Personal finance in ppt Business Finance Assignment Help. Personal finance in ppt Business Finance Assignment Help.
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This is peronsal finance class and he requirements for this work as follow:
it should be done in ppt file and just make it simple and clear as much as you can
step 1: Determine your current personal financial situation using appropriate financial tools. So you are to prepare your financial statements for the same one-year period, i.e. a cash flow statement, an income statement and a balance sheet (all for the past year at year end or most recent month end)
step 2: Develop financial goals (identify short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals). Rank your goals in order of importance as they relate to the financial resources available and expected. Estimate the financial commitment for each goal considering all factors covered in class. The following must be included in your plan (derived out and included in the financial statements): 1) a budget 2) estimation of assets/investments or debt balances using time value of money formulas ; 3) debt/credit (plan to manage debt, 4) savings, investing (plan to invest, 5) an evaluation of the impact on Net Worth if the actions in this plan are implemented; and 6) strategies to follow in light of your career choice -things to do in finding and leaving a job.
step 3: Identify courses of action.
step 4: Evaluate your alternatives.
step 5: Pull all the pieces together (from previous Stages) and create and implement your plan, e.g what specific actions you will take in what time frame. Prepare your expected or projected financial statements once you implement the courses of action you have identified in step 3.
Personal finance in ppt Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
theme topic Writing Assignment Help
Choose a literary theme. This will be broader than the specific themes we have been identifying in our poetry analysis essays. It will be helpful to frame your theme this way: the ______ of ______. Just a few examples: the importance of community; the consequences of greed; the inevitability of change; the value of perseverance…
Analyze the theme’s common traits and messages. Using two works from our syllabus and two works that you choose, compare/contrast how the individual authors used the theme.
Required Sources (Works)
TWO literary works. Must appear on the syllabus for this course. (I choose:) (Macbeth) (The cask of Amontillado) or (the hunters in the snow)
TWO free-choice works. May be from any category: song, poem, movie, TV show, book, short story, play/Broadway musical, etc. (you may choose whatever you want that works for the theme, but please let me know before writing about it) what movies you picked.
Ethics: Protection of Human Participants Humanities Assignment Help
Based on the article on vulnerable populations that you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following:
- Identify the vulnerable population that is the subject of the article and, using the materials from Capella’s IRB (linked in the Resources), explain why the population is vulnerable.
- Discuss the level of risk in the research that was conducted (minimal versus more than minimal).
- Integrating materials from Capella’s IRB and other readings, discuss how the level of risk can be lowered, or was lowered, if the risk is minimal.
- Discuss how the soundness of research methodology relates to minimizing risk in research.
- List the persistent link for the article. Use the Persistent Links and DOIs library guide, linked in the Resources, to learn how to locate this information in the library databases.
- Cite all sources in APA style and provide an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your post.
Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design (12th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Please include Persistent Links and DOIs library guide, linked in the Resources and three additional
Herzing University Management of Personal Finance Power Point Business Finance Assignment Help
This is peronsal finance class and he requirements for this work as follow:
it should be done in ppt file and just make it simple and clear as much as you can
step 1: Determine your current personal financial situation using appropriate financial tools. So you are to prepare your financial statements for the same one-year period, i.e. a cash flow statement, an income statement and a balance sheet (all for the past year at year end or most recent month end)
step 2: Develop financial goals (identify short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals). Rank your goals in order of importance as they relate to the financial resources available and expected. Estimate the financial commitment for each goal considering all factors covered in class. The following must be included in your plan (derived out and included in the financial statements): 1) a budget 2) estimation of assets/investments or debt balances using time value of money formulas ; 3) debt/credit (plan to manage debt, 4) savings, investing (plan to invest, 5) an evaluation of the impact on Net Worth if the actions in this plan are implemented; and 6) strategies to follow in light of your career choice -things to do in finding and leaving a job.
step 3: Identify courses of action.
step 4: Evaluate your alternatives.
step 5: Pull all the pieces together (from previous Stages) and create and implement your plan, e.g what specific actions you will take in what time frame. Prepare your expected or projected financial statements once you implement the courses of action you have identified in step 3.
implementing a heap and a hashtable Computer Science Assignment Help
The objectives of this programming assignment are:
- To implement a heap and a hash table.
- To implement linear probing to handle hash collisions.
- To practice writing templated classes.
For this project, you have to complete two templated classes:
- heap.h: the Heap class is a templated, vector-based heap implementation. This is a straight-forward implementation of a heap. Since it uses a vector rather than a C-style array to store the heap, you will not need to write a copy constructor, assignment operator, or destructor.
- hash.h: the HashTable class is a hash table implementation with a wrinkle — each bucket in the table is a heap! Collisions will be handled by linear probing. The array to store the hash table is a dynamically-allocated array (of heaps), so you will need to write a copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor for this class.
Why would you ever want to build such a thing? I’m not sure you would, but here is a made-up application. Suppose you are a donut baker, and you distribute donuts to many different shops. You have a large number of donut types that you can bake — glazed, cinnamon, boston cream, bavarian cream, sprinkle, etc. — and lots of customers. Some of the customers are more important to you because they buy more donuts and always pay on time. You would like to record all your orders in the following way:
- First, you want to be able to search by donut type.
- Then, given the donut type, you always want to process the highest priority order first.
So, the donut type is the key for hashing purposes. All orders for a particular type will be stored in the same bucket, but the bucket will be a max-heap so that you can always retrieve the highest priority order quickly.
Once you see how the donut example works, it’s not too difficult to think of others. Suppose you want to track the repair priority of highway bridges. You want to search by highway name — US50, I97, I695, MD32, etc. — and, given the highway name, retrieve the bridge that is most in need of repair. The highway name is the hash key, and each bucket of the hash table is a max-heap using based on the repair priorities.
Since the Heap and HashTable classes are templated, it is easy to test them with either of the two examples given, or an example of your own. See the comments in hash.h for the requirements that the template class must satisfy and donut.h for an implementation of the donut example.
Your Assignment
Your assignment is to complete the templated class Heap in heap.h and the templated class HashTable in hash.h. The classes must be implemented entirely in their .h files: there will be no separate .cpp files.
You may have been taught to implement templated files differently, creating separate .h and .cpp files that include each other and are both guarded, but that is not how we are doing it for this project.
The HashTable class uses the Heap class, so it is recommended that you implement and test Heap first. A sample driver is provided that demonstrates use of the HashTable class with a Donut object. The driver does not perform thorough testing. As always, you are responsible for thoroughly testing your program. It is particularly important that your code run without segmentation faults, memory leaks, or memory errors.
Public Methods in Heap
- A constructor with the signature:
template <class T>
Heap<T>::Heap() ;
Initializes the empty heap.
- A function that returns the number of items in the heap:
template <class T>
unsigned Heap<T>::size() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in heap.h.
- A function that returns true if the heap is empty and false otherwise:
template <class T>
bool Heap<T>::empty() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in heap.h.
- A function that returns true if the heap has ever contained data and false otherwise:
template <class T>
bool Heap<T>::used() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in heap.h. It is needed to support linear probing in HashTable.
- A function that inserts an object into the heap:
template <class T>
void Heap<T>::insert(const T& object) ;
The function inserts object into the heap and maintains the max-heap property.
- A function that reads the highest priority element in the heap:
template <class T>
T Heap<T>::readTop() const ;
The function returns the highest priority element in the heap, but does not remove it from the heap.
- A function that removes the highest priority element from the heap:
template <class T>
void Heap<T>::removeTop() ;
The max-heap property must be remained after the highest priority element is removed.
- A function to dump the contents of the heap array in index order:
template <class T>
void Heap<T>::dump() ;
Prints the contents of the heap in array-index order (not by priority). The template class T must overload the insertion operator (operator<<).
Public Methods in HashTable
- A constructor with the signature:
template <class T>
HashTable<T>::HashTable(unsigned size, hash_fn hash) ;
size is the size of the hash table and hash is a pointer to a hash function (hash_fn is a typedef in hash.h).
- A destructor with the signature:
template <class T>
HashTable<T>::~HashTable() ;
The destructor must delete the dynamically-allocated hash table.
- A copy constructor with the signature:
template <class T>
HashTable<T>::HashTable(const HashTable<T>& ht) ;
The copy constructor must make a deep copy of the hash table.
- An assignment operator with signature:
template <class T>
const HashTable<T>& HashTable<T>::operator=(const HashTable<T>& ht) ;
The assignment operator must make a deep copy of the right-hand-side object. It must also guard against self-assignment.
- A function that returns the size of the hash table:
template <class T>
unsigned HashTable<T>::tableSize() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in hash.h.
- A function that returns the number of elements in the hash table:
template <class T>
unsigned HashTable<T>::numEntries() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in hash.h.
- A function that returns the load factor of the hash table:
template <class T>
float HashTable<T>::lambda() const ;
This function is implemented in-line in hash.h.
- A function that inserts an object into the hash table:
template <class T>
bool HashTable<T>::insert(const T& object) ;
The function inserts object into the hash table. The insertion index is determined by applying the hash function _hash that is set in the HashTable constructor call and then reducing the output of the hash function modulo the table size (the MOD compression function). Hash collisions should be resolved using linear probing.The function returns true if the object is successfully inserted and false otherwise. The function could fail to insert an object if, for example, the hash table is full.
- A function that reads and removes the highest priority object with the given key:
template <class T>
bool HashTable<T>::getNext(string key, T& obj) ;
The function locates the bucket corresponding to the given key using the hashing method described for the insert() function and resolving collisions using linear probing. It then retrieves and removes the highest priority object from the heap and returns the object in the reference parameter obj.The function returns true if it sucessfully locates and returns an object with the specified key value; otherwise, it returns false.
- A function to dump the contents of the hash table in index order:
template <class T>
void HashTable<T>::dump() ;
Prints the contents of the hash table in array-index order. For each bucket, it should call the heap dump() function to output the heap contents.
Additional Requirements
Requirement: Both templated classes (Heap and HashTable) must be implemented in their respective .h files. There are no separate .cpp files for Heap and HeapTable.
Requirement: Private helper functions may be added to either templated class; however, they must be declared in the private section of the class declaration.
Requirement: Heap must implement a vector-based max-heap data structure. It must not use the index zero element of the vector; heap elements are stored at indices 1, 2, …, size(). The template class T must provide priorities through a priority() function that returns an unsigned integer.
Requirement: If readTop() or removeTop() is called on an empty heap, a range_error exception must be thrown.
Requirement: The heap insert() and removeTop() methods must run in O(logn)O(logn) time.
Requirement: HashTable must implement a hash table in which each buckets is a Heap object. Each bucket contains objects with the same key value, organized in a max-heap by priority. The template class T must provide the key value for an object through a key() function that returns a string.
Requirement: The hash table size and hash function are specified in the constructor call. The table must be dynamically allocated in the constructor.
Requirement: Hash collisions must be resolved by linear probing.
Requirement: Hash indices must be computed by applying the hash function to the key value and reducing the hash output modulo the table size (i.e. the MOD compression function).
Requirement: For the HashTable class, a destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator must be implemented.
Requirement: Basic hash operations on a sparsely populated table (small load factor) must run in constant time. In particular, insertion to an empty table and retrieval from a table with only one element must run in constant time.
Implementation Notes
- The _used variable and used() function of the Heap class are provided to support linear probing in HashTable. Recall that, with linear probing, buckets that have never held data must be treated differently than buckets that once held data that has since been deleted.
- Be sure to separately test your Heap class. For grading purposes, it will be tested separately and as it is used with HashTable.
Provided Files
Header files are included for both templated classes. You must complete the implementations in the respective .h files; there are no separate .cpp files for the two classes.
- heap.h — header file for the Heap class. Complete your heap implementation in this file.
- hash.h — header file for the HashTable class. Complete your hash table implementation in this file.
A simple driver program that uses the Donut class is also provided. This is not a thorough test program. You are responsible for thorough testing of your implementations.
- driver.cpp — a simple test driver for the HashTable and Heap classes. Uses the Donut class defined in donut.h.
- donut.h — a Donut class for use withe driver program.
- driver.txt — sample output for the driver program.
Extra Credit: Films Humanities Assignment Help
Extra Credit Films
Directions: You can earn 5 points worth of extra credit for watching one of the documentaries listed below but only if you have not already earned at least 10 points in other extra credit opportunities.
To earn the points watch the film and then write a short (1-2 page) response to the content. In your response include a very brief overview of the content of the film. Also include your thoughts about the content, for example what did you learn about the subject that you didn’t know before and did the film make you think differently about the subject. Your reflections on the film should show that you paid close attention to it and thought critically about it. If you like you may explain why you do or don’t agree with the film.
The films available for extra credit are listed below with a brief description of them as well as the web address where they are available.
Big Sky, Big Money
This film traces some of the effects of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United vs. FEC, which is one of the Court’s most important rulings on money in politics. (Links to an external site.)
Immigration Battle
This film examines the importance of immigration reform policy and why it’s so difficult to pass meaningful and effective immigration reform legislation these days. (Links to an external site.)
Prison State
This film explores the effects of harsh sentencing guidelines and long prison sentences which the U.S. and most state governments have implemented in recent decades.
For the following two movies, please write a maximum two page typed paper answering the following questions. Please number your answers to correspond with the questions below.
13th (Documentary – NetFlix)
- State the 13thamendment to the Constitution.
- What are the relevant statistics comparing the U.S. prison population to that of other nations of the world?
- According to the film, how have American corporations made huge contributions to the U.S. having by far and away the world’s largest prison population? Be specific.
- What is ALEC and how did this organization contribute to the prison problem?
- What is “plea bargaining” and how does it continue to contribute to the size of our prison population according to the film?
- What is your personal evaluation of the film? (no wrong or right answer here – I am just interested in your thoughts.)
Where Should We Invade Next? (Roger Moore) You know how to get it better than I do. You might start here –
- Make a list of the countries that Moore “invades” and explain what he steals from each country. What is his reasoning?
- The U.S. has by far the largest GDP in the world and yet we are told that we cannot afford these programs. What is going on?
- From his list pick the two changes you like best and indicate why you would like see them in the U.S.) This is your opinion and will not effect your grade.)
Extra Credit: Films Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
I need the best answers for multilple choice questions. Science Assignment Help
1. What is an allele?
A. A variation of a gene
B. An X or a Y
C. The different traits a person has for a gene
D. Each different gene in a dihybrid cross
2. Two plants that are both heterozygous for two traits are crossed together to produce offspring in a 9:3:3:1 ratio. What is the genotype for the two plants that are crossed?
A. AaBb
C. aabb
D. AAbb
3. What types of gamete can not be produced from a plant with the genotype AABb?
B. Ab
C. aB
4. A plant that is heterozygous for two traits is crossed to a plant that is homozygous recessive for both traits. The heterozygous plant is tall with red flowers. The homozygous plant is short with white flowers. What phenotypic ratios would you expect?
A. 9:3:3:1 tall/red: tall/white: short/red: short white
B. 1:2:1 tall/red: tall/white: short/red
C. 1:1:1:1 tall/red: tall/white: short/red: short white
D. 1:2:2:1 tall/red: tall/white: short/red: short white
5. A person is heterozygous for an autosomal dominant condition. If he has children with someone who is homozygous recessive, which statement is correct?
A. All of their children will be carriers.
B. All their children will have the condition.
C. Half of their children will have the condition.
D. We can’t tell from the information given.
6. Which of the following is not an example of polygenic inheritance?
A. having cystic fibrosis
B. eye color
C. height
D. finger print patterns
7. A man is told he is the father of a child with type O blood. He has type A blood. Based on his blood type, he claims he cannot be the father of the child.
A. This statement is true.
B. This statement is false.
8. The ABO Blood Groups (Blood Types) represent
A. Complete Dominance
B. Incomplete Dominance
C. Codominance
D. Polygenic Inheritance
9. In terms of both ABO blood groups and Rh factor, individuals with type O- blood are considered universal donors. Why is this the case?
A. O- individuals do not produce A, B, or Rh antigen so there is no foreign antigen for others to react with.
B. O- individuals do not produce A, B, or Rh antibodies so there is no foreign antibody for others to react with.
C. O- individuals produce all A, B, and Rh antigens for other people to react with.
D. O- individuals produce all A, B, and Rh antibodies for other people to react with.
10. A woman with type A blood has a child with type B blood. The mother claims her boyfriend is the father of the child. What would the man’s blood type have to be to show he is the father?
A. A
B. B
C. O
E. He could be either B or AB and be the father.
11. A mother with blood type O has a child with blood type A. What is the child’s genotype?
D. IA i
E. i i
12. Two pink snapdragons that are heterozygous for the color allele are crossed together. Which of the following is true of their offspring? Snapdragons exhibit incomplete dominance.
A. The genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring will be different.
B. Their offspring will contain three different genotypes and three different phenotypes.
C. Their offspring will contain two different genotypes and three different phenotypes.
D. Their offspring will contain three different genotypes but only two different phenotypes.
13. X-linked conditions are caused by
A. proteins that damage the X chromosome.
B. genes that only females have.
C. genes that only males have.
D. inheritance of an extra X chromosome.
E. genes on the X chromosome.
14. If a man shows the phenotype for an X-linked Dominant trait, all of this daughters will show the phenotype as well.
A. This statement is true.
B. This statement is false.
15. A girl is not colorblind, but her father is. What is the girl’s genotype?
A. XbXb
16. Which of these has never been observed in a live human birth?
A. 45, Y male
B. 46, XY male
C. 46, XX female
D. 47, XXX female
17. Aneuploidy can result when:
A. a translocation occurs between two chromosomes.
B. one pair of homologous chromosomes does not separate during meiosis.
C. a developing gamete is haploid.
D. a haploid sperm fertilizes a diploid egg.
18. A man with trisomy 21 could pass Down syndrome to offspring if he:
A. produces sperm that have two copies of chromosome 21.
B. produces sperm lacking chromosome 21.
C. also has Turner syndrome.
D. is a carrier of a deletion for chromosome 21.
E. none of these since a man cannot pass Down syndrome to offspring.
19. Very few types of aneuploids are seen in newborns because:
A. only a few chromosomes undergo nondisjunction.
B. most types of aneuploids are lethal early in development.
C. most aneuploids do not cause detectable defects.
D. missing chromosomes cause most lethal aneuploids.
20. Assume that three pairs of alleles with no environmental modification control height in humans. In this model, each dominant allele contributes four inches to a base height of four feet. What is the range of heights possible in this population?
A. 0 – 2 feet
B. 4 – 5 feet
C. 3 – 5 feet
D. 4 – 6 feet
21. Which gene below determines “maleness” during fetal development?
22. It is possible for a fetus to have the karyotype 46 XY and develop as a female.
A. This statement is true
B. This statement is false.
23. Skin color is a multifactorial trait because (choose all that apply)
A. Skin color is based on only two alleles.
B. Multiple genes contribute to skin color.
C. The environment can affect skin color.
D. Skin color is an X-Linked trait.
24. A translocation occurs when
A. A piece of a chromosome is completely deleted
B. A piece of a chromosome is duplicated
C. A piece of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome
D. A point mutation occurs that causes a chromosome to be lost
25. Polyploidy (choose all that apply)
A. occurs when there are three copies of a single chromosome in the cell
B. can occur when a haploid sperm fertilizes a diploid egg
C. occurs when extra sets of chromosomes are found in the cell
D. is lethal in humans
Literature Review Paper Law Assignment Help
Literature Review Paper
A literature review aims to highlight the current state of knowledge regarding a topic under study. Literature reviews are comprised of secondary sources and as such do not report any new or original experimental work. The main purpose of a literature review is to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the reader. A literature review is not a summary but a synthesis of the material you have read. In this course the purpose of the literature review is to answer a significant clinical question.
Your paper needs to follow the following criteria:
- Choose a problem faced by clients in your practice area that you think is important and would like to learn more about.
- Use your knowledge of PICO to develop a well-build narrow clinical question. For example: In adult patients with total hip replacements (P), how effective is pain medication (I) compared to aerobic stretching (C) in controlling post-operative pain (O)? (the development of the PICO question should not be including in the paper).
- Write a five (5) page literature review paper on the standing knowledge of the chosen question.
- Include a minimum of five (5) journal articles, at least three (3) from nursing journals. However, make sure that the (5) journals are the one’s analyzed and synthesized in the results and discussion sections.
- The body of the paper should be made of the following titled sections: Title (introduction), Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
- Provide a specific and concise tentative title for your literature review paper (You may use the results or at least the variables in the title).
- Abstract is not required
- Include a 1-page introduction of your topic (background information), the focus/aim of your review. The introduction should include a statement of the problem, briefly explain the significance of your topic study, and act to introduce the reader to your definitions and background. Must include your main statement (i.e. the purpose of this review is…{PICO Question}).
- The method section should include sources, databases, keywords, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and other information that establish credibility to your paper.
- The results should summarize the findings of studies that have been conducted on your topic. For each study you should briefly explain its purpose, procedure for data collection and major findings. This is the section where you will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of studies.
- The discussion should be like a conclusion portion of an essay paper. It serves as a summary of the body of your literature review and should highlight the most important findings. Your analysis should help you to draw conclusions. In this section you would discussion any consensus or disagreement on the topic. It can also include any strengths and weaknesses in general of the research area. If you believe there is more to research, you may include that here.
- Finally, you will need to conclude your paper. At this point you have put substantial effort into your paper. Close this chapter with a summary of the paper, major findings and any major recommendation for the profession.
- In general, your paper should show a sense of direction and contain a definite central idea supported with evidence. The writing should be logical, and the ideas should be linked together in a logical sequence. The ideas need to be put together clearly to the writer and to the reader.
- Papers will be graded by rubric. Please take time to review the rubric so that you are aware of the expectations for the review paper.
Python project. Computer Science Assignment Help
Search Tree
Anonymous User is on your Student list
This is a student you have worked with before, and expressed willingness to work with again.
” data-original-title=””>
We are going to have some fun with REST web API. If you have not been exposed to this area yet, this is a great starting point (I hope 🙂 )
1. Research on REST-ful web service (Web API) – A few links to start with
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (must read)(Links to an external site.)
- to an external site.)(Except example)
- And many many more examples on the web and youtube
2. Research on Web API
As a first step of the Web API domain, in this homework assignment, you may focus on the stuff of the Web API client side. The service provider side may be a good candidate for your Winter break personal leaning goal. These links are more for your future references.
- to an external site.)
- and(Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)
3. Using the News API
With all this learning referred above, let’s try it out by following the step-by-step tutorial. Please complete the exercise on the web page. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
You may need to install a few libraries while you are trying it out.
Below is what I got when I queried “Python” — Woman, Indiana, dead, found, around neck, along with machine Learning, Ada, platform, …. Hmmmm…
4. Optimal Binary Search Tree
Here is some more work you need to do by applying a dynamic programming technique we learned from this course.
In the class, I’ve spent a little bit of time explaining the concept of “Optimal Binary Search Tree” dynamic programming algorithm (Slides 32 and 33 of lecture 13 Dynamic Programming) in high level without spending much time on the solution, let alone its implementation.
Now here is your opportunity to learn more about OBST for yourself.
- Review the slides mentioned above
- Read the textbook for the topic
- Implement the OBTS algorithm which counts the total cost of visiting all the nodes in the tree. Feel free to get help from other sources.
- In your implementation, you are going to use the data from wordcloud created above.
- Query the strings of your choice using the program developed above.
- Use wordCloud.words_variable which is a dictionary class of <“aWord”, “aWord frequency probability”>. Below is the such list when ‘Denver’ was queried.
{‘Denver’: 1.0, ‘Broncos’: 0.5, ‘Colorado’: 0.4411764705882353, ‘New’: 0.35294117647058826, ‘NFL’: 0.35294117647058826, ‘year’: 0.3235294117647059, ‘first’: 0.2647058823529412, …. }
- Get the top n(50 perhaps ?) number of words from the query result list
- Randomly shuffle the nwords
- Add all nwords in the list into the regular BST (from HW5) and compute the total score of traversing the entire tree weighted by the frequencies (or probability)
- Now add the same dictionary elements into the OBST and compute the total score of traversing the entire tree weighted by the frequencies (or probability)
- Compare the costs returned from the trees.
- You may run multiple testing with different query words.
- Write up a summary of your finding from this exercise
- For randomly shuffle elements in list , we can use random.shuffle(list name) which will return the list with the shuffled items.
This can be done by importing random package.If random package is not installed in your system, you can use the below command in anaconda prompt to install random package for python
pip install random
1. Read all the references of REST and Web API. Say Yes if you did (2 points) – counted only if you implemented step 2 and 3
2. Follow the instructions of news wordCloud and produce wordCloud of your words (3 points)
3. OBST code (12 points)
4. A summary of the test results between BST and OBST (3 points)
masterplan Writing Assignment Help
Submit Assignment: Athletics Master Plan
School districts adhere to stringent fiscal controls as “every dollar is precious to school district officials and taxpayers” so “having a master plan ensures that every dollar is spent wisely” (Wilson, 2013). The development of an athletics master plan involves a number of tasks and “because these projects are significant investments, construction proposals must be formalized, evaluated, and approved. Further the process and actual proposal must be publicized, discussed, and explored in exacting details. It all begins with an athletic master plan” (Wilson, 2013).
Using the information provided in the required studies, develop an athletic master plan for a yet-to-be-built high school. The hypothetical high school is a coed school that will eventually field the following sports:
Football | Coed Water Polo | Boys and Girls Tennis |
Boys and Girls Soccer | Boys and Girls Basketball | Boys and Girls Golf |
Cheerleading | Softball | Boys and Girls Track & Field |
Boys and Girls Cross-Country | Wrestling | Boys and Girls Swimming |
Baseball |
The master plan you develop should span 10 years. For the first year, your budget will allow the construction of two venues. Every 2 years subsequent, your budget will allow for the construction of one additional venue per 2-year cycle; so years 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 will be construction years. Moreover, a facility built in year X would not be available until year X + 1. This means that since year 1 is the first construction year, you will have no on-campus facilities available until year 2. Some other factors to be considered are:
The school will be built adjacent to a public park that features one baseball field, a 5-mile long jogging trail, and two large unlined and unlit fields without stands. There is a community YMCA near the school that has a competition-grade swimming pool and a full-sized gymnasium. There is a karate club facility in town.
For years 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, please detail any maintenance actions you anticipate needing, such as top dressing fields or refinishing floors.
For the first year of the school, only freshman will be attending. Each year following, a new freshman class will be added until the school is grades 9-12, after a period of 4 years. You may phase the sports in at any fashion you choose, however by year 10, all the sports listed above must be included.
Justify types of indoor and outdoor surfaces you will plan for; for example, will you want hardwood or synthetic gym floors? Also detail any major indoor and outdoor equipment purchase your facilities will need, such as soccer goals and bleachers.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research.
Wilson, C. (2013). Facilities. In Blackburn, M. L., Forsyth, E., Olson, J., & Whitehead, B. (Eds.), NIAAA’s guide to interscholastic athletic administration (pp. 339–360). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.