one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help

one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help. one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help.

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10 sentences on how the character in this story is feeling toward being old


What once was meant to be a statement—
a dripping dagger held in the fist
of a shuddering heart—is now just a bruise
on a bony old shoulder, the spot
where vanity once punched him hard
and the ache lingered on. He looks like
someone you had to reckon with,
strong as a stallion, fast and ornery,
but on this chilly morning, as he walks
between the tables at a yard sale
with the sleeves of his tight black T-shirt
rolled up to show us who he was,
he is only another old man, picking up
broken tools and putting them back,
his heart gone soft and blue with stories.

one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Public Opinion Final Project Humanities Assignment Help…

Final Project

MSCH-J 423 Public Opinion

Necessary Files:

The survey codebook

Instructions for analysis

The survey (make sure to copy to your drive)

Purpose: To examine a component of public opinion in the American public in-depth, relating it to broader research being done in the field of public opinion.

Use the example (here) if you need help doing the analysis.

The Paper: Pick an opinion question on the survey and examine variation in responses to the question along several political and demographic features.

Research/Writing the Paper

  1. Provide a justification for why the opinion question you chose is interesting and important, and formulate informed hypotheses supported by the public opinion literature as to how the results of the data analysis will play out.

  1. Use other variables in the survey:
    1. Select one demographic variable (e.g., sex, age, etc)

  1. Select two political variables (e.g., partisanship, whether someone has voted, etc)

  1. Analyze the bivariate means on the chosen opinion question: create one table showing the demographic variable’s relationship to the opinion variable.

  1. Analyze multivariate means on the chosen opinion question across demographic and political items. This will require you to create at least two tables.
    1. For example, if you picked Trump Approval as the opinion variable, whether someone has a college degree as the demographic, that person’s partisanship and whether they have voted as the two political variables, make the following:
      1. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and partisanship
      2. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and voting status

Analyze differences (if any) in responses to your chosen opinion question across these three variables (e.g., how do men and women differ in their response to X? How do Republicans and Democrats differ on X?)

1. Provide a general overview of your findings in relation to concepts covered in class. Be sure to be thorough in relating the two.

Paper Guidelines

4-5 pages (including tables), double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman.

Include in-text citations, as well as a references page (refs not included in page count).

Turn in by Friday, December 20 (5pm) on Canvas.





The paper persuasively and thoroughly describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest to us.


The paper describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest, but only briefly and without much elaboration.


The paper does not describe the chosen public opinion measure/does not include this section.



The paper provides analysis of the four different variables in relation to the public opinion measure (including bivariate and multivariate graphs), and presents the information in some readable form (table is recommended, graphs are allowed but not required)


The paper only briefly provides analysis of the four different variables, is missing some presentation of analyses, and/or doesn’t have information presented in readable form


The paper does not include analysis of the four variables in relation to the public opinion variable.



The paper thoughtfully and thoroughly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of broader public opinion research.


The paper only briefly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of public opinion research


The paper does not seek to connect the findings to research in public opinion



Relevant citations and references are included both in-text and in a reference list


The paper only includes citations to some of the ideas present in the text; i.e., the paper includes concepts that are not the author’s own without attribution


The paper does not include in-text citations and/or references



Power point how we change a smie development country to a development Humanities Assignment Help

What is the role to change Saudi Arabia from semi development country to a development country

– what the vision of 2030 focus on in terms of tourism in Saudi Arabia especially on the west coast of Saudi Arabia by the read sea development project

what are the goals of this

how this will work and benefit the economy by tourism

did Saudi Arabia will become a fully development country by 2030

I want a good power point and pictures of this and all the information is available in google

5 slides is perfect


Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness. Writing Assignment Help

Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness Paper


The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of common women’s health acute and chronic illnesses and to compare and contrast common versus nontraditional treatment modalities.


  • Select one acute and one chronic women’s health issue (e.g., urinary tract infection and osteoporosis).
  • Describe and outline the issue, prevalence, and significance.
  • Describe health promotion and screening for each issue.
  • Outline diagnostic tests or laboratories needed for each issue. Elaborate on what you would expect or anticipate in the diagnostic testing with each illness you choose.
  • List and describe common treatment or management modalities for each issue.
  • Discuss patient education and follow up that is needed for each issue.
  • Identify health screening and promotion needs for women across the lifespan specific to the chronic illness.
  • For each selected issue, compare and contrast traditional versus nontraditional treatment options.
  • Examine how you would collaborate with other members of the health care team for best practice.
  • Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format.
  • be 5-10 pages in length excluding tittle and reference page.
  • No plagiarism, original work only.
  • Use 8 reference not older than 5 years.


Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

Annotated Bibliography

Due: Tuesday, 11/19

The goal of this assignment is to help you compile, select, and study the sources you will use in your

essay. It also asks you to spend time reading, interpreting, and analyzing your sources so that you can

decide how you might incorporate them in your project. You may find through your studying of a selected

source that it doesn’t quite fit the purpose of your essay and, in that case, you can choose not to use it. In

any case, this assignment requires you to become familiar with the sources you’ve gathered and to

consider how they might operate in your essay discussion (to help you develop your thesis/analysis or

answer your research question).

Assignment Requirements

To create your bibliography, follow these guidelines (each of these is a required component of each


1). List all of your selected sources in MLA format (8th edition).

2). Just below each MLA citation, write a 100 word abstract which includes the following


  • A brief non-evaluative summary of each source which explains the work’s governing
  • thesis or purpose (What are the main points? How does it address your subject?)

  • Brief biographical or identifying information for the source’s author. If there is no
  • author, provide identifying information regarding the source itself. (Why is it credible?

    What is the context of the source?)

  • Give some indication of how you intend to use the work – what its value will be to your
  • project, etc.

    3). Before turning in your annotated bibliography:

  • Proofread and correct for errors.
  • Be sure your bib is typed, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1” margins.
  • Double-check your citations with Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas). Don’t rely on citation
  • creation websites.

    Including these sources in this working annotated bibliography does not obligate you to use them your

    final paper, but your work will be more useful if you begin careful research now and explore sources that

    you intend to use. Also, it is fine to use “I” in this bibliography (example: “I will use this source to

    provide a contrasting viewpoint.”).

    For details on formatting, check out the samples on Canvas and Purdue OWL.

    100 points are available for this assignment, worth 5% of your overall course grade. The grade will be

    awarded based on the correctness of your citations (MLA 8th edition format) and the strength of your

    abstracts (all three layers covered, well-edited). Submit your Annotated Bib by 10am on 11/19 in




    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help

    A final essay that addresses what the professor was trying to convey in the semester’s lectures. This should not be a mere repetition of what the lectures said, nor should it be a collection of class notes from the semester’s lectures. Instead it should be an integrated essay that describes the basic themes, concepts, ideas, etc., that the professor was developing throughout the semester. You should discuss how the various lectures from the beginning, middle, and end of the semester made up a coherent story, and, if you think that the lectures did not make a coherent story over the 14 weeks of the semester, you should provide a discussion of why you came to this conclusion. In brief, your essay should not merely repeat the words of the lectures, but should provide a discussion of the material.

    There is no requirement for the length, but I think 9-10 is a must.

    There is no powerpoint and book for this course. Only the notes. I gave you one page of note and you worked with me before , like a summary of all the writings.

    And the final will decide what grade I will get from this course directly. It is very important.

    In the document 1119 This is one of the essay I gave to him this semester. He has not grade it yet.

    But you can see it is talk about your own opinion

    Find 4 or 5 or 6? point in the notes

    and write about it? More about what you learned from this

    for the note This is copied from rate my professor

    Show interest, come to class and put STRONG effort in the papers AND the final paper and you’ll get an A.

    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ART102 ART HISTORY:Renaissance,baroque and modern art Humanities Assignment Help

    Please submit responses as a computer print-out or in a “blue book.” This is an open book/open note exam. If you are submitting your answers in a blue-book, please identify your answers by using the designations with both the question number and the answer number. Example: “Q5, A: Correct. You are to note whether the answers are “Correct” or “Not Correct”. You may use the same blue book as you used for the Midterm.

    If you are submitting a computer print-out, please type in “CORRECT” or “NOT CORRECT” in all capital letters to make your answer easy to notice. If the answer is “Not Correct”, find ALL aspects of the answer that are wrong. (Otherwise, you will get only partial credit for you answer.)


    Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

    Prompt: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project 3. You have
    the choice of three tools to use for your presentation—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word. In this presentation, you will choose one of these tools, brainstorm
    your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects, and plan out
    text, visual, and audio elements to articulate these ideas to an audience in an engaging manner.

    I have included the topic I have worked on before and materials. Please read the rubric file and complete the provided worksheet.


    ORG 6011 Organizational Development and Change Business Finance Assignment Help

    Submit Final Research Paper Topic

    Begin preparing for the Final Research Paper Proposal.

    The Research Project Proposal‘s focus should be on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a change management solution. You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious one that you could picture properly. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that requires an organizational change management solution.

    Note: You need to submit a topic for your final research paper.

    The proposal gives a high-level overview of the final research paper. It gives information about the organization we are doing the organizational change management project for, a description of the problem/opportunity, and an overview of the organizational change management. The proposal must be submitted and feedback received from the professor before doing the rest of the project. The proposal should be one and a half to two pages (not including cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1 inch margins, and headings for the paper format requirements.

    The proposal should consist of the following:

    1. Cover page
    2. Table of contents
    3. Brief company background
    4. Business problems or opportunities overview
      1. Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing an organizational change management solution for
      2. Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization
    5. Overview of organizational change management
      1. Provide a brief overview of the organizational change management solution, and explain how it fits the needs of the organization.
      2. Final Research Paper Requirements are as follows:

    The written document for this assignment should follow the APA style. Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).

    Submit an APA formatted paper of at least 10-15 pages in length; include 10-15 scholarly resources (i.e. not Wikipedia) on a topic of change management.

    b) Get approval from your Faculty member for the topic.

    Your paper will be graded according to the criteria outlined in the Student Handbook rubric for writing. Use the rubric information in the creation of your paper ensuring it contains all of the important elements; your work will be graded accordingly.

    Rubric Criteria (see Student Handbook for more details).

    Substance of the Assignment

    Organization of the applied project

    Mechanics of writing

    Evidence of research

    Length of paper


    comprehensive course review Writing Assignment Help

    Students will write a comprehensive reflection paper that recaps their main takeaways from the course. Reflect on what you learned about the process of human-centered design, and the use of empathy, observation, ideation, prototyping, and iteration in developing new products for a commercial audience. Also discuss what the most successful aspects of the course were for you? What were the weakest parts of the course? How Might We improve the course for next time?

    Submission Criteria:

    This assignment submission is expected to be 5 typed-pages (double spaced 12-point font 1-inch margins, no white space at top or bottoms of pages). Students should reference the content and takeaways from individual assignments and different sections of the course.

    [supanova_question] and examine variation in responses to the question along several political and demographic features.

    Research/Writing the Paper

    1. Provide a justification for why the opinion question you chose is interesting and important, and formulate informed hypotheses supported by the public opinion literature as to how the results of the data analysis will play out.

    1. Use other variables in the survey:
      1. Select one demographic variable (e.g., sex, age, etc)

    1. Select two political variables (e.g., partisanship, whether someone has voted, etc)

    1. Analyze the bivariate means on the chosen opinion question: create one table showing the demographic variable’s relationship to the opinion variable.

    1. Analyze multivariate means on the chosen opinion question across demographic and political items. This will require you to create at least two tables.
      1. For example, if you picked Trump Approval as the opinion variable, whether someone has a college degree as the demographic, that person’s partisanship and whether they have voted as the two political variables, make the following:
        1. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and partisanship
        2. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and voting status

    Analyze differences (if any) in responses to your chosen opinion question across these three variables (e.g., how do men and women differ in their response to X? How do Republicans and Democrats differ on X?)

    1. Provide a general overview of your findings in relation to concepts covered in class. Be sure to be thorough in relating the two.

    Paper Guidelines

    4-5 pages (including tables), double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman.

    Include in-text citations, as well as a references page (refs not included in page count).

    Turn in by Friday, December 20 (5pm) on Canvas.





    The paper persuasively and thoroughly describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest to us.


    The paper describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest, but only briefly and without much elaboration.


    The paper does not describe the chosen public opinion measure/does not include this section.



    The paper provides analysis of the four different variables in relation to the public opinion measure (including bivariate and multivariate graphs), and presents the information in some readable form (table is recommended, graphs are allowed but not required)


    The paper only briefly provides analysis of the four different variables, is missing some presentation of analyses, and/or doesn’t have information presented in readable form


    The paper does not include analysis of the four variables in relation to the public opinion variable.



    The paper thoughtfully and thoroughly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of broader public opinion research.


    The paper only briefly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of public opinion research


    The paper does not seek to connect the findings to research in public opinion



    Relevant citations and references are included both in-text and in a reference list


    The paper only includes citations to some of the ideas present in the text; i.e., the paper includes concepts that are not the author’s own without attribution


    The paper does not include in-text citations and/or references



    Power point how we change a smie development country to a development Humanities Assignment Help

    What is the role to change Saudi Arabia from semi development country to a development country

    – what the vision of 2030 focus on in terms of tourism in Saudi Arabia especially on the west coast of Saudi Arabia by the read sea development project

    what are the goals of this

    how this will work and benefit the economy by tourism

    did Saudi Arabia will become a fully development country by 2030

    I want a good power point and pictures of this and all the information is available in google

    5 slides is perfect


    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness. Writing Assignment Help

    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness Paper


    The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of common women’s health acute and chronic illnesses and to compare and contrast common versus nontraditional treatment modalities.


    • Select one acute and one chronic women’s health issue (e.g., urinary tract infection and osteoporosis).
    • Describe and outline the issue, prevalence, and significance.
    • Describe health promotion and screening for each issue.
    • Outline diagnostic tests or laboratories needed for each issue. Elaborate on what you would expect or anticipate in the diagnostic testing with each illness you choose.
    • List and describe common treatment or management modalities for each issue.
    • Discuss patient education and follow up that is needed for each issue.
    • Identify health screening and promotion needs for women across the lifespan specific to the chronic illness.
    • For each selected issue, compare and contrast traditional versus nontraditional treatment options.
    • Examine how you would collaborate with other members of the health care team for best practice.
    • Assignment Requirements

    Before finalizing your work, you should:

    • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
    • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
    • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

    Your writing Assignment should:

    • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
    • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
    • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
    • use APA 6th Edition format.
    • be 5-10 pages in length excluding tittle and reference page.
    • No plagiarism, original work only.
    • Use 8 reference not older than 5 years.


    Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

    Annotated Bibliography

    Due: Tuesday, 11/19

    The goal of this assignment is to help you compile, select, and study the sources you will use in your

    essay. It also asks you to spend time reading, interpreting, and analyzing your sources so that you can

    decide how you might incorporate them in your project. You may find through your studying of a selected

    source that it doesn’t quite fit the purpose of your essay and, in that case, you can choose not to use it. In

    any case, this assignment requires you to become familiar with the sources you’ve gathered and to

    consider how they might operate in your essay discussion (to help you develop your thesis/analysis or

    answer your research question).

    Assignment Requirements

    To create your bibliography, follow these guidelines (each of these is a required component of each


    1). List all of your selected sources in MLA format (8th edition).

    2). Just below each MLA citation, write a 100 word abstract which includes the following


  • A brief non-evaluative summary of each source which explains the work’s governing
  • thesis or purpose (What are the main points? How does it address your subject?)

  • Brief biographical or identifying information for the source’s author. If there is no
  • author, provide identifying information regarding the source itself. (Why is it credible?

    What is the context of the source?)

  • Give some indication of how you intend to use the work – what its value will be to your
  • project, etc.

    3). Before turning in your annotated bibliography:

  • Proofread and correct for errors.
  • Be sure your bib is typed, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1” margins.
  • Double-check your citations with Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas). Don’t rely on citation
  • creation websites.

    Including these sources in this working annotated bibliography does not obligate you to use them your

    final paper, but your work will be more useful if you begin careful research now and explore sources that

    you intend to use. Also, it is fine to use “I” in this bibliography (example: “I will use this source to

    provide a contrasting viewpoint.”).

    For details on formatting, check out the samples on Canvas and Purdue OWL.

    100 points are available for this assignment, worth 5% of your overall course grade. The grade will be

    awarded based on the correctness of your citations (MLA 8th edition format) and the strength of your

    abstracts (all three layers covered, well-edited). Submit your Annotated Bib by 10am on 11/19 in




    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help

    A final essay that addresses what the professor was trying to convey in the semester’s lectures. This should not be a mere repetition of what the lectures said, nor should it be a collection of class notes from the semester’s lectures. Instead it should be an integrated essay that describes the basic themes, concepts, ideas, etc., that the professor was developing throughout the semester. You should discuss how the various lectures from the beginning, middle, and end of the semester made up a coherent story, and, if you think that the lectures did not make a coherent story over the 14 weeks of the semester, you should provide a discussion of why you came to this conclusion. In brief, your essay should not merely repeat the words of the lectures, but should provide a discussion of the material.

    There is no requirement for the length, but I think 9-10 is a must.

    There is no powerpoint and book for this course. Only the notes. I gave you one page of note and you worked with me before , like a summary of all the writings.

    And the final will decide what grade I will get from this course directly. It is very important.

    In the document 1119 This is one of the essay I gave to him this semester. He has not grade it yet.

    But you can see it is talk about your own opinion

    Find 4 or 5 or 6? point in the notes

    and write about it? More about what you learned from this

    for the note This is copied from rate my professor

    Show interest, come to class and put STRONG effort in the papers AND the final paper and you’ll get an A.

    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ART102 ART HISTORY:Renaissance,baroque and modern art Humanities Assignment Help

    Please submit responses as a computer print-out or in a “blue book.” This is an open book/open note exam. If you are submitting your answers in a blue-book, please identify your answers by using the designations with both the question number and the answer number. Example: “Q5, A: Correct. You are to note whether the answers are “Correct” or “Not Correct”. You may use the same blue book as you used for the Midterm.

    If you are submitting a computer print-out, please type in “CORRECT” or “NOT CORRECT” in all capital letters to make your answer easy to notice. If the answer is “Not Correct”, find ALL aspects of the answer that are wrong. (Otherwise, you will get only partial credit for you answer.)


    Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

    Prompt: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project 3. You have
    the choice of three tools to use for your presentation—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word. In this presentation, you will choose one of these tools, brainstorm
    your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects, and plan out
    text, visual, and audio elements to articulate these ideas to an audience in an engaging manner.

    I have included the topic I have worked on before and materials. Please read the rubric file and complete the provided worksheet.


    ORG 6011 Organizational Development and Change Business Finance Assignment Help

    Submit Final Research Paper Topic

    Begin preparing for the Final Research Paper Proposal.

    The Research Project Proposal‘s focus should be on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a change management solution. You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious one that you could picture properly. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that requires an organizational change management solution.

    Note: You need to submit a topic for your final research paper.

    The proposal gives a high-level overview of the final research paper. It gives information about the organization we are doing the organizational change management project for, a description of the problem/opportunity, and an overview of the organizational change management. The proposal must be submitted and feedback received from the professor before doing the rest of the project. The proposal should be one and a half to two pages (not including cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1 inch margins, and headings for the paper format requirements.

    The proposal should consist of the following:

    1. Cover page
    2. Table of contents
    3. Brief company background
    4. Business problems or opportunities overview
      1. Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing an organizational change management solution for
      2. Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization
    5. Overview of organizational change management
      1. Provide a brief overview of the organizational change management solution, and explain how it fits the needs of the organization.
      2. Final Research Paper Requirements are as follows:

    The written document for this assignment should follow the APA style. Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).

    Submit an APA formatted paper of at least 10-15 pages in length; include 10-15 scholarly resources (i.e. not Wikipedia) on a topic of change management.

    b) Get approval from your Faculty member for the topic.

    Your paper will be graded according to the criteria outlined in the Student Handbook rubric for writing. Use the rubric information in the creation of your paper ensuring it contains all of the important elements; your work will be graded accordingly.

    Rubric Criteria (see Student Handbook for more details).

    Substance of the Assignment

    Organization of the applied project

    Mechanics of writing

    Evidence of research

    Length of paper


    comprehensive course review Writing Assignment Help

    Students will write a comprehensive reflection paper that recaps their main takeaways from the course. Reflect on what you learned about the process of human-centered design, and the use of empathy, observation, ideation, prototyping, and iteration in developing new products for a commercial audience. Also discuss what the most successful aspects of the course were for you? What were the weakest parts of the course? How Might We improve the course for next time?

    Submission Criteria:

    This assignment submission is expected to be 5 typed-pages (double spaced 12-point font 1-inch margins, no white space at top or bottoms of pages). Students should reference the content and takeaways from individual assignments and different sections of the course.

    [supanova_question] and examine variation in responses to the question along several political and demographic features.

    Research/Writing the Paper

    1. Provide a justification for why the opinion question you chose is interesting and important, and formulate informed hypotheses supported by the public opinion literature as to how the results of the data analysis will play out.

    1. Use other variables in the survey:
      1. Select one demographic variable (e.g., sex, age, etc)

    1. Select two political variables (e.g., partisanship, whether someone has voted, etc)

    1. Analyze the bivariate means on the chosen opinion question: create one table showing the demographic variable’s relationship to the opinion variable.

    1. Analyze multivariate means on the chosen opinion question across demographic and political items. This will require you to create at least two tables.
      1. For example, if you picked Trump Approval as the opinion variable, whether someone has a college degree as the demographic, that person’s partisanship and whether they have voted as the two political variables, make the following:
        1. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and partisanship
        2. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and voting status

    Analyze differences (if any) in responses to your chosen opinion question across these three variables (e.g., how do men and women differ in their response to X? How do Republicans and Democrats differ on X?)

    1. Provide a general overview of your findings in relation to concepts covered in class. Be sure to be thorough in relating the two.

    Paper Guidelines

    4-5 pages (including tables), double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman.

    Include in-text citations, as well as a references page (refs not included in page count).

    Turn in by Friday, December 20 (5pm) on Canvas.





    The paper persuasively and thoroughly describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest to us.


    The paper describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest, but only briefly and without much elaboration.


    The paper does not describe the chosen public opinion measure/does not include this section.



    The paper provides analysis of the four different variables in relation to the public opinion measure (including bivariate and multivariate graphs), and presents the information in some readable form (table is recommended, graphs are allowed but not required)


    The paper only briefly provides analysis of the four different variables, is missing some presentation of analyses, and/or doesn’t have information presented in readable form


    The paper does not include analysis of the four variables in relation to the public opinion variable.



    The paper thoughtfully and thoroughly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of broader public opinion research.


    The paper only briefly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of public opinion research


    The paper does not seek to connect the findings to research in public opinion



    Relevant citations and references are included both in-text and in a reference list


    The paper only includes citations to some of the ideas present in the text; i.e., the paper includes concepts that are not the author’s own without attribution


    The paper does not include in-text citations and/or references



    Power point how we change a smie development country to a development Humanities Assignment Help

    What is the role to change Saudi Arabia from semi development country to a development country

    – what the vision of 2030 focus on in terms of tourism in Saudi Arabia especially on the west coast of Saudi Arabia by the read sea development project

    what are the goals of this

    how this will work and benefit the economy by tourism

    did Saudi Arabia will become a fully development country by 2030

    I want a good power point and pictures of this and all the information is available in google

    5 slides is perfect


    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness. Writing Assignment Help

    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness Paper


    The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of common women’s health acute and chronic illnesses and to compare and contrast common versus nontraditional treatment modalities.


    • Select one acute and one chronic women’s health issue (e.g., urinary tract infection and osteoporosis).
    • Describe and outline the issue, prevalence, and significance.
    • Describe health promotion and screening for each issue.
    • Outline diagnostic tests or laboratories needed for each issue. Elaborate on what you would expect or anticipate in the diagnostic testing with each illness you choose.
    • List and describe common treatment or management modalities for each issue.
    • Discuss patient education and follow up that is needed for each issue.
    • Identify health screening and promotion needs for women across the lifespan specific to the chronic illness.
    • For each selected issue, compare and contrast traditional versus nontraditional treatment options.
    • Examine how you would collaborate with other members of the health care team for best practice.
    • Assignment Requirements

    Before finalizing your work, you should:

    • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
    • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
    • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

    Your writing Assignment should:

    • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
    • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
    • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
    • use APA 6th Edition format.
    • be 5-10 pages in length excluding tittle and reference page.
    • No plagiarism, original work only.
    • Use 8 reference not older than 5 years.


    Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

    Annotated Bibliography

    Due: Tuesday, 11/19

    The goal of this assignment is to help you compile, select, and study the sources you will use in your

    essay. It also asks you to spend time reading, interpreting, and analyzing your sources so that you can

    decide how you might incorporate them in your project. You may find through your studying of a selected

    source that it doesn’t quite fit the purpose of your essay and, in that case, you can choose not to use it. In

    any case, this assignment requires you to become familiar with the sources you’ve gathered and to

    consider how they might operate in your essay discussion (to help you develop your thesis/analysis or

    answer your research question).

    Assignment Requirements

    To create your bibliography, follow these guidelines (each of these is a required component of each


    1). List all of your selected sources in MLA format (8th edition).

    2). Just below each MLA citation, write a 100 word abstract which includes the following


  • A brief non-evaluative summary of each source which explains the work’s governing
  • thesis or purpose (What are the main points? How does it address your subject?)

  • Brief biographical or identifying information for the source’s author. If there is no
  • author, provide identifying information regarding the source itself. (Why is it credible?

    What is the context of the source?)

  • Give some indication of how you intend to use the work – what its value will be to your
  • project, etc.

    3). Before turning in your annotated bibliography:

  • Proofread and correct for errors.
  • Be sure your bib is typed, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1” margins.
  • Double-check your citations with Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas). Don’t rely on citation
  • creation websites.

    Including these sources in this working annotated bibliography does not obligate you to use them your

    final paper, but your work will be more useful if you begin careful research now and explore sources that

    you intend to use. Also, it is fine to use “I” in this bibliography (example: “I will use this source to

    provide a contrasting viewpoint.”).

    For details on formatting, check out the samples on Canvas and Purdue OWL.

    100 points are available for this assignment, worth 5% of your overall course grade. The grade will be

    awarded based on the correctness of your citations (MLA 8th edition format) and the strength of your

    abstracts (all three layers covered, well-edited). Submit your Annotated Bib by 10am on 11/19 in




    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help

    A final essay that addresses what the professor was trying to convey in the semester’s lectures. This should not be a mere repetition of what the lectures said, nor should it be a collection of class notes from the semester’s lectures. Instead it should be an integrated essay that describes the basic themes, concepts, ideas, etc., that the professor was developing throughout the semester. You should discuss how the various lectures from the beginning, middle, and end of the semester made up a coherent story, and, if you think that the lectures did not make a coherent story over the 14 weeks of the semester, you should provide a discussion of why you came to this conclusion. In brief, your essay should not merely repeat the words of the lectures, but should provide a discussion of the material.

    There is no requirement for the length, but I think 9-10 is a must.

    There is no powerpoint and book for this course. Only the notes. I gave you one page of note and you worked with me before , like a summary of all the writings.

    And the final will decide what grade I will get from this course directly. It is very important.

    In the document 1119 This is one of the essay I gave to him this semester. He has not grade it yet.

    But you can see it is talk about your own opinion

    Find 4 or 5 or 6? point in the notes

    and write about it? More about what you learned from this

    for the note This is copied from rate my professor

    Show interest, come to class and put STRONG effort in the papers AND the final paper and you’ll get an A.

    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ART102 ART HISTORY:Renaissance,baroque and modern art Humanities Assignment Help

    Please submit responses as a computer print-out or in a “blue book.” This is an open book/open note exam. If you are submitting your answers in a blue-book, please identify your answers by using the designations with both the question number and the answer number. Example: “Q5, A: Correct. You are to note whether the answers are “Correct” or “Not Correct”. You may use the same blue book as you used for the Midterm.

    If you are submitting a computer print-out, please type in “CORRECT” or “NOT CORRECT” in all capital letters to make your answer easy to notice. If the answer is “Not Correct”, find ALL aspects of the answer that are wrong. (Otherwise, you will get only partial credit for you answer.)


    Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

    Prompt: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project 3. You have
    the choice of three tools to use for your presentation—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word. In this presentation, you will choose one of these tools, brainstorm
    your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects, and plan out
    text, visual, and audio elements to articulate these ideas to an audience in an engaging manner.

    I have included the topic I have worked on before and materials. Please read the rubric file and complete the provided worksheet.


    ORG 6011 Organizational Development and Change Business Finance Assignment Help

    Submit Final Research Paper Topic

    Begin preparing for the Final Research Paper Proposal.

    The Research Project Proposal‘s focus should be on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a change management solution. You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious one that you could picture properly. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that requires an organizational change management solution.

    Note: You need to submit a topic for your final research paper.

    The proposal gives a high-level overview of the final research paper. It gives information about the organization we are doing the organizational change management project for, a description of the problem/opportunity, and an overview of the organizational change management. The proposal must be submitted and feedback received from the professor before doing the rest of the project. The proposal should be one and a half to two pages (not including cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1 inch margins, and headings for the paper format requirements.

    The proposal should consist of the following:

    1. Cover page
    2. Table of contents
    3. Brief company background
    4. Business problems or opportunities overview
      1. Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing an organizational change management solution for
      2. Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization
    5. Overview of organizational change management
      1. Provide a brief overview of the organizational change management solution, and explain how it fits the needs of the organization.
      2. Final Research Paper Requirements are as follows:

    The written document for this assignment should follow the APA style. Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).

    Submit an APA formatted paper of at least 10-15 pages in length; include 10-15 scholarly resources (i.e. not Wikipedia) on a topic of change management.

    b) Get approval from your Faculty member for the topic.

    Your paper will be graded according to the criteria outlined in the Student Handbook rubric for writing. Use the rubric information in the creation of your paper ensuring it contains all of the important elements; your work will be graded accordingly.

    Rubric Criteria (see Student Handbook for more details).

    Substance of the Assignment

    Organization of the applied project

    Mechanics of writing

    Evidence of research

    Length of paper


    comprehensive course review Writing Assignment Help

    Students will write a comprehensive reflection paper that recaps their main takeaways from the course. Reflect on what you learned about the process of human-centered design, and the use of empathy, observation, ideation, prototyping, and iteration in developing new products for a commercial audience. Also discuss what the most successful aspects of the course were for you? What were the weakest parts of the course? How Might We improve the course for next time?

    Submission Criteria:

    This assignment submission is expected to be 5 typed-pages (double spaced 12-point font 1-inch margins, no white space at top or bottoms of pages). Students should reference the content and takeaways from individual assignments and different sections of the course.

    [supanova_question] and examine variation in responses to the question along several political and demographic features.

    Research/Writing the Paper

    1. Provide a justification for why the opinion question you chose is interesting and important, and formulate informed hypotheses supported by the public opinion literature as to how the results of the data analysis will play out.

    1. Use other variables in the survey:
      1. Select one demographic variable (e.g., sex, age, etc)

    1. Select two political variables (e.g., partisanship, whether someone has voted, etc)

    1. Analyze the bivariate means on the chosen opinion question: create one table showing the demographic variable’s relationship to the opinion variable.

    1. Analyze multivariate means on the chosen opinion question across demographic and political items. This will require you to create at least two tables.
      1. For example, if you picked Trump Approval as the opinion variable, whether someone has a college degree as the demographic, that person’s partisanship and whether they have voted as the two political variables, make the following:
        1. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and partisanship
        2. Mean level of Trump approval by degree and voting status

    Analyze differences (if any) in responses to your chosen opinion question across these three variables (e.g., how do men and women differ in their response to X? How do Republicans and Democrats differ on X?)

    1. Provide a general overview of your findings in relation to concepts covered in class. Be sure to be thorough in relating the two.

    Paper Guidelines

    4-5 pages (including tables), double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman.

    Include in-text citations, as well as a references page (refs not included in page count).

    Turn in by Friday, December 20 (5pm) on Canvas.





    The paper persuasively and thoroughly describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest to us.


    The paper describes why the chosen public opinion measure is of interest, but only briefly and without much elaboration.


    The paper does not describe the chosen public opinion measure/does not include this section.



    The paper provides analysis of the four different variables in relation to the public opinion measure (including bivariate and multivariate graphs), and presents the information in some readable form (table is recommended, graphs are allowed but not required)


    The paper only briefly provides analysis of the four different variables, is missing some presentation of analyses, and/or doesn’t have information presented in readable form


    The paper does not include analysis of the four variables in relation to the public opinion variable.



    The paper thoughtfully and thoroughly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of broader public opinion research.


    The paper only briefly situates findings from 2 and 3 within the context of public opinion research


    The paper does not seek to connect the findings to research in public opinion



    Relevant citations and references are included both in-text and in a reference list


    The paper only includes citations to some of the ideas present in the text; i.e., the paper includes concepts that are not the author’s own without attribution


    The paper does not include in-text citations and/or references



    Power point how we change a smie development country to a development Humanities Assignment Help

    What is the role to change Saudi Arabia from semi development country to a development country

    – what the vision of 2030 focus on in terms of tourism in Saudi Arabia especially on the west coast of Saudi Arabia by the read sea development project

    what are the goals of this

    how this will work and benefit the economy by tourism

    did Saudi Arabia will become a fully development country by 2030

    I want a good power point and pictures of this and all the information is available in google

    5 slides is perfect


    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness. Writing Assignment Help

    Health Promotion, Chronic and Acute Illness Paper


    The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of common women’s health acute and chronic illnesses and to compare and contrast common versus nontraditional treatment modalities.


    • Select one acute and one chronic women’s health issue (e.g., urinary tract infection and osteoporosis).
    • Describe and outline the issue, prevalence, and significance.
    • Describe health promotion and screening for each issue.
    • Outline diagnostic tests or laboratories needed for each issue. Elaborate on what you would expect or anticipate in the diagnostic testing with each illness you choose.
    • List and describe common treatment or management modalities for each issue.
    • Discuss patient education and follow up that is needed for each issue.
    • Identify health screening and promotion needs for women across the lifespan specific to the chronic illness.
    • For each selected issue, compare and contrast traditional versus nontraditional treatment options.
    • Examine how you would collaborate with other members of the health care team for best practice.
    • Assignment Requirements

    Before finalizing your work, you should:

    • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
    • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
    • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

    Your writing Assignment should:

    • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
    • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
    • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
    • use APA 6th Edition format.
    • be 5-10 pages in length excluding tittle and reference page.
    • No plagiarism, original work only.
    • Use 8 reference not older than 5 years.


    Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

    Annotated Bibliography

    Due: Tuesday, 11/19

    The goal of this assignment is to help you compile, select, and study the sources you will use in your

    essay. It also asks you to spend time reading, interpreting, and analyzing your sources so that you can

    decide how you might incorporate them in your project. You may find through your studying of a selected

    source that it doesn’t quite fit the purpose of your essay and, in that case, you can choose not to use it. In

    any case, this assignment requires you to become familiar with the sources you’ve gathered and to

    consider how they might operate in your essay discussion (to help you develop your thesis/analysis or

    answer your research question).

    Assignment Requirements

    To create your bibliography, follow these guidelines (each of these is a required component of each


    1). List all of your selected sources in MLA format (8th edition).

    2). Just below each MLA citation, write a 100 word abstract which includes the following


  • A brief non-evaluative summary of each source which explains the work’s governing
  • thesis or purpose (What are the main points? How does it address your subject?)

  • Brief biographical or identifying information for the source’s author. If there is no
  • author, provide identifying information regarding the source itself. (Why is it credible?

    What is the context of the source?)

  • Give some indication of how you intend to use the work – what its value will be to your
  • project, etc.

    3). Before turning in your annotated bibliography:

  • Proofread and correct for errors.
  • Be sure your bib is typed, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1” margins.
  • Double-check your citations with Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas). Don’t rely on citation
  • creation websites.

    Including these sources in this working annotated bibliography does not obligate you to use them your

    final paper, but your work will be more useful if you begin careful research now and explore sources that

    you intend to use. Also, it is fine to use “I” in this bibliography (example: “I will use this source to

    provide a contrasting viewpoint.”).

    For details on formatting, check out the samples on Canvas and Purdue OWL.

    100 points are available for this assignment, worth 5% of your overall course grade. The grade will be

    awarded based on the correctness of your citations (MLA 8th edition format) and the strength of your

    abstracts (all three layers covered, well-edited). Submit your Annotated Bib by 10am on 11/19 in




    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help

    A final essay that addresses what the professor was trying to convey in the semester’s lectures. This should not be a mere repetition of what the lectures said, nor should it be a collection of class notes from the semester’s lectures. Instead it should be an integrated essay that describes the basic themes, concepts, ideas, etc., that the professor was developing throughout the semester. You should discuss how the various lectures from the beginning, middle, and end of the semester made up a coherent story, and, if you think that the lectures did not make a coherent story over the 14 weeks of the semester, you should provide a discussion of why you came to this conclusion. In brief, your essay should not merely repeat the words of the lectures, but should provide a discussion of the material.

    There is no requirement for the length, but I think 9-10 is a must.

    There is no powerpoint and book for this course. Only the notes. I gave you one page of note and you worked with me before , like a summary of all the writings.

    And the final will decide what grade I will get from this course directly. It is very important.

    In the document 1119 This is one of the essay I gave to him this semester. He has not grade it yet.

    But you can see it is talk about your own opinion

    Find 4 or 5 or 6? point in the notes

    and write about it? More about what you learned from this

    for the note This is copied from rate my professor

    Show interest, come to class and put STRONG effort in the papers AND the final paper and you’ll get an A.

    9 pages double spaced Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ART102 ART HISTORY:Renaissance,baroque and modern art Humanities Assignment Help

    Please submit responses as a computer print-out or in a “blue book.” This is an open book/open note exam. If you are submitting your answers in a blue-book, please identify your answers by using the designations with both the question number and the answer number. Example: “Q5, A: Correct. You are to note whether the answers are “Correct” or “Not Correct”. You may use the same blue book as you used for the Midterm.

    If you are submitting a computer print-out, please type in “CORRECT” or “NOT CORRECT” in all capital letters to make your answer easy to notice. If the answer is “Not Correct”, find ALL aspects of the answer that are wrong. (Otherwise, you will get only partial credit for you answer.)


    Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

    Prompt: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project 3. You have
    the choice of three tools to use for your presentation—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word. In this presentation, you will choose one of these tools, brainstorm
    your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects, and plan out
    text, visual, and audio elements to articulate these ideas to an audience in an engaging manner.

    I have included the topic I have worked on before and materials. Please read the rubric file and complete the provided worksheet.


    ORG 6011 Organizational Development and Change Business Finance Assignment Help

    Submit Final Research Paper Topic

    Begin preparing for the Final Research Paper Proposal.

    The Research Project Proposal‘s focus should be on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a change management solution. You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious one that you could picture properly. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that requires an organizational change management solution.

    Note: You need to submit a topic for your final research paper.

    The proposal gives a high-level overview of the final research paper. It gives information about the organization we are doing the organizational change management project for, a description of the problem/opportunity, and an overview of the organizational change management. The proposal must be submitted and feedback received from the professor before doing the rest of the project. The proposal should be one and a half to two pages (not including cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1 inch margins, and headings for the paper format requirements.

    The proposal should consist of the following:

    1. Cover page
    2. Table of contents
    3. Brief company background
    4. Business problems or opportunities overview
      1. Briefly describe the problem or opportunity that you will be providing an organizational change management solution for
      2. Explain how this problem/opportunity affects the organization
    5. Overview of organizational change management
      1. Provide a brief overview of the organizational change management solution, and explain how it fits the needs of the organization.
      2. Final Research Paper Requirements are as follows:

    The written document for this assignment should follow the APA style. Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).

    Submit an APA formatted paper of at least 10-15 pages in length; include 10-15 scholarly resources (i.e. not Wikipedia) on a topic of change management.

    b) Get approval from your Faculty member for the topic.

    Your paper will be graded according to the criteria outlined in the Student Handbook rubric for writing. Use the rubric information in the creation of your paper ensuring it contains all of the important elements; your work will be graded accordingly.

    Rubric Criteria (see Student Handbook for more details).

    Substance of the Assignment

    Organization of the applied project

    Mechanics of writing

    Evidence of research

    Length of paper


    comprehensive course review Writing Assignment Help

    Students will write a comprehensive reflection paper that recaps their main takeaways from the course. Reflect on what you learned about the process of human-centered design, and the use of empathy, observation, ideation, prototyping, and iteration in developing new products for a commercial audience. Also discuss what the most successful aspects of the course were for you? What were the weakest parts of the course? How Might We improve the course for next time?

    Submission Criteria:

    This assignment submission is expected to be 5 typed-pages (double spaced 12-point font 1-inch margins, no white space at top or bottoms of pages). Students should reference the content and takeaways from individual assignments and different sections of the course.


    one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help

    one ten sentence paragraph on tatto short poem Writing Assignment Help

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