum of two classmates in a thoughtful, engaged discussion based manner. You might: give an example of when you have done (or not done) any of the above and the effect(s) that resulted, or you might make another connection to your own reading or prior knowledge.
Remember the video feature as an option here, too!
_________________________________ Part 2/2
2.) Discussion: Practicing NVC
NOTE: This Discussion involves an ASSIGNMENT on FLIPGRID (Links to an external site.)
DUE THURSDAY BY 11:59 PM: (Assignment)
PRACTICE the concepts of NVC with someone by this Thursday at 11:59. That is, complete all steps as outlined in Chapters 3-5 with someone in conversation. If you do not have someone to practice with, consider reaching out to a classmate in this course and getting together to practice (IM, or video chat), talking through something with a significant other or family member via phone (plenty of opportunity this week given the upcoming holidays, current pandemic, and election perhaps??), and/or engaging online in social media to complete the following.
If you prefer, you can complete these steps using your social media platform of choice. For instance, a response on Facebook, IG, Tik Tok, etc.
1. Observe and identify your feelings without judgment
2. Express your feelings
3. Take responsibility for your feelings
In your discussion post for this week, explain the steps you took and explain to us how it went. You will need to be as specific as possible to earn full credit on this assignment.
DUE SUNDAY by 11:59 PM: Respond to a minimum of two classmates with a thoughtful, discussion based approach. Identify what they did in their interaction that exhibited the concepts we have read/discussed, and/or what, if anything, they could do to improve the exchange.
Hudson County Community College Effects of Social Media on Mental Health Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Choose a topic in which you explore an issue related to medical education, practice, research, policy, etc. that emanates from the required readings for this course. Students should also indicate whom they have chosen to interview (and his or her credentials) as one of the five required sources for this Research Project. Students will be provided with suggested questions for their Interviews with Health Care Professionals, which they may use as they deem appropriate.
The Research Essay (following MLA specifications for citations and a Works Cited list) of approximately 1,500 words on the topic that you have chosen for your Research Project. Be sure to include at least five related, reliable, and retrievable sources, including your reference to an interview that you have conducted with a health care professional.
Students are required to interview a health care professional, such as the following: a physician; medical researcher; bio-ethicist; university-level educator who teaches courses related to health care, medical policy, or the history of medicine; or an individual who deals with health care policy.
Indiana Wesleyan University Human Rights Theory Paper Writing Assignment Help
Portfolios are repositories of work that represent your skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience. Different fields suggest creating different types of portfolios. For example, when artists create a portfolio of their artwork, it is often held in a finely crafted, large binder that they can bring to interviews or to show to galleries and the like.
Social workers can also create portfolios of their experiences. Social work portfolios can contain such items as professional references or letters, client reports or letters, examples of work (such as grant proposals), faculty and/or supervisor commentary or letters, and so on.
An electronic portfolio, or e-portfolio, works almost exactly the same. The difference is that it is submitted and hosted entirely online. The capstone assessment of your Social Work Field Placement and Seminar course is an e-portfolio demonstrating your work and accomplishments. Detailed instructions will be provided as to the types of work and the items that you should include. Although you will be submitting these materials electronically for your program requirements, you may also want to make copies of the originals to keep in a professional-looking binder to take with you to interviews after you graduate.
This assignment is designed to facilitate your continued development in character, leadership, and scholarship in your social work clinical practice.
- Character is the product of constant action, striving daily to make the right choices. Through your work in this course, you are demonstrating such qualities as responsibility, fairness, and caring, and proving by example that you value character.
- Scholarship means a commitment to learning. Applying diligence and effort towards learning about evidence-based interventions as a social worker can positively impact your practice as a professional.
- Leadership at an agency means having a positive influence on your colleagues and the community. In taking the initiative to learn about evidence-based, effective practices, you can encourage others to attain the same objective, thus positively affecting your clients and your work towards recovery and justice.
- File: Field Practicum Portfolio Checklist.pdf
- File: Competency 3 Template Rationale Statement.docx
- File: Sample Rationale Statements
- All documents are in the Generalist Tools module
Background Information
Your portfolio is a culmination of many examples of work and items that you collect during your practicum experience. The portfolio instructions will provide you with examples of the various materials that can go into your portfolio.
The e-portfolio is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery in each of the nine CSWE social work competency areas. As such, you should carefully curate your portfolio to include items that show a direct correlation to each competency area. You will have the opportunity to select pieces that really demonstrate your accomplishments in each of the competencies.
Each week during this course, you will be submitting two pieces of evidence and rationale statements for each competency. By the end of this course, you will have submitted your entire e-portfolio. In this assignment, you will focus on demonstrating your mastery of Competency 3: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Identify two pieces of evidence for Competency 3: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
- From the Generalist Tools, download and review the “Field Practicum Portfolio Checklist.pdf” file and the rationale template for Competency 3.
- Use this checklist to collect two appropriate items that demonstrate achievement in Competency 3 for submission to your portfolio.
- Use the Competency 3 Rationale Statement Template to complete your rationale statement for each piece of evidence.
- Write rationale statements for your two pieces of evidence.
- Complete a Competency 3 Template Rationale Statement.docx for each piece of evidence. Your justifications and reflections on the decision to include each piece of evidence need to be thorough and complete, and display sound critical thinking and judgment. Each narrative rationale statement must include how the piece of evidence:
- Clearly aligns to the identified competency
- Best illustrates your performance or growth toward achieving mastery of the specific competency
- Incorporates theory and essential social work knowledge, values, and skills for advanced integrated practice
- Illustrates the depth and significance of your growth in character, scholarship, and leadership
- Complete a Competency 3 Template Rationale Statement.docx for each piece of evidence. Your justifications and reflections on the decision to include each piece of evidence need to be thorough and complete, and display sound critical thinking and judgment. Each narrative rationale statement must include how the piece of evidence:
- Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
- Follow the assignment instructions carefully.
- Follow all conventions of academic writing, including correct grammar and spelling, and APA formatting, where appropriate.
Ohio University Boeings 737 Max An Engineering Horror Story Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Ohio University Boeings 737 Max An Engineering Horror Story Paper Business Finance Assignment Help