Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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I need you to write a paper 500 words, And it’s about a conversation i have the questions that were discussed in the discussion. You don’t need to use any references, just your opinion on it

The essay question is

You are welcome to discuss the main topics discussed, arguments brought up for/against a certain idea/topic, ways in which it will impact society, local, regional, and/or global implications, etc

and the questions from the discussion are

1- why is your taste of music shaped the way it is?


3- respect people

4- People’s backgrounds

Let me know if it’s not clear i need it after 24 hrs from now

Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LAW531 Rasmussen College Leadership Theory & Behavior Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


We’ve now encountered a wealth of information about leadership theory and leadership behavior. For this discussion, choose a contemporary leader and determine his/her leadership methods based on theory – what are the pros and cons of this person leading this way?

First Post

For this week’s discussion, incorporate the following concepts into your post:

  1. Provide a brief background of the leader you are analyzing.
  2. Which theory best fits this leader’s style? Explain with examples.
  3. What are the benefits and hindrances of this leader leading in this manner?
  4. What would be a better approach to leading, for this leader? Explain.


This week you studied air pollution and the efforts to try and reduce the amounts of air pollution in specific countries. The discussion this week follows a similar path and poses a question regarding global warming.

Most climate experts believe that the Earth is currently experiencing global warming. Your textbook discusses efforts to model how global warming might affect surface temperatures between now and the year 2100. Most models suggest that the Earth’s mean surface temperature will increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Centigrade by the end of the 21st century. This large range of possible surface temperature increases results from an inadequate understanding of the Earth’s climatic system and uncertainties in the data that were entered into the models. Despite allowances for errors in the climate models, critics of claims for global warming still believe that the quality of the climatic data is greatly overestimated and that no reliable conclusions about future surface temperature trends can be made at this time.

Do you believe that we will experience significant global warming during this century due to air pollution? Why do you feel this way?


Florida Interpretation of Common Diagnostic Labs in Pediatric Primary Care HW Writing Assignment Help

Assignment: Interpretation of Common Diagnostic Labs in Pediatric Primary Care

Nurse practitioners routinely order labs for a variety of reasons. Some labs are recommended as part of a certain wellness check. Some labs are tested at birth and repeated at regular intervals. Many labs are ordered to rule in or rule out a diagnosis or just to add to an objective data base along with physical examination, vital signs, image studies, etc. Some of the labs can be done at the point of care (POC) such as an Accu-Check®. Most all labs require a venous blood sample but may require different additives that are in the collection tube. Other samples include arterial blood, urine, sputum, spinal fluid, or exudate.

In Course Documents, you will find the “Unit 7 Assignment Template” that you will use to complete this Assignment. It is organized to include information about a common lab test that you will be completing in pediatric primary care. Please fill in the requested information. It is highly recommended that you keep this information with you during clinical as a reference.

Helpful tip: It is recommended that you keep all of your course work in a virtual (or physical, or both) portfolio for easy access in clinicals as well as future pediatric encounters.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Student successfully completes 98–100% of the Common Pediatric Diagnostic Labs template. Chart data is accurate with current guidelines.
  • Supports all opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information.
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Documents) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


MBA 705 Concord University Management Application Portfolio Business Finance Assignment Help

MAP Section Headings and Content:

I. Executive Summary (2 – 3 pages): Although this will appear at the start of your MAP, please prepare this at the end as it is a summary of your portfolio’s highlights. Please include an Acknowledgement paragraph in this section.

II. Resume and Career Autobiography (2-3 pages – each part (4-6 total pages)): Include your resume here. Part 2: Auto bio: Also create a career autobiography: a separate narrative version of the employment portion of your resume. If any personal elements were important in your career development note in auto-bio as well. Focus on important professional accomplishments, skills acquisition, leadership roles, and career maturity.

III. Formal Educational Experiences (5 pages): Please include educational experiences you’ve done a) For credit, b) Not for credit and/or c) Employer sponsored. While some of these were not strictly “business related,” they may have contributed to your career and leadership development so please include them here For each of the above educational experiences explored, focus on the learning you experienced, not its “syllabus.” Questions to respond to include:

– What were the key learning moments or activities?

– How have you grown or matured professionally as a result of these activities?

– Are there overall “themes” or directions that emerge from these experiences?

IV. MBA Curriculum Highpoints & Milestones (3-5 pages): Include a ½ to 1 page summary of learning reflections for five important assignments from several different courses in the MBA program which you feel illustrate your increased performance level and/or skills and/or accomplishments. Moreover, in the Appendix,post each paper as written.

Please use this section in part to explain where your “Voice” (from Covey’s Eighth Habit) was at the beginning of this MBA program and where it is now? How has it changed? How and where are you expressing your new voice?

  • Please also spend a little time looking back on your life and then into your future, and then use your reflections on this to explain how you feel this MBA program (has already or) can be a very valuable bridge between your past and your future?
  • Note: Please post the edited assignments you reflect on in this section in the MAP Appendix.

V. Leadership-Learning Experiences (3-5 pages): What leadership roles have you had in the past three to five years and what have you learned from these? Describe and then reflect on your experiences in at least one leadership role you’ve had professionally and/or one where you volunteer (or have volunteered—this could be in the community, at your place of worship, etc.). Leadership or participation in events such as those that follow below are evidence of a student’s contribution to their profession and/or community, and in working on the advancement of their career. These opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  1. Attending a national, regional, or state professional conference.
  2. Delivering a formal presentation or (co-)author an article in an area of professional interest.
  3. Organizing an educational or professional meeting, symposium, or colloquium.
  4. Serving on a University policy committee.
  5. Participating on a task force or special purpose committee in a professional setting.
  6. Serving in a leadership position for a professional organization, non-profit board of directors, etc.
  7. Participating in a research project with a college or university faculty member.
  8. Assisting in the teaching of an upper-division course in a content area related to your profession.
  9. Achieving certification in an area of professional interest.

VI. Industry Analysis (IA). Total of 25-30 pp. double-spaced pages in which you can choose which aspects of your industry are the most important to you. To do this, while you’ll want to analyze the history, current state and future of the industry you’ve focused on, you can decide which of these you want to write about. You should scope a particular aspect of the industry that you want to research as well. Your mentor will take your through this scoping in one of the sessions.

Below are possible questions regarding your industry which you can use as a guideline to write up your analysis (pick the ones which are most important to your IA). Note can also develop your IA using another method of your own choosing (there are a couple of alternative ways of structuring this in the literature on IAs). Choose what works best for you. Note: In this section you should weave a story about your analysis of your industry which should be based on the research you have done about it. Also, any information that comes from an outside source needs to be properly cited in APA format! This necessitates a properly APA formatted References page in your MAP.


  • What are important events in your industry’s history? [My suggestion is you provide a timeline summary of this in your Appendix. Whether you choose to reference this is up to you, but you may want to reference the less commonly known aspects of your Industry.]
  • What economic, environmental, legal, political, social and/or technological forces have significantly shaped your industry in the past? As part of this, you could possibly identify 2-3 major technological discontinuities your industry has faced.
  • What were your industry’s past drivers?
  • What are the present drivers of your industry?
  • What are 3 key things you learn about your industry from using Porter’s Five Forces Strategy framework?
  • Who are the key players in your industry?
  • Which players would you bet on as your industry moves into the future?
  • What do you think some of the future industry drivers of your IA will be?
  • My suggestion is you focus on just one or two of the following:



  • Using Scenario Planning, what are 3 possible future scenarios for your industry? (I.e. what do you think will come of this industry as it moves into the future?)
  • What do you feel is your industry’s current “evolutionary trajectory”?
  • What are 2-3 of the “Blue Ocean” opportunities for your industry?
  • Do you want to be a part of this industry – is there a place that would align to your goals in the future.



VII. Conclusion: (2-5 pages)

  1. Summary of your FIELD WORK from the Skills Assessment. Take a post SKILLS ASSESSMENT. Compare to your Semester One Skills Assessment. How have you evolved? It is possible you may see a decline based on a better understanding of the material and you position. That is fine since it is about knowing more of yourself and where you add value. Where do you see your next steps?
  2. Include Action Plan development of the skill(s) you enhanced during the field work and sessions with your mentor. (What have you developed over the course of the MBA 705 sessions with your mentor? – your mentor will provide details on the questions to think about for this section) How successful have you been in developing the skill(s)? What will you do to fill the gaps?
  3. Provide some examples of how you have been able to use your enhanced skills.
  4. D.What has this journey meant to you in bridging your pre-MBA past to your reflective post-MBA future? How will it help you to self-management your career and your life?
  5. E.Who helped and supported your efforts through this journey (acknowledge their support)? Who do you wish to thank for supporting your efforts in this demanding effort?

VII. References

VIII. Appendices (as needed)-including the Milestone papers noted in Section IV above


TAMUK Internal Stakeholders and External Stakeholders Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

The length of the paper should be enough
pages to properly and fully answer all the exercise questions but a minimum of
4 pages is required. As this is an exercise no other sources besides the
attached textbook need to be utilized.

List three reasons why understanding stakeholders is important to successful
project management.

2. What is the difference between an internal and external stakeholder?

3. Which three criteria should you consider when prioritizing stakeholders?

4. When should relationship building between the project manager/other core
team members and important stakeholders occur?

5. What are some ways to build relationships within the core team?

6. What are some ways to build relationships with key stakeholders?

Make sure you complete this assignment in APA format, refer to the attached text book only to complete the task



Johnson and Johnson Baby Products Marketing Strategy Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • You will describe your strategic approach to the market you have chosen, that is how you will recommend that the organization take advantage of the opportunities and deal with the threats. It should also include things like your product/service concept, a general description of your recommended target market and your recommended positioning appeal. Based on previously stated major objectives for the brand, you will now outline the specifics of a marketing strategy for achieving those objectives.
  • A marketing strategy consists of specific strategies for target markets, positioning, the marketing mix, and marketing expenditure levels. It outlines how the company intends to create value for target customers in order to capture value in return. In this section, the planner explains how each strategy responds to the threats, opportunities, and critical issues spelled out earlier in the plan.
    • For example, paint the picture” of the target market — Who are they? What do you they look like? What are their demographics? Psychographics?
  • Additional sections of the marketing plan lay out an action program for implementing the marketing strategy along with the details of a supporting marketing budget.
  • The last section outlines the controls that will be used to monitor progress, measure return on marketing investment, and take corrective action.

Individual: You will write up your SOLUTION in a paper of 3-5 pages using APA style. See EXAMPLE.

Johnson and Johnson Baby Products Marketing Strategy Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Bayonne Packaging Inc Systems Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Submit the final version of each of your peer reviewed diagrams and summaries from Weeks 2, 3, and 4. This portfolio should include the following:

Week 2 Application with Peer Review: Creating Systems Diagrams—based on the case study “Opportunity Consultants, Inc., 2007”

Week 3 Application with Peer Review: Fixing the Sales Process—based on the case study “Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process”

Week 4 Application with Peer Review: Analyzing Stall Points—based on the case study “Bayonne Packaging, Inc.”

Please be sure to utilize the peer reviews from your first draft of these assignments as well as other feedback to help enhance your final submission.

Remember, this should be a clean and edited final version of the work you completed in Weeks 2–4.

General Guidance on Assignment Length: Your Systems Analysis Portfolio will typically be 6–10 pages (single spaced) including the diagrams and summaries and excluding title or reference pages.


University of Southern California Making Isla Vista Eco Friendly Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Finding ways to make “Isla Vista” a more eco and environmentally friendly place throughOrganizing and Outreach.

Minimum 500 words

Must include a introduction, body, and concluding

  • Ambassador system, get a bunch of students to spread word by mouth-similar to block. Get friends on board
  • Online platform- online forums or DIY videos, Facebook group. Become the resource so people know where to reach out to. Email to all students about groups
  • We only found out about Eco Vista because of this class- maybe add more classes that discusses EcoVista
  • School and community outreach, co-op and parks and rec
  • Incentives- internship, community service
  • Isla Vista currency, people do good acts and that gives them currency to use (will be difficult though). Farmer’s market near Costco does this
  • Fun events, family related, food, get educated, prizes
  • Target toward family community because they stay here instead of leaving every four years
  • Spread to schools, get people involved who have children
  • More meetings so people who work during the day can come, offer more meetings
  • Show films at IV theater about climate change, offer extra credit to classes
  • Ucsb students in clubs need points for funding, could implement more community based events for points. Support community more than other club teams
  • Tapping into Gaucho FYI, include more about Isla Vista in general
  • Social media


Rasmussen College Increasing Phonological Awareness Lesson Plan Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Background Information: For this course project assignment, you will create a lesson plan with the goal of increasing English language learners’ phonological awareness.

Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize and work with sounds in spoken language. Some activities that aim to increase phonologic awareness are ones that can include rhymes and predictable language patterns, phonics, blending phonemes (sounds).

Complete a Lesson Plan:

  1. Review this module’s required readings. Learn more about phonological awareness in emergent literacy, and note ideas and details to help you get started.
  2. Download and review the lesson plan template below:
  3. Using the template, create a lesson plan targeted at increasing phonological awareness to your previously chosen audience. Be sure to complete all sections of the plan, including the reflection sections.
  4. Include at least one outside source to support your ideas, and include a references page for those sources formatted to APA standards. Your sources can be credible websites or articles from the Online Library.


Cuyamaca College Opioid Overdose and Death Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Task 1

Choose one of the following health outcome topics to discuss:

  • Opioid overdose/death
  • Suicide
  • Heart attack and/or stroke

Task 2

Write a 2-6 (double-spaced) page paper that addresses the following:

  1. A brief overview of the health topic, including a description of the condition and incidence/prevalence trends in the U.S.
  2. A discussion about the relationship between race, gender, education, and economics and how these factors influence your chosen health outcome.
  3. A brief description of current policies or policy development addressing disparities for your chosen health outcome.
  4. Please include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
  5. Include at least 2 outside sources, properly cited using APA format.

Final Paper

Final Paper




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Topic Overview

15.0 to >12.0 pts


Student provides a thorough explanation as to what their health topic is, including current data related to the topic.

12.0 to >10.0 pts


Student provides a brief explanation of the health topic and includes some current data related to the topic.

10.0 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Student provides a limited or no explanation about their health topic OR health data is missing.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSocial Determinants of Health

50.0 to >42.0 pts


Student has thoroughly discussed at least 3 social determinants of health (e.g., race, gender, SES) and how they influence their chosen health topic.

42.0 to >34.0 pts


Student has discussed at least 2 social determinants of health (e.g., race, gender, SES) and provided a brief explanation of how they relate to their chosen health outcome.

34.0 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Student talks about 0-1 social determinants of health and either draws a brief connection between the SDOH and their chosen health topic, or they do not provide any connection.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePolicy

15.0 to >12.0 pts


Student has researched and thoroughly discussed policies and/or policy proposals related to addressing disparities for the chosen health outcome.

12.0 to >10.0 pts


Student has included policies and/or policy proposals related to addressing disparities for the chosen health outcome; however there is a limited discussion explaining the policy.

10.0 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Student has not discussed policies and/or policy proposals related to addressing disparities for the chosen health outcome.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Conclusion

10.0 to >8.0 pts


The introduction provides the reader with a clear understanding of the paper’s purpose. The conclusion provides a clear summary of the points made in the paper.

8.0 to >6.5 pts


The introduction and conclusion paragraphs are included within the paper. The introduction provides a brief (1-2 sentence) explanation of the paper’s purpose and the conclusion provides a brief (1-2 sentence) summary of the paper.

6.5 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

Paragraphs are missing OR they are included but do not provide a clear understanding of the paper’s purpose nor a clear summary of the points made.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Length

2.0 pts

Full Credit

Paper meets 2-5 page requirement.

0.0 pts

No Credit

Paper does not meet 2-5 page requirement.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Punctuation

3.0 pts


Student has demonstrated masterful use of the English language. There are minimal (1-2) grammatical or punctuation errors.

2.0 pts


Student has demonstrated adequate use of the English language. There are several (approx 5) grammatical or punctuation errors.

1.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Student has not demonstrated masterful or adequate use of the English language. There are many grammatical or punctuation errors throughout the paper.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations

Citations are to be complete using APA format. This includes both in-text citations and a reference list.

5.0 pts


Student has included at least 2 outside resources. Resources are properly cited using APA format.

3.0 pts


Student has only included 1 citation and/or the citation is not properly cited.

0.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Student has not included citations.

5.0 pts


Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Opinions on Different Societal Aspects Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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