Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Research paper. 12 pages. APA.

A. In the 3rd person. Describe an organization from your personal experience and its objectives. (technology equipment and services organization that provides services worldwide with multiple office around the world. The objectives are to provide the latest technology equipment in the market, become a worldwide brand recognized in the technology industry by providing a superb quality of services)

1. Describe 3 leadership practices of a specific leader in the org. 1 paragraph per practice (senior leader in project management with 30+ years of experience in various depts.)(Shared decision making, encourage employees input and feedback and modeling desired behavior)

2. Discuss how the leader has affected the organization culture (financially detailed oriented leader that has the organization with a meticulous mindset when engaging the organizations revenue)

B. Conduct a SWOT analysis evaluating the chosen organization by doing the following:

1. Evaluate 2 organizations current strengths. (Organizational Communication and innovation culture for products)

2. Evaluate 2 organizations current weaknesses. (Too many products makes it difficult to become a subject matter expect, no plan of action to counter the organizations structure when growth occurs)

3. Evaluate 2 of the organizations current unmet opportunities.(modernize the service to match the available technology and standardize the organizations processes)

4. Evaluate 2 of the of the organizations current unresolved threats. (quality of the products out of the factory and cost of products and services are too high)

C. Leadership evaluation, perform a leadership analysis of the same leader in the above section. Apply one theory to the following sections. (Transactional leadership, situational leadership, behavioral leadership or servant leadership. choose only 1)

1. Three Strengths of the current leader. (Strategic, Achiever, Focus)

2. Three Weaknesses of the current leader. (Setting clear goals for departments other than finance, employee communications/relatability and failure to advance along with technology)

3. Three Recommendations for the current leader (divide the attention on the organizations department not only the finance dept, provide smart objectives to the entire organization and take continuous education courses on technologies available to facilitate the day to day e.g. One Note, Zoom, etc.)

Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harmony and The Dream by David Brook Article Summary Analysis and Evaluation Humanities Assignment Help


View “How to Write a Critique Lecture” to understand
how to format a critique. The sections of a critique
include the summary, analysis and evaluation of the
article, “Harmony and the Dream”. An additional
document on the Critique guidelines are included in this
module. The critique can be separated into 4 short
paragraphs including the introduction in your summary,
the analysis, the evaluation and finally, the conclusion.
You can also condense the critique by including all the
sections in 2 longer paragraphs: introduction/summary
(first paragraph) and analysis, evaluation and conclusion
(second paragraph). The critique must be a minimum of
325 words.

Read and follow the guidelines on the attached
document. You will be scored on the consistency and
insightfulness of your critique.


3.Read sample critique and focus on comments and
questions as a guide to writing the critique. You will send
the answers to the questions via email. Your critique should
NOT include similar phrasing found in the sample. You
must critique the article from your own perspective. You
may research familiar topics that refer to the distinctions
made between collectivism and individualism.



24TH, 11:59PM.

4. Attached is the Critique rubric. Refer to the required criteria when

writing your critique. You must “meet expectations” to achieve a passing

grade. The most important section of the critique is the analysis and

evaluation-you will focus on and address the strengths and weaknesses

of the article, “Harmony and the Dream”.













Harvard University Finance & Economics Markets Questions Economics Assignment Help

” Please revisit EACH quiz question (including both: your correct & incorrect answers) and provide me with a short summary (question by question) what went wrong, why did you missed that question, what should be the correct answer – and more importantly WHY is it correct? Please EXPLAIN in DETAIL, provide examples (it’s ok to use lecture video examples). Also, for the questions you answered correctly, please substantiate – how did you know that was a correct answer.

In this assignment your job is to demonstrate to me that you understand the concept.


Q1. Question: Liquid asset is simply the one, which can be sold quickly.

a). True

b). False

I made a mistake of selecting wrong answer because..

Now, I realize that correct answer is …. because ….


It is critical that you provide me with DETAILED answers. I will NOT accept simply stating which is correct, and which is wrong.”

This is the note I have for the assignment from professor. Wherever I have received 1/1. I have answered it correctly and wherever I have received 0/0 , I got it wrong. Please answer why it is right or wrong as mentioned above.


University of South Florida Behavioral Health Concerns and Trauma Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Special Project Title: First Responders: Behavioral Health Concerns and trauma during and after a natural, biological and man-made disaster.

Foundational and/or Concentration Competencies:


  • Use technical knowledge and skill for the recognition, evaluation, risk assessment, and prevention or control of environmental hazards and human health problems.


  • Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health.
  • Apply systems thinking tools to a public health issue.
  • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.
  • Select methods to evaluate public health programs.
  • Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations.


  • Review natural, biological and man-made disasters that have disrupted the Public Health system.
  • Review systems that are in place to provide care to those that suffer from behavioral health issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other disorders due to natural, biological and man-made disasters.
  • Review services that are in place to provide care to first responders that suffer from behavioral health issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other disorders due to events that have occurred such as, natural, biological and man-made disasters
  • Are the services that are offered to this subset of the population, effective? And if so, is there data.
  • An increase in behavioral health services will be needed to help first responders that have been in the front lines fighting this pandemic. What services can be offered to ensure these individuals recover and can continue to provide services to the communities they serve.


It has been very evident, especially lately as the world grapples with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the work- related exposures to natural and human caused disasters that first responders encounter. We remember the aftermath of 9/11 and the direct exposure to injury, death, grief, pain, loss of human life and the long hours of work as they were all of the sudden separated from their families. According to SAMHSA It is estimated that 30 percent of first responders develop behavioral health conditions including, but not limited to, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as compared with 20 percent in the general population (Abbot et al., 2015). Now, more than ever in the COVID-19 era, first responders are feeling an overwhelming disruption to their communities, families, social, physical and economic sustainability. Without a good system in place that can effectively respond to disasters and the after-math of disasters that could be attributed to natural, biological and man-made, our public health system can and will crumble. Protecting the populations health and those providing services for the well-being of those communities is a vital part of protecting the health of the people.


UNF Selection Tools and Assessment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Considering the value of job performance, assessment centers, and legal issues, you are trying to determine who to promote to sales manager. Vincent and Peter are sales associates and are up for promotion to sales manager. In the last five years, using a rating scale of 1= poor to 5= excellent, Vincent’s average performance rating was 4.7 and Peter’s was 4.2.

You have access to an assessment center (contracted) and you want to determine if they would be the candidates to send to the assessment center. What type of interview would you envision to help you make the final decision? Why? In the assessment center that was meant to simulate the job of sales manager, using a rating scale of 1 = very poor to 10= outstanding, Vincent’s average score was 8.2 and Peter’s was 9.2. All other things being equal, who would you promote? Why?



Harmony and The Dream by David Brooks Critique Analysis Humanities Assignment Help


View “How to Write a Critique Lecture” to understand
how to format a critique. The sections of a critique
include the summary, analysis and evaluation of the
article, “Harmony and the Dream”. An additional
document on the Critique guidelines are included in this
module. The critique can be separated into 4 short
paragraphs including the introduction in your summary,
the analysis, the evaluation and finally, the conclusion.
You can also condense the critique by including all the
sections in 2 longer paragraphs: introduction/summary
(first paragraph) and analysis, evaluation and conclusion
(second paragraph). The critique must be a minimum of
325 words.

Read and follow the guidelines on the attached
document. You will be scored on the consistency and
insightfulness of your critique.


3.Read sample critique and focus on comments and
questions as a guide to writing the critique. You will send
the answers to the questions via email. Your critique should
NOT include similar phrasing found in the sample. You
must critique the article from your own perspective. You
may research familiar topics that refer to the distinctions
made between collectivism and individualism.



24TH, 11:59PM.

4. Attached is the Critique rubric. Refer to the required criteria when

writing your critique. You must “meet expectations” to achieve a passing

grade. The most important section of the critique is the analysis and

evaluation-you will focus on and address the strengths and weaknesses

of the article, “Harmony and the Dream”.












Harmony and The Dream by David Brooks Critique Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Temple University Heritage Language Learners Term Description Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Read Shin, Ch. 4
  • In a document to be uploaded to Canvas, briefly define the following terms in about 40-60 of your own words for each one, depicting how the author uses them to explain what it means to be a heritage language speaker/learner.
    1. heritage language learner
    2. foreign language learner
    3. two-way immersion
    4. No Child Left Behind
    5. Common Core State Standards
    6. community language schools
    7. flexible bilingualism
    8. multicompetence
    9. less commonly-taught languages
    10. Seal of Biliteracy
  • Watch the video, “No child left monolingual” by Kim Potowski, U of Illinois at Chicago (15 min.): (Links to an external site.).
  • In a few sentences compare and contrast the arguments that Shin (from the reading, especially the first section) and Potowski (from the video) make for supporting heritage language learners through bilingual education. Then outline your own perspective on the matter and explain whether any of the authors’ arguments felt especially convincing to you. Finally, explain whether you felt any of these arguments were particularly effective in persuading a broader public who may believe that learning the majority language (English in the U.S.) must be prioritized above all else.

1.Introduce yourselves and the topic.

2.Do not present a summary of the case background

3.Begin by identifying the Problem or Opportunity

A clear, succinct description of the problem or opportunity to be analyzed.

4.Offer a Set of Alternatives

Develop a set of alternative solutions and describe clearly how each solves the problem or takes advantage of the opportunity.

5.Present a Recommendation(s)

Select the best strategy(ies) from the identified alternatives.

Discuss how these would be implemented.

6.Identify the intermediate metrics and a conclusive metric for tracking program performance and determining success.

7.Cite sources in-text and list references per APA on last slide


CS 370 Park University Information Security in Network Mapper Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

  • Locate the Internet version of the book Nmap Network Scanning, The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning by Gordon “Fyodor” Lyon. You’ll find this at (Links to an external site.).
  • Read the Preface and Chapter 1 at a minimum. You might also find chapters 5, 7 and 8 interesting and accessible.
  • Answer the following questions in a 1-3 page report
    • (5 pts) Briefly summarize what nmap is and what it can be used for
    • (15 pts) Based on your reading, describe how you might use nmap to improve security at your workplace or school. Include a brief description of your network topology and where you would be scanning from.
    • (10 pts) Describe any legal or ethical issues that need to be addressed before using this tool to help secure your network.
    • (8 pts) Describe how this tool might be used against your network.
    • (5 pts) Provide some background information on the author of this book. Would you categorize him as a “white hat” or “black hat” hacker
  • As always, be sure to cite any sources you use.


Gender Socialization Helps Individuals to Learn how To Behave Socially Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Exercise – Gender Socialization

Write a one page reaction/response based on the following questions.

Gender socialization from the media:

1. Think of some male and female gender roles/stereotypes (e.g. aggressive or emotional) and provide a list of 5-6 items for each category.

2. Then, think of some media images that reinforce such gender roles/stereotypes. You can think of any advertisement, TV show, or movie.

3. Have the gender socialization practices changed?Have you noticed any “stereotype breaking images” – images that do not correspond to the appropriate gender category?

4. Is the movement of “stereotype breaking images” unidirectional or bidirectional, meaning do we notice images reflecting the masculinization of females, the feminization of males, or both?

5. What consequences do such non-conforming images have for gender roles?Do they improve or deteriorate the social status and roles of men or women?


ENG L241 IUB Araby & Young Goodman Brown Comparative Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

A comparative-analysis argument essay about some aspect of two short stories. It will contain: 1) an analytical claim; 2) reasons for that claim; 3) textual evidence to support the reasons and claim; 4) analysis of the evidence; 5) explanation of the significance of the claim. 1500-1700 words. Follow MLA guidelines and cite all sources.

the purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of evidence-based analytical argumentation.

all i

there will be 5 files attached for what exactly the professor wants. check them and follow them exactly.

also there is 2 files of the two stories that you will need to write about.

story 1 : Araby

story 2 : Young Goodman Brown.

make sure you follow the instruction because this long essay worth lots of points .


  • Read the Preface and Chapter 1 at a minimum. You might also find chapters 5, 7 and 8 interesting and accessible.
  • Answer the following questions in a 1-3 page report
    • (5 pts) Briefly summarize what nmap is and what it can be used for
    • (15 pts) Based on your reading, describe how you might use nmap to improve security at your workplace or school. Include a brief description of your network topology and where you would be scanning from.
    • (10 pts) Describe any legal or ethical issues that need to be addressed before using this tool to help secure your network.
    • (8 pts) Describe how this tool might be used against your network.
    • (5 pts) Provide some background information on the author of this book. Would you categorize him as a “white hat” or “black hat” hacker
  • As always, be sure to cite any sources you use.
  • [supanova_question]

    Gender Socialization Helps Individuals to Learn how To Behave Socially Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Exercise – Gender Socialization

    Write a one page reaction/response based on the following questions.

    Gender socialization from the media:

    1. Think of some male and female gender roles/stereotypes (e.g. aggressive or emotional) and provide a list of 5-6 items for each category.

    2. Then, think of some media images that reinforce such gender roles/stereotypes. You can think of any advertisement, TV show, or movie.

    3. Have the gender socialization practices changed?Have you noticed any “stereotype breaking images” – images that do not correspond to the appropriate gender category?

    4. Is the movement of “stereotype breaking images” unidirectional or bidirectional, meaning do we notice images reflecting the masculinization of females, the feminization of males, or both?

    5. What consequences do such non-conforming images have for gender roles?Do they improve or deteriorate the social status and roles of men or women?


    ENG L241 IUB Araby & Young Goodman Brown Comparative Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    A comparative-analysis argument essay about some aspect of two short stories. It will contain: 1) an analytical claim; 2) reasons for that claim; 3) textual evidence to support the reasons and claim; 4) analysis of the evidence; 5) explanation of the significance of the claim. 1500-1700 words. Follow MLA guidelines and cite all sources.

    the purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of evidence-based analytical argumentation.

    all i

    there will be 5 files attached for what exactly the professor wants. check them and follow them exactly.

    also there is 2 files of the two stories that you will need to write about.

    story 1 : Araby

    story 2 : Young Goodman Brown.

    make sure you follow the instruction because this long essay worth lots of points .


  • Read the Preface and Chapter 1 at a minimum. You might also find chapters 5, 7 and 8 interesting and accessible.
  • Answer the following questions in a 1-3 page report
    • (5 pts) Briefly summarize what nmap is and what it can be used for
    • (15 pts) Based on your reading, describe how you might use nmap to improve security at your workplace or school. Include a brief description of your network topology and where you would be scanning from.
    • (10 pts) Describe any legal or ethical issues that need to be addressed before using this tool to help secure your network.
    • (8 pts) Describe how this tool might be used against your network.
    • (5 pts) Provide some background information on the author of this book. Would you categorize him as a “white hat” or “black hat” hacker
  • As always, be sure to cite any sources you use.
  • [supanova_question]

    Gender Socialization Helps Individuals to Learn how To Behave Socially Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Exercise – Gender Socialization

    Write a one page reaction/response based on the following questions.

    Gender socialization from the media:

    1. Think of some male and female gender roles/stereotypes (e.g. aggressive or emotional) and provide a list of 5-6 items for each category.

    2. Then, think of some media images that reinforce such gender roles/stereotypes. You can think of any advertisement, TV show, or movie.

    3. Have the gender socialization practices changed?Have you noticed any “stereotype breaking images” – images that do not correspond to the appropriate gender category?

    4. Is the movement of “stereotype breaking images” unidirectional or bidirectional, meaning do we notice images reflecting the masculinization of females, the feminization of males, or both?

    5. What consequences do such non-conforming images have for gender roles?Do they improve or deteriorate the social status and roles of men or women?


    ENG L241 IUB Araby & Young Goodman Brown Comparative Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    A comparative-analysis argument essay about some aspect of two short stories. It will contain: 1) an analytical claim; 2) reasons for that claim; 3) textual evidence to support the reasons and claim; 4) analysis of the evidence; 5) explanation of the significance of the claim. 1500-1700 words. Follow MLA guidelines and cite all sources.

    the purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of evidence-based analytical argumentation.

    all i

    there will be 5 files attached for what exactly the professor wants. check them and follow them exactly.

    also there is 2 files of the two stories that you will need to write about.

    story 1 : Araby

    story 2 : Young Goodman Brown.

    make sure you follow the instruction because this long essay worth lots of points .


  • Read the Preface and Chapter 1 at a minimum. You might also find chapters 5, 7 and 8 interesting and accessible.
  • Answer the following questions in a 1-3 page report
    • (5 pts) Briefly summarize what nmap is and what it can be used for
    • (15 pts) Based on your reading, describe how you might use nmap to improve security at your workplace or school. Include a brief description of your network topology and where you would be scanning from.
    • (10 pts) Describe any legal or ethical issues that need to be addressed before using this tool to help secure your network.
    • (8 pts) Describe how this tool might be used against your network.
    • (5 pts) Provide some background information on the author of this book. Would you categorize him as a “white hat” or “black hat” hacker
  • As always, be sure to cite any sources you use.
  • [supanova_question]

    Gender Socialization Helps Individuals to Learn how To Behave Socially Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Exercise – Gender Socialization

    Write a one page reaction/response based on the following questions.

    Gender socialization from the media:

    1. Think of some male and female gender roles/stereotypes (e.g. aggressive or emotional) and provide a list of 5-6 items for each category.

    2. Then, think of some media images that reinforce such gender roles/stereotypes. You can think of any advertisement, TV show, or movie.

    3. Have the gender socialization practices changed?Have you noticed any “stereotype breaking images” – images that do not correspond to the appropriate gender category?

    4. Is the movement of “stereotype breaking images” unidirectional or bidirectional, meaning do we notice images reflecting the masculinization of females, the feminization of males, or both?

    5. What consequences do such non-conforming images have for gender roles?Do they improve or deteriorate the social status and roles of men or women?


    ENG L241 IUB Araby & Young Goodman Brown Comparative Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    A comparative-analysis argument essay about some aspect of two short stories. It will contain: 1) an analytical claim; 2) reasons for that claim; 3) textual evidence to support the reasons and claim; 4) analysis of the evidence; 5) explanation of the significance of the claim. 1500-1700 words. Follow MLA guidelines and cite all sources.

    the purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of evidence-based analytical argumentation.

    all i

    there will be 5 files attached for what exactly the professor wants. check them and follow them exactly.

    also there is 2 files of the two stories that you will need to write about.

    story 1 : Araby

    story 2 : Young Goodman Brown.

    make sure you follow the instruction because this long essay worth lots of points .


    Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Organizational Communication and Leadership Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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