Option #1: Leadership Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Option #1: Leadership Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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For this Portfolio Project, write your own philosophy of leadership. Be sure to draw from your knowledge of your leadership and communication skills. Include responses to the following prompts as part of your essay:
- My personal philosophy of leadership is…
- The purpose of my leadership is to…
- The best leaders can be described as…
- For me to be an authentic leader, I need to…
Note: Feel free to use first person language in this assignment.
Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list. Include five to seven references cited in the assignment. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles as reference sources.
- Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed through the Module 3 folder.
- Your paper should be eight to ten pages long and adhere to CSU-Global Writing and APA Guidelines.
- Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
Option #1: Leadership Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Describe the role government should play in correcting for market failures. Economics Assignment Help
Describe the role government should play in correcting for market failures. Make sure to apply Saint Leo’s Core Values to your analysis, remembering that responsible stewardship calls on us to be ‘resourceful’. You should cite specific examples and applications, and take a clear stand on whether you believe the actions of government work towards resolving market failures or not.
Core Values are: Excellence, Community, Respect, Personal Development, Responsible Stewardship and Integrity.
This assignment must be a 2-3 page Word Document and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font with proper APA citations.
The legislative process and healthcare lobbying Health Medical Assignment Help
describe the legislative process and the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Your paper will consist of two parts:
Part 1:
- A clear and complete discussion of the legislative process
Part 2:
- You will choose one of the political issues listed in Burkhardt & Nathaniel on pages 392-393
- Tie that political issue to current legislation being debated in your own state’s house or senate
- Describe both sides of that issue – for and against – clearly and thoroughly
- Explain your own position, and explain why using research-based fact, not just your own opinion.
Make sure you also include a clear, separate introduction and conclusion as a part of this assignment, as these are worth separate points on the grading rubric.
NOTE: Please avoid the following topics, as these do not demonstrate research into current legislation in health care and are more “hot button” issues that do not often result in a strong paper:
- Abortion
- Staffing ratios/mandatory overtime
- Physician assisted suicide
ReferencesMinimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.assignment must follow APA 6th edition formatting, citations and references.
Must be a minimum of 600 words, plagiarism will not be accepted Paper will be turned into an online site to detect plagerismn any plagerism will not be accepted at all Please follow all instructions in above message as well as the RUBRIC and DETAILED ASSIGNMENT instructions I will attach as a file bellow … paper must follow rubric format as well as detailed assignment instruction I have also attached APA 6th addition example to follow
Answer the following 7 questions Business Finance Assignment Help
• How does building a culture of honesty and high ethical conduct help reduce the possibility of fraud?
• What are some ways in which organizations help this type of culture?
• Are they effective? Why or why not?
In answering the question, support your answer with an actual or hypothetical example.
2- People who commit fraud usually display changes in behavior. Give three examples of behavior changes that, if observed, might suggest the person is committing fraud. For each example, give a reason that it suggests fraud but also provide a reasonable explanation for the suspicious behavior other than fraud. For example, someone who suddenly is living beyond their means could be engaging in fraudulent behaviors for those funds. But that person might have also just inherited a sum of money from a dead relative and is not engaging in fraud.
3-Investigation of fraud acts can occur through various sources, both public and private. What are some differences between public sources of information and private sources of information? Identify key differences and explain how they assist investigators. Address the role of the internet in fraud investigation in your post as well.
4-Employees, such as co-workers and managers, are often in the position to detect fraud, yet they lack training in this area. Answer the following questions:
• Should fraud training be mandatory?
• What barriers exist, if any, to implementation of fraud training?
• Further, what are some reasons that employees suspicious of fraud might not report it? What can be done to encourage these suspicious employees?
5-Compare and contrast financial statement fraud with embezzlement and misappropriation, including the legal elements of each and who commits each type of fraud. Also contrast the different kinds of fraud with respect to who benefits. Support your statements with a researched example of a financial statement fraud, embezzlement or misappropriate case.
6-You keep reviewing the financial statement but cannot seem to see where analysis is going wrong. It looks like inventory is getting larger and larger, but you know that you haven’t seen any growth in actual levels of inventory that financial statements seem to be indicating. You just finished a comprehensive audit of all the physical controls of inventory so it is doubtful that inventory is being stolen. Everything else in the financials appears fine. In fact, they seem to indicate that the company is improving in profitability.
Answer the following three questions:
• What might be a valid reason for the increase in inventory cost?
• Assuming that fraud is being committed, how could a fraud perpetrator commit this type of fraud?
• What could be done to prevent this type of fraud?
7-Search the internet for a recent story on information being stolen from a company. Examples include: stolen credit card numbers, personal information, and proprietary secrets. Summarize the article in a well-written paragraph. Then, detail several measures that could have prevented the fraud and possible symptoms that could have detected this fraud.
Your answers are to be at least 250 words. You should cite at least one credible resource (the textbook, module lecture, required readings, and recommended articles are excellent resources).
Quantitative and Qualitative Managerial decisions Business Finance Assignment Help
For this discussion, visit the websites of three publicly traded companies of your choice (via web search or www.sec.gov). Then, address the following:
- Identify and provide a high-level summary of three quantitative and three qualitative managerial decisions that each company’s senior executive made to provide cutting-edge or innovative solutions to business problems within his or her respective companies.
- Discuss evidence from your research to support the existence of the problems as well as the cutting-edge solutions.
Be sure to support your statement or analyses with logic and data, using a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles (appropriately cited) and the company websites. Follow APA format.
Final paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Final Research Paper
For your Final Research Paper, you will create a comprehensive study defining your personal choice of the personality theory you identified in the Week Three assignment. In a six- to eight-page paper, respond to the following:
- Provide three detailed examples of how this theory would be used in the application of skills and techniques, communication, basic problem-solving, ethnic diversity, and establishing and using the helping relationship.
- Describe, in detail beyond the outline, how your theory choice fulfills the genetic, social, and individual factors that create the total personality.
- Describe, in detail beyond the outline, the origin principles, and assessment of validity and utility with regard to your particular personality theory.
- Expand upon your assessment of ways in which the culture, ethnicity, gender, and social status of the theorist influenced the theory.
Writing the Final Research Paper
The Final Research Paper:
- Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
- Must use at least four scholarly resources
Final paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Read the Natural Designs Inc. case study on page 26 of your textbook, and answer the four questions at the end. Business Finance Assignment Help
- Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
- Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
- No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.
Econometrics Analysis Economics Assignment Help
Analyzing and understanding data is an important part of decision making. Econometrics is defined as the statistical methods used to analyze data and make informed decisions. For this assignment, you are required to research data related to an economic issue or situation relevant to your organization or a business organization in general. Use the Bureau of Economic Analysis website to choose data for this assignment. In addition, review the articles in Topic Materials relating to econometrics. Analyze the data you have selected to determine how to use them to make appropriate economic decisions for an organization. As you are analyzing the data, apply econometrics methods (linear regression, statistical mathematics, nonlinear regression, or another relevant model) to validate data and determine strategies and solutions for the economic data retrieved. Please review the “Sample Econometrics Problem” resource to assist you in completing this assignment.
Write a summary (500-750 words) to discuss your data findings and the proposed solutions generated based on applying econometrics and analyzing the data. You are required to submit the selected data, methods for testing and validating data, and the economic decisions you have established based on analysis of the data.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Kotter’s change management Health Medical Assignment Help
Use Kotter’s change management model to discuss
what the HIM management team (as determined in your new organizational chart)
will most likely face in regards to centralization of the HIM services. Create an outline describing each step of
Kotter’s change management model and how the merging of these two HIM
departments will be impacted. Make sure
that the outline includes a brief description of the type of behaviors that may
be exhibited by employees within each step of the model and how management will
communicate/address changes through each step of the model.
Then create a mission and vision statement for the newly
combined HIM Department.
Reading and responding to five short question. Humanities Assignment Help
Daniel L. Pals: Nine Theories of Religion “Introduction”
According to Pals, what was the source of the traditional reluctance to entertain scientific theories of religion?
What does Pals see as the historic significance of Max Müller?
What is the important contrast Pals draws between “substantive” and “functional” theories of religion?
Pals issues an important caution about running to a dictionary for a definition of the word ‘religion’. Defining, he claims, is linked to explaining. What does he mean by that and why is it such an important disclaimer?
Huston Smith: The World’s Religions Chapter One: “Point of Departure”
Given what Smith says in this little introductory chapter, how do you imagine he would interpret the fact of the diverse truth claims of the world’s religions?
What does the Lincoln Steffans fable suggest about how Smith understands the nature of religion? Do you take that understanding to be controversial and/or problematic? Why or why not?
Smith cites Diogenes’ cosmopolitanism approvingly, and if the book were to have been written more recently, that cosmopolitanism would likely have been cast as a now-familiar “multi-culturalism.” How might cosmopolitanism and/or multiculturalism interpret the fact of diverse truth claims offered by the various world religions? Why this way rather than some other?
Answer the questions below in well devolved paragraphs:
In his “Point of Departure”, Huston Smith cites Diogenes’ cosmopolitanism approvingly, and if the book were to have been written more recently, that cosmopolitanism would likely have been cast as a now-familiar multi-culturalism. How might cosmopolitanism and/or multiculturalism interpret the fact of diverse truth claims offered by the various world religions?
Defining “Religion”
Pals issues an important caution about running to a dictionary for a definition of the word ‘religion’. Defining, he claims, is linked to explaining. What does he mean by that and why is it such an important disclaimer?
Often, when new students have trouble with courses like this one, it is because they will want to trump the academic discourse on religion with their own experience of religion or with their pre-theoretical understandings of their own religious community.
Why is it supposed to be important to distinguish theology from “the academic study of religion? Similarly, why distinguish academic religious studies from religion studied from within a “faith community”?
Belief and Faith
For John Gray, apparently “Faith” is a solution to the problem presented by “Belief”. How is that supposed to work?
Smith and the “truth” of Religion
Given what Smith says in this little introductory chapter, how do you imagine he would interpret the fact of the diverse truth claims of the world’s religions?
Option #1: Leadership Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Option #1: Leadership Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help