Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help. Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help.

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This section must be 3-5 pages in length in which you include a personality biography that describes your personality development that is based on your original theory of personality. You will draw on the 20 Chapter Module Assignments, 10 In-Class Participation Assignments and Questions for Analysis selected to critically analyze your personality development. Your score in this section will be based on how well you demonstrate critical analysis of your personality development based on the integration of your original theory of personality completed for Section 5. You will draw on the 20 Chapter Module Assignments, 10 In-Class Participation Assignments and Questions for Analysis selected to critically analyze YOUR OWN personality development over this course. Do not vaguely discuss personality in general terms or based on anyone other than yourself, otherwise points will be deducted from your score. This section must be 3-5 pages in length, typed, double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Headings at the top of a paper that create extra spacing do not count toward the page requirements. Extra spacing between paragraphs is also not permitted. 2 Points Per Page will be deducted for not meeting the page and formatting requirements. For example, if your complete 2.5 pages, 1 point will automatically be deducted. Moreover, your paper must reflect university writing skills included spelling and grammar.

Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Inadequate Staffing in Nursing Home Facilities Policy Analysis Other Assignment Help

A 4-5-page policy analysis of a specific issue addressed in the course of your interest is required. I.e. Healthcare reform, Medicare funding, Social determinates of Health, Healthcare financing etc.

  • The paper should be a policy analysis rather than a review, research or survey paper.
  • You must take a position in the analysis is this Policy good or not and state why or why not.
    • Separate your Title on a separate page at top center of your page
  • Formatting:
    • You must cite 2-4 references/resources through your readings and original research that support your position.
    • Please use Times New Roman, font, size 12 – Please double spacing, and no images this is an original analysis thought piece.
    • Place numbers on the bottom right of your pages
    • Please use APA Formatting here is an excellent resource on APA Formatting from Purdue
    • No less than 4 pages and no more than 5 pages. (Title and reference pages are NOT included in the page count)
    • Please double space your paper

sections/sub-titles of the paper must include

  • Title page
  • Introduction
  • What is the issue? Present the problem or issue in the health care system
  • Background: What is the current policy environment
    • What regulations, laws or legislation are in place or propoed?
    • Describe the issue from your perspective
    • Propose a solution or improvements
    • Draw a conclusion based upon your original analysis
  • Analysis: What is good or not good and why? How does or will this impact patients?
  • Potential solutions to this issue (grounded in the literature as a reference) this is your recommendation
  • Conclusion – What did you learn?
  • References(please use APA format)


ACC544 Phoenix Robatellis Pizzeria Controls System Case Study Presentation Writing Assignment Help


Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.

Develop another internal controls system, but this time, in the purchases and fixed assets business areas.

Prepare a 12- to 16-slide presentation describing the purchases and fixed assets business areas.

Include any associated risk in these areas.

Describe specific internal controls that include authorization of transactions, segregation of duties, adequate records and documentation, security of assets, and independent checks and reconciliation for each business area.

Submit your assignment.



North Texas Peer Influence on Teenagers in Emotional Distress Research PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Present research as a PowerPoint presentation or a recorded audio/video clip.

Suggested format

I suggest a PowerPoint that includes the following. You should have 10-15 slides.

Title of Project

Begin your presentation with the title of your project. State the name of the University and your faculty research mentor’s department, your name, and the name of your faculty mentor.


State why you chose your particular project; tell why it is of interest or worthy of the attempt. State the explicit hypothesis (or hypotheses) that was (were) tested.

Materials and Methods

Give sufficient details of methods (including information on materials used) to allow someone to duplicate your work, especially with respect to those factors that may have had major effects on results.


Present a summary of your data. This is where you cite your figures and tables. Graphs will usually be most appropriate for showing your findings, but data summaries (do not reproduce all your data) may be tabular. Include any non-quantitative observations in the text. Describe the analysis of the data including any statistical tests performed.


State your conclusions. Was your null hypothesis rejected? Have additional questions been raised? Have you satisfied the objectives of your project? If you were to try to do the project again, would you do it differently?


Watchmen Chapters IV & VI Critical Approach Worksheet Assignment Writing Assignment Help

after reading Chapters IV-VI of Watchmen, continue to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. Note: You can use the same approach as Critical Response #9, or you can try a different one this time. Just be sure to use only examples from this week’s reading: Chapters IV-VI (pages 110-211).



Solving Cybersecurity Workforce Crisis and Strategies Project 4 Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Project 4 Solving the Cybersecurity Workforce Crisis

For this project, you will be researching and reporting on the cybersecurity workforce crisis as it affects state governments. Your audience will be the members of an organization for state government officials such as the National Governor’s Association and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers. The results of your research project will be used to help develop a one-day workshop on strategies for developing and growing the cybersecurity workforce at the state government level.



Write a three to four page research report which includes a summary of your research, findings, and recommendations. At a minimum, your paper must include the following:

  • An introduction or overview of the cybersecurity workforce issues which impact State governments. This overview should address the political, economic, socio-cultural (including education), and technological factors which contribute to the perceived lack of qualified cybersecurity workers. This introduction should be suitable for an executive audience.
  • A separate section which addresses three to five specific reasons why states have difficulty hiring a sufficient number of trained and qualified cybersecurity workers for positions in state agencies and offices.
  • A separate section which addresses three to five specific “non-cybersecurity” reasons why a workforce shortage affecting state governments may currently exist. Consider and discuss whether or not the workforce shortage arises out of state budget problems rather than training and education or salary.
  • A recommendations section which identifies and discusses at least five training, education, marketing or hiring actions which state governments could take to attract cybersecurity talent and reduce or alleviate a cybersecurity workforce shortage for trained and qualified cybersecurity personnel. These recommendations should include several alternative practices which deemphasize salary.
  • A separate Summary section in which you present a summary of your research and recommendations.

Submit For Grading

Submit your work in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) using the Project 4 entry in your assignment folder. (Attach the file.)

Additional Information

  • Consult the grading rubric for specific content and formatting requirements for this assignment.
  • Your3 to 4 page paper should be professional in appearance with consistent use of fonts, font sizes, margins, etc. You should use headings and page breaks to organize your paper.
  • Your paper should use standard terms and definitions for cybersecurity. See Course Content > Cybersecurity Concepts Review for recommended resources.
  • The CSIA program recommends that you follow standard APA formatting since this will give you a document that meets the “professional appearance” requirements. APA formatting guidelines and examples are found under Course Resources > APA Resources. An APA template file (MS Word format) has also been provided for your use CSIA_Basic_Paper_Template(APA_6ed,DEC2018).docx.
  • You must include a cover page with the assignment title, your name, and the due date. Your reference list must be on a separate page at the end of your file. These pages do not count towards the assignment’s page count.
  • You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.
  • You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must follow a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).

Solving Cybersecurity Workforce Crisis and Strategies Project 4 Assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Southern California Isla Vista Organizing and Outreach Report Humanities Assignment Help

Finding ways to make “Isla Vista” a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.

Minimum 500 words

Must include a introduction, body, and concluding

  • Ambassador system, get a bunch of students to spread word by mouth-similar to block. Get friends on board
  • Online platform- online forums or DIY videos, Facebook group. Become the resource so people know where to reach out to. Email to all students about groups
  • We only found out about Eco Vista because of this class- maybe add more classes that discusses EcoVista
  • School and community outreach, co-op and parks and rec
  • Incentives- internship, community service
  • Isla Vista currency, people do good acts and that gives them currency to use (will be difficult though). Farmer’s market near Costco does this
  • Fun events, family related, food, get educated, prizes
  • Target toward family community because they stay here instead of leaving every four years
  • Spread to schools, get people involved who have children
  • More meetings so people who work during the day can come, offer more meetings
  • Show films at IV theater about climate change, offer extra credit to classes
  • Ucsb students in clubs need points for funding, could implement more community based events for points. Support community more than other club teams
  • Tapping into Gaucho FYI, include more about Isla Vista in general
  • Social media


SCI207 Ashford University Week 4 Sustainable Living Guide Paper Science Assignment Help

[WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review Chapters 6, 7, and 8 in Turk and Bensel’s Contemporary Environmental Issues textbook (2014).

The purpose of this assignment is twofold: first, to enable you to explore a term (concept, technique, place, etc.) related to this week’s theme of sustaining atmosphere and climate; 2) second, to provide your fourth contribution to a collective project, the Class Sustainable Living Guide. Your work this week, will be gathered (along with that of your peers) into a master document you will receive a few days after the end of the course. The document will provide everyone with a variety of ideas for how we can all live more sustainably in our homes and communities.

To complete this assignment, I chose carbon sources and sinks

  • You will first need to select a term from the list of choices in the Week 4 – Term Selection Forum. Reply to the forum with the term that you would like to research. Do not select a term that a classmate has already chosen. No two students will be researching the same topic.
  • Next, download the Week 4 Assignment Template and replace the guiding text with your own words based upon your online research. Please do not include a cover page. All references, however, should be cited in your work and listed at the end, following APA format expectations.

In the template, you will

  • Define the term thoroughly.
  • Clearly relate the term to the week’s theme.
  • Explain how the term affects living things and the physical world.
  • Relate the term to the challenge of achieving environmental sustainability.
  • Justify if the term represents an obstacle to that goal, or perhaps a technique or technology that might promote it.
  • Suggest two specific actions we can take to promote sustainability in relationship to this term.
  • Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.


IT335 TJX Impact of Cyber Attack Information Security Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help


Project Description

There are increasing media reports about cyber-attacks targeting public and private organizations all over the world. As cyber-attacks continue to get more complex and sophisticated, companies continue to invest more resources in cyber-defense programs to protect information assets from being compromised.

Below is a list of companies that have faced data breaches following successful cyber attacks:

  • TJX Companies
  • eBay
  • Equifax
  • Uber
  • Adidas
  • OPM


Select one company from the list above and prepare:

  1. 5-page report describing impact of the cyber-attack which the company faced, information assets which were compromised and how the cyber-attack succeeded. In your opinion, what could that company have done different to reduce the impact of the cyber-attack.
  2. 5 minute presentation – this presentation


1. Project Report (60pts)

a) Identification of presenter and topic (10 pts)

b) Description of the cyber-attack & compromised information assets (20 pts)

c) Recommendations of how the cyber-attack could be mitigated (20 pts)

d) Proper use of cybersecurity concepts and terminology (10 pts)

2. Presentation (30pts)

a) Identification of presenter and topic (5 pts)

b) cyber-attack & compromised information assets (5 pts)

c) Recommendations of how the cyber-attack could be mitigated (5 pts)

d) Proper use of cybersecurity concepts and terminology (5 pts)

e) Clear and coherent presentation storyboard (5 pts)

f) Time management (5 pts)


Chapter 4 Taking An Approach Outline Assignment Writing Assignment Help…

After reading “Chapter 4: Taking An Approach” in Rewriting, 2nd edition (pages 74-98), type up an outline.

  1. Choose 10-15 important concepts you learned in this section. Use quotation marks or paraphrasing appropriately to avoid plagiarism, and include a page number for each of these concepts. Also, use bullet points or numbering for each new concept. Underline or bold any key terms/phrases for emphasis within each bullet point.
  2. For each bullet point (concept), add 1-2 sentences, explaining the importance of this concept, or why it stood out to you. Use complete sentences.
  3. Aim for 400-800 words total. Put this word count in the 5th line of your heading.


Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Personality Development Based on An Original Theory of Personality Analysis Writing Assignment Help

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