PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help

PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help. PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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For this assignment you are required to attend a a virtual recording of a public United States meeting. This assignment can be completed any time prior to the due date. The meeting must be open to the public and part of the planning process but can be at any level of government. You are to attend the meeting then write a executive summary (APA Format executive summary format) that might be publishable on the local government website. The assignment should be approximately 5 pages long. It should include information such as who sponsored the meeting, what was proposed, what the reaction by those in attendance was, results of a vote, and proposed future action. The largest part of the write up should be your analysis of the main issue addressed. Think along the following lines as you compile your summary: brief overview of the issue (situated in its local context and identify its importance in that context), relate how (and if) the meeting articulates what is at stake in the issue of the house, and for which interested parties, report at what stage of the government policy making process the issue is currently at along with any relevant antecedents, outline the roles of the various participants, determine who has the most influence on this issue, etc. Here is an example of a real summary dealing with “Downtown Financing Options.” While it is a little succinct and does not contain all of the elements outlined above, it does an excellent job of situating the issue, noting what is at stake, and organizing a wealth of information into a clear, persuasive report. You should find it useful. You may also use the references attached the further state your analysis of the meeting you viewed/watched.

PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 332 San Jose State University Mission Statement Discussion Question Law Assignment Help

Please read The Below First


I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Hero etc.


Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.


Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.


I have word documents attached with the instructions.


Then let me know. 


Thank you.


Subjects are:


Criminal Justice


This is the book that is used:


COSO Enterprise Risk Management: Establishing Effective Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Processes


ISBN-13: 9780470912881




Moeller, R. R. (2011). COSO enterprise risk management: Establishing effective governance, risk, and compliance processes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.



Your answers will be original?


The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?


Please answer:


1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.


2. Your answers will be all original?


3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?


Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.


ENGL 1320 Lone Star College Environmental influences on Personality Research Proposal Humanities Assignment Help

Write a brief research proposal in which you identify a topic that you want to address and define the existing context for the topic, including how different groups have engaged with the topic.

Your research proposal should

  • offer a specific research question and thesis for your proposed project
  • provide enough context to explain why the topic is relevant and how it has been addressed by other writers
  • make clear how your project will add new insight to a contested issue relevant to the topic, whether through offering new information or analysis, proposing a solution, or extending existing perspectives in novel ways
  • Format: Typed, double-spaced, submitted as a word-processing document.
    12 point, text-weight font, 1-inch margins.
  • Length: 250 – 400 words (approx. 1-2 pages)
  • Value: This project will be graded out of 100 possible points, and will be part of the Unit 1 Assignment group
  • In this project, you will
    • Identify a topic that you will research further in this course
    • Narrow your focus from a topic to a specific issue
    • Demonstrate your ability to analyze existing perspectives on the topic
    • Develop a research question focusing on the issue you will pursue
    • Articulate and develop your own perspective on a relevant issue


University of Nairobi The Principal Challenge Faced by Civil Engineers Discussion Writing Assignment Help

With the continuing economic, technological, and societal development, the public needs and expectations for the civil engineering system continue to evolve and grow (In addition to technologies, the needs may also originate from factors such as public health, safety, welfare, cultural, social, environmental and economic aspects). One important component of the system is transportation and geotechnical engineering designs.

Write a 2-page single-spaced statement addressing the following items:

a) What do you believe is the principal challenge faced by civil engineers in meeting these needs and expectations?

b) Is this challenge a local, regional, national, or global challenge? Why?

c) What fields of knowledge beyond traditional transportation/geotechnical engineering are needed?

d) How have specific out of class, out of department, or in class/department activities or projects trained you to address the particular challenge you identified in part (a)?


Trine University Re Evaluating Creativity the Culture of Remix Ted Talk Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

  • Read:


George, Alexandra. Constructing
Intellectual Property
, Cambridge University Press, 2012. ProQuest Ebook


Rimai, Donald S. A Guide for
Implementing a Patent Strategy : How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists,
Entrepreneurs, and Independent Innovators Can Protect Their Intellectual
. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2018.

  • Review:

“Developing Standards.” IEEE SA, IEEE Standards Association,

  • Watch:

Video: Lessig, Larry, et al., directors. Tedtalks
: Larry Lessig — How Creativity Is Being Strangled by the Law
. Films Media
Group, 2012.




Week 2 Discussion: What Can Be Patented?

For this discussion, we will be
focusing on the product depicted below. You will review the product in light of
this week’s readings and determine if it is an item that is patentable or not. Place
yourself in the shoes of a business that focuses on producing consumer products
for the global marketplace. Specifically, consider the following:

Does this product provide a solution to a

Would this item be unique to the marketplace?

Are there competing products in the market?

Can this product be easily and affordably
manufactured or produced?

Are there other considerations that make this
product viable or not viable for patent protection and marketability?

After answering these questions for
this product declare whether or not you would pursue a patent for this product
and why or why not? Describe your decision-making process and relevant factors
that guided your decision taking into consideration the readings form this week
and last week. In your two responses to your peers, respond to your peer’s analysis, and discuss
what if anything they concluded that was different than what you concluded as
well as what was similar. Follow up with your own post regarding the same.

Toilet Paper Hat

Discussion Rubric

Initial discussion board posts are
due by Wednesday at 11:59P EST.

Two further reply posts are due by
Sunday at 11:59 PM EST





Content and Relevancy of Initial

5.0 pts


Expresses opinions and ideas in
a clear manner with obvious connection to topic. Facilitates class
discussion. Utilizes course materials and outside sources that are relevant
to the discussion; uses APA styled citations.

4.0 pts


States opinions and ideas
clearly. Ideas are well organized and facilitate discussion. Post addresses
the given topic. Utilizes course materials that are relevant to the
discussion; uses APA styled citations.

2.0 pts


Somewhat short in length,
offering no further insight into the topic. Unclear connection to topic
evidenced by minimal expression of opinions or ideas. May not cite sources
with APA citations.

0.0 pts


Short or irrelevant remarks.
Does not express opinions or ideas clearly. Post does not relate to the
discussion content.

5.0 pts


3.0 pts


Fully engages in the discussion.
Presents two or more relevant responses that further class discussion by
offering insightful comments or questions. These responses have the
potential to motivate others to continue the discussion.

2.0 pts


Engages in the discussion.
Presents at least two relevant responses that further the class discussion.

1.0 pts


Minimal engagement in the class
discussion. There is only one relevant response which contributes to the

0.0 pts


Does not engage in-class
discussion as it develops. Responses are so poorly constructed that they
contribute little or nothing to the discussion.

3.0 pts

Conventions of Writing

1.0 pts


Utilizes correct grammar and

0.0 pts


Utilizes poor spelling and
grammar; writing appears hastily composed with little to no proofreading.

1.0 pts


1.0 pts

Full Marks

Submitted posts by the posted
due date.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Did not submit the initial post
by the posted due date, but the initial post was submitted within the
discussion week.

1.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Written Assignment:

Handbook What Can Be Patented

The first step in securing a patent to protect an invention
or creative work is to determine if an item is patentable. This means not only
determining if the item is worthy of the time and effort necessary to securing
a patent for it but also that the item
is sufficiently unique to be able to secure patent protection if requested.

On the discussion board this week you examined a potential
product and made a patent determination about it regarding whether or not a
patent should be sought for protection for that particular item. After reading
though the learning materials presented in this course so far and going though
the discussion exercise this week on how to make the decision to pursue a
patent or not on a particular produce write a response that is 1,000 to 1,500
words in length that describes the considerations and process that should be
used to make the decision about seeking a patent or not on an item. Your job in
this assignment is to step into the shoes of a patent engineer manager and
consider what advice you would give to a patent engineer that you supervised
about how to evaluate products for patent consideration. Additionally, Describe the step
by step procedure for obtaining a patent and how to identify patentable
inventions. Describe the procedures and actions key parties in the patent claim
writing and filing process should take to ensure that the patent will survive
challenge and judicial scrutiny in the future.

2 Written Assignment – Handbook What Can Be Patented





The introduction provides
sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion
is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.

10.0 pts


Paragraph transitions are present
and logical, and flow is maintained throughout the paper. Sentences are
complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions are present and maintain
the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
Spelling and word usage are correct. The font type should be professional and
readable. There should be font consistency. Formatting should not distract
from document content.

10.0 pts


All key elements of the assignment
are covered in a substantive way. Discussions of topics outlined in the
project are stated clearly, are supported by specific details (examples or
analysis), and are organized logically. The paper links theory to relevant
examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary
of the theory correctly.

60.0 pts


You provide clear guidance
regarding what type of items and ideas can be patented and how a patent
should be structured. You provide a step by step process for how to obtain a
patent and how to determine if an invention or idea is patentable or not. In
particular you clearly describe the key decisions and actions that the
relevant parties should take in the patent claim writing and filing process
to ensure that any patent protection that is pursued will survive challenge
and judicial scrutiny in the future.



University of Nairobi Converting CR 3 to Hydrogen Production Facility Summary Writing Assignment Help

The Crystal River 3 Nuclear Power Plant, or simply CR-3, is a closed nuclear power plant located in Crystal River, Florida. The facility is currently being decommissioned and is transitioning to a SAFSTOR condition. The power plant was completed and licensed to operate in December 1976 and operated for 33 years until shutdown in September 2009.

Hydrogen fuel is a zero-carbon fuel burned with oxygen. It can be used in fuel cells or internal combustion engines. It has begun to be used in commercial fuel cell vehicles, such as passenger cars, and has been used in fuel cell buses for many years. It is also used as a fuel for spacecraft propulsion.

Hydrogen fuel is hazardous because of the low ignition energy and high combustion energy of hydrogen, and because it tends to leak easily from tanks. Explosions at hydrogen filling stations have been reported. Hydrogen fueling stations generally receive deliveries of hydrogen by truck from hydrogen suppliers.

You represent BMW who has big plans to break into the US market and desires to convert Crystal River CR-3 into the largest hydrogen-producing facility in North America. Having lived in the shadows of nuclear power, the surrounding community is absolutely against the plan. You are representing BMW and attending your first community engagement meeting early in the planning process.

Writing Assignment

One (1) page, no smaller than 12-point font, single-spaced. Provide your five (5) key points (and support) that you wish the public to hear IN SUPPORT for the conversion of this plant to hydrogen power. Keep in mind, you need to educate, identify the benefits, be honest but downplay the negatives.

Do good and you have a stable revenue stream for the next decade. Do poorly and you are dismissed by BMW, and exposed as a charlatan engineer who must now carry on in that same region.

University of Nairobi Converting CR 3 to Hydrogen Production Facility Summary Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Gadget Used for Network Connectivity Project Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Record the date
  2. Throughout the day, journalize about your interactions with technology, particularly the use of a phone, television, radio, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
  3. If the technology interactions require network connectivity, record the general purposes of your technology interactions.
  4. Review the types of networks in Chapter 6. Examples of network types are Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN, Cable, DSL, T1, Satellite, Fixed Wireless, Fiber to Premises, Optical Carrier, Broadband over powerlines (BPL).
  5. For each instance when you connected to a network, describe the type of network or combined networks that carried your communication. If you do not know the specific types of networks used, describe the networks to which you imagine you were connected. Explain your logic for indicating each type of network as having supported your technology interaction.
  6. Conclude whether or not, without the network connectivity, you could have accomplished each task (described in #3) within the same day.


MUH 272 Mastery of Writing Skills Vocabulary and Grammar Essay Writing Assignment Help

you will find my work in the attach

here is the instructions:

ePortfolio Assignment

A portfolio gives authors the opportunity to show their audience the very best of their work and/or the ways they have improved over a period of time. Your portfolio is going to cover the work done in this class and will look a little different for every student. However, every student’s portfolio will include the following elements. The portfolio will receive a holistic grade (i.e., one grade for the whole thing together) using the First-Year Writing Rubric.

  1. Reflective Introduction
  2. Polished Project Exhibit
  3. Process Exhibit
  4. Peer Review Exhibit
  5. Wild Card

Overall Information and Suggestions:

  • An ePortfolio is required for every First-Year Writing course at EKU starting Fall 2020. This includes all English 101, 101R, 101RZ, 102, 102R, and 105 sections.
  • ePortfolios must include the following 5 described exhibits.
  • Students are encouraged to use Google Drive or WordPress for housing students’ ePortfolios. Both are free and easily accessible for students and can be submitted using a single link.


  1. Reflection Introduction (Need a thesis)

Your portfolio introduction should have a thesis or controlling claim and should analyze and synthesize the elements of your portfolio (these are concepts you should be familiar with, should be able to distinguish, and should have experience completing after this semester). Much of your portfolio grade will be based on this essay; it is your foundation.

Essentially, you will be presenting a clear, concise (around 500-750 word essay), thesis-driven project that makes a central claim about your writing, revising, and editing with regards to this class. All of the material you include in your portfolio will provide the evidence/supporting details and quotes you will need to fully develop your essay. As always, providing specific evidence to support clear topics makes a strong essay.

Here are some questions you could ask yourself / tactics you could use:

● Compose a letter directed to somebody explaining your writing and the work you’ve done in this class. What would you want that person to see in your work?

●Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a writer in any part of the writing and composing processes as described in the rubric. Show through revision your understanding of how to improve those weaknesses and emphasize the strengths.

● Comment on the most interesting, most difficult, or most surprising things you learned about yourself as a writer, student, or person through writing this semester.

● Describe how the different skills used in reading, researching, drafting, editing, composing, organizing, analyzing, documenting, proofreading, and writing in this course, as demonstrated through your work, contribute to your ability to perform well in other courses or activities (think about such skills as developing critical reading skills; knowing how to support claims with specific evidence; recognizing ethos, pathos, and logos; audience awareness; or use of grammar and sentence structure).

● Answer the question “Who is the ‘me’ that I want to present in my portfolio? And, how do my exhibits provide evidence for that?”


Writing one paragraph about each item in your portfolio.

Making lots of good / bad evaluative claims about your writing with very few or no supporting examples.

Telling a story about English 101R. (“I was a really bad writer until I got into English 101R and then, with the help of my instructor and my peers, I learned a lot.” or “Our first essay was about X, and I learned Y. . . Our second essay was about A, and I learned B. . .”)

All these approaches make it difficult to sustain a thesis and to provide adequate support.

2) Polished Project Exhibit: This should be the very best representative of your abilities developed from this semester. You should revise whichever essay or project you choose from the version your instructor last saw to present the most polished version you can. Create a one-paragraph introduction for the exhibit that explains what you learned about writing and/or critical reading from this project.

3) Process Exhibit: Choose a different essay project from #2 to revise and show it in at least three different versions: an early draft with a peer review or Studio Record of Consultation, the draft you turned in to be graded, and a recently revised version. You will showcase the effective writing strategies you’ve learned throughout the semester through your revisions. This is your opportunity to show not only what you can do but also how you do it and the work you put in. Create a one-paragraph introduction for this section that explains what important improvements the reader should see in this progression. You should also annotate this entry.

4) Peer Review Exhibit: One of the learning goals for this course is that you can both create your own writing anddiscuss the writing of others intelligently. In the Peer Review Exhibit, choose one peer review interaction you have had with a peer where you are giving them advice about their writing. Show their work and your comments and provide a one-paragraph introduction that explains why you’ve chosen this as your example and in what ways you feel you contributed to their becoming a better writer.

5) Wild Card: You can include anything here that you’ve authored: another piece of writing for this class, an essay from another class, a CPA/homework assignment that you thought expressed some strong critical or creative thinking, an electronic text of any kind (a blog post, for example), something from high school, an infographic explaining one of your essays, or something creative you’ve written for fun. Create a one-paragraph introduction for this section that explains why you have chosen this piece.


Anthem College Module 3 Relative Values Discussion Law Assignment Help

For the Module 3 Discussion Board
you will examine relative values and apply them to working in criminal
justice. Examples of relative values include honesty, integrity,
bravery, and courage. Relative values are considered relative because
they can change depending upon the scenario. For example, all law
enforcement officers must be honest and not lie. But there are times
were lying is appropriate, such as when using subterfudge (i.e.
misleading a suspect to believe evidence exists when it does not) or to
protect ones life. If an off duty officer was approached by a known gang
member who pointed a gun at the officer and said, ?Are you a cop? I am
going to kill the next cop I see,? denying they are a cop to save their
lives would be acceptable. I look forward to reading your DB post about
relative values. Be sure to review the course reading materials before
answering the DB questions.

Reading material for reference and citation

We discuss the role
of mediation strategies in solving interpersonal conflicts. Our results
proved that the efficiency of the mediator’s strategy differs depending
on whether the conflict takes place in a separate dyad or in a dyad
within a social group. The pressing strategy appeared to be the most
effective when compared with others in solving conflicts that had arisen
in a dyad within a social group. The facilitating strategy appeared to
be the most effective in comparison with others in solving conflicts
that had arisen in a separate dyad.

article examines the role of mediation strategies in solving
interpersonal conflicts. We consider solving interpersonal conflicts as
disputants’ choice of the facilitating strategy and model three
mediation strategies in our experimental design: facilitating, neutral,
and pressing.

sample for our study consisted of 312 participants: 179 young women and
133 young men, upperclassmen in high school. The participants ranged in
age from 14 to 18 years old (the median age was 16.7). In addition, 18
specifically instructed experimenters performed the role of the
mediator. Our experimental study was divided into two sets based on two
conditions: a group and separate dyads based on different ways of
solving conflicts. The main goal of the experiment was to create a
conflict situation by means of a game situation simulating conflict for a
limited resource. This resource was a high grade, which parties could
obtain only by solving the crossword puzzle containing biological words.

study’s results showed that the mediator’s strategy has an impact on
the process of solving interpersonal conflicts. Our results proved that
the efficiency of the mediator’s strategy differs depending on whether
it is in a conflict in a separate dyad or in a conflict arising in a
dyad within a social group. The pressing strategy appeared to be the
most effective when compared with others in solving an interpersonal
conflict that had arisen in a dyad within a social group. The
facilitating strategy appeared to be the most effective in comparison
with others in solving an interpersonal conflict that had arisen in a
separate dyad. The results of this study can be used in the development
of methodical guidelines for teachers, who often act as mediators in
solving conflicts among teenagers, and for the teenagers themselves.


often arise under conditions of limited resources, when parties believe
that both sides’ needs cannot be satisfied at the same time (Pruitt and
Rubin [<a id="bib44up
“> 44]
). Mediation plays a large role in solving interpersonal conflicts. We
consider mediation as a process in which a mediator can only evaluate,
facilitate, and assist the disputants in the search for a solution
satisfying both parties; they cannot decide what that solution will be
(Baker and Ross [<a id="bib3up
“> 3] ). A mediator has no authority to dictate an agreement or has the authority but chooses not to use it (Kressel and Pruitt [<a id="bib28up
“> 28] ).

face a great number of professional challenges related to building a
successful mediation practice (Raines, Pokhrel, and Poitras [<a id="bib45up
“> 45]
). Deep interpersonal conflict requires an enormous amount of skill to
mediate. A mediator can intervene in many ways, and his or her success
in encouraging the parties to reach an agreement may depend on a variety
of intervention strategies.

Mediators’ Strategies in Solving Conflicts

mediator’s behavior is critical in determining the success or failure
of mediation. Scholars categorize a mediator’s behavior into different
types of strategies he or she may use with the parties in conflict
(Bercovitch and Houston [<a id="bib4up
“> 4] ). Approximately twenty‐five have been reported, including evaluative (Della Noce [<a id="bib13up
“> 13] ; Riskin [<a id="bib46up
“> 46] ; Wall and Chan‐Serafin [<a id="bib57up
“> 57] ), pressing (Carnevale and Pruitt [<a id="bib11up
“> 11] ; Wall and Chan‐Serafin [<a id="bib57up
“> 57] ), neutral (Kydd [<a id="bib29up
“> 29] ; Wall and Chan‐Serafin [<a id="bib57up
“> 57] ), facilitating (Gabel [<a id="bib16up
“> 16] ; Kressel [<a id="bib27up
“> 27] ; Riskin [<a id="bib46up
“> 46] ), narrative (Hardy [<a id="bib18up
“> 18] ), problem solving (Harper [<a id="bib19up
“> 19] ), strategic (Kressel [<a id="bib27up
“> 27] ), pragmatic (Alberstein [<a id="bib1up
“> 1] ), transformative (Bush and Folger [<a id="bib9up
“> 9] ; Kressel [<a id="bib27up
“> 27] ), deal making and orchestration (Kolb [<a id="bib24up
“> 24] ), and trust caucus (Poitras [<a id="bib42up
“> 42] ).

Retrieved from… on the date of the work done……


Future University in Egypt American Government Quiz Humanities Assignment Help

This “quiz” is a set of questions aimed at assessing your learning of important skills and knowledge this semester. There are no right and wrong answers here; you will receive full credit for answering each question. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this assignment.

You may choose to base your responses to these questions on the current events paper that you wrote this semester, but you are also free to base them on a different topic if you so choose.

1 / Identify and briefly explain a policy or political issue that is currently being debated in the United States.

2 / Construct one argument in support of the policy or political issue you identified above.

3 / Construct one argument in opposition to the policy or political issue you identified above.

4 / Identify your own position on the issue you identified above and construct one argument in support of your position.


PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help

PADM 620 APUS Local Political Administration Hawaii State Government Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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