Park University Stereotypes in Our Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Park University Stereotypes in Our Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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Stereotypes in Our Culture
For this assignment I want you to identify stereotypes you have observed or experienced. We are bombarded and accept stereotypes on a regular basis often without thinking about them or being fully aware of them. Everywhere we look we can observe and often experience gender, racial, ethnic, vocational, age, physical appearance stereotypes, etc. These stereotypes are propagated by the media, books, coworkers, family members, our own assumptions and beliefs, etc.
Identify two stereotypes you’ve observed or experienced. To help identify good examples I suggest you watch some commercials, watch a TV show, or walk through a store while focusing on identifying stereotypes. Ask friends or family members to give examples of stereotypes they’ve experienced or observed. Your paper will consist of a separate section for both stereotypes you identify. For each one describe:
1. the stereotype
2. the beliefs or assumptions on which the stereotype is based
3. what’s inaccurate about the stereotype
4. why you think the stereotype persists
5. what effect the stereotype has on the people who are stereotyped
6. what effect the stereotype has on society
7. what small steps you think can be taken either on a personal or societal level to begin to change the prevalence of the stereotype
8. how you have been impacted either directly or indirectly by this stereotype
Park University Stereotypes in Our Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACT Customer Service Strategy The Home Depot Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Individually, you will be creating a customer service strategy aimed at building and sustaining customer loyalty for your chosen company. You have been hand selected by the CEO to propose a customer service strategy to the Board of Directors for your organization in an effort to convince them that they should adopt your strategy. Your company has been struggling to attract and retain customers. You believe this is due to the lack of focus on customer service.
Once you have finalized the proposal by completing the 5 Capstone Project parts, present your strategy to the class, who will act as your Board of Directors.
Capstone Project Part 1
- Choose a company (fictitious or real) that you would like to create a customer service strategy for and explain the reasons for your choice.
- Choose a position and title for yourself within your chosen organization.
- Decide on the type of business the company is in and write a description of it in your own words. This will help personalize your strategy.
Campbellsville University Cumbersome Structure PMP Case Study 4 Computer Science Assignment Help
- Activity I: Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure. Explain the problems with the current structure and how these problems could be solved.
- Activity II: Prepare a risk management plan for the project of finding a job after graduation.The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form.
- This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.
Los Angeles Pierce College Unapologetically Edward Bonilla Silva Podcast Summary Writing Assignment Help
Please click the link and watch 5 of the podcast.…
You don’t have to watch the whole podcast but just enough go write one paragraph per episode
After every episode you watch, write one paragraph summarizing the podcast
Please do not watch the following episodes
– Getting real with Dr. Jackson; being black in America, race, and gender
– Whiteness is a hell of a drug; trying to understand the Capitol
– Karens; white women, race, and Trump
– New Year’s Eve special; it’s all about beer
– Our Christmas special; was Jesus, a communist?
please keep all summaries on one doc and label each summary with the episode
No word minimum, just make sure its 5 sentence minimum.
CU Organizational Structures Project Manager in A Matrix Organization Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Respond to the following prompts: “What do I feel are the most important aspects of my learning in the chapters this week?” and “What about this learning was really worthy of my time and understanding?” Then explain how important it is in society or business.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- Describe the organizational structure of your school or company. What difficulties have you encountered working within this structure?
- Write a job description for a project manager in a matrix organization. Assume that only the project manager is employed full time by the project.
Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.
[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion].
[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]
BUS 621 University of Arizona Global Walmart Analysis for Leadership Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
BUS 621 – Final Paper – Walmart Analysis for Leadership
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
Watch the Week 6 Assignment video above with Dr. Williams Woods of Forbes School of Business and Technology.
Read the Walmart Expands Again in India—But Still Not Able to Open Consumer Stores to Consumer Detriment (Links to an external site.) article.
Read Chapter 16.1 in Northouse and review the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture located in the same chapter of your course text.
Read the MBA Program Case Study.
Review the Walmart Case Study interactive below.
For this class, the Walmart Analysis for Leadership assignment will apply toward Folio. Be sure to upload your paper to Folio once you have completed it and share a link in your submission in addition to uploading it to Waypoint to be graded. Learn more about Folio, Ashford’s ePortfolio tool, by viewing the Folio Quick Start Guide (Links to an external site.).
In the first half of the assignment, you will prepare for Walmart to operate in a foreign market. You will need to analyze at least two leadership models and/or styles to determine which one will be more suitable for leading employees and for responding to stakeholders in a country outside of North America. Determine the leadership competencies that would be beneficial to you as a leader in the selected foreign market. You will choose either Peru, New Zealand, Philippines, Egypt, Czech Republic, or the United Arab Emirates for your analysis. You will also need to compare the concepts of cultural leadership according to how they can be applied in the country that you have selected. You must also determine the leadership skills and practices that should be used in order to foster team and organizational success.
In the second half of the assignment, you will conduct an analysis of the country that you have decided to expand operations into. The analysis must include the rationale for country selection based upon demographic and economic data. Lastly, the analysis should inform leadership about the country’s culture based upon GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture as argued in Northouse (2018). Incorporate each of the nine dimensions of culture in an analysis that will be hypothetically presented to Walmart leadership. When utilizing the nine dimensions, current information about the culture of the selected country must be utilized. The purpose of this preliminary analysis is to make sure that the leadership team understands the complexities of expanding into the country that you have selected. The paper should be eight to ten double-spaced pages and include five scholarly references.
In your paper,
Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in.
Conduct an analysis for Walmart leadership about the country’s culture based upon the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture.
Explain how Walmart’s leadership skills and practices may lead to organizational success.
Formulate a model of cultural and ethical leadership as it applies to Walmart at a global level.
The Walmart Analysis for Leadership Final Paper
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
oTitle of paper
oStudent’s name
oCourse name and number
oInstructor’s name
oDate submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
oFor assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
oThe Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.
MBA Program Case Study
The purpose of this Walmart Case Study is to give each student an opportunity to apply subject matter from each course in the MBA program to an ongoing strategic development. The knowledge gained on the case in each course will be cumulative. The knowledge will assist the student in demonstrating his or her ability to conduct critical analysis and decision making across a wide range of subject matter throughout the MBA program.
Throughout your MBA program you will be covering various subjects as they relate to business. You will initially have an opportunity in this class to create and build your own Walmart in a new global location. Your choices of location include: Czech Republic, Egypt, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, and United Arab Emirates. As you progress through each course in the program you will build upon your case study for Walmart.
Literature Review
Walmart today is a global retail giant. According to Carbonara (2018), Walmart is the world’s largest retail company with continued plans for global growth. There are many competitors, one of which is Amazon. How will Walmart continue to be a global giant in the years to come? In order to maintain the market leader position Walmart will be required to continually look for ways to out grow its’ global competitors (2018).
In order to understand Walmart and where they are today and what tomorrow holds, it is important to understand their foundation. “Sam Walton opened his first five-and-dime in 1950. His vision was to keep prices as low as possible” (Wilbert, 2018, para1). Walton opened the first Walmart in early 1960’s in Roger, AK (2018). One thing that has and will always remain a key component for all Walmart stores is to keep expenses low. There has always been a mentality behind the vision of Walton to demand that employees always keep costs to a bare minimum (2018). On average, “Walmart saves a typical American family of four about $2500 a year. That’s about what a family of four gets from the government in food stamps. That makes Walmart a major antipoverty force in the United States” (Kestenbaum, 2017, para3). Another factor to consider when thinking about Walmart is that “since 1990, the global rate of poverty has been cut by two-thirds. That’s the sharpest decline in human poverty in all of history, more than one billion people have been lifted out of poverty during that period and Walmart is a major force in that effect” (2017, para 3).
Today, Walmart has grown considerably and continues to expand. Just to get an idea of how large this retail giant is:
Walmart employs 1.6 million people.
Walmart has 6,200 retail outlets. In contrast, Home Depot has 2,040. (Wilbert, 2018, Para4)
One might question, what does Walmart do to continue to be successful and keep costs to a minimum? There are several things that this retail giant has incorporated into the operations. First, “Walmart became the first major retailer to demand manufacturers use radio frequency identification technology (RFID). The technology uses radio frequencies to transmit data stored on small tags attached to pallets or individual products. RFID tags hold significantly more data than bar codes” (Wilbert, 2018, para6). Another interesting fact is that “Walmart is the single most important pipeline distributing wealth from rich countries to poor countries” (Kestenbaum, 2017, para3).
One concern pertaining to Walmart is how the employees are treated. It is well known that Walmart not only pays low wages, but they also will cut corners (Kestenbaum, 2017). Walmart tends to hire mostly part-time workers (2017). Some may even say that Walmart “pay their workers poverty wages” (2017, para 4). There have long been ethical concerns in how Walmart operates and manages their employees.
The case is based upon past and current information about Walmart and the country of destination.
1.Each student will select a country to develop his or her case from. The student will use the same country in each course of the MBA program.
2.The student will be responsible for gathering as much information as needed that will help the student with determining the course of action that Walmart should pursue in the company’s quest to grow and meet the needs of international markets.
In the next-to-the-last class of the program students will be able to present a summary of what they have learned in conducting the case study throughout the MBA program.
Carbonara, P. (2018, June 6). Walmart, Amazon top world’s largest retail companies (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
Kestenbaum, Richard . (2017, May 18) . Is Walmart good or bad for America? The question may be outdated (Links to an external site.) . Retrieved on July 25, 2018, from
Wilbert, Caroline . (2018) . How Wal-Mart works (Links to an external site.). Retrieved on July 25, 2018, from
Additional Resource:
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Retrieved from
Chapter 16: Culture and Leadership
BUS 621 University of Arizona Global Walmart Analysis for Leadership Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FIN 343 Upper Iowa University Finance Concepts Summary Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Weekly Summaries
Silicon Valley College Week 4 Monday Is the Highest Negative Affect Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4
Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- Research has shown that Monday is the highest negative-affect day across most cultures. However, in some countries, negative affect is lower on Friday and Saturday than on Sunday. What are two explanations for this discrepancy?
- [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced).
Interview with a Friend The Johari Window Diagram Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
I don’t understand this Communications question and need help to study.
Personal Identity
For your essay interview/talk with someone you have a close relationship with (such as spouse, friend, sibling, student advisor, etc.) about how you communicate or are labeled. Use the Johari Window Diagram to diagram how you communicate with them. What would you both put in the four quadrants? What insights can you draw from this diagram and how does that person see you? Was this your reflected appraisal of yourself? How did things move from the Hidden quadrant to the Open quadrant, or from your Blind to Open quadrant, with that person?
Do you agree with the guidelines in the textbook for enriching the self toward maintaining a healthy identity? Share why you agree or don’t agree. Apply what you’ve learned this week and write one goal you’ve created to improve your self-concept. Provide a detailed analysis of yourself incorporating the reading and textbook material.
Your paper should be 500 – 750 words (roughly 2 – 3 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.
This website will be useful:…
Requirements: 550+ words | .doc file
Do You Have A Social Problem You Know You Want to Learn More About Reflection Writing Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your work so far and to think through how you might define your early research questions and focus your project. It is also intended to help other students coordinate their research goals in relation to your own, so try to make the relevance and uniqueness of your project as clear as possible and avoid repeating things you have previously shared in class conversations. This is the first part of your project proposal and should show how far your preliminary research has helped you to develop your research questions.
Read the responses to Class Conversation 3.2, review the CP assignment prompt, and then freewrite 500-1000 words responding to any of the following prompts:
- How have your questions, search keywords, and understandings evolved over the last few weeks as a result of your ongoing research, reading, and class conversations?
- What sources have you found helpful in making sense of the subject matter in this class? Have these sources led you to potentially interesting and urgent research questions? Explain.
- Do you have a specific social problem you know you want to learn more about? If so, what do you already know about it? How can you define it more narrowly to make it more manageable? If not, brainstorm some different possibilities in relation to previous class conversations.
- What do you know you do not want to focus on? Set some limits to your interests, even if they are only for the short term. You can always learn more from other scholars’ work or after this project is over. Do you notice any other students taking up questions that you won’t need to answer? What are some research questions you will set aside for now to sharpen your focus on others?
- What points of contention (explicitly recognized or not) in the previous class conversations interest you most? Discuss what is at stake for you in developing an argument for one position or another regarding such points of contention. How can you frame your interest and sense of these stakes as research questions (rather than settled answers)?
- Discuss the scale (space and time, geographical and historical) at which you would want to analyze your chosen social problem (whether or not it has been well defined yet). What human actors, institutions, and social-economic processes are most influential at that scale, as far as you know?
- Can you provide a description of the present situation that you find to be a problem? What evidence can you provide from the present moment that attention is required? For whom is the situation more or less urgent? How is the situation produced in relation to other less problematic situations (e.g. how is the disadvantage dynamically connected to advantage)?
- If you have some idea of how you want to define your social problem, what do you know about the rhetorical situation surrounding it? How do public commentators discuss it? How do professional scholars discuss it?
- What personal connection can you draw upon to motivate your research and demonstrate your authentic interest in your topic? What ethical stakes do you consider your research to have?
- What else do you think about your research at this stage? Use your writing here to work through any aspect of you work, open questions, confusions, frustrations, speculative ideas, etc.
NOTE: Writing you submit for these topic development posts can be used as draft portions of your CP, to be included with necessary revisions if and when it is appropriate to the development of the argument therein.
[supanova_question], and then freewrite 500-1000 words responding to any of the following prompts:
- How have your questions, search keywords, and understandings evolved over the last few weeks as a result of your ongoing research, reading, and class conversations?
- What sources have you found helpful in making sense of the subject matter in this class? Have these sources led you to potentially interesting and urgent research questions? Explain.
- Do you have a specific social problem you know you want to learn more about? If so, what do you already know about it? How can you define it more narrowly to make it more manageable? If not, brainstorm some different possibilities in relation to previous class conversations.
- What do you know you do not want to focus on? Set some limits to your interests, even if they are only for the short term. You can always learn more from other scholars’ work or after this project is over. Do you notice any other students taking up questions that you won’t need to answer? What are some research questions you will set aside for now to sharpen your focus on others?
- What points of contention (explicitly recognized or not) in the previous class conversations interest you most? Discuss what is at stake for you in developing an argument for one position or another regarding such points of contention. How can you frame your interest and sense of these stakes as research questions (rather than settled answers)?
- Discuss the scale (space and time, geographical and historical) at which you would want to analyze your chosen social problem (whether or not it has been well defined yet). What human actors, institutions, and social-economic processes are most influential at that scale, as far as you know?
- Can you provide a description of the present situation that you find to be a problem? What evidence can you provide from the present moment that attention is required? For whom is the situation more or less urgent? How is the situation produced in relation to other less problematic situations (e.g. how is the disadvantage dynamically connected to advantage)?
- If you have some idea of how you want to define your social problem, what do you know about the rhetorical situation surrounding it? How do public commentators discuss it? How do professional scholars discuss it?
- What personal connection can you draw upon to motivate your research and demonstrate your authentic interest in your topic? What ethical stakes do you consider your research to have?
- What else do you think about your research at this stage? Use your writing here to work through any aspect of you work, open questions, confusions, frustrations, speculative ideas, etc.
NOTE: Writing you submit for these topic development posts can be used as draft portions of your CP, to be included with necessary revisions if and when it is appropriate to the development of the argument therein.