PGU Product & Service Design & Facility in Operation Management Environment Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. PGU Product & Service Design & Facility in Operation Management Environment Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcomes:
MT435-2: Create a product design and a service design within an operations management environment.
MT435-6: Create a facility design within an operations management environment.
Design is an important aspect in business. As applied to operations management, this is primarily
product design and service design, and in a supporting role, facility design.
In this assignment, you will apply critical thinking to the application of design to operations management
in an informative essay in a minimum of 3-full pages in which you specifically address the parts listed
below. Make sure to include separate title and references pages, use standard paragraph structure,
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow all other current APA style guidelines.
Conduct research from credible peer-reviewed sources, the Library, and your textbook to support your
You can select an operations management environment of your own choosing, however ensure it is
realistic and real world applicable, reflecting good judgment, business sense, and critical thinking skills.
Consider the following topics and follow the instructions below; remembering to complete both parts of
your assignment:
Part I – Product Design and Service Design:
Product Design
Create a product design within an operations management environment, using real world research to
support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description
of the elements of the product design, that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a
real world scenario.
Service Design
Create a service design within an operations management environment, using real world research to
support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description
of the elements of the service design, that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a
real world scenario.
Unit 4 [MT435]
Page 2 of 3
Part 2 – Facility Design:
Facility Design
Create a facility design within an operations management environment, using real world research to
support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description
of the elements of the facility design, that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a real
world scenario.
Ensure each topic is covered to appropriate breadth and depth demonstrating knowledge of the course
concept and critical thinking skills. It is highly recommended that each topic comprises one- and-a-half
full pages of your 3-full pages of content. Any diagrams or design elements should take up no more than
one-half page, allowing at a minimum a one-half page of narrative to accompany and demonstrate
critical thinking skills related to the diagram or design element created as part of your assignment.
SCM Standard Requirements
● This assignment should be a separate MS Word document, preferably in the most current
● .docx file format.
● In addition to the current APA style title page and reference page; ensure your paper covers
the assigned topics, with a focus on quality. The following items provide additional guidance
as to writing expectations.
● Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts,
topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly
organized, logical, and focused.
● It must be written in Standard English; demonstrating exceptional content, organization,
style, grammar, and mechanics.
● Your paper should provide a clearly established sustained viewpoint and purpose.
● Your writing should be well-ordered, logical, and unified; as well as original and insightful.
● Ensure your paper uses current APA style for content, with properly indented paragraphs, and a
minimum of 3-full pages covering the assigned topics to appropriate depth.
● A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in
current APA style. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for credible research.
● Ensure you have at a minimum three quality references supporting your work: defining words,
or using dictionaries, wikis, or encyclopedias, does not count as a quality reference, or meet
university standards for credible online research.
● Be sure to cite in-text citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and
content should follow proper APA style. Review the current APA style found at the Writing
Center. (The Writing Center can be accessed in Academic Tools. Select APA Central, then on
“Write” at the bottom of the page.) (It should include a title page, double-spaced, in Times New
Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors,
and correct references on the references page.)
*Please note: Professors do have academic freedom to modify assignments and requirements to
mitigate against cheating and plagiarism, and help with student learning.
PGU Product & Service Design & Facility in Operation Management Environment Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EN 102 GU Wk 6 Building Relationships Towards Success Paulo Coehlo Essay Writing Assignment Help
Purpose of assignment: To practice revision skills by revising your Week 6 Rough Draft.
Procedure: For this assignment, you will revise your Rough Draft by considering the feedback you have received from your instructor and fellow classmates. Please note that revision is not the same as fixing-errors. While you are expected to proofread your final paper carefully, you will also need to consider global and local revisions. (See your textbook for definitions of these terms.) The goal is to write the best paper you can, and, while you have received feedback from readers (your instructor and the class), the choices of what and how to revise are up to you.
However, please note that your revision must show significant effort to improve the quality of your writing. This may include (but is not limited to) the following:
strengthening your argument
narrowing the focus of your topic
reconsidering your audience, purpose, or exigence
writing a more compelling introduction
clarifying your thesis
tightening organization
using credible sources or more fully integrating the sources you have
wrapping up your paper with a satisfying conclusion
citing and documenting sources correctly.
*Simply correcting errors does not count as revision. Writing a new paper on a different topic also does not count as revision.
The criteria for this assignment are the same as for your Week 6 Rough Draft:
Purpose of assignment: To compose a rough draft of an academic paper, using exigence, audience, purpose, and research.
Procedure: In previous assignments and discussions, you have selected a topic to write about, explored its exigence, audience, purpose, and researched the topic using credible, scholarly sources. Now you will put it all together into a rough draft.
The purpose of your essay (to define, to evaluate, or to propose) will be up to you, but your essay must demonstrate a clear purpose.
The audience for your essay can be any group of readers who are affected by or interested in your topic. However, there must be a clear and specific sense of addressed and invoked audiences.
The purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but to show that you understand the topic well from multiple angles so you can represent it fairly and contribute in a meaningful way to an ongoing conversation about it. You may think of your essay as an “argument of inquiry”: intended to lead your audience to a deeper understanding of an issue that affects them.
Your rough draft should meet the following guidelines:
1.Between 900 and 1200 words
2.Includes quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from four or more scholarly sources representing more than one side of the issue
3.Qualifies authors (i.e., shows why your sources are credible)
4.Withholds personal opinion
5.Is written in third person
6.Multimodal elements, such as photos or graphics, may be included at your discretion
7.Includes APA Style in-text citations and a References page
8.Has been closely edited so it contains few or no mechanical errors
Although you will have a chance to revise this essay for Week 8, understand that writing is a process and that no one “gets it right” on the first draft. For this reason, you should allow yourself plenty of time to work on this paper and even write a few drafts before you submit one for peer review and grading. For more on peer review, see below.
Format: Standard essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a thesis statement that expresses the main point of your essay. For an example of an academic essay, see “Echoes of 1776 in 2011: A Rhetorical Analysis of Nicholas Kristof’s ‘Watching Protesters at Risk’” in Chapter 13 of your textbook.
Format the assignment in APA Style: one-inch margins, page numbers at the top right, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, running heads, title page, in-text citations, and a references page.
Concept of Nous Cosmic Mind Term Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Here is question for the term paper.
- Describing the philosophical concept that you would like to attempt to define in your Socratic Dialogue,
- Explaining why you think this would be a worthy philosophical pursuit, and
- Describing how you think you will most likely proceed to do so.
I have the draft attached
Here is the professor’s common, please finish the paper.
Nous is a great concept to explore.
However, I want some further clarification before we continue. How are you planning on defining it?
Anaxagoras, for instance, is more concerned with the role that Nous plays in the cosmos. He does not quite define it, though.
Our project for this paper is one of definition: trying to understand the set of necessary and sufficient conditions that would constitute, in this case, Nous.
Is that what you are planning on doing? And if so, how?
ENTD 261 AMU Wk 7 The Incidence Rate Evaluation of Software & Hardware Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Using MS Excel, create a new workbook with the following (Save as w7_james_shaw.xlsx or w7_james_shaw.xls).
As an administrator, you recorded the requests from different locations (i.e. a few states are listed) in the sheet below, you may create your own sheet. You need to explain the collected data. In the table below, you have the requests against the locations.
Software Installation requests | Software Update requests | Hardware Installation requests | |
WV | 23 | 12 | 15 |
MD | 13 | 8 | 5 |
VA | 17 | 4 | 6 |
DC | 14 | 6 | 2 |
NY | 7 | 4 | 1 |
FL | 29 | 21 | 11 |
You can use any data gathering for your choice
Create at least 5 statistical functions and graphs relating to the data.
From the data discuss the trend (your conclusion, what does this data mean for your planning), You can use the question of “What if… then”
Submit your week 7 work in w7_james_shaw.xlsx or w7_james_shaw.xls
HLS 470 CTC Week 1 Homeland Security & Critical Infrastructure Protection Paper Law Assignment Help
*******Db 1*********
For this assignment, you will research the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and the Implementing Recommendation of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 with regard to statutory direction to the executive branch for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
Compare and contrast the following Critical Infrastructure (CI) implementing statutes of the U.S. Code (USC) with regard to CI identification, prioritization, protection, and resiliency:
- The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
- Homeland Security Act of 2002
- The 9/11 Commission Recommendations Implementation Act
********Db 2***********
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
- What do you think is the scope of the definitions of the terms risks, threats, and hazards? Explain.
- How do you think these concepts should be utilized within the emerging discipline of homeland security? Explain in detail.
**********Individual Assignment 1*********
You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction’s Office of Homeland Security. This is a recently-created office. As a medium-size jurisdiction, the city manager’s office has dual responsibilities with many of the leadership and management positions. This is often referred to as being dual-hatted. The Chief of Police has been assigned as the Director of the Office of Homeland Security for the city. She has no prior experience or knowledge of the requirements involved in Critical Infrastructure (CI) protection and has asked you to provide a formal report on the topic. The Chief intends to share this report with other Office managers, City department heads, the city manager, and the elected officials of the City (mayor and city council).
Your report is an information paper and should be formatted as such. The report should address the following items:
- Define critical infrastructure protection (CIP).
- Explain the importance of CIP.
- Identify the federal laws (acts of Congress), national level policies (Homeland Security Presidential Directives and Presidential Policy Directives), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and national doctrinal publications that govern CI operations at the federal level of government.
- Review and compare the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) to PPD 21 and Executive Order 13636.
- Briefly describe and define the 16 CI sectors, and identify the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for each sector.
- Summarize your top 3 key points.
- Provide any recommendations that you may have to your city’s leadership concerning CI.
Reference all source material and citations using APA format.
******Assignment 2*********
Conduct a risk assessment on a community of your choice, with specific focus on a specific facility or system within that community that you determine is part of the broader community’s critical infrastructure (e.g., hospital, water system, power system). You should select the community (town, city, county, region, state, or nation) considering the availability of information that exists or your access to information (e.g., your ability to interview community leaders).
Assignment Guidelines
- Address the following in 2-3 pages:
- Describe (briefly) the community and why you selected it (e.g., demographics, topography/geography, climate, criticality of CI, political issues).
- Outline the risk portfolio of the selected community (e.g., flood zones; high-value terror target).
- How did you compile that list?
- What other risk portfolio and assessments for the community exist (e.g., local hazard mitigation plan, DHS assessments)? Explain.
- Describe the critical facility or system that you selected, and describe why it is critical to the selected community.
- What are the possible/probable outcomes of the risks that you identified as occurring as they relate to the whole community and, in greater detail, to the specific infrastructure you selected? Explain in detail.
- What are the possible/probable cascading effects at the local, regional, national, or international level should one of the risks occur and affect the critical facility/infrastructure you selected? Explain in detail.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
University of Connecticut Design a Sustainable Development Discussion Science Assignment Help
Assignment 6. Sustainable development- you are in charge!
Objective: To design a sustainable development project.
Time needed to complete this task: 50 to 80 minutes
Suppose you are a planner or developer and you went to work for the World Bank. They give you a very large project that consist in designing a sustainable community in a developing country. Use the attached document to answer the questions on how you will plan the development.
Value: 40 points
To gain full credit all the points in the document have to be taken into consideration. Missing points will diminish your grade accordingly.
University of Connecticut Design a Sustainable Development Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CRJS355 American InterContinental University Plain View Doctrine Essay Law Assignment Help
Assignment Details
Police are called to Bob Smith’s home as a result of a complaint from neighbors regarding the several large dogs that are constantly barking on his property. Bob lives in a residential neighborhood that has experienced significant change and new development in recent years. While his home is surrounded by a new planned development with matching homes and yards, Bob wouldn’t sell to the developers, so his property still looks like a farm with several buildings (a barn, a storage shed, and other outbuildings). The property is fenced, so Bob doesn’t feel the need to keep the dogs inside. They roam the property and bark at anyone and anything that passes the property, including most cars.
When the officers arrive to talk to Bob, he allows them through the gate and onto his property. While they are talking to Bob about the noise complaints, one officer notices a shed door is partially open, and what looks like a crate of weapons is visible. Officer Jones asks Bob, “What’s with the weapons?” and Bob says, “Those are old relics that I’ve collected.” However, Officer Jones doesn’t believe him and starts walking toward the shed. Bob lunges at Officer Jones and grabs at his gun. The two struggle for the weapon, and just as Bob pulls away with the gun, Officer Baker shoots Bob twice, once in the shoulder, and once in the chest, causing Bob to drop the gun and fall to the ground.
Officer Baker immediately calls for an ambulance, and Officer Jones begins applying pressure to Bob’s wounds and tells him, “Hold on. Help is on the way.” Bob thinks he’s not going to make it and decides that he wants a clear conscience as he moves on to whatever comes next. He tells the officers everything about the guns—where he got them, for what they were going to be used, and with whom Bob was planning his criminal conspiracy to engage in domestic terror by attacking a local rally on LGBT rights the following weekend.
Officer Baker thinks that they should search the other buildings on the property for additional weapons, but Officer Jones doesn’t think they have probable cause to do so. Baker argues that exigent circumstances allow them to conduct a broader search, especially with the first crate of guns in plain view. They do a search of the barn and other buildings on the property, except the main house, and discover two more crates of weapons.
The EMTs ended up arriving in time, and Bob was saved. He now stands trial along with two of his co-conspirators for illegal weapons charges, conspiracy charges, and domestic terrorism charges.
Bob’s defense counsel plans to argue that the plain view doctrine didn’t apply to this case and that everything discovered subsequently should be tossed. Additionally, they plan to argue that because Bob wasn’t actually dying, his dying declaration to the police officers wasn’t valid.
In a 3–5-page paper, please include responses to the bulleted issues listed below. It is critical that when you make a statement of fact in your presentation that you cite the reference you obtained the information from in the text of the paper and that the reference is included in your reference page. Your paper must be submitted in APA, 6th edition format. No abstract is required because this is a short position paper, but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are all necessary.
- Detail the concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence and the legal requirements for the officers to invoke a plain sight seizure.
- Discuss the concepts known as dying declaration and exigent circumstances in the context of this case. Discuss the meaning of each concept and why the court believes in such exceptions to constitutional requirements.
- Discuss whether you believe the defendant’s arguments will be successful, and why or why not.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
BUSI 1002 Walden University WK4 Ethical Issues Encountered by Managers Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment: Ethical Issues Encountered by Managers
An important skill for managers and business leaders to have is being able to evaluate a situation to determine what happened, why it happened, how things could have gone differently, what lessons can be learned going forward, and so on. When ethical issues arise, managers are often called upon to address the situations from an employee and leadership perspective, and if damage has been done, there may be a need to not only correct behaviors but also improve relationships. For your final Assignment in this course, you will review a series of business scenarios involving ethical matters. You will then use those scenarios to determine whether the parties involved behaved ethically or not, as well as explain the impacts of the situation, what else may have affected the decision making, and how it could have been addressed more effectively.
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review this week’s Learning Resources.
- Review the Part 1 Scenarios document and choose one of the case studies to use for Part 1 of your Assignment.
- Review the Part 2 Scenarios document and choose one of the case studies to use for Part 2 of your Assignment.
- Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 1000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.
By Day 7
Submit your responses to the following prompts in Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1
Using one case study from the Part 1 Scenarios document, address the following prompts:
- For each person in the scenario, did he or she behave ethically or unethically? Explain why, providing at least one scholarly resource to support your answer. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
- How could this scenario have been addressed more effectively? (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
- What are the potential internal (leadership/management) and external impacts of this unethical behavior on the organization? (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)
- Did organizational, positional, or personal power affect the ethical decision making of those involved? Explain why or why not. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Part 2
Using one case study from the Part 2 Scenarios document, address the following prompts:
- Does this business adhere to ethical practices? Why or why not? (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
- What are the potential internal (leadership/management) and external impacts of these business practices on the organization? (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)
MGT 317 Alliant Strengthening of Marketing on Industry Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Marketing Specialization
Does the strengthening of marketing by corporate CSR initiatives depend on the industry sector? Compare consumer products, to industrial products to consumer services.
Everyone talks about CSR! Yet, both the actions of companies as well as the perceptions of consumers are mixed between authenticity and fakeness. Authentic CSR can be a powerful tool in the efforts of marketing CSR that is practiced because it simply projects the image of a “nice company” can be a cost to marketing efforts
Your paper should address the topic by integrating information from multiple sources. You are definitely allowed to also express your opinions, as long as you support them with references.
You should use APA format, Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, with 1-inch page margins
HUM 121 CTU Visualize Decisive Action in The Accidental Statesman Case Study Humanities Assignment Help
Analyze the major points of your base article for research. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your part of the themed outline and support the group effort. I have included the outline and thesis statement for the paper.
My part is to explain and support the VISUALIZE part of the project. (Visualize) The mental process of developing situational understanding, determining a desired end state, and envisioning the broad sequence of events by which the force will achieve that end state. I have attached documents to elaborate on that.
You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic which is an follow up from the transition of the outline and Thesis. Then develop the body of the paper fully using not less than three full pages and no more than five pages. Explain and provide the pertinent elements of Decisive Action to the article. Fully develop the situational understanding, end state, and the events necessary to achieve that end state.
I have attached the document named the accidental statesman you must use as one reference. You must gather two additional references for the reference page. so a total of 4. Ensure you use Times New Roman 12 point font and APA 7th ED.
Submit your week 7 work in w7_james_shaw.xlsx or w7_james_shaw.xls