Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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The statistical information is significant in determining the value error in the linear trend line. Each temperature, based on the linear trend equation, shows the outcome of the conductivity which was calculated as per the four concentrations in line and their temperatures. The percent error equation was used to determine the percent of error performed.%Error = [(Experimental – Theoretical)/ Theoretical] * 100. Where theoretical found on the trend line equation and the experimental values is the measured experimental. Based on the statistical analysis, the highest percentage error is only 1%. Therefore, this shows that there is a significant correlation between the concentration of [OH-] and the conductivity.

Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Highline Community College Chemistry Average Time Temperature Question Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Trial # 1 2 3
Time (s) 33.44 38.99 38.44
Temperature (°C) 21.0 21.0 21.0
Trial # Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3 Volume of 0.0200M KIO3 Volume of H2O Time (s)
4 10.0 mL 8.0 mL 2.0 mL 47.03
5 10.0 mL 5.0 mL 5.0 mL 81.72
6 8.0 mL 10.0 mL 2.0 mL 49.03
7 5.0 mL 10.0 mL 5.0 mL 76.98
Volume of 0.0200M KIO3 10.0 mL
Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3 10.0 mL
Temperature (°C) 46.0
Time (s) 20.69
Volume of 0.0200M KIO3 10.0 mL
Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3 10.0 mL
Temperature (°C) 3.0
Time (s) 70.71

Questio 1:Using the data for Trials 1 – 3, enter the average time for the Clock reaction at room temperature:


RSCH 8260 WU Logistic Regression Values the Probability Theory Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Important Note: This week contains a graded Discussion and an ungraded Collaboration Lab.

This week’s readings discuss conditional probabilities, conditional odds, logits, odds ratios, relative risk, and slopes. These can all be confusing terms but the good news is that all these values have some relationship to each other. Researchers have their own opinions on which values makes the most sense to report.

By Day 3

In a 2- to 3-paragraph post, construct a persuasive argument for the value (conditional probability, odds, odds ratio, etc.) that, intuitively, makes the most sense for you to report as a result to your audience. Be sure to provide a specific rationale for your choice.


Moraine Valley Community College Management Employee Training Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

It is time to complete and submit your final training. For both
face-to-face and technology-based training, be sure you have included
the following:

  1. An attention-getting introduction.
  2. A summary of what learners will be able to do by the end of the training (in other words, tell them the objectives).
  3. Detailed training of the specific tasks or content.
  4. Engaging activities/practice.
  5. Assessments.
  6. A conclusion summarizing what has been learned and emphasizing the relevance and the benefits.

Here’s how to submit your training:

Face-to-Face Training

For face-to-face training, submit a participant’s guide and a facilitator’s guide in a zipped file.

Technology-Based Training

For technology-based training, submit the training in a file that
can easily be read by your instructor and classmates. You may use any
software to create your training. For example, Screencast-O-Matic
is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture
up to 15 minutes for free, and it can be used on a Windows or Mac

No matter what software you use, make sure that both your voice and
the content (for example, PowerPoint slides) are clearly captured.


CMT 320 University of Maryland Physical Security Plan for Patients Project Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security project and need support to help me learn.

For each map, click the icons in the map key and drag them to the place on the map you believe they should be located. If you want to place an icon multiple times, you can copy the icon by right-clicking or selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C, and then pressing Ctrl+V as needed.


Go to the Physical Security Plan Assignment Resources page.

Download the maps and save the file as FirstName_LastName_Physical_Security_Plan.

For each map, click the icons in the map key and drag them to the place on the map you believe they should be located. If you want to place an icon multiple times, you can copy it by right-clicking or selecting it and clicking CTRL+C.

Then answer the follow-up questions in the Physical Security Plan Template.

The Physical Security Plan Template contains follow-up questions related to the maps.

These resources are about physical control planning, which will help with your assignment:Then answer the follow-up questions in the Physical Security Plan Template.



Aarons Academy of Beauty Pediatric Delayed Espetec Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Isabel is a 2 1⁄2-year-old toddler who lives with her parents and 13-month old sister in a rural community. Her father is a migrant worker and her mother stays at home with the children. Both parents are smokers. Both Isabel and her sister experienced recurrent episodes of otitis media during infancy although Isabel’s infections have become less frequent. Isabel’sspeech is delayed; however, her mother believes that this is due to her lack of interactions with other children her age. Their culture and financial situations do not encourage daycare settings for children if the mother can stay at home with them. Most of Isabel’s speech is not understandable although she babbles “constantly.” Both children have received their scheduled immunizations at the local pediatric clinic. Isabel is brought to the clinic by her parents when she places a small toy in her ear that her parents are unable to remove.

During the admission history, Isabel’s mother tells the nurse that she has had “behavior problems” with Isabel since she was 11 months old although she stated she had not mentioned this to the staff at the clinic because she was embarrassed. On further questioning, Isabel’s mother explains that Isabel “never listens to me and doesn’t even look at me when I talk to her.”

She further states that Isabel doesn’t talk so they can understand her even though they have friends whose children not only talk all the time, but she can understand what they are saying. “Isabel’s problems are probably my fault because I didn’t raise her right. Now I’m afraid she is retarded and I don’t know how to help her.” Isabel sits in her mother’s lap babbling during the interview and does not make eye contact with her parents or the nurse during their conversation or when addressed. She appears disinterested in her surroundings.

  1. What is the primary concern or client need in this situation? Support answer with the data in the case.
  2. List other client needs/problems in the case.
  3. Identify any additional information or assessment data that is needed by the nurse in planning care for this client?
  4. What nursing actions are appropriate? What is the priority nursing action? Describe other nursing interventions that are important to providing optimal care.
  5. Describe the roles/responsibilities of the interprofessional health care team members who may be involved in providing care.
  6. Discuss your feelings about parents’ behaviors that place their children at risk

Aarons Academy of Beauty Pediatric Delayed Espetec Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida National University Ethics in Health Care Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help


group identification




freedom from pain and suffering


physical / mental capacity


control of fear and anxiety


self determination


Personal fulfillment


fear of invasion


Question 2


Match the Massey’s Value Comforts with the respective categories



believe in a set of prescribed codes of actions that determines how a person behaves on the job, at home, and socially


Accept the role of adapting to change and the creation of new systems that both provides and sustain


recognizes and accept regulations, also make calculating assessments in regard to their personal needs


appear to challenge standards unless conformity benefits their own personal requirements


Question 3


Match the definition with the term.



general goodwill or love for humanity


seems to avoid the problem of exact quantification required in act utilitarianism


an action can be deemed to be right if it conforms to a rule that has been validated


the basic rightness or wrongness of an act depends on its intrinsic nature rather than on the situation or the consequences


Question 4


Match the following definition with the term





Right to bear arms


Created through constitutional guarantees, legislative statutes, judicial review, and governmental agencies


have inherent within them assigned correlative rights


rights to receive goods and services from another person, organization, or government


All individuals are free and equal


do not give birth to any right


Equated to the law of God and found in form of Golden Rule


Right to a public education


Question 5


Match the following definition with the term



contain the elements of disclousure, understanding, voluntariness, competence, and permission giving


the use of substances biomedically inert but th epatient feels are therapeutic


the practitiones is allowed to intentionally withold information based on his sound medical judgment


intentional limitation of the autonomy of one person by another



individuals focus on rules, social order, and respect for authority


the child seeks to conform to the expected social conventions


commitment to the principles of equal rights, social justice, and respect for the dignity of all people


children have not real understanding of values and accept the authority of others


the creation of the good society requires a social contract into which people freely enter to work for the benefit for all


children begin to recognize that other indivuduals heve their own interests


Divine command ethics is a fourth type of theory that is often used in ethical debates. There is a divine being who has set down a finite series of rules that adherents claims can provide guidance to most moral desicions






Question 8


Math the definition with the term




Divine command ethics is a fourth type of theory that is often used in ethical debates. There is a divine being who has set down a finite series of rules that adherents claims can provide guidance to most moral desicions






Question 8


Math the definition with the term



children, age two to seven, are not particularly interested in or concerned with rules


occurs up to age two and the child is totally self-centered


seems as old as the species itself


events that happens and shape generations


Question 9


0.84 Points


The autonomy is based in 3 basic elements: Ability to decide, Power to act, and Respect for the autonomy of others








Question 10


Which of the following IS NOT a developmental process for moral reasoning outlined by Kohlberg?


Reward and Punishment


Law and Order


Individualism and Exchange


Bad Boy/Bad Girl


Social Contract and Individual Rights


Question 11


0.8 Points


Which of the following IS NOT one of the Fletcher guidelines for making ethical choices?


Courageous acceptance of the need to make desicions and acceptance of the consequences


Proportionate good


Consideration of consequences


Enlarge choice and reduce chance


Less compassion for people as human beings


Priority of actual needs over ideal or potential needs


Question 12


Which of the followings is/are Critism of Utilitarianism?


Impossible to calculate all possible consequences.


Used to sanction unfairness.


Lack of sensitivity to special duties


Lack of respect for persons


All of the above


FSCJ The Psychological Traits that Shape Your Political Beliefs Ted Talk Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Visit the TED Talks website (Links to an external site.) and search for a talk on the subject matter of psychology. Watch one of the talks that interests you, as long as it is a minimum of 8 minutes in length. At the top of your response, include the title of the TED Talk, the name of the presenter, when it was filmed, along with a link to the video.

STEP 2: In an essay of between 200-400 words, respond to the following:

  • Give a summary of the TED talk, emphasizing the speaker’s main points
  • What did you find most interesting about the talk, and what will you most likely remember from the talk?
  • What type of data or evidence did the presenter show to back up his or her information?
  • Read the biographical information and do some basic background research on the presenter. What area of psychology do they work in? More specifically, which psychological perspective would you say best fits the type of work they do? Why?
  • What other questions would you have for this presenter if you could have a conversation with him or her? What else would you like to know about the topic?


NRS 493 GCU Successful Transformation Requires Stakeholders Participation Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Discussion responses to peers.100-150 words references required to support the answer. and I will share it with you when `you will be available. i am limited on time

23 hours ago

Cara harris –

1 – The evidence-based proposal is held with very close regard to both stakeholders and external resources with respect to nursing organizations. The internal method would be directly related to ownership and stakeholders as it relates to change theory and process change management to be inclusive of overall focus on making change and expected outcomes based on evidence-based practice and inclusive of change theory platforms. The ability to be effective with better management of type 2 diabetes and the ability to manage individual A1C will best outline a better focus for advanced care needs. Building a platform to facilitate transformation and ability to validate the change proposal altogether is important on every level. The ability to support the overall inherent approach with ownership and stakeholders adds a very valuable and distinct platform for the necessary change theory, and subsequent change proposal.

It is also important to communicate the evidence-based change proposal to the caregivers and the actual team that is involved with the daily care needs so they are aware of both short term and long term expectations and expected goals and outcomes. Consideration on both ends are inherently important for expected outcomes. The external needs are very much related to and should be in line with internal needs to be able to support the evidence-based change proposal. The combination of daily check points and ongoing monitoring and updating will allow the evidence-based practice management to be successful and yield productive, positive outcomes.

The communication strategies for each group will change as data is received and interpreted. The plan and goal with the evidence-based practice and change theory will be modified to support the chang theory and be able to provide expected outcomes to the change proposal. The collaboration with the external and internal aspects of the change proposal will be evaluated and updated to meet anticipated outcomes and expectations.

Amanda Thompson

2 – One internal method of dissemination of my evidence-based change proposal for giving each clinician time after seeing patients or hands have become soiled to wash their hands would be to meet with the CEO’s and the Chief Medical Director and explain my change proposal and why I would like to implement the change, I know they would understand and would work with me to implement the change because they feel the same way my preceptor and I do regarding the spread of infection and germs and having a clean and environment and making the patients feel comfortable and cared for. The external method I would use to help Implement my plan would be contacting The American Board of Dermatology committee and advising of the current condition of the clinics with only having one sink located in the only bathroom within the office and I would contact this board as they would advocate for my proposal to keep the patients and the clinicians safe. With each group my communication strategies would change because contacting the CEO and Chief Medical director would be very straight forward and I could email them and set up a time to meet and let them know of my concerns and start a plan to implement the change. With contacting the American Board of Dermatology, I would have to meet with a committee and go over the concerns and see how I could have them contact the clinic without them being concerned of hygiene or possibly looking down on the clinic for lack of hand washing stations.


Test Committees and Directors, 2021, www.abderm.org/test-committees-and-directors.aspx.

Jocelyn Perez –

3 – Dissemination refers to the process of sharing research findings with stakeholders and broader audiences (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014). One internal method for disseminating my evidence-based change proposal would be sharing with the clinic’s staff members. This includes administrators, nurses, physicians. Administrators would be essential to provide support for telehealth implementation as their primary job responsibility is to ensure all departments’ efficient performance within an organization. Medical professionals are the ones who will be communicating with the patients. While disseminating the EBP to the team, the most appropriate method to apply would be face to face. Face to face allows for a better exchange of information and helps to build relationships. The external method that I would use is a presentation for conferences of professional organizations, notably the American Nurses Association. The conference would allow me to talk to a large audience about telenursing. My communication strategy for the internal method would be more interactive compared to the external method. It’s easier to answer questions face to face for a smaller group than a larger one. For the external method, doing a visual presentation during a webcast would help disseminate the information to a large audience.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). Quick-Start Guide to Dissemination for Practice-Based Research Networks. AHRQ. https://pbrn.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/AHRQP…

Shamsha habib –

4 – It is necessary to disseminate all evidence-based project findings since the aim is to transmit information and the related strategies. Furthermore, the disparity between the exploration and implementation of public health information in clinical practice and policy formulation is partially attributed to inadequate transmission (Brownson et al., 2018). The capacity to introduce, incorporate, and maintain EBPs has become extremely critical for mental wellbeing, learning institutions, and other institutions and providers of public services, and even for inclusion into primary care contexts (Novins et al., 2013.

Using the hospital board as the internal method would be useful since I am undertaking an evidence-based project on minimizing the readmission rate for congestive heart failure patients. A professional nursing organization or academic journal will serve as an external method, particularly one that concerns congestive heart failure, like the American Heart Failure Nurses Association (AAHFN). The most popular means through which scientists disseminate their work are scholarly journals and conventions (Brownson et al., 2018). Evidence‐based programs may create new research findings that could alter public understanding or knowledge of public health gains or risks, place new instruments in the hands of professionals or result in more successful daily operations, educate public health policy at all thresholds, and include “intangible resources” in public health that could be challenging to quantify (Brownson et al., 2018).

With any dissemination form, based on the party being addressed to, communication techniques should be examined. In relation to internal methods during the Management Board meeting, I would coordinate and organize my observations into comprehensive presentations. The presentation ought to be clear and transparent, with an overview of the study findings and recommendations on alternative methods of executing the institution’s policy reforms (Spruce, 2015). On the other hand, with an external approach, the communication techniques will be different. I can say that with tables, charts, and texts, the findings of an evidence-based project will be more elaborated, given that the findings will be in the form of text. In order to provide significance to the information presented, the given results must reflect the research questions and aims of the research.


Brownson, R. C., Eyler, A. A., Harris, J. K., Moore, J. B., & Tabak, R. G. (2018). Getting the Word Out: New Approaches for Disseminating Public Health Science. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 24(2). https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1097/PHH.000…

Novins, D. K., Green, A. E., Legha, R. K., & Aarons, G. A. (2013). Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(10), 1009–1025. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.jaac….

Spruce, L. (2015). Back to Basics: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice. AORN Journal, 101(1), 106–114. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.aorn.2014.08.009

Nathanelle joseph –

5 – Nursing practice is always changing because of evidence-based practice tha introduces new ideas, research, and technology. Disemination is the targeted distribution of information to a specific audience and the intent is to spread knowledge and educate the public about the latest and safest practices. Disemmination occurs through a variety of channels, social media, publishings, and many others. The goal educate the mass public, increase people’s ability to use and apply evidence, and to increase people’s motivation to use and apply evidence. Through social media dissemination strategies spread knowledge on a wide scale accross geographical locations.

Internal method is hospital board that consist of administrators, physician, and other healthcare professionals. It help to communicate research finding to all healthcare professional to enhnace the positive outcome, it also facilitate the interactionamong health care professional about research finding. The internal method I would use are a poster presentation from a powerpoint slides. people woulbe able to read and reflect upon the presentation. The external method is social media is a great way to reach the general public by creating a video for TikToc, Instagram, Snapchat, and many others. we want to get the general public the most essential points.

The average attention span of the millenials is about 5 minutes: we must grab their attention with the most important details such the secret to longevity is eating healthy, exercise, hydrate, rest and staying stress free. That’s it. Short and sweet.


US Department of health and human services (2012). Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence. Research protocol. Retrieved from effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov

Shanon Bolin

6 – The method of dissemination that is chosen can have a positive or a negative effect on how a change project is viewed. It is important to remain professional and to deliver content in a clear and concise way. When disseminating information, the presenter must consider the message they are trying to deliver, the source of the information, the audience that is being targeted and the mode of delivery such as through journals, social media or news stories (Brownson et al., 2018).

One method we have decided on for internal dissemination of my change project, is that with the help of my preceptor, we requested time at the monthly nurse’s council meeting to present the change project. This council meeting will involve a representative from most of the units from all 7 hospitals in our system. We have been granted 10-15 minutes to introduce the change project, the findings of data collection and to introduce the new method we are proposing. I will be using a power point presentation to discuss this information and to breakdown the new method that will be proposed.

Each year the Wisconsin Nurses Association published a quarterly newspaper that is available to its members and through online sources (WNA, 2021). This platform would be considered a viable option for an external source of dissemination. The newspaper is distributed to a large population of nurses and nurse practitioners around the state and would be an excellent platform to bring awareness to the importance of dysphagia screening.

Each of the methods plays an important part in improving the quality of care we provided our patients. However, the internal method of information dissemination serves for the purpose of this improvement proposal as a means of education. While I am attempting to “sell” my idea to the nurse’s council, thie powerpoint will be a tool that we will use going forward to educated staff. The newspaper, as a means of external dissemination, will also educate about the importance of identifying a standard dysphagia screen, however I would use the news article to showcase the results of the improvement measure as a way to encourage other organizations to assess their own screening tools.

Brownson, R. C., Eyler, A. A., Harris, J. K., Moore, J. B., & Tabak, R. G. (2018). Getting the word out:A new approaches for disseminating public health science. Journal of public health management and practice: JPHMP, 24(2), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.1097/PHH.0000000000000673

Wisconsin Nurses Association [WNA], (2021). The Wisconsin nurse. Retrieved from https://assets.nursingald.com/uploads/publication/…


PCC Approaches to Peace Building Reconciliation in Israel Palestine Conflict Essay Humanities Assignment Help

This short paper assignment allows you to reflect more on reconciliation, which many scholars and practitioners consider as the end-goal of peacebuilding efforts. A key part of this paper is presenting your own arguments and supporting them with evidence from the conflict cases covered in the readings and in class.

Please respond to both prompts and include a subheading to divide your responses to each prompt. Students are permitted to draw on sources from outside of class, but they are not required to consult outside sources.

Prompt 1 (400-500 words):

In both the course readings and recent class meetings, we’ve explored different ways of thinking about the term “reconciliation.”

  • Identify and describe two different ways of thinking about the term “reconciliation”. What component(s)/ ingredient(s)/ condition(s) does each emphasize? What (if anything) is required of the perpetrator and victim in each way of thinking about “reconciliation”?
  • In your opinion, which is the more compelling way to think about the term, and why?

Prompt 2 (500-800 words):

The course has concluded by showing some impediments that lie in the path toward peace and reconciliation in the Bosnian conflict and by showing how reconciliation has been applied in other contexts (eg, Germany-France, Germany-Israel). We see that reconciliation is a lengthy process, but that there can be important Track I and Track II interventions to facilitate it.

While reconciliation is still a far-off prospect for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we can hope that it will someday reach a settlement and that the parties will begin to embark on the journey toward reconciliation. Based on lessons learned from the Bosnian case and the cases of Germany, what recommendations do you have to help promote “reconciliation” in a future post-settlement Israel-Palestine? If you were to create a plan for the post-settlement reconciliation process, what would it entail and why?

  • In putting forth your ideas for Track I and Track II interventions to facilitate “reconciliation”, please draw on the conceptualization of “reconciliation” that you found most compelling in Prompt #1. What is necessary to achieve “reconciliation,” as you think of the term?
  • Be sure to address interventions on both the Track I and Track II/III levels. However, if you think either of these tracks is unimportant, or even counterproductive to achieving “reconciliation”, then explain why you think so.
  • Pay particular attention to the sequencing of Track I and Track II/III interventions, as well as the specific types of interventions. Don’t just say that parties should engage in “dialogue” to achieve reconciliation. Explain who should be involved and describe the content and purpose of the dialogue. Also, describe what (if anything) needs to happen before or after “dialogue” so that “dialogue” can advance reconciliation. Should “dialogue” happen before, after, or at the same time as other interventions?
  • DO NOT focus your attention on the terms of a settlement to the Israel-Palestine conflict (eg, how to divide Jerusalem, how to repatriate refugees, etc.). Rather, assume that a realistic settlement has been achieved that satisfies both parties. You can make assumptions about what this settlement would be (eg, one-state solution, two-state solution), but quickly state any relevant assumptions about the settlement in a footnote.


  • Use good paragraph structure. Begin your paragraphs with a topic sentence that very explicitly states the argument that you’re making in the paragraph. Then, each of the sentences in the paragraph should aim to prove the argument in the topic sentence.
  • Be selective about the supporting details you use. Don’t treat your response as an opportunity to showcase all the facts you know about the conflict cases. Rather, be judicious in selecting facts that support your argument. Think about your argument and how you can best support it with evidence from the readings and class lectures. This is an exercise in critical thinking, not an exercise in regurgitating facts.
  • Pay attention to the rubric. Please be sure to review the rubric carefully. It can also be helpful to structure your paper so that each paragraph of your paper addresses its own component of the rubric.









Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Oklahoma State University The Value Error in The Linear Trend Error Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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