ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Course: ORGB 601: Human Interfaces

Each individual’s collection of personality traits is different, thus makes us unique. However,
we all share many common traits. For this assignment, please use the Big 5 personality test
in the link below and you will get specific % on each dimension of the Big 5. This exercise is
designed to help you think about and understand the effects of the Big 5 personality dimensions
on your preferences and outcomes.

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of your Big 5 results on each dimension and
how this may affect the way you carry out your work and task now, not you wish to be.
There are no right and wrong answers. For example, if you got 75% on agreeableness,
what is the positive and negative implication of this score when you work?
To answer the above question you can use your personal work experience. The
experience can be derived from your present or past workplace. If you do not have job
experience then you can use your school as an example.

2. Imagine now that you are promoted to a managerial role. Based on your Big 5 results,
determine what would be the best management style fit for you and why? You may
discuss the pros and cons of your identified management style. Here is your opportunity
to apply your Big 5 results into your managerial setting. There are many different
management styles and this is where research comes in.

3. There are many perceptual errors and biases has been discussed in the class. Research
2 new perceptual errors and biases (except from your class discussions) and discuss
how these errors and biases can influence you in an organizational setting.

*Please do not use the following errors and biases as these errors and biases has been
used several times in the past assignment: Recency error, similar to me effect,
primary effect, horns effect.

Note that everyone has different work experiences, thus any similarity between the content
of your assignment and someone else in the class will not be accepted, and I will be very
suspicious. Furthermore, I highly recommend that you read through the course guideline before
you start your assignment to meet my expectations.

The following format is applied for this assignment:

  • Total words limit should be maximum 2500 words including cover/title page,references, or figures as an appendix.
  • Please include your word count on the cover/title page.
  • 12-point font, normal margins, double-spaced, and font type: Times New Roman.
  • All paragraphs must be indented 5 spaces an all pages must be paginated.
  • No TYPOS, grammar, or spelling errors.
  • All the references and in-text citations should be APA (7th ed.) style format for all
  • sources.

  • At least 5 references (more are better) are required for this assignment (all references
  • must be from academic journals). All the references should be under 10 years old.

  • Any paper found to have used sources not cited or have directly pasted materials is a
  • form of plagiarism.

  • Your course assignment should be organized as follows:
  • Cover/title page with your name and title of the assignment
  • Executive Summary/Abstract
  • Introduction (short introduction about the three questions-less than 100-200
  • words)

  • Results and Discussion
  • Section One: Question 1
  • Section Two: Question 2
  • Section Three: Question 3
  • Conclusion (a shot conclusion that summarizes your main findings- less than
  • 100-200 words)
  • References
  • Appendices (If any)
  • ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ACCT DU Ethics Code of the International Federation of Accountants Questions Writing Assignment Help

    1. After reading the most recent IASB Board Meeting Summaries specified in this week’s reading activity, discuss any one topic that you reviewed.

    • What do you think the impact of this particular topic might be on domestic companies if the United States ultimately adopts IFRS?

    2. How do independence, objectivity, and confidentiality impact an accountant or auditor’s judgment? Use examples from your own work experience, if possible.

    3Why should codes focus on principles rather than specific detailed rules?

    4. Why should a professional accountant be aware of the Ethics Code of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)?


    HFT 3263 FL International University Food Movie Management Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a film writing question and need support to help me study.

    Assignment 2:“Food” movie reflection

    In an effort to give you additional “restaurant” experiences, I have selected a variety of movies that revolve around food and restaurants: Chef, Hundred Foot Journey, Big Night, Dinner Rush, Burnt or Spinning Plates. You will select and watch one that piques your interest, preferably one you have not seen before. You will the write a reflection paper. What lesson can be learned from the movie? How will that influence you in your hospitality career? Minimum 750 words.


    Grossmont and Cuyamaca College Dantes Divine Comedy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Write a solid paragraph in length (as always a solid paragraph is roughly 5-7 sentences) answering the questions down below in only 1 paragraph and Divine comedy. Please don’t copy from google and read the slides I have attached to help you answer. please get your answers from the slides.

    Why does Dante use the symbolism of three for each of the important beings he meets at the end of each section of the Divine Comedy (Satan at the end of Inferno, Beatrice at the end of Purgatorio, and God at the end of Paradiso)? What is he saying about Satan, Beatrice, and God that they are all represented by the number three (the three faces of Satan, one yellow, one black, and one red; the three colors of the garb of Beatrice, red for love, green for faith, and white for hope; and the three aspects of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)? Why do you think he does this? Why do you think Dante focuses on the things he does in the poem? What does this say about his society?

    For the discussion document please respond to a student and discuss what you disagree with from the discussion.


    CYB 602 National University Microsoft Threat Modeling Toom TMT 2016 Report Computer Science Assignment Help

    I’m working on a cyber security report and need support to help me study.

    In this report, I got the Idea of how it looks like, what to use, also there are references provided (Ill post them once bid submitted )- I haven’t done any work yet. The due date shows 1159 PM PST Thursday, But i believe changed to Sunday. This week I’ll be working on this report and I will keep posting to you any update. I need help with guidance and explanation and of course correcting my work too. I’ll keep checking with my professor and keep you posted. Im not sure about the charge for this I’ll put 50 and I can put tip later just because dont know much about this report. The report requirements is below :

    In this assignment, you will use the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (TMT-2016).

    You are a security analysts at a large university. Your CIO has asked you to draft a threat model for the university Single Sign-On (SSO) system. You are to do this in the Microsoft Threat Modeling tool. The SSO system is used by Faculty, Administration, and Students to access the following University systems:

    System Faculty Admin Students
    Email Y Y Y
    BlackBoard Y Y Y
    Finance N Y Y *
    Curriculum Development Y Y N

    Given Assumptions:

    • Different roles require different permissions. (For example, a faculty member needs to see all student grades but a student should only see their own grade.)
    • Faculty and administrative staff have access to the applications from both internal workstations and remote systems using a VPN connection; students will not be using a VPN for their remote access, but must use an encrypted channel (SSL/TLS) – you can decide how this is implemented
    • You can create some of your own additional assumptions, as long as they are fully explained

    Further Assignment instructions:

    • The Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (TMT-2016) should be downloaded and installed on your own computer. File is linked below. If you are using a Mac computer, you will need to create a VM running Windows 8.1 or 10 to install TMT-2016.
    • Your model should cover the entire STRIDE model (which is the default analysis method in TMT-2016) – you need to explain and address all six types/categories of threats.
    • Within the completed threat model, you must show mitigations (with justifications) for at least 20% of the identified threats.
    • The data flow diagram created in TMT-2016 should show all necessary elements/components, including Trust Boundaries, with appropriate data flow connections – be sure to modify the Attributes within the Element Properties to include security settings that will reduce the risks/threats. (Take advantage of the Overview and Example of using TM-2016 in the reference documents below – it takes you through the necessary steps
      1. The model you created with the tool (the original TM7 file).
      2. The Full Report output from TMT-2016 – either in HTML format (standard output file) or as a PDF document (this needs to be setup as Legal size paper in Landscape orientation).
      3. NOTE: If your output report from TMT-2016 is NOT comprehensive, you must also submit a write-up describing the system environment, purpose, and basic architecture, along with all assumptions you made and external dependencies (this write-up may be in Word or PDF format).

      The assignment is due no later than 11:59pm (PT) on Thursday of Week Four.



    ENGLISH 2 Santa Monica College Camus The Guest The Inadmissible Complicity Humanities Assignment Help


    • Opinion/Assertion


    • Read the criticism in this module [below], entitled, “Camus’ The Guest: The Inadmissible Complicity” and share your ideas about the criticism in a discussion post (you may quote the passage). The post is meant to be a response specifically to THIS CRITICISM. So write a two full paragraphs [or more if you wish] on this criticism [in relation to the play].

    Requirements: 3 paragraphsThe objective of this assignment is to read the file that I have attached and give feedback on the critique by disagreeing with certain texts or explaining why you agree. Fully explaining and giving examples from the text is what earns an A so please make sure to be doing so. 450 words meaning two full paragraphs is what is required. thank you again for everything.

    ENGLISH 2 Santa Monica College Camus The Guest The Inadmissible Complicity Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Colorado Music Connects Us & It Mostly Helps Us Deal with Our Emotions Response Writing Assignment Help

    Part 1

    tell us a little bit about what kinds of music you enjoy.Do you listen to any radio stations? (Be sure to cite the call letters, frequency, band, and format: i.e. WYLD 940 AM Gospel, etc.) Are you a musical performer – do you play in a band, or sing in your church choir?Where are you from? What is your major? What makes you unique?As you get to know the other students in this course, please respond to at least one other student’s introduction with a substantive response. Think of a substantive response as one where you’re trying to tell a classmate about yourself, and hopefully also learning something about them. For example: “Hi, it’s nice meeting you. I also listen to that style of music, and have since I was fourteen years old. I love the way ____________ sings. Who”s your favorite artist”?

    Part 2

    Keep a log of ALL the music you hear over a two day period. Not just the music you choose to listen to, but everything you encounter in your life (in stores, on TV, while on hold on the phone, etc.). Post your reflections on the amount and quality of music you experienced. Were there any surprises or revelations once you looked at your log? WHAT were the surprises you encountered? Don’t post the log itself, that would be too long – just a summary and your reflections

    Part 3

    Post your definition(s) or opinions on the question What is ART? What is the difference between an Art and a Science? Between an Art and a Craft? (feel free to check out the beginning of the excellent article on “Art” at, but keep in mind, I am more interested in your reasoned opinion or discussion, than in a book report). What is MUSIC? (What is NOT music – is the opposite of music silence, or is it noise?) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, EXPLAIN THISANSWER. Again, you are welcome to check out Wikipedia on “Music” but I am much less enthusiastic about the quality of this article. This could be a good opportunity to get to know Wikipedia, if you are not already familiar with it. It is a great place to start, but, since it is an open source that can be edited by anyone, it must be used with caution. Not all the articles are equally accurate or sophisticated.

    Part 4

    Visit the Discussion forum “Arts Journal” and click on the link ( Arts Journal features thousands of articles covering many topics (not just music). In fifty words, post your thoughts about this site. A couple of ideas that you may want to focus on: Were you aware that a site like this existed? What types of articles do you think you’ll most enjoy reading? Please provide a substantive response to another student’s post.


    Western Kentucky University Zara Core Competency Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Please write 1-2 page answer to the following questions about Zara’s core competency, and submit your answer as a word document attachment. Please also post on the discussion forum #3 by Jan 31, Sun, to discuss your answer with the class.

    Please read the opening case of Zara in Chapter 3, and use value chain analysis to identify Zara’s core competency. Please answer the following questions in your analysis:

    Which value chain activities (marketing, logistics, design, human resource management, etc.) make Zara competitive compared with major rivals in the industry segment? What resources (tangible and intangible) and capabilities does Zara have that are valuable, rare, non-imitable, and non-substitutable? How sustainable is Zara’s core competency? Or, how long/how easy does it take for Zara’s competitors to duplicate or substitute Zara’s resources and capabilities? (Hint: intangible resources are harder to duplicate than tangible resources such as factories.)

    Also, pay attention that strength and weakness are defined as “relative to competitors”. So try to compare Zara with its major competitors for each value chain activity.

    There is a supplementary reading from New York Times and a video posted in this folder, but they are not required to complete the assignment

    video: 100000001895335/spains-inditex-spins-gold.html”>

    zara case will be attached as a pdf document


    Grand Canyon University Racial Diversity in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Depending on the size and type of business, most organizations have varying levels of diversity, in terms of race and ethnicity of employees and leaders. This also depends on numerous other factors, such as whether they are local, regional, national, or multinational.

    • Describe and discuss an organization (post its URL) that is either racially or ethnically diverse, or both. Include a description of the organizations geographic location, mission, service(s) or product(s), and other background facts that help explain its diversity.
    • How did the culture of the organization help to promote diversity? What are some of the policies and practices the organization put in place to accommodate this diversity? What, if anything, would you do differently to accommodate diversity in the organization?

    Respond to two classmates on their chosen organization. What can you add to their posts?

    Refer to the rubric for grading details.


    Purdue University Global Stand Your Grounds in Nevada Essay Law Assignment Help

    The final version of your researched argument should be eight (8) to ten (10) pages in length and should incorporate at least seven (7) sources.

    Required Criteria:

    In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

    • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
    • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
    • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
    • Appropriate APA citation style should be followed.
    • You should also make sure to:
    • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
    • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
    • Use examples to support your discussion.
    • List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format.

    [supanova_question] case will be attached as a pdf document


    Grand Canyon University Racial Diversity in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Depending on the size and type of business, most organizations have varying levels of diversity, in terms of race and ethnicity of employees and leaders. This also depends on numerous other factors, such as whether they are local, regional, national, or multinational.

    • Describe and discuss an organization (post its URL) that is either racially or ethnically diverse, or both. Include a description of the organizations geographic location, mission, service(s) or product(s), and other background facts that help explain its diversity.
    • How did the culture of the organization help to promote diversity? What are some of the policies and practices the organization put in place to accommodate this diversity? What, if anything, would you do differently to accommodate diversity in the organization?

    Respond to two classmates on their chosen organization. What can you add to their posts?

    Refer to the rubric for grading details.


    Purdue University Global Stand Your Grounds in Nevada Essay Law Assignment Help

    The final version of your researched argument should be eight (8) to ten (10) pages in length and should incorporate at least seven (7) sources.

    Required Criteria:

    In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

    • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
    • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
    • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
    • Appropriate APA citation style should be followed.
    • You should also make sure to:
    • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
    • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
    • Use examples to support your discussion.
    • List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format.

    [supanova_question] case will be attached as a pdf document


    Grand Canyon University Racial Diversity in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Depending on the size and type of business, most organizations have varying levels of diversity, in terms of race and ethnicity of employees and leaders. This also depends on numerous other factors, such as whether they are local, regional, national, or multinational.

    • Describe and discuss an organization (post its URL) that is either racially or ethnically diverse, or both. Include a description of the organizations geographic location, mission, service(s) or product(s), and other background facts that help explain its diversity.
    • How did the culture of the organization help to promote diversity? What are some of the policies and practices the organization put in place to accommodate this diversity? What, if anything, would you do differently to accommodate diversity in the organization?

    Respond to two classmates on their chosen organization. What can you add to their posts?

    Refer to the rubric for grading details.


    Purdue University Global Stand Your Grounds in Nevada Essay Law Assignment Help

    The final version of your researched argument should be eight (8) to ten (10) pages in length and should incorporate at least seven (7) sources.

    Required Criteria:

    In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

    • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
    • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
    • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
    • Appropriate APA citation style should be followed.
    • You should also make sure to:
    • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
    • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
    • Use examples to support your discussion.
    • List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format.

    [supanova_question] case will be attached as a pdf document


    Grand Canyon University Racial Diversity in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Depending on the size and type of business, most organizations have varying levels of diversity, in terms of race and ethnicity of employees and leaders. This also depends on numerous other factors, such as whether they are local, regional, national, or multinational.

    • Describe and discuss an organization (post its URL) that is either racially or ethnically diverse, or both. Include a description of the organizations geographic location, mission, service(s) or product(s), and other background facts that help explain its diversity.
    • How did the culture of the organization help to promote diversity? What are some of the policies and practices the organization put in place to accommodate this diversity? What, if anything, would you do differently to accommodate diversity in the organization?

    Respond to two classmates on their chosen organization. What can you add to their posts?

    Refer to the rubric for grading details.


    Purdue University Global Stand Your Grounds in Nevada Essay Law Assignment Help

    The final version of your researched argument should be eight (8) to ten (10) pages in length and should incorporate at least seven (7) sources.

    Required Criteria:

    In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

    • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
    • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
    • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
    • Appropriate APA citation style should be followed.
    • You should also make sure to:
    • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
    • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
    • Use examples to support your discussion.
    • List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format.


    ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    ORGB 601 UCW Big 5 Personality Dimensions & Perceptual Errors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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