Pharmacology I Health Medical Assignment Help

Pharmacology I Health Medical Assignment Help. Pharmacology I Health Medical Assignment Help.

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  1. Prescriptive Authority and the Physician Assistant: Please describe and explain the following:
  1. Overview of PA Role
  2. Qualifications
  3. Education
  4. Certification
  5. Legal Foundation of Prescriptive Authority
  1. What are the prescribing practices of physicians?
  2. As primary care nurse practitioners (NPs) continue to develop their role as prescribers of medications, what will become most important?
  3. What is the significance for a primary care NP who will practice in a state in which the governor has opted out of the federal facility reimbursement requirement. How does this define how NPs may write prescriptions?
  4. Do CRNAs require a DEA number? Why or Why not?
  5. What does the current trend to transition the NPs to the Doctorate level mean? Why has The American Association of Colleges of Nursing recommended this?
  6. What is an important difference between physician assistants (PAs) and NPs?

Please answer the following questions as a supplement to week 2 lecture.

  1. Drug metabolism, bioavailability and excretion. Explain the factors that affect how the body acts to metabolize and excrete a drug. What is bioavailability?
  2. Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  3. Explain why it may be important to stick to a particular brand for drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges
  4. Explain the differences between an inducer, a substrate, an inhibitor and a metabolizer.
  5. What is the definition of the therapeutic range of a drug?
  6. What is meant when a drug has nonlinear kinetics?
  7. What is the Beer’s Criteria?
  8. An NP is prescribing a drug that is known to be safe in children but is unable to find recommendations about drug dosing. The recommended adult dose is 100 mg per dose. The child weighs 14 kg. Using Clark’s rule, the NP should order _____ mg per dose.Clark’s rule suggests dividing the weight of the child in kg by the weight of an adult in kg and multiplying the result by the adult dose to get an approximation of the child’s dose. The average adult weighs 150 lb, or 70 kg.
  9. A child who weighs 22 lb, 2 oz needs a medication. The NP learns that the recommended dosing for this drug is 25 to 30 mg per kg per day in three divided doses. What is the dose?

Pharmacology I Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Report i want 2 answers on same question Writing Assignment Help

The Research Report serves as the deliverable towards partial completion of the requirement for BA634. The requirement of your research is expected to be built and constitutes the five-chapter model. This document is not intended to be a one-time or static document. The Research Report needs to be at least 14 pages and is written in the past and present tense, as appropriate.

The Research Report should be a complete and concise document that establishes your credentials as a relative expert in the domain of your study. In all cases, a good understanding of the specific domain will be necessary for the successful completion of your study. It is vital that you stay current in the literature germane to the study you are conducting and update the chapters accordingly.


Writing Assignment psychology Writing Assignment Help

OVERVIEW: Psychological and medical studies are commonly discussed in the media. Often, the general public hears about these studies through popular press articles. It is our responsibility to critically evaluate whether the conclusions being drawn by these popular press articles are consistent with the data from the original research. The goal of this paper is to practice critical thinking and summarizing research articles.


For this assignment, you will pick and read one of the following pairs of articles. You will read the first pair about video and creativity or the second pair about sleep. In each pair, there is 1 popular press article and 1 peer-reviewed research article. If you have taken this class in the past, you must choose the pair of articles that you have not written about previously. If you have written about both pairs of articles previously, email your TA for an alternative pair of articles.

Read the peer-reviewed article, paying close attention to their research design and findings. Then, read the popular press article, paying close attention to how the findings of the peer-reviewed article are interpreted and described. Review what you learned from lecture regarding research methods and causality.

Please see the rubric for how the paper will be graded: Link

Formatting and guidelines:

  • The final paper should be:
    • 2-3 pages long
    • Double-spaced
    • Size 12 Times New Roman font
    • 1” margins
  • You are only allowed up to 2 quotes in the entire paper if necessary.
    • These quotes cannot be longer than 1 sentence.
    • Use your own words – paraphrase the authors’ ideas carefully.
  • Make sure your main argument is clearly identified. Give concrete examples.
    • Make sure each paragraph makes a clear point
    • Make sure the ordering of points from paragraph to paragraph is logical
  • Proper spelling, grammar, style, and writing quality are all very important.


Peer-reviewed article

Popular press article

Use the following outline:

  1. Summarize the peer-reviewed article.
    • Identify the research hypothesis, the subject variable(s), the design of the study, and the outcome.
    • Explain whether and how the outcome of the study supports the research hypothesis.
  2. Summarize the popular press article.
    • The popular press article may or may not use causal language. Note any statements, phrases, or conclusions that imply causality.
  3. Evaluate whether the press article provided an accurate report of the original research.
    • Did the author use any language that implied a causal relationship between the variables that were studied?
    • Describe why causal conclusions cannot be made from correlational studies.
    • Suggest and explain a possible third variable that might account for the finding that videogame playing is associated with creativity.


Peer-reviewed article

Popular press article

Use the following outline:

  1. Summarize the peer-reviewed article.
    • Identify the research hypothesis, the subject variable(s), the design of the study, and the outcome.
    • Explain whether and how the outcome of the study supports the research hypothesis.
  2. Summarize the popular press article.
    • The popular press article may or may not use causal language. Note any statements, phrases, or conclusions that imply causality.
  3. Evaluate whether the press article provided an accurate report of the original research.
    • Did the author use any language that implied a causal relationship between the variables that were studied?
    • Describe why causal conclusions cannot be made from correlational studies.
    • Suggest and explain a possible third variable that might account for the finding that sleep quality is associated with changes in brain structure.


Five page paper on Liberalism Political Philosophy Writing Assignment Help

The paper you are to write is to be based on your assessment of the main arguments in the readings. Not every argument needs to be covered. Rather, you are to exercise your judgment about what is important. Then you should proceed to analyze the argument(s) that you identify, relate them to particular texts, and provide an assessment of the strength or persuasiveness of the argument(s). The description of a “resume” provided in the footnote to that section of the syllabus should guide you in thinking over the assignment.








paraphrase CPE technical report (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)) Writing Assignment Help

use the following attachments to paraphrase the technical report that I will attach you in the comment and make sure not to copy and paste the same words

A Lab report should consist of the following parts and should be WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

  • 1)Title Page
  • 2)Introduction
  • 3)Experiment
  • 4)Results
  • 5)Conclusion

The title page should include your name, experiment number and title, lab partner name, and the date the lab was performed.

This section should include a brief overview of the lab and should not be written in great detail. What is the problem you are trying to solve and why is it worth solving? What useful information should this experiment provide?

Under the experiment heading you should state what you are trying to accomplish on a particular part of the lab and HOWyou accomplished it. What methods/techniques did you use? Design work should go in this section. This should include schematics,truth tables, equations, or anything else you used in designing or setting up your experiment.

The result section should contain the results (data)that you obtained from implementing the experiment as well as an analysis of the results(Explain what the results were and if they were what you expected? How so?). The results could be a truth table of actual results obtained, or it could be a description of what worked, what didn’t work, and why it worked or didn’t work. If VHDL code is used to obtain results alwaysinclude it in this section. Include pre/post lab questions at the end of this section.

This section should include what you learned from the lab. Please include how you think the lab could be improved for the future. Do not simply summarize the experiment. This is your chance to give feedback on the lab and voice your opinions.

The following characteristics are expected of each lab report:


Labeled figures and tables

Commented code

Acceptable grammar and punctuation

ALL wiring information/schematics (clearly labeled)

DO NOT copy and paste text straight from handout

The report requires considerable thought to present the information in a logical and concise manner. All reports should be computer generated, using a word processing program and any other applications needed for plotting, drawing, and analysis. Points will be deducted for lab reports with poorly drawn diagrams or hand-written answers.

The “experiment” and “results” section should be based on individual parts of the lab, so it’s likely you will have multiple “experiment” and “results” sections. For example, a lab report for an experiment with three parts would be outlined as follows:

Title Page


Part I:



Part II:



Part III:




Pre/Post Lab Questions



statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 10 and 26” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.


6. What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response.

7. What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs? Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?

8. The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table 2. Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program?

9. Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence and document your response.

10. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer.


6. What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”?

7. What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”?

8. Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results?

9. In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these example data?

10. How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being significant at p < 0.05?

The exercise has to be on a separate paper pls.

statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business and communication Writing Assignment Help


Leaders vs. Managers

Research and discuss the differences between leaders and managers.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements:

Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals.


S.W.O.T. Analysis

1.Review the SWOT analysis for the Fictional Auto Company.

2.In a minimum of 500 words, describe how Fictional Auto Company can utilize this information to its benefit. Include how Fictional Auto Company can turn its weaknesses and threats into strengths and opportunities.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


BCG Matrix

Research a company of your choice and determine which of the four quadrants of the BCG Matrix you feel it fits into. Justify your response using information about the company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.



Research and discuss the basic theories of motivation as well as a description of what they are.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.


Organizational Change

Research and discuss what organizational change is and why being able to manage it is important. Also, list and discuss some ways managers can help their employees deal with change.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Importance of Communication

Research define, and describe communication styles, the types of communication, and why communication is important to an organization.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Business Leader Research Paper

Select a known business leader that you believe demonstrates strong leadership traits and write a research paper on this individual. This leader should not be someone you know personally. The research should include a profile on the business leader’s views on leadership, their development to become a leader, their leadership and motivational traits, and what the leader has done to gain a strong reputation. Cite specific examples of behaviors exhibited by this business leader using concepts from this course.

Sample Outline:

Introduction Paragraph – Introduce the business leader’s name, background, occupation, and their position within the company. Identify the company or companies that the leader has worked for.

Section 1: Business Leadership Background and Traits

Paragraph 1: Describe the business leader’s development to become a leader.

Paragraph 2: Describe the business leader’s views on leadership

Paragraph 3: Describe what they’ve done to grain a strong reputation

Section 2: Leadership style

Paragraph 1: Describe their leadership and motivational traits.

Paragraph 2: Describe what makes the leader effective.

Paragraph 3: Describe how and what they measure or measured to ensure that their team or company is meeting objectives and are on target.

Section 3: Examples of leadership

Paragraph 1: Identify and describe one example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 2: Identify and describe a second example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 3: Identify and describe a third example of their leadership abilities.

Conclusion: Summarize the leadership qualities and observations that you have found in your research.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


  • Discuss why planning is essential to an organization as well as some ramifications for organizations that fail to plan.
  • Describe the various organizational structures as well as which one you would prefer to work in and why.
  • Which do you think is more important to an organization and why?
  • Assume you are the manager of a company; discuss which motivational theory you would subscribe to and why you feel that way.
  • Describe job design and its benefits to an organization.
  • Discuss why communication is essential for an organization.

PART 10 week 6 success

As a college student, you need to find time to study and complete your assignments.However, the rest of your life continues as if you have not just gotten busier.

For example, a student, Tammy, was pursuing her master’s degree.Because her husband had supported her when she earned her bachelor’s degree, she thought that circumstances would be the same during her master’s degree; however, it did not happen that way.She still did all the cooking, all the grocery shopping, and she was having trouble trying to finish her homework with the kids running around.Finally, frustrated, she blew up at her husband.After she calmed down and they really talked to each other, her husband shared that he thought that because she had already earned a degree, she knew what to do and would not need any help.Tammy shared that it was because her husband supported her by taking over some of the things Tammy normally did that she was able to complete her first degree.

Families (support systems) may not intuitively know what the college student needs. Tammy was self-advocating, having the “I need” conversation with her husband. In her case, she needed a quiet area to study four times a week for two hours, help with the kids during study time, and some help with cooking and cleaning when projects were due. She found that by sharing what she needed, her family (support system) understood her needs and were better able to meet them.

What are your needs? For Part 1 of this assignment, you are going to have an “I need” conversation with your support system (family, friends, whoever will be there to support you). This involves the following steps:

First, write a list of the main points you want to cover in your conversation – what is it that you really need to make this college journey a positive experience? You want to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you need from this person.

Second, point out the “win-win” in the situation – how does your support person “win” when they help you to meet your needs while you are a college student?Also, be ready to answer questions your support person may have for you.

Third, during the “I need” conversation, pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues your partner is giving you.Be able to interpret those signals appropriately so you have a productive and meaningful conversation.


After having your “I need” conversation, for Part 2 of this assignment you will write a paper about your experience. Your written assignment is to address the following points, using at least 750 words:

1.Provide your “I need….” list. Explain the points you wanted to cover in the conversation.

2.Recap your “I need…” conversation. With whom did you have the conversation? Did you cover your main points?Why or why not?

3.Reflect on your emotions. How were you feeling during the conversation?

4.Analyze your support person’s response. How did the person respond to your conversation?

5.Anticipated results: Do you believe you will get what you need?Why or why not?

6.If you were to have the “I need” conversation with a second person, would you change anything given your experience with the first conversation?Why or why not?


Assignment Steps

1.Use EBSCOhost to find a scholarly article pertaining to the topic of civility and education.

a.Using “Academic Search Complete” in EBSCOhost:

i.Type the words “civility and education” in the search bar.

ii.Go to the left sidebar to limit your search to “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”

iii.In the left sidebar, you select “Academic Journals” for the Source Types.

iv.Find one article that seems appealing to you. It is essential that you chose an article you comprehend fully since you will be required to discuss a quote and a paraphrase from the article and demonstrate its relevance to your topic. If you don’t find any article of interest, try different phrasing like “civility in schools”, “manners in education”, “conflict in schools”, etc.

b.Download the PDF Full Text and save a copy of that article on a flash drive or on your computer.

2.Prepare a summary of the article.

a.As you read the article, pause after each paragraph and jot down the main point of that paragraph.

b.Use your own words – do not copy the authors’ words.

c.Find ideas that you want to either quote directly or paraphrase in your paper. (Look for an idea that is so powerful, you cannot put it into your own words.)

d.Note the page number where the idea comes from.

3.Write a five paragraph essay on civility in education utilizing the resources from steps 1 and 2.

a.Your paper should be at least 750 words

b.Use an introduction that has as attention grabbing opening sentence, background information on your thesis, previews your main idea/thesis and the subtopics, and transitions to the next paragraph

c.Write three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, based on the subtopics, which enhance and extend the thesis statement.

i.Include descriptions or examples of civility

ii.Cite your sources

1.Paraphrases must be highlighted in yellow

2.Direct quotes must be highlighted in blue

iii.Don’t simply drop your quote or paraphrase into a paragraph. Introduce the quote and the author before using it, and explain the quote’s relevance to your topic afterward.

For example:

As John Rogers, a sociology professor at The University of Southern California States, “Classroom decorum varies greatly depending on a number of factors including the students’ breakfast that day” (21).This illustrates that there are certain uncivil actions over which teachers have little control.

d.Include a concluding paragraph that provides an appropriate closing to your essay by reviewing your thesis and subtopics, giving evidence of new learning or conclusions based on your research and writing on this topic, and gives a provocative closing sentence.

4.List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.


PART 12 75-150 WORDS

This week, we introduced the idea of general education – the core courses you will take before you jump into your program of study. In this assignment, you will explore the Grantham University catalog to determine which general education courses you will be taking, along with the elective courses that round out your education.

You will definitely need to read the online catalog in order to complete this assignment.

Review Section 7 in the catalog for the General Education program description, categories, and list of courses.Make sure you understand why we require students to complete the General Education slate of courses.

Then look for your degree program in Section 8 of the catalog.You will see each program listed by college (School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing and Allied Health).After reading the description of the program and the student learning outcomes, you will see the tables that list the General Education courses, the Program Core, and the electives.

Once you have read these sections in the catalog, you are ready to start this assignment.Your job is to write a response to each of the following four prompts:

Prompt 1: General Education Requirements

A.To start this assignment, write a paragraph explaining the reason why we require students to complete the General Education courses (you may need to refer to section 7 of the catalog for this rationale).

B.Then using this template list and then describe the courses you will take to complete the General Education requirement for your program.In some programs, you have choices – in other programs, you do not have choices (they tell you which courses to take).

Prompt 2:Program Core Requirements

A. In a paragraph state your degree program and explain why you chose your program of study.In your answer explain how will this program of study will help you in your career advancement?

B. Next, in the same template as Prompt 1, list and describe the courses you are required to complete for the program.Be sure to point out which courses are pre-requisites for more advanced courses.This is important because you must enroll in these courses in sequence – you have to pass the pre-requisite before you can attempt the higher course.

Prompt 3:Electives

Each program has a different number of electives that you can select to complete your degree.Take note of special requirements, such as the fact that some electives have to be chosen from the program (versus those that can be chosen from any course listed in the catalog). Also note whether the elective must be a course numbered 300 or above.

A.In the same template as Prompts 1 and 2, include the courses you choose as electives

B.For each elective include a statement explaining why you are interested in the course in the table

Prompt 4:Sequencing of Courses, Credit Hours and Graduation Requirements

This is the truly important part of this assignment. Some courses have pre-requisites, which means you have to take a designated lower-level course before you can take the advanced course.

  • In your template, make sure to designate all classes that have pre-requisites in your template.

PART 13 75-150 WORDS

How Do I Respond to This?

In this scenario, you are part of an online class business class which is studying diversity in the workplace and diversity training. The prompt asked about the purpose of diversity initiatives/trainings, and how they can benefit business. A student posted what he experienced at his workplace diversity training not too long ago. A second student replied to his post, but with a very different “take” on the topic.

Here is a copy of the second post:

You got lucky. My job makes us attend these stupid trainings for diversity every year, and they are a complete waste of time. I mean, I am not going to be mean to lazy people who don’t do their work because they come from cultures where people don’t work hard. I know it’s not their fault that they were raised that way, and I guess they do ok for who they are and all, but that doesn’t mean I have to like picking up their slack. But that’s the world today, we have to accept everyone and everything.

Your job is to respond to thesecond post and maintain professionalism while you do. Your response should defuse the situation (rather than make it worse).

PART 14 75-150 WORDS

It is now five-ten years in the future, and you are a Grantham alumnus. Congratulations! You are working in the field you have chosen.

In this post, you will:

Introduce yourself to the class as the person you are in the future.

Describe your workplace and your job title.

Explain one way your life has changed as a result of your college experience at Grantham.

Predict what you will be doing next. (What are your new goals?)


For this project, pretend you are an organizer for a charity in your local area. The charity can be a real or pretend charity.You will be creating a Flyer advertising a fundraising event, a spreadsheet showing donations for 3 events given in each of 3 cities and creating a presentation in which you are telling an audience about your charity and the great work it does. Read below for more detail.

Flyer Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, create a flyer.Have a title centered at the top of the page in an appropriate size font.Below the title, you will have an image related to charity or event that is centered.There will then be a paragraph telling us about the charity event.Below the paragraph, left aligned and each on their own line tell us the What, Where, and When.Bold the words What, Where etc. Below that type the words Point of Contact and center it and below that create a one row by three column table. In the table, have a name, email and phone number of the point of contact.Below the table have the words:For More Information, Visit: then type in a real or imaginary web address. The flyer should be one page.

Some ideas for charity events could be a Bizarre, Fair, Bake Sale, Cake Walk, Carnival, Book Fair, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Pancake breakfast, Dinner….

Spreadsheet Instructions:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet that will have three cities of your choice and three fundraising events for each city in which money was raised.Have the word Donations in bold and merged and centered above the spreadsheet.Also bold the Cities and Events. Best fit columns headings as needed so they are visible.The spreadsheet is to calculate the total donations for each city and event.It will also total all donations and provide percent of total donation for each city.Percent will be formatted with percent symbol and totals with $ symbol with no decimal places.The sum function must be used for the totals and a formula used for percent of total donations for city.Be sure to label columns and rows, so it is clear what is in your spreadsheet and bold all column and row headings. Include your lastname and GIDnumber as a comment in cell A2.

Presentation Instructions:

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a 5-8 slide presentation in which you tell us about the charity you are involved with.There must be a title slide with a title and your name as the presenter. There also has to a concluding slide as the last slide in which you include contact information. On other slides include charity mission, benefits or accomplishments and where donations are spent.Also create a table showing donations locally.The presentation should include at least one image and have at least 1 slide with bullets points.The presentation should have one design theme or a background that is the same for all slides.There should be one slide transition that is used throughout the presentation.

For your submission, zip together the three files, the spreadsheet, the flyer, and the presentation, into a file entitled this file into the assignment area.


Summarize your understanding of the article Writing Assignment Help

After reading the article “Burnout in Private Club Management” in the book called Leadership and Strategy- Understanding, Planning, and Implementing (Author: Edward A. Merritt, PhD)

1. Summarize the relevant points of the article (list and explain the major and minor points made by the author).

2. How could you apply the elements of the article to you becoming an effective leader (how could this article be used to help make you a better leader)?

3. How you feel about the article (what is your reaction to the article—do you agree with it or not and why)?


Marriage and Family Writing Assignment Help


Here are your Discussion Board Questions for Chapter 4. You must answer the first one and any two of the others. These are worth 30 points.

1. Discuss the many ways people choose whether to date and whom to date. Some people meet at work, some through friends, some at church or other social functions, and some over the Internet. How do people meet people to date. Discuss the filter concept of dating, and what factors help people decide if they are going to date someone or not (age, race, education, religion). Mention propinquity (the proximity of people geographically) and how this has changed with the Internet.

Answer any TWO of the following.

!. How have assertive females, workplace romances, and online meetings changed the rules of dating?

2. Compare and contrast the closed and open courtship systems.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Explain whether or not you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

4. Describe scholar Caryl Rusbult’s four responses to a deteriorating relationship.

5. How does technology make breaking up more complicated than it once may have been? Give examples.


For this week’s DB Questions, answer the first question and 2 or the other 4 questions. These are worth 30 points. Please let me know if you have any questions.

1. Discuss the topic “What is love?” Consider the following in your answer. Does love require sexual intimacy? How does love relate to close friendship, love of humankind in general, and familial love. What makes the difference between these types of love. Is love just physical attraction. For example, a person may have a friend whom he or she is physically attracted to, but the person realizes that this would not be a good match for love.

Answer 2 of the following 4 questions:

Compare and contrast how love was viewed by the ancient Greeks and Romans versus Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and discuss how these views apply to romantic and companionate love.

Identify and explain two of the five major theories of the origins of love and assess to what extent these theories relate to the six styles of love.

Discuss the positive and negative aspects of jealousy.

Identify the major characteristics of mature and immature love.


Define the difference in ethics and morals and then discuss the ethical versus moral aspect of the actions of the main characters. Just because an action is moral does not mean it is ethical and vice versa. Include how symbolism, physical setting, and historical setting impact your judgment of these characters and their actions.

You will include a secondary source for each primary source. That means you should use the articles you found that support your topic for Trifles, “Sweat,” and “The Storm.”Each body paragraph should have at least two direct quotes (one from the literary work and one from the secondary source).






Need someone to revise and check my writing, grammar, punctuation, and make sure I have the answers correct. Writing Assignment Help

Read the short article listed above. As we have seen in several pieces so far, cultures are literally colliding with another. Wiginton asserts, “Although [the Green Knight] originally confronts Gawain as an enemy, the two later are able to work together – perhaps a metaphor for the assimilation of British Paganism with the new Christian theology.” Using the epic “Beowulf” and “Gawain and the Green Knight,” note several instances (3-5 examples) in which both pieces collide with a foreign culture (remember to give page numbers and lines if appropriate) only to later come together in unity. What is this metaphor revealing about the rulers and the lower class? Historically, what is happening during this time period especially in terms of using story telling for political gain?

Its due today at 10pm.

This is what I wrote.

In Beowulf, both paganism and Christianity play a role in the epic. However, Beowulf seems to be more Christian-like in the way he expressed his thanks for his bravery and protection when emphasizing about God- before and after the battle.

An example would be on page 605 line 610-614,’’ He (Grendel) is unschooled in skills to strike against me, to shatter my shield, though feared for his fierceness. So, I shall bear no blade in the night if he sees fit to fight without weapons. May God in his wisdom grant whom he wills blessing in battle.’’

In paganism view Wyrud” , which is define as fate and freewill is articulated a lot in the Beowulf epic. Wyrud belief in freewill is still the same concept in Christianity ideology. An example of Wyrud in pertaining to freewill would be on page 595 line 170-180 to sum it up briefly- “Beowulf heard about the evils of Grendel mass murdering and decided to sail and put an end to it.” We could think that this has to do with Beowulf’s father debt he owed Hrothgar, but Beowulf still had the free will to fight off Grendel or let Grendel continue his killing spree. Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf tends to share a lot of the same elements- such as good vs evil, discovering one’s destiny and fate, praying to one’s God for protection, along with others as well.

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Christian wise- the Christmas gathering in the beginning of the story is one of Christianity most devoted holiday. Even non-Christians partake in Christmas; however, Christmas is a biblical symbolism for the celebration of Christ birth. Even pagans partook in the Christmas spirit. The mistletoe and the Christmas trees were pagans’ traditions, and even today in modern society we use mistletoe and Christmas trees to decorate or enlighten the holiday. The temptation game in the story to get Gawain to sleep with Bertilak Mistress, or to sin against his honor, is similar to a lot of biblical trials where people was tempted or tested and the aftermath led to a learning experience.

The Green knight green clothes represent rebirth and nature, which is paganism views. When Gawain set off to find the Green Chapel, he encounters evil animals he had to fight off, which is also a heroic view in paganism belief, similar to Beowulf. In the paganism and Christianity view, telling the truth is essential, lying is considered a dishonor and a sin.

The metaphors are revealing that the higher class and lower class are sinful no matter how powerful or poor you are. We all need to seek each other for help to learn more about one’s self and stop the prideful act, for we all sin. Beowulf was the perfect warrior, had all the good abilities that no other warrior had, but he sinned in being prideful. Historically, using storytelling for political gain was a way of entertainment, enlightenment, and traditions.



paraphrase CPE technical report (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)) Writing Assignment Help

use the following attachments to paraphrase the technical report that I will attach you in the comment and make sure not to copy and paste the same words

A Lab report should consist of the following parts and should be WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

  • 1)Title Page
  • 2)Introduction
  • 3)Experiment
  • 4)Results
  • 5)Conclusion

The title page should include your name, experiment number and title, lab partner name, and the date the lab was performed.

This section should include a brief overview of the lab and should not be written in great detail. What is the problem you are trying to solve and why is it worth solving? What useful information should this experiment provide?

Under the experiment heading you should state what you are trying to accomplish on a particular part of the lab and HOWyou accomplished it. What methods/techniques did you use? Design work should go in this section. This should include schematics,truth tables, equations, or anything else you used in designing or setting up your experiment.

The result section should contain the results (data)that you obtained from implementing the experiment as well as an analysis of the results(Explain what the results were and if they were what you expected? How so?). The results could be a truth table of actual results obtained, or it could be a description of what worked, what didn’t work, and why it worked or didn’t work. If VHDL code is used to obtain results alwaysinclude it in this section. Include pre/post lab questions at the end of this section.

This section should include what you learned from the lab. Please include how you think the lab could be improved for the future. Do not simply summarize the experiment. This is your chance to give feedback on the lab and voice your opinions.

The following characteristics are expected of each lab report:


Labeled figures and tables

Commented code

Acceptable grammar and punctuation

ALL wiring information/schematics (clearly labeled)

DO NOT copy and paste text straight from handout

The report requires considerable thought to present the information in a logical and concise manner. All reports should be computer generated, using a word processing program and any other applications needed for plotting, drawing, and analysis. Points will be deducted for lab reports with poorly drawn diagrams or hand-written answers.

The “experiment” and “results” section should be based on individual parts of the lab, so it’s likely you will have multiple “experiment” and “results” sections. For example, a lab report for an experiment with three parts would be outlined as follows:

Title Page


Part I:



Part II:



Part III:




Pre/Post Lab Questions



statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 10 and 26” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.


6. What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response.

7. What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs? Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?

8. The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table 2. Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program?

9. Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence and document your response.

10. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer.


6. What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”?

7. What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”?

8. Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results?

9. In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these example data?

10. How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being significant at p < 0.05?

The exercise has to be on a separate paper pls.

statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business and communication Writing Assignment Help


Leaders vs. Managers

Research and discuss the differences between leaders and managers.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements:

Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals.


S.W.O.T. Analysis

1.Review the SWOT analysis for the Fictional Auto Company.

2.In a minimum of 500 words, describe how Fictional Auto Company can utilize this information to its benefit. Include how Fictional Auto Company can turn its weaknesses and threats into strengths and opportunities.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


BCG Matrix

Research a company of your choice and determine which of the four quadrants of the BCG Matrix you feel it fits into. Justify your response using information about the company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.



Research and discuss the basic theories of motivation as well as a description of what they are.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.


Organizational Change

Research and discuss what organizational change is and why being able to manage it is important. Also, list and discuss some ways managers can help their employees deal with change.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Importance of Communication

Research define, and describe communication styles, the types of communication, and why communication is important to an organization.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Business Leader Research Paper

Select a known business leader that you believe demonstrates strong leadership traits and write a research paper on this individual. This leader should not be someone you know personally. The research should include a profile on the business leader’s views on leadership, their development to become a leader, their leadership and motivational traits, and what the leader has done to gain a strong reputation. Cite specific examples of behaviors exhibited by this business leader using concepts from this course.

Sample Outline:

Introduction Paragraph – Introduce the business leader’s name, background, occupation, and their position within the company. Identify the company or companies that the leader has worked for.

Section 1: Business Leadership Background and Traits

Paragraph 1: Describe the business leader’s development to become a leader.

Paragraph 2: Describe the business leader’s views on leadership

Paragraph 3: Describe what they’ve done to grain a strong reputation

Section 2: Leadership style

Paragraph 1: Describe their leadership and motivational traits.

Paragraph 2: Describe what makes the leader effective.

Paragraph 3: Describe how and what they measure or measured to ensure that their team or company is meeting objectives and are on target.

Section 3: Examples of leadership

Paragraph 1: Identify and describe one example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 2: Identify and describe a second example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 3: Identify and describe a third example of their leadership abilities.

Conclusion: Summarize the leadership qualities and observations that you have found in your research.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


  • Discuss why planning is essential to an organization as well as some ramifications for organizations that fail to plan.
  • Describe the various organizational structures as well as which one you would prefer to work in and why.
  • Which do you think is more important to an organization and why?
  • Assume you are the manager of a company; discuss which motivational theory you would subscribe to and why you feel that way.
  • Describe job design and its benefits to an organization.
  • Discuss why communication is essential for an organization.

PART 10 week 6 success

As a college student, you need to find time to study and complete your assignments.However, the rest of your life continues as if you have not just gotten busier.

For example, a student, Tammy, was pursuing her master’s degree.Because her husband had supported her when she earned her bachelor’s degree, she thought that circumstances would be the same during her master’s degree; however, it did not happen that way.She still did all the cooking, all the grocery shopping, and she was having trouble trying to finish her homework with the kids running around.Finally, frustrated, she blew up at her husband.After she calmed down and they really talked to each other, her husband shared that he thought that because she had already earned a degree, she knew what to do and would not need any help.Tammy shared that it was because her husband supported her by taking over some of the things Tammy normally did that she was able to complete her first degree.

Families (support systems) may not intuitively know what the college student needs. Tammy was self-advocating, having the “I need” conversation with her husband. In her case, she needed a quiet area to study four times a week for two hours, help with the kids during study time, and some help with cooking and cleaning when projects were due. She found that by sharing what she needed, her family (support system) understood her needs and were better able to meet them.

What are your needs? For Part 1 of this assignment, you are going to have an “I need” conversation with your support system (family, friends, whoever will be there to support you). This involves the following steps:

First, write a list of the main points you want to cover in your conversation – what is it that you really need to make this college journey a positive experience? You want to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you need from this person.

Second, point out the “win-win” in the situation – how does your support person “win” when they help you to meet your needs while you are a college student?Also, be ready to answer questions your support person may have for you.

Third, during the “I need” conversation, pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues your partner is giving you.Be able to interpret those signals appropriately so you have a productive and meaningful conversation.


After having your “I need” conversation, for Part 2 of this assignment you will write a paper about your experience. Your written assignment is to address the following points, using at least 750 words:

1.Provide your “I need….” list. Explain the points you wanted to cover in the conversation.

2.Recap your “I need…” conversation. With whom did you have the conversation? Did you cover your main points?Why or why not?

3.Reflect on your emotions. How were you feeling during the conversation?

4.Analyze your support person’s response. How did the person respond to your conversation?

5.Anticipated results: Do you believe you will get what you need?Why or why not?

6.If you were to have the “I need” conversation with a second person, would you change anything given your experience with the first conversation?Why or why not?


Assignment Steps

1.Use EBSCOhost to find a scholarly article pertaining to the topic of civility and education.

a.Using “Academic Search Complete” in EBSCOhost:

i.Type the words “civility and education” in the search bar.

ii.Go to the left sidebar to limit your search to “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”

iii.In the left sidebar, you select “Academic Journals” for the Source Types.

iv.Find one article that seems appealing to you. It is essential that you chose an article you comprehend fully since you will be required to discuss a quote and a paraphrase from the article and demonstrate its relevance to your topic. If you don’t find any article of interest, try different phrasing like “civility in schools”, “manners in education”, “conflict in schools”, etc.

b.Download the PDF Full Text and save a copy of that article on a flash drive or on your computer.

2.Prepare a summary of the article.

a.As you read the article, pause after each paragraph and jot down the main point of that paragraph.

b.Use your own words – do not copy the authors’ words.

c.Find ideas that you want to either quote directly or paraphrase in your paper. (Look for an idea that is so powerful, you cannot put it into your own words.)

d.Note the page number where the idea comes from.

3.Write a five paragraph essay on civility in education utilizing the resources from steps 1 and 2.

a.Your paper should be at least 750 words

b.Use an introduction that has as attention grabbing opening sentence, background information on your thesis, previews your main idea/thesis and the subtopics, and transitions to the next paragraph

c.Write three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, based on the subtopics, which enhance and extend the thesis statement.

i.Include descriptions or examples of civility

ii.Cite your sources

1.Paraphrases must be highlighted in yellow

2.Direct quotes must be highlighted in blue

iii.Don’t simply drop your quote or paraphrase into a paragraph. Introduce the quote and the author before using it, and explain the quote’s relevance to your topic afterward.

For example:

As John Rogers, a sociology professor at The University of Southern California States, “Classroom decorum varies greatly depending on a number of factors including the students’ breakfast that day” (21).This illustrates that there are certain uncivil actions over which teachers have little control.

d.Include a concluding paragraph that provides an appropriate closing to your essay by reviewing your thesis and subtopics, giving evidence of new learning or conclusions based on your research and writing on this topic, and gives a provocative closing sentence.

4.List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.


PART 12 75-150 WORDS

This week, we introduced the idea of general education – the core courses you will take before you jump into your program of study. In this assignment, you will explore the Grantham University catalog to determine which general education courses you will be taking, along with the elective courses that round out your education.

You will definitely need to read the online catalog in order to complete this assignment.

Review Section 7 in the catalog for the General Education program description, categories, and list of courses.Make sure you understand why we require students to complete the General Education slate of courses.

Then look for your degree program in Section 8 of the catalog.You will see each program listed by college (School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing and Allied Health).After reading the description of the program and the student learning outcomes, you will see the tables that list the General Education courses, the Program Core, and the electives.

Once you have read these sections in the catalog, you are ready to start this assignment.Your job is to write a response to each of the following four prompts:

Prompt 1: General Education Requirements

A.To start this assignment, write a paragraph explaining the reason why we require students to complete the General Education courses (you may need to refer to section 7 of the catalog for this rationale).

B.Then using this template list and then describe the courses you will take to complete the General Education requirement for your program.In some programs, you have choices – in other programs, you do not have choices (they tell you which courses to take).

Prompt 2:Program Core Requirements

A. In a paragraph state your degree program and explain why you chose your program of study.In your answer explain how will this program of study will help you in your career advancement?

B. Next, in the same template as Prompt 1, list and describe the courses you are required to complete for the program.Be sure to point out which courses are pre-requisites for more advanced courses.This is important because you must enroll in these courses in sequence – you have to pass the pre-requisite before you can attempt the higher course.

Prompt 3:Electives

Each program has a different number of electives that you can select to complete your degree.Take note of special requirements, such as the fact that some electives have to be chosen from the program (versus those that can be chosen from any course listed in the catalog). Also note whether the elective must be a course numbered 300 or above.

A.In the same template as Prompts 1 and 2, include the courses you choose as electives

B.For each elective include a statement explaining why you are interested in the course in the table

Prompt 4:Sequencing of Courses, Credit Hours and Graduation Requirements

This is the truly important part of this assignment. Some courses have pre-requisites, which means you have to take a designated lower-level course before you can take the advanced course.

  • In your template, make sure to designate all classes that have pre-requisites in your template.

PART 13 75-150 WORDS

How Do I Respond to This?

In this scenario, you are part of an online class business class which is studying diversity in the workplace and diversity training. The prompt asked about the purpose of diversity initiatives/trainings, and how they can benefit business. A student posted what he experienced at his workplace diversity training not too long ago. A second student replied to his post, but with a very different “take” on the topic.

Here is a copy of the second post:

You got lucky. My job makes us attend these stupid trainings for diversity every year, and they are a complete waste of time. I mean, I am not going to be mean to lazy people who don’t do their work because they come from cultures where people don’t work hard. I know it’s not their fault that they were raised that way, and I guess they do ok for who they are and all, but that doesn’t mean I have to like picking up their slack. But that’s the world today, we have to accept everyone and everything.

Your job is to respond to thesecond post and maintain professionalism while you do. Your response should defuse the situation (rather than make it worse).

PART 14 75-150 WORDS

It is now five-ten years in the future, and you are a Grantham alumnus. Congratulations! You are working in the field you have chosen.

In this post, you will:

Introduce yourself to the class as the person you are in the future.

Describe your workplace and your job title.

Explain one way your life has changed as a result of your college experience at Grantham.

Predict what you will be doing next. (What are your new goals?)


For this project, pretend you are an organizer for a charity in your local area. The charity can be a real or pretend charity.You will be creating a Flyer advertising a fundraising event, a spreadsheet showing donations for 3 events given in each of 3 cities and creating a presentation in which you are telling an audience about your charity and the great work it does. Read below for more detail.

Flyer Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, create a flyer.Have a title centered at the top of the page in an appropriate size font.Below the title, you will have an image related to charity or event that is centered.There will then be a paragraph telling us about the charity event.Below the paragraph, left aligned and each on their own line tell us the What, Where, and When.Bold the words What, Where etc. Below that type the words Point of Contact and center it and below that create a one row by three column table. In the table, have a name, email and phone number of the point of contact.Below the table have the words:For More Information, Visit: then type in a real or imaginary web address. The flyer should be one page.

Some ideas for charity events could be a Bizarre, Fair, Bake Sale, Cake Walk, Carnival, Book Fair, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Pancake breakfast, Dinner….

Spreadsheet Instructions:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet that will have three cities of your choice and three fundraising events for each city in which money was raised.Have the word Donations in bold and merged and centered above the spreadsheet.Also bold the Cities and Events. Best fit columns headings as needed so they are visible.The spreadsheet is to calculate the total donations for each city and event.It will also total all donations and provide percent of total donation for each city.Percent will be formatted with percent symbol and totals with $ symbol with no decimal places.The sum function must be used for the totals and a formula used for percent of total donations for city.Be sure to label columns and rows, so it is clear what is in your spreadsheet and bold all column and row headings. Include your lastname and GIDnumber as a comment in cell A2.

Presentation Instructions:

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a 5-8 slide presentation in which you tell us about the charity you are involved with.There must be a title slide with a title and your name as the presenter. There also has to a concluding slide as the last slide in which you include contact information. On other slides include charity mission, benefits or accomplishments and where donations are spent.Also create a table showing donations locally.The presentation should include at least one image and have at least 1 slide with bullets points.The presentation should have one design theme or a background that is the same for all slides.There should be one slide transition that is used throughout the presentation.

For your submission, zip together the three files, the spreadsheet, the flyer, and the presentation, into a file entitled this file into the assignment area.


Summarize your understanding of the article Writing Assignment Help

After reading the article “Burnout in Private Club Management” in the book called Leadership and Strategy- Understanding, Planning, and Implementing (Author: Edward A. Merritt, PhD)

1. Summarize the relevant points of the article (list and explain the major and minor points made by the author).

2. How could you apply the elements of the article to you becoming an effective leader (how could this article be used to help make you a better leader)?

3. How you feel about the article (what is your reaction to the article—do you agree with it or not and why)?


Marriage and Family Writing Assignment Help


Here are your Discussion Board Questions for Chapter 4. You must answer the first one and any two of the others. These are worth 30 points.

1. Discuss the many ways people choose whether to date and whom to date. Some people meet at work, some through friends, some at church or other social functions, and some over the Internet. How do people meet people to date. Discuss the filter concept of dating, and what factors help people decide if they are going to date someone or not (age, race, education, religion). Mention propinquity (the proximity of people geographically) and how this has changed with the Internet.

Answer any TWO of the following.

!. How have assertive females, workplace romances, and online meetings changed the rules of dating?

2. Compare and contrast the closed and open courtship systems.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Explain whether or not you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

4. Describe scholar Caryl Rusbult’s four responses to a deteriorating relationship.

5. How does technology make breaking up more complicated than it once may have been? Give examples.


For this week’s DB Questions, answer the first question and 2 or the other 4 questions. These are worth 30 points. Please let me know if you have any questions.

1. Discuss the topic “What is love?” Consider the following in your answer. Does love require sexual intimacy? How does love relate to close friendship, love of humankind in general, and familial love. What makes the difference between these types of love. Is love just physical attraction. For example, a person may have a friend whom he or she is physically attracted to, but the person realizes that this would not be a good match for love.

Answer 2 of the following 4 questions:

Compare and contrast how love was viewed by the ancient Greeks and Romans versus Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and discuss how these views apply to romantic and companionate love.

Identify and explain two of the five major theories of the origins of love and assess to what extent these theories relate to the six styles of love.

Discuss the positive and negative aspects of jealousy.

Identify the major characteristics of mature and immature love.


Define the difference in ethics and morals and then discuss the ethical versus moral aspect of the actions of the main characters. Just because an action is moral does not mean it is ethical and vice versa. Include how symbolism, physical setting, and historical setting impact your judgment of these characters and their actions.

You will include a secondary source for each primary source. That means you should use the articles you found that support your topic for Trifles, “Sweat,” and “The Storm.”Each body paragraph should have at least two direct quotes (one from the literary work and one from the secondary source).






Need someone to revise and check my writing, grammar, punctuation, and make sure I have the answers correct. Writing Assignment Help

Read the short article listed above. As we have seen in several pieces so far, cultures are literally colliding with another. Wiginton asserts, “Although [the Green Knight] originally confronts Gawain as an enemy, the two later are able to work together – perhaps a metaphor for the assimilation of British Paganism with the new Christian theology.” Using the epic “Beowulf” and “Gawain and the Green Knight,” note several instances (3-5 examples) in which both pieces collide with a foreign culture (remember to give page numbers and lines if appropriate) only to later come together in unity. What is this metaphor revealing about the rulers and the lower class? Historically, what is happening during this time period especially in terms of using story telling for political gain?

Its due today at 10pm.

This is what I wrote.

In Beowulf, both paganism and Christianity play a role in the epic. However, Beowulf seems to be more Christian-like in the way he expressed his thanks for his bravery and protection when emphasizing about God- before and after the battle.

An example would be on page 605 line 610-614,’’ He (Grendel) is unschooled in skills to strike against me, to shatter my shield, though feared for his fierceness. So, I shall bear no blade in the night if he sees fit to fight without weapons. May God in his wisdom grant whom he wills blessing in battle.’’

In paganism view Wyrud” , which is define as fate and freewill is articulated a lot in the Beowulf epic. Wyrud belief in freewill is still the same concept in Christianity ideology. An example of Wyrud in pertaining to freewill would be on page 595 line 170-180 to sum it up briefly- “Beowulf heard about the evils of Grendel mass murdering and decided to sail and put an end to it.” We could think that this has to do with Beowulf’s father debt he owed Hrothgar, but Beowulf still had the free will to fight off Grendel or let Grendel continue his killing spree. Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf tends to share a lot of the same elements- such as good vs evil, discovering one’s destiny and fate, praying to one’s God for protection, along with others as well.

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Christian wise- the Christmas gathering in the beginning of the story is one of Christianity most devoted holiday. Even non-Christians partake in Christmas; however, Christmas is a biblical symbolism for the celebration of Christ birth. Even pagans partook in the Christmas spirit. The mistletoe and the Christmas trees were pagans’ traditions, and even today in modern society we use mistletoe and Christmas trees to decorate or enlighten the holiday. The temptation game in the story to get Gawain to sleep with Bertilak Mistress, or to sin against his honor, is similar to a lot of biblical trials where people was tempted or tested and the aftermath led to a learning experience.

The Green knight green clothes represent rebirth and nature, which is paganism views. When Gawain set off to find the Green Chapel, he encounters evil animals he had to fight off, which is also a heroic view in paganism belief, similar to Beowulf. In the paganism and Christianity view, telling the truth is essential, lying is considered a dishonor and a sin.

The metaphors are revealing that the higher class and lower class are sinful no matter how powerful or poor you are. We all need to seek each other for help to learn more about one’s self and stop the prideful act, for we all sin. Beowulf was the perfect warrior, had all the good abilities that no other warrior had, but he sinned in being prideful. Historically, using storytelling for political gain was a way of entertainment, enlightenment, and traditions.



paraphrase CPE technical report (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)) Writing Assignment Help

use the following attachments to paraphrase the technical report that I will attach you in the comment and make sure not to copy and paste the same words

A Lab report should consist of the following parts and should be WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

  • 1)Title Page
  • 2)Introduction
  • 3)Experiment
  • 4)Results
  • 5)Conclusion

The title page should include your name, experiment number and title, lab partner name, and the date the lab was performed.

This section should include a brief overview of the lab and should not be written in great detail. What is the problem you are trying to solve and why is it worth solving? What useful information should this experiment provide?

Under the experiment heading you should state what you are trying to accomplish on a particular part of the lab and HOWyou accomplished it. What methods/techniques did you use? Design work should go in this section. This should include schematics,truth tables, equations, or anything else you used in designing or setting up your experiment.

The result section should contain the results (data)that you obtained from implementing the experiment as well as an analysis of the results(Explain what the results were and if they were what you expected? How so?). The results could be a truth table of actual results obtained, or it could be a description of what worked, what didn’t work, and why it worked or didn’t work. If VHDL code is used to obtain results alwaysinclude it in this section. Include pre/post lab questions at the end of this section.

This section should include what you learned from the lab. Please include how you think the lab could be improved for the future. Do not simply summarize the experiment. This is your chance to give feedback on the lab and voice your opinions.

The following characteristics are expected of each lab report:


Labeled figures and tables

Commented code

Acceptable grammar and punctuation

ALL wiring information/schematics (clearly labeled)

DO NOT copy and paste text straight from handout

The report requires considerable thought to present the information in a logical and concise manner. All reports should be computer generated, using a word processing program and any other applications needed for plotting, drawing, and analysis. Points will be deducted for lab reports with poorly drawn diagrams or hand-written answers.

The “experiment” and “results” section should be based on individual parts of the lab, so it’s likely you will have multiple “experiment” and “results” sections. For example, a lab report for an experiment with three parts would be outlined as follows:

Title Page


Part I:



Part II:



Part III:




Pre/Post Lab Questions



statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 10 and 26” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.


6. What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response.

7. What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs? Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?

8. The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table 2. Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program?

9. Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence and document your response.

10. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer.


6. What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”?

7. What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”?

8. Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results?

9. In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these example data?

10. How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being significant at p < 0.05?

The exercise has to be on a separate paper pls.

statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business and communication Writing Assignment Help


Leaders vs. Managers

Research and discuss the differences between leaders and managers.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements:

Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals.


S.W.O.T. Analysis

1.Review the SWOT analysis for the Fictional Auto Company.

2.In a minimum of 500 words, describe how Fictional Auto Company can utilize this information to its benefit. Include how Fictional Auto Company can turn its weaknesses and threats into strengths and opportunities.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


BCG Matrix

Research a company of your choice and determine which of the four quadrants of the BCG Matrix you feel it fits into. Justify your response using information about the company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.



Research and discuss the basic theories of motivation as well as a description of what they are.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.


Organizational Change

Research and discuss what organizational change is and why being able to manage it is important. Also, list and discuss some ways managers can help their employees deal with change.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Importance of Communication

Research define, and describe communication styles, the types of communication, and why communication is important to an organization.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Business Leader Research Paper

Select a known business leader that you believe demonstrates strong leadership traits and write a research paper on this individual. This leader should not be someone you know personally. The research should include a profile on the business leader’s views on leadership, their development to become a leader, their leadership and motivational traits, and what the leader has done to gain a strong reputation. Cite specific examples of behaviors exhibited by this business leader using concepts from this course.

Sample Outline:

Introduction Paragraph – Introduce the business leader’s name, background, occupation, and their position within the company. Identify the company or companies that the leader has worked for.

Section 1: Business Leadership Background and Traits

Paragraph 1: Describe the business leader’s development to become a leader.

Paragraph 2: Describe the business leader’s views on leadership

Paragraph 3: Describe what they’ve done to grain a strong reputation

Section 2: Leadership style

Paragraph 1: Describe their leadership and motivational traits.

Paragraph 2: Describe what makes the leader effective.

Paragraph 3: Describe how and what they measure or measured to ensure that their team or company is meeting objectives and are on target.

Section 3: Examples of leadership

Paragraph 1: Identify and describe one example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 2: Identify and describe a second example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 3: Identify and describe a third example of their leadership abilities.

Conclusion: Summarize the leadership qualities and observations that you have found in your research.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


  • Discuss why planning is essential to an organization as well as some ramifications for organizations that fail to plan.
  • Describe the various organizational structures as well as which one you would prefer to work in and why.
  • Which do you think is more important to an organization and why?
  • Assume you are the manager of a company; discuss which motivational theory you would subscribe to and why you feel that way.
  • Describe job design and its benefits to an organization.
  • Discuss why communication is essential for an organization.

PART 10 week 6 success

As a college student, you need to find time to study and complete your assignments.However, the rest of your life continues as if you have not just gotten busier.

For example, a student, Tammy, was pursuing her master’s degree.Because her husband had supported her when she earned her bachelor’s degree, she thought that circumstances would be the same during her master’s degree; however, it did not happen that way.She still did all the cooking, all the grocery shopping, and she was having trouble trying to finish her homework with the kids running around.Finally, frustrated, she blew up at her husband.After she calmed down and they really talked to each other, her husband shared that he thought that because she had already earned a degree, she knew what to do and would not need any help.Tammy shared that it was because her husband supported her by taking over some of the things Tammy normally did that she was able to complete her first degree.

Families (support systems) may not intuitively know what the college student needs. Tammy was self-advocating, having the “I need” conversation with her husband. In her case, she needed a quiet area to study four times a week for two hours, help with the kids during study time, and some help with cooking and cleaning when projects were due. She found that by sharing what she needed, her family (support system) understood her needs and were better able to meet them.

What are your needs? For Part 1 of this assignment, you are going to have an “I need” conversation with your support system (family, friends, whoever will be there to support you). This involves the following steps:

First, write a list of the main points you want to cover in your conversation – what is it that you really need to make this college journey a positive experience? You want to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you need from this person.

Second, point out the “win-win” in the situation – how does your support person “win” when they help you to meet your needs while you are a college student?Also, be ready to answer questions your support person may have for you.

Third, during the “I need” conversation, pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues your partner is giving you.Be able to interpret those signals appropriately so you have a productive and meaningful conversation.


After having your “I need” conversation, for Part 2 of this assignment you will write a paper about your experience. Your written assignment is to address the following points, using at least 750 words:

1.Provide your “I need….” list. Explain the points you wanted to cover in the conversation.

2.Recap your “I need…” conversation. With whom did you have the conversation? Did you cover your main points?Why or why not?

3.Reflect on your emotions. How were you feeling during the conversation?

4.Analyze your support person’s response. How did the person respond to your conversation?

5.Anticipated results: Do you believe you will get what you need?Why or why not?

6.If you were to have the “I need” conversation with a second person, would you change anything given your experience with the first conversation?Why or why not?


Assignment Steps

1.Use EBSCOhost to find a scholarly article pertaining to the topic of civility and education.

a.Using “Academic Search Complete” in EBSCOhost:

i.Type the words “civility and education” in the search bar.

ii.Go to the left sidebar to limit your search to “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”

iii.In the left sidebar, you select “Academic Journals” for the Source Types.

iv.Find one article that seems appealing to you. It is essential that you chose an article you comprehend fully since you will be required to discuss a quote and a paraphrase from the article and demonstrate its relevance to your topic. If you don’t find any article of interest, try different phrasing like “civility in schools”, “manners in education”, “conflict in schools”, etc.

b.Download the PDF Full Text and save a copy of that article on a flash drive or on your computer.

2.Prepare a summary of the article.

a.As you read the article, pause after each paragraph and jot down the main point of that paragraph.

b.Use your own words – do not copy the authors’ words.

c.Find ideas that you want to either quote directly or paraphrase in your paper. (Look for an idea that is so powerful, you cannot put it into your own words.)

d.Note the page number where the idea comes from.

3.Write a five paragraph essay on civility in education utilizing the resources from steps 1 and 2.

a.Your paper should be at least 750 words

b.Use an introduction that has as attention grabbing opening sentence, background information on your thesis, previews your main idea/thesis and the subtopics, and transitions to the next paragraph

c.Write three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, based on the subtopics, which enhance and extend the thesis statement.

i.Include descriptions or examples of civility

ii.Cite your sources

1.Paraphrases must be highlighted in yellow

2.Direct quotes must be highlighted in blue

iii.Don’t simply drop your quote or paraphrase into a paragraph. Introduce the quote and the author before using it, and explain the quote’s relevance to your topic afterward.

For example:

As John Rogers, a sociology professor at The University of Southern California States, “Classroom decorum varies greatly depending on a number of factors including the students’ breakfast that day” (21).This illustrates that there are certain uncivil actions over which teachers have little control.

d.Include a concluding paragraph that provides an appropriate closing to your essay by reviewing your thesis and subtopics, giving evidence of new learning or conclusions based on your research and writing on this topic, and gives a provocative closing sentence.

4.List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.


PART 12 75-150 WORDS

This week, we introduced the idea of general education – the core courses you will take before you jump into your program of study. In this assignment, you will explore the Grantham University catalog to determine which general education courses you will be taking, along with the elective courses that round out your education.

You will definitely need to read the online catalog in order to complete this assignment.

Review Section 7 in the catalog for the General Education program description, categories, and list of courses.Make sure you understand why we require students to complete the General Education slate of courses.

Then look for your degree program in Section 8 of the catalog.You will see each program listed by college (School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing and Allied Health).After reading the description of the program and the student learning outcomes, you will see the tables that list the General Education courses, the Program Core, and the electives.

Once you have read these sections in the catalog, you are ready to start this assignment.Your job is to write a response to each of the following four prompts:

Prompt 1: General Education Requirements

A.To start this assignment, write a paragraph explaining the reason why we require students to complete the General Education courses (you may need to refer to section 7 of the catalog for this rationale).

B.Then using this template list and then describe the courses you will take to complete the General Education requirement for your program.In some programs, you have choices – in other programs, you do not have choices (they tell you which courses to take).

Prompt 2:Program Core Requirements

A. In a paragraph state your degree program and explain why you chose your program of study.In your answer explain how will this program of study will help you in your career advancement?

B. Next, in the same template as Prompt 1, list and describe the courses you are required to complete for the program.Be sure to point out which courses are pre-requisites for more advanced courses.This is important because you must enroll in these courses in sequence – you have to pass the pre-requisite before you can attempt the higher course.

Prompt 3:Electives

Each program has a different number of electives that you can select to complete your degree.Take note of special requirements, such as the fact that some electives have to be chosen from the program (versus those that can be chosen from any course listed in the catalog). Also note whether the elective must be a course numbered 300 or above.

A.In the same template as Prompts 1 and 2, include the courses you choose as electives

B.For each elective include a statement explaining why you are interested in the course in the table

Prompt 4:Sequencing of Courses, Credit Hours and Graduation Requirements

This is the truly important part of this assignment. Some courses have pre-requisites, which means you have to take a designated lower-level course before you can take the advanced course.

  • In your template, make sure to designate all classes that have pre-requisites in your template.

PART 13 75-150 WORDS

How Do I Respond to This?

In this scenario, you are part of an online class business class which is studying diversity in the workplace and diversity training. The prompt asked about the purpose of diversity initiatives/trainings, and how they can benefit business. A student posted what he experienced at his workplace diversity training not too long ago. A second student replied to his post, but with a very different “take” on the topic.

Here is a copy of the second post:

You got lucky. My job makes us attend these stupid trainings for diversity every year, and they are a complete waste of time. I mean, I am not going to be mean to lazy people who don’t do their work because they come from cultures where people don’t work hard. I know it’s not their fault that they were raised that way, and I guess they do ok for who they are and all, but that doesn’t mean I have to like picking up their slack. But that’s the world today, we have to accept everyone and everything.

Your job is to respond to thesecond post and maintain professionalism while you do. Your response should defuse the situation (rather than make it worse).

PART 14 75-150 WORDS

It is now five-ten years in the future, and you are a Grantham alumnus. Congratulations! You are working in the field you have chosen.

In this post, you will:

Introduce yourself to the class as the person you are in the future.

Describe your workplace and your job title.

Explain one way your life has changed as a result of your college experience at Grantham.

Predict what you will be doing next. (What are your new goals?)


For this project, pretend you are an organizer for a charity in your local area. The charity can be a real or pretend charity.You will be creating a Flyer advertising a fundraising event, a spreadsheet showing donations for 3 events given in each of 3 cities and creating a presentation in which you are telling an audience about your charity and the great work it does. Read below for more detail.

Flyer Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, create a flyer.Have a title centered at the top of the page in an appropriate size font.Below the title, you will have an image related to charity or event that is centered.There will then be a paragraph telling us about the charity event.Below the paragraph, left aligned and each on their own line tell us the What, Where, and When.Bold the words What, Where etc. Below that type the words Point of Contact and center it and below that create a one row by three column table. In the table, have a name, email and phone number of the point of contact.Below the table have the words:For More Information, Visit: then type in a real or imaginary web address. The flyer should be one page.

Some ideas for charity events could be a Bizarre, Fair, Bake Sale, Cake Walk, Carnival, Book Fair, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Pancake breakfast, Dinner….

Spreadsheet Instructions:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet that will have three cities of your choice and three fundraising events for each city in which money was raised.Have the word Donations in bold and merged and centered above the spreadsheet.Also bold the Cities and Events. Best fit columns headings as needed so they are visible.The spreadsheet is to calculate the total donations for each city and event.It will also total all donations and provide percent of total donation for each city.Percent will be formatted with percent symbol and totals with $ symbol with no decimal places.The sum function must be used for the totals and a formula used for percent of total donations for city.Be sure to label columns and rows, so it is clear what is in your spreadsheet and bold all column and row headings. Include your lastname and GIDnumber as a comment in cell A2.

Presentation Instructions:

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a 5-8 slide presentation in which you tell us about the charity you are involved with.There must be a title slide with a title and your name as the presenter. There also has to a concluding slide as the last slide in which you include contact information. On other slides include charity mission, benefits or accomplishments and where donations are spent.Also create a table showing donations locally.The presentation should include at least one image and have at least 1 slide with bullets points.The presentation should have one design theme or a background that is the same for all slides.There should be one slide transition that is used throughout the presentation.

For your submission, zip together the three files, the spreadsheet, the flyer, and the presentation, into a file entitled this file into the assignment area.


Summarize your understanding of the article Writing Assignment Help

After reading the article “Burnout in Private Club Management” in the book called Leadership and Strategy- Understanding, Planning, and Implementing (Author: Edward A. Merritt, PhD)

1. Summarize the relevant points of the article (list and explain the major and minor points made by the author).

2. How could you apply the elements of the article to you becoming an effective leader (how could this article be used to help make you a better leader)?

3. How you feel about the article (what is your reaction to the article—do you agree with it or not and why)?


Marriage and Family Writing Assignment Help


Here are your Discussion Board Questions for Chapter 4. You must answer the first one and any two of the others. These are worth 30 points.

1. Discuss the many ways people choose whether to date and whom to date. Some people meet at work, some through friends, some at church or other social functions, and some over the Internet. How do people meet people to date. Discuss the filter concept of dating, and what factors help people decide if they are going to date someone or not (age, race, education, religion). Mention propinquity (the proximity of people geographically) and how this has changed with the Internet.

Answer any TWO of the following.

!. How have assertive females, workplace romances, and online meetings changed the rules of dating?

2. Compare and contrast the closed and open courtship systems.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Explain whether or not you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

4. Describe scholar Caryl Rusbult’s four responses to a deteriorating relationship.

5. How does technology make breaking up more complicated than it once may have been? Give examples.


For this week’s DB Questions, answer the first question and 2 or the other 4 questions. These are worth 30 points. Please let me know if you have any questions.

1. Discuss the topic “What is love?” Consider the following in your answer. Does love require sexual intimacy? How does love relate to close friendship, love of humankind in general, and familial love. What makes the difference between these types of love. Is love just physical attraction. For example, a person may have a friend whom he or she is physically attracted to, but the person realizes that this would not be a good match for love.

Answer 2 of the following 4 questions:

Compare and contrast how love was viewed by the ancient Greeks and Romans versus Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and discuss how these views apply to romantic and companionate love.

Identify and explain two of the five major theories of the origins of love and assess to what extent these theories relate to the six styles of love.

Discuss the positive and negative aspects of jealousy.

Identify the major characteristics of mature and immature love.


Define the difference in ethics and morals and then discuss the ethical versus moral aspect of the actions of the main characters. Just because an action is moral does not mean it is ethical and vice versa. Include how symbolism, physical setting, and historical setting impact your judgment of these characters and their actions.

You will include a secondary source for each primary source. That means you should use the articles you found that support your topic for Trifles, “Sweat,” and “The Storm.”Each body paragraph should have at least two direct quotes (one from the literary work and one from the secondary source).






Need someone to revise and check my writing, grammar, punctuation, and make sure I have the answers correct. Writing Assignment Help

Read the short article listed above. As we have seen in several pieces so far, cultures are literally colliding with another. Wiginton asserts, “Although [the Green Knight] originally confronts Gawain as an enemy, the two later are able to work together – perhaps a metaphor for the assimilation of British Paganism with the new Christian theology.” Using the epic “Beowulf” and “Gawain and the Green Knight,” note several instances (3-5 examples) in which both pieces collide with a foreign culture (remember to give page numbers and lines if appropriate) only to later come together in unity. What is this metaphor revealing about the rulers and the lower class? Historically, what is happening during this time period especially in terms of using story telling for political gain?

Its due today at 10pm.

This is what I wrote.

In Beowulf, both paganism and Christianity play a role in the epic. However, Beowulf seems to be more Christian-like in the way he expressed his thanks for his bravery and protection when emphasizing about God- before and after the battle.

An example would be on page 605 line 610-614,’’ He (Grendel) is unschooled in skills to strike against me, to shatter my shield, though feared for his fierceness. So, I shall bear no blade in the night if he sees fit to fight without weapons. May God in his wisdom grant whom he wills blessing in battle.’’

In paganism view Wyrud” , which is define as fate and freewill is articulated a lot in the Beowulf epic. Wyrud belief in freewill is still the same concept in Christianity ideology. An example of Wyrud in pertaining to freewill would be on page 595 line 170-180 to sum it up briefly- “Beowulf heard about the evils of Grendel mass murdering and decided to sail and put an end to it.” We could think that this has to do with Beowulf’s father debt he owed Hrothgar, but Beowulf still had the free will to fight off Grendel or let Grendel continue his killing spree. Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf tends to share a lot of the same elements- such as good vs evil, discovering one’s destiny and fate, praying to one’s God for protection, along with others as well.

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Christian wise- the Christmas gathering in the beginning of the story is one of Christianity most devoted holiday. Even non-Christians partake in Christmas; however, Christmas is a biblical symbolism for the celebration of Christ birth. Even pagans partook in the Christmas spirit. The mistletoe and the Christmas trees were pagans’ traditions, and even today in modern society we use mistletoe and Christmas trees to decorate or enlighten the holiday. The temptation game in the story to get Gawain to sleep with Bertilak Mistress, or to sin against his honor, is similar to a lot of biblical trials where people was tempted or tested and the aftermath led to a learning experience.

The Green knight green clothes represent rebirth and nature, which is paganism views. When Gawain set off to find the Green Chapel, he encounters evil animals he had to fight off, which is also a heroic view in paganism belief, similar to Beowulf. In the paganism and Christianity view, telling the truth is essential, lying is considered a dishonor and a sin.

The metaphors are revealing that the higher class and lower class are sinful no matter how powerful or poor you are. We all need to seek each other for help to learn more about one’s self and stop the prideful act, for we all sin. Beowulf was the perfect warrior, had all the good abilities that no other warrior had, but he sinned in being prideful. Historically, using storytelling for political gain was a way of entertainment, enlightenment, and traditions.



paraphrase CPE technical report (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)) Writing Assignment Help

use the following attachments to paraphrase the technical report that I will attach you in the comment and make sure not to copy and paste the same words

A Lab report should consist of the following parts and should be WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

  • 1)Title Page
  • 2)Introduction
  • 3)Experiment
  • 4)Results
  • 5)Conclusion

The title page should include your name, experiment number and title, lab partner name, and the date the lab was performed.

This section should include a brief overview of the lab and should not be written in great detail. What is the problem you are trying to solve and why is it worth solving? What useful information should this experiment provide?

Under the experiment heading you should state what you are trying to accomplish on a particular part of the lab and HOWyou accomplished it. What methods/techniques did you use? Design work should go in this section. This should include schematics,truth tables, equations, or anything else you used in designing or setting up your experiment.

The result section should contain the results (data)that you obtained from implementing the experiment as well as an analysis of the results(Explain what the results were and if they were what you expected? How so?). The results could be a truth table of actual results obtained, or it could be a description of what worked, what didn’t work, and why it worked or didn’t work. If VHDL code is used to obtain results alwaysinclude it in this section. Include pre/post lab questions at the end of this section.

This section should include what you learned from the lab. Please include how you think the lab could be improved for the future. Do not simply summarize the experiment. This is your chance to give feedback on the lab and voice your opinions.

The following characteristics are expected of each lab report:


Labeled figures and tables

Commented code

Acceptable grammar and punctuation

ALL wiring information/schematics (clearly labeled)

DO NOT copy and paste text straight from handout

The report requires considerable thought to present the information in a logical and concise manner. All reports should be computer generated, using a word processing program and any other applications needed for plotting, drawing, and analysis. Points will be deducted for lab reports with poorly drawn diagrams or hand-written answers.

The “experiment” and “results” section should be based on individual parts of the lab, so it’s likely you will have multiple “experiment” and “results” sections. For example, a lab report for an experiment with three parts would be outlined as follows:

Title Page


Part I:



Part II:



Part III:




Pre/Post Lab Questions



statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 10 and 26” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.


6. What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response.

7. What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs? Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?

8. The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table 2. Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program?

9. Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence and document your response.

10. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer.


6. What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”?

7. What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”?

8. Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results?

9. In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these example data?

10. How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being significant at p < 0.05?

The exercise has to be on a separate paper pls.

statistics in healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business and communication Writing Assignment Help


Leaders vs. Managers

Research and discuss the differences between leaders and managers.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements:

Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals.


S.W.O.T. Analysis

1.Review the SWOT analysis for the Fictional Auto Company.

2.In a minimum of 500 words, describe how Fictional Auto Company can utilize this information to its benefit. Include how Fictional Auto Company can turn its weaknesses and threats into strengths and opportunities.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


BCG Matrix

Research a company of your choice and determine which of the four quadrants of the BCG Matrix you feel it fits into. Justify your response using information about the company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.



Research and discuss the basic theories of motivation as well as a description of what they are.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.


Organizational Change

Research and discuss what organizational change is and why being able to manage it is important. Also, list and discuss some ways managers can help their employees deal with change.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Importance of Communication

Research define, and describe communication styles, the types of communication, and why communication is important to an organization.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.


Business Leader Research Paper

Select a known business leader that you believe demonstrates strong leadership traits and write a research paper on this individual. This leader should not be someone you know personally. The research should include a profile on the business leader’s views on leadership, their development to become a leader, their leadership and motivational traits, and what the leader has done to gain a strong reputation. Cite specific examples of behaviors exhibited by this business leader using concepts from this course.

Sample Outline:

Introduction Paragraph – Introduce the business leader’s name, background, occupation, and their position within the company. Identify the company or companies that the leader has worked for.

Section 1: Business Leadership Background and Traits

Paragraph 1: Describe the business leader’s development to become a leader.

Paragraph 2: Describe the business leader’s views on leadership

Paragraph 3: Describe what they’ve done to grain a strong reputation

Section 2: Leadership style

Paragraph 1: Describe their leadership and motivational traits.

Paragraph 2: Describe what makes the leader effective.

Paragraph 3: Describe how and what they measure or measured to ensure that their team or company is meeting objectives and are on target.

Section 3: Examples of leadership

Paragraph 1: Identify and describe one example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 2: Identify and describe a second example of their leadership abilities.

Paragraph 3: Identify and describe a third example of their leadership abilities.

Conclusion: Summarize the leadership qualities and observations that you have found in your research.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Use APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.


  • Discuss why planning is essential to an organization as well as some ramifications for organizations that fail to plan.
  • Describe the various organizational structures as well as which one you would prefer to work in and why.
  • Which do you think is more important to an organization and why?
  • Assume you are the manager of a company; discuss which motivational theory you would subscribe to and why you feel that way.
  • Describe job design and its benefits to an organization.
  • Discuss why communication is essential for an organization.

PART 10 week 6 success

As a college student, you need to find time to study and complete your assignments.However, the rest of your life continues as if you have not just gotten busier.

For example, a student, Tammy, was pursuing her master’s degree.Because her husband had supported her when she earned her bachelor’s degree, she thought that circumstances would be the same during her master’s degree; however, it did not happen that way.She still did all the cooking, all the grocery shopping, and she was having trouble trying to finish her homework with the kids running around.Finally, frustrated, she blew up at her husband.After she calmed down and they really talked to each other, her husband shared that he thought that because she had already earned a degree, she knew what to do and would not need any help.Tammy shared that it was because her husband supported her by taking over some of the things Tammy normally did that she was able to complete her first degree.

Families (support systems) may not intuitively know what the college student needs. Tammy was self-advocating, having the “I need” conversation with her husband. In her case, she needed a quiet area to study four times a week for two hours, help with the kids during study time, and some help with cooking and cleaning when projects were due. She found that by sharing what she needed, her family (support system) understood her needs and were better able to meet them.

What are your needs? For Part 1 of this assignment, you are going to have an “I need” conversation with your support system (family, friends, whoever will be there to support you). This involves the following steps:

First, write a list of the main points you want to cover in your conversation – what is it that you really need to make this college journey a positive experience? You want to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you need from this person.

Second, point out the “win-win” in the situation – how does your support person “win” when they help you to meet your needs while you are a college student?Also, be ready to answer questions your support person may have for you.

Third, during the “I need” conversation, pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues your partner is giving you.Be able to interpret those signals appropriately so you have a productive and meaningful conversation.


After having your “I need” conversation, for Part 2 of this assignment you will write a paper about your experience. Your written assignment is to address the following points, using at least 750 words:

1.Provide your “I need….” list. Explain the points you wanted to cover in the conversation.

2.Recap your “I need…” conversation. With whom did you have the conversation? Did you cover your main points?Why or why not?

3.Reflect on your emotions. How were you feeling during the conversation?

4.Analyze your support person’s response. How did the person respond to your conversation?

5.Anticipated results: Do you believe you will get what you need?Why or why not?

6.If you were to have the “I need” conversation with a second person, would you change anything given your experience with the first conversation?Why or why not?


Assignment Steps

1.Use EBSCOhost to find a scholarly article pertaining to the topic of civility and education.

a.Using “Academic Search Complete” in EBSCOhost:

i.Type the words “civility and education” in the search bar.

ii.Go to the left sidebar to limit your search to “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”

iii.In the left sidebar, you select “Academic Journals” for the Source Types.

iv.Find one article that seems appealing to you. It is essential that you chose an article you comprehend fully since you will be required to discuss a quote and a paraphrase from the article and demonstrate its relevance to your topic. If you don’t find any article of interest, try different phrasing like “civility in schools”, “manners in education”, “conflict in schools”, etc.

b.Download the PDF Full Text and save a copy of that article on a flash drive or on your computer.

2.Prepare a summary of the article.

a.As you read the article, pause after each paragraph and jot down the main point of that paragraph.

b.Use your own words – do not copy the authors’ words.

c.Find ideas that you want to either quote directly or paraphrase in your paper. (Look for an idea that is so powerful, you cannot put it into your own words.)

d.Note the page number where the idea comes from.

3.Write a five paragraph essay on civility in education utilizing the resources from steps 1 and 2.

a.Your paper should be at least 750 words

b.Use an introduction that has as attention grabbing opening sentence, background information on your thesis, previews your main idea/thesis and the subtopics, and transitions to the next paragraph

c.Write three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, based on the subtopics, which enhance and extend the thesis statement.

i.Include descriptions or examples of civility

ii.Cite your sources

1.Paraphrases must be highlighted in yellow

2.Direct quotes must be highlighted in blue

iii.Don’t simply drop your quote or paraphrase into a paragraph. Introduce the quote and the author before using it, and explain the quote’s relevance to your topic afterward.

For example:

As John Rogers, a sociology professor at The University of Southern California States, “Classroom decorum varies greatly depending on a number of factors including the students’ breakfast that day” (21).This illustrates that there are certain uncivil actions over which teachers have little control.

d.Include a concluding paragraph that provides an appropriate closing to your essay by reviewing your thesis and subtopics, giving evidence of new learning or conclusions based on your research and writing on this topic, and gives a provocative closing sentence.

4.List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.


PART 12 75-150 WORDS

This week, we introduced the idea of general education – the core courses you will take before you jump into your program of study. In this assignment, you will explore the Grantham University catalog to determine which general education courses you will be taking, along with the elective courses that round out your education.

You will definitely need to read the online catalog in order to complete this assignment.

Review Section 7 in the catalog for the General Education program description, categories, and list of courses.Make sure you understand why we require students to complete the General Education slate of courses.

Then look for your degree program in Section 8 of the catalog.You will see each program listed by college (School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing and Allied Health).After reading the description of the program and the student learning outcomes, you will see the tables that list the General Education courses, the Program Core, and the electives.

Once you have read these sections in the catalog, you are ready to start this assignment.Your job is to write a response to each of the following four prompts:

Prompt 1: General Education Requirements

A.To start this assignment, write a paragraph explaining the reason why we require students to complete the General Education courses (you may need to refer to section 7 of the catalog for this rationale).

B.Then using this template list and then describe the courses you will take to complete the General Education requirement for your program.In some programs, you have choices – in other programs, you do not have choices (they tell you which courses to take).

Prompt 2:Program Core Requirements

A. In a paragraph state your degree program and explain why you chose your program of study.In your answer explain how will this program of study will help you in your career advancement?

B. Next, in the same template as Prompt 1, list and describe the courses you are required to complete for the program.Be sure to point out which courses are pre-requisites for more advanced courses.This is important because you must enroll in these courses in sequence – you have to pass the pre-requisite before you can attempt the higher course.

Prompt 3:Electives

Each program has a different number of electives that you can select to complete your degree.Take note of special requirements, such as the fact that some electives have to be chosen from the program (versus those that can be chosen from any course listed in the catalog). Also note whether the elective must be a course numbered 300 or above.

A.In the same template as Prompts 1 and 2, include the courses you choose as electives

B.For each elective include a statement explaining why you are interested in the course in the table

Prompt 4:Sequencing of Courses, Credit Hours and Graduation Requirements

This is the truly important part of this assignment. Some courses have pre-requisites, which means you have to take a designated lower-level course before you can take the advanced course.

  • In your template, make sure to designate all classes that have pre-requisites in your template.

PART 13 75-150 WORDS

How Do I Respond to This?

In this scenario, you are part of an online class business class which is studying diversity in the workplace and diversity training. The prompt asked about the purpose of diversity initiatives/trainings, and how they can benefit business. A student posted what he experienced at his workplace diversity training not too long ago. A second student replied to his post, but with a very different “take” on the topic.

Here is a copy of the second post:

You got lucky. My job makes us attend these stupid trainings for diversity every year, and they are a complete waste of time. I mean, I am not going to be mean to lazy people who don’t do their work because they come from cultures where people don’t work hard. I know it’s not their fault that they were raised that way, and I guess they do ok for who they are and all, but that doesn’t mean I have to like picking up their slack. But that’s the world today, we have to accept everyone and everything.

Your job is to respond to thesecond post and maintain professionalism while you do. Your response should defuse the situation (rather than make it worse).

PART 14 75-150 WORDS

It is now five-ten years in the future, and you are a Grantham alumnus. Congratulations! You are working in the field you have chosen.

In this post, you will:

Introduce yourself to the class as the person you are in the future.

Describe your workplace and your job title.

Explain one way your life has changed as a result of your college experience at Grantham.

Predict what you will be doing next. (What are your new goals?)


For this project, pretend you are an organizer for a charity in your local area. The charity can be a real or pretend charity.You will be creating a Flyer advertising a fundraising event, a spreadsheet showing donations for 3 events given in each of 3 cities and creating a presentation in which you are telling an audience about your charity and the great work it does. Read below for more detail.

Flyer Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, create a flyer.Have a title centered at the top of the page in an appropriate size font.Below the title, you will have an image related to charity or event that is centered.There will then be a paragraph telling us about the charity event.Below the paragraph, left aligned and each on their own line tell us the What, Where, and When.Bold the words What, Where etc. Below that type the words Point of Contact and center it and below that create a one row by three column table. In the table, have a name, email and phone number of the point of contact.Below the table have the words:For More Information, Visit: then type in a real or imaginary web address. The flyer should be one page.

Some ideas for charity events could be a Bizarre, Fair, Bake Sale, Cake Walk, Carnival, Book Fair, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Pancake breakfast, Dinner….

Spreadsheet Instructions:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet that will have three cities of your choice and three fundraising events for each city in which money was raised.Have the word Donations in bold and merged and centered above the spreadsheet.Also bold the Cities and Events. Best fit columns headings as needed so they are visible.The spreadsheet is to calculate the total donations for each city and event.It will also total all donations and provide percent of total donation for each city.Percent will be formatted with percent symbol and totals with $ symbol with no decimal places.The sum function must be used for the totals and a formula used for percent of total donations for city.Be sure to label columns and rows, so it is clear what is in your spreadsheet and bold all column and row headings. Include your lastname and GIDnumber as a comment in cell A2.

Presentation Instructions:

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a 5-8 slide presentation in which you tell us about the charity you are involved with.There must be a title slide with a title and your name as the presenter. There also has to a concluding slide as the last slide in which you include contact information. On other slides include charity mission, benefits or accomplishments and where donations are spent.Also create a table showing donations locally.The presentation should include at least one image and have at least 1 slide with bullets points.The presentation should have one design theme or a background that is the same for all slides.There should be one slide transition that is used throughout the presentation.

For your submission, zip together the three files, the spreadsheet, the flyer, and the presentation, into a file entitled this file into the assignment area.


Summarize your understanding of the article Writing Assignment Help

After reading the article “Burnout in Private Club Management” in the book called Leadership and Strategy- Understanding, Planning, and Implementing (Author: Edward A. Merritt, PhD)

1. Summarize the relevant points of the article (list and explain the major and minor points made by the author).

2. How could you apply the elements of the article to you becoming an effective leader (how could this article be used to help make you a better leader)?

3. How you feel about the article (what is your reaction to the article—do you agree with it or not and why)?


Marriage and Family Writing Assignment Help


Here are your Discussion Board Questions for Chapter 4. You must answer the first one and any two of the others. These are worth 30 points.

1. Discuss the many ways people choose whether to date and whom to date. Some people meet at work, some through friends, some at church or other social functions, and some over the Internet. How do people meet people to date. Discuss the filter concept of dating, and what factors help people decide if they are going to date someone or not (age, race, education, religion). Mention propinquity (the proximity of people geographically) and how this has changed with the Internet.

Answer any TWO of the following.

!. How have assertive females, workplace romances, and online meetings changed the rules of dating?

2. Compare and contrast the closed and open courtship systems.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Explain whether or not you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

4. Describe scholar Caryl Rusbult’s four responses to a deteriorating relationship.

5. How does technology make breaking up more complicated than it once may have been? Give examples.


For this week’s DB Questions, answer the first question and 2 or the other 4 questions. These are worth 30 points. Please let me know if you have any questions.

1. Discuss the topic “What is love?” Consider the following in your answer. Does love require sexual intimacy? How does love relate to close friendship, love of humankind in general, and familial love. What makes the difference between these types of love. Is love just physical attraction. For example, a person may have a friend whom he or she is physically attracted to, but the person realizes that this would not be a good match for love.

Answer 2 of the following 4 questions:

Compare and contrast how love was viewed by the ancient Greeks and Romans versus Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and discuss how these views apply to romantic and companionate love.

Identify and explain two of the five major theories of the origins of love and assess to what extent these theories relate to the six styles of love.

Discuss the positive and negative aspects of jealousy.

Identify the major characteristics of mature and immature love.


Define the difference in ethics and morals and then discuss the ethical versus moral aspect of the actions of the main characters. Just because an action is moral does not mean it is ethical and vice versa. Include how symbolism, physical setting, and historical setting impact your judgment of these characters and their actions.

You will include a secondary source for each primary source. That means you should use the articles you found that support your topic for Trifles, “Sweat,” and “The Storm.”Each body paragraph should have at least two direct quotes (one from the literary work and one from the secondary source).






Need someone to revise and check my writing, grammar, punctuation, and make sure I have the answers correct. Writing Assignment Help

Read the short article listed above. As we have seen in several pieces so far, cultures are literally colliding with another. Wiginton asserts, “Although [the Green Knight] originally confronts Gawain as an enemy, the two later are able to work together – perhaps a metaphor for the assimilation of British Paganism with the new Christian theology.” Using the epic “Beowulf” and “Gawain and the Green Knight,” note several instances (3-5 examples) in which both pieces collide with a foreign culture (remember to give page numbers and lines if appropriate) only to later come together in unity. What is this metaphor revealing about the rulers and the lower class? Historically, what is happening during this time period especially in terms of using story telling for political gain?

Its due today at 10pm.

This is what I wrote.

In Beowulf, both paganism and Christianity play a role in the epic. However, Beowulf seems to be more Christian-like in the way he expressed his thanks for his bravery and protection when emphasizing about God- before and after the battle.

An example would be on page 605 line 610-614,’’ He (Grendel) is unschooled in skills to strike against me, to shatter my shield, though feared for his fierceness. So, I shall bear no blade in the night if he sees fit to fight without weapons. May God in his wisdom grant whom he wills blessing in battle.’’

In paganism view Wyrud” , which is define as fate and freewill is articulated a lot in the Beowulf epic. Wyrud belief in freewill is still the same concept in Christianity ideology. An example of Wyrud in pertaining to freewill would be on page 595 line 170-180 to sum it up briefly- “Beowulf heard about the evils of Grendel mass murdering and decided to sail and put an end to it.” We could think that this has to do with Beowulf’s father debt he owed Hrothgar, but Beowulf still had the free will to fight off Grendel or let Grendel continue his killing spree. Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf tends to share a lot of the same elements- such as good vs evil, discovering one’s destiny and fate, praying to one’s God for protection, along with others as well.

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Christian wise- the Christmas gathering in the beginning of the story is one of Christianity most devoted holiday. Even non-Christians partake in Christmas; however, Christmas is a biblical symbolism for the celebration of Christ birth. Even pagans partook in the Christmas spirit. The mistletoe and the Christmas trees were pagans’ traditions, and even today in modern society we use mistletoe and Christmas trees to decorate or enlighten the holiday. The temptation game in the story to get Gawain to sleep with Bertilak Mistress, or to sin against his honor, is similar to a lot of biblical trials where people was tempted or tested and the aftermath led to a learning experience.

The Green knight green clothes represent rebirth and nature, which is paganism views. When Gawain set off to find the Green Chapel, he encounters evil animals he had to fight off, which is also a heroic view in paganism belief, similar to Beowulf. In the paganism and Christianity view, telling the truth is essential, lying is considered a dishonor and a sin.

The metaphors are revealing that the higher class and lower class are sinful no matter how powerful or poor you are. We all need to seek each other for help to learn more about one’s self and stop the prideful act, for we all sin. Beowulf was the perfect warrior, had all the good abilities that no other warrior had, but he sinned in being prideful. Historically, using storytelling for political gain was a way of entertainment, enlightenment, and traditions.


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