Pablo Picasso, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help. Pablo Picasso, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help.
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Hello I have 3 questions to answer from 3 different subjects, each question must be answered with at least 200 words MIN, and include Only 1 IN TEXT CITE and A REFERENCE at the bottom of the question, the reference MUST have a link with it so that I may check the reference.
Art History 101: Take a look at this website and browse the many different styles Picasso’s career encompassed:
Pablo Picasso is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century, for his long art career would influence a multitude of artists and a variety of artistic movements.
As was for Van Gogh, there are so many different ways to think about Picasso’s work. Some suggestive questions could be: How does his work change (or not change) over time (say from “Les Demoiselles D’Avignon” to “Guernica”, a 30yr expanse of time)? How could Picasso’s work be seen as the precursor to total abstraction (unbelievably cubism is not “completely” abstract; something is still ‘represented’, though abstractly)? What does Picasso do with formal elements that are so radically different from what we have seen? Picasso gives us collage for the first time. How does his incorporation of found, everyday objects pasted on a canvas come to influence say a Warhol painting of soup cans? What do you see in the artwork, how does it make you feel, and do you like Picasso’s style (you will need to think about which style in particular)?
Modern World History:Discuss the Middle East’s relationship with the West now vs. in the 19th century.
History and Impact of the internet: Discuss the current state of innovation in the mobile Internet and apps segment. Look 10 years into the future and provide your vision for what the mobile Internet and apps world could look like. There is no right or wrong answer for this Discussion so use your imagination to articulate your vision.
Pablo Picasso, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Describe which framework the proponents of this move would use to support their statement that it be considered ethical. Business Finance Assignment Help
A textile manufacturer is closing its North Carolina plant and moving the production of its products to a developing nation
in Southeast Asia. The primary reason for the move is the lower labor cost that the organization can enjoy in the new
Proponents of the decision laud the move as a means to save the organization by taking advantage of the free
market and finding cheaper methods of producing the company’s goods.
Opponents of the decision state that a breach of trust existed between the company and the loyal employees in
the North Carolina facility. Additionally, opponents cite recent findings that contractors in the Southeast Asia
region where the company is moving have been cited for utilizing child labor and failing to provide working
conditions equivalent to those in the United States.
Officials in the Southeast Asia region have answered the criticisms of the use of child labor by pointing out that
oftentimes children are the only individuals in a family who are capable of working, and to deny them that
opportunity would create greater hardship on the already desperately poor population.
Based on the case study above, apply the deontological and teleological frameworks learned in this unit to provide the
following information in your response:
Describe which framework the proponents of this move would use to support their statement that it be considered
Describe which framework the opponents of this move would use to support their statement that it be considered
Describe style of leadership this decision reflects, and discuss whether this move would lead to a positive
evaluation of leadership and organizational performance.
Describe the level of corporate responsibility this decision reflects.
Be sure to follow the guidelines below:
Be sure to include peer-reviewed sources to support positions/conclusions.
Analysis should be highly relevant, informative, and remain on topic.
Accuracy should be strong with close attention to detail in all parts of the assignment.
Writing should be clear and concise with solid sentence structure and should be free of grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors.
Your paper should be at least two pages in length.
You must also use at least five outside sources to support assertions and conclusions.
All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in
APA format.
Explain why in Windows resource sharing there are two separate tabs, computer science help Computer Science Assignment Help
answers should be with in one or one and half page.
D.1 Explain why in Windows resource sharing there are two separate tabs that has to be configured. With the aid of diagrams show how a folder can be shared for a user so that the total effective right is read. Mention all the best practices that should be followed.
D.2 When setting up a Domain there are a number of servers that have to be configured. With the aid of a diagram show how a network can be setup for a small company that has 20 computer. Mention all the necessary servers and services and for each write down its purpose on the network.
D.3 “A Domain Controller is the main server on a network.” Discuss why this is case, and mention a Domain Controller’s key features.
D.4 Describe in detail the different types of network topologies that are available. For each topology, mention the type of cable that can be used on it. Using an example, show how different topologies can be used together to create a network in a large multi-storey building.
Fran Fruit Stand, Part 2, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help
Assignment one is here attached along with a the vlsig file to be able to save the program below:
Assignment 2: Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand, Part 2
Due Week 9 and worth 190 points
Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 to help Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand increase the functionality of its online shopping cart. When a customer checks out, the shopping cart must store the required data pertaining to each item the customer is buying. Your job is to design a program that will prompt the user for the required data and then store it. The required data includes the item name, the price per pound, and the number of pounds of that item being purchased. When complete, your program should include three (3) arrays, two (2) loops, one (1) and / or conditional statement, and one (1) variable.
Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program to add functionality to the online shopping cart. According to your design, the program must:
- Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit as specified below until the user enters a sentinel value, or until five (5) items are entered, whichever comes first.
- Prompt the user for each item and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., “dried apples”), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.
- Store the required data in three (3) arrays (e.g., one (1) for the item name, one (1) for the price per pound, and one (1) for the number of pounds being purchased) with corresponding index values. Note: For example, index value 3, when applied to the “itemName” array, would give us the name of the third item that the customer is buying. That same index value of 3, when applied to the “pricePerPound” array, would give us the price per pound of that same third item that the customer is buying.
- Store up to five (5) values in each of the three (3) arrays.
- Provide functionality in which the user ends the program by typing a sentinel value, and the program tells the user what the sentinel value is. Note: An acceptable message may read “Type n to end the program.”, where “n” is the sentinel value. If the user does not end the program in this way, then the program ends when it has collected the data for five (5) items.
- Print an itemized receipt with the following data after the last item in the purchase has been saved to the array.
- Item name
- Price per pound of each item
- Number of pounds purchased of each item
- Subtotal price for each item, calculated as price per pound multiplied by the number of pounds
- Total weight of the entire order (in pounds)
- The cost of shipping which is based on the total weight of the entire order, calculated as 50 cents per pound. Note: For example, if the entire order weighs seven (7) pounds, the cost of shipping would be $3.50.
- Grand total price of all items and shipping.
Note: Use the “console” option in the output command to accomplish this task. An example of an acceptable output has been provided below:

Select two of your favorite poems from the course and reread them carefully, Part B: Creative Component help Humanities Assignment Help
Part B: Creative Component
Select one of the following options. Part B
will be worth fifty points.
One: Poetry
Select two of your favorite poems from the
course and reread them carefully. Using these poems as models and sources of
inspiration, write two original poems of your own. You may imitate the form and
structure of the poems you are using as models. After each poem, write a
sentence in which you note the work you used as a model. Your grade will be
based on the following criteria:
Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only)
Points Possible
Points Earned
Each poem must have at least twenty lines.
You must include at least two similes or metaphors.
You must use detailed, sensory language that appeals to at least two of the five senses.
You must provide a clear description of a situation or memory.
You must make standard use of spelling and mechanics. (Unless, like e.e. cummings, you have a clear and consistent reason to break the rules. If this is the case, attach a brief note explaining your reasons.)
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help
i need this by sunday or before, make my day!
Consider the following scenario:
You have held conversations with Precision Part’s leaders and obtained the following information, which you want to use in the development of a 4-year strategic management plan.
- PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years.
- New facilities will be needed in international expansion, and PPQ Parts anticipates building most of those (80%) outside the United States.
PPQ Parts holds 5% of the world market share on small SUVs, but its goal is 9% in 4 years.
- Current stock price is $10 per share. The goal is $22 a share.
Profit margin 3-year average is 6%. Industry average during this time has also been 6%. The company goal is 13% in 4 years.
- PPQ Parts has averaged 28% employee turnover during the last 3 years. This is compared to an industry average of 25%. The goal of the company is to increase employee retention by lowering annual turnover to 17%.
- PPQ Parts contributes to all the local communities in which it is doing business. This is one of its corporate values. Current charity is 0.5% of total profits, but the company would like to raise that to 5% in 4 years.
A strategic management plan is vital for the company business today. Review the company scenario at the beginning of the course for additional information regarding growth goals. Create a basic strategic management plan for PPQ Parts including quantifiable goals and measures. Include the following in your report:
- Provide environmental scanning of current conditions in the area of expansion including economy, competition, political stability, and so forth.
- Address internal resource analysis such as managerial and financial strengths and weaknesses.
- Please include short-term and long-term strategic goals.
- Location consideration for implementation is vital. Please explain the benefits and limitations for expansion in your chosen area.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab.
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Creative Thought essay (700 to 1,050 words), psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
It is a simple task. Don’t bid high.
Identify an instance in which an individual or
group was unsuccessful in using creative thinking to solve a problem, such as
the passage of prohibition in the United States in an attempt to reduce crime
and improve living conditions for the working class.
Research your chosen failure of creative thought.
Write a 700 to 1,050 word essay in which you:
- Briefly
introduce your chosen example of flawed creative thought.
- Explain
how and why this attempt to make a change or solve a problem was
- Propose
one or two new creative solutions to the underlying problem.
Format your assignment according to appropriate
course level APA guidelines.
Entrepreneurial Employees, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Please respond to the following with 150 words times 12 font times roman,citation, and references
Companies hire these people, because they are individual and collective thinkers. These are the people, who will take the company into the next 50 years of success. A company will bring together entrepreneurial people they can find. The reason for this, is they know that people like this, will brainstorm for new ideas together. When these individuals meet and work together for the first few times, tempers and attitudes will be in abundance. Once they realize that everyone is there to work towards a common goal, success will soon follow.
When these individuals come together to create, they know that the process will be long and hard, but, they are willing to do it. After a while, all team members will see that their collective or achievable goals, are becoming a reality.
how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?, hist 1301 journal entry help Humanities Assignment Help
Entry #11 how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?
Entry #12 which Americans would be most likely to object to Calhoun’s political system?
Entry #13 why does Monroe think that the “systems” of Europe and the western hemisphere are fundamentally different?
Entry #14 Explain the causes and effects of the panic of 1837?
Entry #15 what were the major economic, humanitarian, political, and social arguments for and against Indian removal?
Entry #16 why does de bow feel that it is important to show that bible sanctions slavery?
Entry #17 how did enslaved people create community and a culture that allowed them to survive in an oppressive society?
Entry #18 how does Douglass turn the ideals proclaimed by white Americans into weapons against slavery?
Entry #19 how did western expansion affect the sectional tensions between north and south?
Entry#20 what was the impact of the civil war on civil liberties?
Entry #21 what national issues and attitudes combined to bring an end to reconstruction of 1877?
Answer all of the questions make sure there labeled by entry thank you!
dance class response, art & design homework help Humanities Assignment Help
You need to put the concepts of this course to work and pursue their own personal dance interest.
The main idea of this class: To develop our appreciation and understanding of the art of dance and the various intrinsic benefits provided by dance experiences; to explore dance from around the world via the works of the great dance masters past and present; to expand our perception of dance as an art form and develop a personal theory of aesthetic validity so we may think critically and be able to communicate about dance to others.
This paper should be five full pages, times new roman12, double spaced.
Assignment 2: Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand, Part 2
Due Week 9 and worth 190 points
Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 to help Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand increase the functionality of its online shopping cart. When a customer checks out, the shopping cart must store the required data pertaining to each item the customer is buying. Your job is to design a program that will prompt the user for the required data and then store it. The required data includes the item name, the price per pound, and the number of pounds of that item being purchased. When complete, your program should include three (3) arrays, two (2) loops, one (1) and / or conditional statement, and one (1) variable.
Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program to add functionality to the online shopping cart. According to your design, the program must:
- Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit as specified below until the user enters a sentinel value, or until five (5) items are entered, whichever comes first.
- Prompt the user for each item and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., “dried apples”), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.
- Store the required data in three (3) arrays (e.g., one (1) for the item name, one (1) for the price per pound, and one (1) for the number of pounds being purchased) with corresponding index values. Note: For example, index value 3, when applied to the “itemName” array, would give us the name of the third item that the customer is buying. That same index value of 3, when applied to the “pricePerPound” array, would give us the price per pound of that same third item that the customer is buying.
- Store up to five (5) values in each of the three (3) arrays.
- Provide functionality in which the user ends the program by typing a sentinel value, and the program tells the user what the sentinel value is. Note: An acceptable message may read “Type n to end the program.”, where “n” is the sentinel value. If the user does not end the program in this way, then the program ends when it has collected the data for five (5) items.
- Print an itemized receipt with the following data after the last item in the purchase has been saved to the array.
- Item name
- Price per pound of each item
- Number of pounds purchased of each item
- Subtotal price for each item, calculated as price per pound multiplied by the number of pounds
- Total weight of the entire order (in pounds)
- The cost of shipping which is based on the total weight of the entire order, calculated as 50 cents per pound. Note: For example, if the entire order weighs seven (7) pounds, the cost of shipping would be $3.50.
- Grand total price of all items and shipping.
Note: Use the “console” option in the output command to accomplish this task. An example of an acceptable output has been provided below:

Select two of your favorite poems from the course and reread them carefully, Part B: Creative Component help Humanities Assignment Help
Part B: Creative Component
Select one of the following options. Part B
will be worth fifty points.
One: Poetry
Select two of your favorite poems from the
course and reread them carefully. Using these poems as models and sources of
inspiration, write two original poems of your own. You may imitate the form and
structure of the poems you are using as models. After each poem, write a
sentence in which you note the work you used as a model. Your grade will be
based on the following criteria:
Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only)
Points Possible
Points Earned
Each poem must have at least twenty lines.
You must include at least two similes or metaphors.
You must use detailed, sensory language that appeals to at least two of the five senses.
You must provide a clear description of a situation or memory.
You must make standard use of spelling and mechanics. (Unless, like e.e. cummings, you have a clear and consistent reason to break the rules. If this is the case, attach a brief note explaining your reasons.)
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help
i need this by sunday or before, make my day!
Consider the following scenario:
You have held conversations with Precision Part’s leaders and obtained the following information, which you want to use in the development of a 4-year strategic management plan.
- PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years.
- New facilities will be needed in international expansion, and PPQ Parts anticipates building most of those (80%) outside the United States.
PPQ Parts holds 5% of the world market share on small SUVs, but its goal is 9% in 4 years.
- Current stock price is $10 per share. The goal is $22 a share.
Profit margin 3-year average is 6%. Industry average during this time has also been 6%. The company goal is 13% in 4 years.
- PPQ Parts has averaged 28% employee turnover during the last 3 years. This is compared to an industry average of 25%. The goal of the company is to increase employee retention by lowering annual turnover to 17%.
- PPQ Parts contributes to all the local communities in which it is doing business. This is one of its corporate values. Current charity is 0.5% of total profits, but the company would like to raise that to 5% in 4 years.
A strategic management plan is vital for the company business today. Review the company scenario at the beginning of the course for additional information regarding growth goals. Create a basic strategic management plan for PPQ Parts including quantifiable goals and measures. Include the following in your report:
- Provide environmental scanning of current conditions in the area of expansion including economy, competition, political stability, and so forth.
- Address internal resource analysis such as managerial and financial strengths and weaknesses.
- Please include short-term and long-term strategic goals.
- Location consideration for implementation is vital. Please explain the benefits and limitations for expansion in your chosen area.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab.
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Creative Thought essay (700 to 1,050 words), psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
It is a simple task. Don’t bid high.
Identify an instance in which an individual or
group was unsuccessful in using creative thinking to solve a problem, such as
the passage of prohibition in the United States in an attempt to reduce crime
and improve living conditions for the working class.
Research your chosen failure of creative thought.
Write a 700 to 1,050 word essay in which you:
- Briefly
introduce your chosen example of flawed creative thought.
- Explain
how and why this attempt to make a change or solve a problem was
- Propose
one or two new creative solutions to the underlying problem.
Format your assignment according to appropriate
course level APA guidelines.
Entrepreneurial Employees, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Please respond to the following with 150 words times 12 font times roman,citation, and references
Companies hire these people, because they are individual and collective thinkers. These are the people, who will take the company into the next 50 years of success. A company will bring together entrepreneurial people they can find. The reason for this, is they know that people like this, will brainstorm for new ideas together. When these individuals meet and work together for the first few times, tempers and attitudes will be in abundance. Once they realize that everyone is there to work towards a common goal, success will soon follow.
When these individuals come together to create, they know that the process will be long and hard, but, they are willing to do it. After a while, all team members will see that their collective or achievable goals, are becoming a reality.
how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?, hist 1301 journal entry help Humanities Assignment Help
Entry #11 how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?
Entry #12 which Americans would be most likely to object to Calhoun’s political system?
Entry #13 why does Monroe think that the “systems” of Europe and the western hemisphere are fundamentally different?
Entry #14 Explain the causes and effects of the panic of 1837?
Entry #15 what were the major economic, humanitarian, political, and social arguments for and against Indian removal?
Entry #16 why does de bow feel that it is important to show that bible sanctions slavery?
Entry #17 how did enslaved people create community and a culture that allowed them to survive in an oppressive society?
Entry #18 how does Douglass turn the ideals proclaimed by white Americans into weapons against slavery?
Entry #19 how did western expansion affect the sectional tensions between north and south?
Entry#20 what was the impact of the civil war on civil liberties?
Entry #21 what national issues and attitudes combined to bring an end to reconstruction of 1877?
Answer all of the questions make sure there labeled by entry thank you!
dance class response, art & design homework help Humanities Assignment Help
You need to put the concepts of this course to work and pursue their own personal dance interest.
The main idea of this class: To develop our appreciation and understanding of the art of dance and the various intrinsic benefits provided by dance experiences; to explore dance from around the world via the works of the great dance masters past and present; to expand our perception of dance as an art form and develop a personal theory of aesthetic validity so we may think critically and be able to communicate about dance to others.
This paper should be five full pages, times new roman12, double spaced.
Assignment 2: Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand, Part 2
Due Week 9 and worth 190 points
Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 to help Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand increase the functionality of its online shopping cart. When a customer checks out, the shopping cart must store the required data pertaining to each item the customer is buying. Your job is to design a program that will prompt the user for the required data and then store it. The required data includes the item name, the price per pound, and the number of pounds of that item being purchased. When complete, your program should include three (3) arrays, two (2) loops, one (1) and / or conditional statement, and one (1) variable.
Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program to add functionality to the online shopping cart. According to your design, the program must:
- Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit as specified below until the user enters a sentinel value, or until five (5) items are entered, whichever comes first.
- Prompt the user for each item and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., “dried apples”), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.
- Store the required data in three (3) arrays (e.g., one (1) for the item name, one (1) for the price per pound, and one (1) for the number of pounds being purchased) with corresponding index values. Note: For example, index value 3, when applied to the “itemName” array, would give us the name of the third item that the customer is buying. That same index value of 3, when applied to the “pricePerPound” array, would give us the price per pound of that same third item that the customer is buying.
- Store up to five (5) values in each of the three (3) arrays.
- Provide functionality in which the user ends the program by typing a sentinel value, and the program tells the user what the sentinel value is. Note: An acceptable message may read “Type n to end the program.”, where “n” is the sentinel value. If the user does not end the program in this way, then the program ends when it has collected the data for five (5) items.
- Print an itemized receipt with the following data after the last item in the purchase has been saved to the array.
- Item name
- Price per pound of each item
- Number of pounds purchased of each item
- Subtotal price for each item, calculated as price per pound multiplied by the number of pounds
- Total weight of the entire order (in pounds)
- The cost of shipping which is based on the total weight of the entire order, calculated as 50 cents per pound. Note: For example, if the entire order weighs seven (7) pounds, the cost of shipping would be $3.50.
- Grand total price of all items and shipping.
Note: Use the “console” option in the output command to accomplish this task. An example of an acceptable output has been provided below:

Select two of your favorite poems from the course and reread them carefully, Part B: Creative Component help Humanities Assignment Help
Part B: Creative Component
Select one of the following options. Part B
will be worth fifty points.
One: Poetry
Select two of your favorite poems from the
course and reread them carefully. Using these poems as models and sources of
inspiration, write two original poems of your own. You may imitate the form and
structure of the poems you are using as models. After each poem, write a
sentence in which you note the work you used as a model. Your grade will be
based on the following criteria:
Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only)
Points Possible
Points Earned
Each poem must have at least twenty lines.
You must include at least two similes or metaphors.
You must use detailed, sensory language that appeals to at least two of the five senses.
You must provide a clear description of a situation or memory.
You must make standard use of spelling and mechanics. (Unless, like e.e. cummings, you have a clear and consistent reason to break the rules. If this is the case, attach a brief note explaining your reasons.)
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help
i need this by sunday or before, make my day!
Consider the following scenario:
You have held conversations with Precision Part’s leaders and obtained the following information, which you want to use in the development of a 4-year strategic management plan.
- PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years.
- New facilities will be needed in international expansion, and PPQ Parts anticipates building most of those (80%) outside the United States.
PPQ Parts holds 5% of the world market share on small SUVs, but its goal is 9% in 4 years.
- Current stock price is $10 per share. The goal is $22 a share.
Profit margin 3-year average is 6%. Industry average during this time has also been 6%. The company goal is 13% in 4 years.
- PPQ Parts has averaged 28% employee turnover during the last 3 years. This is compared to an industry average of 25%. The goal of the company is to increase employee retention by lowering annual turnover to 17%.
- PPQ Parts contributes to all the local communities in which it is doing business. This is one of its corporate values. Current charity is 0.5% of total profits, but the company would like to raise that to 5% in 4 years.
A strategic management plan is vital for the company business today. Review the company scenario at the beginning of the course for additional information regarding growth goals. Create a basic strategic management plan for PPQ Parts including quantifiable goals and measures. Include the following in your report:
- Provide environmental scanning of current conditions in the area of expansion including economy, competition, political stability, and so forth.
- Address internal resource analysis such as managerial and financial strengths and weaknesses.
- Please include short-term and long-term strategic goals.
- Location consideration for implementation is vital. Please explain the benefits and limitations for expansion in your chosen area.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab.
PPQ Parts employees now number 5,000, and all are currently employed in the United States. It plans to grow to 10,000 employees in 4 years. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Creative Thought essay (700 to 1,050 words), psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
It is a simple task. Don’t bid high.
Identify an instance in which an individual or
group was unsuccessful in using creative thinking to solve a problem, such as
the passage of prohibition in the United States in an attempt to reduce crime
and improve living conditions for the working class.
Research your chosen failure of creative thought.
Write a 700 to 1,050 word essay in which you:
- Briefly
introduce your chosen example of flawed creative thought.
- Explain
how and why this attempt to make a change or solve a problem was
- Propose
one or two new creative solutions to the underlying problem.
Format your assignment according to appropriate
course level APA guidelines.
Entrepreneurial Employees, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Please respond to the following with 150 words times 12 font times roman,citation, and references
Companies hire these people, because they are individual and collective thinkers. These are the people, who will take the company into the next 50 years of success. A company will bring together entrepreneurial people they can find. The reason for this, is they know that people like this, will brainstorm for new ideas together. When these individuals meet and work together for the first few times, tempers and attitudes will be in abundance. Once they realize that everyone is there to work towards a common goal, success will soon follow.
When these individuals come together to create, they know that the process will be long and hard, but, they are willing to do it. After a while, all team members will see that their collective or achievable goals, are becoming a reality.
how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?, hist 1301 journal entry help Humanities Assignment Help
Entry #11 how does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual”?
Entry #12 which Americans would be most likely to object to Calhoun’s political system?
Entry #13 why does Monroe think that the “systems” of Europe and the western hemisphere are fundamentally different?
Entry #14 Explain the causes and effects of the panic of 1837?
Entry #15 what were the major economic, humanitarian, political, and social arguments for and against Indian removal?
Entry #16 why does de bow feel that it is important to show that bible sanctions slavery?
Entry #17 how did enslaved people create community and a culture that allowed them to survive in an oppressive society?
Entry #18 how does Douglass turn the ideals proclaimed by white Americans into weapons against slavery?
Entry #19 how did western expansion affect the sectional tensions between north and south?
Entry#20 what was the impact of the civil war on civil liberties?
Entry #21 what national issues and attitudes combined to bring an end to reconstruction of 1877?
Answer all of the questions make sure there labeled by entry thank you!
dance class response, art & design homework help Humanities Assignment Help
You need to put the concepts of this course to work and pursue their own personal dance interest.
The main idea of this class: To develop our appreciation and understanding of the art of dance and the various intrinsic benefits provided by dance experiences; to explore dance from around the world via the works of the great dance masters past and present; to expand our perception of dance as an art form and develop a personal theory of aesthetic validity so we may think critically and be able to communicate about dance to others.
This paper should be five full pages, times new roman12, double spaced.
Assignment 2: Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand, Part 2
Due Week 9 and worth 190 points
Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 to help Fran’s Virtual Fruit Stand increase the functionality of its online shopping cart. When a customer checks out, the shopping cart must store the required data pertaining to each item the customer is buying. Your job is to design a program that will prompt the user for the required data and then store it. The required data includes the item name, the price per pound, and the number of pounds of that item being purchased. When complete, your program should include three (3) arrays, two (2) loops, one (1) and / or conditional statement, and one (1) variable.
Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program to add functionality to the online shopping cart. According to your design, the program must:
- Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit as specified below until the user enters a sentinel value, or until five (5) items are entered, whichever comes first.
- Prompt the user for each item and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., “dried apples”), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.
- Store the required data in three (3) arrays (e.g., one (1) for the item name, one (1) for the price per pound, and one (1) for the number of pounds being purchased) with corresponding index values. Note: For example, index value 3, when applied to the “itemName” array, would give us the name of the third item that the customer is buying. That same index value of 3, when applied to the “pricePerPound” array, would give us the price per pound of that same third item that the customer is buying.
- Store up to five (5) values in each of the three (3) arrays.
- Provide functionality in which the user ends the program by typing a sentinel value, and the program tells the user what the sentinel value is. Note: An acceptable message may read “Type n to end the program.”, where “n” is the sentinel value. If the user does not end the program in this way, then the program ends when it has collected the data for five (5) items.
- Print an itemized receipt with the following data after the last item in the purchase has been saved to the array.
- Item name
- Price per pound of each item
- Number of pounds purchased of each item
- Subtotal price for each item, calculated as price per pound multiplied by the number of pounds
- Total weight of the entire order (in pounds)
- The cost of shipping which is based on the total weight of the entire order, calculated as 50 cents per pound. Note: For example, if the entire order weighs seven (7) pounds, the cost of shipping would be $3.50.
- Grand total price of all items and shipping.
Note: Use the “console” option in the output command to accomplish this task. An example of an acceptable output has been provided below: