Ottawa University Wk 8 The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Ottawa University Wk 8 The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Ottawa University Wk 8 The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCS 589 University of Phoenix WK5 Strategic Planning Model for Black Aids Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
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Issues of Gender and Sexuality Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
You cannot use books, newspapers, magazines or wikipedia as supporting information for your paper. Peer reviewed journal articles have been reviewed for their methods and analysis other sources have not which makes their assertions questionable.
You may choose any area of interest within this or relevant to this course and investigate further using the databases. The more information you find the easier it will be to write your paper. You should use a min. of 5 academic journal articles, but the more you have the more support you will have for your assertions. By reading and reviewing the research articles on your topic you will be able show:
1) a clear understanding of the area of interest
2) the background of the area of interest
3) the main issues
4) the multiple perspectives on the main issues
5) how they’ve been studied
6) your recommendations for future study or policy change.
In academic writing, it is important that you are able to show support for your statements by referencing academic materials. Statements that don’t have support can seem questionable or have no rooting to the framework of your argument.
For this reason I recommend that you first outline your paper using your academic references to construct your theory or argument.
This outline can then be used to write your paper draft and will already include your references since it was based on them.
Your draft can they be reviewed to insure that all statements are supported with references and that you’ve written a strong cohesive paper.
Papers should be 3-5 pages not including cover and works cited (standard font/margins/spacing ~1100-1500words).
Works cited must include at least 5 peer reviewed academic journal articles not including articles originating from this course.
Ottawa University Week 8 Real Estate Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Content
American College of Education Teacher Leadership in Action Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
In Module 1, you compared and contrasted a few theory-based approaches to leadership that share control with organization members. In this module, you will (a) evaluate your own leadership, (b) interview two fellow teachers regarding their leadership and their perceptions of school needs, and (c) meet as a small team to analyze team member answers to six questions, brainstorm school needs that could be addressed through a teacher leadership initiative, and select from the brainstormed list a need or issue to address. Your initiative may seek improvement in professional practice and/or address an area of need in your school.
- View/Download the Template Tables (DOC) for use in this assignment.
- Create a paper in a Word document for your response.
- Create a title page and references page in APA format. Use APA format for the narrative portions of the assignment.
- Follow the steps to complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Submit your final document.
Part 1: Self-Evaluation: Teacher Leadership Competencies
Step 1. Rate yourself by completing the “Teacher Leadership Competencies Scale” provided in the Template Tables document (linked above).
Step 2. Based on your self-rating, describe what do you feel are your most valuable assets as a potential teacher leader
- In what areas do you feel you need the most work as you strive to become a teacher leader?
- How will you actively work to improve in those areas?
Step 3. Answer the following questions that delve deeper into your capacity for leadership and leadership needs in your school. Your answer to each question should be a minimum of one well-developed paragraph. You will ask these same questions of your colleagues as part of this assignment (see Part 2).
- For what responsibilities in your work environment do you or could you take a formal or informal leadership role?
- What are your areas of expertise?
- From whom do you request assistance if you need help in your work?
- What is the greatest untapped resource at your school?
- What are the most important needs, problems, and issues at your school that could conceivably be addressed through teacher leadership?
- Three years from now, what would you like to look back on and say that your leadership helped accomplish?
Part 2: Teacher Interviews
Step 4. For Part 2, interview two colleagues one-on-one and ask the same six questions you answered about yourself and the school. These should be teachers interested in working with you as a team to select a school need, problem, or issue to address through a teacher leadership initiative.
The interviewees you select should have diverse perspectives. For example, you can select a relatively inexperienced (first- or second-year) teacher, a veteran teacher, or someone who holds a different school position, such as a counselor.
Step 5. In your assignment narrative, describe each interviewee: position, years as a teacher, years at the school, the subjects they teach and areas of expertise, and leadership roles.
Step 6. Following your description of each, review their answers to the questions by paraphrasing and focusing on important aspects.
Part 3: Team Meeting Task 1 – Leadership Questionnaire Analysis
Step 7. Arrange a team meeting to review your answers and their answers to the six questions.
Step 8. Create a chart to record notes during the meeting. You may use the template provided on the Template Tables document (linked above), or recreate the chart yourself.
Step 9. Discuss and analyze the group’s responses extensively enough to answer the following questions in your assignment narrative, and answer each question in a paragraph of a minimum 50 words.
- Did you and your colleagues’ responses to the questionnaire reveal any agreement about school needs, issues, or problems you feel should be addressed in your school or your classrooms? If so, describe these? If not, describe the various needs identified?
- What did your colleagues’ responses tell you about the conditions in your school that could help or hinder a teacher leadership initiative to address a school need or issue?
- Did your colleagues’ responses reveal expectations, feelings of self-worth and belonging, a sense of community among teachers, and feelings about control and autonomy in their work?
Part 4: Team Meeting Task 2 – Brainstorming Possible Teacher Leadership Initiatives
Step 10. After discussing answers to the six questions and identifying areas of shared interest and agreement, agree on a particular need, problem, or issue to address, and brainstorm ideas for a leadership initiative. This part of your meeting should focus on establishing a shared purpose and vision for the leadership work your team can do.
Step 11. After consensus is achieved consider the tools and resources you will need to undertake it.
Step 12. In your response include the Meeting Notes table and a narrative that describes your team discussion and your use of leadership strategies during the meeting.
JRN 2201 Troy University Union Minister VK Singh Article Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
Find an example of an article you think is fake news. Copy the headline and lede, word for word, into this forum.
Below the headline and lede, tell us where it was published (what newspaper, website, etc.) and when (must be from June or July this year) and provide the link. In three sentences or more, explain why – using terms and information from Journalism class you think this is fake news.
For help with this assignment, please be sure to read the materials posted below:
Criteria for grading this assignment will include the insight you demonstrate as to what fake news is, how well you follow directions, and whether your assignment is in good form mechanically (spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.).
JRN 2201 Troy University Union Minister VK Singh Article Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of The Cumberlands Alibaba and Global Supply Chains Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Your initial posts will be due by Sunday of each week of the module. All original threads should be at least 250 words. This parameter helps to promote writing that is thorough, yet concise enough to permit other students to read all the postings. The thoughts and opinions expressed in your thread need to be substantiated by research and literature (from the textbook or outside sources). All references should be in correct APA style. While this is a formal discussion environment, you are allowed to use the first person perspective in all your posts since you will be expressing your personal opinions. All original threads should: Bring clarity to the issues being discussed. Raise new and novel (yet relevant) points. Relate issues to personal experience. Rationally defend your stated position.
Alibaba and Global Supply Chains
This activity is important because, as a manager, you must be able to understand global production and supply chain management as they relate to the firm’s overall strategy.
The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of global production and supply chain management—where production should be located, whether to outsource production, and how to manage the process from raw materials to the end consumer.
Read the case and answer the questions that follow.
Alibaba Group Holding Limited ( was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma as an e-commerce company to facilitate sales among companies that provide consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer, and business-to-business products that are sold via the Internet. As the world’s largest e-commerce platform, Alibaba is on a path to realizing its vision of facilitating $1 trillion in product sales annually as it also pursues a goal of reaching 2 billion consumers. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, has a revenue of more than 23 billion U.S. dollars (primarily via advertisements on its sites), and employs about 51,000 people.
Alibaba’s global supply chains are constrained tremendously on “Singles Day” or Guanggun Jie, a Chinese holiday celebrated on November 11, the solitary ones of the date—11.11—suggesting “bare branches,” the common slang for singles in China. On this day alone, more than $20 billion in sales, or more than 300 million orders, takes place on Alibaba’s Internet platforms (e.g., Tmall, Taobao). When global retailers think of mega-sales online, they generally think of Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but they ought to be watching 11.11 closely as well, especially as 11.11 doubles the combined sales of those U.S. e-commerce holidays.
Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80 percent of China’s e-commerce business. The company now operates in 190 countries. Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba is simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. So far, the impact is clear. Beyond its own employees, Jack Ma claims that Alibaba has created more than 30 million jobs in China related to companies that sell their products on the Alibaba e-commerce platforms. Ma has also committed to create 1 million new jobs in the U.S. With such a large scope, the global supply chains that Alibaba facilitates have to be top-notch, innovative, and always pushing the boundaries for what can be done in delivering products from manufacturers to consumers.
Alibaba does this by focusing on a differentiation strategy, partner connections, buyer protection, mobile technology, and large-scale product selections. Alibaba’s differentiation strategy entails operating as an intermediary, connecting buyers and sellers while largely avoiding the need for maintaining capital-intensive warehouses and depots. Partnering with Alibaba enables small manufacturers and suppliers to reach thousands, and likely tens of thousands, of new customers. Importantly, in these buyer–seller exchanges, Alibaba emphasizes buyer protection. That is, if a customer is not satisfied for any reason, he or she can make a refund request. This consumer focus also carries over to how customers interact with the company. Alibaba has seamlessly adapted its e-commerce sites to mobile platforms, an important part of its strategy given that more than 80 percent is done via mobile devices. The large-scale product selection that can be found on the Alibaba platforms has resulted in some 15 billion products being sold annually and 15 million packages being shipped daily (compared with 5 billion items on Amazon and 3 million packages per day).
Sources: “How to Cut Supply Chain Costs: 6 Lessons From Alibaba,” UNA Purchasing Solutions, March 26, 2017; Frank Lavin, “Alibaba’s Singles’ Day: What We Know about the World’s Biggest Shopping Event,” Forbes, November 6, 2016; Bob Bryan, “Alibaba Just Proved It’s More Than Just Some Chinese Company,” Business Insider, November 15, 2015; Catherine Cadell, “Alibaba Posts Record Singles Day Sales, But Growth Slows,” Technology News, November 11, 2016; Jake Novak, “Here’s the Really Brilliant Thing about Trump’s Meeting with Alibaba’s Jack Ma,” CNBC, January 10, 2017; Brian Deagon, “Alibaba’s Audacious Goal to Reach $1 Trillion in Merchandise Sales,” Investor’s Business Daily, May 6, 2016; Catherine Clifford, “By the Numbers: Amazon vs. Alibaba,” Entrepreneur, July 13, 2015; Nick Wells, “A Tale of Two Companies: Matching Up Alibaba vs. Amazon,” CNBC, May 5, 2016.
Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80% of China’s e-commerce business. The company now operates in 190 countries (only 196 countries and 61 territories exist in the world). Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba sounds simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. Do you think this global strategy is viable?
The large-scale product selection that can be found on the Alibaba platforms has resulted in some 15 billion products being sold annually and 15 million packages being shipped daily (compared with 5 billion items on Amazon and 3 million packages per day). This puts tremendous pressure on global supply chains. Can the supply chains continuously facilitate the increased demand that we as customers place on the global supply chain systems?
UOC Disaster & Recover Planning Management Software development Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The Case Analysis is a comprehensive analysis and strategy recommendation that connects the experiences you are having at your externship to the content of the courses in which you are currently enrolled.
Case Analysis: Your goal in preparing the case should be to create a solid analysis of the situation and a set of recommendations about which managerial and/or technology related actions should be taken.
In writing your analysis and evaluation, bear in mind four things:
1. You are expected to offer analysis and evidence to back up your conclusions. Do not rely on unsupported opinions, over-generalizations, and platitudes as a substitute for tight, logical argument backed up with facts and figures.
2. If your analysis involves quantitative calculations, use tables and charts to present the calculations clearly and efficiently.
3. Demonstrate that you have command of the course concepts you are applying in your analysis.
4. Your interpretation of the evidence should be reasonable and objective. Avoid presenting a one-sided argument that omits aspects not favorable to your conclusions.
Safe Assign Information: Your final end of course task should be submitted to Safe Assign. The Originality Report produced by Safe Assign should be less than 20%. You can view the Originality Report upon submission of your paper. If the report is greater than 20%, you will need to evaluate the reasons and make any adjustments necessary. At that point, you may re-submit your assignment. Please note that the due date/time of the assignment is the FINAL chance to submit. It is advisable to submit prior to the due date in case any adjustments are needed to your work.
Peer-Reviewed Articles*
*the following is taken directly from…
What is a peer-reviewed article?
A peer-reviewed article is published in a peer-reviewed journal only after it has been subjected to multiple critiques by scholars in that field. Peer-reviewed journals follow this procedure to make sure that published articles reflect solid scholarship and advance the state of knowledge in a discipline.
These articles present the best and most authoritative information that disciplines have to offer. Also, through the careful use of citations, a peer-reviewed article allows anyone who reads it to examine the bases of the claims made in the article. Peer-reviewed articles lead to many articles in a chain of information.
One drawback to the peer-review process is that articles may not appear for one or two years after they are written. For this reason they are not the best sources to seek for hot, news-driven topics.
Are scholarly and peer-reviewed articles the same thing?
Peer-reviewed and scholarly journals are related but not identical. Not all scholarly journals go through the peer-review process. However, one can assume that a peer-reviewed journal is scholarly.
You can use my previous semesters case study as an refrence. I have attached below. NO plagarism Please
COM 690 Southern New Hampshire University Campaign Process Professional Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help
Component Three: Professional Reflection is due in this module. This 1–2-page essay is your chance to reveal and discuss your thoughts about the process and outcomes of this project. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences. This process is also a self-assessment measure, allowing you to address your experiences and what you have learned about yourself.
In this final module, you will complete a professional reflection essay and share your thoughts about the campaign process with your peers. The essay is your chance to reveal and discuss your thoughts about the process and outcomes of this project. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences. This process is also a self-assessment measure, allowing you to address your experiences and what you have learned about yourself.
This essay should reflect on the process you just completed:
- What did you learn about yourself?
- What does the completion of a capstone experience tell you about what you have learned during your M.A. experience?
- What did you learn about your personal work processes?
- What, if anything, would you do differently next time?
- Did you find the assignment useful?
- Do you feel you have achieved the learning outcomes?
America Public University Wk 7 Prosocial Behavior Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Instructions
Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior
Much of what we tend to focus on when we study social psychology are topics that often have a negative connotation such as conformity, prejudice, aggression or obedience. A huge component of the study of social psychology; however, focuses on prosocial behavior – behaviors that focus on compassion and helping others. For this activity, you will focus on this more uplifting aspect of social psychology. Topics that fall under the area of prosocial behavior include altruism, helping, bystander intervention, empathy, and compassion, among others.
For this exercise, pick one day and seek to structure your thoughts and behaviors entirely around helping others. With each interaction or action you take, pause to think and ask yourself “is there a way I might help another here?” Hold a door for someone, offer your seat, share a smile, give a sincere compliment, show empathy to another, attempt to be more patient or understanding, etc. Your efforts should be in social settings that involve interactions with others (rather than something such as donating to a charity for instance). The goal is to be as thoughtfully prosocial in your interactions throughout the day as possible.
- At the beginning of the day, jot down your general mood, feelings, attitude, etc.
- Then throughout the day, whenever possible, carry a small notebook with you or make notes in an app on your phone to jot down meaningful encounters or experiences as you attempt to engage in prosocial behaviors.
- At the end of the day, again reflect and take notes on how you feel, your general mood, feelings and attitudes, etc.
In a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation, not counting title or reference slides:
- Summarize your experience. Describe the prosocial behaviors you engaged in, others’ reactions to these behaviors, and your assessment of any changes in mood, attitude, good fortune, or anything else of note you experienced.
- Review what you have learned about human behavior in social settings this week in your readings. Connect what you learned or experienced through your day of conscious, prosocial behavior with the terms, concepts, and theories from your research. Integrate at least two academic sources (your assigned readings/resources can comprise one of these sources), citing any references used in APA format.
- Describe any new insights you gained through this experience about your interactions with others on a daily basis, including any behaviors you wish to change or to continue.
- Use the features of PowerPoint to your advantage to communicate your ideas – include pictures, audio recorded narration, speaker’s notes, video, links, etc. as appropriate to enhance your ideas.
- Include an APA formatted title slide and reference slide. APA components such as an abstract, headings, etc. are not required since this is a PowerPoint presentation.
Submit your presentation as an attachment in the Week 7 Assignment Prosocial Behavior link in the Assignments area of the classroom no later than 11:55 pm EST Sunday of Week 7.
Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior
Component |
Exemplary |
Accomplished |
Developing |
Beginning |
Did Not Attempt |
Points Earned |
Describe the prosocial behaviors, reactions and impact 50 Points Possible |
Student provides a detailed, insightful description of prosocial behavior, reactions and impact on others. |
Student provides a complete description of prosocial behavior, reactions and impact on others. |
Student provides a marginal description of prosocial behavior, reactions and impact on others. |
Student attempts to provide a description of prosocial behavior, reactions and impact on others but description does not demonstrate an understanding of the concept. |
Student does not describe prosocial behavior, reactions or impact on others. |
Connection of experiences to theory 50 Points Possible |
Student provides an accurate, thorough description of the connections between experiences and relevant psychological theory using many examples from the literature. |
Student provides a mostly accurate description of the connections between experiences and relevant psychological theory using at least two examples from the literature. |
Student provides a marginal description of the connections between experiences and relevant psychological theory using at least one example from the literature. |
Student attempts to provide a description of the connections between experiences and relevant psychological theory but does not use examples from the literature for support. |
Student does not provide a description of the connections between experiences and relevant psychological theory. |
Behavioral insights and changes/continuation 20 Points Possible |
Student provides an insightful discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors. |
Student provides a discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors. |
Student provides a marginal discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors. |
Student attempts to provide a discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors, but discussion does not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts. |
Student does not provide a discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors. |
Formatting/Writing 30 Points Possible |
Work is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, and error free. Citations are composed in proper format with few or no errors. Powerpoint is engaging and visually effective. |
Work is grammatically sound with a few minor errors. Citations are composed in the proper format with some errors. Powerpoint is used effectively. |
Work contains frequent grammatical errors. Citations are inaccurate or improperly formatted. Presentation is somewhat hard to follow and/or does not make effective use of common features (images, bullet points, speaker’s notes, etc…). |
Writing errors are so prevalent as to interfere with understanding of the content. Presentation is confusing, hard to read, and difficult to follow. |
Work does not demonstrate appropriate undergraduate level writing. Presentation is not included. |
Summary Comments: |
Total Points Possible: /150 |
In this final module, you will complete a professional reflection essay and share your thoughts about the campaign process with your peers. The essay is your chance to reveal and discuss your thoughts about the process and outcomes of this project. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences. This process is also a self-assessment measure, allowing you to address your experiences and what you have learned about yourself.
This essay should reflect on the process you just completed:
- What did you learn about yourself?
- What does the completion of a capstone experience tell you about what you have learned during your M.A. experience?
- What did you learn about your personal work processes?
- What, if anything, would you do differently next time?
- Did you find the assignment useful?
- Do you feel you have achieved the learning outcomes?