PHI001 University College Dublin True Justified Belief Theory of Knowledge Essay Humanities Assignment Help. PHI001 University College Dublin True Justified Belief Theory of Knowledge Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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First paper topic
Please turn in your first draft to your TA by October 22nd.
Please answer the following question in a 3 page paper (with standard font and margins, double spaced). Two notes:
(a) lay things out as clearly as possible and (b) please do not include biographical or historical information and don’t
begin your paper with ‘Since the dawn of time…’
Explain the true-justified-belief (TBJ) theory of knowledge we discussed in class (i.e. explain whether the
conditions are each necessary, sufficient, sufficient taken together). Then make up your own Gettier case
and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis (i.e. explain if it attacks the sufficiency of the
conditions, their necessity…)
Rubric for paper:
Content (60 pts):
Opening paragraph (10 pts)
1. Clear statement of the thesis of the paper. (10 points)
Description of TBJ: (15 pts)
1. Clear explanation of each condition. (5 pts)
2. Clear evaluation of the necessity/sufficiency of each condition (10 pts.)
Your Gettier Example (25 points):
1. Clear statement of assumed principles (10 pts)
2. Clear description of your example. (5 pts)
3. Clear explanation of what the counterexample shows and how it shows it. (10 pts)
Conclusion: (10 points)
1. Clear recap and summary of the papers content (10 points)
Style (20 pts):
1. The sequence of sentences is coherent and clear. (10 pts)
2. The words are accurate and not used loosely. (10 pts)
Grammar and Spelling (10 pts):
1. The paper’s sentences are grammatical and the words are spelled properly.
Structure: (10 points):
1. The paper should have a clear introduction (3 points), coherent body (4 points) and conclusion (3 points).
PHI001 University College Dublin True Justified Belief Theory of Knowledge Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ART7B Alaska Pacific University The lover by Harold Pinter Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Choose Six Vocabularies from here:
Choose one play from here:
Falsettos directed by James Lapine
- Puffs Written by Matt Cox. Directed by Kristen McCarthy
post a 400-600 word response addressing the questions below. Response does not have to be formatted as a formal essay; response may be a list or answers to these questions. However, responses must contain correct grammar and punctuation. Question number 1 is the most important question in factoring grade.
1. What was the director’s purpose, message, or concept? (What is the point of the production? What is the director saying about what it means to be a human being living in the world today?)
2. What was the inciting incident of this play?
3. How would you describe the structure of this play as informed by course content?
4. Who do you consider the main character and what was their main goal, obstacle, and action for the whole play?
5. If you had to guess, did this actor take an internal or external approach to developing their character and, most importantly, what did you see in their performance that made you draw this conclusion?
6. What would you describe as the director’s focus for this production? What were they focusing on in the play and how did they use the elements of the theatre to tell the specific story they wanted to tell? (Remember, every play can tell more than one story. Be specific to this PRODUCTION, not just this play.)
7. How did the set, lights, and costuming choices affect the storytelling? What was the goal for the design and did they achieve their goal?
8. How did the course content on design (reading or videos) inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
9. How would you describe the performance space and the aesthetic distance in this production?
10. How did the course content on theatre history inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
11. How do you see this production being influenced by past theatre practitioners (theatre history)?
12. Discuss how this play reflects one of the four “theories” presented in class (post dramatic, feminist, post-colonial, African-American). Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings on these theories.
Moorpark College Ch 2 Impossibility of Religious Freedom Response Writing Assignment Help
Each response must elicit a few central components from Sullivan’s The Impossibility of Religious Freedom chapter 2. This text will serve as an illustration of how state, religion and the secular work in the context of the United States.
Make sure each response addresses
(1) the central argument of the chapter
(2) two examples and/or details that support the argument from the reading only. No outside scources. The more specific, the better. Consider using small, powerful quotes from the text that struck you. When citing cite like this (pg. 9)
Each response should be 350 – 500 words. No more than 500
Ashford University BQM Slideshow Meeting Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Create a presentation in preparation for a meeting with a large attendance. This will help you understand the preparation involved in oral presentations.
Imagine you are the president of your Associated Students Organization (ASO). At the next meeting of your ASO, the group will discuss preparations for a job fair in the spring. The group will hear reports from committees working on speakers, business recruiters, publicity, reservations of campus space, setup of booths, and any other relevant matters. You need to lead the meeting.
- Create a five-slide presentation for the ASO meeting. Make sure to follow the guidelines below:
- Your presentation should include a meeting agenda appropriate for a large group and a short period of time.
- Also include slides that correspond to your agenda—slides for the different committees and their agendas, for example.
- Add visuals and audio as appropriate.
- In addition, compose your introductory remarks to open the meeting and place them in your presentation software’s “notes” section. As you do so, keep your audience in mind as well as the best practices you’ve learned.
- Save and submit your work to your instructor.
Presentation Requirements
When preparing a presentation, remember the following:
- Text should be legible, and background, animation, and graphics should work visually with one another. None of the elements (text, background, animation, and graphics) should be distracting.
- Your presentation should be proofread for accuracy in content and grammar.
- Citations of your sources should be in APA style, including any graphics or images that you use.
Berkeley College Applied Business Ethics Writing Assignment Help
no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please only use the reference below. Use references below
Discussion 300 words
A whistleblower, by definition, is someone who brings an unethical, immoral, or illegal business practice to the public’s attention. Whistleblowers have a difficult time in doing this, and they often find their lives changed because of their actions. Sometimes they are shunned and receive death threats. It is common for the family members to feel the effects of a whistleblower’s behavior.
Dr. Jeffrey Wigand became one of the best-known whistleblowers after his experience was turned into a movie, The Insider. He proved that tobacco companies were deliberately boosting the nicotine content of cigarettes, making them more addictive and cancer causing. However, like other whistleblowers, he suffered from tremendous stress and received death threats and other forms of intimidation for doing the right thing.
How did Dr. Wigand show moral intelligence in this situation? Jeffrey Wigand put his economic future as well as coworkers and his family at risk to expose the tobacco companies. Would you have done the same thing?
Associated Press. (2006, October 20) Mark Hodler; Exposed Scandal in Selection of Olympics’ Host Cities [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
BBC News. (2014, January 17). Edward Snowden: Leaks that exposed US spy programme [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Ellsberg, D. (n.d.). Daniel Ellsberg’s Website [Web page]. Retrieved from
Goodof, D. A., Bandyopadhyay, J., & McGee, P. F. (2013). Whistleblower Protection: Fact or Fiction? Competition Forum, 11(2), 85–91. Retrieved from….
Ravishankar, L. (2003, February 4). Encouraging Internal Whistleblowing in Organizations [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Berkeley City College Unethical Practice in Workplace Paper Writing Assignment Help
As a director of social services I have seen several unethical practice in the workplace for example: the director of operations only eats with the all Hispanic staff in her office and only allow the African American to go to lunch one at a time. The same director allows the Hispanic staff to put in vacation within a day but the African American has to adhere to the companies policy of two weeks. Her security staff which is African American “accept that behavior.
In 1,400-word paper, explain what you would do if you found an unethical practice in your workplace. Would it depend on the severity of the unethical practice?
Provide a couple examples of potential unethical practices in your organization that could be considered very minor that people have come to “accept” as opposed to reporting.
Justify why you think that people tend to accept some unethical practices while others are not accepted. Create a continuum of severity model regarding ethical practices in organizations and discuss your model. How did you arrive at the model you created?
Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843. Retrieved from….
Fraedrich, J. P. (1992). Signs and signals of unethical behavior. Business Forum, 17(2), 13. Retrieved from….
Berkeley City College Unethical Practice in Workplace Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators Paper Writing Assignment Help
PART 1: Review the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators.
SELECT one leading health indicator and research a state-level health prevention program aimed at achieving it.
LOCATE your state’s (SOUTH CAROLINA) vital statistics and/or census data to compare the outcomes of the selected leading health indicator.
EVALUATE the state-level program’s effectiveness in meeting the Healthy People 2020 goals based on your statistical and census data findings.
DETERMINE if there is evidence in your community of alignment to the Healthy People 2020 goals through local programs and funding.
EXPLAIN the evidence by providing LINKS, A DESCRIPTION and SUMMARY of the program(s).
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 875-word paper
PART 2: Develop a graphical representation showing the indicators of morbidity and mortality for the leading health indicator you selected for this week’s Public Health Program Planning assignment.
LIST a minimum of five indicators and provide a rationale for each.
CITE any gaps in programs to address the indicators.
FORMAT your assignment as one of the following:
- Concept/mind map
- Matrix
- Chart
SEC481 University of Phoenix Warehouse Security Budget Proposal Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Capella University Disaster Management Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Connecting Your Learning
Assignment Description
Throughout the course, you have learned about disaster response and management by describing the phases of the emergency management cycle, addressing disaster incidents through the application of an EOP, and summarizing emergency operations from an interagency perspective. For this final assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the course competencies.
- Prepare a paper with 4–6 pages of content focused on the course competencies (1–1.5 pages per competency for competencies 1–4). This paper should showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.
- Address two key areas of learning for each competency.
Review the Connecting Your Learning scoring guide to ensure that you understand the criteria for this assignment.
Additional Requirements
- Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Use spell-check and grammar-check to check your work before submitting this assignment.
- Resources and citations: Format according to current edition APA guidelines.
- Page count: 4–6 pages plus title and references pages.
- Required number of references:One reference per competency for competencies 1–4.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide
Due Date: Unit 10
Percentage of Course Grade: 15%.
Describe the phases of the emergency management cycle. 20% |
Does not describe the four phases of the emergency management cycle and does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. | Identifies, but does not describe the phases of the emergency management cycle, or does not describe all phases; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. | Describes the phases of the emergency management cycle; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. | Describes the phases of the emergency management cycle; illustrates with an example for each cycle; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency. |
Analyze elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents. 20% |
Does not analyze elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. | Cites, but does not analyze an adequate number of elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. | Analyzes elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. | Analyzes elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; provides a thorough explanation for each selection; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency. |
Apply elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents. 20% |
Does not apply elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. | Applies an inadequate number of elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. | Applies elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. | Applies elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; provides justification for each element selected; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency. |
Summarize emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective. 20% |
Does not summarize emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. | Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters, but does not explain them from an interagency perspective; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. | Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. | Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; provides multiple interagency perspectives; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency. |
Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. 20% |
Does not write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. | Writing supports an idea but contains major errors of grammar, usage; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. | Writes clearly and logically, with few minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or mechanics; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. | Writes coherently supporting a central idea, with no errors in grammar, usage or mechanics; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency. |
FI635 University of Alabama End of 2019 Market Close Discussion Economics Assignment Help
End of 2019 Market Close
You get to be the financial expert for this one. I want you to predict the market close at the end of 2019, and I want you to give two quality reasons for your prediction. These reasons may not include Trump is a genius or Trump is an idiot. Haha. Seriously, I want your reason and replies to others to be based on what you see as legitimate reasons for the prediction you make.
Same as before, post your reason and respond (respectfully) to one other persons post. You may be supportive or contrary, but do so logically, not emotionally.