peer review Humanities Assignment Help

peer review Humanities Assignment Help. peer review Humanities Assignment Help.

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  1. Read your peer’s essay once through quickly.
  2. Then, read it through a second time slowly and take notes on the following:
    1. Identify the topic of each paragraph.
    2. Identify the most important/powerful moment in the essay.
    3. Identify the most descriptive/vivid moment.
    4. Take note of a few, specific words that you think are important in this essay.
    5. Identify where you would draw a division between the “beginning,” the “middle,” and the “end.”
    6. Consider the title of the paper. Is it creative and interesting? Do you have ideas about how it could be improved?
    7. Identify anywhere in the essay where you felt confused or wanted more information.

After reading the essay that your peer(there are two peers) has posted, you will be writing them a formal letter as a comment to the paper. It will be grading the letters on the basis of their helpfulness, thoroughness, and how closely they follow these directions. Here are the directions for your letters.

Please do not comment on grammar or punctuation in these peer review letters.

  1. Each letter should begin with “Dear [Peer’s Name]” and end with “Sincerely, [Your Name].”
  2. Each should be written carefully and respectfully. Spend time on both the quality of your ideas and your writing.
  3. Each letter must be at least a full page in length (approx. 250 words).
  4. Each letter should be divided into separate paragraphs with distinct topics.
  5. Each letter should begin with your general reaction to the essay and your thoughts about the ideas it presents.
  6. Each letter should identify the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story. Do you think that the paper begins where it should? Should it begin with a different moment in the narrative?
  7. Each letter must say whether or not the paper includes all the paragraphs and parts required for the assignment. Does it include the paragraphs described in the second prompt: “Tool,” “How I learned the skill,” and “The skill’s abstract value”? Is anything missing?
  8. Each letters must explain what you thought the best part of the essay was and why you thought so.
  9. Each letter must mention questions that the essay raises for you, things that you didn’t understand or would like more information about.
  10. Each letter must suggest how the author might improve the essay. What could your peer do to make it even better? Where might they expand or add detail
  11. (the jpeg is the requirement for the body part, the begin and the end should be the the story)

peer review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

legal posivitism Humanities Assignment Help

please follow directions carefully. I have attached the assignment sheet please read it carefully and write the essay make sure it is 3 pages minimum. assignment for march 4th is the title. please follow the COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE PAPERS TO WRITE THIS PAPER.

APA FORMAT 12point font times new roman please cite the book its called philosophy of law (oxford).

Please touch on every point and do a great job… this is a website attachment of the book i just want you to see the name and author for proper citing. and quoting.


BUSINESS : Negotiation Skills Assignment (5-7 pages) Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer the following questions using as many proper paragraphs as you need.Proper paragraphs have an introduction sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.Questions may require multiple paragraphs to answer. Each answer should be fully explained. If you find yourself answering a question in a sentence or two you are not sufficiently answering the question. The grading and expectations for this assignment are going to be difficult. A very high standard of output is expected. A copy of your assignment must be submitted to


Q. What is a position?

A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.

Please answer by rewriting the question below and then placing your answer directly under it. For example, question 1 has 3 parts, each with their own sub-question, therefore your answer to question 1 will have three sections to it and each section of the question will have that portion of the question followed by your answer. If this is not clear, please text me.

  • (1) GTY Chapter 5
    • a) What is the author’s argument in favor of using “Objective Criteria”?
    • b) How does the author suggest you go about developing Objective Criteria?
    • c) How does the author suggest you negotiate using Objective Criteria?
  • (2) GTY Chapter 6
    • a) What does the author suggest you do in negotiation when the other side is more powerful?
  • (3) GTY Chapter 7
    • a) Identify and describe each of five techniques to handle a party who insists on being positional in their negotiation style.
  • (4) Other
    • a) Give the author’s / class definition of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
    • b) Explain how your BATNA would impact your approach to negotiation and settlement.


cultural and economic analysis Writing Assignment Help

PART 1 of Guatemala

Two (2) different components of the planning process are reflected in the analysis included in this part of the group project: (1) “Cultural Analysis”; and (2) “Economic Analysis.” Both serve as the basis for an evaluation of a product in a specific foreign country market (which is specifically what will take place in Part 2 of the group project). Please be aware that the written report for this part of the group project, which includes both the “Cultural Analysis” section and the “Economic Analysis” section, needs to also include a one- to two-page “Executive Summary” immediately after the cover page and before the “Table of Contents” (which is then to be followed by the actual report content). The “Executive Summary” should provide a summary of all major points included in the written report. In addition, a “References” section, along with an “Appendix” that contains any necessary tables, figures, and exhibits, should be included at the end of the written report. CULTURAL ANALYSIS The data and information gathered for the cultural analysis includes that which helps the marketer make market-planning decisions.

However, its application extends beyond product and market analysis to being an important source of information for someone interested in understanding business customs and other important cultural features of the foreign country. The data and information included in this analysis must be more than a collection of facts. It should also attempt to interpret the meaning and value of the cultural data and information that islocated and collected. (NOTE: This general country cultural information obtained for Part 1 of the group project will later have to be adapted to a particular company and product needs for Part 2 of the group project.)

Cultural section of the paper

Social institutions

A. Family

1. The nuclear family

2. The extended family

3. Dynamics of the family

a. Parental roles

b. Marriage and courtship

4. Female/male roles (changing or static?)

B. Education

1. The role of education in society

a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

Economic section of the paper

E. Minerals and resources

F. Surface transportation

1. Modes

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

4. Ports

G. Communication systems

1. Types

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

H. Working conditions

1. Employer–employee relations

2. Employee participation

3. Salaries and benefits

I. Principal industries

1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?

2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries

J. Foreign investment

1. Opportunities?

2. Which industries?

K. International trade statistics

1. Major exports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

2. Major imports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

3. Balance-of-payments situation

a. Surplus or deficit?

b. Recent trends

4. Exchange rates

a. Single or multiple exchange rates?

b. Current rate of exchange

c. Trends


Cisco proposal 2 edits Computer Science Assignment Help

My professor wants some more edit to this

I see in a couple of sections where you’ve made some improvements but not a significant amount. You’ve also not done anything to adjust for my feedback on item 10 which as I indicated is quite important. Please reach out if you want to discuss this in more detail.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: No change in this section, you have yet to choose and defend a specific routing protocol for use in Boston.

4. Peerlinks: Again, no significant change I can see that you’ve added information about CHAP and PPP but that isn’t part of this assignment (yet) and not what I asked for in the last set of feedback.

5. Advertisements: No significant change in this section. Still looking for a decided protocol with network statements and peer advertisement authentication.

6. Summarization: Again, you’ve yet to choose and implement a routing protocol for Boston following the feedback I gave in the last submission.

7: Default Route: Half credit here, you’ve tried to get default routing going but you’ve used ASA syntax for the route command which wouldn’t work on any of the Boston devices. I recommend trying another way

8. Topology: Good, you’ve provided the table that I’m looking for in element four but only included your new link. Giving you credit here for implementing and showing this recommendation.

9. Overall Formatting: No significant changes to the discussion sections,

10. Sources Cited: Per my feedback last time, I’m not sure how you’re coming up with these commands but you have a lot of sources in these commands that are not in your works cited.

you started out strong with Worchester but missed Boston entirely. I’ve provided really detailed feedback below to help you get back on the right track. Pay close attention to my feedback on item number 10, do not use images of the configurations in your next submission please.

1. Worchester Subnet: Great, you have a well put together table and it includes all the required information from the assignment instructions.

2. Subnet Design: Awesome, this is a good design choice and you’re right about why you might chose to go this way. Considering that you have access to the entire /16 you can easily use a /24 to break out the subnets. You might consider having the third octet match the VLAN number to make troubleshooting between layers two and three a bit easier.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: This section is interesting, I worry that you missed the point of the assignment for Boston. I’m looking here for you to chose an IGP solution and implement it. It seems like you have selected a bit of all three of the common IPv4 IGPs. For full credit, select one and justify your selection.

4. Peerlinks: In this section, I’m looking to see how you’ve documented your peerlinks. I’m not going to be particular about how you do this but I would need to see the addresses, subnet masks, and next hops of all three routers peer links in some easily understandable format.

5. Advertisements: I’m looking for two things in this section. I’m looking for you to provide correct network statements for each of the three Boston routers in your chosen IGP. I’m also looking for you to authenticate peer advertisements. Looking at your EIGRP section you’ve included the same network statement for all three routers which will ensure that traffic routes incorrectly for R2 and R3. Pay careful attention to the downstream networks on R2 and R3.

6. Summarization: I started to provide feedback on this above, but I’m looking here for you to correctly summarize each of the three Boston routers. R1 should be a summary of the entire /16 (which you got right) but R2 and R3 should summarize in such a way that it reflects the downstream networks only. Word of caution on using RIPv2, it is only a good choice in very specialized circumstances.

7: Default Route: In this section I’m interested in how you will route traffic outside of the network. For each of the three Boston routers, they should have a default route in their routing table. You can do this manually or using your IGP.

8. Topology: Half credit on this one, you’ve taken a stab at this with the packet tracer diagram of Worchester and part of Boston. For full credit show me both Boston and Worchester and focus on what topology improvements might be made to Boston to strengthen the network.

9. Overall Formatting: Half credit on this item. You have a reasonably professional look to the document but syntactically there are issues here. Try reading the document out loud or to another person and you’ll see that conversationally it is difficult to understand your discussion sections. I’m not looking for you to be an English major on this but I’d like for the document to be easy to understand and comprehend when read.

10. Sources Cited: Half credit, you have followed IEEE styling in your works cited page and in the internal citations but you have a source 11 in the images, you never cite source 3, and your fourth source almost seems like a joke to make sure that I’m reading this thoroughly. Be extremely careful with these images, of the configurations. With the [11] I’m inclined to believe that you might have taken this from some other source material. Since you’ve not received any credit on these Boston routing sections I’m not going to make an issue of this but in your next submission please do not use images of the configurations.



EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help

The entire assignment is in the files section below. It consists of three parts.

I am going to provide you with just a little background about myself and my family because this paper is about me and my family culture. I am Middle Eastern, I am Christian and yes we are very religious. I grew up in a very strict household and attending church every Sunday. I have one older brother and one older sister. My mom never let me do anything on my own and she was always attached to me growing up. I live with my parents and siblings.

If you need any more information, let me know I can provide more.

EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Case study Humanities Assignment Help

Matthew Green, age 16, signed a contract to buy a Camaro from Caruana Chevrolet.Matthew Green is the son of Mark Green, a local businessman, well known by Caruana Chevrolet.The Green family lived about six miles from the dealership.The Green family was friends with the Caruana family.Matthew Green lived about six miles from his school and about one mile from his job and used the Camaro to go back and forth to school and to work. Matthew misrepresented his age by using a false ID card which was an obvious fraud. The photo looked nothing like Matthew.

When Matthew did not have the car, he used a car pool to get to school and to work.Matthew’s father drove in the car pool as did several other parents.Several months later, the used car became inoperable due to a blown head gasket and Green gave notice of his rejection of the car and of the contact to Caruana Chevrolet. Caruana Chevrolet refused to refund the purchase price.

Caruana Chevrolet had purchased this vehicle at auction for $2,500.00.The sale price to Matthew was $7,000.00.

Please discuss the issues contained within this case.Before you get to any subsequent issues, please take a look at the primary issues.



– analysis of the cases are to be done thoroughly by realizing what term applies to the case and to elaborate as detailed as possible.

– I will be providing notes as to be used as a reference in determining what needs to be used

– upon completion, I will need a work cited page at the end of the essay please (MLA)


Homework Help Other Assignment Help

All in text references from scholarly sources require page number as well. All work must be original.

Topic 2: Recruiting and Retention

All organizational workplace environments are faced with the forces of change and innovation. The function of organizing in management is vital in recruiting, training, and retaining people in order to effectively implement change and innovation. Evaluate how the growing use of telecommuters, temporary and part-time workers, virtual teams, and social media will affect human resource management in finding the right people. Assume the role of a human resource manager and discuss specific ideas how an HRM department could improve recruiting and retention of employees.


Module 04- Action Programs, Financial Projections and Budgets Writing Assignment Help

**This assignment is a continuation of previously submitted assignments. Previously completed assignments will be provided upon selection of tutor, to aid in the assistance of this assignment**

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections and Budget. You will complete phase IV of your marketing plan in two parts. First, you will put together your action programs. Then, you will complete your financial projections and budget.

The Action Program

The Action Programs section of a marketing plan basically serves as a detailed promotions “to do” list. This section spells out specific programs that the company will participate in to promote their products. The Action Program will describe what will be done, when it will be done, who will accomplish the task, and how much it will cost. An example of an item that would appear in an Action Program would be a trade show. The Action Program would list the specific trade show and date. It would state the company’s objectives and reasons for attending it. It would also list who would attend the trade show, expected results, costs, etc.

  1. In 1-2 pages, provide summaries of the Action Programs that you will use during the first six months of launching your product in order to achieve your objectives.

Financial Projections and Budgets

The Financial Projections and Budgets section of the marketing plan include budget details of expected revenue, estimated expenses, and a break-even analysis

  1. Complete your Financial Projections and budget by providing 1-2 paragraphs about each of the following items:
  • Sales Revenue Forecast: What is your projected sales volume by month for the first year?
  • Expense Forecast: What is your total expected marketing costs? Break your costs down by each marketing, promotion, and action program strategy that you listed earlier in your plan.
  • Break-Even Analysis: The break-even-analysis is the price at which total revenue equals total cost and profit is zero. This shows how many units must be sold monthly to offset the monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


proposal paper Writing Assignment Help


Proposals identify problems, present arguments in support of solutions, and suggest actions to be taken. Identify a problem for which you can propose an actual solution. Provide a detailed description of the problem. Focus on something that truly matters to you (purpose). If it matters to you, then it matters to others. Consider those to whom you are directing your message (audience).


After providing a detailed description of the problem, propose a solution in a separate paragraph. Clearly explain the solution. If necessary, define terms related to this proposed solution. How will it work? Be precise in your explanation. Next, develop a convincing argument in support of your solution or solutions. Anticipate questions, and answer those questions while developing your argument. If necessary, use one or two secondary sources to help identify the problem, explain the solution and/or otherwise support your argument. Consider your tone throughout the proposal (stance).

To craft an effective introduction, provide evidence of the ongoing conversation related to the topic. Highlight the thesis statement with bold print. Use strategies that guide the reader (title, thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions). Persuade readers to accept your solution. If appropriate, conclude the proposal with a call to action.

Draft Proposal

Upload a 350-500 word draft Proposal (including the Works Cited page) to the Group File Exchange for peer review and to the Assignment link for the instructor’s review. Double space all pages. Include page numbers on the draft and final Proposals. Use a 12 to 14-point font size.



Q. What is a position?

A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.

Please answer by rewriting the question below and then placing your answer directly under it. For example, question 1 has 3 parts, each with their own sub-question, therefore your answer to question 1 will have three sections to it and each section of the question will have that portion of the question followed by your answer. If this is not clear, please text me.

  • (1) GTY Chapter 5
    • a) What is the author’s argument in favor of using “Objective Criteria”?
    • b) How does the author suggest you go about developing Objective Criteria?
    • c) How does the author suggest you negotiate using Objective Criteria?
  • (2) GTY Chapter 6
    • a) What does the author suggest you do in negotiation when the other side is more powerful?
  • (3) GTY Chapter 7
    • a) Identify and describe each of five techniques to handle a party who insists on being positional in their negotiation style.
  • (4) Other
    • a) Give the author’s / class definition of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
    • b) Explain how your BATNA would impact your approach to negotiation and settlement.


cultural and economic analysis Writing Assignment Help

PART 1 of Guatemala

Two (2) different components of the planning process are reflected in the analysis included in this part of the group project: (1) “Cultural Analysis”; and (2) “Economic Analysis.” Both serve as the basis for an evaluation of a product in a specific foreign country market (which is specifically what will take place in Part 2 of the group project). Please be aware that the written report for this part of the group project, which includes both the “Cultural Analysis” section and the “Economic Analysis” section, needs to also include a one- to two-page “Executive Summary” immediately after the cover page and before the “Table of Contents” (which is then to be followed by the actual report content). The “Executive Summary” should provide a summary of all major points included in the written report. In addition, a “References” section, along with an “Appendix” that contains any necessary tables, figures, and exhibits, should be included at the end of the written report. CULTURAL ANALYSIS The data and information gathered for the cultural analysis includes that which helps the marketer make market-planning decisions.

However, its application extends beyond product and market analysis to being an important source of information for someone interested in understanding business customs and other important cultural features of the foreign country. The data and information included in this analysis must be more than a collection of facts. It should also attempt to interpret the meaning and value of the cultural data and information that islocated and collected. (NOTE: This general country cultural information obtained for Part 1 of the group project will later have to be adapted to a particular company and product needs for Part 2 of the group project.)

Cultural section of the paper

Social institutions

A. Family

1. The nuclear family

2. The extended family

3. Dynamics of the family

a. Parental roles

b. Marriage and courtship

4. Female/male roles (changing or static?)

B. Education

1. The role of education in society

a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

Economic section of the paper

E. Minerals and resources

F. Surface transportation

1. Modes

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

4. Ports

G. Communication systems

1. Types

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

H. Working conditions

1. Employer–employee relations

2. Employee participation

3. Salaries and benefits

I. Principal industries

1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?

2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries

J. Foreign investment

1. Opportunities?

2. Which industries?

K. International trade statistics

1. Major exports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

2. Major imports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

3. Balance-of-payments situation

a. Surplus or deficit?

b. Recent trends

4. Exchange rates

a. Single or multiple exchange rates?

b. Current rate of exchange

c. Trends


Cisco proposal 2 edits Computer Science Assignment Help

My professor wants some more edit to this

I see in a couple of sections where you’ve made some improvements but not a significant amount. You’ve also not done anything to adjust for my feedback on item 10 which as I indicated is quite important. Please reach out if you want to discuss this in more detail.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: No change in this section, you have yet to choose and defend a specific routing protocol for use in Boston.

4. Peerlinks: Again, no significant change I can see that you’ve added information about CHAP and PPP but that isn’t part of this assignment (yet) and not what I asked for in the last set of feedback.

5. Advertisements: No significant change in this section. Still looking for a decided protocol with network statements and peer advertisement authentication.

6. Summarization: Again, you’ve yet to choose and implement a routing protocol for Boston following the feedback I gave in the last submission.

7: Default Route: Half credit here, you’ve tried to get default routing going but you’ve used ASA syntax for the route command which wouldn’t work on any of the Boston devices. I recommend trying another way

8. Topology: Good, you’ve provided the table that I’m looking for in element four but only included your new link. Giving you credit here for implementing and showing this recommendation.

9. Overall Formatting: No significant changes to the discussion sections,

10. Sources Cited: Per my feedback last time, I’m not sure how you’re coming up with these commands but you have a lot of sources in these commands that are not in your works cited.

you started out strong with Worchester but missed Boston entirely. I’ve provided really detailed feedback below to help you get back on the right track. Pay close attention to my feedback on item number 10, do not use images of the configurations in your next submission please.

1. Worchester Subnet: Great, you have a well put together table and it includes all the required information from the assignment instructions.

2. Subnet Design: Awesome, this is a good design choice and you’re right about why you might chose to go this way. Considering that you have access to the entire /16 you can easily use a /24 to break out the subnets. You might consider having the third octet match the VLAN number to make troubleshooting between layers two and three a bit easier.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: This section is interesting, I worry that you missed the point of the assignment for Boston. I’m looking here for you to chose an IGP solution and implement it. It seems like you have selected a bit of all three of the common IPv4 IGPs. For full credit, select one and justify your selection.

4. Peerlinks: In this section, I’m looking to see how you’ve documented your peerlinks. I’m not going to be particular about how you do this but I would need to see the addresses, subnet masks, and next hops of all three routers peer links in some easily understandable format.

5. Advertisements: I’m looking for two things in this section. I’m looking for you to provide correct network statements for each of the three Boston routers in your chosen IGP. I’m also looking for you to authenticate peer advertisements. Looking at your EIGRP section you’ve included the same network statement for all three routers which will ensure that traffic routes incorrectly for R2 and R3. Pay careful attention to the downstream networks on R2 and R3.

6. Summarization: I started to provide feedback on this above, but I’m looking here for you to correctly summarize each of the three Boston routers. R1 should be a summary of the entire /16 (which you got right) but R2 and R3 should summarize in such a way that it reflects the downstream networks only. Word of caution on using RIPv2, it is only a good choice in very specialized circumstances.

7: Default Route: In this section I’m interested in how you will route traffic outside of the network. For each of the three Boston routers, they should have a default route in their routing table. You can do this manually or using your IGP.

8. Topology: Half credit on this one, you’ve taken a stab at this with the packet tracer diagram of Worchester and part of Boston. For full credit show me both Boston and Worchester and focus on what topology improvements might be made to Boston to strengthen the network.

9. Overall Formatting: Half credit on this item. You have a reasonably professional look to the document but syntactically there are issues here. Try reading the document out loud or to another person and you’ll see that conversationally it is difficult to understand your discussion sections. I’m not looking for you to be an English major on this but I’d like for the document to be easy to understand and comprehend when read.

10. Sources Cited: Half credit, you have followed IEEE styling in your works cited page and in the internal citations but you have a source 11 in the images, you never cite source 3, and your fourth source almost seems like a joke to make sure that I’m reading this thoroughly. Be extremely careful with these images, of the configurations. With the [11] I’m inclined to believe that you might have taken this from some other source material. Since you’ve not received any credit on these Boston routing sections I’m not going to make an issue of this but in your next submission please do not use images of the configurations.



EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help

The entire assignment is in the files section below. It consists of three parts.

I am going to provide you with just a little background about myself and my family because this paper is about me and my family culture. I am Middle Eastern, I am Christian and yes we are very religious. I grew up in a very strict household and attending church every Sunday. I have one older brother and one older sister. My mom never let me do anything on my own and she was always attached to me growing up. I live with my parents and siblings.

If you need any more information, let me know I can provide more.

EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Case study Humanities Assignment Help

Matthew Green, age 16, signed a contract to buy a Camaro from Caruana Chevrolet.Matthew Green is the son of Mark Green, a local businessman, well known by Caruana Chevrolet.The Green family lived about six miles from the dealership.The Green family was friends with the Caruana family.Matthew Green lived about six miles from his school and about one mile from his job and used the Camaro to go back and forth to school and to work. Matthew misrepresented his age by using a false ID card which was an obvious fraud. The photo looked nothing like Matthew.

When Matthew did not have the car, he used a car pool to get to school and to work.Matthew’s father drove in the car pool as did several other parents.Several months later, the used car became inoperable due to a blown head gasket and Green gave notice of his rejection of the car and of the contact to Caruana Chevrolet. Caruana Chevrolet refused to refund the purchase price.

Caruana Chevrolet had purchased this vehicle at auction for $2,500.00.The sale price to Matthew was $7,000.00.

Please discuss the issues contained within this case.Before you get to any subsequent issues, please take a look at the primary issues.



– analysis of the cases are to be done thoroughly by realizing what term applies to the case and to elaborate as detailed as possible.

– I will be providing notes as to be used as a reference in determining what needs to be used

– upon completion, I will need a work cited page at the end of the essay please (MLA)


Homework Help Other Assignment Help

All in text references from scholarly sources require page number as well. All work must be original.

Topic 2: Recruiting and Retention

All organizational workplace environments are faced with the forces of change and innovation. The function of organizing in management is vital in recruiting, training, and retaining people in order to effectively implement change and innovation. Evaluate how the growing use of telecommuters, temporary and part-time workers, virtual teams, and social media will affect human resource management in finding the right people. Assume the role of a human resource manager and discuss specific ideas how an HRM department could improve recruiting and retention of employees.


Module 04- Action Programs, Financial Projections and Budgets Writing Assignment Help

**This assignment is a continuation of previously submitted assignments. Previously completed assignments will be provided upon selection of tutor, to aid in the assistance of this assignment**

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections and Budget. You will complete phase IV of your marketing plan in two parts. First, you will put together your action programs. Then, you will complete your financial projections and budget.

The Action Program

The Action Programs section of a marketing plan basically serves as a detailed promotions “to do” list. This section spells out specific programs that the company will participate in to promote their products. The Action Program will describe what will be done, when it will be done, who will accomplish the task, and how much it will cost. An example of an item that would appear in an Action Program would be a trade show. The Action Program would list the specific trade show and date. It would state the company’s objectives and reasons for attending it. It would also list who would attend the trade show, expected results, costs, etc.

  1. In 1-2 pages, provide summaries of the Action Programs that you will use during the first six months of launching your product in order to achieve your objectives.

Financial Projections and Budgets

The Financial Projections and Budgets section of the marketing plan include budget details of expected revenue, estimated expenses, and a break-even analysis

  1. Complete your Financial Projections and budget by providing 1-2 paragraphs about each of the following items:
  • Sales Revenue Forecast: What is your projected sales volume by month for the first year?
  • Expense Forecast: What is your total expected marketing costs? Break your costs down by each marketing, promotion, and action program strategy that you listed earlier in your plan.
  • Break-Even Analysis: The break-even-analysis is the price at which total revenue equals total cost and profit is zero. This shows how many units must be sold monthly to offset the monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


proposal paper Writing Assignment Help


Proposals identify problems, present arguments in support of solutions, and suggest actions to be taken. Identify a problem for which you can propose an actual solution. Provide a detailed description of the problem. Focus on something that truly matters to you (purpose). If it matters to you, then it matters to others. Consider those to whom you are directing your message (audience).


After providing a detailed description of the problem, propose a solution in a separate paragraph. Clearly explain the solution. If necessary, define terms related to this proposed solution. How will it work? Be precise in your explanation. Next, develop a convincing argument in support of your solution or solutions. Anticipate questions, and answer those questions while developing your argument. If necessary, use one or two secondary sources to help identify the problem, explain the solution and/or otherwise support your argument. Consider your tone throughout the proposal (stance).

To craft an effective introduction, provide evidence of the ongoing conversation related to the topic. Highlight the thesis statement with bold print. Use strategies that guide the reader (title, thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions). Persuade readers to accept your solution. If appropriate, conclude the proposal with a call to action.

Draft Proposal

Upload a 350-500 word draft Proposal (including the Works Cited page) to the Group File Exchange for peer review and to the Assignment link for the instructor’s review. Double space all pages. Include page numbers on the draft and final Proposals. Use a 12 to 14-point font size.



Q. What is a position?

A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.

Please answer by rewriting the question below and then placing your answer directly under it. For example, question 1 has 3 parts, each with their own sub-question, therefore your answer to question 1 will have three sections to it and each section of the question will have that portion of the question followed by your answer. If this is not clear, please text me.

  • (1) GTY Chapter 5
    • a) What is the author’s argument in favor of using “Objective Criteria”?
    • b) How does the author suggest you go about developing Objective Criteria?
    • c) How does the author suggest you negotiate using Objective Criteria?
  • (2) GTY Chapter 6
    • a) What does the author suggest you do in negotiation when the other side is more powerful?
  • (3) GTY Chapter 7
    • a) Identify and describe each of five techniques to handle a party who insists on being positional in their negotiation style.
  • (4) Other
    • a) Give the author’s / class definition of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
    • b) Explain how your BATNA would impact your approach to negotiation and settlement.


cultural and economic analysis Writing Assignment Help

PART 1 of Guatemala

Two (2) different components of the planning process are reflected in the analysis included in this part of the group project: (1) “Cultural Analysis”; and (2) “Economic Analysis.” Both serve as the basis for an evaluation of a product in a specific foreign country market (which is specifically what will take place in Part 2 of the group project). Please be aware that the written report for this part of the group project, which includes both the “Cultural Analysis” section and the “Economic Analysis” section, needs to also include a one- to two-page “Executive Summary” immediately after the cover page and before the “Table of Contents” (which is then to be followed by the actual report content). The “Executive Summary” should provide a summary of all major points included in the written report. In addition, a “References” section, along with an “Appendix” that contains any necessary tables, figures, and exhibits, should be included at the end of the written report. CULTURAL ANALYSIS The data and information gathered for the cultural analysis includes that which helps the marketer make market-planning decisions.

However, its application extends beyond product and market analysis to being an important source of information for someone interested in understanding business customs and other important cultural features of the foreign country. The data and information included in this analysis must be more than a collection of facts. It should also attempt to interpret the meaning and value of the cultural data and information that islocated and collected. (NOTE: This general country cultural information obtained for Part 1 of the group project will later have to be adapted to a particular company and product needs for Part 2 of the group project.)

Cultural section of the paper

Social institutions

A. Family

1. The nuclear family

2. The extended family

3. Dynamics of the family

a. Parental roles

b. Marriage and courtship

4. Female/male roles (changing or static?)

B. Education

1. The role of education in society

a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

Economic section of the paper

E. Minerals and resources

F. Surface transportation

1. Modes

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

4. Ports

G. Communication systems

1. Types

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

H. Working conditions

1. Employer–employee relations

2. Employee participation

3. Salaries and benefits

I. Principal industries

1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?

2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries

J. Foreign investment

1. Opportunities?

2. Which industries?

K. International trade statistics

1. Major exports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

2. Major imports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

3. Balance-of-payments situation

a. Surplus or deficit?

b. Recent trends

4. Exchange rates

a. Single or multiple exchange rates?

b. Current rate of exchange

c. Trends


Cisco proposal 2 edits Computer Science Assignment Help

My professor wants some more edit to this

I see in a couple of sections where you’ve made some improvements but not a significant amount. You’ve also not done anything to adjust for my feedback on item 10 which as I indicated is quite important. Please reach out if you want to discuss this in more detail.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: No change in this section, you have yet to choose and defend a specific routing protocol for use in Boston.

4. Peerlinks: Again, no significant change I can see that you’ve added information about CHAP and PPP but that isn’t part of this assignment (yet) and not what I asked for in the last set of feedback.

5. Advertisements: No significant change in this section. Still looking for a decided protocol with network statements and peer advertisement authentication.

6. Summarization: Again, you’ve yet to choose and implement a routing protocol for Boston following the feedback I gave in the last submission.

7: Default Route: Half credit here, you’ve tried to get default routing going but you’ve used ASA syntax for the route command which wouldn’t work on any of the Boston devices. I recommend trying another way

8. Topology: Good, you’ve provided the table that I’m looking for in element four but only included your new link. Giving you credit here for implementing and showing this recommendation.

9. Overall Formatting: No significant changes to the discussion sections,

10. Sources Cited: Per my feedback last time, I’m not sure how you’re coming up with these commands but you have a lot of sources in these commands that are not in your works cited.

you started out strong with Worchester but missed Boston entirely. I’ve provided really detailed feedback below to help you get back on the right track. Pay close attention to my feedback on item number 10, do not use images of the configurations in your next submission please.

1. Worchester Subnet: Great, you have a well put together table and it includes all the required information from the assignment instructions.

2. Subnet Design: Awesome, this is a good design choice and you’re right about why you might chose to go this way. Considering that you have access to the entire /16 you can easily use a /24 to break out the subnets. You might consider having the third octet match the VLAN number to make troubleshooting between layers two and three a bit easier.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: This section is interesting, I worry that you missed the point of the assignment for Boston. I’m looking here for you to chose an IGP solution and implement it. It seems like you have selected a bit of all three of the common IPv4 IGPs. For full credit, select one and justify your selection.

4. Peerlinks: In this section, I’m looking to see how you’ve documented your peerlinks. I’m not going to be particular about how you do this but I would need to see the addresses, subnet masks, and next hops of all three routers peer links in some easily understandable format.

5. Advertisements: I’m looking for two things in this section. I’m looking for you to provide correct network statements for each of the three Boston routers in your chosen IGP. I’m also looking for you to authenticate peer advertisements. Looking at your EIGRP section you’ve included the same network statement for all three routers which will ensure that traffic routes incorrectly for R2 and R3. Pay careful attention to the downstream networks on R2 and R3.

6. Summarization: I started to provide feedback on this above, but I’m looking here for you to correctly summarize each of the three Boston routers. R1 should be a summary of the entire /16 (which you got right) but R2 and R3 should summarize in such a way that it reflects the downstream networks only. Word of caution on using RIPv2, it is only a good choice in very specialized circumstances.

7: Default Route: In this section I’m interested in how you will route traffic outside of the network. For each of the three Boston routers, they should have a default route in their routing table. You can do this manually or using your IGP.

8. Topology: Half credit on this one, you’ve taken a stab at this with the packet tracer diagram of Worchester and part of Boston. For full credit show me both Boston and Worchester and focus on what topology improvements might be made to Boston to strengthen the network.

9. Overall Formatting: Half credit on this item. You have a reasonably professional look to the document but syntactically there are issues here. Try reading the document out loud or to another person and you’ll see that conversationally it is difficult to understand your discussion sections. I’m not looking for you to be an English major on this but I’d like for the document to be easy to understand and comprehend when read.

10. Sources Cited: Half credit, you have followed IEEE styling in your works cited page and in the internal citations but you have a source 11 in the images, you never cite source 3, and your fourth source almost seems like a joke to make sure that I’m reading this thoroughly. Be extremely careful with these images, of the configurations. With the [11] I’m inclined to believe that you might have taken this from some other source material. Since you’ve not received any credit on these Boston routing sections I’m not going to make an issue of this but in your next submission please do not use images of the configurations.



EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help

The entire assignment is in the files section below. It consists of three parts.

I am going to provide you with just a little background about myself and my family because this paper is about me and my family culture. I am Middle Eastern, I am Christian and yes we are very religious. I grew up in a very strict household and attending church every Sunday. I have one older brother and one older sister. My mom never let me do anything on my own and she was always attached to me growing up. I live with my parents and siblings.

If you need any more information, let me know I can provide more.

EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Case study Humanities Assignment Help

Matthew Green, age 16, signed a contract to buy a Camaro from Caruana Chevrolet.Matthew Green is the son of Mark Green, a local businessman, well known by Caruana Chevrolet.The Green family lived about six miles from the dealership.The Green family was friends with the Caruana family.Matthew Green lived about six miles from his school and about one mile from his job and used the Camaro to go back and forth to school and to work. Matthew misrepresented his age by using a false ID card which was an obvious fraud. The photo looked nothing like Matthew.

When Matthew did not have the car, he used a car pool to get to school and to work.Matthew’s father drove in the car pool as did several other parents.Several months later, the used car became inoperable due to a blown head gasket and Green gave notice of his rejection of the car and of the contact to Caruana Chevrolet. Caruana Chevrolet refused to refund the purchase price.

Caruana Chevrolet had purchased this vehicle at auction for $2,500.00.The sale price to Matthew was $7,000.00.

Please discuss the issues contained within this case.Before you get to any subsequent issues, please take a look at the primary issues.



– analysis of the cases are to be done thoroughly by realizing what term applies to the case and to elaborate as detailed as possible.

– I will be providing notes as to be used as a reference in determining what needs to be used

– upon completion, I will need a work cited page at the end of the essay please (MLA)


Homework Help Other Assignment Help

All in text references from scholarly sources require page number as well. All work must be original.

Topic 2: Recruiting and Retention

All organizational workplace environments are faced with the forces of change and innovation. The function of organizing in management is vital in recruiting, training, and retaining people in order to effectively implement change and innovation. Evaluate how the growing use of telecommuters, temporary and part-time workers, virtual teams, and social media will affect human resource management in finding the right people. Assume the role of a human resource manager and discuss specific ideas how an HRM department could improve recruiting and retention of employees.


Module 04- Action Programs, Financial Projections and Budgets Writing Assignment Help

**This assignment is a continuation of previously submitted assignments. Previously completed assignments will be provided upon selection of tutor, to aid in the assistance of this assignment**

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections and Budget. You will complete phase IV of your marketing plan in two parts. First, you will put together your action programs. Then, you will complete your financial projections and budget.

The Action Program

The Action Programs section of a marketing plan basically serves as a detailed promotions “to do” list. This section spells out specific programs that the company will participate in to promote their products. The Action Program will describe what will be done, when it will be done, who will accomplish the task, and how much it will cost. An example of an item that would appear in an Action Program would be a trade show. The Action Program would list the specific trade show and date. It would state the company’s objectives and reasons for attending it. It would also list who would attend the trade show, expected results, costs, etc.

  1. In 1-2 pages, provide summaries of the Action Programs that you will use during the first six months of launching your product in order to achieve your objectives.

Financial Projections and Budgets

The Financial Projections and Budgets section of the marketing plan include budget details of expected revenue, estimated expenses, and a break-even analysis

  1. Complete your Financial Projections and budget by providing 1-2 paragraphs about each of the following items:
  • Sales Revenue Forecast: What is your projected sales volume by month for the first year?
  • Expense Forecast: What is your total expected marketing costs? Break your costs down by each marketing, promotion, and action program strategy that you listed earlier in your plan.
  • Break-Even Analysis: The break-even-analysis is the price at which total revenue equals total cost and profit is zero. This shows how many units must be sold monthly to offset the monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


proposal paper Writing Assignment Help


Proposals identify problems, present arguments in support of solutions, and suggest actions to be taken. Identify a problem for which you can propose an actual solution. Provide a detailed description of the problem. Focus on something that truly matters to you (purpose). If it matters to you, then it matters to others. Consider those to whom you are directing your message (audience).


After providing a detailed description of the problem, propose a solution in a separate paragraph. Clearly explain the solution. If necessary, define terms related to this proposed solution. How will it work? Be precise in your explanation. Next, develop a convincing argument in support of your solution or solutions. Anticipate questions, and answer those questions while developing your argument. If necessary, use one or two secondary sources to help identify the problem, explain the solution and/or otherwise support your argument. Consider your tone throughout the proposal (stance).

To craft an effective introduction, provide evidence of the ongoing conversation related to the topic. Highlight the thesis statement with bold print. Use strategies that guide the reader (title, thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions). Persuade readers to accept your solution. If appropriate, conclude the proposal with a call to action.

Draft Proposal

Upload a 350-500 word draft Proposal (including the Works Cited page) to the Group File Exchange for peer review and to the Assignment link for the instructor’s review. Double space all pages. Include page numbers on the draft and final Proposals. Use a 12 to 14-point font size.



Q. What is a position?

A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.

Please answer by rewriting the question below and then placing your answer directly under it. For example, question 1 has 3 parts, each with their own sub-question, therefore your answer to question 1 will have three sections to it and each section of the question will have that portion of the question followed by your answer. If this is not clear, please text me.

  • (1) GTY Chapter 5
    • a) What is the author’s argument in favor of using “Objective Criteria”?
    • b) How does the author suggest you go about developing Objective Criteria?
    • c) How does the author suggest you negotiate using Objective Criteria?
  • (2) GTY Chapter 6
    • a) What does the author suggest you do in negotiation when the other side is more powerful?
  • (3) GTY Chapter 7
    • a) Identify and describe each of five techniques to handle a party who insists on being positional in their negotiation style.
  • (4) Other
    • a) Give the author’s / class definition of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
    • b) Explain how your BATNA would impact your approach to negotiation and settlement.


cultural and economic analysis Writing Assignment Help

PART 1 of Guatemala

Two (2) different components of the planning process are reflected in the analysis included in this part of the group project: (1) “Cultural Analysis”; and (2) “Economic Analysis.” Both serve as the basis for an evaluation of a product in a specific foreign country market (which is specifically what will take place in Part 2 of the group project). Please be aware that the written report for this part of the group project, which includes both the “Cultural Analysis” section and the “Economic Analysis” section, needs to also include a one- to two-page “Executive Summary” immediately after the cover page and before the “Table of Contents” (which is then to be followed by the actual report content). The “Executive Summary” should provide a summary of all major points included in the written report. In addition, a “References” section, along with an “Appendix” that contains any necessary tables, figures, and exhibits, should be included at the end of the written report. CULTURAL ANALYSIS The data and information gathered for the cultural analysis includes that which helps the marketer make market-planning decisions.

However, its application extends beyond product and market analysis to being an important source of information for someone interested in understanding business customs and other important cultural features of the foreign country. The data and information included in this analysis must be more than a collection of facts. It should also attempt to interpret the meaning and value of the cultural data and information that islocated and collected. (NOTE: This general country cultural information obtained for Part 1 of the group project will later have to be adapted to a particular company and product needs for Part 2 of the group project.)

Cultural section of the paper

Social institutions

A. Family

1. The nuclear family

2. The extended family

3. Dynamics of the family

a. Parental roles

b. Marriage and courtship

4. Female/male roles (changing or static?)

B. Education

1. The role of education in society

a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.)

Economic section of the paper

E. Minerals and resources

F. Surface transportation

1. Modes

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

4. Ports

G. Communication systems

1. Types

2. Availability

3. Usage rates

H. Working conditions

1. Employer–employee relations

2. Employee participation

3. Salaries and benefits

I. Principal industries

1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?

2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries

J. Foreign investment

1. Opportunities?

2. Which industries?

K. International trade statistics

1. Major exports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

2. Major imports

a. Dollar value

b. Trends

3. Balance-of-payments situation

a. Surplus or deficit?

b. Recent trends

4. Exchange rates

a. Single or multiple exchange rates?

b. Current rate of exchange

c. Trends


Cisco proposal 2 edits Computer Science Assignment Help

My professor wants some more edit to this

I see in a couple of sections where you’ve made some improvements but not a significant amount. You’ve also not done anything to adjust for my feedback on item 10 which as I indicated is quite important. Please reach out if you want to discuss this in more detail.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: No change in this section, you have yet to choose and defend a specific routing protocol for use in Boston.

4. Peerlinks: Again, no significant change I can see that you’ve added information about CHAP and PPP but that isn’t part of this assignment (yet) and not what I asked for in the last set of feedback.

5. Advertisements: No significant change in this section. Still looking for a decided protocol with network statements and peer advertisement authentication.

6. Summarization: Again, you’ve yet to choose and implement a routing protocol for Boston following the feedback I gave in the last submission.

7: Default Route: Half credit here, you’ve tried to get default routing going but you’ve used ASA syntax for the route command which wouldn’t work on any of the Boston devices. I recommend trying another way

8. Topology: Good, you’ve provided the table that I’m looking for in element four but only included your new link. Giving you credit here for implementing and showing this recommendation.

9. Overall Formatting: No significant changes to the discussion sections,

10. Sources Cited: Per my feedback last time, I’m not sure how you’re coming up with these commands but you have a lot of sources in these commands that are not in your works cited.

you started out strong with Worchester but missed Boston entirely. I’ve provided really detailed feedback below to help you get back on the right track. Pay close attention to my feedback on item number 10, do not use images of the configurations in your next submission please.

1. Worchester Subnet: Great, you have a well put together table and it includes all the required information from the assignment instructions.

2. Subnet Design: Awesome, this is a good design choice and you’re right about why you might chose to go this way. Considering that you have access to the entire /16 you can easily use a /24 to break out the subnets. You might consider having the third octet match the VLAN number to make troubleshooting between layers two and three a bit easier.

3. Routing Protocol Choice: This section is interesting, I worry that you missed the point of the assignment for Boston. I’m looking here for you to chose an IGP solution and implement it. It seems like you have selected a bit of all three of the common IPv4 IGPs. For full credit, select one and justify your selection.

4. Peerlinks: In this section, I’m looking to see how you’ve documented your peerlinks. I’m not going to be particular about how you do this but I would need to see the addresses, subnet masks, and next hops of all three routers peer links in some easily understandable format.

5. Advertisements: I’m looking for two things in this section. I’m looking for you to provide correct network statements for each of the three Boston routers in your chosen IGP. I’m also looking for you to authenticate peer advertisements. Looking at your EIGRP section you’ve included the same network statement for all three routers which will ensure that traffic routes incorrectly for R2 and R3. Pay careful attention to the downstream networks on R2 and R3.

6. Summarization: I started to provide feedback on this above, but I’m looking here for you to correctly summarize each of the three Boston routers. R1 should be a summary of the entire /16 (which you got right) but R2 and R3 should summarize in such a way that it reflects the downstream networks only. Word of caution on using RIPv2, it is only a good choice in very specialized circumstances.

7: Default Route: In this section I’m interested in how you will route traffic outside of the network. For each of the three Boston routers, they should have a default route in their routing table. You can do this manually or using your IGP.

8. Topology: Half credit on this one, you’ve taken a stab at this with the packet tracer diagram of Worchester and part of Boston. For full credit show me both Boston and Worchester and focus on what topology improvements might be made to Boston to strengthen the network.

9. Overall Formatting: Half credit on this item. You have a reasonably professional look to the document but syntactically there are issues here. Try reading the document out loud or to another person and you’ll see that conversationally it is difficult to understand your discussion sections. I’m not looking for you to be an English major on this but I’d like for the document to be easy to understand and comprehend when read.

10. Sources Cited: Half credit, you have followed IEEE styling in your works cited page and in the internal citations but you have a source 11 in the images, you never cite source 3, and your fourth source almost seems like a joke to make sure that I’m reading this thoroughly. Be extremely careful with these images, of the configurations. With the [11] I’m inclined to believe that you might have taken this from some other source material. Since you’ve not received any credit on these Boston routing sections I’m not going to make an issue of this but in your next submission please do not use images of the configurations.



EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help

The entire assignment is in the files section below. It consists of three parts.

I am going to provide you with just a little background about myself and my family because this paper is about me and my family culture. I am Middle Eastern, I am Christian and yes we are very religious. I grew up in a very strict household and attending church every Sunday. I have one older brother and one older sister. My mom never let me do anything on my own and she was always attached to me growing up. I live with my parents and siblings.

If you need any more information, let me know I can provide more.

EPC class assignment 2 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Case study Humanities Assignment Help

Matthew Green, age 16, signed a contract to buy a Camaro from Caruana Chevrolet.Matthew Green is the son of Mark Green, a local businessman, well known by Caruana Chevrolet.The Green family lived about six miles from the dealership.The Green family was friends with the Caruana family.Matthew Green lived about six miles from his school and about one mile from his job and used the Camaro to go back and forth to school and to work. Matthew misrepresented his age by using a false ID card which was an obvious fraud. The photo looked nothing like Matthew.

When Matthew did not have the car, he used a car pool to get to school and to work.Matthew’s father drove in the car pool as did several other parents.Several months later, the used car became inoperable due to a blown head gasket and Green gave notice of his rejection of the car and of the contact to Caruana Chevrolet. Caruana Chevrolet refused to refund the purchase price.

Caruana Chevrolet had purchased this vehicle at auction for $2,500.00.The sale price to Matthew was $7,000.00.

Please discuss the issues contained within this case.Before you get to any subsequent issues, please take a look at the primary issues.



– analysis of the cases are to be done thoroughly by realizing what term applies to the case and to elaborate as detailed as possible.

– I will be providing notes as to be used as a reference in determining what needs to be used

– upon completion, I will need a work cited page at the end of the essay please (MLA)


Homework Help Other Assignment Help

All in text references from scholarly sources require page number as well. All work must be original.

Topic 2: Recruiting and Retention

All organizational workplace environments are faced with the forces of change and innovation. The function of organizing in management is vital in recruiting, training, and retaining people in order to effectively implement change and innovation. Evaluate how the growing use of telecommuters, temporary and part-time workers, virtual teams, and social media will affect human resource management in finding the right people. Assume the role of a human resource manager and discuss specific ideas how an HRM department could improve recruiting and retention of employees.


Module 04- Action Programs, Financial Projections and Budgets Writing Assignment Help

**This assignment is a continuation of previously submitted assignments. Previously completed assignments will be provided upon selection of tutor, to aid in the assistance of this assignment**

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections and Budget. You will complete phase IV of your marketing plan in two parts. First, you will put together your action programs. Then, you will complete your financial projections and budget.

The Action Program

The Action Programs section of a marketing plan basically serves as a detailed promotions “to do” list. This section spells out specific programs that the company will participate in to promote their products. The Action Program will describe what will be done, when it will be done, who will accomplish the task, and how much it will cost. An example of an item that would appear in an Action Program would be a trade show. The Action Program would list the specific trade show and date. It would state the company’s objectives and reasons for attending it. It would also list who would attend the trade show, expected results, costs, etc.

  1. In 1-2 pages, provide summaries of the Action Programs that you will use during the first six months of launching your product in order to achieve your objectives.

Financial Projections and Budgets

The Financial Projections and Budgets section of the marketing plan include budget details of expected revenue, estimated expenses, and a break-even analysis

  1. Complete your Financial Projections and budget by providing 1-2 paragraphs about each of the following items:
  • Sales Revenue Forecast: What is your projected sales volume by month for the first year?
  • Expense Forecast: What is your total expected marketing costs? Break your costs down by each marketing, promotion, and action program strategy that you listed earlier in your plan.
  • Break-Even Analysis: The break-even-analysis is the price at which total revenue equals total cost and profit is zero. This shows how many units must be sold monthly to offset the monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


proposal paper Writing Assignment Help


Proposals identify problems, present arguments in support of solutions, and suggest actions to be taken. Identify a problem for which you can propose an actual solution. Provide a detailed description of the problem. Focus on something that truly matters to you (purpose). If it matters to you, then it matters to others. Consider those to whom you are directing your message (audience).


After providing a detailed description of the problem, propose a solution in a separate paragraph. Clearly explain the solution. If necessary, define terms related to this proposed solution. How will it work? Be precise in your explanation. Next, develop a convincing argument in support of your solution or solutions. Anticipate questions, and answer those questions while developing your argument. If necessary, use one or two secondary sources to help identify the problem, explain the solution and/or otherwise support your argument. Consider your tone throughout the proposal (stance).

To craft an effective introduction, provide evidence of the ongoing conversation related to the topic. Highlight the thesis statement with bold print. Use strategies that guide the reader (title, thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions). Persuade readers to accept your solution. If appropriate, conclude the proposal with a call to action.

Draft Proposal

Upload a 350-500 word draft Proposal (including the Works Cited page) to the Group File Exchange for peer review and to the Assignment link for the instructor’s review. Double space all pages. Include page numbers on the draft and final Proposals. Use a 12 to 14-point font size.


peer review Humanities Assignment Help

peer review Humanities Assignment Help

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