PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help

PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help. PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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Our chapter reading this week focuses on truth. Political misinformation, or lies if you will come fast and furious during election time. One way to fight back against this tactic is to know where to find the truth. There is a website that provides this service for us. It it called (Links to an external site.). At this site, the Tampa Bay Times fact checks statements made by politicians and rates those statements using its “Truth-O-Meter.” Comments range from True to False and degrees in between. It also gives the “Pants on Fire” award to those statements that are “outrageously false.” This is a site everyone can benefit from. answer the following:

1. Find one Pants on fire statement and explain why it misrepresents the truth.

2. Find one other false statement that is meaningful to you. Explain why being lied to in this case is disturbing.

Give full answers to each of these questions.


PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CNL 501 GCU Explaining the Numerous Theories Concerning Addiction Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me study.

This week, you studied various theories of addiction and learned about the human body’s reaction to substances. With all the scientific knowledge we now have about addiction, why is there more than one etiology of addiction? Specifically, why is a biological and psychological foundation important to understand?

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.1.a. History and philosophy of the counseling profession and its specialty areas.

5.C.1.d. Neurobiological and medical foundation and etiology of addiction and co-occurring disorders.


Chapman University Advancement in Weaponry Manuscript Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.

first one Keep the Pulse. The One Orlando Collection.

Orlando Regional History Center Pulse virtual exhibition, The Stories They Could Tell.

Writing prompt: Write a 750-word (3 double-spaced pages) reflection on the preservation of stories and artifacts from the June 12, 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting, which resulted in the deaths of 49 people. How does the virtual “The Stories They Could Tell” exhibition engage viewers? Which artifacts do you think were the most powerful, and why

secoend one

Exhibition Planning (;

Standards for Museum Exhibits Dealing with Historical Subjects (

Writing prompt: Using the Exhibition Planning overview and Standards for Museum Exhibits Dealing with Historical Subjects above as a guide, share your draft exhibit title, a brief description of the virtual exhibit, an exhibit checklist, and an exhibit outline. Also discuss how your exhibit meets the Standards for Museum Exhibits Dealing with Historical Subjects.

Your draft exhibit plan should be approximately 750 words long.


CCF Nurses Perceptions of Trust Burnout Quality of Care and Work Satisfaction Ques Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me study.

Using the two approved research articles for the topic you selected, address the following content for each article:

  1. What is the problem? What is your PICOT question?
  2. Why is this problem important nursing?
  3. Summarize the main points of the research articles. Include type of research (qualitative/quantitative), research design, collection of data, methods, and significant findings
  4. Are the studies rigorous? Explain strengths and weakness.
    1. For Quantitative Research you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research Valid, Reliable, Generalizable.
    2. For Qualitative you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research, Trustworthy- Credible, Transferable, Dependable, and Confirmable.
  5. Compare/contrast the findings of each study in your summary.
  6. Could these studies help to make a practice change for nurses? Explain why.

The paper will also be graded on how well it is written, the organization and sufficient details. Paper must be 3-4 pages written in APA format. Include your references. The reference page and title page are not to be included in the total number of pages.


HSB Crime Rates & Policing Need for Information in Alameda Police Department Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Crime Rates and Policing

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage the student to examine crime rates and then engage local law enforcement to learn about its response to crime.The student shall first identify a city, county, or college police department in California.The student will access the agency’s 2019 crime statistics from the FBI’s UCR webpage.This can be done by visiting the webpage at the Browse by Links pane, select either County Agency, City Agency, or Universities and Colleges.Select the Table hyperlink and then California.In the table is a list of local law enforcement agencies, their populations, and their Part I crime statistics.This is aggregated into Part I Violent Crimes and Part I Property Crimes.

After examining the crime statistics, the student must contact a representative of the selected police agency and conduct either a phone interview, virtual interview, or in-person interview.The student shall describe the interview in an MLA-formatted report of no less than two pages and no more than three pages.This assignment is worth up to 25 points.Grading is based upon 1) addressing the listed topics, 2) depth of explanation, and 3) writing ability.

The following issues must be addressed:

Crime Statistics

  • Among the eight crime categories, what similarities or differences do you notice?
  • Give an opinion as to why you believe some crimes rates are high and others are low.
  • What interferences can be drawn between the jurisdiction’s population and frequency of overall Part I crime?

According to the agency representative:

  • which of the three styles of policing most reflects how the police agency provides law enforcement service?
  • what has the police agency determined to be the most significant crime problems?
  • what is the police agency doing to address the problems that it has identified?
  • is the agency’s response to crime reflective of the UCR statistics?If not, what explains the difference in perspective?
  • how can you become personally involved in the agency’s efforts to address public safety?



NYC FedEx Corporation Operations and Companies Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a data analytics report and need guidance to help me learn.

You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook.  You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable).  The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas.  Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document.  Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!

NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “”.  Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero.  DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!  This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.

Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
  3. How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
  4. How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?

Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
  3. What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
  4. What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital?  How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
  5. Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated.  She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital.  What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?

Case 3 – Chapter 12 (

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
  3. What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
  4. Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.

Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
  3. How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
  4. How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
  5. Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.

NYC FedEx Corporation Operations and Companies Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Kenyatta University The Argument About Indifference Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history Analytical Review and need support to help me learn.

Analytical essay.

This is my final project for my history class I need you to read the guide it everything you need to follow for this project pleas this worth 80 point so it can bring me to F I’m C right now in the class I need to get the full mark in this one to reach an A pleas do your best for me I really need help. Pleas only use the reading that I provide for you. and follow everything in the guide paper. Prof wont accept the paper if even one thing she asked for is not there. SHE IS TOO STRUCIT. pleas also make sure about your use of grammar and spelling and everything on the paper.


Colorado Technical University The Future of Health Information Systems Project Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a science question and need support to help me understand better.

Individual Project

The Future of Health Information Systems




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3-4 pages

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course material


Carman Ainsworth High School Beauty and the Beast Story Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Since ancient times, the idea of a metamorphosis has been used in stories, poems, novels, and plays. A prince has a spell cast upon him, and he turns into a frog. A young girl who is an expert weaver claims that she is even better than Athena, incurring the goddess’s wrath. She is changed into a spider. Describe a story in which a metamorphosis takes place; it can be from a myth, poem, book, music, or a movie. You can even make up your own metamorphosis story if you like. Pay attention to the idea of a metamorphosized creature reflecting traits from the original being. Your work should be a minimum of three paragraphs in length. Like many of the assignments before, you can choose a genre other than text and words. It could be a poem, a video, a painting, a drawing, a newspaper article, etc. The accompanying PA Rubric for Writing will be used to assess the writing.


Carman Ainsworth High School Symptoms & Cure of the Herpes Zoster Brochure Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


To create an educational and persuasive brochure that can be distributed within the political community


You are an advocate for patients with an integumentary system disease or disorder of your choosing. You are requesting more research money to be devoted to its prevention and cure.


Political figures and people afflicted with the disease or disorder


Due to an outbreak of an integumentary system disease or disorder, you have decided to lobby the federal government to devote more money to its eradication.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

In addition to being informative and persuasive, the brochure must be aesthetically pleasing. It should contain information on the symptoms, causes, and possible cures for the disease or disorder.


  • The brochure should be a trifold document.
  • The brochure should be turned in to the assignment link for grading in either a pdf or .doc format.
  • There must be five or more graphics within the brochure.
  • The brochure must show a clear and deep understanding of the chosen disease or disorder.
  • The brochure should be written in a persuasive yet informational tone.


Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course material


Carman Ainsworth High School Beauty and the Beast Story Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Since ancient times, the idea of a metamorphosis has been used in stories, poems, novels, and plays. A prince has a spell cast upon him, and he turns into a frog. A young girl who is an expert weaver claims that she is even better than Athena, incurring the goddess’s wrath. She is changed into a spider. Describe a story in which a metamorphosis takes place; it can be from a myth, poem, book, music, or a movie. You can even make up your own metamorphosis story if you like. Pay attention to the idea of a metamorphosized creature reflecting traits from the original being. Your work should be a minimum of three paragraphs in length. Like many of the assignments before, you can choose a genre other than text and words. It could be a poem, a video, a painting, a drawing, a newspaper article, etc. The accompanying PA Rubric for Writing will be used to assess the writing.


Carman Ainsworth High School Symptoms & Cure of the Herpes Zoster Brochure Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


To create an educational and persuasive brochure that can be distributed within the political community


You are an advocate for patients with an integumentary system disease or disorder of your choosing. You are requesting more research money to be devoted to its prevention and cure.


Political figures and people afflicted with the disease or disorder


Due to an outbreak of an integumentary system disease or disorder, you have decided to lobby the federal government to devote more money to its eradication.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

In addition to being informative and persuasive, the brochure must be aesthetically pleasing. It should contain information on the symptoms, causes, and possible cures for the disease or disorder.


  • The brochure should be a trifold document.
  • The brochure should be turned in to the assignment link for grading in either a pdf or .doc format.
  • There must be five or more graphics within the brochure.
  • The brochure must show a clear and deep understanding of the chosen disease or disorder.
  • The brochure should be written in a persuasive yet informational tone.


Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course material


Carman Ainsworth High School Beauty and the Beast Story Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Since ancient times, the idea of a metamorphosis has been used in stories, poems, novels, and plays. A prince has a spell cast upon him, and he turns into a frog. A young girl who is an expert weaver claims that she is even better than Athena, incurring the goddess’s wrath. She is changed into a spider. Describe a story in which a metamorphosis takes place; it can be from a myth, poem, book, music, or a movie. You can even make up your own metamorphosis story if you like. Pay attention to the idea of a metamorphosized creature reflecting traits from the original being. Your work should be a minimum of three paragraphs in length. Like many of the assignments before, you can choose a genre other than text and words. It could be a poem, a video, a painting, a drawing, a newspaper article, etc. The accompanying PA Rubric for Writing will be used to assess the writing.


Carman Ainsworth High School Symptoms & Cure of the Herpes Zoster Brochure Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


To create an educational and persuasive brochure that can be distributed within the political community


You are an advocate for patients with an integumentary system disease or disorder of your choosing. You are requesting more research money to be devoted to its prevention and cure.


Political figures and people afflicted with the disease or disorder


Due to an outbreak of an integumentary system disease or disorder, you have decided to lobby the federal government to devote more money to its eradication.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

In addition to being informative and persuasive, the brochure must be aesthetically pleasing. It should contain information on the symptoms, causes, and possible cures for the disease or disorder.


  • The brochure should be a trifold document.
  • The brochure should be turned in to the assignment link for grading in either a pdf or .doc format.
  • There must be five or more graphics within the brochure.
  • The brochure must show a clear and deep understanding of the chosen disease or disorder.
  • The brochure should be written in a persuasive yet informational tone.


Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course material


Carman Ainsworth High School Beauty and the Beast Story Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Since ancient times, the idea of a metamorphosis has been used in stories, poems, novels, and plays. A prince has a spell cast upon him, and he turns into a frog. A young girl who is an expert weaver claims that she is even better than Athena, incurring the goddess’s wrath. She is changed into a spider. Describe a story in which a metamorphosis takes place; it can be from a myth, poem, book, music, or a movie. You can even make up your own metamorphosis story if you like. Pay attention to the idea of a metamorphosized creature reflecting traits from the original being. Your work should be a minimum of three paragraphs in length. Like many of the assignments before, you can choose a genre other than text and words. It could be a poem, a video, a painting, a drawing, a newspaper article, etc. The accompanying PA Rubric for Writing will be used to assess the writing.


Carman Ainsworth High School Symptoms & Cure of the Herpes Zoster Brochure Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


To create an educational and persuasive brochure that can be distributed within the political community


You are an advocate for patients with an integumentary system disease or disorder of your choosing. You are requesting more research money to be devoted to its prevention and cure.


Political figures and people afflicted with the disease or disorder


Due to an outbreak of an integumentary system disease or disorder, you have decided to lobby the federal government to devote more money to its eradication.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

In addition to being informative and persuasive, the brochure must be aesthetically pleasing. It should contain information on the symptoms, causes, and possible cures for the disease or disorder.


  • The brochure should be a trifold document.
  • The brochure should be turned in to the assignment link for grading in either a pdf or .doc format.
  • There must be five or more graphics within the brochure.
  • The brochure must show a clear and deep understanding of the chosen disease or disorder.
  • The brochure should be written in a persuasive yet informational tone.


PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help

PHIL 115 BCC US Political Misinformation Questionnaire Humanities Assignment Help

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