Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help. Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Read the complete description of the Oral History Interview Final Paper due in this class. Here in Week Four, you must submit a draft of this paper. The draft should include an introduction, thesis, the information you provided in the Interview Description you submitted in Week Two, and be at least three to five pages in length (plus a title page and a reference page) at this time. The draft must utilize the course text and at least three scholarly sources, at least one of which you obtained from preliminary research in the Ashford University Library. The draft must be in paragraph form, properly formatted in APA style, and include an updated reference list of sources you intend to use in the final paper.

Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

seven types of offender rehabilitation treatments, health and medicine homework help Other Assignment Help

Based on the seven (7) types of offender rehabilitation treatments:

  • Psychological
  • Behavior
  • Social
  • Educational/vocational
  • Substance abuse
  • Sex offender
  • Religious

How should offenders and treatment needs be determined and classified?

These programs have been proven to assist numerous offender populations, but there are no clear guidelines that address how or when they should be implemented within correctional institutions. In this assignment, students will select 5 of the 7 types of rehabilitative treatments to analyze and discuss.

  • Select five (5) of the rehabilitative treatment types from the list above.
  • Write 5-6 pages that address the following:
    • The name and purpose of each selected rehabilitative treatment
    • The scope of the treatments
      • What conditions or problems do the programs aim to treat?
      • What are the limitations of the programs?
      • What type(s) of offenders should be treated?
      • How you classify offenders and treatment needs?
    • The effectiveness of the programs within your rehabilitative treatment categories
      • What types of offenders are ideal candidates for these types of treatments?
      • Be sure to use examples to support your explanation.

In 3-4 additional pages, discuss the impact that one of your selected rehabilitative treatments has had on the field of corrections and society’s view of offender rehabilitation within the last 10 years.

APA style and  2 to 4 references


Using Moment Distribution Method calculate the following, Engineering Assignment Homework help Engineering Assignment Help

1- Using Moment Distribution Method calculate the following details

a. The amount of the moment at supports

b. The amount of the moment at mid-span

c. The amount of the deflection at mid-span

d. Draw bending moment diagrams. 

e. Relate the values obtained from analytical method with
results obtained from STAAD.


Using double integration method or slope deflection method
to calculate the following details

a. The amount of the moment at supports

b. The amount of the moment at mid-span

c. The amount of the deflection at mid-span

d. Draw bending moment diagrams.

e. Relate the values obtained from analytical
method with results obtained from STAAD Pro 


Make A Marketing Plan, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Make A Marketing Plan

This is your last assignment for your product or service in this course. You will be creating aMarketing Plan. You have been building pieces of your Marketing Plan each week.  This week it is time to put all the pieces together and add the “executive summary”. The executive summary is a brief overview of your plan, usually 1 – 2 pages long, and is placed at the beginning section of the Marketing Plan.

You will use your assignments from the previous weeks to complete your Marketing Plan. Additional information may also be used/required.  Be sure to incorporate any feedback you may have received from your instructor when submitting your final Marketing Plan.

Your Marketing Plan should include (but is not limited to):

  1. Description of your original product or service
  2. Description of price vs quality of the product
  3. Description of brand information
  4. Discussion of your Break Even (BE) point
  5. Explanation of your supply chain
  6. Discussion on the SWOT analysis
  7. Explanation of your focus group study
  8. An executive summary.  (Hint: the item number in this list is the same as the Week where you created this information!)

Combine all required elements and submit a 5-8 page Marketing Plan (paper). Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia).  The other references must be from the Grantham University online library.  Please adhere to the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed., 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.


Logistics Systems, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

6-8 slides; 100–200 words of speaker notes per slide

preparation for your overall logistics White Paper Recommendation to the
CEO, she has asked you to give her a “taste” of the different kinds of
logistic systems and decisions that different industries use. You decide
to prepare a PowerPoint presentation comparing and contrasting the
logistics systems that are commonly used in the following 3 industries
(include 2 of the 3 in your presentation):

  1. Describe the steps
    in making sure that flights take off on time for an airline. Describe
    the different steps that must occur for an on-time plane departure. For
    example, how does the airline make sure that the plane is properly
    fueled on a timely basis? 
  2. Describe the logistics system that
    overnight small package delivery companies use to ensure that timely
    delivery of undamaged packages occurs on a consistent basis. Discuss how
    packages are scheduled for pick-up and are picked up, tracked, and
    transported to the final destination, along with any other key
  3. Describe the logistics steps that large mass
    merchandiser global supply chains use to ensure timely availability of
    inventory for routine and sales merchandise needs. This discussion must
    begin with the transportation from the foreign factory to its nearby
    port, and continue from there until it arrives at the mass
    merchandiser’s regional warehouses. 

Charts are highly
recommended in terms of communicating your ideas. Be sure you include a
title slide and cited references (and an APA formatted reference slide).

Use atleast 2 in text references



EH 99 Paragraph 1, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Length: There is no word count for this paragraph, though keep in mind that most paragraphs are about 5-12 sentences. Your paragraph should be long enough to introduce the narrowed topic, offer enough specifics and details to support of the topic sentence, and conclude with an insight.

Style: Use MLA format for this submission. See The Write Stuff p. 14 for an MLA paper’s guidelines.

Topic: On Evergreen p. 42, under Writing Assignments, follow the instructions for Paragraph 1: Discuss an important day in your life. 

Guidelines: Think back to a day when you learned something important. In the topic sentence, tell what you learned. Freewrite or brainstorm to gather ideas. Then describe the lesson in detail, including only the most important steps or events in the learning process. Conclude with an insight. Once the first draft is complete, rethink and revise as necessary. Look over the checklist on p. 44 before completing the final version of the paragraph.

EH 99 Paragraph 1, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Parole and Probation, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

The head of your county’s parole and probation department has tasked you with a major responsibility. Your agency has come under fire as a result of published reports in the local media suggesting that recidivism rates in the county have increased because of a lack of professionalism and ethics displayed by officers of the agency. While reviewing your internal policies, you see that the agency’s code of ethics has not been updated in over 20 years. Your supervisor has decided that it is time to completely overhaul the agency’s policies and training as they relate to ethics.

You are tasked with crafting a new code of ethics. Your instructions are to research different codes of ethics being used by probation and parole agencies, as well as those proposed by professional organizations with memberships in parole and probation. Your goal is to identify the broad categories that must be addressed in your new proposed code of ethics.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500-750 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  1. Explain what parole and probation departments do.

  2. Research agencies and organizations and identify at least three examples of codes of ethics for probation and parole agencies.

  3. Compare and contrast the three different codes you’ve found. You should be discussing how the three examples are similar, as well as how they differ.

  4. After discussing the three examples, decide which example you would propose adopting for your agency, if any. 

  5. It may be however, that no one code achieves your desired outcome, in which case it may be that you would choose to take certain elements from one or more of the examples you found. If that is the case, then describe what elements you would take from which examples.

  6. Explain in detail why you picked your chosen example, or why you chose elements from your chosen examples.

  7. Explain why you believe that your new code of ethics will work to improve professionalism in your agency.

  8. Lastly, discuss and describe what types of training would be necessary to implement the new code of ethics in your agency.


Simple statistics questions, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

10) In a study of the effects of stress on illness, a researcher
taillied the number of colds people contracted during a 6­month period
as a function of
the amount of stress they reported during the same
period. There were three stress levels: minimal, moderate, and high
stress. The sums of squares
appear in the following ANOVA summary
table. The mean for each condition and the number of subjects per
condition and the number of subjects per
condition are also noted.
Source df SS MS f
Between groups 22.167
Within groups 14.750
Total 36.917
Stress level Mean N
minimal 3 4
moderate 4 4
maximum 6 4
A) Complete the ANOVA summary table
B) Is F obt significant at a=.05, or at a=.01
C) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.
D)What conclusions can be drawn from the F­ratio and the post hoc comparisons?
E) What is the effect size? What does it mean?
F) Graph the means.

A researcher conducted an experiment on the effects of a new “drug” on
depression. The researcher had a control group that received nothing, a

placebo group and an experimental group that received the “drug”. A
depression inventory that provided a measure of depression on a 50­point
was used (50 indicates that an individual is very high on
the depression variable). The ANOVA summary table appears next, along
with the mean
depressing score for each condition.
source df ss ms f
between groups 1,202.313
within groups 2,118.00
total 3,320.313
drug condition mean n
control 36.26 15
placebo 33.33 15
drug 24.13 15
A. complete the ANOVA summary table
b. Is f obt significant at α= .05; at α= .01?
c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary
d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F ration and the post hoc comparisons?
e. What is the effect size , and what does this mean?
f. Graph the means

A researcher has been hired by a pizzeria to determine which type of
crust customers prefer. The restaurant offers three types of crust:
tossed, thick, and thin. Following are the mean number of
l­inch pieces of pizza eaten for each condition from 10 subjects who had
the opportunity to
eat as many pieces with each type of crust as they desired. The ANOVA summary table also follows
Source df ss MS F
Subject 2.75
Between 180.05
Error 21.65
Total 204.45
Crust type Mean n
Hand­tossed 2.73 10
Think 4.20 10
thin 8.50 10

a) Complete the ANOVA summary table.
b) Is Fobt significant at a = .05; at a = .01?
c) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.
d) What conclusions can be drawn from the F­ratio and the post hoc comparisons?
e) What is the effect size, and what does this mean?
f) Graph the means


Discussion – Designing Healthcare Marketing Channels, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help


— This is a discussion, need strong paragraph and references. —

Health Services Marketing

“Designing Health Care Marketing Channels” 

  • Describe a health care provider with which you are familiar and discuss the function and flows that needs to be performed by that provider’s marketing channel. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Referring to the same health care provider, determine the optimal design of health care delivery channels. Explain your rationale.

***This is a discussion, not a paper. Need strong paragraph and references.***


What is the difference between a randomized ANOVA and a repeated measures ANOVA?, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help

please explain all solutions

2) What is the difference between a randomized ANOVA and a repeated measures ANOVA? What does the term one­way mean with respect to

4) If a researcher decides to use multiple comparisons in a study with three conditions, what is the probability of a Type I error across these
comparisons? Use the Bonferroni adjustment to determine the suggested alpha level.
6) When should post­hoc comparisons be performed?

8) Why is repeated measures ANOVA statistically more powerful than a randomized ANOVA?

10) In a study of the effects of stress on illness, a researcher taillied the number of colds people contracted during a 6­month period as a function of
the amount of stress they reported during the same period. There were three stress levels: minimal, moderate, and high stress. The sums of squares
appear in the following ANOVA summary table. The mean for each condition and the number of subjects per condition and the number of subjects per
condition are also noted.
Source df SS MS f
Between groups 22.167
Within groups 14.750
Total 36.917
Stress level Mean N
minimal 3 4
moderate 4 4
maximum 6 4
A) Complete the ANOVA summary table
B) Is F obt significant at a=.05, or at a=.01
C) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.
D)What conclusions can be drawn from the F­ratio and the post hoc comparisons?
E) What is the effect size? What does it mean?
F) Graph the means.

12) A researcher conducted an experiment on the effects of a new “drug” on depression. The researcher had a control group that received nothing, a
placebo group and an experimental group that received the “drug”. A depression inventory that provided a measure of depression on a 50­point scale
was used (50 indicates that an individual is very high on the depression variable). The ANOVA summary table appears next, along with the mean
depressing score for each condition.
source df ss ms f
between groups 1,202.313
within groups 2,118.00
total 3,320.313
drug condition mean n
control 36.26 15
placebo 33.33 15
drug 24.13 15
A. complete the ANOVA summary table
b. Is f obt significant at α= .05; at α= .01?
c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary
d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F ration and the post hoc comparisons?
e. What is the effect size , and what does this mean?
f. Graph the means

14) A researcher has been hired by a pizzeria to determine which type of crust customers prefer. The restaurant offers three types of crust: hand­
tossed, thick, and thin. Following are the mean number of l­inch pieces of pizza eaten for each condition from 10 subjects who had the opportunity to
eat as many pieces with each type of crust as they desired. The ANOVA summary table also follows
Source df ss MS F
Subject 2.75
Between 180.05
Error 21.65
Total 204.45
Crust type Mean n
Hand­tossed 2.73 10
Think 4.20 10
thin 8.50 10

a) Complete the ANOVA summary table.
b) Is Fobt significant at a = .05; at a = .01?
c) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.
d) What conclusions can be drawn from the F­ratio and the post hoc comparisons?
e) What is the effect size, and what does this mean?
f) Graph the means


What is an Fratio? Define all the technical terms in your answer.


What is error variance and how is it calculated?


Why would anyone ever want more than two (2) levels of an independent variable?


If you were doing a study to see if a treatment causes a significant effect, what would it mean if within groups variance was higher than between
groups variance? If between groups variance was higher than within groups variance? Explain your answer


What is the purpose of a post­hoc test with analysis of variance?


What is probabilistic equivalence? Why is it important?


Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Oral History Interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

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