Ottawa University The Organizational Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Ottawa University The Organizational Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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After reading chapter’s 2 and 3 of Brewer and Westerman (2018), watch the TedTalk, Lead like the Great Conductors, by Itay Talgam (link below). Based on your understanding of classical and humanistic approaches to organizational communication, choose one conductor reviewed in Talgam’s talk and critically analyze their approach to conducting an orchestra. Relate your analysis to one theory/approach discussed in the chapters in order to demonstrate your understanding of the content and your ability to apply it to practical situations.
As you watch the TedTalk, keep the following question in mind: How does a conductor and orchestra correlate to an organization? By doing so, you will be able to identify specific approaches and theory to organizational communication.
Ottawa University The Organizational Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BIO 101 Liberty Experiencing Difficulties Due to Lack of Focus Testable Hypothesis Science Assignment Help
Your Question:What’s my problem? Is it ADD or ADT?
- Your Hypothesis: State your hypothesis based directly on the above question.
- Your Control for this Experiment: You get a numerical result for the number of definitions you memorized. What does that number mean? Nothing—unless you have a control for your experiment. What is the most obvious control for this experiment?
Your Experiment: Keeping your same diet, sleep habits, and basic activity level, you will be sent on a two-week vacation to the Bahama Islands. You will be given only a beach to walk on and your favorite friend to talk to, following which you will be asked to read and memorize 10 sequential definitions from a standard dictionary in 30 minutes.
Major Hint: The study guide for Quiz 1 indicates where this topic is covered in your text. The two figures in that section give you valuable examples. Remember, the initial question and experiment are provided here. Be careful to provide what the assignment is asking for.
Your assignment:
- Write out a testable hypothesis in a brief sentence. Derive it from the question asked above. (Be certain that the experiment addresses it!)
- In a second sentence, describe a basic, critical control situation (additional experiment?) that will give validity to the experiment described above.
Number your sentences with “1” and “2” and do not use paragraph form.
NUR 4590 Rasmussen College Staffing Justification Email Project Health Medical Assignment Help
Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism.
You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 number of clients with a high acuity required to a ratio of nurse to client at 1:3.
Client acuity level
- Six acuity level 1
- Eight acuity level 2
- Nine acuity level 3
- Seven acuity level 4
You will use the acuity-based staffing model to develop the staffing assignment based on the needs of the clients and a template has been created to use (see resources below).
As you create this assignment, include the following in the mail to your manager to justify your short staffing plan:
- Complete the staffing assignment based on the acuity level.
- Defend how you would direct the staff to their assigned roles for this shift and provide a rationale for the staffing assignment.
- Describe how you would communicate with each level of care provider to assure the best outcomes possible.
- Address how you would assure client equity in the delivery of services.
- Reflect on how you, as a nursing leader, created the staffing assignment based on your core professional values.
- Describe your professional identity characteristics that supported your decision for the staffing assignment.
- Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar
- Summary
- 1.
Thoroughly identified how staff were assigned
based on acuity level. - 2.
Thoroughly identified how the staff assigned
would be directed. - 3.
Explained with detailed rationale how each level
of care is provided for best outcomes. - 4.
Included many detailed examples of how client
equity is assured. - 5.
Reflect on the creation of the staffing
assignment based on your professional values with detailed examples.
Thoroughly described professional identity
characteristics in detail with examples.
HSA 550 Brighton High School New Born Health Paper Writing Assignment Help
hildbearing-Newborn Clinical Experience: Health Promotion Assignment
In lieu of attending clinical experiences directed toward women and infant’s health promotion, students will complete a health promotion assignment targeting a specific aspect of reproductive, childbearing, or newborn health. Students will select from topics within provided directive to complete the Health Promotion Assignment.Health Promotion Assignment Requirements:
- Paper addressing each component of selected topic limited to two pages in length (not including the title or reference page)
- Proper use of APA style formatting
- Use current references (to include a minimum of two pertinent journal articles and one website)
Please select one of the following topics to complete your Health Promotion Assignment:
- Affordability of Women’s Healthcare
- Go to your health insurance web site and answer the following questions:
- What is the cost for a mammogram out of pocket and if deductible has not been met?
- Are well women exams that include a pap smear included in coverage? Are there any costs related to that yearly exam? (deductible, co pay)
- What are the expenses related to birth control? BCP costs, Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL) costs?
- Describe/Discuss at least one option for women’s health care in the Memphis area for the “working poor” (their job does not include health insurance and they make too much money to qualify for any government coverage).
- Include coverage for prenatal care, well women care-yearly pap smear, Birth control
- Discuss costs if any, convenience-locations, clinic hour
- Inequities in Maternal Health
- Address the following issues/questions:
- What populations have a higher rate of mortality and morbidity in childbirth?
- Discuss any of the social determinants of health in Memphis that have an impact on inequities in maternal health
- What are the consequences of these disparities?
- Are there any organizations addressing these inequities?
- Lactation Support
- You have worked in maternal child health for several years and have now decided you want to be a lactation consultant. Answer the following questions:
- What is the scope of a lactation consultant?
- What are the requirements and certification?
- What are some settings that employ lactation consultants?
- Contraception/Pregnancy Prevention Options
- Address the following issues/questions:
- Where can a teenage under the age of 18 receive birth control counseling and birth control in the Memphis area?
- What are the components in decision making for birth control choice?
- Describe the scope of care in at least one organization in Memphis addressing this need
- Discuss options for teenage girls to receive birth control counseling
- Intimate Partner Violence Awareness
- Answer the following questions:
- What are the national statistics on intimate partner violence/domestic abuse?
- What are the resources for a woman needing help in the Memphis area?
- Are there any websites, apps that you could provide to a patient seeking information?
- Alternative Care Models: Certified Nurse Midwifery
- Answering the following questions:
- What is the scope of practice for CNM?
- How do they differ from traditional obstetrical care, well women care, and reproductive health care provided by a obstetrician or family practice doctor?
- What are the educational requirements?
- Include at least one reference from a national nursing organization on nurse midwives
- Where are they practicing in Memphis?
- March of Dimes NICU Support Program
- Go to MOD website and read about the program
- What are some of NICU parents’ unique needs?
- Answering the following questions:
- What need does the program meet?
- Do we have one in the Memphis area?
- What is provided for parents?
- Specialties in Reproductive Health Nursing
- Choose a specialty/setting within reproductive health nursing to focus on the assignment: high-risk obstetrics, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), menopause, oncology, childbirth education
- What is the role of the RN within this specialty/setting?
- Are there additional certifications/education that are either necessary or recommended for this area of nursing?
Answer the following questions:
- Choose a specialty/setting within reproductive health nursing to focus on the assignment: high-risk obstetrics, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), menopause, oncology, childbirth education
Childbearing-Newborn Clinical Experience Health Promotion Assignment Grading Rubric
Rubric for Health Promotion Assignment 15 pointsAdequately addresses women/infant’s health promotionto improve outcomes specific to selected topic 5 points Each component (questions posed for topic) of assignment addressed 3 pointsAccurate, clear, and concise information presented 2 pointsReferences: Current (to include a minimum of two pertinent journal articles and one website) 3 points Proper use of APA style formatting 2 points
ECOM 500 Saudi Electronic Critical Thinking Improving Data Governance Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Cloud Computing is a changing the landscape of IT. For this assignment, first explain the concept Cloud Computing. Then, identify two KSA organizations that have benefited from implementing a Cloud Computing technology. These organizations may be ones you have personal experience with or that you have identified and studied through research. Briefly describe both organizations and then answer the following questions for each:
- What technology did they implement?
- Why did they choose that technology?
- What business factors were evaluated prior to implementation?
- What information deficiencies existed prior to implementation?
- What benefits were gained after implementing the technology?
- Do the benefits associated with the technology outweigh the costs?
Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references in support of your work, in addition to your text and assigned readings. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Oakwood University Wk 8 Managerial Finance Financial Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Conduct a financial analysis of a publicly traded company. Your chosen company should have extensive analyst
coverage to insure access to sufficient financial information for ease of analysis.
2. Apply the nine-step assessment process as espoused by Piper (2010, Pages 1-5) to develop a comprehensive
2,000 word analysis:
Step 1: Analysis of Fundamentals: Goals, Strategy, Market, competitive Technology, Regulatory and Operating
Step 2: Analysis of Fundamentals: Revenue Outlook.
Step 3: Investments to Support the Business Unit(s) Strategy(ies).
Step 4: Future Profitability and Competitive Performance.
Step 5: Future External Financing Needs.
Step 6: Access to Target Sources of External Finance.
Step 7: Viability of the 3-5 Year Plan.
Step 8: Stress Test under Scenario of Adversity.
Step 9: Current Financing Plan.
Assignment Details:
- Five to seven pages, not including title and reference pages.
- Record responses to each question on a Word document.
- Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed academic resources. The textbook is also considered a credible source for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
General Expectations for All Written Assignments:
- Papers should follow current APA guidelines in terms of type, margins, and citations and address the following areas:
- Address the actual assignment topic. Consult the instructor for additional information or clarity on assignment instructions.
- Cover the assignment topic in sufficient detail and depth with scholarly sources to support claims.
- The content should reflect ample use of required readings and other course materials.
- Please see the “Written Assignment Rubric ” for specific grading details.
- The course is Managerial Finance-Principles of Managerial Finance 15th edition by Zutter Smart
Oakwood University Wk 8 Managerial Finance Financial Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FIU Forming a Personal Philosophy About Literacy Assessment & Intervention Discussion Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a other question and need support to help me learn.
Chapter 1: Forming a Personal Philosophy about Literacy Assessment and Intervention DeVries2eCh01.ppt
Chapter 13: Tutoring DeVries2eCh13.ppt
These chapters will give you the opportunity to reflect on theories related to literacy; reading models; reading practices; literacy tutoring; teaching learners with diverse needs; federal, state, and local mandates; disciplinary literacy, and new literacies.
In your paper please discuss the following:
- How will you use this information to design and implement literacy instruction?
- How does understanding the era in which you are entering the teaching program guide your thinking as a teacher?
- How does the understanding of standards and competencies guide your thinking about teaching?
- Why is it important for you to understand how ELLs acquire English?
- How does the knowledge of learning theories, reading models, assessment of reading and interventions reflect on the effectiveness of your own practices?
WGU Effects of Social Media on Customer Perception of Brands Research Proposal Writing Assignment Help
Discussion Board Forum 1 – Introduction to The Dissertation Proposal: Problem & Purpose Statement
After completing the reading in Terrell (chs. 1–2), summarize your Condensed Research Proposal topic. Your topic should fit within the general research area of digital communication. In your summary, include some discussion of your reason for selecting the topic, as well as some general background information for this topic. Also, include your observations regarding what your problem and purpose statements would be. Be sure to incorporate references to the reading for this module and cite your references according to APA style. Your response should be 400–450 words.
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, providing helpful observations or insights regarding their chosen topics, problem statements, or purpose statements. Each response to a classmate should be 200–250 words.
NR 360 Chamberlain College Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety Paper Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a other multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
- What is a workaround? Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior was chosen over behavior that conforms to a safety culture. What are the risks? Are there benefits? Why or why not?
- Discuss the current patient safety characteristics used by your current workplace or clinical site. Identify at least three aspects of your workplace or clinical environment that need to be changed with regard to patient safety (including confidentiality), and then suggest strategies for change.
(Teacher Comments on how to do assignment)You may start posting on Sunday for credit.
Using the instructions above, let’s begin a discussion on patient safety, the effects workarounds, and how to integrate informatics tools to improve current practices.
- CO 2: Analyze data from all relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery of care.
- CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers.
- CO 5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support nursing practice.
- CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy.
- CO 7: Examine the use of information systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse-sensitive outcomes.
- CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care.
As we know, patient safety is an important goal for all of healthcare. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to maintain with all the needs for various patients. As you go through this week’s discussion, I would like to you to also see what informatics can do to improve patient safety and deal with workarounds that occur throughout healthcare. Do you have any experiences in a negative or positive workaround and how informatics could have helped it? Have you been in any situation where patient safety was compromised, and you feel informatics could have prevented it? How can you, as a nursing student, promote patient safety and information confidentiality?
SNHU Wk 3 Fiction Drama Revenge in Hamlet & Prince of Denmark Reaction Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Select a play we read this week: A Doll’s House, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or Oedipus the King.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that details your reading (meaning interpretation) of the play you choose.
Choose a title that reflects the theme you choose and also name the play. Example. “Fate in Oedipus the King“
Introduction: Name the play and its author.Then summarize the play in one sentence. End with your thesis, one sentence: name what you feel is a theme or issue (one theme or issue only) the play addresses, what the playwright is saying about that issue, and say that the role of the imagination is important. Just name them here and expand in the body of the paper.
Note: Italicize the title of the play. Also, do not put Introduction as a heading, as it is not allowed in APA. The first paragraph is automatically the introduction.
Body of the Paper—Do not put Body of the Paper as a heading. I am just using it here to help you to better see the parts of a paper.
————————————–Theme (Name it)
Name the theme again then explain how you come to that theme. An example of a theme is love in a marriage. Explain how you decided the theme. Be specific by naming act/play as necessary.
————–What Playwright is Saying about the Issue (Use this heading)
In this paragraph, explain what you think the playwright is saying about the theme or issue. For example, if the theme is love in a marriage, the playwright may be saying that in a marriage, the two people have to always work at maintaining their love. These are just examples to help you. Explain your what elements of fiction and drama the playwright uses to communicate her/his view/s on the issue and in what act/scene in the play.
————————————Imagination (Use this heading)
In this paragraph, explain how the playwright might have used her or his imagination to write the play. Also say how readers might use their imagination to help themselves interpret the meaning of the play. You can refer to imagining a specific part of the play.
———————————–Conclusion (Use this heading)
In one to two sentences only, wrap up the discussion. Keep it focused on what the paper is about. Do not go away and make broad, vague or unrelated comments. For example, a good conclusion is if you say that you were happy to see what the playwright is saying about the issue, and you agree or you do not agree and briefly say why.
Format your paper according to the appropriate course-level APA guidelines. That means there should be a title page and a Reference page to list the source of the play. See the appropriate course-level APA template and/or the APA Sample Paper.
Save your file in Word. No PDF or any other non-Word file accepted.
Submit your assignment as an attachment. Do not ask me if your assignment arrived. Call Tech Support to tell you how to check that yourself.
Check the attached Grading Rubric.
These chapters will give you the opportunity to reflect on theories related to literacy; reading models; reading practices; literacy tutoring; teaching learners with diverse needs; federal, state, and local mandates; disciplinary literacy, and new literacies.
In your paper please discuss the following:
- How will you use this information to design and implement literacy instruction?
- How does understanding the era in which you are entering the teaching program guide your thinking as a teacher?
- How does the understanding of standards and competencies guide your thinking about teaching?
- Why is it important for you to understand how ELLs acquire English?
- How does the knowledge of learning theories, reading models, assessment of reading and interventions reflect on the effectiveness of your own practices?