PHY 221 Grantham University Atom Models Radioactive Decay Discussion Writing Assignment Help. PHY 221 Grantham University Atom Models Radioactive Decay Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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1) Atom Models
Our understanding of the atom has increased as new discoveries were made. Models are a useful way to represent theories and provide a means for testing them through experimentation. Models are a very useful tool, but they also have limitations.
*** The model of the atom, from a tiny indestructible sphere to the quantum model of the atom, has evolved over time due to scientific discoveries. Choose at least three models of the atom and describe them. How do the models explain physical phenomena? What does the model explain that earlier models did not? What are the limitations of the model? What do they fail to explain?
2) Radioactive Decay
Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus becomes more stable by emitting radiation and losing energy. There are several kinds of radioactive decay, including alpha, beta and gamma decay, positron emission and electron capture.
*** Pick three of these types of decay and describe how they occur, the particles involved in each and an example of each type. Compare the ionizing power and penetrating power of the products and how the reactions occur in nature or are used by humans for some useful purpose.
PHY 221 Grantham University Atom Models Radioactive Decay Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
VIS 127P University of California Los Angeles Evolution of Haniwa Term Paper Humanities Assignment Help
VIS127P Arts of Japan
Proposal of Term Paper (due November 24)
One paragraph to describe your paper topic with at least three references (books, articles, website sources)
Please type your proposal and upload it as a Word or PDF document to “Proposal of Term Paper” in “Assignments” on Canvas.
Term Paper (due December 16)
Paper Topic: Of your own choosing. You should develop an issue related to but not duplicating the course material (Japanese art from the Jomon period to Edo Period) and submit the topic and your working bibliography (at least 3 sources) by November 24. The topic may be changed or developed as your research makes appropriate. Please make good use of provided references materials and digital resources available through the library website and major museum sites. Typical topics for term papers (among many other possibilities) might include a close study of a single monument or work of art, examination of developments within a single innovative artistic style, a particular aspect of a single artist’s work, or a carefully delimited discussion about the development of a particular type of subject matter, to mention only a few possibilities. The grade will be based on your clarity of presentation, perceptive use of existing scholarship, effectiveness of the evidence you present, the quality and persuasiveness of your argument, and the soundness of your conclusions.
In your research, use all the resources available to you in the library and on the web to find additional material about the topic in the form of books, articles, and images.
Your final paper, like all good writing, should be organized to tell a story or to solve a problem, with an introduction, presentation of the evidence, and clear conclusion. Achieving this goal usually requires careful editing and some rewriting, so don’t wait until the night before the paper is due to start writing, but budget your research time so that you can get to work on your draft as early as possible. Please edit the paper carefully and critically. This will probably lead you to do some reorganization, so please leave yourself adequate time to do so.
Technical matters:
The paper should be roughly 6-8 pages in length. Longer is acceptable, if needed, after editing, but not required.
Please type your paper in a font no smaller than 12 pitch, double spaced, and paginated.
Please use the standard scholarly citation and bibliography format and cite all your sources. Include both notes/citations and bibliography. You may use the textbook as a model for note and bibliography format. All sources, including online ones, should be documented.
Be careful and critical of your sources, especially online sources. Wikipedia is not scholarly and should not be cited as a primary source, although the better articles sometimes have bibliography that is well worth consulting. Academic, museum, and peer-reviewed sources should be your primary references. When in doubt, please ask.
Please include illustrations of the works of art you discuss or that support your argument. You should identify each illustration in a caption or list of illustrations in a format similar to what you see in the textbook. In addition to artist, title, medium and format, date, and dimensions, you should include the collection that owns the work, if known, and the source of your illustration (whether print and internet). Please do not insert the illustrations in the text, but append them at the end.
Format of References:
Varley, Paul. Japanese Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 4th edition, 2000
Book Chapters:
Wu, Hung. “The Origins of Chinese Painting (Paleolithic Period to Tang Dynasty),” in Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, eds., Yang Xin and others. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997. pp. 15-86.
Journal Article:
Hay, Jonathan. “Ambivalent Icons: Works of Five Chinese Artists Based in the United States.” Orientations 23, no.7 (July 1992): 37-43.
Format of Citations:
MLA (in-text citation): (author’s last name, page #)
(Varley, 68) or (Varley, 2000, 85)
Chicago Style (footnotes or endnotes): (author’s last name, the title of the book, page #)
Varley, Japanese Culture, 164
or (author’s last name, “the title of the article,” page #)
Hung, “The Origins of Chinese Painting (Paleolithic Period to Tang Dynasty),” 75
- Term paper (25%) (6-8 pages, excluding illustrations, notes and bibliography). Students are expected to develop an issue related to the course material. Typical topics include studies of a single monument or work of art, work produced under the patronage of a particular individual or clan, a particular aspect of a single artist’s work, or a carefully delimited discussion about the development of a particular type of subject matter. Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point font. You should also include images of the art works discussed in your paper at the end of the paper. Do not insert the images into the text. References to your sources and to publications of the works of art you cite in the text should be supplied as footnotes, endnotes, or in-text notes. Failing to credit the sources of ideas that have been suggested to you by someone else’s work is plagiarism. The grade will be based on clarity of presentation, effectiveness of evidence presented, and soundness of conclusions. You can find the “Guidelines of Term Paper” in “Assignment.” You are also required to turn in a term paper proposal on November 24 (details in “Assignments”).
No late papers will be accepted.
HRM 635 Grand Canyon University Training & Development Positive Change Training Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help
Training and development prompts a change within an organization. The goal of training is to identify areas for improvement and develop materials and opportunities to educate employees in order to support growth.
For this assignment, you are required to develop a small training exercise. Review your needs assessment and previous observations conducted on your work environment to help identify one area for improvement that would benefit a part of your organization. This training exercise does not need to be implemented but should include at least one deliverable that you could use during the training exercise. As you are reviewing your organization, consider employee engagement, systems, procedures, communication, and the culture within the organization. These are suggestions for possible areas that could benefit from a training exercise. The training must include the following:
Please note that my organization is a hospital and answers should be related to healthcare.
- What goal is the organization trying to accomplish? To add Patient Experience Coordinator to the Ambulatory Department
- What processes or procedures will change after the training? Daily Employee and patient engagement processes
- Describe the strategies or actions involved in the training exercise to meet established goals. What is the expected performance or applications after the training? How will the strategies drive successful business results and improve employee performance?
- How will the organization provide support to the employees receiving training? To new employees? Does this support consider strengths and weaknesses within the organization?
You are required to develop a written description (1,000 words) including one visual for your training exercise. Be sure to take time to analyze your work surroundings and identify a need for further training and development.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
NO PLAGIARISM or previous work please
MGT 321 SEU Product Mix Optimization Application at Saudi Aramco Report Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Regulation:
- All students are encouraged to use their own word.
- Assignment -3 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-11 in Black Board only.
- The due date for the submission of Assignment-3 will be in the end of 13th Week.
- This assignment is an individual assignment.
- Citing of references is also necessary in APA style.
- refrences
University of California Berkeley Probability Density Fuctions Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
1. The company Random Cereal places figurines in cereal boxes via the
following process: in each box, with probability 1/2 it places no
figurine in the box, and with probability 1/2 it places some figurine in
the box. When it places a figurine, it chooses one of 4 possible types
uniformly and random.
(a) Suppose you have collected k of the 4
types of figurines, where k E (0,1,2,3) (collecting a type of figurine
means that you have at least one figurine of that type). What is the
expected number of cereal boxes you need to open until you obtain a new
type of figurine (that you have not already collected)? Your answer
should be in terms of k.
(b) Suppose you do not have any of the figurines. What is the expected number of boxes you need to
open to collect all 4 types of figurines?
Strayer University Week 7 Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Only Needs to be a paragraph .
“Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow” Please respond to the following:
- An important step in developing a projected (pro forma) income statement is to create a sales forecast and calculate anticipated revenue for the business. Imagine you are creating a business: develop a sales forecast and estimate revenue for the first year of operation, and describe the process you used to arrive at your estimates.
- The three (3) primary causes of cash flow problems in a business are accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory. Imagine you are creating a business: identify one (1) cause of cash flow problems that you believe will be the most challenging for your company. Next, discuss the strategies you will use to mitigate problems in this area.
Strayer University Week 7 Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Lynn University How to Find and Do Work you Love by Scott Dinsmore Video Review Writing Assignment Help
Select any video from the Video Links and write a two page double-spaced synopsis on the content of the video.
Answer the following questions:
- Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea that you learned while viewing this video.
- Why do you believe that this concept, research finding, theory, or idea is important?
- Apply what you have learned from this video to some aspect of your life.
1) Mellody Hobson: Why Women Need to be Financially Savvy (Links to an external site.)
2)Four Women Who Moved Financial Markets – Episode 23 | The Art of Investing (Links to an external site.)
3) The Ascent of Money – Dreams of Avarice (Episode 1 (Links to an external site.)
4) The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World by Niall Ferguson Eps 1 5 Full Documentary (4 hours) (Links to an external site.)
5) How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D) (Links to an external site.)
6) Bitcoin versus Normal Currency
7) How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott
8) Ever wonder how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) actually work?
8) The business cycle | Aggregate demand …supply | Macroeconomics | Khan Academy
9) What causes economic bubbles? – Prateek Singh
10) Floating and Fixed Exchange Rates
11) Money Talks: Venezuelan banks introduce $5 withdrawal limit
12) How Does China’s Government Work?
13) After Brexit: The Battle for Europe
14) Venezuela Hyperinflation Set to Hit 1660% in 2017! Forced to Sell Gold and Flood the Market!
15) Bank for International Settlements: Federal Reserve’s Central Bank – A Deeper Look
16) LIBOR | Money, banking and central banks | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy
17) BIS – Secret History of Bank of International Settlements Switzerland
18) How Interest Rates Are Set: The Fed’s New Tools Explained
19) An Introduction to Financial Markets
20) Financial Markets
21) What is the Gold Standard? – Learn Liberty
22) The Economics of Fractional Reserve Banking | Joseph T. Salerno
Louisiana State University Slave Trade The African Connection 1788 Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Writing Assignment Instructions
Over the course of this semester, we have been studying the histories of many different groups and civilizations of peoples. For example, the French, British, Germans, Japanese, Muslims, Chinese, and Americans, to name but a small handful.
For this writing assignment, students will analyze one primary source document that is related to one of the groups of people you have studied in this course: World History from the Ancient World to the Renaissance.
The obvious question: What is a primary source?
A primary source is a first-hand account, written at the time of a specific historical event; they are created by someone who personally witnessed that historical event. Thus, primary sources may include any of the following:
- newspaper articles
- letters
- diaries, memoirs
- court cases, legal documents
- speeches
- diplomatic dispatches
- eye-witness accounts
- government documents
- artistic works (photographs, paintings, sculptures, films)
- artifacts (clothing, pottery, jewelry
The assignment
Reading and analyzing primary sources can be challenging, in large part because these are documents written a very, very long time ago. In order to analyze a primary source you will need information about (1) the document itself and (2) the time period from which it comes.
I suggest that you take the following steps:
- Choose a primary source from the selections provided on Canvas. You will find a list of documents (sneakily labeled as “Primary Source Documents”) under the “WRITING ASSIGNMENT” module.
- First, before doing anything else, read the actual document. I would advise reading the whole document in its entirety (to get a sense of what is happening) and then doing a second, closer reading where you may want to write a few notes. By doing this you will build up a picture of the value of the document in a historical issue and begin to build a fuller understanding.
- Go to your course textbook and read (or re-read) the chapter that covers the time period from which the document is based. It is always advisable to do some broader reading, in order to understand (1) the specific historical context and (2) what factors and conditions might have influenced the author.
For each document, following the guidelines listed below. PLEASE NOTE. The actual instructions for the assignment below are in black. The commentary in red italics are explanatory, to provide clarification and food for thought.
Identify the Author
- The author of the source. Who is the author of the source? What do you know about the author? If possible, determine the sex, religion, race, class, age, occupation, location and political beliefs of the author. It is important to understand the author of the document, and his/her role in events, because the document conveys only that person’s version of events or opinions. Indeed, bear in mind that all historical documents contain some sort of bias, depending on their source.
- The role of the author of the source. What is the author’s role in this society? In this historical context? In other words, is the author of the source a political leader, a military leader, an eyewitness, a participant, etc.?
Identify the Source
- Place and Time. Where was the source produced? When was the source produced? How might these affect the meaning of the source? The “Time and Place” rule dictates that the closer the author is to the historical event he/she is describing — the more reliable the source. In other words, a firsthand account of a riot by a participant in that riot is a more reliable source than someone who heard about the riot and wrote an account of it 50 years after it occurred.
- The message/argument of the source. What are the main points being made in this document? What is the author’s primary message or argument?
- The purpose of the source. Why was this source produced? What was the author’s message or argument? Do you think the message of point was clear cut and explicit? Or do you think there may be implicit messages as well? Do you think the author of the source had a particular agenda or bias?
Contextualize and Evaluate the Source
- Historical understanding. What does the document contribute to our understanding about (1) the society/people and (2) this specific historical period?
- Historical context. What do you know about the specific historical context in which this source was generated? What were the specific circumstances under which this source was created? In other words, what is going on in the world, the country, the region, or the locality when this source was created?
The Format
- Essays should be two pages; two (2) double-spaced, typewritten pages. And let me emphasize: the number “two” is not a flexible unit of measure. If your review is over two pages, I will read the first two pages.
- All essays MUST be submitted as WORD DOCUMENTS.
- FONT – The font must be reasonable (Times New Roman, Cambria, Arial). The font must be reasonable in size [10, 11, or 12 point].
- All pages must have one-inch margins; no quadruple spacing.
- Similar to the rules of the Discussion Forum, correct spelling and grammar are mandatory. The following offenses are absolutely inexcusable in formal writing, particularly for university students, and will result in a one-point penalty for each occurrence:
- Misspellings.
- Contractions, except in a direct quote.
- Incorrect capitalization.
- The use of personal pronouns or the use of first person. Do not use “you”, “we”, “ours”, “us.” Instead, write in the third person.
Click here for documents related to the Seventeenth Century (Links to an external site.).
Click here for documents related to the Eighteenth Century (Links to an external site.).
Click here for documents related to the Nineteenth Century (Links to an external site.).
Click here for documents related to the Twentieth Century (Links to an external site.).
Click here for documents related to the First World War (Links to an external site.).
Click here for documents related to the Second World War (Links to an external site.).
Nightingale College Renal Calyces Urinary Tract Stones Case Study Science Assignment Help
Respond to the following questions and statements using the case study below
- List the components of the urinary tract from the renal pelvis outward.
- Why would water facilitate the passage of kidney stones?
- Why would water aid in the prevention of developing future kidney stones?
- List the three stages in the formation of urine and describe each stage with regard to the structures involved and the direction substance transport.
- The glomerular filtrate concentration of calcium (Ca+2) is about 4 mEq/L. The concentration of calcium in the urine is about 5 mEq/L. How would you explain this difference?
Case Study
Peter, a forty-three year old office worker, was struck with a very sudden and intense pain in his side and lower back. He was breathing deeply, and the pain began to recede. Eight minutes later, the pain was not as severe but Peter was still uncomfortable and called his physician. One of Peters’s colleagues drove Peter to the doctor’s office. While on the way to his appointment, Peter experienced another bout of severe pain and began to feel nauseous. The pain seemed to be spreading into his lower abdomen and groin.
After asking Peter a few questions about his symptoms, the doctor requested an abdominal x-ray, several blood tests, and urinalysis. As Peter supplied the urine sample he was disturbed to notice that the urine had a pinkish cast. The physician returned and informed Peter that he had a kidney stone which, based on its size, should pass on its own within a day or so. The doctor told Peter that he should rest at home until the stone passed, drink at least 2-3 quarts of water each day, and strain his urine in order to retrieve the stone for analysis. The doctor also gave Peter a prescription for pain medication.
Peter passed the stone the following morning and brought it to the doctor’s office. Analysis of the stone’s composition revealed that it was a calcium stone. Peter’s blood and urine tests had also shown high calcium levels. Based on this, the doctor told Peter to eat fewer foods containing calcium or oxalate and provided Peter with a list of foods to limit. He also told Peter to continue to drink at least two quarts of water each day.
11 hours ago
BIS 155 DeVry University Purchase and Training Cost Analysis Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
- Determine the net present value of a new equipment purchase.
- Use TRANSPOSE and CONCAT to display technician names.
Figure 6-111 CONCAT formula to display names
- Use SUMIFS to total number of patients by procedure and technician.
Figure 6-112 SUMIFS with absolute and relative references
- Calculate procedure times.
Figure 6-113 Change time format to display fractions
Figure 6-114 Completed worksheets for Excel 6-6