paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help

paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help. paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help.

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1. you have to paraphrase all this to your own word an re write it again you can use any website to have an idea.

2. the idea is to play Suburbia game with the computer and know how to play it and write my experience .

The Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which every player attempts to develop a financial motor and foundation that will be at first independent, and in the long run become both beneficial and empower populace development. As your town develops, you change both your salary and your notoriety. As your salary expands have more money close by to buy better and progressively significant structures, for example, a worldwide air terminal or a skyscraper place of business. As your notoriety builds, acquire and more populace (and the victor toward the finish of the game is the player with the biggest populace).

During each game, players vie for a few one of a kind that offer an extra populace support – and the structures accessible in each game shift, so you never play a similar game twice! Plan, construct, and form a community into a significant city. Utilize hex-formed structure tiles to include private, business, metro, and mechanical zones, just as extraordinary focal points that give advantages and exploit the assets of close by towns. You will likely have your ward flourish and end up with a more prominent populace than any of your adversaries.

In Suburbia, your primary objective is to develop your ward as effectively as could be expected under the circumstances. Each turn, you will purchase a tile from the land advertise and setting it anyplace in your ward. What you purchase matters as much as where you place it as each tile can influence numerous different ones in the game, conceivably making some ground-breaking combos. As you develop your ward, you will increase both pay and notoriety. These will help you with more cash to purchase future tiles or more individuals for your district. Be cautious however, as your ward develops, so do the expenses to look after it. Grow too rapidly and you will battle to stay aware of your recently discovered interest. The game finishes to some degree haphazardly once players get close to the finish of the third heap of building tiles. By then, players gather any rewards for accomplished objectives and the player with the most populace is the champ.

First, the art and design are really well done in Suburbia. Each tile has a lot of information to show and the layout makes it really easy to know what to do when each tile is placed. Not to mention with the clever use of colors and symbols players can easily decipher what each tile does and which it affects. I also found the artwork to be colorful and thematic, which was a nice touch. As I played the game. Before playing the game with computer I had searched the game and tried to understand it and come up with a plan. I thought to myself how I could possibly make this game more relatable to my life. I grew up in IBRI (Oman) where I did not live in the big city I lived in a small town and anytime my family wanted to go somewhere nice or shop or just to have a good night with the family we always went to the big city and it was such a bittersweet moment every time it was time to head back home. Now you may wonder why is this relatable to this specific game? And the answer is simply because as a kid there was so much, I wanted to change in my town and there was so much I wish my town had. my town was known for being the town of

oranges but as a kid, I did not care about oranges! I wanted to go to nice places or be in the city in general where I see big building, ridiculous number of stores, or kid stores. This game gave me plenty of flash back memories. which is my hometown also where I was born. As I decided to play the game, my entire focus was to achieve social life in my city. However, it was very tricky because it requires a lot of time and thinking. The time was not enough for me to comprehend the game on my own.

As the game went on, I realized that unfortunately I will not be achieving the goal, so I kept playing with knowing that I’m only playing to finish the rest of the game. I ended up having low population as well as low money, which essentially does not make sense if I had low population with a city full of socials. Furthermore,

I completely believe that my city did not make sense in terms of how much money I had, I wish I had manipulated the game better. Towards the end I was able to build a convent store, fancy restaurant, office building, elementary school, heavy factory, and freeway. Now logically this makes more sense if the population was very little. In order for a business to be run successfully, we need consumers and customers. In my case I had very little customer “people” hence why I believe that even with me having those few stores and building I don’t think any of the business would be successful and possible would be shut down if it was in real life due to lack of population and money.

After the game ended, the computer won the game, it had the money to support the city, had the right amount of people to make the city grow including the business. For example, the computer had focused the whole time on getting the right amount of people and focused on building then bringing people in the city.

My experience with this game is a love and hate relationship as well as it has pros and cons. I personally think if this game was not part of my project, I probably wouldn’t pick it up at the store to play it simply because it requires plenty of thinking. it took awhile to add up all of my knowledge to finally start playing with the computer. As we were playing, I think it’s almost fair to say that in the first thirty minutes of the game we were playing wrong which is why myself I have watched a few videos on YouTube on how to play Suburbia but to be fair enough, those types of games are not my go to because I usually like to play fun silly games that requires no thinking and only play it to kill time. However, I think Suburbia is a good game but just not for me personally. in conclusion, I’m not a big fan of Suburbia. It’s easily one of my least favorite games simply because I got frustrated the whole time playing and aside from the fact that I’m genuinely not a good player when it comes to card board games. Now that I’m not playing the game,

It has streamlined game play, a decent amount of player interaction and a ton of replay value. I think Suburbia will be a hit with any Eurogame fan. City building is a theme that everyone should be familiar with and the rules make the game pretty easy to pick up. Once players get a feel for how the bookkeeping works (and there is quite a bit of it), then game turns should flow pretty well. I have found that once you get up with the computer, there will be a little bit more downtime, especially if don’t know how to play it However, it’s never been a big problem and turns should still play very fast. But Suburbia really plays well at any player count. However, However, at the higher player counts you get a lot more interaction between boroughs and you get to see a more diverse number of tiles. It’s a great trade off and that helps allows Suburbia to hit the table no matter where you are at in the player count.

There aren’t very many reasons someone shouldn’t like Suburbia but again it is not for everyone, but I believe if I play this game with 4 played it will be easier and interesting. And as I’m writing this essay, I actually took the time to read some of the reviews for this card board game, and it looks like it is very high sold game and oddly expensive. Since the game came out back a lot of people have been purchasing this game. I do not think I will purchase the game myself however if I was at a family gathering and this game was available, I will definitely give it another try and attempt to play it right this time and focus of my goal I’m trying to achieve.

paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

I Have completed half the project!!! Writing Assignment Help

(35 points)

Students must create an inquiry-based, integrated study (see Week 3 PPT), Curriculum Plan, using the Curriculum Planning Web as a guide for your study. Based on the concepts identified on the Curriculum Planning Web, students will develop one Lesson Plan for each of the following designated Learning Centers: 1) Math; 2) Literacy; 3) Social-Emotional; and 4) Science/Engineering), using the required BLANK Lesson Plan template available on myCMU – Resources and Materials page. The Inquiry-based Curriculum Plan topic should fit the expectations presented and explained in the Week 3 PowerPoint. Best care scenario would be to identify the Topic of Interest during a brainstorming session with children in a real-life classroom. Students would identify topics that they have a vested interest in learning more about. Then the CMU student would compose an Anchor Chart of these topics. Students would then vote on which topics or the order of topics that would be investigated. Since, realistically, it may not be a possible for all students taking this course to have access to young children in a classroom setting, use the criteria set forth in the Week 3 PowerPoint to select a suitable Topic of Interest for the chosen age/grade level of your Curriculum Plan Project.

The following are a list of components to be included in your Curriculum Plan Project: Please house all components of the project in an electronic Doc File. Each of the bold and italicized sub-heading sections below should be typed (Word Processed) and included in the Doc File. All typed components should be Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced format.

  • Rationale – The Curriculum Plan Project must include a Rationale Statement (approximately two well-developed paragraphs) stating why the topic was selected (paragraph one), how it is tied to the Early Learning Standards, and how it relates to the preschool students in the practicum situation (paragraph two). This document will be included as a separate component of your electronic Doc File
  • Curriculum Planning Web – Include a completed copy of your Curriculum Planning Web as a component of your Doc File. A template of the Curriculum Planning Web is available on myCMU – Resources and Materials page.
  • Key Concepts Key Concepts should be stated objectively (must be measurable) and written in the designated section (inside the oval, just under the “TOPIC” sub-heading ) of the Curriculum Planning Web. Each Key Concept should be a spring-board for lesson plans and/or activities that clearly tie back to the Topic of Interest and align with the Integrated Study Theme. These activities are to be included in either related lesson plans or in one or more of the four center activities.
  • Lesson Plans – One Lesson Plan will be designed directly corresponding to each of the designated Learning Centers (i.e. Math, Literacy, Writing, and Science/Engineering) in alignment with concepts identified on the Curriculum Planning Web. Lesson Plans must be developed using the required Lesson Plan template available on myCMU. A total of four Lesson Plans will be designed and included as a component of your Doc File. Lesson Plans must identify two objectives, clearly aligned to the topic of interest for the inquiry-based Curriculum Plan Project and the Early Learning Goals or Learning Standards. Lesson plans must be designed to teach the concepts identified as a part of the Curriculum Planning Web. Lesson plans are required to include activities described in step-by-step detail (see the Lesson Plan example on myCMU), include songs, stories from the annotated booklist, and must include each of the components outlined in the Lesson Plan template. All four Lesson Plans are to be included as a separate component of your Doc File, for the Curriculum Plan Project assignment submission.
  • Four Center Activities – Activities must be developmentally appropriate for children in your practicum experience. Each activity should be tied to one or more concepts (it is advantageous to integrate content and teach multiple objectives within one lesson plan). Activities should be written in a step-by-step explanation. (Each Center Activity description/explanation should be approximately one-two paragraphs in length.) The Four Center Activities are to be included as a separate component of your Doc File, for the Curriculum Plan Project.
  • Songs – Include a minimum of three songs: one of which must be an original composition/song (i.e. a piggy-back song written to a common familiar tune). The other two can be previously composed songs. The songs should address concepts being explored as a part of the Topic of Interest. Songs should be included as activities and identified within Materials section of appropriate lesson plans. Each song must also be typed and included as a separate component/section of the Doc File, for the Curriculum Plan Project assignment submission.
  • Annotated Booklist – Include an annotated booklist, referenced APA style. Annotations should include a brief summary of the story, as well as how you plan to use each book as a part of the four Lesson Plans. A minimum of ten quality children’s books, should be selected and should reflect the quality and quantity available for the particular Topic of Interest. Books from this booklist should also be located as a part of the activities and Materials section listed in the four Lesson Plans. The annotated booklist should be typed, include APA style citations, and be included as a separate component/section of the Doc File, for the Curriculum Plan Project assignment submission.

ED 337


Think about the role of Christianity and the Catholic Church throughout the time periods we have studied. Discuss the ways in which story- telling has reflected the role of Christianity and the Church over time. Writing Assignment Help

These are the instructions:

Literary Analysis Essay

You will construct a Literary Analysis essay that assesses the skills of:

· Ability to synthesize history and literature in a thoughtful way, Ability to discuss various genres and specific pieces we have studied in a formal essay, Development of a thesis statement, Text support, commentary and analysis that is unique and insightful, Essay organization, Grammar and mechanics for a formal essay, Proper MLA format, Proper embedded citations for the works we have read in class (No Works Cited page is required), 5 paragraph essay.

– we need to use evidence during the anglo saxon period, renaissance period, and from the book Macbeth.

-must have a minimum of 2 quotes in each body paragraph

-I have attached slides/readings that we have read and that you can refer to for context and details!!!!

We have discussed the Anglo Saxon Period: (these are the books we’ve read)

The Seafarer by Ezra Pound

The Wife’s Lament by anonymous author (translated by Ann Stanford)

Beowulf by anonymous author (translated by Burton Raffel)

We have discussed the Middle Ages:(these are the books we’ve read):

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

We have discussed the Renaissance period: (these are the books we’ve read):

Macbeth by Shakespeare

Page count does not matter! Just make sure it is 5 paragraphs-1 intro, 3 body, conclusion!!!


Complete this discussion, answer to this prompt and I’ll send comment of my peer to reply Humanities Assignment Help

Complete your required discussion prompt.

Marie Curie was a famous French-Polish scientist known for her pioneering research on radioactivity. Her work not only brought her fame but her death as well; she developed aplastic anemia due to radiation exposure. She experienced recurrent and prolonged infections (viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal). Explain why she suffered from recurrent infections. Be sure to mention the different types of WBC and the relation to the various infections, and the reasons why she lacked the cell-mediated and the humeral response.

Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals. In addition, remember to add references in APA format to your posts to avoid plagiarism.


Bible writing paper Writing Assignment Help

Love and the Heart of the New Testament

Importantly, the signature assignment links the teaching of Jesus on the matter of love (agape`) with that found in Paul. For example, a comparison might be made between what Jesus says about love in Matthew 5 and what Paul says about it 1 Corinthians 13. Many other NT passages are possible. Hence, students are to write a minimum 1000 word essay demonstrating their understanding of the teachings of Jesus and Paul concerning the centrality of love and mission in the Christian life. This essay should contain quotations from various passages of scripture which flesh out the New Testament focus on genuine love which includes an ‘others first’ (agape`) mindset and identifies the mission of individuals and the church. Consult the rubric for guidance in constructing the signature assignment essay. Please contact me if you have any questions about this assignment.



Project accounting Business Finance Assignment Help

Project Five

Business Report

One and a half to two and a half full in pages in length: single spaced; 12 pt. font. One Inch margins. In your own words.
If you create any small charts they will count for page space. A one page report will only qualify you for the minimum passing grade of 70%. A more expansive report will qualify you for a higher grade.

Goal: tell the story of your company in the parameters described below.

Each of the five projects requires you to map out your message, for your supervisor, illustrating your mastery of concepts from our course as they relate to your SEC 10-K Company. Consider this as your employer. As a starting point, for project five:

1)What is your understanding of a budget. How can budgeting be useful to an organization? Please use your own words and do not provide a textbook definition of budgets. Consider the concept and interrelationships of budgeting, variance analysis and strategy. What is your personal perspective to budget low so you come in high, budget high so we all feel good today, etc. Summarize and evaluate these important concepts. 40 points

2)What is zero based budgeting? What are its advantages and disadvantages if any? If you were in charge of establishing budget policy, would you consider zero based budgeting for your organization? 30 points

3)How would a company be affected by budget strategy based on a manager’s personal goals rather than market analysis? How might this affect sales dollars, sales volume, and profits? Consider too the effect of financing, production volume and capacity. 30 points

If possible, integrate your company’s activities into the above discussion. Your response must use the same numbering system above.

This concludes our series of five projects. In your weekly report, separate from this project, you should reference how these projects related to your study and foundation knowledge building.

Project accounting Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Interest payment Business Finance Assignment Help

Some years ago Ford borrowed funds at the LIBOR3M +1%. Interest payments are made on a three months basis the 1/1, 1 /4, 1/7 and 1/10 of each year. Principal payments are made every six months the 1/1 and the 1/7 of each year for an amount equal to 5,000,000 Euro. Now we are at the first of February 2015: the principal is equal to 20,000,000 Euro and you know that the LIBOR3M for the first payment (1/4) is equal to 3.5%. Determine the hedging strategy: Specify which FRA/FRAs you should negotiate, at which rate and for which amount. must present and explain in words all the steps.


Please read the essay attached and do the outline listed below. Writing Assignment Help

Copy this format for your final paper outline on the DEATH OF A SALESMAN FINAL PAPER PROMPT

Sample Literary Analysis Outline

Thesis Statement (one sentence that sums up your specific interpretation of the story): In “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin illustrates that dependence can be an important component of healthy relationships, but she also strongly warns of the dangers of being overly dependent.

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her relationships begins even before her marriage, in her upbringing in the Valmonde household.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Monsieur Valmonde found her when “she was of the toddling age”
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topicsentence):As a toddler, she’s completely dependent on those who found her.
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): She was the “idol of Valmonde” and thought to be “sent to her [mother] by a beneficent Providence. . .”
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): With such a status, Desiree completely taken care of by mother, father, servants, furthering her dependence on others
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Desiree was “beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere”
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): Apparent mutual benefit for everyone, including Desiree, as a result of her dependence

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her family carries over into her marriage to Armand Aubigny.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation):

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):


Summary of facts.


Urgent urgent urgent. Writing Assignment Help


This is so urgent I need it in two hours please. It’s a writing assignment for my creative writing class.

Poetry 1: I’ll upload the one page poem that I did you will try your best to add more on it and revise it.

And, • 1 page artist statement, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font.

In the artist statement you should include:

  • Artist’s Statement: In each artist statement, you should explain and justify the revision choices you made and the evolution of the piece. You should reflect on your overall growth in the genre throughout the unit/class. Reference any relevant readings, prompts, or class activities. Be specific.
  • Organize your thoughts. Proofread.
  • – CNF 2: I’ll upload for you my essay and you will try to revise it a little bit.

    And, • 1 page artist statement, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font.

  • Artist’s Statement: In each artist statement, you should explain and justify the revision choices you made and the evolution of the piece. You should reflect on your overall growth in the genre throughout the unit/class. Reference any relevant readings, prompts, or class activities. Be specific.
  • Organize your thoughts. Proofread.
  • – fiction 3: I’ll upload story that I did you will take the story that I’ll upload okay, and you will revised it based on the professor notes.

    And, • 1 page artist statement, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font.

  • Artist’s Statement: In each artist statement, you should explain and justify the revision choices you made and the evolution of the piece. You should reflect on your overall growth in the genre throughout the unit/class. Reference any relevant readings, prompts, or class activities. Be specific.
  • Organize your thoughts. Proofread.
  • To be clear, you need to write three papers for each unit and each thing that I’ll submit.
  • It will be the artist statement.
  • Your revision will be based on the prof notes.
  • If you don’t include enough for me to see your process, or substantial reflection in your artist statement, it will be difficult to grade your portfolio.**Note: I expect that your revisions will involve Re-Vision, that is, Re-Seeing. That means more than changing a word or phrase here and there. It often means Re-Writing where necessary.
  • [supanova_question]

    Connecting Your Learning Law Assignment Help

    • Competency 1: Apply penology and corrections theory.
    • Competency 2: Analyze corrections-related processes.
    • Competency 3: Analyze reform movements related to corrections systems.
    • Competency 4: Utilize criminal behavior assessments.
    • Competency 5: Communicate effectively in writing.


    Throughout this course, you have explored the fields of penology and corrections. You have analyzed the evolution of corrections, probation, and parole processes, and evaluated the effects associated with corrections and reform movements. You have also analyzed criminal behavior assessments that help to determine offender placement and incarceration alternatives. Trends and future directions were explored. Connections were made to current events and career opportunities throughout the criminal justice system. In your Unit 10 assignment, you will reflect on these connections.


    Prepare a 4–6 page paper focused on the course competencies (1 to 1.5 pages per competency for Competencies 1 through 4). Address two key areas of learning for each competency. Competency 5 will be showcased through your coverage of Competencies 1–4. This paper should showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.


    • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
    • Number of references: 3–5 peer-reviewed references.
    • Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


    paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help

    paraphrase Suburbia game Writing Assignment Help

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