part two assignment Writing Assignment Help. part two assignment Writing Assignment Help.
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Now, your PLC group will be required to watch all Special Topic PowerPoint slides. 2. Select 8 to 10 special topics PowerPoint Presentations posted from other groups in the Discussion Board. For each special topic PowerPoint, you and your PLC group will write a reflection. 3. Be sure your reflective paper includes a 300-word reflection for each of the 8 to 10 special topics presented in class. You should have 8 to 10 300-word reflections. Make sure your PLC group: 4. Expands your discussion using material from the textbook and links to the special topics by making connections between the special topics and the content learned throughout the course. 5. Follows the Special Topics Part II rubric criteria for each of the special topics. Some rubrics cover two or three special topics, make sure to address those indicators. 6. Uses the titles and subtitles related to the indicators in order to give clarity to the discussion. Highlight the indicators that you use in your paper.
part two assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Individual Project 1-5? Computer Science Assignment Help
Throughout this course, you will be working on several aspects of network security that will result in a complete Network Security Plan Document for an organization of your choosing. Providing security to the organization and protecting valuable corporate assets requires careful planning. The alternative could be disastrous for any organization. A properly designed network security plan provides a methodology for evaluating and protecting the organization’s assets. Each week, you will complete a part of your Network Security Plan, with the final draft due at the end of the course.
You will select an organization and apply your research to the analysis and development of a Network Security Plan document that would be appropriate for the organization and the needs it has for security. Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project will be provided in the assignment descriptions each week. This is the course’s Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week.
Operation Security Computer Science Assignment Help
Need :
1. Report
2. PPT
Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study/assignment. This report should be no less than 10 pages of content. You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. You must have at least 10 references, 7 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In addition to the 10 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet. This report needs to be in proper APA format.
Be prepared to present a 15-minute presentation on this assignment.
Smith Hospital is a leading health care provider within Kentucky (having five locations throughout the entire state). The system they use is a popular Electronic Health Record system called EPIC. To learn more about this EHR system visit: On September 15, Daniel Brown (CIO of Smith Hospital) was notified that about two major incidents.
The first incident occurred at the northeast office in which the IT server room was burglarized during normal business hours. It was determined that iPhones, laptops, flash drives and one server was stolen. Local police were notified, and the incident was reported on that date.
The second incident occurred at the southwest campus in which the entire IT system was hacked. Local information security staff determined that 80% of patient’s PII to include social security, insurance provider, mailing address and phone number were obtained.
You are Daniel Brown and need to respond to these incidents by taking action immediately.
You will need to complete the following:
- Develop an Incident Response Policy for Smith Hospital that will be used to help with Scenario #1 and #2 (create two separate response policies) (this is an attachment that should be included in your paper and referenced in your presentation).
- Upon developing the Incident Response Policies, evaluate the incidents described above:
- Summarize the data incident and potential level of risk, include why?
- Upon identifying the types of data that could potentially be impacted and what laws/regulations could be in violation of non-compliance if this data was breached
- Develop your action plan to evaluate this data incident (include your rationale for why the steps were necessary)
- Describe how the Incident Response Policy supported your actions
- Identify any issues that made the evaluation more difficult
- Identify areas of future risk mitigation actions should a similar incident occur (look at the gaps or issues with this scenario)
- Close the incident (NOTE: The outcome of the incident did not surface any major risks or data breach to the company, but it took the evaluation to get to this conclusion)
HLA, Assembly language Programming Assignment Help
Week08 bitRotate.hla and misc. Exercises: 50 points +.
Someone complained that there wasn't enough practice, and I wholeheartedly
agree...anybody who has to put up with the instructor's voice should get a
break, and often.
So let's "work" the information in week08.txt.
Go to your asst3 directory, create, assemble and run hello.S
Now, everybody knows we can read the command line parms, and
how to use the "waterpump". If you just copy Caesarshift.hla
here and rename it as bitRotate.hla, you can probably create
a crypto tool in 15 minutes which rotates the bits in each byte
the number of times in the command line parm. Think about it.
Remind me to shut up and let you work on this TODAY. Like I say,
it builds on what we already know, and adds the shift/rotate
tools in the CPU. It probably doesn't matter to our command
(Eighth Army) whether we rotate right or left, since by
using the right number on the command line, one can mimic the
other's output.
converts a byte of text from readable text to low-order control
characters, so run your program this way:
bitRotate 3 < > filea.out
Then, to see what a mess we've made, look inside the output
file this way:
hexdump < filea.out | less
(Hey, we're flying with the big birds now....)
To confirm your logic, you should be able to do this:
bitRotate 4 < textfile | bitRotate 4
What you get should be what you input. Check it.
Sociology Paper Assignment Humanities Assignment Help
In the paper you will exercise your sociological imagination to take a look at some of the sociological forces that are at work in shaping your unfolding biography and how they might affect the outcomes you will experience in your life.C. Wright Mills defined sociological imagination as “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. Having a vivid sociological imagination means understanding that much of our experience is shaped by sociological forces beyond our control.Time and place of our birth, our birth date and birth year, age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, the type of family we are born into, social class, birth order, generation and generation size,cultural inheritances, family inheritances, and the timing of our own personal biography with much larger historical events and processes all help determine the outcomes we experience in life and whether we succeed or fail.
Please take a look of the file before you do the research.
Research Papers Writing Assignment Help
For your final class project, read a scientific paper on a topic of your choice from the
mathematical biology literature. Computationally implement the model in the paper
and extend the paper’s results. Your extension may be mathematical or computational.
Prepare a presentation of the paper and your extension.
Proposals. Submit the following in class on Thursday, April 3, or sooner:
• What are you planning to do? Specifically, what paper are you planning to read,
and how are you planning to extend the model? What question(s) do you plan to
investigate? (1 – 3 sentences is fine.)
Progress Report. Due Thursday, April 6, or sooner:
• Report progress on model development and simulation, data/model parameter
estimation, analysis, and model interpretation/conclusions
• What have you completed? What is your next step?
final paper April 9
please look at the attached 3 guild line for more information, for the paper I prefer number 2 but there are more then 40 you can choose from let me know if you wanna read another one
paper number 2: (i have attached it)
Nowak MA and Bangham CRM. Population dynamics of immune responses to
persistent viruses. Science, 272(5258):74–79, 1996.
Research Papers Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Developmental Psychological Essay Writing Assignment Help
Many popular children’s authors craft their stories using psychological principles of child development to illustrate main ideas and themes of the story.
1. Select a childrens book, choose a classic or well – loved story book that is appropriate to be read to children ages 2-6. It may be a book that you enjoyed someone reading to you as a child, or if you are a parent.
2. As you read the book, take note of any psychological development topics that the author used in the story. You may answer the questions included on the analysis form.
4. After analyzing the children’s book and identifying the psychological elements included in the story, Write an analysis essay of the book that summarizes your results.
5. Be sure to include information that addresses all of the developmental psychology elements that you identified in the story.
6. Use proper essay format and your assignment should be typed, double spaced and minimum 3-5 pages in length.
In your analysis essay, be sure to address the points below that are appropriate for the book/story that you chose.
1. Give the title of the book, the name of the author, the name of the illustrator and the date of publication
2. Was this a book that you enjoyed as a child? Yes/no. If yes, provide one reason why you enjoyed it. If no, why did you choose the book you used for this assignment?
3. Choose a minimum of 5 developmental psychology concepts from the list below that are included as elements in the book/story that you chose.
Describe examples of each of the appropriate concepts that appear in the story. The book that you choose may not include or illustrate all of the topics in the list. You need only to address those concepts that are present in the story that you chose.
Cognitive Psychological Development Concepts
(a) Does the story contain elements of rhyme and repetition in the text that promotes thought, language and memory development?
(b) Do any of the characters in the story exhibit egocentrism/egocentric thoughts and behaviors? (ex. Animals that dress and talk like a child or conflicts or misunderstandings that arise from the main character’s self-centered view )
(c) Do any of the characters in the story exhibit centration in their thinking or relationships with others? (stories about the characters in the book who have only one prominent feature such as a character’s focusing on one special goal, one special object, one special person, one special experience)
(d) Using the descriptions of cognitive development that Piaget’s Stage Theory provides, what stage of cognitive development would you say that the major characters in the story are reflecting through their behavior and thoughts? Provide a reason to support your observation.
Psycho Social Development Concepts
(e) Using the stage and behavior descriptions of Erikson’s Psycho Social Development Theory, what stage of psycho social development do you believe the main characters are demonstrating through their behavior and interactions with others and reactions in the story?
(f) Were there any effects that resulted from or depended on literal or figurative language? Did the main character or characters demonstrate appropriate symbolic thinking (from Piaget’s theory) or were there misunderstandings because figurative language and symbols were taken literally?
(g) Describe story elements that illustrate strong ties of family bonding and friendship, as well as any indications of the temperaments of the main characters. Using Chess’s temperament scale, how would you categorize the temperaments of the major characters in the story? (easy, difficult, inconsistent)? What behaviors did the major characters display that led you to that conclusion?
(h) If the story included a parent or caregiver, what kind of parenting style would you say that individual used? Use Baumrind’s Styles of Caregiving Theory (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved) to identify the parenting style and provide one reason to support your choice.
(i) Were there any story elements that reflected a character’s fear or anxiety about separation? If so, how was this anxiety handled in the story?
(j) Did the main character experience any identity development issues such as self- esteem issues, gender, bullying, or autonomy development? What issues were addressed and what were the solutions to the issues?
4. What did you think about this assignment? Did it enable you to see how psychological principles are a part of so many experiences in our lives? Did you find this activity useful and helpful to you in understanding the psychological components of developmental psychology? If yes, in what ways? If no, why was it not helpful?
finance technical assignment. Need you to collect data only after the 4th april Business Finance Assignment Help
This is part 1 of the Group Project and it is worth 1 point. See Instructions
Students will collect information after the market closes on Friday.
This video shows where the data can be obtained and shows the websites you’ll need to visit
This video shows how to process the data that has been obtained.
Please work on the sources data sheet and the DC1 sheet using this Excel template
Please include all the data and images needed to prove your work.
Partnership Tax returns Other Assignment Help
ption #2: Partnership Tax Returns
Review the grading rubric below to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
Because it is important for accountants to demonstrate the filing requirements for specialized tax returns, for this final project you will be completing a partnership tax return and provide an analysis of the ethical considerations related to tax preparation involving partnerships.
Key Component:
Use the financial data from below to complete Form 1065.
Complete the Student Template (found in Module 8 under this assignment) that has the respective tax forms and schedules required to complete the return. Complete all the parts of your respective business tax return for which there is information.
Click this link to download Form 1065 (Links to an external site.) from Complete the return for BADEC.
In a separate document, prepare an analysis of the ethical considerations related to tax preparation involving partnerships.
- The purpose of some questions on Form 1065 Schedule B with the exception of line 1. (You may select a sub-grouping of these questions to complete your milestone.)
- The challenges (identify three to five) you faced, both anticipated and unexpected, when completing the partnership tax return.
- Solutions you can provide to those challenges.
Submit 1) your tax return template and 2) your analysis of the ethical considerations related to tax preparation involving partnerships. Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
Review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment. Note: Save the .docx file as a .pdf when submitting so that all information will be viewable.
BADEC Partnership |
12/31/2016 |
Assets |
Cash |
$485,600 |
Computer |
$7,000 |
AccDep-Computer |
$(1,745) |
Furniture |
$3,000 |
AccDep-Furniture |
$(321) |
Land |
$50,000 |
Total Assets |
$543,534 |
Liabilities |
Equity |
Capital-Anderson |
$57,299 |
Capital-Bacon |
$171,898 |
Capital-Cox |
$114,599 |
Capital-Day |
$57,299 |
Capital-Elders |
$40,840 |
Capital-Fawcett |
$85,679 |
Capital-Gonzalez |
$15,920 |
Total Liabilities plus Equity |
$543,534 |
Individual Growth Lesson Plan Other Assignment Help
Differentiating instruction is vital to the individual growth of students. Social studies allows students to display knowledge and skills in multiple formats, meeting individual needs. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a group of diverse students and design a standards-based lesson plan that meets the needs of all students while incorporating student experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction.
Review the “Class Profile” to inform this assignment.
Select an elementary grade level and economics state standard of your choice. Using the COE Lesson Plan template, write a complete lesson plan that is aligned to the economics standard you chose.
Include the following in your lesson plan:
- Incorporate student experiences, cultures, and community resources.
- Differentiate the instruction and instructional materials in order to meet the needs of all students described within the “Class Profile.”
Upon completing your lesson plan, justify your instructional choices in a 250-500 word reflection. Specifically address how you differentiated instruction for the students described in the “Class Profile.”
“COE Lesson Plan Template”
Teacher Candidate Name:
Grade Level:
Instructional Plan Title: |
Lesson Summary and Focus: |
In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: |
Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson.
National/State Learning Standards: |
Review national and state standards to become familiar with the standards you will be working with in the classroom environment. Your goal in this section is to identify the standards that are the focus of the lesson being presented. Standards must address learning initiatives from one or more content areas, as well as align with the lesson’s learning targets/objectives and assessments. Include the standards with the performance indicators and the standard language in its entirety.
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: |
Learning objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to measure in learning. These must be aligned with the standards. When creating objectives, a learner must consider the following:
What is being assessed in the lesson must align directly to the objective created. This should not be a summary of the lesson, but a measurable statement demonstrating what the student will be assessed on at the completion of the lesson. For instance, “understand” is not measureable, but “describe” and “identify” are. For example: Given an unlabeled map outlining the 50 states, students will accurately label all state names.
Academic Language |
In this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary you need to teach. In a few sentences, describe how you will teach students those terms in the lesson.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: |
List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the students will use during the lesson. As required by your instructor, add or attach copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this template. Include links needed for online resources.
Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set Your goal in this section is to open the lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking previous learning with what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for the lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals) as a tool to engage interest and motivate learners for the lesson. In a bulleted list, describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
For example:
Time Needed |
Multiple Means of Representation Learners perceive and comprehend information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain how you would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners. For example, you may present the material using guided notes, graphic organizers, video or other visual media, annotation tools, anchor charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies, etc. In a bulleted list, describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
For example: Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:
Time Needed |
Multiple Means of Engagement Your goal for this section is to outline how you will engage students in interacting with the content and academic language. How will students explore, practice, and apply the content? For example, you may engage students through collaborative group work, Kagan cooperative learning structures, hands-on activities, structured discussions, reading and writing activities, experiments, problem solving, etc. In a bulleted list, describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore, practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the lesson. Also, include formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you might pose.
For example:
Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
Time Needed |
Multiple Means of Expression Learners differ in the ways they navigate a learning environment and express what they know. Your goal in this section is to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate what they have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response, selection, and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of these products? Will you offer students choices to demonstrate mastery? This section is essentially differentiated assessment. In a bulleted list, explain the options you will provide for your students to express their knowledge about the topic. For example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative ways through a short answer or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to text, website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on project, experiment, reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments. Students may also demonstrate their knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example, students may take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing, an entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five, electronic quiz games, running records, four corners, or hand raising. Underline the names of any formative assessments. For example: Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the in-class simulation they experienced. They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding. Students will also take part in formative assessments throughout the lesson, such as thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down and pair-share discussions, where you will determine if you need to re-teach or re-direct learning.
Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
Time Needed |
Extension Activity and/or Homework Identify and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate. Explain how the extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning targets/objectives. As required by your instructor, attach any copies of homework at the end of this template.
Time Needed |
[supanova_question] from Complete the return for BADEC.
In a separate document, prepare an analysis of the ethical considerations related to tax preparation involving partnerships.
- The purpose of some questions on Form 1065 Schedule B with the exception of line 1. (You may select a sub-grouping of these questions to complete your milestone.)
- The challenges (identify three to five) you faced, both anticipated and unexpected, when completing the partnership tax return.
- Solutions you can provide to those challenges.
Submit 1) your tax return template and 2) your analysis of the ethical considerations related to tax preparation involving partnerships. Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
Review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment. Note: Save the .docx file as a .pdf when submitting so that all information will be viewable.
BADEC Partnership |
12/31/2016 |
Assets |
Cash |
$485,600 |
Computer |
$7,000 |
AccDep-Computer |
$(1,745) |
Furniture |
$3,000 |
AccDep-Furniture |
$(321) |
Land |
$50,000 |
Total Assets |
$543,534 |
Liabilities |
Equity |
Capital-Anderson |
$57,299 |
Capital-Bacon |
$171,898 |
Capital-Cox |
$114,599 |
Capital-Day |
$57,299 |
Capital-Elders |
$40,840 |
Capital-Fawcett |
$85,679 |
Capital-Gonzalez |
$15,920 |
Total Liabilities plus Equity |
$543,534 |