Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help. Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Using APA 7th edition form, write a paper about personal area networks and how they are limited by the range of Bluetooth. Discuss the common devices that use Bluetooth. Discuss how a wireless LAN or WLAN differs from a PAN. What are the pros and cons of a LAN or WLAN?

Review the most common LAN topologies—bus, ring, and star—and discuss the pros and cons of each of these topologies.

Discuss a WAN, and how WAN technologies are slower and more expensive than LAN technologies. Summarize how these personal area networks are used in professional settings, such as universities and corporations.

Paper must be typed doubled spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, include a title page and a reference page with at least 2 references from either a peer reviewed journal article, textbook, or creditable website.

Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Module 3 Categorical Issues in Aviation Accident Statistics Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Research and explain some of the categorical issues to be aware of in analyzing and comparing commercial aviation accident statistics. Refer to the NTSB website on accident statistics. (Links to an external site.)

Remember, you must have a title page, 300-word body written in the third person, and at least two references.

The intent of the course assignments is for you to apply the material covered in the readings by researching how these concepts have been applied in the real world. You will be further challenged to provide critical analysis demonstrating an understanding of the concepts.

It is always helpful to share experiences from the field, but make sure to stick to the facts and provide cited references to support the anecdotal observations.

Each assignment will use the following APA format:

  • 1-2 pages (approximately 300-words) – Quality is more important than quantity.
  • 1″ margins
  • Double-spaced
  • 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Include name on the front page.


California University of Pennsylvania Contemporary Issues in Mediation Discussion Law Assignment Help

Self-determination. Party autonomy is one of the guiding principles of

mediation. Supporting and encouraging the parties in a mediation to make their

own decisions (both individually and collectively) about the resolution of the

dispute, rather than imposing the ideas of the mediator or others, is fundamental to

the process. Mediators are frequently asked by the parties: What would you do?

What do you think is fair? What do the courts usually do in cases of this kind?

Our job is to help the parties find their own answers – i.e., arrive at a resolution

that meets their tests of fairness rather than our own. Mediators should also

prevent one party from dominating the other parties in the mediation in a manner

that prevents them from being able to make their own decisions.


Use of E Commerce to Promote Sustainably by Chinese Luxury Brands Research Proposal Writing Assignment Help


How can live streaming and e-commerce channels help luxury brands to run in a more sustainable way in China?

You are required to devise a 3,000-word, written research proposal on a topic chosen by you and approved by your tutor. You should select a topic that enables you to add to the body of knowledge or make an original contribution to knowledge in your subject area.

The research proposal forms the foundation on which your dissertation project will be built. It may relate closely to the design work you generate in term 4. It therefore needs to have a clear structure and to rigorously conform to postgraduate, academic standards and enables you to propose your practice as a research method and/or outcome of your research inquiry.

You should do the following:

o Select a topic of interest and current/emerging importance relating to fashion

o It is helpful to do a mind map of the topic, drawing out every possible aspect of it, in order to help you identify an area for focused, innovative research.

o Read a wide range of academic articles from journals (these show current/recent research on your topic/related topics; books; and other relevant sources. It is important to use credible, academic sources as much as possible, although you may draw on some industry reports or other sources where relevant).

o Keep a list of what you have read, using Harvard Referencing style – this may form the basis of your literature review, reference list and bibliography.

o Keep a file of images that you will use within the proposal to illustrate important points – and their sources.

o You may also need to conduct a contextual review, visiting exhibitions, stores, museums etc. in order to better understand your topic, taking photographs/sketching/making notes.

o As you read more, you should identify what has already been said/done already and where you can add to the knowledge of a topic, or make an original contribution to knowledge of the topic.

o Write review of the literature, structuring it in a clear and logical manner to support the points you are trying to establish. Cite all sources of ideas/knowledge accurately in the text.

o Your research question will begin to form and can then be articulated. It relates to the aim of your research.

o When you have established your aim, you must then consider how to achieve it. There will be objectives that you must reach in order to do so. The primary research methods to be used to achieve others of these – in the dissertation phase – must be identified and justified in the research proposal.

● Table of Contents – this must make the proposal easy for the reader to navigate. Make sure that all pages are numbered and accurately referenced in the table of contents.

● Introduction – this should set out the nature of the proposal, introduce the topic to be investigated and give justification (rationale) and background to the proposed research. Approx: 500 words

● Aim – There should only be 1 aim for the research.

● Objectives – Write 3 to 5 objectives that will enable you to fulfil the aim. Your objectives should refer to specific research activities accompanied with measurable outcomes, which you expect to help you achieve your research Aim.

● Literature Review* – Show that you have begun to read around the subject area. Discuss the contribution of other authors to your research topic: what have other authors said about your topic? You should discuss relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks you will use to underpin your project.

The literature should be critically analysed and reasoned, and must support the aim and

objectives. Approx: 1500 words

● Methodology* – Show how you are going to achieve the objectives you have set out. This should focus on primary research. Approx.: 500 words.

● Ethical Issues – Show that you have considered the ethical issues that might arise with the proposed research, and adhered to MMU’s Code of Ethics. Approx: 200 words.

● Conclusion/Summary – In the Research Proposal this would be ‘expected conclusions’, as the full research itself has not yet been done. You are also required to outline any issues which could have an impact on the intended outcomes of your project. Approx: 300 words

**In total you should have around 3000 words when you have completed all these sections above.

The blow sections do not add to the word count calculation:

● References – All material that you have referred to must be included and you must use the Harvard method of citation referencing.

● Bibliography – Include details of any books, articles and journals that you have read but not used yet.

● Appendix:

– Appendix B: Critical Path – Suggest realistic timings for the various parts of the research indicating where you might fit in some contingency time in case of any unexpected difficulties with your work. Remember to leave plenty of time at the end for typing up and binding etc.


Impacts of The Law of Conservation on Aviation and Everyday Life Paper Writing Assignment Help

In the Real World: What Goes In Comes Out

In this course, we will engage in graded discussions that focus on “the real world” by applying the physics concepts we are learning to both everyday life and to aviation.

After completing the readings and concept-related activities in the above sections of the module—including the module Experiment, you will be prepared to engage in this discussion.

Initial Post Instructions and Requirements:

  1. Choose a discussion topic.
  2. Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion paragraph points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
  3. Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
  4. Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.



San Jose State University Security in The Cloud Environment Response Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.

Give a reply about minimum 150 words:

The underlying theoretical framework for the research will be based on a framework developed by Cloud Security Alliance. The CSA provides guidelines on security in the cloud environment. CSA explains that the main purpose of information security in cloud computing is to protect the data that powers applications and systems with an organization. Security controls in cloud computing are similar to those in normal IT settings. However, when people transform their organizations to adopt a cloud computing approach, it becomes challenging to implement the traditional computing methods to facilitate data security within the cloud environment. Therefore, it becomes essential to develop new security strategies as proposed in the CSA. CSA has provided information through guidelines to enable companies to prevent attacks and threats within the cloud environment. This security information is provided under the cloud controls framework. The principles allow cloud vendors, and potential cloud customers to assess the general security of the cloud provider.

Applying the CSA framework in the present research validates the need to explore security challenges that exist within the cloud environment. CSA notes that there are differences in managing security within the cloud environment and traditional environments. Additionally, the framework acknowledges that more companies are migrating to use the cloud. Thus it is important to identify the security challenges that exist within the cloud environment to propose viable solutions. Aligned with the theoretical research the purpose of this research is to explore compliance to regulations (such as CSA guidelines), threats associated with third parties in the cloud and privacy concerns associated with operating in the cloud environment.

San Jose State University Security in The Cloud Environment Response Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Columbia Southern University Importance of a Leadership in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Using the CSU Online Library, locate a peer-reviewed article that discusses how leaders must have a vision when leading an organization globally. Topic ideas include visionary leadership, global leadership, and international leadership. Note that these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of research used within organizations.

Respond to the following questions/topics:

  • Summarize the article with an eye on the author’s main point.
  • How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about global leadership?
  • How does this article illustrate the importance of having a vision to lead members globally within an organization? Include communication tools and techniques of sharing that vision.
  • How can information in this article be applied to your field?
  • What is your opinion on the topic of this article?


The Martian Residency Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The movie “The Martian” can be viewed through the framework of project management. There are two different but simultaneous projects going on in The Martian. One is the survival project of Mark Watney and the other is the project aiming to save him. Watney has the right skills for his survival project: he’s a botanist, he knows how to repair a broken Pathfinder and the most important thing is he doesn’t panic even in his first day alone on Mars. On the other hand, he’s not alone in this project. The members of the ‘remote’ team helping him are trying their best to achieve their goal. This is a good example for the importance of the communication between the team even if they are far away!

For this assignment, as we watch the movie, you will be required to address the following questions and answer them. 

  • Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to the class. Each question should be presented by a different person. Each team group will ask at least one question for each presentation. 

Question #1 (1 full page

The definition of a project as provided by Pinto (2019): A project is a unique venture with a beginning and end, conducted by people to meet established goals within parameters of cost, schedule, and quality.A project can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that: 

  • •Have a specific objective to be completed within certain specifications
  • •Have defined start and end dates 
  • •Have funding limits, if applicable 
  • •Consume human and nonhuman resources, such as money, people, equipment 
  • •Are multifunctional (i.e., cut across several functional lines)

How does this definition fit the movie personalities and events versus just operations management?

Question #2 (~3 pages or 1 page each process) 

Select 3 of the project management processes below. For each of the 3 you must 1) provide a brief description of each process, 2) describe how Mark Watney or one of the project teamsmanages this process, and 3) provide a specific example of the management of this process from the movie and why this is a good example. 

Perform Integrated Change Control

Validate and Control Scope

Control Schedule

Control Costs

Control Quality

Control Resources

Monitor Communications

Monitor Risks

Control Procurements

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Question #3 (1/2 to 1 full page)

Do you think Mark Watney is a champion? Why or why not?


ISOL 633 M41 UC Legal Regulations Compliance and Investigations Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Practical Connection

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.  


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 


Columbia Southern University Form of Ownership in a Company Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

Cookie Creations (Chapter 13)

This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations case study. From the information gathered in the previous chapters, read the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in Chapter 13 on page 13-32 of the textbook. The case study allows you to apply what you have learned about corporations and stocks from the unit lesson and required unit resources.

Natalie’s friend Curtis Lesperance decides to meet with Natalie after hearing that her discussions about a possible business partnership with her friend Katy Peterson have failed. Natalie had decided that forming a partnership with Katy, a high school friend, would hurt their friendship. Natalie had also concluded that she and Katy were not compatible to operate a business venture together.

Because Natalie has been so successful with Cookie Creations and Curtis has been just as successful with his coffee shop, they both conclude that they could benefit from each other’s business expertise. Curtis and Natalie next evaluate the different types of business organization. Because of the advantage of limited personal liability, they decide to form a corporation.

Curtis has operated his coffee shop for 2 years. He buys coffee, muffins, and cookies from a local supplier. Natalie’s business consists of giving cookie-making classes and selling fine European mixers. The plan is for Natalie to use the premises that Curtis currently rents to give her cooking-making classes and demonstrations of the mixers that she sells. Natalie will also hire, train, and supervise staff to bake the cookies and muffins sold in the coffee shop. By offering her classes on the premises, Natalie will save on travel time going from one place to another. Another advantage is that the coffee shop will have one central location for selling the mixers.

The current market values of the assets of both businesses are listed below.

Curtis’s CoffeeCookie CreationsCash$7,130$12,000Accounts receivable100800Inventory4501,200Equipment2,5001,000*

*Cookie Creations decided not to buy the delivery van considered in Unit II.

Combining forces will also allow Natalie and Curtis to pool their resources and buy a few more assets to run their new business venture.

Curtis and Natalie then meet with a lawyer and form a corporation on November 1, 2020, called Cookie& Coffee Creations Inc. The articles of incorporation state that there will be two classes of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue: common shares and preferred shares. They authorize 100,000 no-par shares of common stock and 10,000 no-par shares of preferred stock with a $0.50 noncumulative dividend.

The assets held by each of their sole proprietorships will be transferred into the corporation at current market value. Curtis will receive 10,180 common shares, and Natalie will receive 15,000 common shares in the corporation. Therefore, the shares have a fair value of $1 per share.

Natalie and Curtis are very excited about this new business venture, so they have come to you with the questions below.

  1. Curtis’s dad and Natalie’s grandmother are interested in investing $5,000 each in the business venture. We are thinking of issuing them preferred shares. What would be the advantage of issuing them preferred shares instead of common shares?
  2. Our lawyer has sent us a bill for $750. When we discussed the bill with her, she indicated that she would be willing to receive common shares in our new corporation instead of cash for her services. We would be happy to issue her shares, but we are a bit worried about accounting for this transaction. Can we do this? If so, how do we determine how many shares to give her?


  1. In a Word document, answer the questions posed by Natalie and Curtis above.
  2. In an Excel spreadsheet, prepare the journal entries required on November 1, 2020, the date when Natalie and Curtis transfer the assets of their respective businesses into Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc.
  3. Assume that Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. issues 1,000 $0.50 noncumulative preferred shares to Curtis’s dad and the same number to Natalie’s grandmother—in both cases for $5,000. Also assume that Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. issues 750 common shares to its lawyer.
  4. Prepare the journal entries for each of these transactions. They all occurred on November 1. Prepare the opening balance sheet for Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. as of November 1, 2020, including the journal entries in (b) and (c) above.

Provide your responses to Natalie and Curtis’s two questions in a Word document, which should be a minimum of one page in length. Complete the accounting for items b–d in one Excel spreadsheet; you may use multiple tabs to organize your response. In summary, you will submit one Word document containing item a and one Excel spreadsheet containing items b–d. 


Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Personal Area Networks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

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