Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help

Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help. Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help.

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I need a 2.5 typed paper and I also need a debate written.

Two separate pieces.

Physician-Assisted Suicide Debate

I am the con side. Basically I am against Physician Assisted Suicide.

First, I need a GOOD debate written that I will be presenting in class. The opening statement has to be two minute speaking time, the rebuttal has to also be two minute speaking time, and for the open debate it is also two minutes. But for the open debate I just have to ask questions to the opposing side and answer their questions. And lastly is the one minute closing statement. I will attach all of this information in a document down below.

I also need a 2.5 page typed paper.

Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Statistics Question Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

answer 4 questions in bullet point. 1-2 pages is fine. but you only have 10 hours. 1. Would you say the term sheet for the Series A round generally favors the entrepreneur (Goodson) or the angel investor (Trio)? Be sure to cite specific terms and features of the contract to support your opinion. 2. Before the Series A round, what is the proposed value of SecureNet? After the Series A round, what are the pre- and post money value if the offer is accepted as proposed? 3. What are the implications for Trio if another investor offers to provide SecureNet an additional $3 million in equity after the Series A round at a price of $8.00 a share? At $1.50 a share? 4. If you were Goodson, would you reject the offer and seek out a more experienced venture capitalist, accept Trio’s offer as proposed, or attempt to negotiate certain terms of the offer? if you choose to negotiate, what adjustments would you seek to make?


reading response —- Humanities Assignment Help

Students will submit 1-2-page reading-response papers weekly. The response should consist of (1) a question and (2) an observation about the set of readings assigned for that session. If your question is one of clarification of something that confuses you, please do your best to explain what it is you do not understand. You may also ask questions that challenge the authors’ assumptions or arguments or that seek to develop them further. The “observation” should explain or elaborate or assess a point or points you find interesting and important in the set of readings in connection with the overall topic of the week or the course as a whole.


Threats to Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. Many different threats can arise to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data-at-rest, data-in-transit, and processing. Some threats may affect only 1 of these security risks (like confidentiality only), and other threats affect more than 1 or even all these risks. Create a 1- to 2-page table in Microsoft Word identifying a minimum of 6 threats using the column headers and details below:

    • Threat
    • Threat to Type of Data
    • Confidentiality/Integrity/Availability
    • Mitigation Suggestion

    Within your table:

    • Identify relevant threats. List 1 per column.
    • Determine the type of data threatened (data-at-rest, data-in-transit, or processing). Identify the data type in the column.
    • Determine if confidentiality, integrity, or availability was affected. Use the labels C, I, and/or A in the column.
    • Describe the mitigation plan in 2 to 3 sentences in the column.


    Threat: Password CompromiseThreat to Type of Data: Data-At-RestConfidentiality/Integrity/Availability: C & IMitigation: Employ a strong password that is changed at regular intervals. Do not share your password or write it down on sticky notes on your desk.Include a short paragraph that highlights 2 access control techniques or policies that enforce security. Cite at least 2 resources to support your assignment.
    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This week I want you all to bring together the various primary and secondary sources on Japanese incarceration that I assigned: the government propaganda film, the WRA photographs, and the segments from the documentary about Fred Korematsu.

After reviewing all of the above sources, please answer the following questions:

  1. How did the WRA photos and the propaganda film portray Japanese incarceration? What specifically in the film and the images led you to your conclusions?
    • Be certain to cite at least 2 specific examples from the propaganda film and 2 specific examples from the WRA photos.
  2. How did Fred Korematsu depict Japanese incarceration in Of Civil Wrongs and Civil Rights? What specifically in the film led you to your conclusion?
    • Be certain to cite two specific examples.
  3. Why do you think Japanese incarceration was portrayed differently in these sources?



BUS 499 Strayer Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness


Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are
familiar. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on
the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page, the Strayer University’s online databases, the Lexis Advance database,
and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often
provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Use the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Template [DOCX] to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements.


Write a 4–6 page paper in which you address the following:

  • Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
  • Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based
    model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average
  • Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
  • Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.
  • Use the Strayer University Online Library
    or the Internet to locate and include at least three quality
    references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as
    academic resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is the following:

  • Determine the impact of globalization and technology changes,
    strategic models, vision and mission statements, and stakeholders on a
    corporation’s success.

BUS 499 Strayer Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Introduction: What is “Western Civilization”? and the Place of Europe in 1500. should be at least two paragraphs. Keep in mind a paragraph is three to five complete sentences. Humanities Assignment Help

Week 1: Introduction: What is “Western Civilization”? and the Place of Europe in 1500

Perhaps one of the most interesting questions involved in the history of “Western Civilization” is exactly how we actually define this idea of “Western Civilization”. For some historians, until the past century, “Western Civilization” was born on the banks of the Mediterranean and largely began with the Greeks. Even J.M. Roberts’ The Penguin History of Europe and Norman Davies Europe: A History (both seminal works in the field) begin with the civilizations of the Aegean (i.e. the Greek city-states). However, as we all know, civilizations began thousands of years before the time of Socrates and Plato. But the idea of “Western Civilization” largely came about as a response to European expansion across the globe during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It was an attempt to define Europe as different from those places they had just conquered.

This has led to a sense of superiority or inevitability when we talk about the history of Europe and “West Civilization”. And as we thoroughly entrench ourselves in the 21st century, it has become very clear that the Modern World has very much been a Western World. The influence of Western (largely European) culture and ideas on the development of the world, for both good and evil, cannot be ignored. But 500 years ago, this was simply not the case. While Europe had always been part of an interconnecting network of global trade, it had not been a dominant force in world affairs. Trade routes on the Silk Road and other commercial networks revolved primarily around China. Power rested almost exclusively in areas outside of Europe, including Ming China, Mughal India, and the Ottoman Empire. No one anticipated that a divided, isolated, and relatively small continent to the west of all these great powers would eventually rise up to dominate the globe.

This is key. Europe, or “The West” did not rise because of some providential miracle, but because of a combination of external and internal factors. “Western culture” as we will see in the course, was constantly changing and influenced by factors across multiple continents. As Dr. Kwame Anthony Appiah argues in your readings for this week: “To be blunt: if western culture were real, we wouldn’t spend so much time talking it up.” Therefore, it is critical to not call this a narrative of exceptionalism. Instead, we will see the history of Europe during period as a narrative involving a range of people from multiple perspectives who eventually formed what we may call “Modern Europe.” In did not begin in 1500, as Kennedy alludes, but instead was part of a long process in the history of human civilization. This class will only be one small chapter of that process.

Discussion Prompt

Kennedy and Appiah have two very different views of the place of Europe in global history, but both are centering on this idea of “Western Civilization.” Using the readings from this week, why is the use of “Western Civilization” when discussing European historian such a problematic idea? More specifically, how does the use of this term impede our understanding of how Europe may have developed beginning around the year 1500?

Please do not be overly general, but instead, illustrate specific details from the assigned material. Remember, your posts should be at least two paragraphs. Keep in mind a paragraph is three to five complete sentences.


All information is posted or attached in the docs. Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a film exercise and need a sample draft to help me study.


Choose just one of the dramatic units from the bulleted list above (taken from chapter 4) from which to conduct an analysis by answering prompts A and B below. Be sure to address each item in the list below A and B to receive full credit:(I have chosen the scene for you.)

A. Understand the structure of the dramatic unit by answering the following:

    1. Character – who is the main character in this unit?
    2. Objective – what does the character want or need to accomplish?
    3. Action – what steps or actions does the character take to achieve their objective?
    4. Result – what result does the character receive?
    5. New Awareness – what does the character now know? This moment is the beat.

B. Understand how the director composed and shot the dramatic unit by conducting a shot-by-shot analysis. View the dramatic unit (available from the links above) and list each shot in the order that occurs. Include the following information for each individual shot:

    1. Composition: For each shot, describe how the characters are blocked in relationship to one another, shot sizes/angles, and camera movement.
    2. Purpose: For each shot, what information is the director conveying to the audience, and how does the director want the audience to feel?


Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Select ONE ARTICLE from the following links and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. Click the link above to submit your work. There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.–publications-page


help in discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Guidelines

  1. Think of your posting in terms of a contribution to a dialogue, not a writing exercise. Write about three ethical issues in proper paragraph form. Use subheadings to highlight the key point of each issue.
  2. Make your posts clear and pertinent. Offer clarifying examples for complex and abstract ideas.
  3. Make contributions to but try not to dominate a discussion.
  4. Open new threads with a careful analysis, strong thesis, and supporting evidence. Also include open-ended questions that invite dialogue.
  5. In response posts, read earlier posts and respond to one that contradicts or supports your own thoughts. Offer evidence that supports the earlier post or your contrasting point of view and ask challenging, open-ended questions. Or add to a post that is lacking evidence or seems to fall short on an aspect that is important to you.

Choose any one of these videos to discuss (You can view any or all of them). What three aspects of the video did you find most interesting, valuable, concerning? Note: These are older videos, but the speakers were very high profile in aviation in their day. Each of the video presenters discuss very important points with respect to aviation and ethics.

IMPORTANT: Your first post (response to the video) you have 2 days to finish it .Then I need you to write responses to two other student posts. you have another 2 days to finish them. I will send you students responses after you finish response to the video.

Write your responses in paragraph format. Highlight the topic of the paragraph with a subheading (aligned with the left margin and in bold. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that relates to the subheading and each of the following 4-6 sentences should be relevant.


Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help

Physician Assisted Suicide Writing Assignment Help

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