PHI 445 Ashford University The Gender Pay Gap Case Study Humanities Assignment Help. PHI 445 Ashford University The Gender Pay Gap Case Study Humanities Assignment Help.
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Case Analysis: Case Studies: Lehman Brothers, British Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck, Goodyear, Perdue Farms
In the Week 3 Discussion, you selected a current business problem from the following case categories:
- Banking
- Fuel and the Environment
- GMOs
- Factory Farming
- Pharmaceuticals
- Gender Discrimination
In this written assignment, you will present your work on the case analysis using selected components of an argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This written assignment will include a revised and polished version of your discussion work, the presentation and support of two premises, and an analysis of how your chosen ethical theory offers the best moral solution to the business problem in your case analysis.
Using the components of the argumentative essay located in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo (2015), your assignment should include the following:
An introduction. This is the “Problem” portion of the essay that is covered in Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This should be an improved version of the introduction in your initial post, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and additional research. In this introduction you will need to (a) identify the specific issue or problem that you want to address and give an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulate briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting for the business, and (c) examine the laws that affect the operations of the business. The introduction should be one paragraph of around 200 words in length.
A thesis. Start a new paragraph with a precise and clear sentence in which you state your moral position with regard to the case that you presented in your first paragraph. This is known as stating your thesis. (See the “Thesis” passage in “The Argumentative Essay” in Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). The thesis you state here should be an improved version of the thesis in your initial post in the discussion, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and your reading of “The Argumentative Essay” indicated above.
A thesis is only one sentence, so do not write a series of sentences, or a complex sentence with explanatory clauses (e.g., “because…” or “since…” or “according to Dr. Mary Expert, an economist with the Bureau of Labor statistics…”, or “a law that was ratified with 80% votes in favor…”). An example of a precise and clear thesis is this: “Factory farms are not morally justifiable” or, of course, the opposite point of view: “Factory farms are morally justifiable.” Keep in mind that your thesis in this assignment will be the basis for the argumentative essay of the Week 5 written assignment, so take your time when formulating this thesis.
Ethical theory. In the same second paragraph as the thesis statement, identify the ethical theory that supports your moral position. You may choose from utilitarianism, duty ethics, or virtue ethics. Present the characteristics of the ethical theory in a broad sketch, and include citations and references in APA form. Then, apply your chosen ethical theory by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.
Two premises. Present at least two reasons in support of your thesis and these should be presented in the form of a claim. These are called premises. Articulate each premise in one clear and grammatically correct sentence. Review Section 9.1 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Foster, Hardy, and Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Start a new paragraph for each.
In the rest of the paragraph, support your premise by presenting an analysis of how the ethical theory lends itself to the best solution. This analysis includes articulating the characteristics(s) of the economic system at work that support the claims in your premises. It also includes examining the effects of the law(s) at work that also support the claims in your premises.
Comparative analysis. In the final paragraph, analyze how this application lends itself to a solution that is superior to that offered by one of the ethical theories that you did not select. To do this, provide a clear statement describing the moral solution offered by this other theory. For example, if you chose utilitarianism to apply to your case, then you can choose from either virtue ethics or deontology for your comparative analysis. Explain in no more than three sentences what moral solution would result from the application of this other ethical theory. See the “Sample Case Analysis” for an illustration of how this would look like. Finally, analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.
Once you receive your assignment back from your professor, start working on revisions based on your professor’s feedback. This is the first step in preparing your Final Project and the details are presented on the Final Project’s prompt. You will benefit from starting your Final Project as soon as you receive your assignment back from your professor.
Requirements for Your Assignment:
- Your assignment should be 1000 words in length, excluding the title page and reference page(s).
- Your examination should be both thorough and succinct. This is a combination that demands time and thought, so give yourself sufficient time to draft and revise.
- Your assignment should include citations, as well as a list of references. Both must be in APA form.
- You should draw from the sources provided in your chosen case category in the discussion this week.
- Also refer to Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay and the introduction to Section 9.2: Strengthening the Argumentative Essay (intro only for the latter) from Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015).
- Your references should include at least two scholarly sources from your own research in the Ashford University Library, Google Scholar (this is not the same as Google), or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. No Wikipedia articles and the like should be included in the references, nor employed to inform your paper. Also keep in mind that dictionary definitions are not references in the academic sense.Your assignment should be submitted no later than the end of Monday (11:59 pm, U.S. Mountain time).
PHI 445 Ashford University The Gender Pay Gap Case Study Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ohio Christian University Describe Moral Development in Childhood Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Moral Development Response
Describe moral development in childhood.
It’s interesting to explore moral development. From a Biblical perspective, we are all born into sin as sinful, fallen creatures. It is only through salvation through Christ that we may develop into selfless, righteous beings. However, psychology explores a more universal “moral” development as opposed to “Christian” development. It can be argued that to be moral is to be Christian. However, there are many “moral” people who do not profess Christ as Savior. It is this type of moral development that is explored in Chapter 7.
- Read Chapter 7 in your text.
- Write a two-page response that addresses the following:
- Explore moral development in middle childhood by comparing and contrasting the views of Piaget, Kohlberg, and Gilligan.
- Reflect on your own moral development (age of accountability).
- Integrate at least one scripture to support your perspective.
Prairie State College Lipid Consumption and Heart Disease Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Take a look at the peer reviewed literature and choose a peer-reviewed journal article about one of the following topics of your interest:
1. Lipid consumption and heart disease or health (Omega 3s, etc.)
2. Carbohydrate consumption and it’s relationship to fiber and gut health (feeding bacteria, glycemic index, etc.).
Please note: if you discover a related topic in your review of the literature that you would rather present, please feel free to do so!
Please review the paper and post a discussion to the group. You should post either a link to the paper or a copy of the paper in your post. The paper that you choose should be no more than 10 years old.
Your write-up should consist of 5 separate paragraphs. In the first paragraph,summarize the findings of the paper. Then address each of the following questions:
- Write a paragraph discussing this question: “Were you surprised by the findings in the paper?”
- Write a paragraph discussing what you found most interesting in the article?
- Write a paragraph the describes a topic presented in this article you would like to evaluate further and why.
Finish your write-up with a paragraph that summarizes your presentation and thoughts.
For full credit please include:
1.An introductory paragraph summarizing the topic and findings of the paper. Be sure to include any interesting points presented in the introduction that were addressed in the conclusion or discussion of the paper.
- A separate paragraph to answer each of the questions posed above.
3. A summary paragraph that ties your review together for the reader.
CMRJ 329 APUS Crime Scene Investigation & Forensic Evidence Discussion Law Assignment Help
*READ THE INVESTIGATION BELOW* Determine the important factors of the case, and write a brief profile of the killer. This is a general exercise to see if you are able to identify key information needed for profiling. (see an example criminal profile in the week 1 lesson)
During a “check the welfare” call on a Saturday morning, an officer finds an elderly white female deceased in the middle of her living room floor. She was found lying in the prone position with a large knife in her chest. She is dressed in a housecoat and no shoes. No other injuries are found on the victim however, there is a broken vase near her body. The house was found to be locked accept for a door leading out to the garage. A window in the garage has been broken with no indication of what was used to break the window to gain entry. The house is in immaculate condition and the only thing missing are some contents from the victim’s purse located on the kitchen table. The attack appears to have happened after 6 pm when the victim arrived home from a friend’s house.
A week later on a Saturday evening, around 2 am in the same neighborhood, a call is made from a man returning from work stating he heard a noise at his neighbor’s house that sounded like broken glass. When he went to investigate, he claims he saw a young Caucasian male running away from the exterior of the home. The reportee knocked on the door and nobody answered. The front door was locked so he proceeded to call the police. When the police arrived, they found the elderly homeowner asleep in her home heavily medicated. She claims she did not hear the neighbor knocking on her door. In the dining room, the elderly women’s purse was found open and her wallet missing. Nothing else was disturbed in the home.
A historical check of the neighborhood revealed that there were multiple burglaries during the last month in which there was forced entry and small (pocket size items) were stolen. Although several leads have been tracked, no potential suspects have been interviewed. No suspicious vehicles have been documented in the neighborhood during the times of the burglaries.
REQUIREMENTS: Initial Response must be 350 words. MUST RESPOND TO TWO PEERS. ***Response must be 200 words excluding the references and will be checked for plagiarism***
Serenity Salon and Spa Business Plan Paper Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a WordPress project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Using Microsoft Word, develop a one or two page plan which includes why you are seeking a loan, and how you expect to make money. Your plan should include the type of hair services (haircut, hair wash, hair dye, perm etc.), top selling hair products (shampoo, conditioner, hair serum, dye etc.) you may carry, and other details you want to include (e.g. how much to borrow from Bank, how much annual profit to gain).
The plan must have a header which includes your name, the proposed salon name, and the date of submission. You must also include at least two pictures of the hair services or products you wish to sell.
The plan also needs to look nice – feel free to play with fonts, text sizes, layout, etc.
Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet which shows your revenue and expenses.
List at least 4 hair services & 4 hair products you will be selling. For each product, you need to show labor (hiring staff to purchase & sell) cost, purchase cost (what you pay), selling price (what you expect the customer to pay); for each service you need to show labor (hiring hairdresser) cost, material (water, power, equipment, chemicals etc.) cost and selling price, advertising cost (per service/product), and profit. (Profit is the total of the costs subtracted from the price.)
Once you have created the spreadsheet, use the profits to create a graph which shows each service/product and how it contributes to your overall business income. (In other words, how do the profits compare between the 8 different services/products.)
California State University Los Angeles Childhood Observation Essay Writing Assignment Help
Distinguish key characteristics across developmental realms associated with various ages and stages of human growth and development
Examine and critically evaluate both theories and empirical findings in development (from conception through death)
Identify, discuss, compare, and contrast cultural norms and values that influence development at different ages (e.g., childbirth, attachment, child rearing, gender roles, relationship patterns, views of older adulthood, and death and dying)
Interpret and apply information learned in class to facilitate understanding of the psychological characteristics of the student and others
Instructions: This assignment requires you conduct a naturalistic observation of an environment specific to early childhood. You will then be required to submit an essay, whereby you present a summary of your findings and supporting information related to the concepts that apply to that developmental period.
California State University Los Angeles Childhood Observation Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California State University Los Angeles Endocrine System of Anatomy Paper Writing Assignment Help
Title endocrine system
Page 1 Introduction: What is the endocrine system, functions, why is it important?
Page 2 Histology: Briefly describe the histology of the system
Page 3 Anatomy: A brief description of the general anatomy of the system
Page 4 Recent studies. Briefly describe a research of the most current studies of your topic. (Cite the source of information).
Page 5 Disorders: Include one disorder of the system.
Page 6 References: Do not use the textbook as a reference
- No more than 5 pages, no less than 5 pages
- 12 pt font
- 1.5-line space
- You can include one of two pictures or drawings no larger than ¼ of a page. Make sure the pictures are labeled and captioned.
HSA 525 Strayer University Health Financial Management Interview Questions & MEMO Programming Assignment Help
Health Care Finance Interview Questions
Please note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this assignment has been modified from what appears in the course guide.Your Week 3 assignment is important because it will give you the chance to research the financial condition for a specific health care organization of your choice. Such research would often include an interview with a financial manager for the organization.Please follow these instructions to complete this assignment:
- Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library or another appropriate source to identify a health care organization of interest.
- Develop 10 questions that you would ask a management official responsible for the financial planning for the organization you have chosen to research for the Week 3 paper.
- Make sure the questions will prompt responses that give you insight into what the company looks for when preparing their yearly budget, their fiscal planning strategies, and how they monitor their financial condition throughout the year, and make adjustments as needed.
- By Sunday of this week, submit a draft of your interview guide for instructor feedback.
- Include the following:
- A list of all 10 questions you would ask the financial manager of the chosen organization.
- A rationale of 50–100 words for each question.
In total this assignment should be 1–2 pages in length and submitted as an MS Word file.
(PLEASE DO THE Memorandum
Reimbursement for services provided involves the clinical team as well as business office staff, including billers and coders with specific roles in processing payments. Medical billing clerks interpret medical codes and submit bills to insurance companies, patients, and other agencies for services. A medical coding specialist is part of the medical records billing department of a health care organization such as a hospital or a clinic. The coding specialist classifies diagnoses and procedures to facilitate billing and reimbursement from Medicare or health insurance companies. It is very important that each one does their job correctly. The medical coding specialist will be the focus of this discussion.
You have just been hired as the coding supervisor for Big Wheel General Hospital. You were warned before taking the job that there were some issues with the department but you decided you were up to the challenge. Your first and perhaps most important task is to review the noted problem areas and submit a memorandum to the HIMS Director, Betty Kline, identifying the top two priorities and offering strategies to address these issues.
These are the issues you have identified:
- Not coding at the highest level.
- Flawed or missing documentation.
- Lack of access to the provider.
- Failure to use current code sets.
- Under- and overcoding.
- Unbundling.
Submit a memo to Ms. Kline in which you:
- Identify the top two issues you consider the most urgent priorities to be addressed.
- Offer strategies to resolve each issue.
Ohio Christian University The Bio Psychosocial Development of Adolescence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Identity Development Response
Evaluate the bio-psychosocial development of adolescence.
Chapter 8 explores the time that G Stanley Hall called “a time of storm and stress” (Fiore, 2011). Most of us can remember adolescence or are acquainted with children close to us experiencing this time right now. Erikson, Marcia, and Hill present various views that highlight this critical time of development. Together, all three views present a wonderful overview of this time of storm and stress during which personal identity is formed.
- Read Chapter 8 in your text.
- Write one paragraph each on Erikson’s, Marcia’s, and Hill’s identity development theories. Choose the one that best aligns with your own identity formation process.
- Close with a paragraph that you think most closely aligns with biblical truth. Feel free to integrate relevant scripture
BUSN 601 AMU Outsourcing Vs Insourcing & Business Process to An External Vendor Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Many companies around the world, including those in the US, have outsourced goods and services to India and China. However, some of these businesses have reversed course and are now insourcing these goods and services. Do you agree that this course reversal may be justified?
Position 1: Outsourcing VS
Position 2: Insourcing
This is a juxtaposition discussion question. Choose a side. If you choose the outsourcing side, find material to support your response…but you also have to find a way to resolve the counter-side. If you choose the insourcing side, find sources to help support your position…but you also have to resolve the counter-side.
Please follow the attached rubric…250-400 words with at least 2 sources. APA. 12 point TNR font.
[supanova_question] or another appropriate source to identify a health care organization of interest.
- A list of all 10 questions you would ask the financial manager of the chosen organization.
- A rationale of 50–100 words for each question.
In total this assignment should be 1–2 pages in length and submitted as an MS Word file.
(PLEASE DO THE Memorandum
Reimbursement for services provided involves the clinical team as well as business office staff, including billers and coders with specific roles in processing payments. Medical billing clerks interpret medical codes and submit bills to insurance companies, patients, and other agencies for services. A medical coding specialist is part of the medical records billing department of a health care organization such as a hospital or a clinic. The coding specialist classifies diagnoses and procedures to facilitate billing and reimbursement from Medicare or health insurance companies. It is very important that each one does their job correctly. The medical coding specialist will be the focus of this discussion.
You have just been hired as the coding supervisor for Big Wheel General Hospital. You were warned before taking the job that there were some issues with the department but you decided you were up to the challenge. Your first and perhaps most important task is to review the noted problem areas and submit a memorandum to the HIMS Director, Betty Kline, identifying the top two priorities and offering strategies to address these issues.
These are the issues you have identified:
- Not coding at the highest level.
- Flawed or missing documentation.
- Lack of access to the provider.
- Failure to use current code sets.
- Under- and overcoding.
- Unbundling.
Submit a memo to Ms. Kline in which you:
- Identify the top two issues you consider the most urgent priorities to be addressed.
- Offer strategies to resolve each issue.