Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This week you and two others will develop a management plan in 1,500 to 2,000 words for a fictional sport or leisure organization or event (e.g., major or minor league team, college athletic department, sport marketing/event management company, youth sport organization, community recreation facility, 10K road race, golf course, three-on–three tournament). Although the sport/leisure organization or event is fictional, the elements of this assignment should be based on similar types of organizations or events that actually exist. Therefore, it is expected that you will conduct research and modify information from actual organizations or events. (Identify the appropriate areas as they relate to your organization/event within the 10 Ps of a marketing plan). Your management plan should include the following elements and each element should be identified in the paper with a bold heading: 1. Your plan should include an introduction to your fictional organization indicating its name, the products/services it supplies, its founding date along with brief history, its locations, and its reach within the industry (local, national, global). 2. An original name and logo. (Describe how you decided on a logo/name.) 3. A mission statement for your organization. 4. A minimum of three goals for your organization. 5. A strategic plan for achieving each of those goals listed. 6. An organizational chart depicting all employee positions, including a list of job descriptions. 7. A detailed description of each marketing mix element (price, product, place, promotion). 8. A description of the target market, including demographics and psychographics. 9. Identification of your primary revenue streams and major expenses. 10. Identification of three potential legal concerns and an explanation of how your organization will deal with each. 11. An explanation of two potential ethical dilemmas that your organization may face. Prepare this assignment according to the MLA guidelines found in the course syllabus. You must cite a minimum of five resources.

Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FSU Marduk Battle with Tiamat in Enuma Elish and Baal’s Battle with Yam in The Baal Essay Humanities Assignment Help

1)Your Revised Mini Essay should consist of: two supporting paragraphs(each with a subthesis statement; see Essay Draft Topic)

2) Each supporting paragraph of the Revised Mini Essay must have at least five sentences, but you will almost certainly want more sentences than just five in each paragraph.

3) The subthesis should be the first sentence or first two sentences of the supporting paragraph.

4) Each subthesis must refer in some way to BOTH works you have chosen for your Revised Mini Essay.

5)Each supporting paragraph, therefore, must discuss BOTH works.

7) The best subtheses focus on a single similarity or a single difference. For example, a subthesis could be: One difference between Marduks battle with Tiamat and Baals battle with Yam is the type of weapons the storm gods (Marduk and Baal) use.

8) Each supporting paragraph must include at least TWO direct quotations, one from each work. The quotations must support the subthesis of the paragraph.

9)DO NOT DIVIDE SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS IN TWO! For the purposes of this assignment, it does not matter how long supporting paragraphs are (although if a supporting paragraph is much over a page in length, then your subthesis is likely too general). Make sure you discuss BOTH works in each supporting paragraph, and make sure you have at least one quotation from BOTH works in each supporting paragraph. If you divide supporting paragraphs in two (i.e.,if you discuss Marduk vs. Tiamatin one paragraph and Baal vs. Yam in another), you WILL lose points on your Mini Essay.

11)You do NOT need a works cited page or bibliography, and you do NOT need footnotes.

Thus, a formula for writing a supportingparagraphis:

a) subthesis mentioning both works and focusing on a single similarity or difference

b) sentence introducing first quotation

c) first quotation(from Enuma Elish, for example)

d) sentence explaining why first quotation is significant for subthesise)sentence introducing second quotationf) second quotation(from Baal Cycle, for example)

g) sentence explaining why second quotation is significant for subthesis

13)For further examples, read the Sample Paragraphs for Essaysfile(especially sectionsIII, IV, and V on supporting paragraphs).

1 The more of these errors you can avoid, the higher the grade on your essay will likely be. For the Mini Essay (and Revised Mini Essay) some of these errors will not apply, especially those dealing with introductory or concluding paragraphs.

15)This is an essay, not a research paper. You should not have to do any outside research. In fact, I would strongly discourage outside research(especially on the internet). All you need for the essay are the assigned readings, the lectures, and your own thoughts about the myths. When you offer your own thoughts, be sure you support them with evidence from the readings or lectures.

16) Important: Stay away from any information you see on the web! It is often wrong, and it will be obvious to your grader that you got your information from the web and not from the assigned myths and readings. If you depend on the web for the information in your essays, your grade will suffer.

1) Be sure to read carefully the Common Grading Rubric file. This is the rubric upon which essay grading is ultimately based for all sections of CLT3378 (Ancient Mythology), regardless of section, semester, or instructor.(The List of Errors builds upon this grading rubric.)

2) Pay especially close attention to what the requirements are for the “A/A” paper:“Mechanics: Sentence structure, grammar, and diction excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation style; minimal to no spelling errors; absolutely no runon sentences or comma splices.”This means that if there are more than a very few spelling or grammatical errors in your essay, you CANNOT receive an A or A.

3) Therefore, in order to give yourself at least the chance to receive the best possible grade on your essay, make sure your essay has as few spelling or grammatical errors as possible! For your essay, be sure to use “spell check” on your computer. But also read your essay aloud several times and try to catch any remaining spelling or grammatical errors


ENGL 101 Saint Leo University Correctional Leadership & Development Process Paper Writing Assignment Help

Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Discuss its relevance and implications to the field of Corrections. Some postings may require the student to find an article online in reference to a timely topic. Write a brief summary of the article and post the full URL. Your remarks can be opinion, but they must be based on experience, research and/or prior learning. The paper must be in APA format and include a title page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and references. Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for any scholarly writing and is not permitted for any assignment in this program. Your paper should go beyond the obvious and must be at least 1,200 words in length. You must use at least three resources to support your position. Remember, all resources including, but not limited to, journals, magazines, and/or books must be properly cited using APA style and published within the last 5 years. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. In APA 7 you no longer cite the city and state of the publisher. Avoid using gender his/her, use they/theirs. The assignments within this class are to be the student’s original work. The student is permitted to use no more than 15% of other’s quoted work. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings. Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 3+ authors. When you cite your source in the body of your paper only use the author’s last name, no first names or initials. Quotes don’t go in italics. For direct quotes you also need to cite the page or paragraph number where the quote came from. In your reference section APA 7 no longer requires the city or state of the publishers.

After reading all your assigned reading for this module, complete the assignment below.


· You are preparing to introduce a new program in your agency.

  • According to the research, what is the best way to develop a team?”
  • According to the leadership theories in Module 1, what type of leadership will work best to develop a team? The Skills Theory or the Trait Theory?
  • Please incorporate your readings from Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Manager and Supervisor Levels, Chapters 8 and 9.


ETWR 1302 Houston Community College Cyberbullying Annotated Bibliography Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to move you further into the research process and to get you one step closer to delivering a research-supported oral report. Because Project 3 and 4 are connected, it might help to refer to the Oral Report description. Briefly, this is it:

“Your goal is to teach or inform your audience about something. For example, let’s say that you developed an Annotated Bibliography all about preventing identity theft; your report will inform your audience about preventing identity theft by using your three (or more) sources.

Before you can even begin to draft your script, you will need to consider audience. Who are they? What is their interest level in your topic? What level of expertise do they have with your topic? Are they familiar with specialized terms?”More information on the Oral Report will be available shortly.

You are composing an annotated bibliography so that you will have a strong body of source material when you give your report. In Project 3, you will:

  • Produce documents appropriate to audience, purpose, and genre.
  • Analyze the ethical responsibilities involved in technical communication.
  • Locate, evaluate, and incorporate pertinent information.
  • Edit for appropriate style, including attention to word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

An annotated bibliography is like an expanded Works Cited (MLA) where your reader sees not only the formal citation but a paragraph containing a summary and explanation of each source.

Your annotated bibliography should include at least three (3) sources. You can have more, but you need at least three. While I always encourage students to use the HCC Library, you may draw sources from the common internet as well. However, your sources must be credible and appropriate for a college essay — no Wikipedia, Reddit, Yahoo! answers, or anything similarly casual.Think of the Annotated Bibliography as having the following structure:

  • Begin with a research question, along with a statement of why this question deserves to be answered. You will also be asked to include your tentative thesis statement, which will be the answer to the research question.
  • List your sources according to MLA citation style, as you would on a Works Cited page.
  • Follow each formal citation with a short paragraph containing:
    • A summary of the work in your own words.
    • An evaluation of the work in your own words.
      • This is an indication of the credibility, authority, or bias of the source: as you move closer to a research-supported report, you’ll need to carefully think about how your sources’ credibility will be supporting your own credibility (or ethos).
      • Some ways you could demonstrate credibility are listing how you found the source (via the library databases), that the source comes from a respected publication (such as the New York Times, theWall Street Journal, or a peer-reviewed scholarly journal), or that the author has credentials relevant to the topic.
    • A statement of how the source might fit into your report in your own words—that is, how it will be useful to you based on your tentative thesis.

A sample Annotated Bibliography with explanatory notes is included in the assignment materials.

There are also examples of Annotated Bibliography entries in the Project 3 module.

Source requirements:

  • Minimum of three (3) entries.
  • This assignment will be paired with a prewriting.


Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of SourceA summary of the work is given in your own words (3 total)

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation of SourceEach source is evaluated in your own words (3 total). This is an indication of the credibility, authority, or bias of the source.

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFitting the Source into Your ReportYou state in your own words how each source fits into your report (3 total). This means you explain how it will be useful to you based on your tentative thesis.

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA InformationEach of your sources is listed according to MLA style, as it would appear on your Works Cited page (3 total).

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch QuestionYour research question is clearly stated, along with a statement of why this question deserves to be answered. You also include your tentative thesis statement, which will be the answer to the research question.

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


CCS 115 Implicit And Unconscious Bias Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

After completing the reading answer the following questions in a 4 page reflection paper: NO PLAGIARISM!!!

Note: You must support the information presented in your paper with citations.

1. How do implicit/unconscious biases impact individuals in everyday life (employment, housing, education, health care, etc.). Cover at least two areas (being as specific as possible).

2. What is the connection between implicit bias and microaggressions and how do they lead to the mistreatment and/or discrimination against non-dominant groups. Make sure that you define both concepts for the reader.

3. How do implicit/unconscious biases lead to inequity?

4. What will you commit to doing with the information you have learned about implicit/unconscious bias?

You are required to use at least three sources for your paper. You must cite using APA (or MLA). Failure to support information in your paper with citations will result in loss of points.

  • The paper should be double-spaced (single-space between paragraphs).
  • You must use at least three sources for your paper.
  • You are required to cite within your paper and include a reference page.



University of Southern California Compassionate Liberals & Polite Conservatives HW Humanities Assignment Help

For your term paper, you are to answer the following question:

What type of political ideology is the most successful?

For full credit, discuss why some ideologies have been historically successful and others have not. Be sure to give historical examples to back up your claims.

This is a research paper. You are using historical examples to prove why one ideology has been successful and others have not. For example, you may claim that Liberalism is the most successful ideology because of the success of the United States and that Communism has proven to not work because of the failure of the USSR. Obviously, you will want to go into more detail than that.

There is no technical right answer, you will be graded on how convincing your argument is and how well you researched the topic.

Assignment requirements

  • Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length double spaced (not including work cited).
  • You must use at least 2 credible outside sources to prove your points.
  • Include a work cited page.


  • Use a standard font and margin spacing (Times New Roman, Calibri).
  • Your header should be single spaced, include your full name, and class.
  • Include a title.
  • Be sure to cite when you quote or paraphrase.
  • Your paper should be written in a clear and concise manner. If your grammar or phrasing distracts from your work you will be marked down.
  • You may use internal citations, footnotes, or endnotes.
  • Please use a professional style of citation

University of Southern California Compassionate Liberals & Polite Conservatives HW Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUSN 278 DeVry University Papa Geos Restaurant Budget Proposal PPT & Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

DISCLAIMER: I just got done asking this question and the tutor sent me a fully plagiarized document they downloaded off coursehero, so PLEASE make sure it is 100% original work and that you full understand the requirements of this question before you accept!!!!!! Please have proposal and excel experience!!

BONUS: I will tip you great if you can really follow through and deliver good work, my last experience went so badly that I need it!

This is a budget proposal for a fictional company called Papa Geo’s Pizza Restaurant. There are 3 parts to this project: Budget Template that must be filled out, Excel Workbook that must show how you got your answers, and finally just transffering all the information into a professional power point. For the power point you won’t need to worry about the color scheme or narration, I can do that part.

Below I will attach all the background information on the company, as well as, the blank documents. The template gives you detailed instructions for each section.



Paul Quinn College Power in American Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The paper will address the power process and the sources of power in American Organizations such as

· A framework for successfully utilizing power

· Understanding your power sources in a culture

· Uses/Dynamics of Power from leadership

· Power across organizational cultures

Next the paper will utilize influence tactics such as

· Strengths/Weakness of each tactic from leaders

In addition, explain what works for you

· Influence Tactics and Personal Disposition from management

Furthermore, identify the power corruptions

· Deadly mistakes and how to avoid them as an employee/leader

Finally, Debrief/Leadership Point of View

· Summary of research

2 Scholar Sources Needed; MLA Style; 750-1,000 words

Doc., Docx. or Docm. Required No PDF


MCJ 6985 Emory University Stephen Paddock Gunfire Literature Review Law Assignment Help


In this assignment, you will begin to build the literature review for your project. You will locate appropriate sources for your literature review.

Identify at least eight sources for your literature review. The sources must be academic in nature. You might find that sources you review for your background section can also be appropriate for your literature review.

In a Microsoft Word document, specify and describe the following points for each source:

  • The name of the author, if known
  • The name of the organization that is responsible for the research or data
  • A short description of the publication or media format in which the source is presented (for example, a journal, a book, and a government agency report)
  • A statement explaining the relevant information that you expect to gather from each source

Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.


West Coast University Diet effects and Disease Symptoms Essay Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing three parts:

  1. Part I: Analyze diet
  2. Part II: Evaluate how the patient’s diet affects:

    • The person’s health (anatomy)
    • The progression of the illness (pathophysiology)
    • Common medications associated with the disease

  3. Part III: Create patient SMART goals and an evidence-based plan of care (patient education)

Begin by viewing the patient profiles and assignment details in the the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left. Choose one patient profile and use it to complete Parts I–III of the assignment.

In addition to the assignment specifics, your paper should: 

  • Be a minimum of 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use in-text citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas.
  • Incorporate a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources into your paper.
  • Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Follow the list structure of the sample paper for the section on calculations. You can download a sample paper in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left.
  • Include a title page and a reference page listing the sources you used. Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing.


Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Paul Quinn Laurania Football Championship Organizational Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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